MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT
             THIS  AGREEMENT, initially made as of September 3, 1985 and amended
  and  extended from time to time thereafter, is amended and extended as of  May
  15,  1993  by and between COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS, INC.,  a  Delaware
  corporation  which  has elected to qualify as a real estate  investment  trust
  (the  "Company"),  and  COUNTRYWIDE ASSET MANAGEMENT CORPORATION,  a  Delaware
  corporation,  and  its permitted successors and assigns under  this  agreement
  (the "Manager").
             WHEREAS,  the Company has elected to qualify for the  tax  benefits
  accorded  by  Sections 856 to 860 of the Internal Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as
  amended; and
             WHEREAS,  the  Company, directly or through  Subsidiaries,  in  the
  conduct of its business primarily operates a mortgage loan conduit, engages in
  warehouse   lending  and  invests  in  mortgage  loans  and   mortgage-related
  securities  meeting the investment criteria established from time to  time  by
  its Board of Directors; and
             WHEREAS,  the Company desires to retain the Manager to  manage  the
  operations and investments of the Company and its Subsidiaries and to  perform
  administrative  services  for the Company and its Subsidiaries,  each  in  the
  manner and on the terms set forth in this Agreement; and
             WHEREAS, the Company and the Manager wish to amend and extend their
  agreement  originally entered into as of September 3,  1985  for  a  one  year
  period through May 14, 1994;
             NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth
  in this Agreement, the Company and the Manager agree as follows:
             Section  1.     Definitions.  Whenever used in this Agreement,  the
  following  terms,  unless  the  context otherwise  requires,  shall  have  the
  following meanings:
            (a)  "Affiliate" of another person shall mean any person directly or
  indirectly owning, controlling or holding with power to vote, more than 5%  of
  the  outstanding voting securities of such other person; any person 5% or more
  of  whose  outstanding  voting securities are directly  or  indirectly  owned,
  controlled  or  held  with  power to vote by such  other  person;  any  person
  directly  or  indirectly controlling, controlled by or  under  common  control
  with,  such  other person; and any officer, director, partner or  employee  of
  such  other person.  The term "person" includes a natural person, corporation,
  partnership, trust, company or other entity.
             (b)  "Agency Securities" shall mean (i) fully modified pass-through
  mortgage-backed certificates guaranteed as to timely payment of principal  and
  interest  by  the  Governmental National Mortgage Association,  (ii)  mortgage
  participation certificates guaranteed as to payment of interest and  principal
  by  the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and (iii) mortgage pass-through
  certificates guaranteed as to payment of interest and principal by the Federal
  National Mortgage Association.
              (c)   "Agreement"  shall  mean  this  1993  Amended  and  Extended
  Management Agreement.
            (d)  "Average Invested Assets" for any period shall mean the average
  of  the  aggregate book value of the assets of the mortgage conduit operations
  of the Company and its Subsidiaries invested, directly or indirectly, in loans
  secured  by  real  estate (including without limitation whole mortgage  loans,
  retained undivided interests in mortgage loans and Agency Securities, but  not
  including  any whole mortgage loans, retained undivided interests in  mortgage
  loans,  or  Agency Securities pledged to secure the issuance of collateralized
  mortgage obligations or other mortgage collateralized debt or sold in the form
  of mortgage backed securities in transactions entered into by the Company or a
  Subsidiary),  before deduction of reserves for depreciation and  similar  non-
  cash reserves computed by taking the average of such values at the end of each
  calendar month during such period.
             (e)   "Average Net Worth" for any period shall mean the  arithmetic
  average of the Net Worth of the Company at the beginning of such period and at
  the end of each calendar month during such period.
             (f)  "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of  the
             (g)   "CCI"  shall  mean  Countrywide Credit  Industries,  Inc.,  a
  Delaware corporation.
             (h)  "CFC" shall mean Countrywide Funding Corporation, a Subsidiary
  of CCI, and a New York corporation.
             (i)  "CMC" shall mean Countrywide Mortgage Conduit, Inc. a Delaware
             (j)   "Commitment"  shall mean any document  containing  the  terms
  pursuant  to  which  the Company or any Subsidiary agrees  to  purchase  on  a
  forward   basis  any  specified  mortgage  loans,  including  purchases   from
  Affiliates of the Manager.
             (k)   "Consolidated Average Invested Assets" for any  period  shall
  mean  the average of the aggregate book value of the Company determined  on  a
  consolidated basis invested, directly or indirectly, in loans secured by  real
  estate  before  deduction of reserves for depreciation  and  similar  non-cash
  reserves,  computed by taking the average of such values at the  end  of  each
  calendar month during such period.
             (l)  "Governing Instruments" shall mean the articles or certificate
  of incorporation, trust agreement and bylaws of the Company or any Subsidiary,
  as applicable.
            (m)  "Internal Revenue Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of
  1986, as amended.
             (n)   "Loan  Purchase Agreement" shall mean the  1993  Amended  and
  Extended Loan Purchase and Administrative Services Agreement, dated as of  May
  15, 1993, as thereafter amended or supplemented, between the Company and CFC.
             (o)   "Mortgage  Backed Securities" shall mean  the  collateralized
  mortgage  obligations,  mortgage collateralized  debt,  mortgage  pass-through
  securities  including  real  estate  mortgage  investment  conduits  or  other
  mortgage-related  securities issued by the Company  or  a  Subsidiary  of  the
             (p)   "Net  Income"  for  any  period  shall  mean  total  revenues
  applicable  to  such  period,  less the expenses  applicable  to  such  period
  determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
             (q)   "Net  Worth"  at any time shall mean the  sum  of  the  gross
  proceeds  from  any  offerings of equity securities  by  the  Company  (before
  deducting  any underwriting discounts and commissions and other  expenses  and
  costs relating to the offering), plus or minus any retained earnings or losses
  of  the  Company,  computed in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting
            (r)  "Return on Equity" for a period shall be calculated by dividing
  the  Company's Net Income for such period by the Company's Average  Net  Worth
  for such period.
             (s)   "Servicing  Agreement" shall mean an  agreement  between  the
  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  and each seller or servicer  of  mortgage  loans
  purchased  by  the  Company, including CFC, which agreement governs  the  sale
  and/or servicing of such mortgage loans.
