April 30, 1997

Fellow Shareholder,

The  enclosed  press  release  contains  highlights  of our  1997  first-quarter

First-Quarter Results
         As you  will  read in the  enclosed  press  release,  Citizens  enjoyed
healthy revenue  increases for the first quarter of 1997 over the  corresponding
period in 1996.  However,  earnings  and earnings per share for the quarter were
lower than those of the corresponding 1996 quarter.

         Revenue  increases were the direct result of aggressive  investment and
sales and marketing  activities in the expansion of Citizens' Electric Lightwave
and Citizens  Communications.  Another important  investment,  our new image and
branding campaign for Citizens Communications (formerly Citizens Telecom), which
features  a  new  name  and  logo  supported  by  print,  radio  and  television
advertising,   is  aimed  at  boosting  company  recognition  in  our  franchise
territories and adjacent areas.  Increased brand name  recognition is crucial to
the success of our in-market and  out-of-market  competitive  telecommunications

Results in Perspective
         While  we   experienced   substantial   increases   in  revenue,   1997
first-quarter  earnings  were  adversely  affected  by the large  operating  and
capital  expenditures  and  expenses  associated  with our  increased  sales and
marketing activities,  and network acquisition and construction costs related to
the expansion of our telecommunications operations. The impact of such large new
expenditures on earnings is not unique to Citizens,  but has been experienced by
other peer companies which are also revamping their technological infrastructure
and retooling their culture to prepare for new opportunities.

         The market  today is  demanding  more and more of the  services  we are
providing. In order to continue to address customer demand promptly, we must put
in place the systems, products and enhancements they want. If we do not, another
provider  will be all too  ready to fill the need.  As I shared  with you in our
1996 annual report, we planned large expenditures in 1997 for such purposes.  As
I also stated,  Citizens' evolution into a full-service  communications  company
has been hard work,  and that work is not yet over.  It will continue to require
significant  expenditure during the remainder of the year in order to more fully
develop,  build and  support  the  network  and  systems  necessary  to grow our
businesses.  This  investment,  which  will  have an  impact  on 1997  and  1998
earnings,  is crucial to sustaining the robust revenue and earnings  growth that
has characterized  the company for so many years.  Citizens  Communications  and
Citizens' Electric  Lightwave's rapidly growing revenue streams demonstrate that
they deserve additional funding.

         To succeed in an open and competitive marketplace, our networks need to
be the  state-of-the-art  and our people alert to every  opportunity.  Customers
must know who we are and what we can offer.  As a result,  our strategy today is
focused on building and marketing a line of branded telecommunications products,
including  local  and long  distance,  cellular,  videoconferencing,  conference
calling,  paging and more.  Companies  like AT&T, MCI and Sprint with great name
recognition  have spent  hundreds  of  millions  of dollars on  advertising  and

Our Strategy
         Citizens is not trying to compete with these giants in terms of dollars
spent. Our strategy  remains simple,  though it is not without cost. It involves
focusing our spending on second- and third-tier  markets which are  experiencing
population and job growth rates above the national  norm.  These are the markets
where we have community-based operations and a strong reputation.  This is where
we will  concentrate  our  marketing of products  and services  branded with the
Citizens name. Our plan is to move into adjacent markets only where we can use a
locally based telemarketing and sales force.

         We are deploying an extensive national distribution network to serve as
a pipeline for our products and services. Today we are carrying voice, video and
data  traffic  over   thousands  of  miles  of  leased  or  owned  network  that
criss-crosses the United States.

         This national distribution network is comprised of our local exchange
and long-distance  facilities and those of Citizens'  Electric  Lightwave (ELI),
our competitive local exchange company. Today, ELI serves the Phoenix, Portland,
Seattle,  Sacramento, and Salt Lake City metropolitan areas with a full range of
telecommunications   services,   including  high-speed  voice,  data  and  video
transmission services over fiber-optic networks.  ELI's continued expansion into
other cities in the West is central to our strategy.

         Several  other  major   initiatives  that  are  requiring   substantial
expenditures  are underway and will also  contribute to lowering 1997  earnings,
compared to 1996,  but are  nonetheless  essential  to achieving  future  record
earnings.  Among these are:  1) the  installation  of a new uniform  billing and
customer  care  system to address the  inefficiencies  of the  multiple  systems
inherited  with the  acquisition of the former GTE and ALLTEL  properties;  2) a
Financial  Group  initiative to  dramatically  upgrade our in-house  information
technology,  allowing for flexible and more  efficient  recording  and reporting
practices at multiple  locations as well as providing more timely information to
our financial and operations managers, shareholders and the financial community;
and 3) branding and related identity projects for Citizens  Utilities,  Citizens
Public Services, and Citizens' Electric Lightwave.

Looking Ahead
         The  Board of  Directors  and  management  have  made the hard  choices
necessary for the continued good health of this  remarkable  company.  Citizens'
earnings from  operations  continue to remain very sound and the company remains
in  excellent  financial  condition.  The actions  being taken will  improve our
ability to earn through the  introduction of new products and services,  growing
our  markets  while  we  address  competition  and  evolving  conditions  in our
traditional  markets.  It is those who are most  responsive  to change  who will
thrive in this newly competitive world.

         I will  continue  to keep you  informed of our  progress.  All of us at
Citizens   remain   committed  to  doing  our  best  to  create  value  for  our
shareholders, customers and employees.


                                                     Leonard Tow
