RESTRICTED STOCK AGREEMENT

     The Coca-Cola Company (the "Company") hereby agrees to award to the
recipient named below (the "Recipient") on the date set forth below ("Grant
Date") the number of shares of Common Stock, $.25 par value, of the Company (the
"Shares"), in accordance with and subject to the terms, conditions and
restrictions of this Agreement. If the conditions described below are satisfied,
such award will be made under the terms of The Coca-Cola Company 1989 Restricted
Stock Award Plan (the "Plan"), as amended, on the Grant Date.

         Name of Recipient
         Target Award:     XX,XXX Shares
         Relevant Dates:  The following dates are applicable for this Agreement:

         ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
         Agreement Date
         ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
         Acceptance Date
         Performance Period
         Grant Date (Issue Date)
         Vesting Period
         Release Date

Performance Criteria: The following performance criteria must be met for an
award of Shares to be made under this Agreement. The number of Shares awarded
on the Grant Date shall be determined from the Target Award and the following

         Compound Annual Growth in Earnings Per          Percentage of Target
         Share during the Performance Period             Award to be Granted

         %(Maximum Award)                                               150%
         %                                                              125%
         % (Target Award)                                               100%
         %                                                               83%
         %(Minimum Award)                                                66%
         Less than %                                                       0

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

The performance criteria shall be: compound annual growth in earnings per share.
Earnings per share shall be defined as:

   Numerator:     the numerator set forth in the definition of diluted earnings
                  per share under United States Generally Accepted Accounting
                  Principles (U.S. GAAP) (Financial Accounting Standard 128
                  and/or applicable standards and interpretations in effect for
                  the year), excluding items as defined below.

   divided by

   Denominator:   the denominator set forth in the definition of diluted
                  earnings per share under U.S. GAAP (Financial Accounting
                  Standard 128 and/or applicable standards and interpretations
                  in effect for the year).

The calculation of compound annual growth in earnings per share shall be
adjusted for significant structural changes, accounting changes, and other
operating and non-operating charges and gains disclosed separately in the
year-end earnings release or other Company public communications for the base
year and each year of the Performance Period. The intent of this adjustment is
to provide a consistent year-to-year comparison of performance on the specified

Compound annual growth rate in earnings per share shall be rounded to the
nearest whole percentage point.

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-


(1)  If all of the conditions set forth in this Agreement are satisfied, an
     award of restricted Shares under the Plan will be made to the Recipient on
     the Grant Date. No Shares will be delivered to the Recipient or transferred
     into the Recipient's name until the Grant Date and the Recipient shall have
     no rights to any Shares or any rights associated with such Shares (such as
     dividends or voting rights) until the Grant Date. Shares will be delivered
     to the Recipient or the Recipient's estate on the Release Date indicated
     above on which the Shares cease to be subject to risk of forfeiture
     pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the Plan, subject
     to all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

     If the Recipient is resident outside of the United States on the Grant
     Date, the Compensation Committee (or its designee), in its sole discretion,
     may select an alternate Grant Date which is not later than the Release
     Date. If the Compensation Committee (or its designee) selects such an
     alternate Grant Date, the Recipient will receive from Recipient's employer
     a cash payment, less all applicable taxes, equal to the dividend that would
     be paid on an equivalent number of shares of Company Stock, beginning at
     the time a dividend would have been paid had Shares been Granted on the
     original Grant Date listed above.

     (a)  Performance Conditions for the Award. An award of restricted Shares on
          the Grant Date shall be made only if the Recipient is, and has
          continuously been, employed by the Company or a Related Company since
          the date of this Agreement, except as provided in paragraph (1)(c). In
          addition, the award shall be made only if (and to the extent) that the
          Performance Criteria, set forth above, are satisfied during the
          Performance Period. The Controller of the Company and the Compensation
          Committee shall certify whether, and to what extent, the Performance
          Criteria have been achieved.

