This CONTINUING SERVICE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of February 9,
1999  ("Signing  Date") by and between  CNA  Financial  Corporation,  a Delaware
corporation ("Corporation"), and Dennis H. Chookaszian ("Executive").

         WHEREAS,  Executive has been employed by the  Corporation for more than
twenty-three  years, has served as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer of the principal insurance subsidiaries of the Corporation ("CNA") since
1992 and has provided  valuable  service to the Corporation over the term of his
employment; and

         WHEREAS,  Executive and the Corporation have entered into an Employment
Agreement,  dated  December  31, 1995,  governing  the terms and  conditions  of
Executive's employment ("Employment Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS,  in order to  facilitate  an  orderly  management  succession,
Executive  has agreed to retire as Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of CNA
effective as of February 9, 1999,  and to retire as an employee  effective as of
the Effective Date (as defined in Section 1 hereof) and, to the extent  mutually
agreeable to the Corporation's board of directors and Executive, to serve as the
Chairman of the  Executive  Committee  of the  Corporation's  board of directors
beginning on February 10, 1999; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  desires  to  avail  itself  of  Executive's
experience  in  executing  an  orderly  transition  of  the  management  of  the
Corporation  and the continued  involvement  of Executive in the business of the
Corporation following  Executive's  retirement and relinquishment of his present
position by engaging and retaining  Executive to provide certain services to the
Corporation  with  respect to the  business  of the  Corporation  and CNA to the
extent mutually agreeable to the Chief Executive Officer of CNA and Executive;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing  and the  mutual
provisions  contained  herein,  Executive and the  Corporation,  intending to be
legally bound, hereby agree as follows:

         1.  Services to be Provided.

         A. Consulting  Services.  During the Service Period (as defined below),
Executive  shall be available to provide such services to the Corporation as the
Chief  Executive  Officer  of CNA may  reasonably  request.  Such  services  may
include,  by way of  illustration,  advice and  assistance  with  respect to (a)
general corporate and organizational  matters,  (b) development and marketing of
products,  (c) customer and  distribution  force relations  (including,  but not
limited to, promotional  appearances and speeches,  (d) strategic directions and
business unit strategies,  (e) cost reduction and  organizational  efficiencies,
(f) insurance industry and trade  organizational  matters, or (g) service on the
Corporation's board of directors. The foregoing notwithstanding, Executive shall
not be required to perform any  specific  services,  to provide  services at any
specific  location,  or to be present at the  Corporation's  offices  during any
specific periods,  rather Executive shall perform only such services and only on
such terms as shall be mutually  agreeable to Executive and the Chief  Executive
Officer of CNA. All such services shall be provided as an independent contractor
and not as an employee. Executive agrees that, on the Signing Date, he will sign
and deliver to the Corporation a resignation letter substantially in the form of
Exhibit A hereto.


         B. Board Services. Executive shall be elected Chairman of the Executive
Committee of the  Corporation's  board of  directors  on February  10, 1999.  If
elected to serve and if  Executive  agrees to serve on the board of directors of
the Corporation,  Executive agrees to waive any and all fees, compensation,  and
remuneration  of any kind which he may  otherwise  be  entitled  to receive as a
director of the Corporation;  provided, however, that the foregoing waiver shall
not affect his right to defense and  indemnification  with  respect to claims to
the extent provided in the Corporation's  by-laws; and further,  provided,  that
such waiver  shall not extend to any fees,  compensation,  and  remuneration  to
which he may be entitled to receive as a director of any subsidiary or affiliate
of the Corporation.

         C. Assistance with Claims.  Executive  agrees that,  during the Service
Period,  he will be available,  on a reasonable basis, to assist the Corporation
and its subsidiaries and affiliates in the prosecution or defense of any claims,
suits, litigation,  arbitrations,  investigations, or other proceedings, whether
pending or  threatened  ("Claims")  that may be made or threatened by or against
the  Corporation or any of its  subsidiaries  or affiliates.  Executive  agrees,
unless  precluded by law, to promptly  inform the Corporation if he is requested
(i) to testify or otherwise become involved in connection with any Claim against
the  Corporation or any subsidiary or affiliate or (ii) to assist or participate
in any investigation (whether governmental or private) of the Corporation or any
subsidiary  or affiliate or any of their  actions,  whether or not a lawsuit has
been filed  against the  Corporation  or any of its  subsidiaries  or affiliates
relating thereto.

