Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

         For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996

         Commission File Number 1-2227

         E.       Full title of the plan:

                  Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                  Retirement Thrift Plan

         F.       Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan and
                  the address of its principal executive office:

                         CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC.
                                  ONE CROWN WAY
                           PHILADELPHIA, PA 19154-4599



Signatures.......................................................      3

Report of Independent Accountants................................      6

Audited Plan Financial Statements and Schedules in
accordance with the Financial Reporting Requirements of ERISA....   7 to 15

Exhibit 23 - Consent of Independent Accountants..................      16


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Committee  has duly caused this annual  report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                               Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                                               Retrirement Thrift Plan

                                           By: /s/ James T. Malec 
                                              James T. Malec
                                              Member, Benefit Plan Committee

Date: June 25, 1997

Crown Cork & Seal
Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Financial Statements
and Supplemental Information
December 31, 1996 and 1995

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Financial Statements and Supplemental Information
December 31, 1996 and 1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Report of Independent Accountants                                    1

Statement of Net Assets 
 Available for Plan Benefits                                         2

Statement of Changes in Net Assets 
 Available for Plan Benefits, 
   with Fund Information                                            3-4

Notes to Financial Statements                                       5-8

Schedule I  - Schedule of Assets 
               Held for Investment Purposes                          9

Schedule II - Schedule of Reportable Transactions                    10

Note: Other ERISA schedules are not presented because they are not applicable.

                        Report of Independent Accountants

June 18, 1997

To the Benefit Plans Committee and Participants
of the Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  statements of net assets  available for plan
benefits and the related  statement of changes in net assets  available for plan
benefits, present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for
plan benefits of the Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. Retirement Thrift Plan (the
"Plan") at December 31, 1996 and 1995,  and the changes in net assets  available
for plan  benefits  for the years  then  ended,  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted   accounting   principles.   These   financial   statements   are   the
responsibility of the Plan's administrator;  our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  statements  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain  reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,   assessing  the
accounting  principles  used and significant  estimates made by management,  and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Our audits  were  performed  for the  purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial  statements taken as a whole. The additional  information  included in
Schedules I and II is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a
required part of the basic  financial  statements but is additional  information
required  by ERISA.  The fund  information  in the  statement  of changes in net
assets  available  for plan  benefits is presented  for  purposes of  additional
analysis rather than to present the changes in net assets available for benefits
of each fund. Schedules I and II and the fund information have been subjected to
the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic financial  statements
and, in our opinion,  are fairly stated in all material  respects in relation to
the basic financial statements taken as a whole.


Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
December 31, 1996 and 1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    1996            1995

Investments, at fair value:
  Fixed Income Fund:
    Travelers Guaranteed 
     Investment Contract                        $ 3,615,788*    $ 5,286,738*
    John Hancock Mutual Life 
     Guaranteed Investment Contract               3,122,333*      1,223,633*
    Vanguard Money Market Prime (30)                195,731             472
  Company Stock Fund                              2,198,250*      1,488,192*
    Balanced Index Fund                             889,392         580,624
    Explorer Fund                                   939,853*        486,222
    Index 500 Fund                                6,284,395*      3,906,007*
    International Growth Fund                       711,286         322,102
    Total Bond Market Fund                          234,513         150,741
                                                -----------     -----------
     Total investments                           18,191,541      13,444,731
Employer contributions receivable                    20,842          20,168
Employee contributions receivable                   235,076         236,416
                                                -----------     -----------
Net assets available for benefits               $18,447,459     $13,701,315
                                                ===========     ===========

* Represents more than 5% of net assets available for benefits.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits,
with Fund Information
For the Year Ended December 31, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                      Fund Information

                          Fixed          Company    Balanced                             International     Total Bond
                          Income          Stock      Index    Explorer    Index 500         Growth           Market
                           Fund           Fund       Fund       Fund         Fund           Fund             Fund            Total

