Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 11-K

         OF 1934

         For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998

         Commission File Number 1-2227

         E.       Full title of the plan:

                  Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                  Retirement Thrift Plan

         F.       Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan and
                  the address of its principal executive office:

                        CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC.
                                 ONE CROWN WAY
                          PHILADELPHIA, PA 19154-4599



Signatures...........................................................      3

Report of Independent Accountants....................................      6

Audited Plan Financial Statements and Schedules in
accordance with the Financial Reporting Requirements of ERISA........   7 to 17

Exhibit 23 - Consent of Independent Accountants......................     18


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Committee  has duly caused this annual  report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                       Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                                       Retirement Thrift Plan

                                       By: /s/ James T. Malec
                                           James T. Malec
                                           Member, Benefit Plan Committee

Date: June 25, 1999

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Financial Statements as of and
for the years ended
December 31, 1998 and 1997

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Table of Contents
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Report of Independent Accountants                                         1

Financial Statements

    Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits                        2

    Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits             3

    Notes to Financial Statements                                       4 - 9

Supplemental Schedules*

    Schedule I   - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes        10

    Schedule II  - Schedule of Reportable Transactions (Transactions or
                   Series of Transactions in Excess of 5% of Plan Assets) 11

*   Other  supplemental   schedules  required  by  Section  2520.103.10  of  the
    Department of Labor Rules and Regulations for reporting and disclosure under
    ERISA have been omitted because they are not applicable.

                       Report of Independent Accountants

To the Benefit Plans Committee and Participants
of the Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying  statement of net assets available for benefits
and the  related  statement  of changes in net assets  available  for  benefits,
present fairly, in all material respects,  the net assets available for benefits
of the Crown Cork & Seal Company,  Inc.  Retirement  Thrift Plan (the "Plan") at
December 31, 1998 and 1997, and the changes in net assets available for benefits
for the years then ended,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles.  These  financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the Plan's
management;  our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements  based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion  expressed

Our audits  were  conducted  for the  purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedules of assets held
for  investment  purposes and of reportable  transactions  are presented for the
purpose  of  additional  analysis  and are  not a  required  part  of the  basic
financial   statements  but  are  supplementary   information  required  by  the
Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations  for Reporting and Disclosure  under
the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act  of  1974.  These  supplemental
schedules are the  responsibility  of the Plan's  management.  The  supplemental
schedules have been subjected to the auditing  procedures  applied in the audits
of the basic financial  statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all
material  respects  in  relation to the basic  financial  statements  taken as a

As  explained  in Note 1, the  non-salaried  employees  of the Crown Cork & Seal
Company, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan for Employees of Risdon were merged
with and into the Plan effective December 31, 1998.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

June 18, 1999
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits
December 31, 1998 and 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  1998                1997
Investments, at fair value:
Registered investment companies:
  Vanguard Balanced Index Fund               $ 2,246,055 *       $ 1,607,816 *
  Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund          566,288             352,602
  Vanguard Explorer Fund                       1,544,789 *         1,491,357 *
  Vanguard 500 Index Fund                     14,971,747 *        10,308,773 *
  Vanguard International Growth Fund           1,370,130           1,020,769
                                            --------------      --------------

                                              20,699,009          14,781,317

Crown Cork & Seal Stock Fund                   1,345,762           2,141,542 *
Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust              7,592,121 *                 -
Crown Cork & Seal Fixed Income Fund                    -           6,893,795 *
                                            --------------      --------------
        Total investments                     29,636,892          23,816,654
                                            --------------      --------------

Asset transfer from the Crown Cork & Seal
  Company, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Savings
  Plan for Employees of Risdon Corporation    24,471,702                   -
                                            --------------      --------------

Employer's contributions                          29,874              27,459
Participants' contributions                      339,595             317,440
                                            --------------      --------------
        Total receivables                        369,469             344,899
                                            --------------      --------------
Net assets available for benefits            $54,478,063         $24,161,553
                                            --------------      --------------

* Represents 5% or more of net assets available for benefits.

