WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

         OF 1934.
         For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997


         ACT OF 1934.
         For the transition period from ____________ to ____________.

Commission file number 2-93265

A.       Full title of the plan and the address of the plan, if different from
         that of the issuer named below:

            Texas-New Mexico Power Company Thrift Plan for Employees
                            4100 International Plaza
                                  P.O. Box 2943
                             Fort Worth, Texas 76113

B.       Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan and the 
         address of its principal executive office.

                              TNP Enterprises, Inc.
                            4100 International Plaza
                                  P.O. Box 2943
                             Fort Worth, Texas 76113

                              REQUIRED INFORMATION

  The following  financial  statements prepared in accordance with the financial
reporting  requirements of ERISA and exhibits are filed for the Texas-New Mexico
Power Company Thrift Plan for Employees:

                       Financial Statements and Schedules

    Report of Independent Public Accountants - Arthur Andersen LLP

    Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits, December 31, 1997, and 1996

    Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits, Years Ended 
       December 31, 1997, and 1996

    Notes to Financial Statements

    Item 27(a) - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes, 
       December 31, 1997

    Item 27(d) - Schedule of Reportable Transactions, Year Ended 
       December 31, 1997


    Consent of Independent Public Accountants - Arthur Andersen LLP


The Plan.  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  administrator  and/or  Thrift  Plan  Committee  has duly caused this annual
report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                    THRIFT PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES

         Date: June 26, 1998

                    By Dennis R. Cash
                    \s\Dennis R. Cash DENNIS R. CASH, as Vice President of  
                    Texas-New Mexico Power Company and as a member of the Thrift
                    Plan Committee

                         TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER COMPANY
                            THRIFT PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES

                              Financial Statements
                        As Of December 31, 1997 And 1996,
                           And Supplemental Schedules,
                             As Of December 31, 1997

                       Together With Report of Independent
                               Public Accountants


To the Trustee and Thrift Plan Committee
Texas-New  Mexico Power Company Thrift
Plan for Employees:

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
of Texas-New  Mexico Power Company  Thrift Plan for Employees (the "Plan") as of
December 31, 1997 and 1996,  and the related  statement of changes in net assets
available for benefits for the years then ended. These financial statements, and
the  supplemental  schedules  referred to below, are the  responsibility  of the
Plan's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an  opinion  on  these
financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable  assurance  that  the  financial  statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the net assets available for benefits of the Plan as of
December  31,  1997 and 1996,  and the changes in its net assets  available  for
benefits  for the years  then  ended,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles.

Our audit was  performed  for the  purpose  of  forming  an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedules of Assets Held
for Investment  Purposes and Reportable  Transactions are presented for purposes
of  additional  analysis  and are not a  required  part of the  basic  financial
statements  but are  supplementary  information  required by the  Department  of
Labor's Rules and  Regulations  for Reporting and Disclosure  under the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The fund information in the statement of
net assets  available  for benefits and the  statements of changes in net assets
available for benefits is presented for purposes of additional  analysis  rather
than to present the net assets  available  for plan  benefits and changes in net
assets available for plan benefits of each fund. The supplemental  schedules and
fund information have been subjected to the auditing  procedures  applied in the
audit of the basic financial  statements and, in our opinion,  are fairly stated
in all material respects in relation to the basic financial  statements taken as
a whole.

                                                             ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Dallas, Texas,
    June 10, 1998

                         Texas-New Mexico Power Company
                            Thrift Plan For Employees

                 Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits
                               As of December 31,

                                                    1997        1996
                                              -------------- ------------                                                  
INVESTMENTS, at fair value:
     TNP Enterprises, Inc. Common Stock Fund  $   41,565,228 $ 38,451,789
     Vanguard Index Trust Fund                    11,201,926    8,647,430
     Nations Prime Fund                            8,740,600    7,698,287
     Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund                5,452,034    4,989,628
     Participants' Notes Receivable                3,466,055    3,784,281
     AIM Constellation Fund                        2,835,867    1,929,197
     Templeton Foreign Fund                        1,183,468      701,737
     Nations Short-Intermediate Government Fund      716,685      309,914
                                                  ----------   ----------
                          Total investments       75,161,863   66,512,263

EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION RECEIVABLE                   999,471      975,897

PARTICIPANTS' CONTRIBUTION RECEIVABLE                 97,227      108,369

CASH                                                    --        112,590
                                                  ----------   ----------

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN BENEFITS        $   76,258,561 $ 67,709,119
                                                  ==========   ==========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
                                      - 2 -

