Exhibit  (10) (vi)

                           CURTISS-WRIGHT CORPORATION

                                RETIREMENT PLAN



                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE  1 - DEFINITIONS ................................................    1

ARTICLE  2 - ELIGIBILITY ................................................   13

ARTICLE  3 - COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS ......................................   14


ARTICLE  5 - VESTING ....................................................   17


ARTICLE  7 - FORM OF BENEFIT PAYMENT ....................................   36

ARTICLE  8 - DEATH BENEFIT ..............................................   41



ARTICEL 11 - ADMINISTRATION .............................................   66

ARTICLE 12 - AMENDMENT & TERMINATION OF PLAN ............................   68



ARTICLE 15 - GENERAL PROVISIONS .........................................   78



benefit retirement plan, was established for eligible non-union Employees
of the Company.  The benefits under the retirement plan were also available
to the Company's union employees whose collective bargaining units
negotiated for these benefits.  The Plan, as amended, and as restated from
time to time, had been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a
qualified plan under the applicable Federal income tax laws.

     WHEREAS, effective December 31, 1991, the CURTISS-WRIGHT PENSION PLAN

     WHEREAS, wherever the words "Prior Plan" are used below, they shall
May 1, 1953, and which was in full force and operation through August 31,

     WHEREAS, effective September 1, 1994, the METAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANY,

Prior Plan, is hereby renamed and amended by restating it in its entirety
and shall hereafter be known and referred to as the CURTISS-WRIGHT
CORPORATION RETIREMENT PLAN (hereinafter referred to as the "Restated Plan"
or the "Plan").

                                   ARTICLE 1


     Wherever used herein, the following terms shall have the following
meanings unless the context otherwise requires:

1.01 "Actuarial Equivalent" means the value determined on the basis of
applicable factors set forth below or as otherwise specifically set forth
in the Plan.

     For calculating Joint & Survivor reduction factors which are applied
to a Life Annuity benefit, the UP 84 mortality table with a one (1) year
setback for participant and a four (4) year setback for beneficiaries at an
interest rate of seven (7%) percent, effective January 1, 1992.  The factor
will consider years and months.  For calculating lump sum factors,
converting the Cash Balance Account into an immediate annuity, deriving the
employee annuity based upon the cashout of employee contributions with
interest at a specified date, the UP 84 mortality table with no setback for
the participant and a three (3) year setback for beneficiaries, using the
IRC Section 417(e)(3)(A)(i) interest rates.  All lump sums that are paid to
participants after age fifty-five (55), regardless of whether the
participant terminated prior to age fifty-five (55), will use an immediate
annuity factor times the early retirement factor at that age.  All lump
sums paid before age fifty-five (55) will use a deferred annuity factor
deferred to age sixty-five (65).
                                     - 1 - 
     For an annuity that commences prior to Early Retirement Date, the 1983
GAM for Males and Females with an eighty (80%) percent weighting on the
male table's q and a twenty (20%) percent weighting on the female table's
q.  The interest rate is six (6%) percent.  The early retirement reduction
factor will be based on benefit payments that would have commenced at age
sixty-five (65), reduced without subsidy to an age below fifty-five (55).

1.02 "Age" means the years and months attained by a Participant.

1.03 "Affiliated Service Group" or "Controlled Group" means the Company and
all corporations, partnerships or other organizations, the Employees of
which are treated as employed by the Company pursuant to Section 414(b),
(c), (m), (n) or (o) of the Code, as modified, where applicable, by Section
415(h) of the Code.

1.04 "Annuity Starting Date" means the first day of the period for which an
amount is payable as an annuity.  If a benefit is not payable in the form
of an annuity, the first day on which all events have occurred which
entitle the Participant to such benefit.

1.05 "Average Compensation" means the average of a Participant's
Compensation over the sixty (60) consecutive months within the last one
hundred twenty (120) months which produces the highest average.  If the
Participant has less than sixty (60) months of Service, Compensation is
averaged over the Participant's months of Service from the date of his
employment to his date of termination of employment.

1.06 "Beneficiary" means the individual or entity designated as such by a
Participant pursuant to the Plan or otherwise entitled to receive any
payment pursuant to the Plan upon the death of the Participant.  If with
respect to any payment no individual or entity has been designated by a
Participant, or no designated Beneficiary survives the Participant, the
Participant's Beneficiary shall be (a) the Participant's surviving Spouse,
if living at the time of such payment; or in default thereof (b) the
Participant's surviving issue, per stirpes; or in default thereof (c) the
Participant's estate.

