One Financial Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02111

                                                                  June 22, 1998
Dear Shareholder:

         A Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  (Meeting)  of Colonial  Aggressive
Growth Fund (Fund) will be held at 10 a.m. Eastern time on June 30, 1998, at the
offices of Colonial Management Associates,  Inc. (Adviser). Formal notice of the
Meeting appears on the next page,  followed by the proxy statement.  We urge you
to vote your shares by completing  and returning the enclosed  proxy card in the
envelope provided at your earliest convenience.

         At the  Meeting,  you  will be  asked  to  consider  approval  of a new
Management  Agreement  for  the  Fund  which  would  name  Stein  Roe &  Farnham
Incorporated as the Fund's new investment adviser.  After carefully  considering
this proposal, your Fund's Trustees recommend that you vote FOR the proposal. If
the proposal is approved by shareholders, it is anticipated that the name of the
Fund will be changed to Stein Roe Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund.


         We appreciate your participation and prompt response in this matter.


Stephen E. Gibson

                           COLONIAL AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND
                  One Financial Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02111
                                   (617) 426-3750

                              TO BE HELD JUNE 30, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

         A Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  (Meeting)  of Colonial  Aggressive
Growth  Fund  (Fund)  will  be  held  at  the  offices  of  Colonial  Management
Associates,  Inc. (Adviser),  One Financial Center,  Boston,  Massachusetts,  on
Tuesday, June 30, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time, to:

        1.    Approve or  disapprove a new  Management  Agreement  for the Fund
              with Stein Roe & Farnham Incorporated;

        2.    Transact  such other  business as may properly  come before the
              Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                            By order of the Trustees,
                                           Nancy L. Conlin, Secretary
June 22, 1998


                                   PROXY STATEMENT

                                                                   June 22, 1998

      The  Trustees  of the Fund have  called a Special  Meeting  of the  Fund's
shareholders for 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 30, 1998 for the purpose described in
the accompanying  Notice.  The purpose of this Proxy Statement is to provide you
with additional information regarding the proposal to be voted on at the Meeting
and to  request  your  proxy  to vote in  favor  of the  proposal.  By  properly
completing  and  returning  the  enclosed  proxy card,  you will  authorize  the
individuals  named on the card to vote your Fund shares in favor of the proposal
and,  in their  discretion,  on any other  matter to  properly  come  before the
Meeting. No other matters are contemplated at this time. Additional  information
concerning the proxy solicitation and voting process and who is eligible to vote
is  set  forth  below;  Sections  1  and  2,  respectively,  contain  additional
information regarding the matter to be voted on at the Meeting.

Voting; Proxies; Shareholders Entitled to Vote.

      The enclosed proxy,  which was first mailed on June 22, 1998, is solicited
by the Trustees for use at the Meeting.  All properly  executed proxies received
in time for the  Meeting  will be voted as  specified  in the  proxy  or,  if no
specification  is made,  in  favor  of the  proposal  referred  to in the  Proxy
Statement.  The proxy may be  revoked  prior to its  exercise  by a later  dated
proxy, by written  revocation  received by the Secretary or by voting in person.
Solicitation may be made by mail,  telephone,  telegraph,  telecopy and personal
interviews.  Authorization to execute proxies may be obtained by  telephonically
or  electronically  transmitted  instructions.  All costs  associated with proxy
printing, mailing and solicitation will be paid by the Fund.
      Shareholders of record at the close of business on June 12, 1998 will have
one vote for each share held.  On such date,  the Fund had  outstanding  268,708
Class A,  26,771  Class B and  26,771  Class C shares  of  beneficial  interest.
Holders of thirty percent of the shares  outstanding  on such date  constitute a
quorum and must be present in person or  represented by proxy for business to be
transacted at the Meeting.
      As of June 12, 1998,  the  following  shareholder  owned more than 5% of a
class of shares of the Fund and was deemed to control the Fund:

      Name and Address               Number of Shares Owned and Percent of Class
                                        Class A      Class B        Class C
Keyport Life Insurance Company          267,599      26,771        26,771
125 High Street                         99.60%       100%          100%
Boston, MA  02101
      Votes cast by proxy or in person will be counted by persons  appointed  by
the Fund to act as election tellers for the Meeting.  The tellers will count the
total  number of votes cast "for"  approval  of the  proposals  for  purposes of
determining  whether  sufficient  affirmative  votes  have  been  cast.  Where a
shareholder  withholds  authority or abstains,  or the proxy  reflects a "broker
non-vote" (i.e., shares held by brokers or nominees as to which (i) instructions
have not been received from the  beneficial  owners or persons  entitled to vote
and (ii) the broker or nominee  does not have  discretionary  voting  power on a
particular  matter),  the shares will be counted as present and entitled to vote
for  purposes  of  determining  the  presence of a quorum.  Withheld  authority,
abstentions  and broker  non-votes will have the effect of votes against the new
Management Agreement proposal.

      Further  information  concerning  the Fund is contained in its most recent
Annual and/or Semiannual  Reports to shareholders,  which are obtainable free of
charge by writing the Adviser at One Financial  Center,  Boston,  MA 02111 or by
calling 1-800-426-3750, extension 3062.

1.    Approve or Disapprove a New Management Agreement.

a. Description of Proposal.

      The Board of Trustees propose that  shareholders  approve a new Management
Agreement,  in the form set  forth in  Appendix  A,  between  Colonial  Trust VI
(Trust),  on  behalf of the Fund,  and Stein Roe & Farnham  Incorporated  (Stein
Roe).  The new  Management  Agreement is  identical  to the existing  Management
Agreement  except that Stein Roe will assume the role of investment  adviser for
the Fund and will be compensated at an annual rate of 0.60% of average daily net
assets.  The  existing  Management  Agreement,  which was  approved  by the sole
shareholder  of the Fund on March 25, 1996 and most  recently  continued  by the
Board of Trustees  on June 19,  1998,  provides  for a monthly fee at the annual
rate of 0.85% of the Fund's average daily net assets.  If  shareholders  approve
the new Management  Agreement,  the Fund will also enter into an  Administration
Agreement with the Adviser  providing for an  administration  fee payable to the
Adviser at an annual rate of 0.25% of the Fund's  average daily net assets.  The
Adviser has  maintained a voluntary  fee waiver and expense  reimbursement  such
that total operating  expenses  (exclusive of service fees,  distribution  fees,
brokerage commissions,  interest, taxes and extraordinary expenses, if any) have
been limited to 1.30% annually of the Fund's average net assets. If shareholders
approve  the new  Management  Agreement,  the  Adviser  and Stein Roe  intend to
continue  this  voluntary  fee waiver and expense  reimbursement  until  further

      Under the voluntary fee waiver and expense reimbursement, the Fund did not
pay a management  fee for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997, or the semiannual
period  ended   December  31,  1997.  If  the  new   Management   Agreement  and
Administration  Agreement  had been in effect  during the fiscal year ended June
30, 1997, and the semiannual period ended December 31, 1997, the Fund also would
not have paid management and administration expenses.

      The following tables summarize the Fund's transaction  expenses and annual
operating  expenses  for each  class of the  Fund's  shares,  based on  expenses
incurred in the most recent fiscal year:

Shareholder Transaction Expenses(1)(2)
                                            Class A     Class B      Class C
Maximum Initial Sales Charge Imposed on a
Purchase (as a % of offering price)(3)      5.75%       0.00%(4)     0.00%(4)
Maximum Contingent Deferred Sales Charge
(as a % of offering price)(3)               1.00%(5)    5.00%        1.00%

(1)    For  accounts  less than  $1,000 an annual fee of $10 may be  deducted.
(2)    Redemption proceeds exceeding $1,000 sent via federal funds wire will be
       subject to a $7.50 charge per transaction.
(3)    Does not apply to reinvested distributions.
(4)    Because of the 0.75%  distribution  fee applicable to Class B and Class C
       shares,  long-term  Class B and  Class  C  shareholders  may pay  more in
       aggregate sales charges than the maximum  initial sales charge  permitted
       by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. However,  because
       the Fund's Class B shares  automatically  convert to Class A shares after
       approximately 8 years,  this is less likely for Class B shares than for a
       class without a conversion feature.
(5)    Only with respect to any portion of purchases of $1 million to $5 million
       redeemed within  approximately 18 months after purchase.  See "How to Buy
       Shares" in the Fund's Prospectus.