Texas-New Mexico Power Company
Thrift Plan For Employees

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits With Fund Information
As of December 31, 1997
                                                 Enterprises,     Vanguard                   Vanguard    Participants        AIM  
                                                 Inc. Stock      Index Trust    Nations      Wellesley      Notes      Constellation
                                                    Fund           Fund        Prime Fund   Income Fund   Receivable        Fund    
                                                 ------------   -----------   -----------  ------------  ------------  -------------
 Additions to net assets attributed to-
 Investment income-
    Net appreciation (depreciation)
     in fair value of investments                 $ 9,350,807   $ 2,141,351    $     --     $   254,460  $       --     $   (14,467)
    Interest                                          147,295        58,699       360,738        38,261          --          48,101
    Dividends                                            --         100,228          --         279,531          --            --
    Gain (loss) on sale                              (714,760)      343,335          --          39,940          --          54,500
    Other income                                          495         5,149          --         165,469          --         200,770
    Participants                                    1,112,540       522,943       148,110       322,225          --         375,888
    Employer's                                      1,859,995          --            --            --            --            --
    Rollovers                                          55,473        54,849         2,555        35,951          --          22,554
                                                  -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
           Total Additions                         11,811,845     3,226,554       511,403     1,135,837          --         687,346

Deductions from net assets attributed to-
  Benefits paid to participants                     3,266,630     1,205,625     1,729,642       436,457       223,296       216,439
  Administrative expenses                               9,847         2,277         2,048         1,598          --             812
                                                  -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
            Total Deductions                        3,276,477     1,207,902     1,731,690       438,055       223,296       217,251

Net increase (decrease) prior to
   interfund transfers                              8,535,368     2,018,652    (1,220,287)      697,782      (223,296)      470,095
Interfund transfers                                (4,089,186)      735,698     2,286,835      (150,057)         --         379,384
Transfers out of the plan                          (1,114,732)     (222,093)      (45,804)     (172,110)         --         (72,256)
Loan activity - net                                  (218,011)       22,239        21,569        86,791       (94,930)      129,447
Increase/(decrease)in contributions receivable           --            --            --            --            --            --
                                                  -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
NET INCREASE (DECREASE)                             3,113,439     2,554,496     1,042,313       462,406      (318,226)      906,670

  Beginning of year                                38,451,789     8,647,430     7,698,287     4,989,628     3,784,281     1,929,197
                                                  -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
  End of year                                     $41,565,228   $11,201,926   $ 8,740,600   $ 5,452,034   $ 3,466,055   $ 2,835,867
                                                  ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========

                                                  Templeton     Nations Short
                                                   Foreign      Intermediate                Contributions
                                                     Fund      Government Fund     Cash      Receivable       Total
                                                  -----------  ---------------  ----------   -----------   -----------
Additions to net assets attributed to-
  Investment income-
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in
        fair value of investments                $   (94,966)   $     7,826     $      --     $      --     $11,645,011
    Interest                                          11,359         30,350            --            --         694,803
    Dividends                                         32,603           --              --            --         412,362
    Gain (loss) on sale                                1,054            200            --            --        (275,731)
    Other income                                      85,679           --               (12)         --         457,550
    Participants                                     119,891         66,923            --            --       2,668,520
    Employer's                                          --             --              --            --       1,859,995
    Rollovers                                         23,194         14,863            --            --         209,439
                                                 -----------    -----------     -----------   -----------   -----------
           Total Additions                           178,814        120,162             (12)         --      17,671,949
Deductions from net assets attributed to- 
  Benefits paid to participants                       44,665        223,189          46,905          --       7,392,848
  Administrative expenses                                165            128            --            --          16,875
                                                 ===========    ===========     ===========   ===========   ===========
           Total Deductions                           44,830        223,317          46,905          --       7,409,723

Net increase (decrease) prior to
  interfund transfers                                133,984       (103,155)        (46,917)         --      10,262,226
Interfund transfers                                  383,788        507,289         (53,751)         --            --
Transfers out of the plan                            (68,920)       (17,406)           --            --      (1,713,321)
Loan activity - net                                   32,879         20,043             (27)         --            --
Increase/(decrease)in contributions receivable          --             --           (11,895)       12,432           537
                                                 -----------    -----------     -----------   -----------   -----------        
NET INCREASE (DECREASE)                              481,731        406,771        (112,590)       12,432     8,549,442

  Beginning of year                                  701,737        309,914         112,590     1,084,266    67,709,119
                                                 -----------    -----------     -----------   -----------   -----------   
  End of year                                    $ 1,183,468    $   716,685     $     --      $ 1,096,698   $76,258,561
                                                 ===========    ===========     ===========   ===========   ===========      

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement.