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of the financial statements.

                                      - 2 -

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
For the Years Ended December 31, 1998 and 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              1998               1997
Investment income:
     Interest and dividend income        $   806,609        $   866,738
     Net appreciation in fair value
       of investments                      2,659,218          2,112,948
                                        -------------      -------------
                                           3,465,827          2,979,686
                                        -------------      -------------

     Employer                                796,550            761,897
     Participant                           3,816,787          3,548,853
                                        -------------      -------------
                                           4,613,337          4,310,750
                                        -------------      -------------

     Asset transfer in                    24,471,702                  -
                                        -------------      -------------

        Total additions                   32,550,866          7,290,436
                                        -------------      -------------

Payment of benefits                        2,209,231          1,551,346
Administrative expenses                       25,125             24,996
                                        -------------      -------------
        Total deductions                   2,234,356          1,576,342
                                        -------------      -------------
Net increase                              30,316,510          5,714,094

Net assets available for benefits:
     Beginning of period                  24,161,553         18,447,459
                                        -------------      -------------
     End of period                       $54,478,063        $24,161,553
                                        -------------      -------------

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of the financial statements.

                                     - 3 -

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 1.  Description of Plan
     The following description of the Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. Retirement
     Thrift Plan (the "Plan")  provides only general  information.  Participants
     should refer to the Plan  document for a more complete  description  of the
     Plan's provisions.

     The Plan is a  voluntary  defined  contribution  plan which is  designed to
     provide a convenient method by which eligible  employees may save regularly
     through  salary  deferrals.  Participation  in the Plan is determined by an
     agreement among  recognized  collective  bargaining  units and Crown Cork &
     Seal Company,  Inc. (the "Company") or as otherwise agreed upon between the
     Company and non-organized hourly employees. The Plan is administered by the
     Crown Cork & Seal Company,  Inc. Benefit Plans Committee (the "Committee").
     The Committee has appointed  Vanguard  Fiduciary Trust Company  ("VFTC") as
     the trustee of the Plan.

     The  participant  accounts of the  non-salaried  participants of  the Crown
     Cork & Seal Company,  Inc. 401(k) Retirement  Savings Plan for Employees of
     Risdon  Corporation  ("Risdon  401(k)")  were merged with and into the Plan
     effective  December 31, 1998. The assets transferred  totaled  $24,471,702.
     The assets were transferred to VFTC, and mapped to the respective funds, in
     February  1999,  and are  recorded  as a Plan asset at December  31,  1998.
     During the  conversion  process a freeze  period was  enforced  to restrict
     transactions.  Once  the  freeze  period  was  lifted  on  March  26,  1999
     participants could change investment elections.

     The Plan provides  certain  employees the  opportunity to purchase  Company
     stock at a purchase price equal to the closing price on the day of deposit.

     Participants may elect to make basic and supplemental  contributions (where
     permitted)  each pay  period.  Basic  contributions  may be  matched by the
     Company at various rates. Supplemental  contributions (where permitted) are
     not matched by the Company. In addition, certain participants receive fixed
     contributions from the Company at varying rates.

     Participant Accounts
     Each participant's account is credited with the participant's  contribution
     and allocations of (a) the Company's  contribution,  and (b) Plan earnings,
     and charged with an allocation of administrative expenses.  Allocations are
     based on participant earnings or account balances,  as defined. The benefit
     to which a participant is entitled is the benefit that can be provided from
     the participant's vested account.

     Participants  are  immediately  vested in their  contributions  plus actual
     earnings thereon. Vesting in the Company's matching contribution portion of
     their  accounts  plus  actual  earnings  thereon is based on various  rates
     established in the collective bargaining agreements.  A participant becomes
     100% vested after completing 4 or 5 years of service, as defined.

