FORM 10-Q


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934



                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1996
                                               Commission file number 001-11001

                               CITIZENS UTILITIES
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                                  06-0619596
(State or other jurisdiction               (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

            High Ridge Park
             P.O. Box 3801
        Stamford, Connecticut                              06905
(Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number,including area code (203)329-8800

Former name,  former  address and former  fiscal year,  if changed since last

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding  twelve months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past ninety days.

                                    Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's classes of
common stock as of November 1, 1996.

                        Common Stock Series A 155,098,414
                        Common Stock Series B 80,807,275



                                                                     Page No.

Part I.  Financial Information

    Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets
       September 30, 1996 and December 31, 1995                         2

    Consolidated Condensed Statements of Income
       for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1996 and 1995           3

    Consolidated Condensed Statements of Income for
       the Nine Months Ended September 30, 1996 and 1995                4

    Consolidated Condensed Statements of Cash Flows 
       for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 1996 and 1995            5

    Notes to Financial Statements                                       6

    Management's Discussion and Analysis of
      Financial Condition and Results of Operations                     7

Part II.  Other Information                                            10

Signature                                                              11

                                      ~ 1 ~

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                                 (In thousands)

                                        September 30, 1996     December 31, 1995

Current assets:
     Cash                                   $       16,432      $        17,922
     Accounts receivable                           246,097              199,813
     Other                                          62,941               34,967
                                             -------------       --------------
        Total current assets                       325,470              252,702
                                             -------------       --------------

Property, plant and equipment                    4,463,831            4,187,354
Less accumulated depreciation                    1,428,694            1,279,324
                                             -------------       --------------
         Net property, plant and equipment       3,035,137            2,908,030
                                             -------------       --------------

Investments                                        432,232              329,090
Regulatory assets                                  180,768              180,572
Deferred debits and other assets                   271,054              247,793
                                             -------------       --------------
                     Total assets           $    4,244,661      $     3,918,187
                                             =============       ==============


Current liabilities:
     Long-term debt due within one year    $         3,179      $         3,865
     Short-term debt                                     -              140,650
     Accounts payable and current liabilities      299,663              359,163
                                             -------------      ---------------
          Total current liabilities                302,842              503,678
                                             --------------     ---------------
Customer advances for construction and
      contributions in aid of construction         228,391              223,923
Deferred income taxes                              348,279              314,094
Regulatory liabilities                              26,682               28,279
Deferred credits and other liabilities             105,666              101,300
Long-term debt                                   1,388,338            1,187,000
                                             -------------        -------------
           Total liabilities                     2,400,198            2,358,274
                                             -------------        -------------
Company Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable
        Convertible Preferred Securities  *        201,250                    -
                                             -------------        -------------
Shareholders' Equity:
        Common stock issued, $.25 par value
           Series A                                 38,900               38,839
           Series B                                 20,018               18,057
        Additional paid-in capital               1,345,355            1,263,694
        Retained earnings                          238,285              235,236
        Unrealized gain on securities
           classified as available for sale            655                4,087
                                             -------------        -------------
              Total shareholders' equity         1,643,213            1,559,913
                                             =============        =============
               Total liabilities and equity $    4,244,661      $     3,918,187
                                             =============        =============

*  Represents  securities  of a subsidiary  trust,  the sole assets of which are
securities of a subsidiary partnership substantially all the assets of which are
convertible debentures of the Company.

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                                      ~ 2 ~

                    PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued)
                        (In thousands, except per-share amounts)

                                             1996                    1995
                                        --------------        ---------------

Revenue                               $        319,959      $         259,732
                                        --------------        ---------------

     Operating expenses                        199,491                147,155
     Depreciation                               46,246                 39,637
                                       ---------------         --------------
                                               245,737                186,792
                                        --------------        ---------------

Income from operations                          74,222                 72,940

Other income, net                               17,420                 14,320
Interest expense                                22,366                 21,037
                                        --------------        ---------------

Income before income taxes and dividends on
   Convertible preferred securities             69,276                 66,223