                                     - 3 -




                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996

                                          Enterprises,    Vanguard          Nations       Vanguard      Participants        AIM   
                                          Inc. Stock     Index Trust         Prime        Wellesley        Notes       Constellation
                                             Fund           Fund             Fund        Income Fund     Receivable        Fund    
                                         ------------   -------------    ------------   -------------   -------------   -----------
Additions to net assets attributed to-
  Investment income-
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in
      fair value of investments          $ 11,980,962   $   1,221,657    $       --      $     40,928    $       --    $     77,683
     Interest                                 138,355          59,993         436,333          42,803            --          54,821
     Dividends                                   --           157,762            --           197,111            --            --   
     Gain (loss) on sale                    1,996,292         160,135            --           (47,939)           --          39,243
     Other income                               5,020          32,369           1,408          23,293            --          64,009
     Participants                           1,168,255         536,463         152,525         355,901            --         404,259
     Employer's                             1,621,210            --              --              --              --            --   
     Rollovers                                 45,442          25,041          12,756           3,271            --          24,407
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------
              Total Additions              16,955,536       2,193,420         603,022         615,368            --         664,422

Deductions from net assets attributed to-
    Benefits paid to participants           3,617,876         586,664       1,569,503         387,957            --          59,486
    Administrative expenses                    10,196           1,573           4,319           2,165            --             531
    Other distributions                         7,785            --             1,242            --              --            --   
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------
              Total Deductions              3,635,857         588,237       1,575,064         390,122            --          60,017

Net increase (decrease) prior to
  interfund transfers                      13,319,679       1,605,183        (972,042)        225,246            --         604,405
Interfund transfers                        (2,044,929)        447,824         397,148         (78,255)           --         602,249
Loan activity - net                          (828,801)        (61,814)        (90,434)         (2,310)        685,101        78,474
Increase in contributions receivable             --              --              --              --              --            --   
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------
NET INCREASE (DECREASE)                    10,445,949       1,991,193        (665,328)        144,681         685,101     1,285,128

    Beginning of year                      28,005,840       6,656,237       8,363,615       4,844,947       3,099,180       644,069
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------
    End of year                          $ 38,451,789    $  8,647,430    $  7,698,287    $  4,989,628    $  3,784,281   $ 1,929,179
                                         ============    ============    ============    ============    ============   ============

                                            Templeton      Intermediate    
                                             Foreign       Government                    Contributions
                                              Fund             Fund           Cash         Receivable       Total
                                           -----------     ------------   -------------   -----------    ------------   

Additions to net assets attributed to-
  Investment income-
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in
      fair value of investments            $    42,626     $       (491)   $     --       $     --     $ 13,363,365
     Interest                                   14,079           23,046          --             --          769,430
     Dividends                                  16,177             --            --             --          371,050
     Gain (loss) on sale                         7,598           (8,212)         --             --        2,147,117
     Other income                                9,988               28            11           --          136,126
     Participants                              129,793           81,398          --             --        2,828,594
     Employer's                                   --               --            --             --        1,621,210
     Rollovers                                  16,281            1,359          --             --          128,557
                                           -----------      -----------    ----------     ----------   ------------
              Total Additions                  236,542           97,128            11           --       21,365,449

Deductions from net assets attributed to-      
    Benefits paid to participants               12,422          216,159          --             --        6,450,067
    Administrative expenses                         65            1,401          --             --           20,250
    Other distributions                           --               --            --             --            9,027
                                           -----------      -----------     ----------   -----------   ------------
              Total Deductions                  12,487          217,560          --             --        6,479,344

Net increase (decrease) prior to 
  interfund transfers                          224,055         (120,432)           11           --       14,886,150
Interfund transfers                            301,064          274,241       100,658           --             --
Loan activity - net                              9,604            9,558          --             --         (200,622)
Increase in contributions receivable              --               --            --          290,900        290,900
                                           -----------     ------------    ----------    -----------   ------------ 
NET INCREASE (DECREASE)                        534,723          163,367       100,669        290,900     14,976,383

    Beginning of year                          167,014          146,547        11,921        793,366     52,732,736
                                           -----------    -------------    ----------    -----------   ------------
    End of year                            $   701,737          309,914    $  112,590   $  1,084,266   $ 67,709,119
                                           ===========    =============    ==========   ============   ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement.