1.07 "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

1.08 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time
to time, and the corresponding provisions of any subsequently enacted
Federal tax laws.

1.09 "Committee" means the Committee appointed by the President to
administer the Plan as agent of the Company.

1.10 "Company" or "Employer" means CURTISS-WRIGHT CORPORATION, including
any affiliate or subsidiary of the Company which shall adopt this Plan for
its Employees, with the approval of the Company, and any other corporation,
partnership, business association or proprietorship which shall have
assumed in writing the obligations of the Plan and Trust, with the approval
of the Company, including any successor to an Employer as a result of a
statutory merger, purchase of assets or any other form of reorganization of
the business of the Company.

1.11 "Compensation" means all of each Participant's regular or base salary
or wages, including overtime pay, commissions and payments under the
Company's incentive compensation plan or bonus plans.
                                     - 2 - 
     Compensation shall include only that Compensation which is actually
paid to the Participant during the applicable period.  Except as provided
elsewhere in this Plan, the applicable period shall be the Plan Year.

     Notwithstanding the above, Compensation shall include any amount which
is contributed by the Company pursuant to a salary reduction agreement and
which is not includable in the gross income of the Employee under Sections
125, 402(a)(8), 402(h) or 403(b) of the Code.

     In addition to other applicable limitations set forth in the Plan, and
notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, for Plan
Years beginning on or after January 1, 1994, the annual Compensation of
each Employee taken into account under the Plan shall not exceed the OBRA '93
annual compensation limit.  The OBRA '93 annual compensation limit is
$150,000, as adjusted by the Commissioner for increases in the cost of
living in accordance with Section 401(a)(17)(B) of the Code.  The cost-of-
living adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies to any period, not
exceeding twelve (12) months, over which compensation is determined
(determination period) beginning in such calendar year.  If a determination
period consists of fewer than twelve (12) months, the OBRA '93 annual
compensation limit will be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which
is the number of months in the determination period, and the denominator of
which is twelve (12).

     For Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1994, any reference in
this Plan to the limitation under Section 401(a)(17) of the Code shall mean
the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit set forth in this provision.

     If Compensation for any prior determination period is taken into
account in determining an Employee's benefits accruing in the current Plan
Year, the Compensation for that prior determination period is subject to
the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit in effect for that prior
determination period.  For this purpose, for determination periods
beginning before the first day of the first Plan Year beginning on or after
January 1, 1994, the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit is $150,000.

     If Compensation for any Plan Year beginning before January 1, 1994 is
taken into account in determining an Employee's contributions or benefits
for the current year, the compensation for such prior year is subject to
the applicable annual compensation limit in effect for that prior year.

     Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to the contrary, however,
subject to any limitations imposed under Code Section 417, effective for
periods prior to September 1, 1994, Compensation shall mean:

     (a)  for each calendar month prior to July 1, 1970, 1/12th of his
basic salary (on an annual basis) in effect at the beginning of each Plan
Year; and

     (b)  for each calendar month after June 30, 1970, 1/12th of the sum of
his basic salary (on an annual basis) in effect at the beginning of each
Plan Year, plus any cash payments he received in the prior Plan Year under
the Company's Modified Incentive Compensation Plan;

and shall remain constant throughout each particular Plan Year (except for
the effect on the last half of the 1970 Plan Year of cash payments received
in 1969 under the Company's Modified Incentive Compensation Plan)
regardless of increases or decreases in actual salary.  In the case of an
Employee not eligible to participate under the Plan at the beginning of a
                                     - 3 - 
Plan Year, his Compensation for the remaining months of that Plan Year
shall be 1/12th of his basic salary (on an annual basis) in effect on his
eligibility date.  For purposes only of subparagraphs 3(c)(i)(B) of Article
III of the Prior Plan, Compensation means:

     (c)  prior to July 1, 1970, the basic salary or basic wages actually
paid to the Employee in the particular Plan Year;

     (d)  after June 30, 1970, the basic salary or basic wages plus cash
payments under the Company's Modified Incentive Compensation Plan actually
paid to the Employee in the particular Plan Year; and 

     (e)  after July 1, 1982, basic salary, basic wages or compensation
received under either the Company's Modified Incentive Compensation Plan or
the Metal Improvement Company bonus plan shall not be considered under this
Plan as reduced on account of any deferral or contribution which is made
Basic salary, basic wages or Compensation received under either the
Company's Modified Incentive Compensation Plan or the Metal Improvement
Company bonus plan shall be calculated as if no deferral or contributions