Annual Operating Expenses (as a % of average net assets)
                                            Class A      Class B     Class C
Management fee (after fee waiver)           0.00%        0.00%       0.00%
12b-1 fees                                  0.25         1.00        1.00
Other expenses (after fee waiver)           1.30         1.30        1.30
                                            ----         ----        ----
Total operating expenses                    1.55%        2.30%       2.30%
                                            ====         ====        ====

      The Adviser  has  agreed,  until  further  notice,  to waive fees and bear
certain Fund expenses to the extent that "Total operating  expenses"  (exclusive
of service fees, distribution fees, brokerage commissions,  interest,  taxes and
extraordinary  expenses,  if any) will not exceed  1.30%  annually of the Fund's
average net assets.  Absent such agreement,  the "Management fee" would be 0.85%
for each  Class of  shares,  "Other  expenses"  would be 3.02% for each Class of
shares  and  "Total  operating  expenses"  would be 4.12% for Class A shares and
4.87% for each of Class B and Class C shares.

      The  following  table  shows the  cumulative  expenses  attributable  to a
hypothetical  $1,000  investment  in each  class of  shares  of the Fund for the
periods  specified,  assuming a 5% annual return,  and, unless  otherwise noted,
redemption at period end:

                 Class A                Class B                  Class C
Period:                            (1)         (2)         (1)        (2)
1 year             $ 72         $  73       $  23        $  33      $  23
3 years             104           102          72           72(4)      72
5 years             137           143         123          123        123
10 years            231           245(3)      245(3)       264        264

(1)  Assumes redemption at period end.
(2)  Assumes no redemption.
(3)  Class B shares automatically  convert to Class A shares after approximately
     8 years; therefore, years 9 and 10 reflect Class A shares expenses.
(4)  Class  C  shares  do not  incur  a  contingent  deferred  sales  charge  on
     redemptions made after one year.

      Had the new  Management  Agreement  and  Adminstration  Agreement  been in
effect and assuming the  continuation  of the  voluntary  fee waiver and expense
reimbursement,  the Fund's  annual  operating  expenses for each class of shares
would have been the same as those referenced above.

      The cumulative  expenses  attributable to a hypothetical $1,000 investment
in each class of shares of the Fund for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years,  assuming that the
new  Management  Agreement  and  Administration  Agreement  were in  effect  and
assuming a 5% annual return and the continuation of the voluntary fee waiver and
expense reimbursement, would have been the same as those referenced above.

b. Consideration by the Board of Trustees.

      The Board of  Trustees  met on April 24,  1998 to  consider,  among  other
things,  the  proposed  change in the Fund's  investment  adviser.  The  Adviser
reviewed the proposal with the Board of Trustees at the meeting,  and provided a
rationale  for the  proposed  change.  The  Adviser  stated  that Stein Roe,  an
affiliate of the Adviser,  has expertise and proven performance as an investment
adviser to growth funds.  The Adviser's  "New  Value"(R)  investment  management
style is less  well-suited  to an  aggressive  growth fund like the Fund,  which
seeks capital appreciation as its investment objective.

      The Fund  pursues its  objective  generally  by  investing  a  significant
portion of its assets in securities  of smaller  companies and new issues (stock
market  capitalizations  of between $20 million and $1 billion for smaller-sized
companies and $1 billion to $8 billion for medium-sized companies) with a market
niche or proprietary products which have the potential to grow rapidly.

      Based on the information  provided to the Board of Trustees,  the Board of
Trustees  unanimously  approved the new Management  Agreement and Administration

c. Trustees and Officers and Other Information.