         D. Service Period.  The "Service  Period" shall be the period beginning
April 1, 1999 (the  "Effective  Date") and ending on the Cessation  Date,  which
shall be September 19, 2008 or such earlier date  determined in accordance  with
this  Agreement.  The  "Cessation  Date" shall be the Cessation  Date elected by
Executive by advance  written notice to  Corporation,  if earlier than September
19, 2008.

         2.  Pre-Effective  Date  Compensation.  For the period  January 1, 1999
through  March 31,  1999,  Executive  shall be paid Base Salary in the amount of
$700,000  (i.e.,  at a rate of  $2,800,000  per annum.  Executive  shall be paid
$900,000  in  settlement  of  his  award  under  the   Corporation's   Incentive
Compensation   Plan  for  1998,   subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Incentive
Compensation Committee of the Corporation's board of directors, with such amount
to be paid at the time  specified  in the plan  (which is  expected  to be on or
about March 8, 1999).  Executive  agrees that such  payment is in full and final
settlement and  satisfaction of all rights he has to receive  payments under the
Corporation's  Incentive  Compensation  Plan for fiscal year 1998. The Executive
shall not be eligible to receive a payment under the Incentive Compensation Plan
for 1999.
         3.  Compensation.  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement,  and in
consideration  of the services and duties agreed to be rendered and performed by
Executive under Section 1 hereof,  for holding himself available to render those
services,  and for the covenants  contained in Section 4 hereof, the Corporation
hereby  covenants  and agrees to  provide  for the  payment of the  compensation
(including  benefits) specified in this Section 3, without payment of additional
compensation,  except as  otherwise  mutually  agreed.  The  Corporation  shall,
however,   reimburse  Executive  for  his  reasonable   out-of-pocket  expenses,
including  travel  expenses,  incurred in connection  with the provision of such
services subject to the approval of Chief Executive Officer of CNA.


         A.  Service Period Compensation.

     (i)  For  the  period  beginning  on  the  Effective  Date  and  continuing
thereafter  during the Service Period until the Cessation Date,  Executive shall
be paid a Consulting Fee, at a rate equal to the difference  between  $2,722,708
per year and the sum of the Deemed  Qualified  Retirement  Plan  Benefit and the
Deemed Retirement  Equalization Plan Benefit (as defined below).  The Consulting
Fee shall be payable in  substantially  equal  monthly  installments,  with such
amounts to be wire  transferred by the  Corporation to an account in the name of
Executive  maintained at a Chicago bank selected by the Corporation.  (By way of
illustration,  as of the Signing Date,  the Consulting Fee is projected to be at
the rate of  $2,080,236  per year for the period  commencing as of the Effective
Date and ending on Executive's 62nd birthday,  and at the rate of $2,084,334 per
year for the period commencing as of Executive's 62nd birthday.)

     (ii) For the  avoidance  of doubt,  it is  recited  here  that,  during the
Service Period, Executive shall be considered to be retired from the Corporation
on the Effective  Date for purposes of  determining  his  eligibility to receive
benefits under the Qualified  Retirement  Plan and the  Retirement  Equalization
Plan (as defined below).

For purposes of this Agreement,  the "Deemed Qualified  Retirement Plan Benefit"
shall be the benefit from the CNA  Employees'  Retirement  Plan (the  "Qualified
Retirement  Plan")  in the form of a 50%  joint  and  surviving  spouse  annuity
commencing  as of the  Effective  Date,  with  such  amounts  to be  payable  in
accordance with the provisions of that plan. (By way of illustration,  as of the
Signing Date,  such benefit is projected to be at the rate of $35,158 per year.)
For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  the  "Deemed  Retirement  Equalization  Plan
Benefit"  shall  be the  benefit  from  the CNA  Employees'  Retirement  Benefit
Equalization  Plan  (the  "Retirement  Equalization  Plan") in the form of a 50%
joint and surviving  spouse annuity  commencing as of the Effective  Date,  with
such amounts to be payable in accordance  with the  provisions of that plan. (By
way of illustration,  as of the Signing Date, such benefit is projected to be at
the rate of $607,314 per year for the period commencing as of the Effective Date
and ending on Executive's  62nd  birthday,  and at the rate of $603,216 per year
for the period  commencing as of  Executive's  62nd  birthday.)  For purposes of
determining  the  Deemed  Qualified  Retirement  Plan  Benefit  and  the  Deemed
Retirement  Equalization Plan Benefit,  the identity of Executive's spouse shall
be determined as of the Effective Date.