     "Basic salary or basic wages" of an Employee means his basic salary or
basic wages only, and shall in no case include any amounts paid to him as
overtime, bonuses, deferred compensation or additional compensation of any

1.12 "Covered Compensation" means with respect to any Participant for Plan
Years beginning after December 31, 1994 the average (without indexing) of
the Taxable Wage Bases in effect for each calendar year during the thirty-
five (35) year period ending with the last day of the current calendar
year, and for Plan Years beginning prior to January 1, 1995, the thirty-
five (35) year period ending with the last day of the calendar year prior
to the current calendar year.  The determination of Covered Compensation
shall be made with reference to Section 1.401(l)-1(c)(7) of the Treasury
Regulations.  A Participant's Covered Compensation shall be adjusted each
Plan Year and no increase in Covered Compensation shall decrease a Partic-
ipant's retirement benefit.  In determining the Covered Compensation for a
Plan Year, the Taxable Wage Base for all calendar years beginning after the
first day of the Plan Year is assumed to be the same as the Taxable Wage
Base in effect as of the beginning of the Plan Year.  Any change in a
Participant's Covered Compensation shall not cause any reduction in his
retirement benefit.

1.13 "Credited Service" means completed years and calendar months of
employment and shall include the following:

     (a)  The periods of employment of an Employee with the Company or with
a member of the Controlled Group while eligible to participate under the
Plan following his most recent date of hire and prior to the earlier of his
     (b)  Any periods of Leave of Absence approved by the Company in
writing, or military leave during the period in Subsection (a) above.
     (c)  For periods on or after May 1, 1966 and before December 31, 1991,
Credited Service of an Employee eligible to participate in this Plan shall
include Service which would be creditable under the CURTISS-WRIGHT PENSION
PLAN for any periods of his employment not included as Credited Service
under Subsections (a) and (b) above.
                                     - 4 - 
     For purposes of determining Credited Service for the Prior Plan, the
following provisions shall apply:

          (i)  Only Employees who were Participants under the terms of the
Prior Plan shall be entitled to Credited Service.

         (ii)  Credited Service shall mean completed years and calendar
months of employment, including periods of employment with the Company or a
member of the Controlled Group following his most recent date of hire
preceding December 31, 1991.

     Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to the contrary, a
Participant who elects Disability Retirement shall continue to receive
credit for Years of Credited Service and Vesting Years of Service until his
Normal Retirement Date and shall be deemed to receive Compensation in each
such year in an amount equal to his Compensation on the date on which
payment of his Long Term Disability Benefits commenced.

     Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to the contrary, for
purposes of determining Credited Service, an Employee shall be credited
with a calendar month of Service for a month in which such Participant
completes one (1) Hour of Service.  This provision shall apply only in the
month of hire and the month of separation of Service.

1.14 "Disability" means a physical or mental impairment that, in the
opinion of the Committee, is of such permanence and degree that the
Participant is unable, because of such impairment, to perform any gainful
activity for which the Participant is entitled by virtue of experience,
training, or education.  The permanence and degree of such impairment shall
be supported by medical evidence.

1.15 "Disability Retirement Date" means the date that a Participant who is
totally and permanently disabled elects to retire and commence to receive
his Disability Retirement Benefits.

1.16 "Early Retirement Date" means the date on which a Participant has
attained at least age fifty-five (55) and completed at least five (5) Years
of Credited Service.

1.17 (a)  "Effective Date" means September 1, 1994.

     (b)  "Original Effective Date" means May 1, 1953.

1.18 "Employee" means any Employee of the Company maintaining the Plan or
of any other Employer required to be aggregated with such Company under
Section 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code.

     The term Employee shall also include any leased Employee deemed to be
an Employee of any Employer described in the previous paragraph as provided
in Section 414(n) or (o) of the Code.

1.19 "Entry Date" means the first day of every January, April, July and

1.20 "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended from time to time, and the corresponding provisions of any
subsequently enacted pension laws.
                                     - 5 - 
1.21 "Fiduciary" means any Person that exercises any discretionary
authority or discretionary control respecting the management or disposition
of Plan assets or renders any investment advice for a fee or other
compensation or exercises any discretionary authority or responsibility for
the administration of the Plan.

1.22 "Highly Compensated Employee" means any highly compensated active
employees and highly compensated former employees.