         The following table sets forth certain  information  about the Board of
Trustees of the Fund:

Name        Trustee             Shares Beneficially Owned     Percentage of Fund
(Age)        Since              of Fund at June 12, 1998         Shares Owned
- ----         -----              ------------------------         ------------

Robert J. Birnbaum                        ----                       ----
(69)             1995
Tom Bleasdale                             ----                       ----
(67)             1991
Lora S. Collins                           ----                       ----
(61)             1991
James E. Grinnell                         ----                       ----
(67)             1995
Richard W. Lowry                          ----                       ----
(61)             1995
William E. Mayer (1)                      ----                       ----
(57)             1994
James L. Moody, Jr.                       ----                       ----
(65)             1991
John J. Neuhauser                         ----                       ----
(54)             1991
Robert L. Sullivan                        ----                       ----
(69)             1991

Trustees and officers as a                ----                       ----

(1) Mr. Mayer is an "interested  person," as defined in the  Investment  Company
    Act of 1940 (1940 Act),  because of his  affiliation  with Hambrecht & Quist
    Incorporated (a registered broker-dealer).

      The  following  table sets forth certain  information  about the executive
officers of the Fund:

                   Executive                                    Shares
Name               Officer                                   Beneficially
(Age)               Since                                      Owned and
                                                             Percent of Fund
                                    Office with Fund (1)     at June 12, 1998

  Harold W. Cogger(2)           President                          ----
  (62)               1996
  Stephen E. Gibson(3)          President                          ----
  (45)               1998
  Davey S. Scoon                Vice President                     ----
  (51)               1993
  Timothy J. Jacoby             Treasurer and Chief                ----
  (45)              1996        Financial Officer
  J. Kevin Connaughton          Controller and Chief               ----
  (33)               1998       Accounting Officer
  Nancy L. Conlin               Secretary                          ----
  (44)              1998

(1) Except as otherwise noted,  each individual has held the office indicated or
    other offices in the same company for the last five years.
(2) Retired effective June 18, 1998.
(3) Elected effective June 18, 1998.

d. Information Concerning Stein Roe, the Adviser and their Affiliates.

      Stein Roe,  One South  Wacker  Drive,  Chicago,  Illinois  60606,  acts as
investment  adviser  to the  Stein  Roe  Mutual  Funds as well as  mutual  funds
sponsored by affiliated and  unaffiliated  companies.  Stein Roe and the Adviser
are each wholly-owned indirect subsidiaries of Liberty Financial Companies, Inc.
(Liberty  Financial).  Liberty  Financial is an indirect  subsidiary  of Liberty
Mutual Insurance  Company (Liberty  Mutual).  Liberty Financial is a diversified
and  integrated  asset  management  organization  which  provides  insurance and
investment  products to individuals and  institutions.  Its principal  executive
offices are located at 600 Atlantic Avenue,  24th Floor,  Boston,  Massachusetts
02210. Liberty Mutual is an underwriter of workers' compensation insurance and a
Massachusetts-chartered  mutual  property and casualty  insurance  company.  The
principal  business  activities  of  Liberty  Mutual's  subsidiaries  other than
Liberty Financial are property-casualty  insurance,  insurance services and life
insurance  (including group life and health insurance products) marketed through
its own sales force. Liberty Mutual's principal executive offices are located at
175 Berkeley Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02117. Liberty Mutual is deemed to be
the controlling entity of Stein Roe, the Adviser and their affiliates.

      Stein Roe and its  predecessor  have been  providing  investment  advisory
services  since  1932.   Stein  Roe  acts  as  investment   adviser  to  wealthy
individuals,   trustees,   pension   and  profit   sharing   plans,   charitable
organizations and other institutional  investors. As of December 31, 1997, Stein
Roe managed over $27.5 billion in assets: over $9.8 billion in equities and over
$17.7 billion in  fixed-income  securities  (including $1.7 billion in municipal
securities). The $27.5 billion in managed assets included over $7.1 billion held
by open-end mutual funds managed by Stein Roe  (approximately  15% of the mutual
fund assets were held by clients of Stein Roe). These mutual funds were owned by
over 268,000 shareholders.  The $7.1 billion in mutual fund assets included over
$714 million in over 41,000 Individual  Retirement  Accounts (IRAs). In managing
those assets, Stein Roe utilizes a proprietary computer-based information system
that  maintains  and  regularly  updates  information  for  approximately  9,000
companies.  Stein Roe also monitors  over 1,400 issues via a proprietary  credit
analysis system.  At December 31, 1997, Stein Roe employed 18 research  analysts
and 55 account  managers.  The average  investment-related  experience  of these
individuals was 24 years.