         B. Death of Executive.  If Executive's  death occurs during the Service
Period,  the date of death shall be the  "Cessation  Date," the  Service  Period
shall end, and the next following Sections (i) and (ii) shall apply:

     (i) For the period  beginning on the date following  Executive's  death and
continuing  until  September 19, 2008,  inclusive,  Executive's  estate shall be
entitled to supplemental survivor benefit payments at the rate equal to:

         (a)      $1,300,000 per year; reduced by

         (b)      the Deemed  Qualified  Retirement  Plan Benefit and the Deemed
                  Retirement Equalization Plan Benefit deemed to be payable with
                  respect the  Executive's  surviving  spouse (and,  purposes of
                  calculating the deemed  benefits,  the identity of Executive's
                  spouse shall be determined as of the Effective Date).

         Such  supplemental  survivor benefits shall be payable in substantially
         equal monthly installments, with such amounts to be wire transferred to
         an account in the name of Executive's estate (or such other beneficiary
         as  determined in  accordance  with Section 5B hereof)  maintained at a
         Chicago bank selected by the Corporation.

     (ii)  In  lieu  of the  benefit  otherwise  payable  under  the  Retirement
Equalization Plan, benefits shall be payable with respect to Executive under the
Retirement  Equalization  Plan (or, in the discretion of the Corporation,  under
another non-qualified plan or arrangement  maintained by the Corporation);  with
the amount of the benefit (if any) payable  under this Section (ii) equal to the
aggregate   survivor  benefits  that  would  be  provided  under  the  Qualified
Retirement Plan and Retirement Equalization Plan, determined based on provisions
of those plans relating to survivor benefits,  taking into account any elections
applicable  to Executive  under such plans,  and with the  determination  of the
identity of  Executive's  spouse to be made  immediately  prior to the Effective
Date; and  determined as though (A)  Executive's  employment by the  Corporation
continued  during the Service  Period and ended on the Cessation  Date;  and (B)
during the period of Executive's  employment with the  Corporation,  he received
compensation at the rate of $2,800,000 per annum.

         C. Pension After Service Period.  If the "Cessation  Date" occurs other
than by reason of  Executive's  death (as  described  in Section B next  above),
then, in lieu of the benefit otherwise payable under the Retirement Equalization
Plan, Executive shall be entitled to a benefit under the Retirement Equalization
Plan (or, in the discretion of the Corporation, under another non-qualified plan
or arrangement maintained by the Corporation), in an amount equal to:


     (i) the  aggregate  benefit  that  would be  provided  under the  Qualified
Retirement  Plan and  Retirement  Equalization  Plan,  determined  as though (I)
Executive's  employment by the Corporation  continued  during the Service Period
and ended on the  Cessation  Date;  and (II)  during the  period of  Executive's
employment  with  the  Corporation,  he  received  compensation  at the  rate of
$2,800,000  per annum  (provided  that,  for  purposes of this  Section (i), the
identity of Executive's spouse shall be made as of the Effective Date);  reduced

     (ii) the Deemed Qualified Retirement Plan Benefit.

