                          Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 FORM 11-K


     For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993

     Commission File Number 1-2227

     A.   Full title of the plan:

          Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
          401 (k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

     B.   Name of issuer of the Securities held pursuant to the plan and the 
          address of its principal executive office:

                      CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC.
                             9300 ASHTON ROAD
                          PHILADELPHIA, PA 19136           



Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3

Report Of Independent Accountants . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        6

Audited Plan Financial Statements And Schedules Prepared In
Accordance With The Financial Reporting Requirements Of ERISA     7 to 13

Exhibits 23 - Consent Of Independent Accountants  . . . . . . .     14



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
Committee has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                     Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. 
                                     401 (k) Savings and Employee       
                                     Stock Ownership Plan                  

Date: June 29, 1994                  By:/s/James T. Malec                   
                                         James T. Malec                   
                                         Member, Benefit Plan Committee  


                        Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.

              401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

                             December 31, 1993


                         Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.

                401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

                        Index to Financial Statements
                         Supplementary Information


Report of Independent Accountants                                      1

Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits                    2

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits         3

Notes to Financial Statements                                        4 - 6

Schedule I      -  Schedule of Assets Held for Investment
                   at December 31, 1993                                7

Schedule II     -  Transaction or Series of Transactions
                   in Excess of 5% of the Current Value of 
                   Plan Assets                                         8       



                       Report of Independent Accountants

June 22, 1994

To the Benefit Plans Committee and Participants
of the Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for plan 
benefits and the related statement of changes in net assets available for plan 
benefits present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for 
plan benefits of the Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. 401(k) Savings and Employee
Stock Ownership Plan (the "Plan") at December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the
changes in its net assets available for plan benefits for the year ended 
December 31, 1993, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's administrator; 
our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based 
on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with 
generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are 
free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, 
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, 
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by 
management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We 
believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed 

Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial 
statements taken as a whole.  The additional information included in Schedules 
I and II is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required 
part of the basic financial statements but is additional information required 
by ERISA.  Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures 
applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion,
is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial 
statements taken as a whole.   


                               Page 1


                       Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.

              401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

            Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits


                                                        December 31,           

                                                    1993            1992


Investments at fair value:
     Fixed Income Fund                          $  81,553,363    $ 87,490,416 
     Company Stock Fund                            30,441,450      24,213,894 
     Diversified Equity Fund                        8,401,130       5,254,797 
     Unallocated Crown Cork & Seal common stock                     1,102,305 
          Total investments                       120,395,943     118,061,412 

Cash and cash equivalents                           1,723,277       8,843,578 
Participant loans receivable                          584,840         964,833 
Employer contributions receivable                     257,309         390,757 
Employee contributions receivable                     296,575         162,558 
Receivables due from others                           603,931         669,422 


Accrued Plan expenses                            (     98,628)   (     90,904)
Loans payable                                                    (    650,105)
Amount due to Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.                    (  4,162,229)

Net assets available for plan benefits           $123,763,247    $124,189,322 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                  Page 2


                           Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

          Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                       For the Year Ended December 31, 1993

                                                       Fixed         Company                       Unallocated
                                          Diversified  Income        Stock        Participant     Crown Cork & Seal
                                          Equity Fund  Fund          Fund            Loans          Common Stock     Total
     Crown Cork & Seal                                               $   179,511                  $   679,691        $   859,202 
     Participants                         $   468,781  $ 1,597,798     1,680,666                                       3,747,245 
Participant loan repayments                    40,372      170,378       169,243  ($   379,993)
Investment income                              47,442    5,744,149        23,865                                       5,815,456 
Net realized gains on investments              31,475                    359,192                                         390,667 
Net unrealized gains (loss) on investments                 617,904     1,090,558                  (   391,623)         1,316,839 
Allocation of 27,644 shares of Crown                                            
  Cork & Seal common stock, at market                                    710,405                 (    710,405)


Distributions to participants             (   319,732) (11,201,444) (   699,814)                                    ( 12,220,990)
Administrative expenses                   (    19,413) (   248,451) (    36,767)                  (    29,863)      (    334,494)
Interfund transfers                           252,390  ( 2,511,908)   2,259,518              
Increase (decrease) in net assets
     available for plan benefits            1,119,219  ( 6,449,478)   5,736,377    (   379,993)   (   452,200)      (    426,075)

Net assets at beginning of year             7,324,106   89,567,363   25,880,820        964,833        452,200        124,189,322 

Net assets at end of year                 $ 8,443,325  $83,117,885  $31,617,197 $      584,840    $         0       $123,763,247   

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                  Page 3


                            Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.

                   401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan
                            Notes to Financial Statements

Note 1 - Summary of Significant
Accounting Policies:

     Basis of Presentation

Effective April 1, 1991, the assets of the following benefit plans were merged 
into the Continental Can Company, U.S.A., Inc. Savings Plan:

(1)     Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. Employees' Stock Ownership Plan;

(2)     H-C Industries, Inc. Employees' Savings Plan; and

(3)     Carolina Can Company, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan.