     The  directors of Stein Roe are Harold W. Cogger,  Kenneth R.  Leibler,  C.
Allen Merritt,  Jr.,  Thomas W. Butch and Hans P. Ziegler.  Mr. Cogger serves as
Chairman of the Board of The Colonial  Group,  Inc. and of the Adviser and as an
Executive  Vice  President of Liberty  Financial;  Mr.  Leibler is President and
Chief  Executive  Officer of Liberty  Financial;  Mr. Merritt is Chief Operating
Officer of Liberty Financial; Mr. Butch is President of Stein Roe's Mutual Funds
division  and Senior  Vice  President  of Liberty  Financial  Investments,  Inc.
(Distributor);  and Mr.  Ziegler is Chief  Executive  Officer of Stein Roe.  The
business address of Messrs.  Cogger, Leibler and Merritt is 600 Atlantic Avenue,
Federal Reserve Plaza , Boston,  Massachusetts  02210; that of Messrs. Butch and
Ziegler is One South Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606.

     The directors of the Adviser are Harold W. Cogger, Stephen E. Gibson, Davey
S. Scoon and Nancy L. Conlin.  Mr. Gibson is the principal  executive officer of
the  Adviser.  The  principal  occupations  of the  Adviser's  directors  are as
officers and directors of the Adviser and certain of its affiliates. The address
of the  directors  and officers of the Adviser,  other than Mr.  Cogger,  is One
Financial Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02111.

      Compensation  under the existing and new Management  Agreements is subject
to  reduction to the extent that in any year the expenses of the Fund exceed the
limits on  investment  company  expenses  imposed by any  statute or  regulatory
authority  of any  jurisdiction  in which shares of the Fund are  qualified  for
offer and sale. No such limits are currently in effect.

      The existing and new Management  Agreements  provide that,  subject to the
Board of Trustees' supervision,  the Adviser or Stein Roe will manage the assets
of the Fund in  accordance  with its  Prospectus  and  Statement  of  Additional
Information, purchase and sell securities and other investments on behalf of the
Fund and report results to the Board of Trustees periodically.  The existing and
new Management  Agreements also require the Adviser or Stein Roe to furnish,  at
their  expense  (a)  office  space,  supplies,  facilities  and  equipment;  (b)
executive and other  personnel  for managing the affairs of the Fund  (excluding
custodial,  transfer agency,  pricing and certain record keeping services);  and
(c)  compensation  to Trustees who are  directors,  officers of employees or the
Adviser or Stein Roe or their affiliates.

      The existing and new  Management  Agreements may be terminated at any time
by the  Adviser or Stein Roe,  by the Board of Trustees or by vote of a majority
of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund without  penalty on 60 days'
written notice; shall automatically terminate upon any assignment; and otherwise
shall continue in effect from year to year if approved annually (1) by the Board
of Trustees or by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the
Fund and (2) by a majority of the Trustees who are not  "interested"  persons as
defined under the 1940 Act.

      If the new Management Agreement is approved,  the Adviser will provide the
Fund with certain administrative services and generally oversee the operation of
the Fund.  The Fund will pay the  Adviser a monthly  fee at the  annual  rate of
0.25% of the Fund's average daily net assets for these services.

      The Adviser provides bookkeeping and pricing services to the Fund pursuant
to a separate Pricing and Bookkeeping  Agreement under which the Adviser is paid
a monthly fee of $2,250 for the first $50 million of the Fund's net assets, plus
a monthly percentage fee at the following annual rates:  0.035% on the next $950
million;  0.025%  on the next $1  billion;  0.015% on the next $1  billion;  and
0.001% on the excess over $3 billion of the average daily net assets of the Fund
for such month.  For these  services and before the voluntary fee reduction then
in effect,  the Fund paid the Adviser $27,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30,

      Colonial Investors Service Center,  Inc. (Transfer Agent), an affiliate of
the  Adviser  and Stein Roe,  serves as the  Fund's  shareholder  servicing  and
transfer  agent.  The Transfer  Agent is paid a monthly fee of 0.25% annually of
the Fund's  average daily net assets plus certain  out-of-pocket  expenses.  For
these services and before the voluntary fee reduction  then in effect,  the Fund
paid the  Transfer  Agent  $9,000  for the  fiscal  year  ended  June 30,  1997.
Effective  October 1, 1997, the fee began to be reduced so that after  September
30,  1998,  the fee will be at the annual  rate of 0.236% of the Fund's  average
daily net assets plus certain out-of-pocket expenses.