     (b)  Conditions for Release of the Award. The Shares shall be delivered on
          the Release Date only if the Recipient, on the Release Date, is, and
          has continuously been since the date of this Agreement, employed by
          the Company or a Related Company, except as provided in paragraph

     (c)  Separation from the Company. If any of the circumstances listed below
          occur prior to the Release Date, the terms of this subparagraph shall
          apply. The following table describes the Recipient's treatment
          depending on the reason for the Recipient's separation from the
          Company and the timing of the event.

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

- ------------------ ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------
                        During the Performance Period       Between the end of the Performance Period    Between the Grant Date
                                                                and the Grant Date                         and the Release Date
- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------    -------------
Death              -   The Performance Period shall         -   If the Performance Criteria have         Shares granted  will be
                       be shortened to the beginning of         not been met, there shall be no          released within 90 days
                       the original Performance Period          award.                                   following the Recipient's
                       through the end of the year of       -   If the Performance Criteria are          death.
                       death.                                   met, instead of an award of Shares,
                   -   If the Performance Criteria              the Recipient's estate shall be paid
                       are met during the shortened             a cash amount equal to the value of
                       Performance Period, instead of an        the Shares that would have been
                       award of Shares, the Recipient's         awarded on the Grant Date. The
                       estate shall be paid a cash              value shall be determined as of the
                       amount equal to the value of the         later of the Grant Date or the date
                       Shares that would have been              of death.
                       awarded on the Grant Date,
                       prorated as described below.
                       The value shall be determined
                       as the date of the February
                       Compensation Committee meeting
                       following the year of death.

Disability         -   The Performance Period               -   If the Performance Criteria have         Shares granted will be
                       continues.                               not been met, there shall be no          released within 90 days
                   -   At the end of the Performance            award.                                   following the Recipient's
                       Period, there will be no Award       -   If the Performance Criteria are met,     disability.
                       unless, and to the extent that,          instead of an award of Shares, the
                       the Performance Criteria are met.        Recipient shall be paid a cash amount
                   -   If the Performance Criteria              equal to the value of the Shares that
                       are met, instead of an award of          would have been awarded, with the
                       Shares, the Recipient shall be           value determined as of the Grant Date.
                       paid a cash amount equal to the
                       value of the Shares that would
                       have been awarded, prorated as
                       described below, with the value
                       determined as of the Grant Date.

Retirement         -    A grant of the target number        -    If the Performance Criteria have        Shares granted  will be
                        of Shares will be made 30 days           not yet been certified, a grant of      released within 90 days
                        prior to the Recipient's                 the target number of Shares will be     following the
                        Retirement date (or on the               made 30 days prior to the               Recipient's Retirement
                        closest business day thereto).           Recipient's Retirement date (or on      date.
                        The Shares will remain subject to        the closest business day thereto).
                        forfeiture for the remainder of          The Shares will remain subject to
                        the Performance Period.                  forfeiture until the Performance
                   -    At the end of the Performance            Criteria are certified.
                        Period, the applicable number of    -    Once the Performance Criteria
                        Shares shall be released if, and         are certified, the applicable number
                        to the extent that, the                  of Shares shall be released if, and
                        Performance Criteria are met.            to the extent that, the Performance
                   -    Recipient must notify Board              Criteria are met.  Any nonforfeited
                        of Directors  of intent to retire        Shares shall be released within 90
                        90 days prior to retirement.             days following the date the
                                                                 Performance Criteria are certified.

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

Transfer to a      -    The Performance Period and          -    If the Performance Criteria have        -   Vesting Period
Related Company         Vesting Period continues.                not been met, there shall be no             continues.
                   -    At the end of the Performance            award.                                  -   Shares granted
                        Period, there will be no Award      -    If the Performance Criteria are             will be released
                        unless, and to the extent that,          met, the Vesting Period continues.          on the Release
                        the Performance Criteria are met.        Provided that the Recipient                 Date, provided all
                   -    If the Performance Criteria              continues to be employed by a               other terms and
                        are met, instead of an award of          Related Company until the Release           conditions are
                        Shares, the Recipient shall be           Date, instead of an award of Shares,        satisfied and
                        paid a cash amount equal to the          the Recipient shall be paid a cash          Recipient
                        value of the Shares that would           amount  equal to the value of the           continues to be
                        have been awarded, prorated as           Shares that would have been awarded,        employed by a
                        described below, paid on the             with the value determined as of the         Related Company
                        Release Date, with the value             Release Date.                               until the Release
                        determined as of the Release Date.                                                   Date.
                        In order to receive any payment,
                        the Recipient must continue to be
                        employed by a Related Company
                        until the Release Date.