     A highly compensated active employee includes any Employee who
performs Service for the Company during the determination year and who,
during the look-back year:  (i) received Compensation from the Company in
excess of $75,000 (as adjusted pursuant to Section 415(d) of the Code);
(ii) received Compensation from the Company in excess of $50,000 (as
adjusted pursuant to Section 415(d) of the Code) and was a member of the
top-paid group for such year; or (iii) was an officer of the Company and
received Compensation during such year that is greater than fifty (50%)
percent of the dollar limitation in effect under Section 415(b)(1)(A) of
the Code.  The term Highly Compensated Employee also includes:  (i)
Employees who are both described in the preceding sentence if the term
"determination year" is substituted for the term "look-back year" and the
Employee is one of the one hundred (100) Employees who received the most
Compensation from the Company during the determination year; and (ii)
Employees who are five (5%) percent owners at any time during the look-back
year or determination year.

     If no officer has satisfied the Compensation requirement of (iii)
above during either a determination year or look-back year, the highest
paid officer for such year shall be treated as a Highly Compensated

     For this purpose, the determination year shall be the Plan Year.  The
look-back year shall be the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding
the determination year.

     A highly compensated former employee includes any Employee who
separated from service (or was deemed to have separated) prior to the
determination year, performs no service for the Company during the
determination year, and was a highly compensated active employee for either
the separation year or any determination year ending on or after the
Employee's fifty-fifth (55th) birthday.

     If an Employee is, during a determination year or look-back year, a
family member of either a five (5%) percent owner who is an active or
former Employee or a Highly Compensated Employee who is one of the ten (10)
most Highly Compensated Employees ranked on the basis of Compensation paid
by the Company during such year, then the family member and the five (5%)
percent owner or top ten (10) Highly Compensated Employee shall be
aggregated.  In such case, the family member and five (5%) percent owner or
top ten (10) Highly Compensated Employee shall be treated as a single
Employee receiving Compensation and Plan contributions or benefits equal to
the sum of such Compensation and contributions or benefits of the family
member and five (5%) percent owner or top ten (10) Highly Compensated
Employee.  For purposes of this Section, family member includes the spouse,
lineal ascendants and descendants of the Employee or former Employee and
the spouses of such lineal ascendants and descendants.
                                     - 6 - 
     The determination of who is a Highly Compensated Employee, including
the determinations of the number and identity of Employees in the top-paid
group, the top one hundred (100) Employees, the number of Employees treated
as officers and the Compensation that is considered, will be made in
accordance with Section 414(q) of the Code and the regulations thereunder.

1.23 "Hour of Service" means:

     (a)  Each hour for which an Employee is paid, or entitled to payment,
for the performance of duties for the Company.  These hours will be
credited to the Employee for the computation period in which the duties are
performed; and
     (b)  Each hour for which an Employee is paid, or entitled to payment,
by the Company on account of a period of time during which no duties are
performed (irrespective of whether the employment relationship has
terminated) due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity (including
disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty or Leave of Absence.  No more
than five hundred one (501) Hours of Service will be credited under this
paragraph for any single continuous period (whether or not such period
occurs in a single computation period).  Hours under this paragraph will be
calculated and credited pursuant to Section 2530.200b-2 of the Department
of Labor Regulations, which is incorporated herein by this reference; and
     (c)  Each hour for which back pay, irrespective of mitigation of
damages, is either awarded or agreed to by the Company.  The same Hours of
Service will not be credited both under paragraph (a) or paragraph (b), as
the case may be, and under this paragraph (c).  These hours will be
credited to the Employee for the computation period or periods to which the
award or agreement pertains rather than the computation period in which the
award, agreement or payment is made.

     Hours of Service will be credited for employment with other members of
an Affiliated Service Group (under Section 414(m) of the Code), a
Controlled Group (under Section 414(b) of the Code), or a group of trades
or businesses under common control (under Section 414(c) of the Code) of
which the adopting Employer is a member, and any other entity required to
be aggregated with the Company pursuant to Section 414(o) of the Code and
the regulations thereunder.

     Hours of Service will also be credited for any individual considered
an Employee for purposes of this Plan under Section 414(n) or (o) of the
Code and the regulations thereunder.

     Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to the contrary, Hours of
Service shall not be credited for severance pay.

1.24 "Leased Employee" means any person (other than an Employee of the
recipient) who pursuant to an agreement between the recipient and any other
person ("leasing organization") has performed services for the recipient
(or for the recipient and related persons determined in accordance with
Section 414(n)(6) of the Code) on a substantially full-time basis for a
period of at least one year, and such services are of a type historically
performed by Employees in the business field of the recipient Employer. 
Contributions or benefits provided a Leased Employee by the leasing
organization which are attributable to services performed for the recipient
Employer shall be treated as provided by the recipient Employer.