             (t)   "Shareholders" shall mean the owners of  the  shares  of  the
             (u)   "Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation, whether now existing
  or  in  the  future established, of which the Company, directly or indirectly,
  owns  more  than  50% of the outstanding voting securities  of  any  class  or
  classes,  any  business  trust, partnership or similar non-corporate  form  in
  which  the  Company,  directly  or indirectly,  owns  more  than  50%  of  the
  beneficial interests and CMC.
             (v)   "Ten  Year  Average Yield" shall mean the  average  yield  to
  maturity  for  actively traded marketable U.S. Treasury  fixed  interest  rate
  securities (adjusted to constant maturities of 10 years).
            (w)  "Ten Year U.S. Treasury Rate" for a quarterly period shall mean
  the  arithmetic  average  of  the weekly per annum  Ten  Year  Average  Yields
  published by the Federal Reserve Board during such quarter.  In the event that
  the Federal Reserve Board does not publish a weekly per annum Ten Year Average
  Yield  during any week in a quarter, then the Ten Year U.S. Treasury Rate  for
  such  week shall be the weekly per annum Ten Year Average Yields published  by
  any  Federal  Reserve  Bank  or by any U.S. Government  department  or  agency
  selected  by  the  Company  for such week.  In  the  event  that  the  Company
  determines in good faith that for any reason the Company cannot determine  the
  Ten  Year U.S. Treasury Rate for any quarter as provided above, then  the  Ten
  Year  U.S.  Treasury Rate for such quarter shall be the arithmetic average  of
  the  per  annum average yields to maturity based upon the daily  closing  bids
  during such quarter for each of the issues of actively traded marketable  U.S.
  Treasury fixed interest rate securities (other than securities which  can,  at
  the  option  of  the holder, be surrendered at face value in  payment  of  any
  federal  estate tax) with a final maturity date not less than eight  nor  more
  than  twelve years from the date of each such quotation, as chosen and  quoted
  for  each  business day (or less frequently if daily quotations shall  not  be
  generally  available) in each such quarterly period in New York  City  to  the
  Company  by  at  least three recognized dealers in U.S. Government  securities
  selected by the Company.
             (x)  "Unaffiliated Directors" shall mean those members of the Board
  of Directors of the Company who are not Affiliates of the Manager.
             Section  2.      General  Duties of the Manager.   Subject  to  the
  supervision  of  the Board of Directors and in accordance with  the  Governing
  Instruments, the Manager shall provide services to the Company and CMC, and to
  the  extent directed by the Board of Directors, shall provide similar services
  to any other Subsidiary of the Company, as follows:
            (a)  conduct the day-to-day mortgage loan conduit, warehouse lending
  and  other  operations  of the Company and CMC as approved  by  the  Board  of
  Directors, including without limitation, the purchase, accumulation, financing
  and  securitization  of  mortgage loans, the establishment  and  financing  of
  warehouse lending facilities, the management of assets and investments and the
  administration thereof; and
             (b)   provide  such reports and analysis to the Board of  Directors
  regarding  the  operating  strategies and  results  of  the  Company  and  its
  Subsidiaries as the Board may reasonably request.
             The  Manager  shall perform its duties and shall  take  actions  on
  behalf  of  the Company and its Subsidiaries consistent with (i) the operating
  policies  and criteria established from time to time by the Board of Directors
  or  any  authorized officer with respect thereto, and (ii) the obligations  of
  the Company and its Subsidiaries under the various agreements to which each is
  a  party.   So  long  as  the Manager is serving as  the  Manager  under  this
  Agreement,  it shall be and remain a Subsidiary of and wholly owned,  directly
  or indirectly, by CCI.
            Section 3.     Additional Activities of Manager.  Except as provided
  in the Letter Agreement between CCI and the Company attached hereto as Exhibit
  A, nothing herein shall prevent the Manager or its Affiliates from engaging in
  other businesses or from rendering services of any kind to any other person or
  entity, including investment in or advisory service to others investing in any
  type of real estate investment, including investments which meet the principal
  investment  objectives  of  the  Company or any  Subsidiary  of  the  Company.
  Directors, officers, employees and agents of the Manager or Affiliates of  the
  Manager  may  serve  as directors, officers, employees,  agents,  nominees  or
  signatories  for the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company, to  the  extent
  permitted  by its Governing Instruments, as from time to time amended,  or  by
  any  resolutions  duly  adopted  by the Board of  Directors  pursuant  to  its
  Governing Instruments.  When executing documents or otherwise acting  in  such
  capacities  for  the  Company or any Subsidiary of the Company,  such  persons
  shall use their respective titles in the Company or such Subsidiary.
            Section 4.     Purchases and Sales of Investments and Loans from the
  Manager  and its Affiliates.  The Manager agrees that sales of investments  to
  and  purchases  of investments from the Manager and its Affiliates,  including
  without  limitation purchases and sales of mortgage loans,  Agency  Securities
  and Commitments, shall only be made as stated in an agreement therefor setting
  forth in general the operating policies and guidelines within which such sales
  or  purchases may be made, which agreement has been approved by the  Board  of
  Directors,    including   a   majority   of   the   Unaffiliated    Directors.
  Notwithstanding the terms of any other agreements between the manager  or  its
  Affiliates and the Company, the Manager further agrees that all such sales and
  purchases  will be made upon terms no less favorable to the Company  than  are
  generally  available to other third parties.  The Manager  shall  purchase  or
  exercise  the  Company's  option  to  purchase  mortgage  loans  from  CFC  in
  accordance  with the Company's rights and obligations under the Loan  Purchase
  Agreement or any other applicable agreement between the Company and CFC  which
  is   approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors,  including  a  majority  of  the
  Unaffiliated Directors.
            Section 5.     Repurchase Obligation.