Concurrent with the merger, the Continental Can Company, U.S.A., Inc. Savings 
Plan was amended, restated and its name changed to the Crown Cork 
& Seal Company, Inc. 401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan 
(the "Plan").   Additionally, in August 1991, concurrent with the Company's 
acquisition of Continental Can International Corporation, the assets of the 
Continental Can International Corporation Savings Plan were transferred into 
the Plan.  During 1992, the Plan received cash infusions related to rollovers 
from other plans due to acquisition by Crown Cork & Seal.  The value of these 
rollovers was not material to the Plan.

The Plan maintains its financial records and prepares its financial 
statements using the accrual basis of accounting.  Purchases and sales of 
investments are recorded on the trade date.  Investment income earned, but not 
received, is accrued.  Distributions to participants are recorded in the period 
when remitted to participants.

Investments in securities listed on a national exchange are valued on the 
basis of year-end closing prices.  Other investments not having an established 
market are valued at fair value as determined by the trustee.

Realized gain or loss on the sale of investments is determined based on 
average cost.  Such gains and losses are computed on a current value basis for 
Form 5500.  A difference may result in the classification between realized and 
unrealized, but the total gain or loss will be unaffected.

     Cash Equivalents

Cash equivalents include all highly liquid instruments purchased with an 
original maturity of less than three months.

                                   Page 4


Note 2 - Description of Plan:

The general purpose of the Plan is to provide a convenient method by which 
eligible employees may save regularly through salary elections and through 
Company matching contributions.  Generally, salaried employees are eligible to 
participate in the Plan after completing one year of service and attaining 
age 21.  The Plan is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974.

The Plan has two components: a participant salary deferral 401(k) component and 
a Company matching contribution ESOP component.  The salary deferral 401(k) 
portion of the Plan allows before-tax employee contributions of 2 to 12% of 
annual compensation.  The Plan also allows after-tax employee contributions of 
1 to 8% of annual compensation. Through the ESOP component of the Plan, the 
Company makes matching contributions equal to 50% of the employees' 
contribution, up to a maximum of 3% of the employees'compensation.  Company 
contributions are made in the form of Crown Cork & Seal common stock.
Participants may direct their contributions among any of the following 
investment funds:

(1) Fixed Income Fund - investing in guaranteed investment contracts, bonds, 
    certificates of deposit and money market funds.

(2) Diversified Equity Fund - investing in a diversified portfolio of 
    common stocks similar to those comprising the Standard & Poor's 500 

(3) Company Stock Fund - investing in common stock of Crown Cork & Seal.

All employee contributions are 100% vested when contributed to the Plan.  
Company matching contributions vest 25% for each year of service.  Upon the 
completion of four years of service all Company matching contributions vest 

Participants are eligible to receive distributions of the vested portions of 
their account balance upon meeting certain criteria as specified in the Plan 
document.  All distributions are paid in lump sum (either cash or Company 

The Plan is administered by the Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.  Benefit Plans
Committee (the ''Committee'').  The Committee had appointed Citibank as the 
trustee and ERISCO as the participant recordkeeper for the Plan years 1992 and 
1993.  However, during 1993, the Committee appointed The Vanguard Group 
("Vanguard") to assume both trustee and recordkeeping responsibilities beginning
in 1994.  Refer to Note 6 for further information.

During 1991, the Plan purchased Company common stock using the proceeds of a 
loan with a related party (see Note 5) and holds the stock in a trust 
established as part of the Plan.  As the Plan makes each payment of principal, 
an appropriate percentage of stock will be allocated to eligible employees' 
accounts in accordance with applicable Internal Revenue
Code regulations.  The borrowed amount is collateralized by the unallocated 
shares of Company stock and is guaranteed by the Company.  The lender has no 
rights against shares once they are allocated to participants' accounts.   
Accordingly, the financial statements of the Plan present separately the 
Crown Cork & Seal common stock pertaining to the accounts of employees with 
vested rights in the Company Stock Fund and Crown stock not yet allocated to 
employees.  The aforementioned loan was paid in full as of November 30, 1993 
and residual shares resident in the Unallocated Account were transferred 
pro-rata to participant accounts.

                                Page 5 


In the event of Plan termination, each participant will become fully vested and 
will be entitled to receive a benefit equalling the participant's interest in 
the Plan, including that portion attributable to Company contributions.

Note 3 - Amount Due to Crown
Cork & Seal Company, Inc.:

In November 1992, the Plan purchased 143,070 shares of Company common stock from
Crown Cork & Seal for $4,162,229 in accordance with participant options
directives. The shares were delivered into the trust in 1992 and the transaction
was settled in January 1993. Accordingly, the Plan recorded a liability of
$4,162,229 at December 31, 1992.