                                     - 4 -

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Payment of Benefits
     On  termination  of  service  due to  retirement,  attainment  of  age  65,
     permanent plant shutdown,  permanent disability,  or death, the participant
     automatically   becomes   fully   vested  in  the  Company   contributions.
     Distributions  to  participants  are  generally  paid  only in a lump  sum.
     Certain  participants  have  the  option  of  being  paid  through  monthly

     Forfeited Accounts
     Total unallocated forfeitures were $68,397 and $46,670 at December 31, 1998
     and  1997,  respectively.  These  amounts  will be used  to  reduce  future
     employer contributions.

     Plan Termination
     The Company  reserves the right to amend or modify any of the provisions of
     the Plan in any respect  retroactively  in order to qualify or maintain the
     Plan as a plan meeting the requirements of the Employee  Retirement  Income
     Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) or any other applicable legislation.  The Plan
     is subject to the  provisions  of ERISA.  Although it has not expressed any
     intent to do so, the Company  has the right  under the Plan to  discontinue
     its  contributions  at any time and to  terminate  the Plan  subject to the
     provisions of ERISA. In the event of Plan  termination,  participants  will
     become 100 percent vested in their accounts.

     Investment   Options
     Participants are able to  allocate their  contributions among the following
     investment options:

     Vanguard  Balanced Index Fund: Seeks to provide income and long-term growth
     of capital and income by dividing its assets between indexed  portfolios of
     stocks (60%) and bonds (40%).

     Vanguard  Total Bond Market Index Fund  (formerly  the Vanguard  Bond Index
     Fund - Total  Bond  Market  Portfolio):  Seeks to  provide a high  level of
     interest  income by  attempting to match the  performance  of the unmanaged
     Lehman Brothers  Aggregate Bond Index, a widely  recognized  measure of the
     entire taxable U.S. bond market.

     Vanguard  Explorer Fund:  Seeks to provide  long-term  growth of capital by
     investing in a diversified group of small-company stocks with prospects for
     above-average growth.

     Vanguard  500  Index  Fund   (formerly  the  Vanguard  Index  Trust  -  500
     Portfolio):  Seeks to provide  long-term  growth of capital and income from
     dividends  by  holding  all of the 500  stocks  that make up the  unmanaged
     Standard & Poor's 500  Composite  Stock Price  Index,  a widely  recognized
     benchmark of U.S. stock market performance.

     Vanguard  International  Growth Fund  (formerly the Vanguard  International
     Growth  Portfolio):  Seeks  to  provide  long-term  growth  of  capital  by
     investing in stocks of high-quality,  seasoned  companies based outside the
     United States. Stocks are selected from more than 15 countries.

                                     - 5 -

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Vanguard  Retirement Savings Trust: Seeks stability of principal and a high
     level  of  current  income  consistent  with a two- to  three-year  average
     maturity.  The trust is a tax-exempt collective trust invested primarily in
     investment  contracts issued by insurance  companies and commercial  banks,
     and similar  types of  fixed-principal  investments.  The trust  intends to
     maintain a constant net asset value of $1.00 per share.

     Crown Cork & Seal Stock Fund: Invests in Crown Cork & Seal stock to provide
     the possibility of long-term  growth through  increases in the value of the
     stock and the reinvestment of its dividends.

     Crown Cork & Seal Fixed  Income  Fund:  Seeks to preserve  the value of the
     original  investment  and  provide  an  attractive  level  of  interest  by
     investing  primarily in investment  contracts issued by insurance companies
     and banks and other types of fixed principal investments. It is designed to
     maintain a constant  $1.00 share value.  All contracts  matured during 1998
     and balances were transferred to the Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust.

 2.  Summary of Accounting Policies

     The following  accounting  policies,  which conform with generally accepted
     accounting  principles,  have been used  consistently in the preparation of
     the Plan's financial statements:

     Basis of Accounting
     The financial  statements of the Plan are prepared under the accrual method
     of accounting.