             (a)   The Manager agrees that if the Company purchases any mortgage
  loan,  Agency Security or other investment which does not meet the  investment
  and/or  purchase criteria and policies of the Company and/or CMC as applicable
  at  the  time  of  purchase, the Manager will repurchase  or  will  cause  the
  repurchase of such mortgage loan, Agency Security or other investment from the
  Company  for  an  amount  not less than the unpaid principal  balance  of  the
  mortgage  loan,  Agency  Security  or other  investment  as  of  the  date  of
  repurchase,  less  any  amounts received by the Company  representing  prepaid
  interest  not  accrued  as  of  the  date  of  repurchase,  plus  any  amounts
  representing  accrued and unpaid interest to the date of  repurchase  and  any
  amounts incurred by the Company, including, but not limited to reasonable fees
  and  out-of-pocket  expenses of counsel, in enforcing the  obligation  of  the
  Manager to repurchase or cause the repurchase of such mortgage loan.  In  lieu
  of  repurchasing  or  causing  the repurchase of  any  mortgage  loan,  Agency
  Security  or other investment, the Manager may, in its discretion,  substitute
  or  cause  the substitution, respectively, of a mortgage loan, Agency Security
  or  other  investment having an unpaid principal amount  and  yield  at  least
  equivalent  to  and  a  maturity not later than the defective  mortgage  loan,
  Agency  Security  or  other investment and otherwise  meeting  the  investment
  and/or  purchase criteria and policies of the Company and/or CMC as applicable
  and  the terms of the agreement, if any, pursuant to which the mortgage  loan,
  Agency Security or other investment has been securitized.
             (b)   The Manager shall be subrogated to any and all rights of  the
  Company or any Subsidiary, and the Company agrees to assign to the Manager  or
  direct its Subsidiary to assign to the Manager its rights, under any Servicing
  Agreement  with any third party with respect to any mortgage loan  repurchased
  or substituted for, by or on behalf of the Manager under Subsection (a).
             Section  6.      Bank  Accounts.  The  Manager  may  establish  and
  maintain  one  or  more  bank  accounts in the name  of  the  Company  or  any
  Subsidiary,  at the direction of the Board of Directors, and may  collect  and
  deposit  into any such account or accounts, and disburse from any such account
  or  accounts, any money on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary, under such
  terms  and  conditions as the Board of Directors may approve; and the  Manager
  shall from time to time render appropriate accountings of such collections and
  payment to the Board of Directors and, when requested, to the auditors of  the
  Company or any Subsidiary.
            Section 7.     Records; Confidentiality.  The Manager shall maintain
  appropriate  books  of  account  and records relating  to  services  performed
  hereunder,  which  books  of  account and  records  shall  be  accessible  for
  inspection by the Company or any Subsidiary at any time during normal business
  hours.   The  Manager agrees to keep confidential any and all  information  it
  obtains  from  time to time in connection with the services it  renders  under
  this  Agreement  and shall not disclose any portion thereof to  non-affiliated
  third parties except with the prior written consent of the Company.
            Section 8.     Obligations of Manager.
             (a)   The  Manager shall use its best efforts to provide that  each
  mortgage  loan  conforms to the purchase criteria of the  Company  or  CMC  as
  applicable  and shall require each seller or transferor of mortgage  loans  to
  the  Company or CMC in connection with such purchase or transfer to  make  all
  applicable representations and warranties contained in the Servicing Agreement
  for such loans.  The Manager shall take such other action as the Manager deems
  necessary  or  appropriate with regard to the protection of the  Company's  or
  CMC's investments.
              (b)    Anything   else   in  this  Agreement   to   the   contrary
  notwithstanding, the Manager shall refrain from any action which in  its  sole
  judgment  made in good faith would adversely affect the status of the Company,
  or  any  Subsidiary  which elects to so qualify, as a real  estate  investment
  trust  as  defined  and limited in Section 856 through  860  of  the  Internal
  Revenue  Code  or which in its sole judgment made in good faith would  violate
  any  law,  rule  or  regulation  of any governmental  body  or  agency  having
  jurisdiction  over the Company or any Subsidiary or which would otherwise  not
  be permitted by the Company's or its Subsidiary's Governing Instruments except
  if  such action shall be ordered by the Board of Directors, in which event the
  Manager shall promptly notify the Board of Directors of the Manager's judgment
  that  such action would adversely affect such status or violate any such  law,
  rule  or regulation or the Governing Instruments and shall refrain from taking
  such  action pending further clarification or instructions from the  Board  of
  Directors.   If  the  Board  of Directors thereafter  instructs  the  Manager,
  despite the Manager's notification as provided herein, to take any such action
  and the Manager so acts upon the instructions given, the Manager shall not  be
  responsible  for any loss of the Company's or Subsidiary's status  as  a  real
  estate  investment  trust or violation of any law, rule or regulation  or  the
  Governing Instruments caused thereby.
            Section 9.     Fidelity Bond.  The Manager shall maintain a fidelity
  bond  with a responsible surety company in an amount approved by the Board  of
  Directors covering all officers and employees of the Manager handling funds of
  the  Company or any Subsidiary and any documents or papers, which  bond  shall
  protect  the Company or any Subsidiary against all losses of any such property
  from  acts of such officers and employees through theft, embezzlement,  fraud,
  negligent acts, errors and omissions or otherwise.  The premium for said  bond
  shall be paid by the Manager.
            Section 10.    Compensation.
            (a)  Manager will receive a base management fee equal to the Average
  Invested Assets Multiplied by 1/8 of 1%."
            (b)  The Manager shall be paid for services rendered with respect to
  warehouse lending activities a management fee in an amount equal to 3/8 of  1%
  of  the average daily balance of the amounts outstanding under warehouse lines
  of  credit  extended  by  the Company or its Subsidiaries  to  originators  of
  mortgage loans.
             (c)  If the Company's annualized Return on Equity during any fiscal
  quarter  (computed by multiplying the Return on Equity for such fiscal quarter
  by four) is in excess of the Ten Year U.S. Treasury Rate, plus 2% after taking
  into  account  any  recovery of the Manager's fees under Subsection  (d),  the
  Company  will  pay the Manager as incentive compensation for such  quarter  an
  amount equal to 25% of the amount by which the annualized Return on Equity  of
  the  Company  for such fiscal quarter exceeds the Ten Year U.S. Treasury  Rate
  plus  2%,  but  in no event shall any payment of incentive compensation  under
  this  Subsection  reduce the Company's annualized Return on  Equity  for  such
  quarter to less than the Ten Year U.S. Treasury Rate plus 2%.  For purposes of
  the  calculation  contained in this Subsection (b),  all  Net  Income  of  the
  Company and any Subsidiaries shall be deemed to have been distributed  on  the
  last  day  of each quarter.  The incentive compensation shall be paid  to  the
  Manager  within  60 days after the end of each fiscal quarter  on  an  interim
  basis, subject to adjustment under Subsection (d).
