WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

        Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                   For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1997

         A. Full title of the plan and address of the plan,  if  different  from
that of the issuer named below:

                                  COMARCO, Inc.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN

         B. Name of issuer of the  securities  held pursuant to the plan and the
address of its principal executive office:

                                  COMARCO, Inc.
                       22800 Savi Ranch Parkway, Suite 214
                              Yorba Linda, CA 92887

                                  COMARCO, INC.

                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                       (Including Supplemental Schedules)

                           December 31, 1997 and 1996

                   (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)

                                  COMARCO, INC.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN

                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                           AND SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES


 Independent Auditors' Report                                             4

 Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
   as of December 31, 1997 and 1996                                       5

 Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan
   Benefits for the Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995          6

 Notes to Financial Statements                                            7


 Schedule 1 - Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment          14
              Purposes As of December 31, 1997
 Schedule 2 - Item 27b - Schedule of Loans or Fixed Income 
              Obligations Year Ended December 31, 1997                   15
 Schedule 3 - Item 27d- Schedule of Reportable Transactions
              Year Ended December 31, 1997                               16

The additional schedules required under the Employee Retirement Income  Security
Act of 1974 and regulations issued by the Department of Labor are not  presented
because they are not applicable or are not a required disclosure.

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

     The Board of Directors
     COMARCO, Inc.:

     We have audited the  accompanying  statements  of net assets  available for
     plan benefits of the COMARCO, Inc. Savings and Retirement Plan (the "Plan")
     as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related  statements of changes in
     net  assets  available  for  plan  benefits  for  each of the  years in the
     three-year  period ended December 31, 1997. These financial  statements are
     the  responsibility  of the Plan's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to
     express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

     We conducted  our audits in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
     standards.  Those  standards  require that we plan and perform the audit to
     obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
     of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
     evidence   supporting   the  amounts  and   disclosures  in  the  financial
     statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used
     and  significant  estimates made by  management,  as well as evaluating the
     overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We  believe  that our  audits
     provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
     in all material respects, the net assets available for plan benefits of the
     Plan as of  December  31,  1997 and 1996,  and the  changes  in net  assets
     available for plan benefits for each of the years in the three-year  period
     ended December 31, 1997, in conformity with generally  accepted  accounting

     Our audits of the Plan's  financial  statements as of December 31, 1997 and
     1996, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31,
     1997 were made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial
     statements taken as a whole. The supplemental  schedules of Assets Held for
     Investment  Purposes, Loans   or Fixed  Income  Obligations and  Reportable
     Transactions  are  presented  for the purpose of  additional  analysis  and
     are not a required part of the basic financial statements,  but are supple-
     mentary  information  required  by  the  Department  of  Labor's Rules  and
     Regulations  for Reporting and  Disclosure  under the  Employee  Retirement
     Income Security Act of 1974. The supplemental schedules have been subjected
     to  the auditing  procedures  applied in the audits of the  basic financial
     statements,  and,  in  our  opinion,  are  fairly stated  in  all  material
     respects in relation  to the  basic  financial statements taken as a whole.

                                               KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

     McLean, Virginia
     June 18, 1998

                                  COMARCO, INC.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN


                           December 31, 1997 and 1996

                                                                    1997                    1996
                                                                    ----                    ----

     Cash and cash equivalents (Note 4)                        $    19,000              $    27,000

     Investment in 193,044 shares in 1997 and
     203,836 shares in 1996 of COMARCO common
     stock, at fair value  (Note 4)                              4,247,000                3,720,000

     Investment in mutual funds, at fair value (Note 4)
          CGCM Small Cap Growth Fund                             2,623,000                2,195,000
          CGCM Large Cap Growth Fund                             2,760,000                1,963,000
          CGCM Large Cap Value Fund                              3,031,000                2,303,000
          CGCM International Fund                                1,258,000                1,238,000
          CGCM Long Term Bond                                    1,006,000                  776,000
          CGCM Stable Value Fund                                 2,944,000                2,450,000
          CGCM Emerging Market Fund                                 22,000                        -
                                                                ----------               ----------

                 Total Investment in Mutual Funds               13,644,000               10,925,000

     Investment in investment contracts,
     at contract value (Notes 4 and 5)                                   -                  629,000

     Participant Loans                                             355,000                  314,000
                                                                ----------               ----------

         Total Assets                                           18,265,000               15,615,000


     Fees payable (Note 7)                                               -                        -
                                                                ----------               ----------

     Net assets available for plan benefits                    $18,265,000              $15,615,000
                                                                ==========               ==========

     See accompanying notes to the financial statements.