Voluntary          Forfeit entire award                     Forfeit entire award                         Forfeit entire award
resignation or
Termination for

          (i)    Where a cash payment is provided, the value of the Shares will
                 be determined using the closing price per share, as reported on
                 the New York Stock Exchange Composite Transactions listing on
                 the applicable date (as defined according to the relevant
                 situation above), or, if the New York Stock Exchange is not
                 open for trading on such date, the trading date immediately
                 preceding the applicable date. The cash payment will be subject
                 to all applicable tax withholdings and made as soon as
                 administratively feasible.

          (ii)   Where references are made to a prorated award in the chart
                 above, except where otherwise expressly provided, the proration
                 shall be determined using a fraction, the numerator of which is
                 the number of whole months between the beginning of the
                 Performance Period and the date of the event (e.g., death,
                 Disability, transfer, or Retirement) and the denominator being
                 the number of months in the Performance Period.

          (iii)  For purposes of determining "Disability," the definition of
                 "Disability" as contained in Section 5(a) of the Plan is
                 replaced with the following definition:

                 "Disability" shall mean a condition for which a Participant
                 becomes eligible for and receives a disability benefit under
                 the long term disability insurance policy issued to the Company
                 providing Basic Long Term Disability Insurance benefits
                 pursuant to The Coca-Cola Company Health and Welfare Benefits
                 Plan, or under any other long

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

                 term disability plan which hereafter may be maintained by the

          (iv)   "Cause" shall mean termination of employment by the Company or
                 a Related Company which is based on a violation of the
                 Company's Code of Business Conduct or any other policy of the
                 Company or its Related Company, or for gross misconduct.

          (v)    For the purpose of determining "Retirement," the definition of
                 "Retirement" as contained in Section 5(a) of the Plan is
                 replaced with the following definition:

                 "Retirement" means an employee's termination of employment on a
                 date which is on or after the Recipient attains age 55 and has
                 completed at least five years of service (service being defined
                 as Years of Vesting Service under the Company's Employee
                 Retirement Plan (the "ERP"), whether or not the employee is
                 covered by the ERP). Notwithstanding the above, if an employee
                 receiving serial severance benefits would have been eligible
                 for Retirement as defined above had the employee continued his
                 employment for a period equal to the period of the severance
                 benefits, the employee will be deemed retired under this plan
                 as of the date severance benefits begin.

                 For purposes of determining the date of the release of Shares,
                 the date of Retirement shall be the last day the Recipient
                 actively works prior to Retirement. The Retirement date is not
                 extended if the Recipient receives serial severance benefits.

          (vi)   If there is more than one reason for separation, the following
                 provisions apply. A) If a Recipient is eligible for Retirement
                 and is transferred to a Related Company, the provisions
                 governing transfer to a Related Company shall apply. B) If a
                 Recipient is disabled and is eligible for Retirement, the
                 provisions governing Disability shall apply.

          (vii)  If a Recipient transfers to a Related Company and the Company
                 deems that the continuation of the Performance Period or any
                 other terms of this Agreement would create a conflict of
                 interest, the Company reserves the right to take any actions
                 with respect to the Shares, including but not limited to
                 providing a cash payment, releasing Shares at an earlier date
                 or modifying the Performance Period with respect to such

     (d)  Recipient shall have no rights with respect to the Shares, including
          but not limited to rights to sell, vote, exchange, transfer, pledge,
          hypothecate or otherwise dispose of the Shares until the Grant Date.
          Between the Grant Date and the Release Date, Recipient shall have no
          right to sell, exchange, transfer, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise
          dispose of the Shares. Except for these restrictions, beginning on the
          Grant Date, the Recipient shall, with respect to the Shares, have all
          the rights of a

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

          stockholder of the Company, including the right to vote the Shares
          and to receive all distributions and dividends paid with respect to
          the Shares.