             (d)   The  Manager  shall  compute the compensation  payable  under
  Subsections  (a),  (b) and (c) within 45 days after the  end  of  each  fiscal
  quarter.   A  copy  of the computations made by the Manager to  calculate  its
  compensation shall thereafter by promptly delivered to the Company  and,  upon
  such  delivery,  payment of the interim compensation earned under  Subsections
  (a),  (b) and (c) shown therein shall be due and payable within 60 days  after
  the  end  of  such  fiscal  quarter.  The aggregate amount  of  the  Manager's
  compensation for each fiscal year shall be adjusted within 120 days after  the
  end  of  such fiscal year so as to provide compensation for such year  in  the
  annual amounts stated in Subsections (a), (b) and (c) and any excess owed  to,
  or  shortfall  owed  by,  the  Manager  with  respect  to  such  compensation,
  collectively, shall be promptly remitted by, or paid to, the Company.
             (e)  Notwithstanding the definition of Average Invested Assets,  in
  the  event  the  Company  implements  a  strategy  of  investing  directly  or
  indirectly  in  loans  secured by real estate which are  not  intended  to  be
  securitized,  the  base management fee in Subsection (a) shall  be  paid  with
  respect to these assets.  The Manager acknowledges that it has waived all fees
  payable to the manager pursuant to Section 11(a) and (b) of this Agreement for
  the calendar year 1993 and 25% of all fees payable to the Manager pursuant  to
  Section 11(c) of this Agreement, if any, for the calendar year 1994.
             Section  11.     Operating Expenses.  The Company will  absorb  all
  expenses  of  the  Manager incurred in performing its duties  and  obligations
  under this Agreement from may 15, 1993 to the extent that such expenses exceed
  $900,000  calculated from January 1, 1993.  For each month after the point  in
  time  during  1993  that such expenses exceed $900,000, the Manager  shall  be
  reimbursed  by  the  Company for its operating expenses on  a  monthly  basis.
  Promptly  following the end of each month for which reimbursement is due,  the
  Manager  shall submit an itemized accounting of its expenses to  the  Company,
  and the Company shall pay within 30 days of the receipt of the accounting.
            Section 12.    Limits of Manager Responsibility. The Manager assumes
  no  responsibility  under this Agreement other than  to  render  the  services
  called for hereunder in good faith and shall not be responsible for any action
  of  the  Board of Directors in following or declining to follow any advice  or
  recommendations  of  the Manager, including as set forth  in  Subsection  9(b)
  above.  The Manager, its directors, officers, shareholders and employees  will
  not  be  liable to the Company, any Subsidiary, the Unaffiliated Directors  of
  the  Company  or the Company's or any Subsidiary's shareholders for  any  acts
  performed  by the Manager, its directors, officers, shareholders or  employees
  in  accordance with this Agreement, except by reason of acts constituting  bad
  faith,  willful  misconduct, gross negligence or reckless disregard  of  their
  duties.   The  Company  or any Subsidiaries, as applicable,  shall  reimburse,
  indemnify and hold harmless the Manager, its shareholders, directors, officers
  or  employees for and from any and all expenses, losses, damages, liabilities,
  demands, charges and claims of any nature whatsoever in respect of or  arising
  from  any  acts  or  omissions  of the Manager, its  shareholders,  directors,
  officers  and employees made in good faith in the performance of the Manager's
  duties   under  this  Agreement  and  not  constituting  bad  faith,   willful
  misconduct, gross negligence or reckless disregard of duties.
             Section  13.    No Joint Venture.  The Company and the Manager  are
  not  partners or joint venturers with each other and nothing herein  shall  be
  construed  to  make  them  such  partners or joint  venturers  or  impose  any
  liability as such on either of them.
             Section 14.    Term; Termination.  This agreement shall continue in
  force  through May 14, 1995, and thereafter it may be extended only  with  the
  consent  of  the  Manager and by the affirmative vote of  a  majority  of  the
  Unaffiliated Directors.
             Each  extension shall be executed in writing by all parties  hereto
  before  the  expiration of this Agreement or of any extension  thereof.   Each
  such  extension  shall be effective for a period in no case  exceeding  twelve
            Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, this Agreement,
  or any extension hereof, may be terminated by any party, upon sixty (60) days'
  written  notice, by majority vote of the Unaffiliated Directors or by majority
  vote  of the Shareholders, in the case of termination by the Company,  or,  in
  the  case of termination by the Manager, by majority vote of the directors  of
  the Manager.
             If  this  Agreement  is terminated pursuant to this  Section,  such
  termination  shall  be without any further liability or obligation  of  either
  party to the other, except as provided in Section 17.
            Section 15.    Assignment; Subcontract.
            (a)  This Agreement may not be assigned, in whole or in part, by the
  Manager,  unless  such assignment is to a corporation, association,  trust  or
  other  organization which shall acquire the property and carry on the business
  of  the  Manager, if at the time of such assignment a majority of  the  voting
  stock of such assignee organization shall be owned, directly or indirectly, by
  CCI  or  any  of its Affiliates or unless such assignment is consented  to  in
  writing  by  the  Company with the consent of a majority of  the  Unaffiliated
  Directors.   Such a permitted assignment shall bind the assignee hereunder  in
  the  same manner as the Manager is bound under this Agreement and, to  further
  evidence its obligations, under this Agreement, the assignee shall execute and
  deliver to the Company a counterpart of this Agreement.  This Agreement  shall
  not be assignable by the Company without the consent of the Manager, except in
  the  case  of assignment by the Company to a real estate investment  trust  or
  other  organization  which  is  a  successor  (by  merger,  consolidation,  or
  otherwise  purchase  of assets) to the Company, in which case  such  successor
  organization  shall be bound hereunder and by the terms of said assignment  in
  the same manner as the Company is bound hereunder.
             (b)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company  and  the  Manager
  agree  that  the Manager may enter into a subcontract with CFC or any  of  its
  Affiliates  pursuant to which CFC or such Affiliate will provide such  of  the
  management  services  required  under this  Agreement  as  the  Manager  deems
  necessary,  and  the  Company  hereby  consents  to  the  entering  into   and
  performance  of such subcontract; provided, however, that no such  arrangement
  between the Manager and CFC or any of its Affiliates shall relieve the Manager
  of any of its duties or obligations under this Agreement.