     A Leased Employee shall not be considered an Employee of the recipient
if:  (i) such Employee is covered by a money purchase pension plan
                                     - 7 - 
providing:  (1) a nonintegrated employer contribution rate of at least ten
(10%) percent of Compensation, as defined in Section 415(c)(3) of the Code,
but including amounts contributed by the Company pursuant to a salary
reduction agreement which are excludable from the Employee's gross income
under Section 125, Section 402(a)(8), Section 402(h) or Section 403(b) of

the Code, (2) immediate participation, and (3) full and immediate vesting;
and (ii) Leased Employees do not constitute more than twenty (20%) percent
of the recipient's nonhighly compensated workforce.

1.25 "Leave of Absence" means any leave of absence which may be granted by
the Company in accordance with reasonable standards and policies uniformly
observed and consistently applied and may include, by way of illustration
and not limitation, leaves of absence granted because of illness of the
Employee or of his family members, vacations without pay, and pursuit of
educational or vocational studies.

1.26 "Life Annuity" means a benefit payable in equal monthly amounts for
the life of the annuitant and ceasing with the payment made on the first
day of the month in which the annuitant dies.

1.27 "Limitation Year" means, for purposes of complying with Section 415 of
the Code, a Plan Year.

1.28 "Maternity/Paternity Leave" means a temporary cessation from active
employment with the Company or with any member of the Controlled Group
which begins on or after the first day of the first Plan Year beginning
after December 31, 1984, for any of the following reasons:

     (a)  the pregnancy of the Employee;

     (b)  the birth of a child of the Employee;

     (c)  the placement of a child with the Employee in connection with the
adoption of such child by the Employee; or

     (d)  the caring for such child for a period beginning immediately
following such birth or placement; provided, however, that in order for an
Employee's absence to qualify as a Maternity/ Paternity Leave of Absence,
the Employee must furnish the Committee in a timely manner, with such
information and documentation as the Committee may reasonably request to
establish that the absence from work is for reasons referred to above and
the number of days for which there was such absence.

1.29 "Named Fiduciary" means the Company.

1.30 "Normal Retirement Age" means the later of:

     (a)  the date a Participant attains age sixty-five (65); or

     (b)  the fifth (5th) anniversary of the date as of which the
Participant commenced employment.

1.31 "Normal Retirement Date" means the first day of the month coinciding
with or next following the Participant's Normal Retirement Age.

1.32 "OBRA '93" means the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1993.
                                     - 8 - 
1.33 "Participant" means a person who meets the requirements of Article 2,
9 or 10 for participation in the Plan, including a former Participant.

forth herein and as it may be amended.

1.35 "Plan Year" means:

     (a)  prior to May 1, 1966, a twelve (12) month period starting May 1
and ending April 30 of the succeeding year; and
     (b)  the eight (8) month period starting May 1, 1966 and ending
December 31, 1966; and
     (c)  commencing with January 1, 1967, a twelve (12) month period
starting January 1 and ending December 31 of the same calendar year.

1.36 "Present Value" means the Actuarial Equivalent, as defined in Section
1.01, of the Normal Form of Benefit.

1.37 "Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity" means an immediate annuity for
the life of the Participant with a survivor annuity for the life of the
Spouse, which is not less than fifty (50%) percent and not more than one
hundred (100%) percent of the amount of the annuity, which is payable
during the joint lives of the Participant and the Spouse, and which is the
amount of benefit which can be purchased with the actuarial equivalent of
the Participant's vested retirement benefit.

1.38 "Service" means all periods of employment with the Company.  The
period of employment begins when a Participant first completes one (1) Hour
of Service and ends on the earlier of the date the Employee resigns, is
discharged, retires, dies or, if the Employee is absent for any other
reason, on the first anniversary of the first day of such absence (with or
without pay) from the Company.  If an Employee is absent for any reason and
returns to the employ of the Company before incurring a One-Year Break in
Service, he will receive credit for his period of absence up to a maximum
of twelve (12) months.  Service subsequent to a One-Year Break in Service
will be credited as a separate period of employment.

1.39 "Severance From Service Date" means the earliest of the date on which
an Employee (a) resigns, retires, is discharged or dies, or (b) the first
anniversary of the first date of absence for any reason.