     Use of Estimates
     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
     accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make estimates and
     assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
     disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and  liabilities  at  the  date  of the
     financial  statements and the reported  amounts of additions and deductions
     during  the  reporting  period.  Actual  results  could  differ  from those

     Investment Valuation and Income Recognition
     The Plan's  investments  are  stated at fair  value.  Shares of  registered
     investment companies are valued at quoted market prices which represent the
     net asset value of shares held by the Plan at year-end.  The Company  stock
     fund(s) is valued at its year-end unit closing price (comprised of year-end
     market price plus uninvested  cash position.)  Units of the Company's fixed
     income fund and the Retirement  Savings Trust are valued at net asset value
     at year end.

     Purchases  and sales of  investments  are recorded on a  trade-date  basis.
     Interest income is accrued when earned.  Dividend income is recorded on the
     ex-dividend  date.  Capital  gain  distributions  are  included in dividend

     Payment of Benefits
     Benefits are recorded when paid.

                                     - 6 -

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.  Crown Cork & Seal Fixed Income Fund

     The   Crown   Cork  &  Seal   Fixed   Income   Fund   consists   of   fully
     benefit-responsive   guaranteed   investment  contracts  (GICs)  valued  at
     contract value, which  approximates fair value.  Interest rates ranged from
     5.07 percent to 6.96 percent at December 31, 1997.  Average  yield was 5.71
     percent  and 6.07  percent for the year ended  December  31, 1998 and 1997,

 4.  Related Party Transactions

     The Plan  invests  in  shares  of  registered  investment  companies  and a
     collective trust fund managed by an affiliate of VFTC. VFTC acts as trustee
     for those investments defined by the Plan. Transactions in such investments
     qualify  as  party-in-interest  transactions  which  are  exempt  from  the
     prohibited transaction rules.

 5.  Tax Status

     The Plan was amended and  restated,  effective  January 1, 1994,  to comply
     with all  provisions  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code (IRC) and ERISA.  The
     Committee has represented that the Plan has been administered in accordance
     with all provisions of the IRC and ERISA. The Plan has received a favorable
     determination  letter dated  February  13, 1996 from the  Internal  Revenue
     Service (IRS) and accordingly,  the Plan is not subject to federal or local
     income taxes.  The Plan has been amended since receiving the  determination
     letter.  However, the Plan administrator and the Plan's tax counsel believe
     that the Plan is designed and is  currently  being  operated in  compliance
     with the applicable requirements of the IRC.

6.   Subsequent Events

     The Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. Retirement Thrift Plan for Non-Salaried
     Employees of CONSTAR International, Inc. ("CONSTAR Thrift") was merged with
     and into the Plan effective  March 31, 1999.  The total assets  transferred
     were $17,926,398. The Company and administrative committee also expect that
     by the end of the third  quarter  of the 1999 plan  year,  the Crown Cork &
     Seal Company, Inc. Retirement Thrift Plan for International  Association of
     Machinists  Local  1584 of  Fremont  Plant No. 62 and the Crown Cork & Seal
     Company,  Inc.  Retirement  Thrift Plan for  International  Association  of
     Machinists Local 1528 of Modesto Plant No. 79 will be merged into the Plan.

                                      - 7 -

 7.  Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits by Investment Fund

     The allocation of changes in net assets available for plan benefits for the
     year ended December 31, 1998 is as follows:

                                                              Fund Information

                        Vanguard Vanguard                          Vanguard                        Cork & Seal
                        Balanced  Total     Vanguard            International Vanguard     Crown     Fixed
                         Index  Bond Market Explorer Vanguard 500   Growth   Retirement  Cork & Seal Income
                         Fund   Index Fund    Fund    Index Fund     Fund   Savings Trust Stock Fund Fund      Other         Total