             Section  16.     Termination by Company for Cause.  At  the  option
  solely  of  the  Company, this Agreement shall be and become  terminated  upon
  thirty days' written notice of termination from the Board of Directors to  the
  Manager if any of the following events shall occur:
             (a)   If  the Manager shall violate any provision of this Agreement
  and,  after  notice of such violation, shall not cure such default  within  30
  days; or
            (b)  There is entered an order for relief or similar decree or order
  with respect to the Manager by a court having jurisdiction in the premises  in
  an  involuntary  case under the federal bankruptcy laws as  now  or  hereafter
  constituted or under any applicable federal or state bankruptcy, insolvency or
  other  similar  laws;  or  the Manager (i) ceases or  admits  in  writing  its
  inability  to  pay debts as they become due and payable, or  makes  a  general
  assignment  for the benefit of, or enters into any composition or  arrangement
  with,  creditors;  (ii)  applies for, or consents (by  admission  of  material
  allegations  of  a petition or otherwise) to the appointment  of  a  receiver,
  trustee,  assignee, custodian, liquidator or sequestrator  (or  other  similar
  official)  of  the  Manager or of any substantial part of  its  properties  or
  assets,  or authorizes such an application or consent, or proceedings  seeking
  such  appointment  are  commenced  without  such  authorization,  consent   or
  application  against the Manager and continue undismissed for 30  days;  (iii)
  authorizes  or  files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or  applies  for  or
  consents (by admission of material allegations of a petition or otherwise)  to
  the  application of any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement,  readjustment
  of  debt,  insolvency, dissolution, liquidation or other similar  law  of  any
  jurisdiction,  or  authorizes such application or consent, or  proceedings  to
  such  end  are  instituted  against the Manager  without  such  authorization,
  application  or  consent  and remain undismissed for  30  days  or  result  in
  adjudication  of bankruptcy or insolvency; or (iv) permits or suffers  all  or
  any substantial part of its properties or assets to be sequestered or attached
  by court order and the order remains undismissed for 30 days.
             (c)   The  Manager  agrees that if any of the events  specified  in
  paragraph  (b)  of  this Section 16 shall occur, it will give  prompt  written
  notice thereof to the Board of Directors after the happening of such event.
             Section  17.     Action  Upon  Termination.   From  and  after  the
  effective date of termination of this Agreement, pursuant to Sections 14,  15,
  or  16  hereof, the Manager shall not be entitled to compensation for  further
  services hereunder, but shall be paid all compensation accruing to the date of
  termination,  subject to adjustment on an annualized basis in accordance  with
  Section 10(d).  The Manager shall forthwith upon such termination:
             (a)  Pay over to the Company or any Subsidiary, as applicable,  all
  money  collected  and held for the account of the Company  or  any  Subsidiary
  pursuant  to  this  Agreement, after deducting any  accrued  compensation  and
  reimbursement for its expenses to which it is then entitled;
             (b)  Deliver to the Board of Directors a full accounting, including
  a  statement showing all payments collected by it and a statement of all money
  held  by  it,  covering the period following the date of the  last  accounting
  furnished  to  the  Board of Directors with respect  to  the  Company  or  any
  Subsidiary; and
            (c)  Deliver to the Board of Directors all property and documents of
  the Company or any Subsidiary then in the custody of the Manager.
             Section  18.     Release  of Money or Other Property  Upon  Written
  Request.   The Manager agrees that any money or other property of the  Company
  or  any Subsidiary held by the Manager under this Agreement shall be held  for
  the  Company  or  such Subsidiary in a custodial capacity, and  the  Manager's
  records shall be appropriately marked to reflect clearly the ownership of such
  money  or other property by the Company or such Subsidiary.  Upon the  receipt
  by the Manager of a written request signed by a duly authorized officer of the
  Company requesting the Manager to release to the Company or any Subsidiary any
  money  or  other  property then held by the Manager for  the  account  of  the
  Company or any Subsidiary under this Agreement, the Manager shall release such
  money  or  other property to the Company or any Subsidiary within a reasonable
  period  of  time, but in no event later than 60 days following  such  request.
  The  Manager  shall  not  be  liable  to  the  Company,  any  Subsidiary,  the
  Unaffiliated Directors, or the Company's Shareholders for any acts  thereafter
  performed  or omissions thereafter to act by the Company or any Subsidiary  of
  the  Company  in connection with the money or other property released  to  the
  Company  or  any Subsidiary in accordance with this Section.  The Company  and
  any  Subsidiary  receiving released money or other property  hereby  agree  to
  indemnify  the  Manager, its directors, officers, shareholders  and  employees
  against  any and all expenses, losses, damages, liabilities, demands,  charges
  and  claims  of  any  nature whatsoever, which arise in  connection  with  the
  Manager's  release  of such money or other property to  the  Company  or  such
  Subsidiary in accordance with the terms of this Section.  This provision shall
  be  in  addition to any right of the Manager to indemnification under  Section
            Section 19.    Representations and Warranties.
             (a)   The Company hereby represents and warrants to the Manager  as
                  (i)   Corporate  Existence.  The Company  is  duly  organized,
  validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of the  jurisdiction  of
  its  incorporation, has the corporate power to own its assets and to  transact
  the  business  in which it is now engaged and is duly qualified as  a  foreign
  corporation and in good standing under the laws of each jurisdiction where its
  ownership  or  lease of property or the conduct of its business requires  such
  qualification, except for failures to be so qualified, authorized or  licensed
  that could not in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the business
  operations, assets or financial condition of the Company and its Subsidiaries,
  taken  as  a  whole.   The Company does not do business under  any  fictitious
  business name.
                  (ii)  Corporate Power; Authorization; Enforceable Obligations.
  The  Company  has the corporate power, authority and legal right  to  execute,
  deliver and perform this Agreement and all obligations required hereunder  and
  has taken all necessary corporate action authorize this Agreement on the terms
  and  conditions  hereof and its execution, delivery and  performance  of  this
  Agreement  and all obligations required hereunder.  Except such as  have  been
  obtained,  no  consent  of  any  other person including,  without  limitation,
  stockholders and creditors of the Company, and no license, permit, approval or
  authorization  of, exemption by, notice or report to, or registration,  filing
  or  declaration with, any governmental authority is required by the Company in
  connection  with  this  Agreement  or  the execution,  delivery,  performance,
  validity  or  enforceability of this Agreement and  all  obligations  required
  hereunder.  This Agreement has been, and each instrument or document  required
  hereunder will be, executed and delivered by a duly authorized officer of  the
  Company,  and  this  Agreement constitutes, and each  instrument  or  document
  required hereunder when executed and delivered hereunder will constitute,  the
  legally  valid and binding obligation of the Company enforceable  against  the
  Company in accordance with its terms.
