100 Putnam Green, 3rd Floor
                               Greenwich, CT 06830

                                         April 16, 2007

Via Edgar Filing                         Via Edgar Filing

Mr. Daniel Gordon, Branch Chief         Ms. Jessica Barberich, Staff Accountant
Division of Corporate Finance           Division of Corporate Finance
U.S. Securities and Exchange Comm.      U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE                        100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20545                    Washington, DC 20545

Re:    Staff Comment letter dated April 5, 2007
       AmBase Corporation
       Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006
       Filed March 29, 2007
       File No. 001-07265

Dear Mr. Gordon/Ms. Barberich:

Set forth below are AmBase Corporation's (the "Company"), responses to the
comments of the staff (the "Staff") of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(the "Commission") dated April 5, 2007 (received Monday, April 9, 2007).

We have carefully reviewed your letter and the Staff's comments internally and
with PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, the Company's Independent Public Accountants
and Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner, the Company's outside corporate legal
counsel, and to the extent appropriate, we will expand our future filings to
enhance disclosure.

For convenience of reference, all of the Staff comments are provided below,
followed by the accompanying responses. References in the responses are to the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006, filed
with the Commission via EDGAR on March 29, 2007.

1.   Staff Comment - Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 -
        Consolidated Balance Sheet:

     "We note that you currently own a commercial office building in Greenwich,
     CT and that the carrying amount of the building and the related land is
     $2,171,000 on your balance sheet. We also note that the building is
     approximately 14,500 square feet with approximately 3,500 square feet
     utilized by your company for its executive offices with the remaining space
     unoccupied and available for lease. We also note that you have incurred
     recurring losses from continuing operations and negative cash flows in at
     least the past three years and your main source of operating revenue has
     been rental income from this property. Furthermore, you disclose in your
     discussion of your results of operations that the vacancies in your
     building have increased over the past three years; thus, revenue has
     declined as well. In light of these facts, please tell us how you
     determined that this property is not impaired. Additionally, please tell us
     and in future filings disclose how and when you perform the impairment test
     on your property."


     The Company does not believe an impairment condition exists as of December
     31, 2006, or as of the current date. The carrying value of the asset does
     not exceed its current fair value and; therefore, the carrying value of the
     asset is fully recoverable by the Company.

     Our analysis is based on many factors, including but not limited to, the
     location of the property; property condition; current market conditions;
     recent comparable sales; new building zoning restrictions; raw land values;
     building costs; and cap rates for comparable buildings in the area. In
     addition, although the portion of the building not being utilized by the
     Company is currently unoccupied and available for lease; based on current
     market rents in the area, leasing values, and the costs of operating the
     building, the Company believes the carrying value of the property has not
     been impaired. The Company has also considered the property sales value, in
     terms of the value of the property to an owner user with an unoccupied
     building, versus a fully leased building at current lease rates and market
     cap rates.

     As noted above, the Company has; therefore, concluded that there has been
     no impairment in the carrying value of the property, nor does the carrying
     value of the property exceed the property's fair value.

     The Company performs impairment tests if events or circumstances would
     indicate that the property's carrying value would not be recoverable.

     It should be noted that the level of operating losses and negative cash
     flows from continuing operations are not solely attributable to the
     operations of the property, but they are substantially related to
     non-property related activities.

     The Staff Comment is noted and future filings to the extent required, will
     reflect the requested change.

2.   Staff Comment - Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows:

     "We note that you begin your reconciliation to operating cash flows with
     loss from continuing operations. In future filings please adjust net
     income/loss, rather than loss from continuing operations, when reconciling
     to operating cash flows. For reference please see paragraph 28 of SFAS 95."


     The Staff Comment is noted and future filings will reflect the requested

3.   Staff Comment - Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows:

     "Furthermore, it is not appropriate to present operating, investing, and
     financing cash flows from discontinued operations all within the operating
     cash flow category. In future filings, please either combine cash flows
     from discontinued operations with cash flows from continuing operations
     within each category or identify cash flows from discontinued operations
     within each category."


     The Staff Comment is noted and future filings will reflect the requested

4.   Staff Comment - Item 9B - Other Information:

     "In future filings please disclose whether there have been any changes in
     your internal control over financial reporting that have materially
     affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, your internal
     control over financial reporting. For reference, please see Item 308(c) of
     Regulation S-K."


     The Staff Comment is noted and future filings will reflect the requested

In connection with this response, we acknowledge that:

o    the Company is responsible  for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure
     in the filing;

o    staff  comments or changes to disclosure  in response to staff  comments do
     not  foreclose  the  Commission  from taking any action with respect to the
     filings; and

o    the Company may not assert  staff  comments as a defense in any  proceeding
     initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws
     of the United States.

It should be noted, as part of our filing process with the Commission,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP and Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner regularly
review the Company's other Commission filings.

If necessary, we would be pleased to discuss these matters in further detail, at
your convenience. Should you have any further questions, please contact us to
arrange a mutually convenient time. We can be contacted as follows:

       Mr. Richard A. Bianco               Mr. John P. Ferrara
       Chairman, President and             Vice President and
       Chief Executive Officer             Chief Financial Officer
       AmBase Corporation           OR     AmBase Corporation
       100 Putnam Green, 3rd Floor         100 Putnam Green, 3rd Floor
       Greenwich, CT 06830                 Greenwich, CT 06830
       Tel: (203) 532-2010                 Tel: (203)532-2054
       Fax: (203) 532-1115                 Fax: (203)532-1115

Thank you.


/s/ Richard A. Bianco                       /s/ John P. Ferrara
Richard A. Bianco                           John P. Ferrara
Chairman, President and                     Vice President and
Chief Executive Officer                     Chief Financial Officer