                                  COMARCO, INC.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN


                  Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995

                                                           1997              1996             1995
                                                           ----              ----             ----
     Net assets available for plan benefits,
       beginning of year                              $ 15,615,000       $ 12,274,000     $ 11,157,000
                                                        ----------         ----------       ----------

         Employer                                          602,000            526,000          599,000
         Employee                                        1,569,000          1,326,000        1,498,000

       Rollovers (Note 3)                                   96,000          1,100,000                -
       Interest and dividends                              127,000            215,000          164,000
       Realized and unrealized appreciation
           of investments                                2,445,000          1,732,000        2,571,000
                                                        ----------         ----------       ----------

           Total additions                               4,839,000          4,899,000        4,832,000
                                                        ----------         ----------       ----------

       Plan distributions                                2,082,000          1,441,000        2,571,000
       Transfer of shares to Employee Stock
           Ownership Plan (Note 3)                               -                  -        1,078,000
       Realized and unrealized depreciation
          of investments                                    12,000             38,000                -
       Administrative expenses (Note 7)                     95,000             79,000           66,000
                                                        ----------         ----------       ----------

       Total deductions                                  2,189,000          1,558,000        3,715,000
                                                        ----------         ----------       ----------

     Net assets available for plan benefits,
           end of year                                $ 18,265,000       $ 15,615,000     $ 12,274,000
                                                       ===========         ==========       ==========

     See accompanying notes to the financial statements.

                                  COMARCO, INC.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                        December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995

     1.  Description of the Plan

     The following  description of the COMARCO, Inc. Savings and Retirement Plan
     (Plan) provides only general information.  Participants should refer to the
     Plan agreement for a more complete description of the Plan's provisions.

          General.   The  Plan  is  a   defined   contribution   plan   covering
          substantially all full-time employees of COMARCO,  Inc. ("the Company"
          or "the Plan Sponsor") who have three months of service and are age 18
          or older.  It is subject to the provisions of the Employee  Retirement
          Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

          Contributions. Employee contributions to the Plan may range from 1% to
          15% of  eligible  earnings.  Employees  at one  Company  location  are
          permitted to contribute up to 20%. The Company contributes 100% of the
          first 3% of earnings that a participant  contributes  to the Plan. All
          forfeitures of terminated  participants'  non-vested accounts are used
          to  offset  Plan  expenses.  In  addition,  the  Company  may,  at its
          discretion, make an additional contribution each year to the Plan.

          Participant Accounts.  Each participant's account is credited with the
          participant's  contribution  and the Company's  matching  contribution
          plus  Plan  earnings  less  Plan  expenses  not  paid by the  Company.
          Allocations are based on participant earnings or account balances,  as
          defined. The benefit to which a participant is entitled is the benefit
          that can be provided from the participant's  account.  At December 31,
          1997 and 1996, 709 and 764 participants,  respectively,  had assets in
          the Plan.

          Loans.  Effective  January 1, 1995, the Plan permits  participants  to
          obtain  loans  from their  account  balances,  subject to certain  IRS
          limitations. The loans are repaid over fixed time periods.

          Vesting.  Participants  are  vested  at all  times in their  voluntary
          contributions  and, in certain  circumstances,  the  matching  Company
          contributions  plus actual  earnings  thereon.  Company  contributions
          generally  vest over a 7 year graded vesting  schedule.  Exceptions to
          this graded vesting are the Company  contributions  which are invested
          in the Company's  Stock-100 Fund,  which are immediately  100% vested.
          (The  Stock  100  Fund  is no  longer  an  investment  option  for the

          Payment of Benefits.  On  termination  of service,  a participant  may
          elect to receive either a lump-sum amount equal to the value of his or
          her  account,  annual  installments,   or  monthly  annuity  payments.
          Participants  with accrued  benefits  greater than $3,500 may elect to
          delay receiving benefits until reaching age 65.