         D.  Deferral.

     (i) For each calendar year in the Service  Period,  Executive may elect, by
filing an irrevocable  written  "Participation  Election"  with the  Corporation
prior to the beginning of such  calendar  year (in such form as the  Corporation
may reasonably require) to have an amount (an "Elective Allocation") credited to
an account maintained on his behalf by the Corporation (the "Book Account"). For
each month for which a Consulting Fee is paid, such amount shall be equal to the
percentage of $216,666.67 (i.e., 1/12 of $2,600,000),  not to exceed 16% of such
amount,  in whole  multiples  of 1% of such  amount,  with  the same  percentage
applicable  to each month  within a year,  all as elected  by  Executive  in the
Participation   Election  for  the  year;   provided   that  there  shall  be  a
corresponding reduction in the amount of the Consulting Fee otherwise payable to
Executive  in  accordance  with  Section  3A(i)  hereof for that month (with the
reduction  to be applied  to the amount  otherwise  payable in  accordance  with
Section 3A(i) hereof).  For the portion of the Service  Period  beginning on the
Effective Date and ending  December 31, 1999,  Executive shall be deemed to have
elected,  in  accordance  with this Section (i), to have an Elective  Allocation
equal to 16% of $216,666.67 for each month through December 31, 1999.

     (ii) For each month for which Elective  Allocation is to be credited to the
Book  Account in  accordance  with  Section  3D(i),  the Book  Account  shall be
credited with an additional amount (the "Matching  Allocation")  equal to 70% of
the  Elective  Allocation  for  that  month;   provided  that  for  purposes  of
determining the amount of the Matching  Allocation,  any portion of the Elective
Allocation for the month that exceeds 6% of $216,666.67 shall be disregarded.

     (iii) Amounts shall be credited to the Book Account at the time  determined
under the rules  applicable to the crediting of amounts  attributable  to salary
reduction under the CNA Employees'  Supplemental Savings Plan (the "Supplemental
Plan").  For any period  during which  amounts are credited to the Book Account,
they shall be  credited  with  interest  at the  interest  rates  applicable  to
accounts  maintained  under the  Supplemental  Plan for the  respective  period.
Executive's  entitlement to distribution  with respect to the amount credited to
the Book Account shall be determined in accordance  with the rules that apply to
distributions  under the Supplemental Plan, and determined as though Executive's
employment with the Corporation terminated on the Cessation Date. The provisions
of this  Section  D shall  be  administered  by the  committee  responsible  for
administering the Supplemental Plan, in accordance with rules applicable to that


         E.  Benefits.

     (i) Health and Life.  For the avoidance of doubt,  it is recited here that,
during the Service Period,  Executive shall be considered to be retired from the
Corporation on the Effective Date for purposes of determining his eligibility to
receive  coverage  under the  Corporation's  retiree  health  and  retiree  life
insurance arrangements. However, if there is a material reduction in the type or
amount of benefits  provided  under the retiree health  arrangements  during the
Service Period,  the Corporation shall provide  supplemental  health coverage to
Executive  during the  Service  Period so that his  coverage  during the Service
Period is not adversely  affected by such reduction in the generally  applicable
retiree health  coverage.  At the Cessation Date,  Executive (or, if applicable,
his surviving  spouse  determined as of the Effective Date) shall have the right
to convert such coverages to personal coverage at his sole cost and expense (or,
if  applicable,  at the  sole  cost of his  surviving  spouse),  subject  to the
restrictions on conversion applicable to such coverage.

     (ii) Office Space.  During the Service Period, the Corporation will provide
Executive with office space  (consistent with the space provided to Executive on
the Signing  Date),  parking  space,  together with the services of a secretary,
appropriate to his status hereunder.

     (iii) Car and Driver.  During the Service  Period,  a car and driver of the
Corporation  will  be made  available  to  Executive  for  Corporation  business
purposes,  but only to the  extent  such  car and  driver  are not,  in the sole
discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of CNA, otherwise reserved or used for
other business purposes.

     (iv) Clubs. During the Service Period, Executive shall be designated by the
Corporation  as eligible to use the  Corporation's  membership  in the Economics
Club and the Executives Club.

