THIS EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is made as of the 9th day
of  February,   1999  (the  "Signing  Date"),   by  and  between  CNA  Financial
Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation (the "Company"),  and Bernard  Hengesbaugh


         WHEREAS,  Executive  currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer of
the principal  subsidiaries of the Company (i.e.,  the CNA insurance  companies,
hereinafter the "CNA  Companies"),  and,  commencing as of February 9, 1999, the
Company  desires to promote  Executive  to the  position of  Chairman  and Chief
Executive Officer of the CNA Companies,  and Executive desires to be employed in
that  position,  all under the terms and  subject  to the  conditions  set forth

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the foregoing  premises and the
promises and covenants herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. Employment  Term. The Company and Executive agree that the Company shall
continue to employ  Executive to perform the duties of Executive  Vice President
and Chief  Operating  Officer of the CNA  Companies  for the  period  commencing
January  1, 1999 (the  "Effective  Date").  Effective  as of  February  9, 1999,
Executive  shall cease to be the Executive  Vice  President and Chief  Operating
Officer  of the CNA  Companies,  and  shall be  elected  as  Chairman  and Chief
Executive  Officer  of  the  CNA  Companies  on the  terms  and  subject  to the
conditions set forth herein for a term continuing through and until December 31,
2000 or such earlier date as of which  Executive's  employment  is terminated in
accordance with Section 6 hereof.

     2. Duties of Executive.

     (a)  Executive  shall assume the duties and  responsibilities  of the Chief
Executive  Officer  of the CNA  Companies  as of  February  9,  1999.  As  Chief
Executive  Officer,  Executive  shall  have  responsibility  for  the day to day
operations of the CNA Companies and for  development and  implementation  of the
CNA Companies'  business  plans and  strategies.  Executive  shall report to the
Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board").  It is the  anticipation of the
parties  that,  subject  to the  right  vested  by law in the  stockholders  and
directors,  respectively,  to elect  directors and officers,  Executive shall be
elected to the Board on February  9, 1999,  and  Executive  shall be elected and
shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors of each of the CNA  Companies,
and shall  serve as the  Chairman of the Board of  Directors  of each of the CNA
Companies,  and if so elected  Executive  agrees to serve on such boards in such
capacity without additional compensation.


- - --------------------------
     (b) Executive  shall  diligently  and to the best of his abilities  assume,
perform,  and  discharge the duties and  responsibilities  of Chairman and Chief
Executive  Officer of the CNA Companies,  as well as such other specific  duties
and  responsibilities  as the Board shall assign or designate to Executive  from
time to time.  Executive shall devote  substantially  all of his working time to
the  performance  of his duties as set forth  herein and shall not,  without the
prior written consent of the Board, accept other employment or render or perform
other services,  nor shall he have any direct or indirect  ownership interest in
any other business  which is in competition  with the business of the Company or
the  CNA  Companies,  other  than  in the  form of  publicly  traded  securities
constituting  less than five percent  (5%) of the  outstanding  securities  of a
corporation  (determined  by vote or value)  or  limited  partnership  interests
constituting  less than five percent (5%) of the value of any such  partnership.
The  foregoing  shall  not  preclude  Executive  from  engaging  in  charitable,
professional, and personal investment activities, provided that, in the judgment
of the Board,  such activities do not materially  interfere with his performance
of his duties and responsibilities hereunder.

     3. Compensation.

     (a) The Company  shall pay to  Executive,  commencing  December 3, 1998 and
continuing  for the period he is employed by the  Company  hereunder,  an annual
($950,000.00),   payable   not  less   frequently   than   monthly   (the  "Base
Compensation").  Such salary shall be reviewed not less frequently than annually
by the Board with a view to making such adjustments as the Board deems equitable
and appropriate based on Executive's  performance and the overall  profitability
and revenue growth of the CNA Companies,  provided that no such adjustment shall
be made which would reduce  Executive's  annual Base  Compensation  to less than
$950,000.00 without his consent.