Income taxes                                    21,680                 21,162
                                        --------------        ---------------
Income before dividends on Convertible
    preferred securities                        47,596                 45,061

Dividend on Convertible preferred 
    securities, net of income tax benefit        1,564                      -
                                        --------------        ---------------
Net Income                            $         46,032      $          45,061
                                        ==============        ===============

Earnings per share of common stock
   Series A and Series B              $            .20      $            .19*
                                        ==============        ===============

Average number of common shares outstanding 
    for the period
           Series A Common Stock               155,303               165,709*
           Series B Common Stock                78,883                72,433*

Dividend rate declared on common stock:
     Paid in Series A shares on Series A
         Common Stock and in Series B shares
         on Series B Common Stock                 1.6%                   1.6%
                                        ==============        ===============

*Adjusted for subsequent stock dividends

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                                      ~ 3 ~

                    PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued)
                    (In thousands, except per-share amounts)

                                                   1996                  1995
                                            --------------      ----------------

Revenues                                  $        967,224    $          778,444
                                            --------------      ----------------

     Operating expenses                            607,454               467,337
     Depreciation                                  140,475               117,134
                                            --------------        --------------
                                                   747,929               584,471
                                            --------------      ----------------

Income from operations                             219,295               193,973

Other income, net                                   46,243                42,099
Interest expense                                    67,012                64,741
                                            --------------      ----------------

Income before income taxes and dividends on
   Convertible preferred securities                198,526               171,331

Income taxes                                        63,191                50,428
                                            --------------      ----------------
Income before dividends on Convertible 
   preferred securities                            135,335               120,903

Dividend on Convertible preferred securities,
    net of income tax benefit                        4,196                     -
                                            --------------      ----------------
Net Income                                $        131,139    $          120,903
                                            ==============      ================

Earnings per share of common stock
     Series A and Series B                $            .57    $             .52*
                                            ==============      ================

Average number of common shares outstanding
   for the period
     Series A Common Stock                         155,476              162,446*
     Series B Common Stock                          76,150               68,972*

Dividend rate declared on common stock compounded:
     Paid in Series A shares on Series A
         Common Stock and in Series B shares
         on Series B Common Stock                    4.88%                 4.67%
                                            ==============      ================

*Adjusted for subsequent stock dividends

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                                      ~ 4 ~

                    PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued)
              FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND 1995
                                 (In thousands)

                                                1996                     1995
                                            ----------              -----------

Net cash provided by operating activities   $  210,967            $     193,571
                                            -----------              -----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
     Construction expenditures                (225,215)                (150,461)
     Securities purchased                     (195,430)                 (31,689)
     Securities sold                            72,700                   88,341
     Securities matured                         29,446                   68,869
     Business acquisitions                     (89,564)                (112,394)
     Other                                     (27,800)                  (2,809)
                                            -----------              -----------
                                              (435,863)                (140,143)
                                            -----------              -----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
     Long-term debt borrowings                 209,508                  171,793
     Long-term debt principal payments          (3,538)                (128,438)
     Short-term debt repayments               (140,650)                (361,550)
     Issuance of  convertible preferred
       securities                              201,250                        -
     Issuance of common stock                    9,761                  269,233
     Common stock buybacks                    (50,535)                        -
     Other                                     (2,390)                    (817)
                                           -----------              -----------
                                              223,406                  (49,779)
                                           -----------              -----------

Increase (decrease) in cash                    (1,490)                    3,649
Cash at January 1,                             17,922                   14,224
                                           -----------              -----------
Cash at September 30,                   $      16,432            $      17,873
                                           ===========              ===========

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                                      ~ 5 ~

                    PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     (1) The consolidated  financial statements include the accounts of Citizens
     Utilities  Company and all subsidiaries  after  elimination of intercompany
     balances and  transactions.  All adjustments,  which consist of only normal
     recurring  accruals,  necessary for a fair statement of the results for the
     interim periods have been made.