          Investment Options.  Participant contributions to the Plan are made to
          one of the eight  investment  options  (Stable Value,  Long Term Bond,
          Small Cap Growth,  Large Cap Growth,  Large Cap Value,  International,
          Emerging  Markets or Company Stock) as designated by the  participant.
          All investment  options other than COMARCO shares are provided through
          the Smith Barney TRAK program, and consist of fund shares.

     2.  Significant Accounting Policies

                Basis of Accounting - The Plan prepares its financial statements
                on the accrual basis of accounting.

                Payment of Benefits - Benefits are recorded when paid.

                Investment   Valuation  and  Income  Recognition  -  The  Plan's
                investments  are  stated  at  fair  value  in  the  accompanying
                statements of net assets  available for plan benefits except for
                its  investment  in  investment  contracts,  which are valued at
                their respective contract values. Fair value is determined based
                on quoted market prices.  The  difference  between cost and fair
                value of investments is recognized as a realized gain or loss at
                the date of disposition  using the first-in,  first-out  method.
                Purchases and dispositions are recorded on a trade-date basis.

                Use of Estimates - The  preparation  of financial  statements in
                conformity  with  generally   accepted   accounting   principles
                requires  management  to make  estimates  and  assumptions  that
                affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities  and
                disclosure of contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of
                the financial  statements and the reported  amounts of additions
                and deductions during the reporting period. Actual results could
                differ from those estimates.

     3.  Employee Stock Option Plan

     The assets of the Plan prior to January 1, 1995 included  shares of Company
     stock  formerly  held  in  the  Company's  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan
     ("ESOP"),  which were  combined  into the Savings and  Retirement  Plan. In
     1995, the Company  received  approval from the Internal  Revenue Service to
     terminate  the  ESOP,  and   consequently   the  former  ESOP  shares  were
     transferred from the Savings and Retirement Plan back to the ESOP. In 1996,
     the ESOP was terminated and a majority of the participants  elected to roll
     their ESOP shares into the Savings and Retirement Plan.

     4.  Investments

     All amounts  contributed  to the Plan have been  deposited with the Funding
     Agent,  SBS  Trust.  The  following  table  presents  the  fair  values  of
     investments. Investments that represent 5% or more of the Plan's net assets
     are separately identified.

                                                           December 31, 1997                     December 31, 1996
                                                           -----------------                     -----------------
     Identity of Party and                        Shares or              Carrying       Shares or             Carrying
     Description of Asset                         Principal Amount       Amount         Principal Amount      Amount
     ---------------------                        ----------------       ---------      ----------------      --------
     Cash and Cash Equivalents:
     SBS Short Term Investment Fund                                  $   19,000                            $    27,000 

     Guaranteed Investment Contracts: Various                                 -

                      Total Investment Contracts                              -                                629,000

     Mutual Funds:

         CGCM Small Cap Growth Fund                    155,000        2,623,000               134,000        2,195,000
         CGCM Large Cap Growth Fund                    162,000        2,760,000               138,000        1,963,000
         CGCM Large Cap Value Fund                     228,000        3,031,000               188,000        2,303,000
         CGCM International Fund                       126,000        1,258,000               123,000        1,238,000
         CGCM Long Term Bond                           115,000        1,006,000                94,000          776,000
         CGCM Stable Value Fund                        295,000        2,944,000               261,000        2,450,000
         CGCM Emerging Market Fund                       3,000           22,000                             
                                                                      ---------                             ----------

                      Total Mutual Funds                             13,644,000                             10,925,000
                                                                     ----------                             ----------

     Participant Loans                                 355,000                                314,000

     COMARCO common stock                              193,000        4,247,000               204,000        3,720,000
                                                                      ---------                              ---------

                   Total Investments                               $ 18,265,000                           $ 15,615,000
                                                                     ==========                             ==========

     5.  Investment Contracts

     The  Stable  Value  option is a blend of  individual  investment  contracts
     (purchased  by COMARCO  and which all  matured in 1997) and the  Consulting
     Group Capital  Markets (CGCM) Stable Value Fund. The contracts are included
     in the financial  statements at contract  value,  which  approximates  fair
     value.  Contract value  represents  contributions  made under the contract,
     plus earnings,  less administrative  expenses.  Investment contracts in the
     Stable Value Fund are considered fully benefit responsive,  as they provide
     reasonable access to the funds by the Plan's participants, with a liquidity
     guarantee. The average yields earned on guaranteed investment contracts for
     the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996 were 5.1% for both years.