     (b)  Executive  shall be entitled to an Incentive  Compensation  Award,  in
accordance with the CNA Financial  Corporation  Incentive  Compensation Plan for
Certain Executive  Officers (the "Incentive  Compensation  Plan"). The amount of
the  Incentive  Compensation  Award  shall be based  on the  performance  of the
Company and its subsidiaries for the calendar years 1999 and 2000, respectively,
and the  award  for each  year  shall be  payable  in a cash lump sum as soon as
practicable  after  the end of the  year,  but in no event  prior to the date on
which the Committee,  as that term is defined in the Incentive Compensation Plan
(the  "Committee"),  certifies the amount, if any, which has been earned for the
year.  The amount of the Incentive  Compensation  Award for  Executive  shall be
determined in accordance with the following:

     (i) The amount of the  Incentive  Compensation  Award for the calendar year
1999 shall be determined as follows:

     A preliminary  determination  of the amount of the  Incentive  Compensation
Award payable to Executive with respect to calendar year 1999 shall be made by:

     (I) dividing the lesser of (A) the Net Income for the 1999 calendar year or
(B) $100 million by (C) $100 million,  and multiplying the resulting  percentage
by $950,000;

     (II)  dividing  the lesser of (A) the Net Income for the  calendar  year in
excess of $200  million for the  calendar  year or (B) $300  million by (C) $300
million, and multiplying the resulting percentage by 200% of $950,000; and

     (III) adding the products of (I) and (II).

     (ii) The amount of the Incentive  Compensation  Award for the calendar year
2000 shall be determined as follows:

A preliminary  determination of the amount of the Incentive  Compensation  Award
payable to Executive with respect to calendar year 2000 shall be made by:

     (I) dividing the lesser of (A) the Net Income for the 2000 calendar year or
(B) $200 million by (C) $200 million,  and multiplying the resulting  percentage
by $950,000;

     (II)  dividing  the lesser of (A) the Net Income for the  calendar  year in
excess of $200  million for the  calendar  year or (B) $300  million by (C) $300
million, and multiplying the resulting percentage by 200% of $950,000; and

     (III) adding the results of (I) and (II).

     (iii) The actual  amount of the  Incentive  Compensation  Award  payable to
Executive  with respect to a calendar year shall be determined  each year by the
Incentive Compensation  Committee based on Executive's overall performance,  but
in all events the amount of the Incentive  Compensation  Award shall not be less
than 90% nor more than 100% of the  preliminary  determination  of the Incentive
Compensation Award under paragraphs (I) and (II) next above.

     (iv) For purposes of this  paragraph  (b), the term "Net Income" shall have
the meaning ascribed to it in the Incentive  Compensation  Plan;  provided that,
for the avoidance of doubt, it is recited here that the term "Net Income" of the
Company and its  subsidiaries for any calendar year shall mean the after tax Net
Income of the  Company  and all of its  subsidiaries  for the  calendar  year as
reflected on the companies' audited  consolidated  financial statements for such
year as filed with the Security and Exchange  Commission less an amount equal to
the "Net Realized  Investment  Gains"  included in Net Income as reported in the
audited consolidated  financial statements,  but increased by an amount equal to
the "Net Realized  Investment  Losses" included in Net Income as reported in the
audited financial statements. The foregoing notwithstanding,  (I) the Net Income
shall be determined  without  taking into account any entry  intended to reflect
the  cumulative  effect in prior periods of any change in accounting  principles
used in preparing  current period financial  statements,  and (II) the amount of
Net  Income for 1999  shall be  determined  without  including  any  adjustments
provided by SOP 97-3 (i.e.,  as though SOP 97-3 were  inapplicable to any aspect
of such determination).


     4. Other  Benefits.  Executive  shall be  entitled  to  participate  in the
various benefit plans,  programs or  arrangements  established and maintained by
the Company from time to time and applicable to senior executives of the Company
such as, but not by way of  limitation,  vacation pay,  health and major medical
insurance,  dental insurance,  life insurance,  long-term disability  insurance,
both  qualified  and  supplemental  retirement or savings  plans,  and long-term
incentive  compensation plans, and to receive all fringe benefits made available
to Grade 96 employees of the Company.  Executive's entitlement to participate in
any such plan,  program or  arrangement  shall,  in each case, be subject to the
terms and conditions thereof, subject to the following:

     (a) In determining the amount of Executive's  retirement  benefit under the
CNA Employees'  Retirement  Benefit  Equalization Plan or any other supplemental
retirement  plan or  program in which  Executive  may  participate,  Executive's
compensation  or  pensionable  earnings shall be deemed to include all Incentive
Compensation Awards or other incentive  compensation  payable to Executive (with
such amounts to be  includible  at the time they would  otherwise be paid in the
absence of any elective deferral by Executive).