Note 4 - Tax Status of the Plan:

The Plan was amended and restated, effective April 1, 1991, to comply with all
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and ERISA.  The Committee has
represented that the Plan has been administered in accordance with all
provisions of the IRC and ERISA.

The Company has applied for a determination letter for the Plan from the IRS. 
However, the determination letter has not been issued by the IRS as to
the ongoing qualified status of the Plan.  Under IRS Revenue Procedure 92-6, the
IRS announced that determination letters would not be issued on plans, such as
this Plan, that combine ESOP provisions and cash or deferred arrangement

The IRS has further announced this "no rule" policy will be lifted in a later
revenue procedure that opens the determination letter program to plans that
are not currently eligible to request determination letters.  It is the
Company's intent to update the Plan document prior to December 31, 1994 and also
submit a new request for a favorable determination letter.

Note 5 - Loans Payable:

On July 12, 1991, the Plan entered into a $1,519,313 loan agreement with Crown
Financial Corporation, a related party, and Citibank, the trustee for
the Plan. The proceeds of the loan were used to purchase Crown Cork & Seal
common stock. Unallocated Crown Cork & Seal common shares were pledged under a
separate agreement as collateral for the loan while the agreement provides for
the loan to be repaid over a maximum term of ten years.  The loan, which bears
interest at 8.5% per annum, was repaid in 1993.

Note 6 - Subsequent Event:

As described in Note 2, the Plan's trustee and recordkeeping responsibilities
were transferred to Vanguard effective January 1, 1994.  In connection
with this change, a significant portion of the Plan's assets were transferred
to Vanguard on December 31, 1993 with residual transfers occurring in January
1994.  During early 1994, Plan participant accounts were frozen to allow for
required reconciliations between the predecessor trustee and recordkeeper
and Vanguard.  The freeze period was lifted in early March 1994.  Plan
participants should refer to employee notifications and other information
supplied by Vanguard for information concerning Plan changes, new investment and
investment change options.

                                  Page 6


                    Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.

            401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

      Schedule of Assets Held for Investment at December 31, 1993

     Description                        Number of
                                         Shares     Cost         Fair Value

Fixed Income Fund 
 Insurance Contracts:
  American International Life #18102                $  8,971,316 $  8,971,316*
  Aetna Life Insurance Company                           204,506      204,506 
  Bankers Trust #92-494                                9,488,720    9,488,720*
  Confederation Life Insurance Company
   #62469                                              5,035,265    5,035,265
  Continental Assurance Company
   #GP-12719                                           5,671,520    5,671,520
  Continental National Assurance
   #12747                                              4,542,822    4,542,822
  Hartford Life Insurance Company
   (6.25%)                                             5,065,972    5,065,972
  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
   #GAC-12704                                          5,869,651    5,869,651
  Morgan Bank Delaware #569-A                          7,493,365    7,493,365*
  Massachusetts Mutual PGIC #10490                     2,796,951    2,796,951
  New York Life #GAC-06495                             5,327,978    5,327,978
  Northwest National Life Insurance
   #GA-21993-2                                         6,355,014    6,355,014*
  Peoples Security Life #1594D                         2,515,987    2,515,987
  Peoples Security Life #1577PD                        1,499,883    1,499,883
  Peoples Security Life #923A1                         2,061,874    2,061,874
  Peoples Security Life #93109D                        4,005,163    4,005,163
  Prudential Insurance Company of
   America #GA-6852                                    4,647,376    4,647,376

Total fixed income fund                               81,553,363   81,553,363

Company Stock Fund
  Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
    common stock                       726,960        16,627,696   30,441,450*

Diversified Equity Fund
  The Travelers S&P 500 Index Fund
    Contract #GR-15894                  21,925         6,863,839    8,401,130*

Total Investments at
     December 31, 1993                              $105,044,898 $120,395,943

*Represents more than 5% of net assets available for plan benefits as of
 December 31, 1993.

                                    Page 7                       


                       Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.

              401(k) Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

              Transaction or Series of Transactions in Excess
           of 5% of the Current Value of Plan Assets ($6,209,466)
                   for the Year Ended December 31, 1993

                                                                  Aggregate     Aggregate                 Net Gain
                                     Number of       Number        Cost of       Proceeds        Cost     or (Loss) 
     Description                     Purchases       of Sales     Purchases     from Sales     of Asset   on Sale

Bankers Trust (DEL)
  Contract #92-494 6.395% 9/30/2000     14                        $ 9,490,302 

Peoples Security Life
  Contract #00036TR3, 00036TR-1,
     and BDAA00036TR-4                  22                         10,246,174

American International Life
     GIC #18102                                         1                       $ 7,962,390   $ 7,962,390

Travelers Insurance Company
     GIC #GR-15801                                      1                         6,663,606     6,663,606

Prudential Insurance Company
  of America GA-7047 7.40% 3/15/98
     GIC #6852                                         15                         8,976,851     8,976,851

                                   Page 8