6.  Changes in Net Assets by Investment Program 

The changes in net assets by investment program for the years ended December 31,
1995, 1996, and 1997 are as follows:

                                             Stable Value     Equity Growth     Balanced        Stock                     Long Term
                                                 Fund             Fund            Fund          Fund       International     Bond 
Net assets available for plan benefits                                                                                              
   January 1, 1995                            $4,574,000        $1,265,000     $1,452,000    $3,880,000             $0           $0
     Employer                                   $101,000                $0             $0       $47,000        $69,000      $45,000
     Employee                                   $298,000                $0             $0      $108,000       $207,000     $141,000
   Interest and dividends                        $44,000                $0             $0        $1,000        $15,000      $41,000
   Realized and unrealized appreciation         $138,000                $0             $0    $1,256,000        $80,000      $96,000
      of investments                                                                                                                
 Subtotal                                       $581,000                $0             $0    $1,412,000       $371,000     $323,000
Transfer between funds                       ($1,373,000)      ($1,230,000)   ($1,378,000)    ($944,000)      $671,000     $751,000
   Plan distributions                           $940,000           $35,000        $74,000      $553,000        $88,000     $178,000
   Transfer of shares to Employee Stock                                                                                             
      Ownership Plan (Note 3)                         $0                $0             $0    $1,078,000             $0           $0
   Realized and unrealized depreciation                                                                                             
      of investments                                  $0                $0             $0            $0             $0           $0
   Administrative expenses                            $0                $0             $0            $0         $2,000       $3,000
 Subtotal                                       $940,000           $35,000        $74,000    $1,631,000        $90,000     $181,000
Net assets available for plan benefits                                                                                              
    December 31, 1995                         $2,842,000                $0             $0    $2,717,000       $952,000     $893,000

6.  Changes in Net Assets by Investment Program (table continued)

                                                   Large Cap       Large Cap      Small Cap     Participant    Holding/
                                                    Growth           Value          Growth         Notes        Other        Total
Net assets available for plan benefits
   January 1, 1995                                      $0              $0             $0            $0      ($14,000)   $11,157,000

     Employer                                      $69,000         $71,000        $99,000            $0       $98,000       $599,000

     Employee                                     $213,000        $232,000       $299,000            $0            $0     $1,498,000

   Interest and dividends                           $6,000         $36,000              -        $8,000       $13,000       $164,000

   Realized and unrealized appreciation           $266,000        $343,000       $392,000            $0            $0     $2,571,000
      of investments

 Subtotal                                         $554,000        $682,000       $790,000        $8,000      $111,000     $4,832,000

Transfer between funds                            $936,000      $1,225,000       $927,000      $210,000      $205,000             $0

   Plan distributions                             $212,000        $251,000       $223,000            $0       $17,000     $2,571,000
   Transfer of shares to Employee Stock
      Ownership Plan (Note 3)                           $0              $0             $0            $0            $0     $1,078,000
   Realized and unrealized depreciation
      of investments                                    $0              $0             $0            $0            $0             $0
   Administrative expenses                          $3,000          $4,000         $4,000            $0       $50,000        $66,000

 Subtotal                                         $215,000        $255,000       $227,000            $0       $67,000     $3,715,000

Net assets available for plan benefits
    December 31, 1995                           $1,275,000      $1,652,000     $1,490,000      $218,000      $235,000    $12,274,000

6.  Changes in Net Assets by Investment Program (continued)

                                                   Stable Value      Stock                        Long Term       Large Cap       
                                                       Fund           Fund       International       Bond          Growth         
Net assets available for plan benefits
   January 1, 1996                                 $2,842,000     $2,717,000        $952,000       $893,000      $1,275,000    