     (b) The Company maintains the CNA Employees' Supplemental Savings Plan (the
"Supplemental  Plan"),  which  currently  permits  participants to make elective
deferrals of certain compensation (the "Eligible  Compensation"),  not to exceed
16% of the Eligible  Compensation.  Further,  the  Supplemental  Plan  currently
provides  for an  additional  Company  allocation  equal  to  70% of the  amount
electively  deferred by the participant  under the plan, not to exceed 6% of the
participant's  Eligible  Compensation.  For purposes of determining  the maximum
amount which may be deferred  under the  Supplemental  Plan, and for purposes of
determining  the  amount  of  the  matching  allocation,  Executive's  "Eligible
Compensation" shall include all Incentive Compensation Awards or other incentive
compensation  payable to Executive  (with such amounts to be  includible  at the
time they would  otherwise  be paid to  Executive in the absence of any elective
deferral by Executive).

     5. Expense  Reimbursement.  Executive shall be entitled to reimbursement by
the Company for all reasonable and customary travel and other business  expenses
incurred  by  Executive  in carrying  out his duties  under this  Agreement,  in
accordance with the general  reimbursement  policies adopted by the Company from
time to time.  Executive shall report all such  expenditures not less frequently
than monthly accompanied by adequate records and such other documentary evidence
as required by the  Company or by Federal or state tax  statutes or  regulations
governing the substantiation of such expenditures.


     6.  Termination  of  Employment.  Executive's  employment  with the Company
hereunder  shall  continue until the earlier of December 31, 2000 or the date on
which his employment is terminated  pursuant to this Section 6. Either party may
terminate Executive's employment with the Company by written notice to the other
party  effective  as of the  date  specified  in  such  notice  and  Executive's
employment shall automatically terminate in the event of Executive's death. Upon
termination of Executive's  employment  under this Agreement,  the rights of the
parties under this Agreement shall be determined pursuant to this Section 6.

     6.1 Death and Disability. In the event of the death of Executive or, at the
Company's election,  in the event of his Permanent Disability (as defined below)
during the term of this  Agreement  and while  Executive is in the employ of the
Company, Executive's employment shall terminate; provided, however, that:

     (a) The Company  shall pay to Executive  or his  personal  representatives,
heirs or  beneficiaries  as the case may be, (i) any unpaid  Base  Compensation,
including  credited  but  unused  vacation  pay  accrued  up to the date of such
termination, (ii) any unpaid Incentive Compensation Award described in paragraph
3(b) with respect to the calendar year prior to  Executive's  death or Permanent
Disability,  and  (iii)  a  pro-rata  portion  of the  amount  of the  Incentive
Compensation  Award earned for the calendar year in which the termination occurs
determined  by  multiplying  the  Incentive  Compensation  Amount earned for the
period  through the end of the calendar year of  termination  (as  determined by
actual  performance  through  the end of that year) by the number of days in the
calendar year prior to the date of termination and dividing such product by 365.

     (b) The rights of Executive or his personal representatives, heirs or
beneficiaries  under any benefit plan,  program or  arrangement  in which he was
participating at the time of his termination, including any benefits which shall
have  accrued  and vested  under the terms of any plan,  program or  arrangement
described in Section 4, and his right under any long-term incentive compensation
plan, shall remain unaffected and shall be determined by the applicable terms of
such plans, programs or arrangements.

For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Permanent Disability" means a physical
or mental  condition of Executive  which, as determined by the Board in its sole
discretion based on all available medical  information,  is expected to continue
indefinitely and which renders Executive incapable of performing any substantial
portion of the services contemplated hereunder.