         4.  Covenants.

     A.  Confidentiality.  Executive agrees that, during the Service Period, and
at all times thereafter,  he shall continue to hold in a fiduciary  capacity for
the benefit of the Corporation all secret or confidential information, knowledge
or data relating to the Corporation and any other business or entity in which at
any relevant time the  Corporation  holds  greater than a 10% equity  (voting or
non-voting) interest (an "Affiliate") that shall have been obtained by Executive
during his  employment  by or  affiliation  with the  Corporation  or during the
Service  Period  and that  shall not be public  knowledge  other than by acts of
Executive or his representative ("Confidential Material").  Executive shall not,
without  the prior  written  consent  of the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of CNA,
communicate  or  divulge  any  Confidential  Material  to anyone  other than the
Corporation and those designated by it.


     B. Competition.  Executive hereby agrees that, until the Cessation Date, he
will not,  directly or  indirectly,  without the prior  written  approval of the
Chief Executive Officer of CNA, enter into any business  relationship (either as
principal, agent, board member, officer, consultant, stockholder, employee or in
any other  capacity) with any business or other entity that at any relevant time
competes in any respect with any of the principal  businesses of the Corporation
or with any of the  principal  businesses  of any  Affiliate  (a  "Competitor");
provided, however, that such prohibited activity shall not include the ownership
of less than 5% of the voting  securities  of any  publicly  traded  corporation
regardless  of the  business of such  corporation.  Upon the written  request of
Executive,  the Chief Executive Officer of CNA will determine whether a business
or other  entity  constitutes  a  "Competitor"  for  purposes of this Section B;
provided  that the Chief  Executive  Officer  of CNA may  require  Executive  to
provide  such  information  as the  Chief  Executive  Officer  determines  to be
necessary to make such determination;  and further provided that the current and
continuing  effectiveness  of  such  determination  may  be  conditioned  on the
accuracy of such  information,  and on such other factors as the Chief Executive
of CNA may determine.

     C.  Solicitation.  Executive  agrees that during the Service  Period (or if
Cessation Date occurs prior to September 19, 2008,  for the period  beginning on
the Signing Date and ending on the six-month anniversary of the Cessation Date),
he will  not  employ,  offer  to  employ,  engage  as a  consultant,  or form an
association  with any person who is then,  or who during the  preceding one year
was, an employee of the  Corporation  or any  Affiliate,  nor will he assist any
other person in  soliciting  for  employment or  consultation  any person who is
then, or who during the  preceding one year was, an employee of the  Corporation
or any Affiliate.

     D. Non-Interference. Executive agrees that during the Service Period (or if
Cessation Date occurs prior to September 19, 2008,  for the period  beginning on
the Signing Date and ending on the  twelve-month  anniversary  of the  Cessation
Date),  he will not disturb or attempt to disturb any business  relationship  or
agreement between either the Corporation or an Affiliate and any other person or

     E.  Effect of Breach.  Executive  acknowledges  that his  violation  of the
foregoing  covenants of this Section 4 could cause the  Corporation  irreparable
harm and he agrees that the Corporation  shall be entitled to injunctive  relief
restraining Executive from actual or threatened breach of the covenants and that
if bond is  required  to be posted in order for the  Corporation  to secure such
relief  said bond need only be in a nominal  amount.  Subject  to Section F next
below,  the  right of the  Corporation  to seek  injunctive  relief  shall be in
addition to any other remedies  available to the Corporation  with respect to an
alleged or threatened breach.

     F. Limitation on Remedies. The Corporation shall not be entitled to suspend
payments  otherwise  due to  Executive  by reason of  Executive's  violation  of
Sections  4A,  4B,  4C, or 4D hereof  (whether  before  or after a  judgment  is
obtained by the Corporation  against  Executive).  The Corporation  shall not be
entitled  to set off  against  the  amounts  payable  to  Executive  under  this
Agreement  any amounts owed to the  Corporation  by  Executive.  Nothing in this
Section F shall  limit the  Corporation's  remedies  in the case of  Executive's
violation of this Agreement,  except as otherwise  specifically provided in this
Section F.


     G. Effect of Covenants.  Nothing in Sections 4A, 4B, 4C, or 4D hereof shall
be construed to adversely  affect the rights that the Corporation  would possess
in the absence of the provisions of such sections.