     (e)  The Recipient shall indicate his or her acceptance of this Agreement
          by signing and returning this Agreement by the Acceptance Date
          indicated above.

     (f)  In the event that the Company's shares, as a result of a stock split
          or stock dividend or combination of shares or any other change or
          exchange for other securities, by reclassification, reorganization or
          otherwise, are increased or decreased or changed into or exchanged for
          a different number or kind of shares of stock or other securities of
          the Company or of another corporation, the number of Shares to be
          awarded under this Agreement shall be adjusted to reflect such change
          in such manner as the Board of Directors of the Company or the
          Compensation Committee may deem appropriate. If any such adjustment
          shall result in a fractional share, such fraction shall be

     (g)  The Compensation Committee, in its sole discretion, may reduce the
          number of Shares or payments provided to a Recipient under this
          Agreement if it determines that a Recipient has failed to meet any
          other applicable performance standards (including but not limited to,
          compliance with the Company's Code of Business Conduct and any
          applicable laws), or if the Recipient owes any money to the Company or
          a Related Company and has failed to repay such obligation.

(2)  Each notice relating to this award shall be in writing. All notices to the
     Company shall be addressed to the Secretary, The Coca-Cola Company, One
     Coca-Cola Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia 30313. All notices to the Recipient shall
     be addressed to the address of the Recipient specified on the face page of
     this Agreement. Either the Company or the Recipient may designate a
     different address by written notice to the other. Written notice to said
     addresses shall be effective to bind the Company, the Recipient and the
     Recipient's representatives and beneficiaries.

(3)  Taxes.

     (a)  The Company or a Related Company will assess the requirements
          regarding federal, state and/or local taxes, social insurance, and
          payroll tax withholding obligations (the "Taxes") in connection with
          the Shares awarded under this Agreement, including the presentation of
          this Agreement, the Recipient's acceptance of this Agreement, the
          determination of the Performance Criteria during the Performance
          Period, the award of the restricted Shares on the Grant Date or an
          alternate Grant Date, the release of the Shares, any cash payment
          awarded under this Agreement, or the subsequent disposition or
          transfer of the Shares (the "Potential Tax Events"). The Recipient
          acknowledges that these requirements may change from time to time as
          laws or interpretations change.

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

     (b)  The Recipient shall, on any applicable date corresponding to the
          Potential Tax Events, pay to the Company, or make arrangements
          satisfactory to the Company, regarding payment of all Taxes. The
          Company may require satisfaction of any withholding taxes by retention
          of Shares or the delivery of already owned shares of common stock of
          the Company in accordance with the procedures determined by the
          Director, Executive Compensation. The Company and its Related
          Companies shall have the right to deduct from any payment of any kind
          otherwise due to such Recipient any Taxes with respect to the Shares,
          if any such obligation has not been made by such Recipient.

     (c)  Irrespective of the Company or a Related Company's action or inaction
          with respect to the Taxes, the Recipient hereby acknowledges and
          agrees that the ultimate liability for any and all Taxes is and
          remains the responsibility and liability of the Recipient or the
          Recipient's estate. For Recipients who are International Service
          Associates or other international employees, all Taxes remain the
          Recipient's responsibility, except as expressly provided in the
          Company's International Service Policy and/or Tax Equalization Policy.
          Recipient acknowledges that the Company and any Related Company (i)
          make no representations or undertaking regarding the treatment of any
          Taxes in connection with any Potential Tax Events; and (ii) do not
          commit to structure the terms of the award or any aspect of the
          transfer of the Shares to reduce or eliminate the Recipient's
          liability for Taxes.

(4)  The Recipient hereby agrees that (a) any change, interpretation,
     determination or modification of this Agreement by the Compensation
     Committee shall be final and conclusive for all purposes and on all persons
     including the Company and the Recipient; provided, however, that with
     respect to any amendment or modification of the Plan which affects the
     award of Shares made hereby, the Compensation Committee shall have
     determined that such amendment or modification is in the best interests of
     the Recipient of such award; and (b) this Agreement and the award of Shares
     shall not affect in any way the right of the Recipient's employer to
     terminate or change the employment of the Recipient.