     (2)  Earnings  per  share is based on the  average  number  of  outstanding
     shares, adjusted for subsequent stock dividends. The effect on earnings per
     share of outstanding stock options is immaterial.

     (3) In  accordance  with  applicable  regulatory  systems  of  account,  an
     allowance  for funds used  during  construction  is included in the cost of
     additions to property,  plant and equipment and is allowed in rate base for
     rate making purposes. The allowance is not a cash item. The amount relating
     to equity is  included  in Other  income,  net and the amount  relating  to
     borrowings is offset against Interest expense.

     (4) During the first quarter of 1996 a consolidated wholly-owned subsidiary
     of the Company,  Citizens  Utilities  Trust (the  "Trust"),  issued,  in an
     underwritten  public  offering,  4,025,000  shares of 5% Company  Obligated
     Mandatorily  Redeemable  Convertible  Preferred Securities due 2036 ("Trust
     Convertible  Preferred   Securities"),   representing  preferred  undivided
     interests in the assets of the Trust, with a liquidation  preference of $50
     per security (for a total liquidation amount of $201,250,000). The proceeds
     from the  issuance  of the Trust  Convertible  Preferred  Securities  and a
     Company capital contribution were used to purchase  $207,475,000  aggregate
     liquidation amount of 5% Partnership  Convertible  Preferred Securities due
     2036 from another wholly owned consolidated subsidiary,  Citizens Utilities
     Capital L.P.  (the  "Partnership").  The proceeds  from the issuance of the
     Partnership   Convertible   Preferred  Securities  and  a  Company  capital
     contribution were used to purchase from the Company $211,756,050  aggregate
     principal  amount of 5% Convertible  Subordinated  Debentures Due 2036. The
     sole  assets  of  the  Trust  are  the  Partnership  Convertible  Preferred
     Securities,  and the  Company's  Convertible  Subordinated  Debentures  are
     substantially all the assets of the Partnership.  The Company's obligations
     under the  agreements  related to the issuances of such  securities,  taken
     together,  constitute a full and unconditional  guarantee by the Company of
     the  Trust's  obligations  relating  to  the  Trust  Convertible  Preferred
     Securities and the  Partnership's  obligations  relating to the Partnership
     Convertible Preferred Securities.

                                      ~ 6 ~

                    PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued)

Item 2. Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
        of Operations
(a) Liquidity and Capital Resources

For the nine months ended September 30, 1996, the Company used proceeds
from operations and net financings to fund acquisitions and construction.
Funds requisitioned from the 1996, 1995, 1994 and 1993 Series Industrial
Development Revenue Bond construction fund trust accounts were used to
partially pay for construction of utility plant.

On January 22, 1996, a subsidiary of the Company issued 4,025,000 shares of
5% Company Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable Convertible Preferred
Securities (also known as Equity Providing Preferred Income Convertible
Securities or "EPPICS") having a liquidation preference of $50 per security
and a maturity date of January 15, 2036. Each security is currently
convertible into 3.411 shares of the Company's Common Stock Series A at a
conversion price of $14.660 per share (as adjusted for subsequent stock
dividends paid on Series A Common Stock). The $196,722,000 of net proceeds
from the sale of these securities was used to repay short-term debt,
permanently fund a portion of the acquisition of 23,000 telephone access
lines in Nevada from ALLTEL Corporation on March 31, 1996 and for other
general corporate purposes.

On January 22, 1996 and September 25, 1996, Citizens Utilities Rural
Company, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, under its Rural Telephone Bank
Loan Contract, was advanced $4,464,000 and $4,515,000, respectively. Such
funds bear the respective initial interest rates of 5.83% and 6.08% and
have an ultimate maturity date of December 31, 2027.

On June 11, 1996, the Company issued $100,000,000 of debentures at a price
of 99.818% with an interest rate of 6.8% and a maturity date of August 15,
2026. The debentures are redeemable at par at the option of the holders on
August 15, 2003. The proceeds from the sale of the debentures were used to
repay outstanding commercial paper and to fund capital expenditures for the
construction, extension and improvement of the Company's facilities and

On August 1, 1996, the Company arranged for the issuance of $16,700,000 of
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds. The Bonds were issued as money market
bonds with an initial interest rate of 3.67% and an ultimate maturity date
of July 1, 2031. Proceeds from the issuance of the Bonds will be used to
fund the construction of the Company's water utility facilities in the
State of Pennsylvania.