         5.  Miscellaneous.

     A. Other Agreements.  This Agreement shall be effective on the later of the
Signing Date or the approval of this  Agreement by the board of directors of the
Corporation  pursuant  to  Section  5H  hereof.  Prior  thereto,  the  terms and
conditions of Executive's  employment with the Corporation  shall be governed by
the Employment  Agreement.  Except as otherwise  expressly provided herein, this
Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Executive and the Corporation
and  supersedes  all  prior  agreements  and  understandings,  written  or oral,
including, but not by way of limitation, the Employment Agreement.

     B.  Successors.  This  Agreement  is personal to  Executive  and may not be
assigned by Executive  without the consent of the Corporation.  However,  to the
extent  that  rights  or  benefits  under  this  Agreement   otherwise   survive
Executive's death, Executive's heirs and estate shall succeed to such rights and
benefits  pursuant to Executive's will or the laws of descent and  distribution;
provided that Executive  shall have the right at any time and from time to time,
by  notice  delivered  to  the  Corporation,  to  designate  or  to  change  the
beneficiary or beneficiaries  with respect to such benefits.  This Agreement may
be assigned to a successor to all or substantially all of the business or assets
of the  Corporation,  but only if such successor  expressly agrees to assume and
perform  this  Agreement  in the same  manner  and to the same  extent  that the
Corporation would be required to perform it in the absence of such assignment.

     C. Arbitration of All Disputes.  Any controversy or claim arising out of or
relating to this  Agreement (or the breach  thereof)  shall be settled by final,
binding  and   non-appealable   arbitration   in  Chicago,   Illinois  by  three
arbitrators.  Except as  otherwise  expressly  provided  in this  Section C, the
arbitration  shall be  conducted  in  accordance  with the rules of the American
Arbitration   Association  (the  "Association")  then  in  effect.  One  of  the
arbitrators  shall be  appointed by the  Corporation,  one shall be appointed by
Executive, and the third shall be appointed by the first two arbitrators. If the
first two arbitrators cannot agree on the third arbitrator within 30 days of the
appointment  of the  second  arbitrator,  then  the  third  arbitrator  shall be
appointed by the Association. This Section C shall not be construed to limit the
Corporation's right to obtain relief under Section 4E hereof with respect to any
matter or  controversy  subject  to  Section  4E  hereof,  and,  pending a final
determination  by the arbitrator with respect to any such matter or controversy,
the  Corporation  shall  be  entitled  to  obtain  any  such  relief  by  direct
application to state,  federal or other applicable court, without being required
to first arbitrate such matter or controversy.

     D.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the State of  Illinois,  without  reference  to the
principles of conflict laws.


     E.  Amendment.  This  Agreement  may only be amended  by written  agreement
executed  by  the  parties  hereto  or  their  respective  successors  or  legal

     F.  Notices.  Notices  and all other  communications  provided  for in this
Agreement  shall be in  writing  and shall be  delivered  personally  or sent by
registered  or  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,   postage  prepaid
(provided  that  international  mail  shall be sent  via  overnight  or  two-day
delivery),  or sent by facsimile or prepaid  overnight courier to the parties at
the addresses set forth below (or such other  addresses as shall be specified by
the  parties  by  like  notice).  Such  notices,   demands,   claims  and  other
communications shall be deemed given:

     (i) in the case of delivery by overnight  service with  guaranteed next day
delivery, the next day or the day designated for delivery;

     (ii) in the case of  certified or  registered  U.S.  mail,  five days after
deposit in the U.S. mail; or

     (iii) in the case of facsimile,  the date upon which the transmitting party
received confirmation of receipt by facsimile, telephone or otherwise;

provided,  however,  that in no event shall any such communications be deemed to
be given later than the date they are actually received. Communications that are
to be delivered by the U.S.  mail or by  overnight  service or two-day  delivery
service are to be delivered to the addresses set forth below:

         If to Executive:

         Dennis H. Chookaszian
         1100 Michigan Avenue
         Wilmette, IL 60091

         If to the Corporation:

         CNA Financial Corporation
         CNA Plaza
         Chicago, IL 60685
         Attn:  Corporate Secretary

or to such other  address as either party shall  furnished to the other party in
writing in accordance with the provisions of this Section F.