   Employer            $  244,230    $  177,226    $ 24,476   $ 39,339   $  190,044      $ 29,129         $ 17,232      $   721,676
   Participants           925,267       160,448     154,953    237,834    1,161,936       170,863           84,126        2,895,427
Transfers from 
 other plans                2,193        10,985      35,474     70,572       98,303        29,957           11,501          258,985
Investment income         323,046        35,357      35,715     50,739      128,992        30,567           11,816          616,232
Net appreciation 
 in fair value               -          482,888      60,340     28,249      916,002        39,958           (5,049)       1,522,388

Distributions to
   participants          (725,160)      (99,735)    (40,680)   (37,721)    (299,457)      (16,578)         (24,010)      (1,243,341)
Administrative expense    (10,551)       (3,270)     (1,143)    (1,596)      (7,216)         (963)            (484)         (25,223)
Interfund transfers 
  in/(out)               (352,094)      (63,801)     43,875     70,239      201,114        111,002         (10,335)           -
                       ----------    ----------    --------   --------   ----------       --------        --------      -----------
Net increase in 
 net assets               406,931       700,098     313,010    457,655    2,389,718        393,935          84,797        4,746,144
Net assets 
 available for plan
   Beginning of year    6,601,182     1,520,540     591,450    503,440    3,993,746        333,922         157,035       13,701,315
                       ----------    ----------    --------   --------   ----------       --------        --------      -----------
   End of Year         $7,008,113    $2,220,638    $904,460   $961,095   $6,383,464       $727,857        $241,832      $18,447,459
                       ==========    ==========    ========   ========   ==========       ========        ========      ===========

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these financial statements.


Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits,
with Fund Information
For the Year Ended December 31, 1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                     Fund Information
                            Fixed       Company    Balanced                          International   Total Bond
                            Income       Stock      Index    Explorer   Index 500       Growth         Market
                             Fund        Fund       Fund       Fund       Fund           Fund           Fund          Total
                          ---------    --------    -------   --------   ---------      --------      --------      ----------

   Employer               $ 229,599   $ 190,156    $ 9,583   $  8,760   $ 128,030      $ 10,563      $  6,816      $  583,507
   Participants           1,160,194     340,832     87,770    137,657   1,058,206       121,318        57,080       2,963,057
Transfers from 
  other plans               147,935           9     26,686     28,764      74,495        25,186        74,776         377,851
Investment income           330,144                 19,373     37,727      82,112         8,222         4,374         481,952
Net appreciation 
  in fair value                          96,952     75,093     17,525     778,040        18,477         5,741         991,828

Distributions to
   participants          (1,033,981)   (166,357)   (74,343)  (109,934)   (289,897)      (79,958)      (35,181)     (1,789,651)
Administrative expense      (15,975)     (4,805)    (1,083)    (1,012)     (7,388)         (701)         (364)        (31,328)
Interfund transfers
 in/(out)                  (619,105)     (7,494)   147,341    201,780     213,665        63,687           126             -
                         -----------   ---------  --------   --------  ----------      --------      --------     -----------
Increase in 
 net assets                 198,811     449,293    290,420    321,267   2,037,263       166,794       113,368       3,577,216
Net assets available
  for plan
   Beginning of year      6,402,371   1,071,247    301,030    182,173   1,956,483       167,128        43,667      10,124,099
                         ----------  ----------   --------   --------  ----------      --------      --------     -----------
   End of Year           $6,601,182  $1,520,540   $591,450   $503,440  $3,993,746      $333,922      $157,035     $13,701,315
                         ==========  ==========   ========   ========  ==========      ========      ========     ===========

 The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these financial statements.


Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 1996 and 1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     The Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. Retirement Thrift Plan (the "Plan") was
     initiated  in 1992 and  maintains  its  financial  records and prepares its
     financial  statements  using the accrual  basis of  accounting.  Investment
     income earned, but not received, is accrued.  Dividends are recorded on the
     ex-dividend  date.  Purchases and sales are recorded on a trade date basis.
     Shares of  registered  investment  companies  are  valued at quoted  market
     prices  which  represent  the net asset value of shares held by the Plan at
     year end. The Company stock is valued at its quoted market price.