                                      - 4-


                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


The following  description of the Texas-New Mexico Power Company Thrift Plan for
Employees  (the  "Plan") is provided  for  general  information  purposes  only.
Complete  information  regarding the Plan's  provisions may be found in the plan


The  Plan is a  defined  contribution  retirement  plan  covering  employees  of
Texas-New Mexico Power Company (the "Company"), a wholly owned subsidiary of TNP
Enterprises,  Inc. (TNPE),  who are scheduled to work at least 1,000 hours year.
The Plan is  administered  by NationsBank  of Georgia,  N. A., as trustee and is
subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA) and section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Each year,  participants  may  contribute  between two percent and 12 percent of
their annual pretax compensation,  as defined in the Plan. Participants may also
contribute  amounts  representing  distributions  from other  qualified  defined
benefit or contribution plans.

The Company,  at the discretion of the Company's Board of Directors,  matches 50
percent of eligible  employee  contributions up to the first six percent of each
employees  conpensation.  Additional amounts may be contributed at the option of
the Company's Board of Directors. All employer contributions are invested in the
TNPE Common Stock Fund. All employer and employee  contributions  are subject to
limitations of section 401(k) and 401(m) of the Internal revenue Code.

Effective May 1, 1995, the Company's  Board of Directors  voted to contribute an
additional   incentive   amount  up  to  three  percent  of  eligible   employee
compensation  based on specific  Company  performance  goals.  The Plan  accrued
$963,927  and  $933,739  for 1997 and 1996  respectfully  and paid  $933,739 and
$653,148 in 1997 and 1996 respectfully as a result of meeting these goals. These
amounts are included in employer's  contributions receivable on the statement of
net  assets  available  for  benefits  and in  employer's  contributions  on the
statement of changes in net assets available for benefits, respectively.

Participant Accounts

Each participant's  account is credited with that  participant's  contributions,
allocations of the Company's  matching  contributions  and the pro rata share of
plan earnings. All costs and expenses incurred in administering the Plan, except
for  costs  borne  by  respective   participants  to  originate  and  administer
participant notes receivable, have been paid by the Company.


Participants  are  immediately  fully  vested in all  contributions,  and actual
earnings upon enrollment in the Plan.

Investment Options

Currently,  participants may direct  contributions in one percent  increments in
any of seven investment options:

      TNP Enterprises, Inc. Common Stock Fund - Funds are invested in a unitized
      fund that invests  primarily in the common stock of TNPE with a portion in
      a money market fund for liquidity purposes.


      Vanguard  Index  Trust  Fund - Funds  are  invested  in  equity securities
      designed to replicate the performance of the S&P 500 Stock Index.

      Nations  Prime  Fund  -  Funds  are  invested  in  units  of a  registered
      investment   company  that  invests   primarily   in   commercial   paper,
      certificates  of deposit and other money  market  instruments,  all with a
      maturity of less than thirteen months.

      Vanguard  Wellesley  Income  Fund -  Funds  are  invested  in  units  of a
      registered  investment  company that invests  primarily in various  equity
      security  portfolios that seek to match the performance of distinct market

      AIM  Constellation  Fund - Funds are  invested  in common  stocks  with an
      emphasis on medium-sized and smaller emerging growth companies.

      Templeton  Foreign  Fund - Funds  are  invested  in units of a  registered
      investment company that seeks long-term capital growth through investments
      in equity  securities and debt  obligations  of companies and  governments
      outside the United States.

      Nations Short  Intermediate  Government Fund - Funds are invested in units
      of a registered investment company that invests primarily in U.S. Treasury
      bonds  and   notes,   U.S.   Government   Agency   bonds  and   Government
      mortgage-backed  securities,  all  structured to have an average  weighted
      maturity of less than five years.

Participants may change their investment options daily.

Participants' Notes Receivable

Participants  may borrow  from  their fund  accounts a minimum of $1,000 up to a
maximum equal to the lesser of $50,000 less the highest  outstanding  balance in
the previous 12 months or 50 percent of their account balance. Loan transactions
are  treated  as  a  transfer  to  (from)  an  investment  fund  from  (to)  the
participants' notes receivable. Loan terms range from 6 to 60 months.

The loans are  secured by the  balance  in the  participants'  account  and bear
interest at a rate equal to the NationsBank prime rate on the first business day
of the month in which the loan originated  plus 1 percent.  Interest rates range
from 9.25 percent to 9.5 percent. Principal and interest is paid ratably through
biweekly payroll deductions.  Participants' notes receivable were $3,466,055 and
$3,784,281as of December 31,1997 and 1996, respectively.