On September 3, 1996, $18,250,000 of the Company's 1988 Series Industrial
Development Revenue Bonds, outstanding as 7% demand purchase bonds, were
converted and remarketed as weekly rate bonds, initially bearing interest
at a rate of 3.35% and maturing on September 1, 2018.

On October 1, 1996, $24,000,000 of the Company's 1988 Series A and 1988
Series C Industrial Development Revenue Bonds originally issued as 7.9% and
7.375%, respectively, demand purchase bonds, were converted and remarketed
as money market bonds, initially bearing interest at a rate of 3.63% and
maturing on September 1, 2018.

On October 10, 1996, the Company entered into a definitive agreement to
acquire all the stock of Conference-Call USA, Inc. Conference-Call USA,
Inc. provides nationwide conference calling services and its subsidiary,
Dial, Inc., provides international dial-back services. The transaction,
valued at approximately $15.5 million, is expected to close in the fourth
quarter of 1996, pending receipt of FCC approval.

On October 18, 1996, holders of $9,400,000 of the Company's 1985 Series
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, outstanding as 7.375% Demand Purchase
Bonds were given notice of the conversion and remarketing of the Bonds to
money market bonds. The conversion and remarketing of the bonds is expected
to occur on November 19, 1996.

The Company considers its operating cash flows and its ability to raise
debt and equity capital as the principal indicators of its liquidity.
Although working capital is not considered to be an indicator of the
Company's liquidity, the Company experienced an increase in its working
capital at September 30, 1996 as compared to December 31, 1995. The
increase is primarily due to the repayment of outstanding commercial paper
with the proceeds from the issuances of the EPPICS and debentures. The
Company has lines of credit with commercial banks under which it may borrow
up to $600,000,000. There were no amounts outstanding under these lines at
September 30, 1996.

                                      ~ 7 ~

                    PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued)

During 1996 to date, the Company was authorized increases in annual revenues for
properties in Arizona,  Pennsylvania,  and  Louisiana  totaling  $9,017,000.  In
August,  1996, the Hawaii Public  Utilities  Commission  finalized the Company's
rate  application  granting the Company a $12.8  million rate  increase  without
providing for the proposed statewide surcharge for partial recovery of Hurricane
Iniki  restoration  and  repair  costs;  $5,983,000  of this rate  increase  was
received in an interim  order dated June,  1995.  The Company has  requests  for
increases in annual revenues  pending before  regulatory  commissions in Arizona
and California. 

(b) Results of Operations

Operating  revenues  increased for the three and nine months ended September 30,
1996 in comparison to the like 1995 periods  primarily due to revenues from long
distance service and acquisitions.

Telecommunications  revenues for the 1996 third quarter totaled $208,824,000,  a
34%   increase   over  the   $156,160,000   for  the  third   quarter  of  1995.
Telecommunications revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 totaled
$591,825,000, a 32% increase over the 1995 amount of $447,698,000.  For both the
quarter and the nine months ended  September 30, 1996,  the increase in revenues
was primarily due to increased  customers,  revenues from long distance  service
and acquisitions.

Natural gas  revenues  for the 1996 third  quarter  totaled  $34,426,000,  a 10%
increase  over the  $31,351,000  for the  third  quarter  of 1995.  Natural  gas
revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 totaled  $166,484,000,  an
18% increase over the 1995 amount of $141,129,000.  For both the quarter and the
nine months ended September 30, 1996, the increase in revenues was primarily the
result of a rate  increase in  Louisiana  which took  effect on May 1, 1996.  In
addition  to  the  rate  increase,  there  was  also  increased  consumption  by
residential  customers in Louisiana due to colder than normal weather conditions
which was  partially  offset by  decreased  usage in Arizona  due to milder than
expected weather conditions and a decrease in industrial customers in Louisiana.