     Employer                                         $84,000        $63,000         $82,000        $39,000        $112,000    

     Employee                                        $174,000        $99,000        $183,000        $83,000        $256,000    

     Rollovers                                        $11,000     $1,066,000         $16,000         $1,000          $2,000    

   Interest and dividends                             $53,000             $0         $15,000        $53,000         $11,000    

   Realized and unrealized appreciation              $125,000       $622,000         $39,000             $0        $300,000    
      of investments

Subtotal                                             $447,000     $1,850,000        $335,000       $176,000        $681,000    

Transfer between funds                               $207,000      ($606,000)        $59,000      ($205,000)       $131,000    

   Plan distributions                                $407,000       $241,000        $103,000        $46,000        $117,000    
   Realized and unrealized depreciation
      of investments                                       $0             $0              $0        $38,000              $0    
   Administrative expenses                            $10,000             $0          $5,000         $4,000          $7,000    

Subtotal                                             $417,000       $241,000        $108,000        $88,000        $124,000    

Net assets available for plan benefits
    December 31, 1996                              $3,079,000     $3,720,000      $1,238,000       $776,000      $1,963,000    

6.  Changes in Net Assets by Investment Program (table continued)       

                                              Large Cap        Small Cap     Participant     Holding/                         
                                                Value            Growth         Notes         Other           Total           
Net assets available for plan benefits                                                                                      
   January 1, 1996                              $1,652,000     $1,490,000      $218,000       $235,000      $12,274,000     
     Employer                                      $88,000       $156,000            $0       ($98,000)        $526,000     
     Employee                                     $210,000       $354,000            $0       ($33,000)      $1,326,000     
     Rollovers                                      $1,000         $3,000            $0             $0       $1,100,000     
   Interest and dividends                          $61,000             $0       $22,000             $0         $215,000     
   Realized and unrealized appreciation           $319,000       $325,000            $0         $2,000       $1,732,000     
      of investments                                                                                                        
Subtotal                                          $679,000       $838,000       $22,000      ($129,000)      $4,899,000     
Transfer between funds                            $112,000       $158,000       $88,000        $56,000               $0     
   Plan distributions                             $131,000       $282,000       $14,000       $100,000       $1,441,000     
   Realized and unrealized depreciation                                                                                     
      of investments                                    $0             $0            $0             $0          $38,000     
   Administrative expenses                          $9,000         $9,000            $0        $35,000          $79,000     
Subtotal                                          $140,000       $291,000       $14,000       $135,000       $1,558,000     
Net assets available for plan benefits                                                                                      
    December 31, 1996                           $2,303,000     $2,195,000      $314,000        $27,000      $15,615,000     

6.  Changes in Net Assets by Investment Program (continued)

                                                 Stable Value        Stock                       Emerging    Long Term     Large Cap
                                                     Fund            Fund        International    Markets      Bond         Growth
Net assets available for plan benefits                                                                                           
   January 1, 1997                               $3,079,000      $3,720,000      $1,238,000          $0      $776,000     $1,963,000
     Employer                                       $72,000         $83,000         $65,000      $1,000       $32,000       $120,000
     Employee                                      $180,000        $151,000        $160,000      $3,000       $82,000       $324,000
     Rollovers                                       $6,000         $14,000          $2,000          $0        $3,000        $31,000
   Interest and dividends                           $42,000              $0              $0          $0       $54,000             $0
   Realized and unrealized appreciation            $162,000        $720,000              $0          $0       $57,000       $578,000
      of investments                                                                                                               
 Subtotal                                          $462,000        $968,000        $227,000      $4,000      $228,000     $1,053,000
 Transfer between funds                            $208,000        ($66,000)       ($72,000)    $24,000       $33,000      ($61,000)
    Plan distributions                             $780,000        $370,000        $121,000          $0       $26,000       $180,000
    Realized and unrealized depreciation                                                                                           
       of investments                                    $0              $0          $5,000      $6,000            $0             $0
    Administrative expenses                         $25,000          $5,000          $9,000          $0        $5,000        $16,000
 Subtotal                                          $805,000        $375,000        $135,000      $6,000       $31,000       $196,000
Net assets available for plan benefits                                                                                            
    December 31, 1997                            $2,944,000      $4,247,000      $1,258,000     $22,000    $1,006,000     $2,759,000