1.40 "Spouse" means the person to whom the Participant is legally married
at the earlier of the Participant's death or the date on which payment of
the Participant's benefits commence, and any former Spouse to the extent
provided under a qualified domestic relations order as described in Section
414(p) of the Code ("QDRO").  Except as otherwise required pursuant to a
QDRO, an individual shall not be considered to be a Spouse eligible to
receive the Spouse's Survivor Annuity pursuant to Section 8.01, unless such
individual was married to the Participant for the one-year period ending on
the Participant's death.

1.41 "Taxable Wage Base" means the maximum amount of earnings which may be
considered wages with respect to any Plan Year under Code Section
3121(a)(1) and determined as of the first day of each such Plan Year.

1.42 "Trust" means the trust created by the Trust Agreement.

1.43 "Trust Agreement" means the agreement entered into with a bank or
trust company establishing the Trust under the Plan for the purpose of
                                     - 9 - 
holding contributions under the Plan and for the payment of benefits under
the Plan, as such agreement may be amended from time to time.

1.44 "Trust Fund" means the assets of the Trust.

1.45 "Trustee" means the person or persons acting as trustee or trustees
hereunder at any time or from time to time.  A Trustee shall be deemed to
be a "named fiduciary" pursuant to Section 402(a)(1) of ERISA.

1.46 "Vesting Year of Service" means any Plan Year during which the
Employee is credited with at least one thousand (1,000) Hours of Service. 
Vesting Years of Service shall include all Years of Service prior to this
restatement for which such Employee received a Year of Service for vesting
purposes under the terms of the Prior Plan or under the terms of either the
Company maintains the Plan of a predecessor Employer, Service with such
Employer will be treated as Service for the Company.

1.47 "Year of Eligibility Service" means the completion of a twelve (12)
consecutive month period of Service which commences on the date the
Employee first completes one (1) Hour of Service.

1.48 "Year of Credited Service" means each year with the Company with
respect to which benefits are treated as accruing on behalf of the
Participant for such year pursuant to Section 1.13 of the Plan.

1.49 "Year of Service" means, unless otherwise indicated, twelve (12)
consecutive months of Service.
                                     - 10 - 
                                   ARTICLE 2


2.01 Eligibility for Participation.

     (a)  Any non-union Employee and any union Employee (whose union has
negotiated a benefit under this Plan), employed by the Company as of the
Effective Date, shall become a Participant under this Plan as of the
Effective Date.

     (b)  Any future non-union Employee and union Employee (whose union has
negotiated a benefit under this Plan), shall be eligible to participate in
the Plan as of the Entry Date coinciding with or next following the date he
completes his Year of Eligibility Service, provided that he satisfies the
following eligibility requirements:

          (i)  He shall be a salaried or hourly Employee;

         (ii)  He shall either be employed by the Company in the United
States, or, if he is in the employ of a participating subsidiary and/or
constituent corporation now or hereafter organized under the laws of a
country, or political subdivision thereof, foreign to the United States of
America, he shall be a citizen of the United States of America.

2.02 Break in Service.  There are no Breaks in Service under the terms of
this Plan.

                                     - 1 - 
                                   ARTICLE 3

                             COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS

3.01 Amount.  Effective September 1, 1994, no contribution shall be
required of any Participant as a condition of his participation in the
Plan.  The Company shall contribute to the Plan, for each Plan Year at
least the amount, if any, necessary to satisfy the minimum funding
requirements of the Code for such Plan Year.

3.02 Payment.  Company contributions for any Plan Year shall be paid in
cash to the Trustee no later than the date prescribed by Section 412 of the
Code (and the regulations thereunder) for meeting the minimum funding
requirements for such Plan Year.

3.03 Forfeitures.  Any forfeitures arising under the Plan shall be used to
reduce the Company's contribution.

3.04 Return of Company Contributions.  A contribution made by the Company
may be returned to the Company if:

     (a)  the contribution is made by the reason of a mistake of fact,
provided such contribution is returned within one year of the mistaken
payment, or

     (b)  the contribution is conditioned on its deductibility for Federal
income tax purposes (each contribution shall be deemed to be so conditioned
unless otherwise stated in writing by the Company) and such deduction is
disallowed; provided such contribution is returned within one year of the
disallowance of the deduction for Federal income tax purposes, or

     (c)  the contribution is made prior to the receipt of a determination
letter of the Internal Revenue Service as to the initial qualification of
the Plan under Section 401(a) of the Code and no favorable determination
letter is received; provided that any contribution made incident to that
initial qualification must be returned to the Company within one year after
the initial qualification is denied, but only if the application for
qualification is made by the time prescribed by law for filing the
Company's return for the taxable year in which the Plan is adopted, or such
later date as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe.