     The Fixed Income Fund  guaranteed  investment  contracts (GICs) are  valued
     at  contract  value,  which  approximates  fair value.  Interest  rates 
     ranged from 3.5% to 7.75% and 5.05% to 7.75% at December 31, 1996 and 1995,
     respectively.  Average yields ranged from 3.3% to 7.45% and 5.2% to 8.2% in
     1996 and 1995, respectively.  GIC's  with  Traveler's Insurance Company 
     contain an annual interest rate reset provision.

2.   Description of Plan

     General. The following provides a general description of the Plan.  
     Participants should refer to their summary plan description for more 

     The Plan is a  voluntary  defined  contribution  plan which is  designed to
     provide a convenient method by which eligible  employees may save regularly
     through  salary  elections.  Participation  in the  Plan is  determined  by
     agreement among  recognized  collective  bargaining  units and Crown Cork &
     Seal Company,  Inc. (the "Company") or as otherwise agreed upon between the
     Company and non-organized hourly employees. The Plan is administered by the
     Crown Cork & Seal Company,  Inc. Benefit Plans Committee (the "Committee").
     The  Committee  has  appointed   Vanguard   Fiduciary  Trust  Company  (the
     "Trustee") as the trustee of the Plan.

     The Plan provides  certain  employees the  opportunity to purchase  Company
     stock at a purchase price equal to the closing price on the day of deposit.


Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 1996 and 1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Investments.  The following  investment funds have been established for the
investment  of employee  savings and  company  contributions.  The nature of the
investments maintained in each fund is described below:

  Fixed Income Fund        GIC's with Travelers Insurance Company and John 
                           Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company which provide 
                           for the return of principal in full plus the payment
                           of interest at certain minimum annual interest rates 
                           through 1998. The Fixed Income Fund also includes 
                           monies invested in Vanguard's short-term money market

  Company  Stock Fund      Invests  primarily in shares of Company common stock.
                           The Company Stock Fund  also includes monies invested
                           in Vanguard's short-term  money market account.

  Vanguard Funds           Balanced  Index  Fund  -  invests  primarily  in  a
                           portfolio  of  common  stocks and  bonds  attempting
                           to   match   the investment  performance  of  the  
                           Wilshire  5000  Index  and  the   Lehman   Brothers
                           Aggregate Bond Index.

                           Explorer Fund - seeks to provide long-term growth in 
                           capital  investing  primarily in equity   securities
                           of  small   companies deemed  to have  favorable  
                           prospects  for growth in market value.

                           Index  500  Fund  -  seeks  to  match  the investment
                           performance  of the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite 
                           Stock Price Index, an index emphasizing large-cap 

                           International Growth Fund - seeks to provide 
                           long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily
                           in equity  securities of companies  based  outside of
                           the United States.

                           Total Bond Market Fund - seeks to match the 
                           investment   performance  of  Lehman  Brothers  
                           Aggregate  Bond  Index,  a broad  market  weighted 
                           index which  encompasses  U.S.  Treasury  and  agency
                           securities, corporate  investments,  graded  bonds 
                           and mortgage backed securities.


Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 1996 and 1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Contributions.  Participants  may elect to make basic and supplemental
     contributions  (where permitted) each pay period,  and basic  contributions
     may  be  matched   by  the   Company   at   various   rates.   Supplemental
     contributions(where  permitted)  are not  matched by the  Company.  Certain
     participants receive fixed contributions from the Company at varying rates.
     Company  contributions vest to the participant at various rates as required
     by the Tax  Reform  Act of 1986.  Upon  retirement,  attainment  of age 65,
     permanent plant shutdown,  permanent disability,  or death, the participant
     automatically becomes fully vested in the Company contributions.

          Total unallocated forfeitures were $36,853 and $26,852 at December 31,
     1996 and 1995,  respectively.  These  amounts will be used to reduce future
     employer contributions.

          Distributions.  Distributions  to participants are generally paid only
     in a lump sum. Certain  participants  have the option of being paid through
     monthly installments.

          Changes to or Termination of the Plan. The Company  reserves the right
     to  amend  or  modify  any of the  provisions  of the  Plan in any  respect
     retroactively  in order to qualify or  maintain  the Plan and the fund as a
     plan and trust meeting the requirements of the Employee  Retirement  Income
     Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) or any other applicable legislation.  The Plan
     is subject to the provisions of ERISA.