(5)  In the event Recipient engages in a "Prohibited Activity" (as defined
     below), at any time during the term of this Agreement, or within one year
     after termination of Recipient's employment from the Company or any Related
     Company, or within one year after the Release Date, whichever occurs
     latest, the Shares shall be forfeited and, if applicable, any profit or
     gain associated with the Shares shall be forfeited and repaid to the

         Prohibited Activities are:

     (a)  Non-Disparagement - making any statement, written or verbal, in any
          forum or media, or taking any action in disparagement of the Companyor
          any Related Company or affiliate thereof, including but not limited to
          negative references to the Company or its products, services,
          corporate policies, or current or former officers or employees,
          customers, suppliers, or business partners or associates;

     (b)  No Publicity - publishing any opinion, fact, or material, delivering
          any lecture or address, participating in the making of any film, radio
          broadcast or television transmission, or

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

          communicating with any representative of the media relating to
          confidential matters regarding the business or affairs of the Company
          which Recipient was involved with during Recipient's employment;

     (c)  Non-Disclosure of Trade Secrets - failure to hold in confidence all
          Trade Secrets of the Company that came into Recipient's knowledge
          during Recipient's employment by the Company or any Related Company,
          or disclosing, publishing, or making use of at any time such Trade
          Secrets, where the term "Trade Secret" means any technical or
          non-technical data, formula, pattern, compilation, program, device,
          method, technique, drawing, process, financial data, financial plan,
          product plan, list of actual or potential customers or suppliers or
          other information similar to any of the foregoing, which (i) derives
          economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to
          and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons
          who can derive economic value from its disclosure or use, and (ii) is
          the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to
          maintain its secrecy;

     (d)  Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information - failure to hold in
          confidence all Confidential Information of the Company that came into
          Recipient's knowledge during Recipient's employment by the Company or
          any Related Company, or disclosing, publishing, or making use of such
          Confidential Information, where the term "Confidential Information"
          means any data or information, other than Trade Secrets, that is
          valuable to the Company and not generally known to the public or to
          competitors of the Company;

     (e)  Return of Materials - failure of Recipient, in the event of
          Recipient's termination of employment for any reason, promptly to
          deliver to the Company all memoranda, notes, records, manuals or other
          documents, including all copies of such materials and all
          documentation prepared or produced in connection therewith, containing
          Trade Secrets or Confidential Information regarding the Company's
          business, whether made or compiled by Recipient or furnished to
          Recipient by virtue of Recipient's employment with the Company or a
          Related Company, or failure promptly to deliver to the Company all
          vehicles, computers, credit cards, telephones, handheld electronic
          devices, office equipment, and other property furnished to Recipient
          by virtue of Recipient's employment with the Company or a Related

     (f)  Non-Compete - rendering services for any organization which, or
          engaging directly or indirectly in any business which, in the sole
          judgment of the Compensation Committee or the Chief Executive Officer
          of the Company or any senior officer designated by the Compensation
          Committee, is or becomes competitive with the Company;

     (g)  Non-Solicitation - for the first six months following termination of
          employment, soliciting or attempting to solicit for employment for or
          on behalf of any corporation, partnership, or other business entity
          any employee of the Company with whom Recipient had professional
          interaction during the last twelve months of optionee's employment
          with KO; or

     (h)  Violation of Company Policies - violating any written policies of the
          Company or Recipient's employer applicable to Recipient, including
          without limitation the Company's insider trading policy.

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

(6)  If any of the terms of this Agreement may in the opinion of the Company
     conflict or be inconsistent with any applicable law or regulation of any
     governmental agency having jurisdiction, the Company reserves the right to
     modify this Agreement to be consistent with applicable laws or regulations.

