                               EXHIBIT 10(b)
                        DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

                       Effective as February 1, 1994

1.  Purpose.  The purpose of the Cummins Engine Company, Inc. 1994
    Deferred Compensation Plan ("the Plan") is to provide certain
    highly compensated employees of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
    ("Cummins") and its subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter
    collectively referred to as "the Company") an opportunity to
    defer compensation received by them from the Company in
    accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.

2.  Approval and Administration.  The Plan shall be administered by
    the Compensation Committee of the Cummins Board of Directors
    ("the Committee").  The Committee shall have sole and complete
    authority and discretion to interpret the terms and provisions of
    the Plan and to adopt, alter and repeal such administrative
    rules, regulations and practices governing the operation of the
    Plan, and to determine facts under the Plan as it shall from time
    to time deem advisable.  The Committee may delegate the day-to-
    day administration of the Plan to senior executive officers of
    the Company.

3.  Eligibility.  US resident employees having an annual base salary
    payable by the Company of $100,000 or more shall be eligible to
    participate in the Plan.  Such persons who make an election as
    described in Section 4 shall individually be referred to as a
    "Participant" and collectively as "Participants".

4.  Election to Defer:

    (a)  An eligible employee may elect in writing to defer receipt
    of all or a portion, as specified in the election, of his or her
    base salary, Target Bonus (or other applicable profit sharing
    plan) and Three-Year Performance Plan payouts otherwise to be
    made by the Company.  Amounts deferred under this Section 4(a)
    shall be referred to as "Deferred Amounts".  Except as provided
    in Section 4(c) below, an election to defer cannot be revoked.

    (b)  For employees eligible to participate on the effective date,
    an election to defer base salary or profit sharing bonus
    payments, or the Three-Year Performance Plan payout in June 1995
    shall be made on or before February 28, 1994.  Employees who
    subsequently become eligible to participate shall have thirty
    (30) days following notification by the committee of their
    eligibility to participate to make an election with respect to
    base salary or profit sharing bonus.  Except for new participants
    as described in the preceding sentence, an election made after
    February 28, 1994 to defer base salary or profit sharing bonus
    payments must be made on or before December 31 of the year
    preceding the year of payment.  Except for the initial election
    to be made on or before February 28, 1994, an election to defer
    Three-Year Performance Plan payments must be made on or before
    December 31 of the year preceding the end of the award cycle for
    which the payment is to be made (e.g., an election to defer the
    June 1996 payout must be made on or before December 31, 1994).

    (c)  Once each year, upon written application of the Participant
    and with the consent of the Committee, a Participant may modify a
    previously made election in order to reduce the amount or
    percentage of base salary or profit sharing bonus payments to be
    deferred.  Any such modification may only be made on March 15,
    June 15 or September 15 and shall only be applicable to amounts
    earned after the beginning of the calendar quarter immediately
    following the date of modification as follows:

    Date Modified           Applicable To
    _____________           _____________

    March 15                Post 4/1 base pay; Q2, Q3 or Q4 bonus
    June 15                 Post 7/1 base pay; Q3 or Q4 bonus
    September 15            Post 10/1 base pay; Q4 bonus

5.  Establishment of Deferred Compensation Account.  At the time of
    the Participant's initial election to defer pursuant to Section
    4, the business unit of the Company which employs the Participant
    shall establish a memorandum account (a "Deferred Compensation
    Account") for such Participant on its books.  The Deferred Amount
    shall be credited to the Deferred Compensation Account as of the
    last day of the month in which it otherwise would have been
    received by the Participant.  Any required withholding for taxes
    (e.g., Social Security taxes) on the Deferred Amount shall be
    made from and to the extent of other compensation of the
    Participant.  If other compensation is insufficient for such
    purpose, the Participant shall reimburse the Company for the
    amount the Company is required to withhold.  Adjustments, as
    provided in Section 6 below, shall be made to the Participant's
    Deferred Compensation Account.

6.  Adjustments to Deferred Amounts.  Once each month, the Committee
    shall credit the Participant's Deferred Compensation Account with
    an earnings factor.  The earnings factor will equal the amount
    the Participant's Deferred Compensation Account would have earned
    if it had been invested in the investment options determined from
    time to time by the Committee.  The Participant is permitted to
    select the investment option used to determine the earnings
    factor and may change the selection once each year.  The
    Participant may choose more than one investment option in
    increments of at least ten percent (10%).  Cummins reserves the
    right to change or amend any of the investment options at any
    time.  The Company is under no obligation to acquire or provide
    any of the investments designated by a Participant, and any
    investments actually made by the Company will be made solely in
    the name of the Company and will remain the property of the
    Company.  The crediting of an earnings factor shall occur so long
    as there is a balance in the Participant's Deferred Compensation
    Account, regardless of whether the Participant has terminated
    employment with the Company.