     6.2 Termination For Cause by the Company. In the event that Executive shall
engage in any conduct  which the Board,  in good faith,  shall  determine  to be
fraudulent,  a substantial  breach of any material  provision of this Agreement,
willful  malfeasance or gross  negligence,  or inconsistent with the dignity and
character  of a senior  executive  of the  Company,  and only if such conduct is
determined by the Board, acting in good faith, to have a material adverse effect
on the business of the Company  (defined  herein as "Cause"),  the Company shall
have the right to terminate  Executive's  employment with the Company by written
notice  to  Executive  effective  as of the  date  of  such  notice.  Upon  such
termination,  the Company shall have no further obligations under this Agreement
other than for the payment of any unpaid Base  Compensation  accrued through the
date of  termination,  any unpaid  Incentive  Compensation  Award  described  in
paragraph  3(b) with  respect  to the  calendar  year  prior to the date of such
termination,  and  unused  vacation  time  accrued  prior  to the  date  of such


     6.3 Termination for  Convenience by the Company.  In the event  Executive's
employment  is  terminated  by the  Company  for any  reason  not  described  in
subsections  6.1 or 6.2 above,  the  obligations  of the parties hereto shall be
deemed discharged, provided, however, that:

     (a) The Company  shall pay to Executive  or his  personal  representatives,
heirs, or beneficiaries,  as the case may be, (i) any unpaid Base  Compensation,
including  credited  but  unused  vacation  pay  accrued  up to the date of such
termination, (ii) any unpaid Incentive Compensation Award described in paragraph
3(b) with  respect to the calendar  year prior to the date of such  termination,
and (iii) termination payments at the annual rate equal to:

         (I)      three (3);

                  multiplied by

         (II)     Executive's  annual  rate of Base  Compensation  as in  effect
                  immediately prior to his date of termination;

with such termination  payment to be made in substantially  equal  installments,
not less  frequently  than  monthly,  for a period  of  thirty-six  (36)  months
following such termination.

     (b) The rights of  Executive  or his personal  representatives,  heirs,  or
beneficiaries  under  any  benefit  plan,  program  or  arrangement  in which he
participated at the time of such termination, including any benefits which shall
have accrued and vested under the terms of any plan  described in Section 4, and
his  rights  under any  long-term  incentive  compensation  plan,  shall  remain
unaffected and be determined by the applicable terms of such plans,  programs or

     (c) In the event any payments made to Executive  under this  subsection 6.3
shall be found to constitute an "excess parachute payment" within the meaning of
section  280(G) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code or other  payment  subject  to a
federal  excise tax,  the  Company  shall pay to  Executive,  in addition to any
payment obligation under (a) or (b) above, an amount equal to the amount of such
excise  tax,  plus a tax  gross-up  payment  in  the  amount  of  the  aggregate
additional  federal,  state, and local income,  excise or other taxes payable by
Executive with respect to the receipt of such excise tax payment.

         6.4      Termination For Good Reason by Executive.

     (a) In the event that Executive's employment is terminated by Executive for
"good  reason," the Company's  obligations  shall be the same as they would have
been,  and Executive  shall receive the same payments and other benefits that he
would have  received,  had the Company  terminated  his  employment  pursuant to
subsection 6.3.


     (b) For  purposes of this  Agreement,  the term "good  reason" mean (i) any
material  diminution in Executive's duties and  responsibilities  as Chairman or
Chief Executive Officer or authority or title or (ii) any material change in the
Base  Compensation or the Incentive  Compensation  Award payable to Executive in
violation of Section 3, or any material  change in Executive's  rights under any
long-term incentive  compensation plan established by the Incentive Compensation
Committee in violation of Section 3.

     6.5  Voluntary  Resignation  by  Executive.  In the event that  Executive's
employment is terminated by Executive  other than pursuant to subsection  6.4 or
as a direct  result  of his  death or  Permanent  Disability  (as  described  in
subsection  6.1),  the  Company  shall  have no  further  obligation  under this
Agreement other than in the payment of any accrued but unpaid Base Compensation,
any unpaid Incentive Compensation Award described in paragraph 3(b) with respect
to the calendar year prior to the date of such termination,  and unused vacation