                  (iii) No Legal Bar to This Agreement.  The execution, delivery
  and  performance  of this Agreement and the documents or instruments  required
  hereunder,  will not violate any provision of any existing law  or  regulation
  binding on the Company, or any order, judgment, award or decree of any  court,
  arbitrator  or  governmental  authority  binding  on  the  Company,   or   the
  certificate  of incorporation or by-laws of, or any securities issued  by  the
  Company  or  of  any mortgage, indenture, lease, contract or other  agreement,
  instrument  or  undertaking to which the Company is a party or  by  which  the
  Company or any of its assets may be bound, the violation of which would have a
  material  adverse  effect  on  the business operations,  assets  or  financial
  condition of the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, and will  not
  result  in, or require, the creation or imposition of any lien on any  of  its
  property,  assets or revenues pursuant to the provisions of any such mortgage,
  indenture, lease, contract or other agreement, instrument or undertaking.
             (b)   The Manager hereby represents and warrants to the Company  as
                  (i)   Corporate  Existence.  The Manager  is  duly  organized,
  validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of the  jurisdiction  of
  its  incorporation, has the corporate power to own its assets and to  transact
  the  business  in which it is now engaged and is duly qualified as  a  foreign
  corporation and in good standing under the laws of each jurisdiction where its
  ownership  or  lease of property or the conduct of its business requires  such
  qualification, except for failures to be so qualified, authorized or  licensed
  that could not in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the business
  operations, assets or financial condition of the Manager and its Subsidiaries,
  taken  as  a  whole.   The Manager does not do business under  any  fictitious
  business name.
                  (ii)  Corporate Power; Authorization; Enforceable Obligations.
  The  Manager  has the corporate power, authority and legal right  to  execute,
  deliver and perform this Agreement and all obligations required hereunder  and
  has  taken all necessary corporate action to authorize this Agreement  on  the
  terms  and  conditions hereof and its execution, delivery and  performance  of
  this  Agreement and all obligations required hereunder.  Except such  as  have
  been  obtained, no consent of any other person including, without  limitation,
  stockholders and creditors of the Manager, and no license, permit, approval or
  authorization  of, exemption by, notice or report to, or registration,  filing
  or  declaration with, any governmental authority is required by the Manager in
  connection  with  this  Agreement  or  the execution,  delivery,  performance,
  validity  or  enforceability of this Agreement and  all  obligations  required
  hereunder.  This Agreement has been, and each instrument or document  required
  hereunder will be, executed and delivered by a duly authorized officer of  the
  Manager,  and  this  Agreement constitutes, and each  instrument  or  document
  required hereunder when executed and delivered hereunder will constitute,  the
  legally  valid and binding obligation of the Manager enforceable  against  the
  Manager in accordance with its terms.
                  (iii) No Legal Bar to This Agreement.  The execution, delivery
  and  performance  of this Agreement and the documents or instruments  required
  hereunder,  will not violate any provision of any existing law  or  regulation
  binding on the Manager, or any order, judgment, award or decree of any  court,
  arbitrator  or  governmental  authority  binding  on  the  Manager,   or   the
  certificate  of incorporation or by-laws of, or any securities issued  by  the
  Manager  or  of  any mortgage, indenture, lease, contract or other  agreement,
  instrument  or  undertaking to which the Manager is a party or  by  which  the
  Manager or any of its assets may be bound, the violation of which would have a
  material  adverse  effect  on  the business operations,  assets  or  financial
  condition of the Manager and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, and will  not
  result  in, or require, the creation or imposition of any lien on any  of  its
  property,  assets or revenues pursuant to the provisions of any such mortgage,
  indenture, lease, contract or other agreement, instrument or undertaking.
             Section 20.    Notices.  Any notice, report, or other communication
  required  or  permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing unless  some
  other method of giving such notice, report, or other communication is accepted
  by the party to whom it is given, and shall be given by being delivered at the
  following addresses of the parties hereto:
       The Company:        Countrywide Mortgage Investments, Inc.
                      155 North Lake Avenue
                      P.O. Box 7137
                      Pasadena, California 91109-7137
                      Attention:  General Counsel
       The Manager:        Countrywide Asset Management Corporation
                      155 North Lake Avenue
                      P.O. Box 7137
                      Pasadena, California 91109-7137
                      Attention:  General Counsel
             Either  party may at any time give notice in writing to  the  other
  party of a change of its address for the purpose of this Section 20.
            Section 21.    Name Change Upon Termination of Management Agreement.
  The  Company agrees that, if at any time the Manager or any Affiliate  of  CCI
  shall  cease  to serve generally as manager of the Company or any  Subsidiary,
  upon  receipt  of  a written request from the Manager, the  Company  and  such
  Subsidiary  will  cause their Governing Instruments to be  amended  so  as  to
  change  their  names  to  a name that does not include  "Countrywide"  or  any
  approximation  thereof;  provided, however, that such  requirement  shall  not
  apply to any trust in which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries has sold  a
  majority  of  the  beneficial interest, and which has issued  Mortgage  Backed
  Securities that remain outstanding in whole or in part.
             Section  22.    Amendments.  This Agreement shall not  be  amended,
  changed, modified, terminated or discharged in whole or in part except  by  an
  instrument  in  writing  signed by all parties  hereto,  or  their  respective
  successors or assigns, or otherwise as provided herein.
             Section  23.    Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall  bind
  any successors or assigns of the parties hereto as herein provided.
             Section  24.     Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be  governed,
  construed  and  interpreted  in accordance with  the  laws  of  the  State  of
            Section 25.    Headlines and Cross References.  The section headings
  hereof  have been inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not  be
  construed  to  affect the meaning, construction or effect of  this  Agreement.
  Any  reference  in  this  Agreement to a "Section" or  "subsection"  shall  be
  construed,  respectively, as referring to a section of  this  Agreement  or  a
  subsection of a section of this Agreement in which the reference appears.