(7)  Personal Data. The Recipient understands that his or her employer, the
     Company or a Related Company hold certain personal information about the
     Recipient, including but not limited to his or her name, home address,
     telephone number, date of birth, social security number, salary,
     nationality, job title, and details of all Shares awarded, cancelled,
     vested, unvested, or outstanding (the "personal data"). Certain personal
     data may also constitute "sensitive personal data" within the meaning of
     applicable local law. Such data include but are not limited to the
     information provided above and any changes thereto and other appropriate
     personal and financial data about the Recipient. The Recipient hereby
     provides explicit consent to the Company and any Related Company to process
     any such personal data and sensitive personal data. The Recipient also
     hereby provides explicit consent to the Company and any Related Company to
     transfer any such personal data and sensitive personal data outside the
     country in which the Recipient is employed, and to the United States. The
     legal persons for whom such personal data are intended are the Company and
     any broker company providing services to the Company in connection with the
     administration of the Plan. The Recipient has been informed of his or her
     right of access and correction to his or her personal data by applying to
     the person identified in paragraph 2.

(8)  Additional Consents. The Recipient consents to and acknowledges that:

     (a)  the Plan is discretionary in nature and the Company can amend, cancel
          or terminate it at any time;

     (b)  these awards and any other awards under the Plan are voluntary and
          occasional and do not create any contractual or other right to receive
          future awards or benefits in lieu of any awards, even if similar
          awards have been granted repeatedly in the past;

     (c)  all determinations with respect to any such future awards, including,
          but not limited to, the times when awards are made, the number of
          Shares, and the performance and other conditions attached to the
          awards, will be at the sole discretion of the Company and/or the
          Compensation Committee;

     (d)  participation in this Plan or program is voluntary and may be

     (e)  the value of the Shares and this award is an extraordinary item of
          compensation, which is outside the scope of the Recipient's employment
          contract, if any;

     (f)  the Shares, this award, or any income derived therefrom are a
          potential bonus payment not paid in lieu of any cash salary
          compensation and not part of normal or expected compensation or salary
          for any purposes, including, but not limited to, calculating any
          termination, severance, resignation, redundancy, end of service
          payments, bonuses, long-

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

          service awards, life or accident insurance benefits, pension or
          retirement benefits or similar payments;

     (g)  the future value of the Shares is unknown and cannot be predicted with

     (h)  (for individuals other than employees of the Company) the award has
          been made to the Recipient in his or her status as an employee of his
          or her employer and can in no event be understood or interpreted to
          mean that the Company is his or her employer or that he or she has an
          employment relationship with the Company;

     (i)  no claim or entitlement to compensation or damages arises from the
          termination of this Agreement or diminution in value of the Shares and
          the Recipient irrevocably releases the Company and his or her
          employer, if different from the Company, from any such claim that may

     (j)  participation in the Plan or this Agreement shall not create a right
          to further employment with the Recipient's employer and shall not
          interfere with the ability of the Recipient's employer to terminate
          the Recipient's employment relationship at any time, with or without

     (k)  the Plan and this Agreement set forth the entire understanding between
          the Recipient, the Company, and any Related Company regarding the
          acquisition of the Shares and supercedes all prior oral and written
          agreements pertaining to this award; and

     (l)  if all or any part or application of the provisions of this Agreement
          are held or determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason
          whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction in an action between
          Recipient and the Company, each and all of the other provisions of
          this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

(9)  Governing Law. This Agreement has been made in and shall be construed under
     and in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, USA.

(10) Headings. Paragraph headings are included for convenience and shall not
     affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. --------

                                            THE COCA-COLA COMPANY

                                            BY:      THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE

                                            Authorized Signature

                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

         I have read the above Agreement and hereby accept the above award under
the terms and conditions of this Agreement and I agree to be bound thereby and
by the actions of the Compensation Committee.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recipient ___________________________


                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-

                                   STOCK POWER

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, _________________ hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto
The Coca-Cola Company (the "Company"), a Delaware corporation (FEIN 58-628465),
__________ shares of the Common Stock of the Company, standing in my name on the
books of the Company, represented by Certificate(s) No(s). __________________
herewith, and do hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint any officer or any
duly authorized representative of the Company attorney to transfer the said
stock on the books of the Company with full power of substitution in the



                              -HIGHLY RESTRICTED-