Investment income:
   Interest and
     dividend income  $  79,433 $ 28,806  $  13,535   $  221,540  $  27,393  $  71,476  $  40,603 $  323,823 $         - $   806,609
   Net realized gain
     (loss)on sale
     of investments      10,700      496    (15,078)     169,417     24,356          -    (21,962)         -           -     167,929
   Net unrealized
     of investments     225,036    6,774     52,352    2,815,954    136,829          -   (745,656)         -           -   2,491,289
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
                        315,169   36,076     50,809    3,206,911    188,578     71,476   (727,015)   323,823           -   3,465,827
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
   Employer              54,639   26,742     78,863      239,535     49,041     18,092    168,270    161,368           -     796,550
   Participant          312,576  106,138    332,690    1,852,372    289,503    209,741    136,088    577,679           -   3,816,787
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
                        367,215  132,880    411,553    2,091,907    338,544    227,833    304,358    739,047           -   4,613,337
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
   Asset transfer in          -        -          -            -          -          -          -         -   24,471,702  24,471,702
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------

      Total additions   682,384  168,956    462,362    5,298,818    527,122    299,309   (422,657) 1,062,870  24,471,702  32,550,866
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
Payment of benefits     128,400   20,681     88,023      874,921     89,075     70,127    253,466    684,538           -   2,209,231
Administrative expenses   1,730      681      1,974        9,758      1,369      1,751      2,345      5,517           -      25,125
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------

      Total deductions  130,130   21,362     89,997      884,679     90,444     71,878    255,811    690,055           -   2,234,356
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
Net increase (decrease)
 prior to interfund
  transfers             552,254  147,594    372,365    4,414,139    436,678    227,431   (678,468)   372,815  24,471,702  30,316,510
Interfund transfers      92,746   69,055   (320,162)     271,074    (87,792) 7,440,894   (119,308)(7,346,507)          -           -
                     ---------- --------  --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
Net increase (decrease) 645,000  216,649     52,203    4,685,213    348,886  7,668,325   (797,776)(6,973,692) 24,471,702  30,316,510

Net assets available
 for benefits:
  Beginning of period 1,630,303  362,151  1,522,004   10,457,894  1,048,633          -  2,166,876  6,973,692           -  24,161,553
                     ---------- -------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
  End of period      $2,275,303 $578,800 $1,574,207 $ 15,143,107 $1,397,519 $7,668,325 $1,369,100 $        - $24,471,702 $54,478,063
                     ========== ======== ========== ============ ========== ========== ========== ========== =========== ===========

                                      - 8 -

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Retirement Thrift Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 7.  Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits by Investment Fund (continued)

     The allocation of changes in net assets available for plan benefits for the
year ended December 31, 1997 is as follows:

                                                                   Fund Information

                                           Vanguard                                                          Crown
                               Vanguard   Bond Index               Vanguard       Vanguard                Cork & Seal
                               Balanced  Fund - Total   Vanguard     Index     International    Crown        Fixed
                               Index     Bond Market    Explorer  Trust - 500      Growth     Cork & Seal    Income
                               Fund       Portfolio       Fund     Portfolio     Portfolio    Stock Fund      Fund         Total

Investment income:
  Interest and
    dividend income          $  57,165   $   18,567   $  145,962  $    207,644   $  44,813    $  39,697   $  352,890   $   866,738
  Net realized gain (loss)
    on sale of investments       6,325          445        4,901       118,004       5,762      (13,187)           -       122,250
  Net unrealized appreciation
    of investments             169,098        7,676       11,735     1,999,300     (31,680)    (165,431)           -     1,990,698
                            ----------   ----------   ----------  ------------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------
                               232,588       26,688      162,598     2,324,948      18,895     (138,921)     352,890     2,979,686
                            ----------   ----------   ----------  ------------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------
  Employer                      40,070       19,690       64,832       211,305      45,415      191,109      189,476       761,897
  Participant                  225,689       98,433      319,148     1,592,766     272,432      170,930      869,455     3,548,853
                            ----------   ----------   ----------  ------------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------
                               265,759      118,123      383,980     1,804,071     317,847      362,039    1,058,931     4,310,750
                            ----------   ----------   ----------  ------------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