     6.6 Failure to Extend  Agreement.  In the event that this Agreement has not
been extended or renewed by mutual  agreement at the end of its term on December
31, 2000 and the employment of Executive  continues,  then such employment shall
constitute  an  employment  at will  from  month to  month.  During  Executive's
employment  following  December 31,  2000,  (i) he shall  receive  salary at the
annual rate of 400% of his annual Base  Compensation  as of December  31,  2000;
(ii)  the  terms  of this  Agreement  that  governed  Executive's  benefits  and
perquisites  prior to January  1, 2001 will  continue  to apply,  and will be in
addition to Executive's  salary  specified in clause (i) above;  (iii) Executive
shall be entitled to payment with respect to the  Incentive  Compensation  Award
for calendar year 2000 to the extent provided by this  Agreement,  but Executive
will not be entitled to an Incentive  Compensation Award for calendar year 2001.
If the Company terminates Executive's employment following December 31, 2000, or
if the Company and Executive shall not have mutually agreed to the terms of, and
entered  into,  a new  employment  prior to March  31,  2001,  then  Executive's
employment shall terminate on April 1, 2001, and the Company's obligations shall
be the same as they  would have  been,  and  Executive  shall  receive  the same
payments  and  other  benefits  that he would  have  received,  had the  Company
terminated his employment  pursuant to subsection 6.3, provided,  however,  that
the  termination   payments  otherwise  payable  in  accordance  with  paragraph
6.3(a)(iii) shall be at an annual rate equal to:

     (I) three (3);

     multiplied by

     (II) Executive's annual rate of Base Compensation as of December 31, 2000;

and such termination payments shall be made in substantially equal installments,
not less  frequently  than  monthly,  for a period  of  thirty-six  (36)  months
following such termination.


     7.  Confidentiality.  Executive  agrees  that,  while he is employed by the
Company,  and at all times thereafter,  he shall continue to hold in a fiduciary
capacity for the benefit of the Company all secret or confidential  information,
knowledge  or data  relating to the Company and any other  business or entity in
which at any relevant time the Company  holds greater than a 10% equity  (voting
or  non-voting)  interest  (an  "Affiliate")  that shall have been  obtained  by
Executive  during his  employment  by or  affiliation  with the Company and that
shall  not  be  public  knowledge  other  than  by  acts  of  Executive  or  his
representative ("Confidential Material"). Executive shall not, without the prior
written  consent of the  Chairman  of the  Board,  communicate  or  divulge  any
Confidential  Material to anyone other than the Company and those  designated by

     8.  Competition.  Executive hereby agrees that, while he is employed by the
Company,  and for a period of 24 months following the date of his termination of
employment with the Company for any reason, he will not, directly or indirectly,
without the prior written approval of the Chairman of the Board,  enter into any
business  relationship  (either as  principal,  agent,  board  member,  officer,
consultant, stockholder, employee or in any other capacity) with any business or
other entity that at any relevant  time  competes in any respect with any of the
principal  businesses of the Company or with any of the principal  businesses of
any Affiliate (a "Competitor"); provided, however, that such prohibited activity
shall not include the ownership of less than 5% of the voting  securities of any
publicly traded corporation regardless of the business of such corporation. Upon
the written  request of  Executive,  the  Chairman  of the Board will  determine
whether a business or other entity  constitutes a  "Competitor"  for purposes of
this Section 8; provided that the Chairman of the Board may require Executive to
provide such information as the Chairman of the Board determines to be necessary
to make such determination; and further provided that the current and continuing
effectiveness of such  determination  may be conditioned on the accuracy of such
information,  and on  such  other  factors  as the  Chairman  of the  Board  may

     9. Solicitation. Executive agrees that while he is employed by the Company,
and for a period of 36 months  following his  termination of employment with the
Company  for any  reason,  he will not  employ,  offer to  employ,  engage  as a
consultant,  or form an  association  with any person who is then, or who during
the  preceding  one year was, an employee of the Company or any  Affiliate,  nor
will he assist any other person in soliciting for employment or consultation any
person who is then, or who during the preceding one year was, an employee of the
Company or any Affiliate.

     10.  Non-Interference.  Executive  agrees  that while he is employed by the
Company,  and for a period of 36 months  following his termination of employment
with the Company  for any reason,  he will not disturb or attempt to disturb any
business  relationship  or agreement  between either the Company or an Affiliate
and any other person or entity.