             Section 26.    Severability.  The invalidity or unenforceability of
  any  provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity  of  any  other
  provision, and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
             Section  27.     Entire  Agreement.  This instrument  contains  the
  entire  agreement  between  the  parties as to  the  rights  granted  and  the
  obligations assumed in this instrument.
            Section 28.    Waiver.  Any forbearance by a party to this Agreement
  in  exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement or otherwise  afforded
  by applicable law shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of that or
  any other right or remedy.
             Section  29.    Execution in Counterparts.  This Agreement  may  be
  executed  in  one  or  more  counterparts, any of which  shall  constitute  an
  original as against any party whose signature appears on it, and all of  which
  shall  together constitute a single instrument.  This Agreement  shall  become
  binding  when  one or more counterparts, individually or taken together,  bear
  the signatures of both parties.
             Section  30.     Guaranty  of Manager's Obligations.   The  Manager
  agrees  that  in  order  to insure the performance of its  duties  under  this
  Agreement,  it will be necessary for CFC to guarantee the full performance  of
  the Manager, and this Agreement is conditioned upon the execution and delivery
  to  the Company of a Guaranty Agreement in the form attached to this Agreement
  as Exhibit B.  Such Guaranty Agreement shall remain in effect through the term
  of  this  Agreement, including any renewals or extensions; provided,  however,
  that  the  Guaranty Agreement may be terminated by the Guarantor  as  provided
  therein  at  such  time  as  the  Manager and  the  Guarantor  are  no  longer
            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to
  be executed by their officers thereunto duly authorized as of the day and year
  first above written.
                    By __________________________________
                       Sandor E. Samuels
                       Senior Vice President and Secretary
                    By __________________________________
                       Kevin M. Bartlett
                       Executive Vice President
                                    EXHIBIT B
       THIS GUARANTY (the "Guaranty"), dated as of September 3, 1985, is made by
  Countrywide  Funding  Corporation  (the  "Guarantor")  to  Countrywide   Asset
  Management  Corporation (the "Manager") and Countrywide Mortgage  Investments,
  Inc. (the "Company").
       A.   Pursuant to the Management Agreement, dated as of September 3, 1985,
  (the   "Agreement"),  entered  into  between  the  Manager  and  the   Company
  concurrently  with the execution of this Guaranty, the Manager has  agreed  to
  manage the investments and the day-to-day operations of the Company, including
  the issuance of commitments on behalf of the Company to acquire mortgage loans
  meeting  the investment criteria set from time to time by the Company's  Board
  of Directors;
       B.   The Manager is a newly organized corporation which is a wholly-owned
  subsidiary of Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc.;
        C.   The Guarantor is an experienced originator and servicer of mortgage
  loans   which  is  also  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Countrywide   Credit
  Industries, Inc., and in order to induce the parties thereto to enter into the
  Agreement, has agreed to guarantee the full performance of the Manager of  its
  obligations under the Agreement; and
        D.    The Guarantor will benefit from the relationship embodied  in  the
  Agreement between the Company and the Manager.
        NOW  THEREFORE, for the consideration recited above and other  good  and
  valuable consideration, the Guarantor agrees as follows:
        1.    The Guarantor hereby unconditionally guarantees to the Company the
  due   and   punctual  payment,  performance  and  discharge  of  all   duties,
  obligations,  debts and liabilities of the Manager to the  Company  under  the
  Agreement (the "Obligations"), together with any and all expenses of, for  and
  incidental  to  collection of the Obligations, including attorneys'  fees  and
  court  costs.   Nothing  shall  discharge or  satisfy  the  liability  of  the
  Guarantor hereunder except the full performance and payment of the Obligations
  to the Company.
        2.   The Guarantor hereby waives notice of acceptance hereof, notice  of
  the amount of the Obligations of the Manager to the Company from time to time,
  notice of any adverse change in the Manager's financial condition or any other
  fact which might increase the Guarantor's risk.  The Guarantor waives all  (x)
  set-offs,  counterclaims, presentments and (y) protests, notices  of  protest,
  notices  of  dishonor  and  notices  of any action  or  non-action,  including
  acceptance  of  this Guaranty, notices of default under the Agreement  or  any
  agreement related thereto and notice of any other extension of credit  to  the
  Manager.   The  Guarantor  further waives any rights  granted  by  statute  or
  otherwise to require the Company to institute suit against the Manager  or  to
  exhaust  its  rights  and remedies against the Manager, it being  acknowledged
  that  the Guarantor is bound for the payment of all Obligations of the Manager
  to  the  Company  now  existing or hereafter occurring as  fully  as  if  such
  Obligations  were  owing  directly  to the  Company  by  the  Guarantor.   The
  Guarantor waives all rights of exoneration granted by statute or otherwise  in
  the  event this Agreement is altered in any respect by or with the consent  of
  the Manager without the consent of the Guarantor.  The Guarantor shall not  be
  released from any liability by reason of the Manager's personal disability.
        3.    The  Guarantor  consents and agrees that  without  notice  to  the
  Guarantor  and without affecting or impairing the obligations of the Guarantor
  hereunder, the Company may compromise or settle, extend the period or duration
  of  time  for payment or discharge of performance of, or may refuse to enforce
  or  may  release all or any parties to any and all of the Obligations, or  may
  grant  other indulgences to the Manager with respect thereof, or may amend  or
  modify in any manner any documents or agreements relating to such obligations.
        4.    The Guarantor agrees to pay any and all expenses incurred  by  the
  Company  in  connection  with the enforcement of its  obligations  under  this
  Guaranty, as well as court costs, collections charges and attorneys' fees  and
        5.    This  Guaranty is a primary, original obligations of the Guarantor
  and  is  an  absolute, unconditional, continuing and irrevocable  guaranty  of
  payment and performance and, except as provided in Section 10, shall remain in
  full force and effect throughout the term of the Agreement without respect  to
  future changes in conditions, including any change of law or any invalidity or
  irregularity with respect to the issuance of any Obligations of the Manager to
  the  Company.   This  is a continuing Guaranty relating  to  the  Obligations,
  including that arising under successive transactions under the Agreement which
  shall either continue the Obligations or from time to time renew any or all of
  them.   The  obligations hereunder are independent of the Obligations  of  the
  Manager and the obligations of any other guarantor of the Obligations  of  the
  Manger  under the Agreement, and a separate action or actions may  be  brought
  and prosecuted against the Guarantor whether any action is brought against the
  Manager  or any of such other guarantors or whether the Manager be joined  any
  such  action or actions; and the Guarantor waives all principles or provisions
  of  law,  statutory or otherwise, which are or might be in conflict  with  the
  terms of this Guaranty.  However, this Guaranty shall not limit the effect  of
  any  provisions  in  the  Agreement or any principles or  provisions  of  law,
  statutory or otherwise, which provide legal rights to the Manager, and to  the
  extent the Guarantor is required to perform any of the Obligations under  this
  Guaranty,  it  shall  be entitled to seek enforcement of  such  principles  or
  provisions of law to the same extent as the Manager.