Payment of Benefits

Upon  termination of service,  a participant may receive a lump-sum amount equal
to  the  value  of  the  participant's  account.  Upon  retirement  or  death  a
participant or their  beneficiary  receives a lump sum amount equal to the value
of the participants' account or annual installments over a five-year period.


Basis of Accounting

The  accompanying  financial  statements of the Plan are prepared on the accrual
basis of accounting.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the reported  amounts of additions and deductions  during the reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Investment Valuation and Income Recognition

The Plan's investments are stated at fair value. Shares of registered investment
companies  are valued at quoted  market  prices,  which  represent the net asset
value of shares  held by the Plan at  year-end.  The TNPE  Common  Stock Fund is
valued at its quoted  market price along with the quoted  market price of shares
held by money market funds included in the fund.  Participants' notes receivable
are valued at cost, which approximates fair value.

Purchases and sales of securities  are recorded on a trade date basis.  Interest
income is recorded as earned on the accrual basis.  Dividends on common stock of
TNPE are  recorded  on the  ex-dividend  date.  Dividends  on  mutual  funds are
recorded when declared.

Payment of Benefits

Benefits are recorded when paid.

Administration Expenses

The Company pays all administrative expenses of the Plan.

Net Appreciation in Fair Value of Investments

Net  realized  and  unrealized  appreciation  (depreciation)  is recorded in the
accompanying  statements of changes in net assets available for benefits, as net
appreciation  (depreciation)  in fair value of  investments.  Brokerage fees are
added to the  acquisition  costs of assets  purchased  and  subtracted  from the
proceeds of assets sold.


Certain  Plan  investments  are shares of mutual  funds  managed by  NationsBank
Corporation affiliates.  NationsBank of Georgia, N.A., a wholly owned subsidiary
of  NationsBank  Corporation,  is  the  trustee  as  defined  by the  Plan  and,
therefore, qualifies these funds as party-in-interest.


Although  it has not  expressed  any intent to do so, the  Company has the right
under the Plan to  discontinue  contributions  at any time and to terminate  the
Plan  subject  to  the  provisions  of  ERISA.  


As of  December  31,  1996,  the Plan had  $46,906 in pending  distributions  to
participants  who elected to withdraw from the Plan.  These amounts are recorded
as a liability in the Plan's Form 5500; however,  these amounts are not recorded
as a  liability  in the  accompanying  statements  of net assets  available  for
benefits in accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  As of
December 31, 1997, this amount was paid to withdrawing  participants and as such
is included as a reconciling item below.

The  following  table  reconciles  net assets  available  for  benefits  per the
financial  statements  to the Form  5500 as filed by the  Company  for the years
ended December 31, 1997 and 1996:


                                      Benefits Payable                                Net Assets Available
                                      to Participants        Benefits Paid            for Plan Benefits
                                                                                     1997              1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Per financial statements                          $0          $7,389,958         $76,258,561       $67,709,119
1997 amounts pending
 distribution to participants                      0              46,906             (46,906)                0
1996 amounts pending
 distribution to participants                 46,906             (46,906)                  0            46,906
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Per Form 5500                                $46,906          $7,389,958         $76,305,467       $67,662,213

Amounts allocated to withdrawing  participants are recorded on the Form 5500 for
benefit  claims that have been  processed  and  approved  for  payment  prior to
December 31, 1996 and 1997 but not yet paid as of that date.


The Internal  Revenue  Service has determined and informed the Company by letter
dated  December  8,1997,  that  the Plan  and  related  trust  are  designed  in
accordance with applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

Contributions to a participant's account and the related investment earnings are
not  included  in  a  participant's   taxable  income  until  such  amounts  are
distributed to that participant.


The following  investments  represent  investment balances that account for five
percent or more of the total net assets available for benefits:

                                                 1997                    1996
                                             -----------             -----------
TNP Enterprises, Inc. Common Stock Fund      $41,565,228             $38,451,789
Vanguard Index Trust Fund                     11,201,926               8,647,430
Nations Prime Fund                             8,740,600               7,698,287
Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund                 5,452,034               4,989,628


On April 7,1997,  the Company was notified that  NationsBank  will terminate its
trustee  arrangement with the Plan effective  December 31, 1997 as it intends to
no longer pursue that line of business.  Effective  January 1,1998,  the Company
has made trustee  arrangements with The Vanguard Group to administrate the Plan.
Transfer of account  information  from  NationsBank  to The  Vanguard  Group was
successfully completed on February 25, 1998.
Effective January 1, 1997,  Facility Works,  Inc. (a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
TNPE)  employees began  contributing to the Facility Works Inc.  Employee Thrift
Plan  401(k).  In  March  1997,  the  accounts  of all TNMP  employees  who were
transferred to Facility Works Inc., the employee accounts were transfered out of
the Plan and into Facility Works, Inc. Employee Thrift Plan 401(k).