     The amount of any contribution which may be returned shall be reduced
to reflect its proportionate share of any net investment loss in the Trust
Fund.  In the event Subsection (c) applies, the returned contribution may
include any net investment earnings or gains in the Trust Fund.

                                     - 1 - 
                                   ARTICLE 4

                           CASH BALANCE CONTRIBUTIONS
                            AND CREDITS TO ACCOUNTS

4.01 Accounts.  A Cash Balance Account shall be established and maintained
for each Participant to which credits shall be made pursuant to the
provisions of this Article 4.  The Cash Balance Accounts established and
maintained pursuant to this Article 4 are intended to be only bookkeeping
accounts and neither the maintenance nor the making of credits to such
Accounts shall be construed as an allocation of assets of the Plan to, or a
segregation of such assets in, any such Account, or otherwise as creating a
right in any person to receive specific assets of the Plan.  Benefits
provided under the Plan shall be paid from the general assets of the Trust
in the amounts, in the forms and at the times provided under the terms of
the Plan.

4.02 Pay Based Credits.  On the last day of each Plan Year, there shall be
credited to the Cash Balance Account of each Participant three percent (3%)
of such Participant's Compensation earned during that Plan Year.

     For the Plan Year ending December 31, 1994, Compensation shall only
include that Compensation earned during the period from September 1, 1994
through December 31, 1994.

4.03 Interest Credits.  Each Participant's Cash Balance Account shall be
increased in the manner described in Subsection (b) below by an Interest
Credit ("Interest Credit") determined in accordance with Subsection (a)

     (a)  The Interest Credits for a Plan Year shall, to the nearest .01%,
be the greater of either (i) or (ii) below:

          (i)  One hundred twenty (120%) percent of the rate on Treasury
Constant Maturities, 1-YEAR, as published in the Federal Reserve
Statistical Release, or its replacement publication, for the first week
ending in January during such year.

         (ii)  The current annual effective yield on the Guaranteed
Investment Contract (GIC) portfolio under the CURTISS-WRIGHT CORPORATION
SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN on the first day of the Plan Year.

     (b)  Until payment of a Participant's benefit begins, his Cash Balance
Account shall be increased at the end of the Plan  Year by an amount equal
to the Interest Credits for such year multiplied by the balance of the Cash
Balance Account as of the end of the Plan Year.

4.04 Vesting.  The interest of a Participant in his Cash Balance Account
shall be vested in accordance with Article 5 of this Plan.

4.05 Distribution of Cash Balance Account.

     (a)  A Participant shall be entitled to commence distribution of the
vested portion of his Cash Balance Account upon the earlier of:  (i) his
attainment of Normal Retirement Age, (ii) his Early Retirement Date,
(iii) his Disability Retirement Date or (iv) the date he separates from
Service with the Company.
                                     - 1 - 
     (b)  A Participant's Cash Balance Account shall be distributable
pursuant to a form of payment permissible under Article 7 as elected by the

4.06 Death Benefit.

     (a)  Subject to the form of distribution requirements of Section 8.01
of the Plan, if a Participant who has a vested Cash Balance Account dies
before commencement of the payment of such vested Cash Balance Account, a
death benefit shall be payable to the Participant's Beneficiary pursuant to
a form of payment permissible under Article 7 of the Plan as elected by the
Beneficiary.  If the Participant dies after payment of the Participant's
vested Cash Balance Account has commenced, any death benefit shall be
determined and payable according to the form of payment applicable under
Article 7 of the Plan as elected by the Participant.

     (b)  Subject to the spousal consent requirements of Section 8.01 of
the Plan, the Participant may, by written designation filed with the
Committee, designate one or more Beneficiaries to receive payment under
this Article and may rescind or change any such designation.

                                     - 2 - 
                                   ARTICLE 5


5.01 Vesting Schedule.

     (a)  Normal Retirement Benefit.  Upon termination of Service prior to
Normal Retirement Date, the interest of a Participant in his Normal
Retirement Benefit shall be vested in accordance with the following
schedule based on the number of Vesting Years of Service of the Participant
on the date of termination of employment:

     ----------------------             -----------------
           4 or less                           0%
           5 or more                          100%

     (b)  Cash Balance Account.  Upon termination of Service prior to
attaining his Normal Retirement Age, the interest of a Participant in his
Cash Balance Account shall be vested in accordance with the following
schedule based on the number of Vesting Years of Service of the Participant
on the date of his termination of Service:

     ----------------------             -----------------
               1                               20%
               2                               40%
               3                               60%
               4                               80%
               5                              100%

5.02 Break in Service.  There are no Breaks in Service under the terms of
this Plan.

5.03 Forfeitures.

     (a)  In the case of a termination of a Participant's employment for
any reason, if as of the date of such termination the Participant was not
fully vested in his retirement benefit, the Participant may elect, subject
to the limitations of Articles 4, 6 and 7 of the Plan, to receive a
distribution of the entire vested portion of such retirement benefit and
the nonvested portion will be treated as a forfeiture.