       Total additions         498,347      144,811      546,578     4,129,019     336,742      223,118    1,411,821     7,290,436
                            ----------   ----------   ----------  ------------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------
Payment of benefits             38,936        6,213       32,513       472,771      33,560      175,941      791,412     1,551,346
Administrative expenses          1,344          530        1,842         8,436       1,257        2,877        8,710        24,996
                            ----------   ----------   ----------  ------------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

       Total deductions         40,280        6,743       34,355       481,207      34,817      178,818      800,122     1,576,342
                            ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

Net increase prior to
   interfund transfers         458,067      138,068      512,223     3,647,812     301,925       44,300      611,699     5,714,094
Interfund transfers            267,776      (17,749)      48,686       426,618      18,851      (98,062)    (646,120)            -
                            ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

Net increase (decrease)        725,843      120,319      560,909     4,074,430     320,776      (53,762)     (34,421)    5,714,094

Net assets available for
     Beginning of period       904,460      241,832      961,095     6,383,464     727,857    2,220,638    7,008,113    18,447,459
                            ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------
     End of period          $1,630,303   $  362,151   $1,522,004   $10,457,894  $1,048,633   $2,166,876   $6,973,692   $24,161,553
                            ==========   ==========   ==========   ===========  ==========   ==========   ==========   ===========

                                     - 9 -

                                                        Additional Information
                                                        Required for Form 5500

Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.                                    Schedule I
Retirement Thrift Plan
EIN 23-1526444
Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
Attachment to Form 5500, Line 27(a)
As of December 31, 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Identity of Issue                           Description of Asset             Cost                Value

  * Vanguard Balanced Index Fund              Registered Investment Company      $ 1,771,548         $ 2,246,055
  * Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund     Registered Investment Company          552,148             566,288
  * Vanguard Explorer Fund                    Registered Investment Company        1,460,456           1,544,789
  * Vanguard 500 Index Fund                   Registered Investment Company        9,118,561          14,971,747
  * Vanguard International Growth Fund        Registered Investment Company        1,226,699           1,370,130
  * Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust         Common/Collective Trust              7,592,121           7,592,121
  * Crown Cork & Seal Stock Fund              Company Stock Fund                   1,865,136           1,345,762
                                                                                 -----------         -----------
Total assets held for investment purposes                                        $23,586,669         $29,636,892
                                                                                 ===========         ===========

* Party in Interest

                                                                - 10 -

Crown Cork & Seal Company Inc.                                    Schedule II
Retirement Thrift Plan
EIN 23-1526444
Schedule of Reportable (5%) Transactions*
Form 5500, Line 27(d)
December 31, 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                     Current Value
                                                                                       Historical     of Asset on      Historical
  Identity of                                               Purchase       Selling        Cost        Transaction         Gain
  Party Involved       Description of Asset                  Price          Price       of Asset         Date            (Loss)

The Vanguard Group   Vanguard 500 Index Fund               $ 3,588,108                                $ 3,588,108
The Vanguard Group   Vanguard 500 Index Fund                              $1,910,505   $1,386,737       1,910,505       $523,768

The Vanguard Group   Vanguard Balanced Index Fund              853,400                                    853,400
The Vanguard Group   Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                            450,897      416,823         450,897         34,074

The Vanguard Group   Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust       7,703,903                                  7,703,903
The Vanguard Group   Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust                       111,784      111,784         111,784           -

The Vanguard Group   Crown Cork & Seal Fixed Income Fund     1,934,149                                  1,934,149
The Vanguard Group   Crown Cork & Seal Fixed Income Fund                   1,789,384    1,789,384       1,789,384           -

*   Transactions  or a series of  transactions  in  excess of 5% of the  current
    value of the Plan's  assets as of the  beginning of the Plan year as defined
    in section  2520.103-6 of the Department of Labor Rules and  Regulations for
    Reporting and Disclosure under ERISA.

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