      The  Distributor,  a subsidiary of the Adviser,  serves as the distributor
for the Fund's shares.  For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997, the Distributor
did not retain any net  underwriting  discounts  on sales of the Fund's  Class A
shares, nor did it receive any contingent  deferred sales charges on Class B and
Class C share  redemptions.  The Distributor is paid a monthly service fee at an
annual rate of 0.25% of the Fund's net assets  attributable  to Class A, Class B
and Class C shares. The Fund also pays the Distributor a monthly fee of 0.75% of
the  average  daily net  assets  attributed  to the  Fund's  Class B and Class C
shares. For these services, the Fund paid the Distributor service fees of $9,000
and  distribution  fees  applicable to Class B and Class C shares of $ 2,000 and
$2,000 , respectively, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997.

      In addition to the fees described above, the Fund pays all of its expenses
not assumed by the Adviser,  which may  include,  without  limitation,  fees and
expenses  of  the  Independent  Trustees,  interest  charges,  taxes,  brokerage
commissions,  expenses of issue or  redemption  of shares,  fees and expenses of
registering and qualifying shares of the Fund for distribution under federal and
state laws and regulations,  custodial, auditing and legal expenses, expenses of
providing  reports  to  shareholders,  expenses  of  meetings  of  shareholders,
expenses of printing and mailing  prospectuses,  proxy statements and proxies to
existing  shareholders,  and its proportionate  share of insurance  premiums and
professional association dues or assessments. With respect to Colonial Trust VI,
all general Trust expenses are allocated among and charged to the assets of each
fund in the Trust,  including  the Fund,  on a basis that the Board of  Trustees
deems fair and equitable,  which may be based on the relative net assets of such
funds or the nature of the services performed and relative  applicability of the
services  to each fund.  Each fund also is  responsible  for such  non-recurring
expenses as may arise,  including  litigation  in which the fund may be a party,
and other expenses as determined by the Board of Trustees. Each fund may have an
obligation to indemnify its officer and Trustees with respect to litigation.

e. Other Funds Managed by Stein Roe.

      In  addition to the  proposed  services to be provided by Stein Roe to the
Fund,  Stein Roe also provides  management  and other services and facilities to
other investment companies with different  investment  objectives than the Fund.
Information  with respect to the assets of and management  fees payable to Stein
Roe by the funds having investment  objectives  similar to those of the Fund, is
set forth below:

                                     Total                    Annual
                                 Net Assets at            Management Fee
                                 May 29, 1998             as % of Average
Funds                           (in thousands)           Daily Net Assets

                                                  0.75% up to $500 million,
Stein Roe Investment                              0.70% of next $500 million,
Trust--Stein Roe Growth                           0.65% of next $500 million,
Opportunities Fund                $  59,304       0.60% thereafter

                                                  0.75% up to $500 million,
Stein Roe Investment                              0.70% of next $500 million,
Trust--Stein Roe Capital                          0.65% of next $500 million,
Opportunities Fund                  916,347       0.60% thereafter

                                                  0.75% up to $500 million,
                                                  0.70% of next $500 million,
SR&F Base Trust--SR&F Special                     0.65% of next $500 million,
Portfolio                          1,279,351      0.60% thereafter

SR&F Base Trust--SR&F Special
Venture Portfolio                   209,418       0.75%

SteinRoe Variable Investment
Trust--Stein Roe Special
Venture Fund                        183,132       0.50%

Investors Mark Series
Fund--Small Cap Equity
Portfolio                            1,956        0.95%

American Skandia Trust -
Stein Roe Venture Fund               4,236        0.95%

f. Required Vote.