     G.  Severability.  The invalidity or  unenforceability  of any provision of
this  Agreement  will not affect the  validity  or  enforceability  of any other
provision of this  Agreement,  and this Agreement  shall be construed as if such
invalid or  unenforceable  provision  were  omitted (but only to the extent such
provision can not be appropriately reformed or modified).


     H.  Approval by Board.  The board of  directors  of the  Corporation  shall
consider  approval of this  Agreement  at its next meeting  occurring  after the
complete  execution of this Agreement.  The  effectiveness of the  Corporation's
execution of this  Agreement is contingent on the Agreement  being approved by a
majority of the board of directors of the Corporation  (excluding  Executive) at
the time  specified in this Section H, and the  Agreement  shall be void if such
approval is not given. The Corporation shall provide written notice to Executive
of the approval or  disapproval of the agreement by the  Corporation's  board of

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Executive has hereunto set his hand and, subject to
Section 5H hereof,  the  Corporation has caused this Agreement to be executed on
its behalf, all as of the Signing Date.

Attest:                                              CNA Financial Corporation

- - -----------------------------       -----------------------------------------
Assistant Secretary                 Its: Senior Vice President, General
                                         Counsel and Secretary

                                        S/DENNIS H. CHOOKASZIAN
                                        Dennis H. Chookaszian

                                     ANNEX A

                              LETTER OF RESIGNATION

Board of Directors
CNA Financial Corporation
CNA Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60685

Dear Sirs:

         Effective  February 9, 1999, in accordance  with the  provisions of the
Service Agreement between CNA Financial  Corporation (the  "Corporation") and me
dated February 9, 1999 (the "Continuing  Service  Agreement"),  I hereby resign
from all positions (including,  without limitation,  any position as a member of
any board of  directors)  with the  Corporation  (subject to my remaining on the
Board of Directors of the  Corporation in accordance  with the provisions of the
Service  Agreement,  and subject to my remaining an employee of the  Corporation
until  March  31,  1999  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  Service
Agreement),  and any other  business  or entity in which the  Corporation  holds
greater than a 10% equity (voting or non-voting)  interest,  including,  without
limitation,  resignation  as an  underwriter  for  CNA  Lloyd's  of  Texas,  and
resignation from the boards of directors of the following:

American Casualty Company of Reading  Pennsylvania  
Boston Old Colony Insurance Company 
CNA Casualty of California  
CNA Casualty of Illinois 
CNA  Foundation 
CNA Reinsurance  Company 
CNA  Structured  Settlements,  Inc.  
Continental  Assurance Company 
Columbia Casualty Company  
Commercial  Insurance Company of Newark,  New Jersey  
Continental   Casualty  Company  
Continental   Reinsurance   Corporation
Firemen's Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey 
Galway Insurance Company 
Hedge Financial  Corporation 
Hedge Financial  Products,  Inc. 
Hedge Investor Services, Inc.  
Kansas City Fire and Marine  Insurance  Company  
National  Fire  Insurance Company of Hartford  
National-Ben Franklin Insurance Company of Illinois 
Niagara Fire Insurance Company North Pearl Management, Inc.


Pacific Insurance Company
Settlement Options, Inc.
South Street Insurance Brokers, Inc.
The Buckeye Union Insurance Company
The Continental Corporation
The Continental Insurance Company
The Continental Insurance Company of New Jersey
The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York
The Glens Falls Insurance Company
The Mayflower Insurance Company, Ltd.
Transportation Insurance Company
Valley Forge Insurance Company
Valley Forge Life Insurance Company

         In the event that the Chief Executive Officer of CNA (as defined in the
Continuing Service Agreement)  requests that I do so, I agree to tender promptly
my  resignation  as: (a) director of the  American  Insurance  Association,  (b)
director of the Insurance  Services Office, (c) director of the American Council
of Life Insurance,  (d) director of the Council of Insurance Company Executives,
(e) trustee and director of the  Foundation  for Health  Enhancement,  and (f) a
director,  officer,  trustee, and member of and any organization with respect to
which my holding such  position may be viewed as  representing  the interests of
the Corporation or CNA.

                                                        Very truly yours,

                                                        S/DENNIS H. CHOOKASZIAN
                                                        Dennis H. Chookaszian