     11. Assistance with Claims.  Executive agrees that, while he is employed by
the Company,  and for a reasonable period (not less than 36 months)  thereafter,
he will be  available,  on a  reasonable  basis,  to assist the  Company and its
subsidiaries and affiliates in the prosecution or defense of any claims,  suits,
litigation, arbitrations,  investigations, or other proceedings, whether pending
or  threatened  ("Claims")  that may be made or  threatened  by or  against  the
Company or any of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates.  Executive  agrees,  unless
precluded  by law, to  promptly  inform the  Company if he is  requested  (i) to
testify or otherwise  become  involved in connection  with any Claim against the
Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate or (ii) to assist or  participate in any
investigation (whether governmental or private) of the Company or any subsidiary
or  affiliate or any of their  actions,  whether or not a lawsuit has been filed
against the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates relating thereto.

     12. Return of Materials.  Executive  shall, at any time upon the request of
the Company,  and in any event upon the  termination of his employment  with the
Company,  for whatever reason,  immediately  return and surrender to the Company
all originals and all copies, regardless of medium, of property belonging to the
Company or the CNA Companies, created or obtained by Executive as a result of or
in  the  course  of or in  connection  with  his  employment  with  the  Company
regardless of whether such items constitute  Proprietary  Information,  provided
that Executive shall be under no obligation to return written materials acquired
from third  parties  which are  generally  available  to the  public.  Executive
acknowledges  that all  such  materials  are,  and will  remain,  the  exclusive
property of the Company and the CNA Companies.

     13.  Effect of Breach.  Executive  acknowledges  that his  violation of the
covenants  set forth in  Sections  7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 could  cause the  Company
irreparable  harm and he agrees that the Company shall be entitled to injunctive
relief  restraining  Executive from actual or threatened breach of the covenants
and that if bond is  required  to be posted in order for the  Company  to secure
such relief said bond need only be in a nominal amount. The right of the Company
to seek injunctive  relief shall be in addition to any other remedies  available
to the Company with respect to an alleged or threatened breach.

     14.  Limitation  on Remedies.  The Company shall not be entitled to suspend
payments  otherwise  due to  Executive  by reason of  Executive's  violation  of
Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 (whether  before or after a judgment is obtained by
the Corporation against Executive). The Corporation shall not be entitled to set
off against the amounts  payable to Executive  under this  Agreement any amounts
owed to the Corporation by Executive. Nothing in this Section 14 shall limit the
Company's  remedies  in the case of  Executive's  violation  of this  Agreement,
except as otherwise specifically provided in this Section 14.


     15. Effect of Covenants.  Nothing in Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 shall
be construed to adversely  affect the rights that the Company  would  possess in
the absence of the provisions of such Sections.

     16. Revision. The parties hereto expressly agree that in the event that any
of the  provisions,  covenants,  warranties or agreements in this  Agreement are
held to be in any respect an  unreasonable  restriction  upon  Executive  or are
otherwise invalid, for whatsoever cause, then the court or arbitrator so holding
is hereby  authorized  to (a)  reduce  the  territory  to which  said  covenant,
warranty  or  agreement  pertains,  the period of time in which  said  covenant,
warranty or agreement  operates or the scope of activity to which said covenant,
warranty  or  agreement  pertains  or (b) effect any other  change to the extent
necessary  to  render  any of  the  restrictions  contained  in  this  Agreement

     17. Severability.  Each of the terms and provisions of this Agreement is to
be deemed  severable  in whole or in part and, if any term or  provision  of the
application  thereof  in  any  circumstances  should  be  invalid,   illegal  or
unenforceable,  the remaining terms and provisions or the application thereof to
circumstances  other  than  those  as to which it is held  invalid,  illegal  or
unenforceable,  shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and

     18. Binding Agreement; Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon the
parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors,  personal representatives
and assigns.  the Company  shall have the right to assign this  Agreement to any
successor in interest to the  business,  or any majority  part  thereof,  of the
Company or any joint  venture  or  partnership  to which the  Company is a joint
venturer or general  partner which conducts  substantially  all of the Company's
business.  Executive shall not assign any of his obligations or duties hereunder
and any such attempted assignment shall be null and void.

     19.  Controlling  Law;  Jurisdiction.  This Agreement shall be governed by,
interpreted  and  construed  according  to the  laws of the  State  of  Illinois
(without regard to conflict of laws principles).