      Approval of the new Management Agreement will require the affirmative vote
of a "majority of the outstanding  voting securities" of the Fund (as defined in
the 1940 Act),  which means the affirmative  vote of the lesser of (1) more than
50% of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund or (2) 67% or more of the  shares of
the Fund  present at the Meeting if more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of
the Fund are represented at the Meeting in person or by proxy.

      The Trustees unanimously recommend that shareholders of the Fund vote to
approve the new Management Agreement.

2. Other Matters and Discretion of Attorneys Named in the Proxy.

      As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  only the  business  mentioned in
Item 1 of the Notice of the  Meeting is  contemplated  to be  presented.  If any
procedural or other matters properly come before the Meeting, the enclosed proxy
shall be voted in accordance with the best judgment of the proxy holder(s).

      If a quorum of shareholders (thirty percent of the shares entitled to vote
at the Meeting) is not represented at the Meeting or at any adjournment thereof,
or, even though a quorum is so represented,  if sufficient votes in favor of the
Item set forth in the Notice of the Meeting are not  received by June 30,  1998,
the persons named as proxies may propose one or more adjournments of the Meeting
for a period  or  periods  of not more than  ninety  days in the  aggregate  and
further  solicitation  of  proxies  may be  made.  Any such  adjournment  may be
effected by a majority of the votes  properly  cast in person or by proxy on the
question  at the session of the Meeting to be  adjourned.  The persons  named as
proxies  will vote in favor of such  adjournment  those  proxies  which they are
entitled  to vote in favor of the Items set forth in the Notice of the  Meeting.
They will vote against any such  adjournment  those proxies required to be voted
against the Item.

      The Trust's  Agreement  and  Declaration  of Trust does not provide for an
annual meeting of shareholders. Shareholder proposals for inclusion in the proxy
statement  for any  subsequent  meeting  must be  received  by the Fund within a
reasonable period of time prior to such meeting.

      Shareholders are urged to vote, sign and mail their proxies immediately.

                                     APPENDIX A

                                MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

AGREEMENT dated as of July 1, 1998,  between  COLONIAL TRUST VI, a Massachusetts
business trust (Trust),  with respect to STEIN ROE ADVISOR SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
(Fund),  and STEIN ROE & FARNHAM  INCORPORATED,  a Delaware  corporation  (Stein

In  consideration  of the promises and  covenants  herein,  the parties agree as

1.     Stein  Roe  will  manage  the  investment  of the  assets  of the Fund in
       accordance  with its prospectus  and statement of additional  information
       and will  perform  the other  services  herein set forth,  subject to the
       supervision of the Board of Trustees of the Trust. Stein Roe may delegate
       to an  affiliate  the  responsibility  for  placing  orders to effect the
       investment of the Fund's available cash pursuant to written  instructions
       of Stein Roe.

2. In carrying out its investment management obligations, Stein Roe shall:

      (a) evaluate such  economic,  statistical  and financial  information  and
      undertake  such  investment  research as it shall believe  advisable;  (b)
      purchase  and  sell  securities  and  other  investments  for the  Fund in
      accordance  with the procedures  described in its prospectus and statement
      of additional information; and (c) report results to the Board of Trustees
      of the Trust.

3.     Stein Roe shall be free to render  similar  services to others so long as
       its services hereunder are not impaired thereby.

4.     The Fund shall pay Stein Roe monthly a fee at the annual rate of 0.60% of
       the average daily net assets of the Fund.

5.     Stein Roe may waive its  compensation  (and bear expenses of the Fund) to
       the extent that expenses of the Fund exceed any expense  limitation Stein
       Roe declares to be effective.

6.    This Agreement shall become effective as of the date of its execution, and

      (a) unless otherwise  terminated,  shall continue until two years from its
      date of  execution  and from year to year  thereafter  so long as approved
      annually in accordance  with the 1940 Act; (b) may be  terminated  without
      penalty on sixty days'  written  notice to Stein Roe either by vote of the
      Board of Trustees of the Trust or by vote of a majority of the outstanding
      shares of the Fund; (c) shall automatically  terminate in the event of its
      assignment;  and (d) may be  terminated  without  penalty  by Stein Roe on
      sixty days' written notice to the Trust.