Water and Wastewater revenues for the 1996 third quarter totaled $24,059,000,  a
10 % increase  over the  $21,927,000  for the third  quarter of 1995.  Water and
Wastewater  revenues  for the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1996  totaled
$65,447,000,  a 13% increase over the 1995 amount of  $57,687,000.  For both the
quarter and nine months ended  September 30, 1996,  the increase in revenues was
primarily  the result of rate  increases in Illinois,  Pennsylvania  and Ohio as
well as increased  consumption  at the  Company's  California  and Arizona water
Operating  expenses for the three months ended  September 30, 1996 increased 36%
to  $199,491,000  from  $147,155,000  for the like 1995  period and for the nine
months ended September 30, 1996 increased 30% to $607,454,000  from $467,337,000
for the like 1995 period primarily due to increased telecommunications operating
expenses,  increases in the cost of natural gas purchased,  and a noncash charge
of $12.5 million for electric sector net regulatory assets which, as a result of
recently  finalized rate proceedings in Hawaii, are no longer deemed recoverable
in  accordance  with  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
be Disposed Of".

Depreciation  expense for the three and nine month periods  ended  September 30,
1996  increased  by 17% and  20%,  respectively,  over  the  corresponding  1995
periods.  These increases were due to increased  depreciable  telecommunications
plant due to acquisitions.

                                      ~ 8 ~

                    PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued)

Other income, net for the three and nine month periods ended September
30, 1996 increased by 22% and 10%, respectively, over the corresponding 1995
periods primarily due to an increase in the allowance for funds used during
construction associated with increases in construction expenditures.

Interest expense for the three month period ending September 30, 1996
increased by 6% over the corresponding 1995 period due the issuance of
additional debt during 1996.

Income taxes for the nine month period ending September 30, 1996 increased 25%
compared to the like 1995 period due to an increase in taxable income.

                                     ~ 9 ~

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

       Item 1.   Legal Proceedings

         In September  1992,  the EPA filed a complaint  with the United  States
         District  Court for the  Northern  District  of  Illinois  relating  to
         alleged violations by the Company's Illinois subsidiary with respect to
         National Pollutant  Discharge  Elimination System permit  requirements.
         The Company  settled this action on March 21, 1995, and paid a $490,000
         fine. Under the settlement,  the Company also agreed to construct plant
         improvements,  with an  estimated  cost of  $2,200,000,  which would be
         required in order to comply with new discharge  limits  provided for by
         the  settlement.  Shortly  after the action was  settled,  the  Company
         entered into a tentative  agreement  with the Village of Bolingbrook to
         transfer flow from the Company's to the Village's nearby facilities for
         treatment  and to  convert  the  Company's  plant  to a  flow  transfer
         station.  The agreement with the Village of  Bolingbrook  required both
         EPA and Court approval. Those approvals were obtained and are contained
         in  a  Court  Order  dated  May  22,  1996.  The  Company's   financial
         obligations  to convert its systems to transfer  flow to the Village of
         Bolingbrook's  plant will be equal to the estimated  costs of upgrading
         the plant as stated  above.  As a  regulated  entity,  the  Company  is
         entitled to earn a fair rate of return on improvements  that are placed
         in service for the benefit of its customers.  The Company believes that
         the cost of the above discussed  improvements will be recovered through
         customer rates.

       Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

              (a) The following exhibit is filed as part of this report:
                  Exhibit 10.16.1   Employment Agreement between
                                    Citizens Utilities Company and Leonard Tow.

              (b) No  Form  8-K was  required  during  the  three  months  ended
                  September 30, 1996.


                                     ~ 10 ~



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              CITIZENS UTILITIES COMPANY

Date    November 12, 1996                     By:/s/Livingston E. Ross
        -----------------                         ---------------------
                                                  Livingston E. Ross
                                                  Vice President and Controller

                                     ~ 11 ~