     20. Arbitration of All Disputes. Any controversy or claim arising out of or
relating to this  Agreement (or the breach  thereof)  shall be settled by final,
binding  and   non-appealable   arbitration   in  Chicago,   Illinois  by  three
arbitrators.  Except as  otherwise  expressly  provided in this  Section 20, the
arbitration  shall be  conducted  in  accordance  with the rules of the American
Arbitration   Association  (the  "Association")  then  in  effect.  One  of  the
arbitrators  shall be  appointed  by the  Company,  one  shall be  appointed  by
Executive, and the third shall be appointed by the first two arbitrators. If the
first two arbitrators cannot agree on the third arbitrator within 30 days of the
appointment  of the  second  arbitrator,  then  the  third  arbitrator  shall be
appointed  by the  Association.  This Section 20 shall not be construed to limit
the Company's right to obtain relief under Section 13 with respect to any matter
or controversy  subject to Section 13 and, pending a final  determination by the
arbitrator with respect to any such matter or controversy,  the Company shall be
entitled to obtain any such relief by direct  application  to state,  federal or
other applicable court, without being required to first arbitrate such matter or


     21. Entire Agreement.  Except as otherwise  expressly set forth herein, and
except with respect to the letter from the Company to Executive  dated  February
9, 1999 and  describing  the one-time cash payment to Executive,  this Agreement
contains the entire  agreement of the parties with regard to the subject  matter
hereof, supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, written or oral, and
may only be amended by an agreement in writing signed by the parties thereto.

     22. Additional Documents.  Each party hereto shall, from time to time, upon
request  of the other  party,  execute  any  additional  documents  which  shall
reasonably be required to effectuate the purposes hereof.

     23.  Incorporation.  The  introductory  recitals hereof are incorporated in
this Agreement and are binding upon the parties hereto.

     24.  Failure to Enforce.  The failure to enforce any of the  provisions  of
this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such  provisions.  Further,
any  express  waiver by any party with  respect  to any breach of any  provision
hereunder by any other party shall not constitute a waiver of such party's right
to thereafter fully enforce each and every provision of this Agreement.

     25.  Survival.  Except as  otherwise  set  forth  herein,  the  obligations
contained  in this  Agreement  shall  survive  the  termination,  for any reason
whatsoever, of Executive's employment with the Company.

     26. Headings.  All numbers and headings  contained herein are for reference
only and are not intended to qualify,  limit or otherwise  affect the meaning or
interpretation of any provision contained herein.

     27.  Notices.  Notices and all other  communications  provided  for in this
Agreement  shall be in  writing  and shall be  delivered  personally  or sent by
registered  or  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,   postage  prepaid
(provided  that  international  mail  shall be sent  via  overnight  or  two-day
delivery),  or sent by facsimile or prepaid  overnight courier to the parties at
the addresses set forth below (or such other  addresses as shall be specified by
the  parties  by  like  notice).  Such  notices,   demands,   claims  and  other
communications shall be deemed given:

     (a) in the case of delivery by overnight  service with  guaranteed next day
delivery, the next day or the day designated for delivery;

     (b) in the case of  certified  or  registered  U.S.  mail,  five days after
deposit in the U.S. mail; or

     (c) in the case of facsimile,  the date upon which the  transmitting  party
received confirmation of receipt by facsimile, telephone or otherwise;

provided,  however,  that in no event shall any such communications be deemed to
be given later than the date they are actually received. Communications that are
to be delivered by the U.S.  mail or by  overnight  service or two-day  delivery
service are to be delivered to the addresses set forth below:

         If to the Company:

         CNA Financial Corporation
         CNA Plaza
         Chicago, IL 60685
         Attn:  Corporate Secretary

         If to Executive:
         Bernard Hengesbaugh
         202 Thompson Drive
         Wheaton, IL 60187

or to such other  address as either party shall  furnished to the other party in
writing in accordance with the provisions of this Section 27.

     28. Gender. The masculine, feminine or neuter pronouns used herein shall be
interpreted  without  regard to gender,  and the use of the  singular  or plural
shall be deemed to include the other whenever the context so requires.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the
date and year first above written.


By: S/JIM MACGINNITIE                                                
- - ------------------------
Title:Senior Vice President and
      Chief Executive Officer                                  

- - ------------------------

CNA Administrative Offices          
CNA Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60685

Transfer Agent and Registrar        
First Chicago Trust Company of New York
P.O. Box 2500
Jersey City, New Jersey 07303-2500

Deloitte & Touche LLP
180 North Stetson Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60601