7.  Payment of Deferred Amounts:

    (a)  Except as otherwise provided in subsections (e) or (f)
    below, a Participant's Deferred Amount shall be paid, or commence
    to be paid, to the Participant, or the Participant's beneficiary,
    as soon as practicable after the earliest to occur of the

          (i)  the Participant's death,

          (ii)  the termination of Participant's employment with the
          Company (otherwise than by retirement), or

          (iii)  the date specified in the election made by the

    In the case of Participant's termination of employment by
    retirement, the date specified in (iii) shall determine the date
    of payment or commencement.

    In the event of the Participant's death, payment of the balance
    in the Participant's Deferred Compensation Account shall be made
    as soon as administratively feasible to the Participant's
    designated beneficiary, or if none, to the Participant's estate.

    (b)  The Participant may elect to receive payment of each
    Deferred Amount in his or her Deferred Compensation Account
    either (i) in a lump sum or (ii) in a number of annual
    installments, not to exceed fifteen, as the Participant shall
    elect.  The election shall be made concurrently with the election
    to defer and must have approval of the Committee or its
    designate.  If no election is made, a lump-sum payment will be

    (c)  Notwithstanding the election under subsection (b), in the
    case of Participant's death or termination of employment other
    than by retirement, payment will be made in a lump sum.

    (d)  Except as provided in subsections (e) or (f), the elections
    referenced in subsection 7(a)(iii) and in subsection 7(b) are
    irrevocable.  Both such elections shall be made with respect to
    and at the same time as each election to defer under Section

    (e)  A Participant will receive the balance in the Deferred
    Compensation Account upon the occurrence of a Change in Control
    of Cummins.  The term "Change in Control" shall mean a Change in
    Control as defined in the Cummins Engine Company, Inc. 1992 Stock
    Incentive Plan.

    (f)  Anything contained in this Section to the contrary
    notwithstanding, in the event a Participant incurs a financial
    hardship or other significant change in circumstances, the
    Committee, in its sole discretion and upon written application of
    such Participant, may direct immediate payment of all or a
    portion of the then current value of such Participant's Deferred
    Compensation Account; provided that such payment shall in no
    event exceed the amount necessary to alleviate such financial
    hardship or accommodate such other significant change in
    circumstances.  The Committee, in its sole discretion and upon
    the Participant's written application, may defer the commencement
    date or extend the distribution period for any Deferred Amount,
    provided that (i) any such application must be submitted by the
    Participant no later than one year prior to the date distribution
    would otherwise commence; and (ii) if approved by the Committee,
    any such election shall thereafter be irrevocable by the

8.  Participant Reports.  The Company shall provide a quarterly
    statement to the Participant concerning the status of his or her
    Deferred Compensation Account.

9.  Transferability of Interests.  During the period of deferral, all
    Deferred Amounts shall be considered as general assets of the
    Company for use as it deems necessary and shall be subject to the
    claims of the Company's creditors.  The rights and interests of a
    Participant during the period of deferral shall be those of a
    general creditor except that such Participant's rights and
    interests may not be reached by the creditors of the Participant
    or the beneficiary, or anticipated, assigned, pledged,
    transferred or otherwise encumbered except in the event of the
    death of the Participant, and then only by will or the laws of
    descent and distribution.

10.  Amendment, Suspension and Termination.  Cummins at any time may
     amend, suspend or terminate the Plan or any portion thereof in
     such manner and to such extent as it may deem advisable and in
     the best interests of the Company.  No amendment, suspension and
     termination shall reduce the amount than credited to a
     Participant's Deferred Compensation Account.

11.  Unfunded Obligation.  The Company shall have no obligation to
     fund the Plan.  No trust, escrow or other provisions shall be
     established in the name of a Participant to secure payments due
     under the Plan; and the Plan shall be regarded as unfunded for
     purposes of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
     as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code.  A Participant shall
     be treated as a general, unsecured creditor at all times under
     the Plan, and shall have no rights to any specific assets of the
     Company.  All amounts credited to the memorandum accounts of the
     Participants will remain general assets of the respective

12.  No Right to Employment or Other Benefits.  Nothing contained
     herein shall be construed as conferring upon any Participant the
     right to continue in the employ of the Company.  Any
     compensation deferred and any payments made under this Plan
     shall not be included in creditable compensation in computing
     benefits under any employee benefit plan of the Company except
     to the extent expressly provided for therein.