1 				UNITED STATES 		 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 			 Washington D.C. 20549 				 FORM 8-K 			 Current Report Pursuant 		 to Section 13 or 15(d) of the 		 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): October 4, 1996 		 CLARK REFINING & MARKETING, INC. 	 (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) 	Delaware 1-11392 43-1491230 (State or other jurisdiction (Commission File Number) (I.R.S. Employer of incorporation) Identification No.) 	8182 Maryland Avenue 63105-3721 St. Louis, Missouri (Zip Code) (Address of principal executive offices) 	Registrant's telephone number, including are code: (314) 854-9696 2 Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets 	 On October 4, 1996, Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. (the "Company"), 	 a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clark USA, Inc. ("Clark USA"), sold an 	 advance crude oil purchase receivable, together with certain associated 	 hedge contracts. The receivable, together with the associated hedge 	 contracts, were assigned to the Company by Clark USA on October 3, 1996 	 at fair market value and recorded as an equity contribution. The 	 advance crude oil purchase receivable was sold along with the 	 associated hedge contracts to J. Aron & Company for net cash proceeds 	 of $235.4 million. The advance crude oil purchase receivable was 	 valued based on its defined future delivery schedule, associated forward 	 crude oil price quotes and discounted for certain assumed credit risk 	 factors. 	 As a result of the transaction, the Company substantially increased 	 its cash balance and Clark USA will recognize approximately $110.6 	 million of net equity issued as part of the original consideration 	 for the advance crude oil purchase receivable. The Company and Clark 	 USA have historically maintained substantial cash reserves to mitigate 	 the cyclical nature of their business. Such cash reserves may also be 	 used to enhance existing assets, for acquisitions or to reduce debt. 	 Clark USA acquired the above referenced advance crude oil purchase 	 receivable in December 1995 from subsidiaries of Occidental Petroleum 	 Corporation ("Occidental"). The advance crude oil purchase receivable 	 originally entitled Clark USA to the equivalent of 17.661 million 	 barrels of West Texas Intermediate crude oil ("WTI") to be delivered 	 through 2001 according to a defined schedule (the "Occidental 	 Transaction"). Clark USA had collected value on approximately 1.5 	 million WTI equivalent barrels on the receivable prior to the sale. 	 In connection with the Occidental Transaction, Clark USA issued common 	 stock valued at approximately $120 million, or $22 per share 	 (3,954,545 shares of Common Stock and 1,500,000 shares of non-voting 	 Class D Common Stock which were converted into an equal number of 	 shares of Common Stock), and paid $100 million in cash to Occidental. 	 Clark USA had contracted to resell the Occidental oil to a marketing 	 subsidiary of Occidental immediately after delivery at then current 	 market prices. 	 Clark USA continues to own an advance crude oil purchase receivable 	 from subsidiaries of Gulf Resources Corporation ("Gulf") also acquired 	 in December, 1995. This agreement entitles Clark USA to receive from 	 1996 through 2001, 3.164 million barrels of certain royalty oil to be 	 received by Gulf pursuant to agreements among Gulf, an Occidental 	 subsidiary and the Government of the Congo. 3 					 EXHIBIT INDEX 2.1 Assignment and Assumption Agreement, dated as of October 4, 1996 among 	Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc., J. Aron & Company, Clark USA, Inc. and 	for limited purposes, Occidental Petroleum Corporation and Occidental 	Crude Sales, Inc. 2.2 Assignment and Assumption Agreement, dated as of October 3, 1996 among 	Clark USA, Inc. and Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. 10.1 Agreement Regarding Limited Consent and Waiver to the Amended and 	Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of September 30, 1996. 10.2 Fourth Amendment to Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated 	as of July 12, 1996 4 					SIGNATURES 	Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 	the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by 	the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. 	Dated: October 16, 1996 CLARK REFINING & MARKETING, INC. 					 By: /s/ Dennis R. Eichholz 						 Dennis R. Eichholz 						 Controller and Treasurer