6.  Changes in Net Assets by Investment Program (table continued)

                                                   Large Cap      Small Cap     Participant        Holding/
                                                     Value          Growth         Notes             Other           Total
Net assets available for plan benefits
   January 1, 1997                                 $2,303,000     $2,195,000       $314,000         $27,000       $15,615,000

     Employer                                         $90,000       $151,000             $0        ($12,000)         $602,000

     Employee                                        $266,000       $402,000             $0          $1,000        $1,569,000

     Rollovers                                        $24,000        $16,000             $0              $0           $96,000

   Interest and dividends                                  $0             $0        $28,000          $3,000          $127,000

   Realized and unrealized appreciation              $704,000       $224,000             $0              $0        $2,445,000
      of investments

 Subtotal                                          $1,084,000       $793,000        $28,000         ($8,000)       $4,839,000

 Transfer between funds                              ($12,000)     ($129,000)       $80,000         ($5,000)               $0

    Plan distributions                               $329,000       $216,000        $67,000         ($7,000)       $2,082,000
    Realized and unrealized depreciation
       of investments                                      $0             $0             $0          $1,000           $12,000
    Administrative expenses                           $15,000        $20,000             $0              $0           $95,000

 Subtotal                                            $344,000       $236,000        $67,000         ($6,000)       $2,189,000

Net assets available for plan benefits
    December 31, 1997                              $3,031,000     $2,623,000       $355,000         $20,000       $18,265,000

     7.  Expenses of the Plan

     The Plan provides that all reasonable expenses for custodial costs and fees
     incurred  for the  benefit  of the  Plan  are to be paid by the Plan to the
     extent  they  are  not  paid  by  the  Company.   Total  Plan  expenses  of
     approximately  $95,000,   $79,000  and  $66,000  in  1997,  1996  and  1995
     respectively,  were paid by the Plan. Plan expenses  accrued as of December
     31, 1997 and 1996 were $0.

     8.  Income Tax Status

     The Internal  Revenue  Service has  determined  and informed the Company by
     letter dated February 9, 1995, that the Plan and related trust are designed
     in accordance with applicable  sections of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
     The  Plan  has been  amended  since  receiving  the  determination  letter.
     However,  the Plan administrator  believes that the Plan is designed and is
     currently being operated in compliance with the applicable  requirements of
     the IRS.

     9.  Plan Termination

     The Company  intends to continue  the plan  indefinitely,  but reserves the
     right at any time to terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA.
     Upon termination of the Plan, a participant's  fund share shall become 100%
     vested  and  shall  become  payable  in  accordance  with the  "payment  of
     benefits" article of the Plan.

     10. Form 5500

     The Form 5500  annual  reports  show  benefits  payable to  terminated  and
     in-service   participants  as  a  liability.   This  liability  amounts  to
     approximately   $13,000  and  $36,000  at  December   31,  1997  and  1996,
     respectively.  At December  31, 1997 and 1996,  no amounts  were payable to
     in-service  employees.  These  benefits  payable to plan  participants  are
     disclosed as components of net assets available for benefits for terminated
     and continuing participants rather than as a liability of the Plan in these
     financial statements.

                                  COMARCO, INC.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN
           Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
                             As of December 31, 1997

    (a)                    (b)                              (c)                                    (d)             (e)
                    Identity of issue,    Description of investment including
                    borrower, lessor      maturity date, rate of interest,                                      Current
                    or similar party      collateral, par or maturity value                      Cost             Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     *              SBS TRUST             Short Term Investment Fund                              19,499         19,499

     *              CGCM                  Consulting Group Cap Mkts Fund 115,443 shares          927,116      1,005,511
                                          of Long Term Bond Investments Fund

     *              CGCM                  Consulting Group Cap Mkts Fund 228,242 shares        2,575,332      3,031,055
                                          of Large Cap Value Equity Investments Fund