                                               AT DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                 PLAN NUMBER: 002

                                                 EIN: 75-0204070

   (A)                      (B)                                (C)                       (D)               (E)
                                                    Description of Investment
                     Identity of Issue,             Including Maturity Date,
                      Borrower, Lessor            Rate of Interest, Collateral,                          Current
                      or Similar Party                Par or Maturity Value              Cost             Value
- -----------    -------------------------------   --------------------------------   ---------------   --------------

                                                         MUTUAL FUNDS:

    *          TNP Enterprises, Inc.             Common Stock Fund
                                                 1,827,316 units
                                                 (no par value)                      $  21,671,757    $  41,565,228

    *          The Vanguard Group                Vanguard Index Trust Fund
                                                 124,369 units
                                                 (common stock)                          7,206,164       11,201,926

    *          NationsBank                       Nations Prime Fund
                                                 8,740,600 units
                                                 (money market)                          8,740,600        8,740,600

               The Vanguard Group                Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund
                                                 249,407 units
                                                 (common stock and bonds)                4,901,628        5,452,034

               Participants' note receivable     9.25% to 9.50% notes
                                                 receivable due various
                                                 dates within 60 months                      -            3,466,055

               AIM Management Group, Inc.        AIM Constellation Fund
                                                 107,501 units                           2,737,382        2,835,867
                                                 (common stock)

               Franklin Templeton                Templeton Foreign Fund
               Distributors, Inc.                118,942 units
                                                 (foreign stock and debt
                                                 obligations)                            1,247,395        1,183,468

    *          NationsBank                       Nations Short - Intermediate
                                                 Government Fund
                                                 173,953 units
                                                 (goverment bonds, mortgage-
                                                 backed securities, and U.S.
                                                 Treasury obligations)                     711,467          716,685

*    Column (A) indicates each person / entity known to be a party-in-interest.

               This supplemental schedule lists assets held for investment purposes at December 31, 1997,
               as required by the Department of Labor Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure.

                                     - 9 -


                                      ITEM 27d - SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE TRANSACTIONS

                                           FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                     PLAN NUMBER: 002

                                                     EIN: 75-0204070

     (A)                       (B)                     (C)            (D)            (G)            (H)            (I)

   Identity                                                                                      Value Of
      of                                                                                         Asset On
    Party                                           Purchase        Selling        Cost of      Transaction     Net Gain
   Involved           Description of Asset            Price          Price          Asset          Date         or (Loss)
- ---------------   ------------------------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------

NationsBank       TNP Enterprises Stock Fund                -        11,393,957    7,848,998      11,393,957     3,544,959
                                                      5,871,349             -      5,871,349       5,871,349           -

NationsBank       Nations Prime Fund                  4,590,692             -      4,590,692       4,590,692           -
                                                            -         3,548,379    3,548,379       3,548,379           -

Columns  (E) Lease  Rental and (F) Expense  Incurred  with  Transaction  are not
applicable to any reportable transactions.

This supplemental schedule lists individual and series of transactions in excess
of 5% of the fair market  value of Plan assets at the  beginning  of the year as
required by the  Department  of Labor Rules and  Regulations  for  Reporting and

                                     - 10 -


To The Board of Directors of
TNP Enterprises, Inc.
The Trustee and Thrift Plan Committee of
Texas-New Mexico Power Company
Thrift Plan for Employees:

We consent to  incorporation  by reference in the  Registration  Statements (No.
2-93265) and (No.  33-58897) on Form S-8 of TNP Enterprises,  Inc. of our report
dated June  10,1998,  relating  to the  statement  of net assets  available  for
benefits of  Texas-New  Mexico  Power  Company  Thrift Plan for  Employees as of
December  31,1997 and 1996,  and the related  statement of changes in net assets
available  for  benefits  for the  years  then  ended and  related  supplemental
schedules,  which report appears in the December 31,1997,  annual report on Form
11-K of TNP Enterprises, Inc.

                                                             ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Dallas, Texas,
    June 26, 1998


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