        6.    The  Company  shall have the right to seek  recourse  against  the
  Guarantor to the full extent provided for herein and in any other document  or
  instrument  evidencing the Obligations and against the  Manager  to  the  full
  extent  provided for in the Agreement.  No election to proceed in one form  of
  action  or  proceeding,  or against any party, or on  any  Obligations,  shall
  constitute  a  waiver of the Company's right to proceed in any other  form  of
  action or proceeding or against other parties.
        7.    The  Guarantor agrees that all the rights, benefits and privileges
  herein  shall  vest in, and be enforceable by, the Company and its  successors
  and assigns.
        8.    So  long  as  any Obligations shall be owing to the  company,  the
  Guarantor  shall  not, without the prior consent of The Company,  commence  or
  join  with  any  other person in commencing any bankruptcy, reorganization  or
  insolvency  proceedings  of or against the Manager.  The  obligations  of  the
  Guarantor under this Guaranty shall not be altered, limited or affected by any
  proceeding,  voluntary  or involuntary, involving the bankruptcy,  insolvency,
  receivership, reorganization, liquidation or arrangement of the Manger  or  by
  any  defense  which  the Manager may have by reason of the  order,  decree  or
  decision  of  any  court  or  administrative  body  resulting  from  any  such
  proceeding.   The Company shall have the sole right to accept  or  reject  any
  plan  proposed in such proceeding and to take any other action which  a  party
  filing  a claim is entitled to take.  In the event that all or any portion  of
  the  Obligations  is  paid  or performed by the Manager,  the  obligations  of
  Guarantor hereunder shall continue and remain in full force and effect in  the
  event that all or any part of such payment(s) or performance(s) is avoided  or
  recovered  directly or indirectly from the Company as a preference, fraudulent
  transfer or otherwise in such proceeding.
        9.    In order to induce the Company to accept this Guaranty and to make
  the  Agreement, Guarantor hereby represents the warrants to the  Company  that
  the following statements are true and correct:
             (i)   Corporate  Existence.  Guarantor is duly  organized,  validly
  existing  and  in  good  standing under the laws of the  jurisdiction  of  its
  incorporation, has the corporate power to own its assets and to  transact  the
  business  in  which  it  is now engaged and is duly  qualified  as  a  foreign
  corporation and in good standing under the laws of each jurisdiction where its
  ownership  or  lease of property or the conduct of its business requires  such
  qualification, except for failures to be so qualified, authorized or  licensed
  that could not in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the business
  operations,  assets or financial condition of Guarantor and its  subsidiaries,
  taken  as  a  whole.   Guarantor  does not do business  under  any  fictitious
  business name.
              (ii)  Corporate  Power;  Authorization;  Enforceable  Obligations.
  Guarantor  has  the  corporate power, authority and legal  right  to  execute,
  deliver  and  perform the Guaranty and all obligations required hereunder  and
  has  taken  all necessary corporate action to authorize its Guaranty hereunder
  on the terms and conditions hereof and its execution, delivery and performance
  of  this Guaranty and all obligations required hereunder.  No consent  of  any
  other  person  including, without limitation, stockholders  and  creditors  of
  Guarantor, and no license, permit, approval or authorization of, exemption by,
  notice  or  report  to,  or  registration, filing  or  declaration  with,  any
  governmental  authority  is  required by Guarantor  in  connection  with  this
  Guaranty  or  the execution, delivery, performance, validity or enforceability
  of  this  Guaranty and all obligations required hereunder.  This Guaranty  has
  been, and each instrument or document required hereunder will be, executed and
  delivered  by  a  duly  authorized officer of  Guarantor,  and  this  Guaranty
  constitutes, and each instrument of document required hereunder when  executed
  and  delivered  hereunder  will  constitute, the  legally  valid  and  binding
  obligation of Guarantor enforceable against Guarantor in accordance  with  its
             (iii)      No Legal Bar to This Guaranty.  The execution,  delivery
  and  performance  of  this Guaranty and the documents or instruments  required
  hereunder  will  not violate and provision of any existing law  or  regulation
  binding  on  Guarantor, or any order, judgment, award or decree of any  court,
  arbitrator  or governmental authority binding on Guarantor, or the certificate
  of  incorporation or by-laws of, or any securities issued by Guarantor, or  of
  any  mortgage,  indenture, lease, contract or other agreement,  instrument  or
  undertaking to which Guarantor is a party or by which Guarantor or any of  its
  assets  may  be  bound, the violation of which would have a  material  adverse
  effect  on  the business operation, assets or financial condition of Guarantor
  and  its  subsidiaries, taken as a whole, and will not result in, or  require,
  the  creation  or  imposition of any lien on any of its  property,  assets  or
  revenues  pursuant  to the provisions of any such mortgage, indenture,  lease,
  contract or other agreement, instrument or undertaking.
        10.   This  Guaranty  shall remain in effect through  the  term  of  the
  Agreement,  including  any renewals or extensions thereof;  provided  however,
  that  this  Guaranty may be terminated by the Guarantor at such  time  as  the
  Manager  and the Guarantor are not longer "Affiliates" as such term is defined
  in the Agreement.
        11.   This Guaranty, all acts and transactions hereunder, and the rights
  and  obligations  of the parties hereto shall be governed by, construed  under
  and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
        IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guarantor executed this Guaranty as of the  3rd
  day of September, 1985.
                              COUNTRYWIDE FUNDING CORPORATION
                              By:  Angelo R. Mozilo
                               Title:                           President, Chief
  Executive Officer
                              Attest:                          Wayne Turkheimer
                              Title:                           Secretary
                                   (CORPORATE SEAL)