     *              CGCM                  Consulting Group Cap Mkts Fund 126,083 shares        1,284,544      1,258,309
                                          of  International Equity Investments Fund

     *              CGCM                  Consulting Group Cap Mkts Fund 2,916 shares             27,226         21,723
                                          of  Emerging Market Equity Investments Fund

     *              CGCM                  Consulting Group Cap Mkts Fund 162,339 shares        2,130,728      2,759,758
                                          of Large Cap Growth Equity Investments Fund

     *              CGCM                  Consulting Group Cap Mkts Fund 155,003 shares        2,488,477      2,622,649
                                          of Small Cap Growth Equity Investments Fund

     *              CGCM                  Consulting Group Cap Mkts Fund 295,056 shares        2,716,259      2,944,657
                                          of Stable Value Investments Fund

     *              COMARCO, Inc.         COMARCO, Inc. common stock                           1,445,426      4,246,968
                                          193,044 shares, quote $22.00

     *              Plan Participants     Participant Loans                                      355,063        355,063
                                          COMARCO, Inc.
                                          Various dates and rates of 9% to 10%                ----------     ---------- 
                                                                                              13,969,720     18,265,192
                                                                                              ==========     ==========

* Party in interest

                                  COMARCO, INC.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN
            Item 27b - Schedule of Loans or Fixed Income Obligations
                          Year Ended December 31, 1997

                        Original        Amount Received             Unpaid              Detailed
    Identity of          Amount         During Reporting           Balance            Description           Amount
      Obligor           of Loan               Year               at Year End             of Loan           Overdue
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hoang, Sonny             29,637               137                   29,500           Personal Loan          29,500
Davis, Deborah           7,600                333                   7,267            Personal Loan          7,267
Reeves, Harry            13,000               397                   12,603           Personal Loan          12,603

                                  COMARCO, INC.
                           SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN
                 Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions
                          Year Ended December 31, 1997

                                                                                                        Cost of Asset
                                                               Purchase      Selling      Cost of     on Transaction      Net Gain
Identity of Party Involved         Description of Asset         Price         Price        Asset           Date           or (Loss)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Smith Barney Trust            RDA Cash Reserve Account        4,410,152       ---         4,410,152        4,410,152        ---
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Small Cap Growth Fund        901,261       ---           901,261          901,261        ---
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Large Cap Growth Fund        891,614       ---           891,614          891,614        ---
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Large Cap Value Fund       1,202,368       ---         1,202,368        1,202,368        ---
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Stable Value Fund          1,524,643       ---         1,524,643        1,524,643        ---


Smith Barney Trust            RDA Cash Reserve Account         ---           4,431,095    4,431,095        4,431,095        ---
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Small Cap Growth Fund       ---             536,638      517,204          517,204       19,434
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Large Cap Growth Fund       ---             485,374      367,535          367,535      117,839
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Large Cap Value Fund        ---             656,423      496,668          496,668      159,755
Smith Barney Trust            CGCM Stable Value Fund           ---           1,184,985    1,087,115        1,087,115       97,870

This  schedule of  reportable  transaction  represents a series of  transactions
involving the same issue during the year ended December 31, 1997,
which  amounts in the  aggregate to more than 5 percent  ($781,000) of the fair
value of total plan assets as of January 1, 1997.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Administrator has duly caused this annual report to be signed by the undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.

                                   COMARCO, Inc. SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT PLAN

                                   Don M. Bailey
                                   President & Chief Executive Officer
                                   COMARCO, Inc.

DATE:      June 18, 1998


                         CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

The Board of Directors

We consent to  incorporation  by reference in the  registration  statement  (No.
33-44943)  on Form S-8 of  COMARCO,  Inc.  of our report  dated  June 18,  1998,
relating to the statements of net assets available for plan benefits of COMARCO,
Inc.  Savings  and  Retirement  Plan as of  December  31,  1997 and 1996 and the
related statements of changes in net assets available for plan benefits for each
of the years in the  three-year  period  ended  December  31, 1997 which  report
appears in the  December  31, 1997 annual  report on Form 11-K of COMARCO,  Inc.
Savings and Retirement Plan.

                                             KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

McLean, Virginia
June 26, 1998