          Subject to contractual  obligations,  the Company may  discontinue all
     contributions  under the Plan or terminate the Plan at its  discretion.  If
     contributions  are  discontinued or if the Plan is terminated,  participant
     accounts  will  become  fully vested, and all Plan  assets  will be used to
     provide the benefits payable to participants and their beneficiaries.

          Plan mergers. Effective September 1, 1995, the net assets of the Crown
     Cork & Seal Company,  Inc.  Retirement  Thrift Plan for Hourly Employees at
     the Arden Plant No.11 of $377,851  were merged into the  Retirement  Thrift
3.   Tax Status of the Plan

          The Plan was  amended  and  restated,  effective  January 1, 1994,  to
     comply with all  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue Code (IRC) and ERISA.
     The  Committee  has  represented  that the Plan  has been  administered  in
     accordance with all provisions of the IRC and ERISA.

          The Plan has received a favorable  determination letter dated February
     13, 1996 from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and accordingly,  the Plan
     is not subject to federal or local income taxes.


Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 1996 and 1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.   Related Party Transactions

     Certain Plan investments are shares of mutual funds managed by the Trustee.
     Therefore,  these transactions  qualify as  party-in-interest  transactions
     which are exempt from the prohibited transaction rules.

5.   Benefits Payable

     Amounts allocated to persons who have elected to withdraw from the Plan but
     have not yet been paid as of December 31, 1996 were as follows:

     Fixed Income Fund               $    5,685
     Company Stock Fund                   1,573
     Explorer Fund                          517
     Index 500 Fund                         745
     International Growth Fund              176
     Total Bond Market Fund                 176

                                     $    8,872
     These amounts are recorded as benefits payable on the Plan's Form 5500.


                                                                     Schedule I

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
at December 31, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               Description of   Number of              Current
   Identity of Issue            Investment      Shares       Cost       Value
  -----------------             ----------     ---------     ----     ----------

  Fixed Income Fund              Guaranteed   
   Contract                      Investment
    #GR-12265 - 3.5%, 7/1/98     Contract      3,615,788  $3,615,788  $3,615,788
John Hancock Mutual Life:
  Fixed Income Fund              Guaranteed    
   Contract # 7740               Investment
     GAC - 7.75%, 6/30/98        Contract      3,122,333   3,122,333   3,122,333

*Vanguard Money 
   Market Prime (30)             Registered 
                                 Company         195,731     195,731     195,731

Crown Cork & Seal 
  Common Stock                   Common 
                                 Stock           170,539   1,663,751   2,198,250

*Balanced Index Fund             Registered 
                                 Company          63,893     774,285     889,392

*Explorer Fund                   Registered 
                                 Company          17,460     903,714     939,853

*Index 500 
 Portfolio Fund                  Registered
                                 Company          90,867   4,732,355   6,284,395
 Growth Fund                     Registered
                                 Company          43,213     660,001     711,286

*Total Bond 
 Market Fund                     Registered 
                                 Company          23,833     233,578     234,513
                                                         ----------- -----------
Total Investments at December 31, 1995                   $15,901,536 $18,191,541
                                                         =========== ===========
* Party-in-interest.


                                                                 Schedule II

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions*
For the Year Ended December 31, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Identity of        Description       Aggregate   Aggregate    Cost     
 Party                  of             Purchase    Selling      of          Net
 Involved           Investments         Price       Price     Assets       Gain
- ------------       ------------       ---------    -------    -------     ------

Crown Cork & Seal   Common Stock     $ 458,239   $ 231,069  $ 199,162   $ 31,907

Vanguard            Explorer Fund      589,466     163,932    156,035      7,897
Vanguard            Index 500 
                    Portfolio        2,010,655     547,912    446,332    101,580
Vanguard            Fixed 
                    Income Fund      1,707,326   1,284,104  1,284,104          0

*  Transactions or a series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value
   of the  Plan's  assets as of the  beginning  of the plan year as  defined  in
   section  2520.103-6  of the  Department  of Labor Rules and  Regulations  for
   Reporting and Disclosure under ERISA