7. This Agreement may be amended in accordance with the 1940 Act.

8.     For the  purpose of the  Agreement,  the terms "vote of a majority of the
       outstanding  shares",  "affiliated  person" and  "assignment"  shall have
       their  respective  meanings  defined in the 1940 Act and  exemptions  and
       interpretations  issued by the Securities and Exchange  Commission  under
       the 1940 Act.

9.     Stein Roe shall  maintain,  keep  current  and  preserve on behalf of the
       Fund, in the manner required by the 1940 Act,  records  identified by the
       Trust from time to time. Stein Roe agrees to make such records  available
       upon request to the Trust and its auditors during regular  business hours
       at Stein Roe's  offices.  Stein Roe further  agrees that such records are
       the property of the Trust and will be  surrendered  to the Trust promptly
       upon request.

10.   The Fund may use the name "Stein Roe  Advisor,"  or any other name derived
      from the name  "Stein  Roe,"  only  for so long as this  Agreement  or any
      extension,  renewal, or amendment hereof remains in effect,  including any
      similar  agreement with any organization  that shall have succeeded to the
      business  of Stein Roe,  so long as such  organization  is a  majority  or
      greater owned  subsidiary  of Liberty  Financial  Companies,  Inc. At such
      time as this Agreement or any extension,  renewal or amendment  hereof, or
      each such other similar successor  organization  agreement shall no longer
      be in effect,  the Fund will cease to use any name  derived  from the name
      "Stein Roe," any name similar  thereto,  or any other name indicating that
      it is  advised by or  otherwise  connected  with  Stein  Roe,  or with any
      organization  which  shall  have  succeeded  Stein  Roe's  business  as an
      investment adviser.

11.    In the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence on
       the part of Stein Roe,  or  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and
       duties hereunder,  Stein Roe shall not be subject to any liability to the
       Trust or the Fund, to any  shareholder of the Trust or the Fund or to any
       other person, firm or organization, for any act or omission in the course
       of, or connected with, rendering services hereunder.

COLONIAL TRUST VI on behalf of                 STEIN ROE & FARNHAM

By:  __________________________             By:  ____________________________
     Title:                                      Title:

A copy of the document establishing the Trust is filed with the Secretary of The
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts.  This  Agreement is executed by officers not as
individuals  and  is  not  binding  upon  any  of  the  Trustees,   officers  or
shareholders of the Trust individually but only upon the assets of the Fund.

                              PLEASE VOTE PROMPTLY

Your vote is  important,  no matter how many shares you own.  Please vote on the
reverse side of this proxy card and sign in the space(s)  provided.  Return your
completed proxy card in the enclosed envelope today.

You may receive additional proxies for other accounts. These are not duplicates;
you  should  sign and  return  each  proxy  card in order  for your  votes to be

This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Trustees.  The signers of this
proxy hereby appoint Nancy L. Conlin and William J. Ballou, each of them proxies
of the signers, with power of substitution to vote at the

Special Meeting of Shareholders of Colonial  Aggressive  Growth Fund, to be held
at Boston, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, June 30, 1998, and at any adjournments, as
specified  herein,  and in accordance  with their best  judgement,  on any other
business that may properly come before this meeting.

After careful review,  the Board of Trustees  unanimously has recommended a vote
"FOR" all matters.
Colonial Investors Service Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 1722
Boston, Massachusetts 02105-1722
Please Read Both Sides of This Card

This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
and, absent direction,  will be voted FOR Item 1 below. This proxy will be voted
in accordance with the holder's best judgement as to any other matter.

Approve or disapprove a new Management
Agreement for the Fund with
Stein Roe & Farnham Incorporated. (Item 1 of the Notice)

For                      Against                        Abstain
 --                          --                                 --
|  |                        |  |                               |  |
 --                          --                                 --
Please sign exactly as name or names  appear  hereon.  Joint owners  should each
sign personally. When signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or
guardian,  please  give full title as such.  If a  corporation,  please  sign in
corporate  name by  President or other  authorized  officer.  If a  partnership,
please sign in partnership name by authorized person.
Mark Box at Right for Address Change and Note Below |__|



- ------------------                 ------------------
Shareholder sign here              Co-owner sign here