     (b)  If a Participant receives or is deemed to receive a distribution
pursuant to this Section and the Participant resumes covered employment
under the Plan, he or she shall have the right to restore his or her
Company-derived retirement benefit (including all optional forms of
benefits and subsidies relating to such benefits) to the extent forfeited
upon the repayment to the Plan of the full amount of the distribution plus
interest, compounded annually from the date of distribution at the rate
determined for purposes of Section 411(c)(2)(C) of the Code.  Such
repayment must be made before the earlier of five (5) years after the first
date on which the Participant is subsequently reemployed by the Company.
                                     - 1 - 
     If a Participant is deemed to receive a distribution pursuant to this
Section, and the Participant resumes employment covered under this Plan,
upon the reemployment of such Participant, the Company-derived retirement
benefit will be restored to the amount of such retirement benefit on the
date of such deemed distribution.

     (c)  If the present value of a Participant's vested retirement benefit
derived from Company and Participant contributions exceeds (or at the time
of any prior distribution exceeds) $3,500, and the retirement benefit is
immediately distributable, the Participant and the Participant's Spouse (or
where either the Participant or the Spouse has died, the survivor) must
consent to any distribution of such retirement benefit.  The consent of the
Participant and the Participant's Spouse shall be obtained in writing
within the ninety (90) day period ending on the Annuity Starting Date.  The
Plan Administrator shall notify the Participant and the Participant's
Spouse of the right to defer any distribution until the Participant's
retirement benefit is no longer immediately distributable.  Such
notification shall include a general description of the material features,
and an explanation of the relative values of, the optional forms of benefit
available under the Plan in a manner that would satisfy the notice require-
ments of Section 417(a)(3) of the Code, and shall be provided no less than
thirty (30) days and no more than ninety (90) days prior to the Annuity
Starting Date.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, only the Participant need consent to
the commencement of a distribution in the form of a Qualified Joint and
Survivor Annuity while the retirement benefit is immediately distributable. 
Neither the consent of the Participant nor the Participant's Spouse shall
be required to the extent that a distribution is required to satisfy
Section 401(a)(9) or Section 415 of the Code.

     A retirement benefit is immediately distributable if any part of the
retirement benefit could be distributed to the Participant (or surviving
Spouse) before the Participant attains (or would have attained if not
deceased) the Normal Retirement Age.

5.04 Prior Vesting Schedule.

     (a)  Notwithstanding the vesting schedule hereinabove, the vested
percentage of a Participant's retirement benefit shall not be less than the
vested percentage attained as of the Effective Date.

     (b)  A Participant with at least three (3) Years of Service as of the
Effective Date may elect to have his nonforfeitable percentage computed
under the Prior Plan.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, for Plan Years
beginning before December 31, 1988, or with respect to Participants who
fail to complete at least one Hour of Service in a Plan Year beginning
after December 31, 1988, five (5) shall be substituted for three (3) in the
preceding sentence.  If a Participant fails to make such election, then
such Participant shall be subject to the new vesting schedule.  The
Participant's election period shall commence on the Effective Date of the
amendment and shall end sixty (60) days after the latest of:

                                     - 2 - 

          (i)  the adoption date of the amendment,

         (ii)  the effective date of the amendment, or

        (iii)  the date the Participant receives written notice of the
amendment from the Company or Plan Administrator.

          Except, however, any Employee who was a Participant as of the
Effective Date of this restatement and who completed three (3) Years of
Service shall be subject to the pre-amendment vesting schedule provided
such schedule is more liberal than the new vesting schedule. 
Notwithstanding the foregoing, for Plan Years beginning before December 31,
1988, or with respect to Employees who fail to complete at least one Hour
of Service in a Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1988, five (5) shall
be substituted for three (3) in the preceding sentence.

          This election hereinabove shall also be applicable when a Top-
Heavy Plan reverts to non Top-Heavy status.

                                     - 3 - 
                                   ARTICLE 6


6.01      Normal Retirement.  A Participant who retires on his Normal
Retirement Date shall be entitled to his Normal Retirement Benefit.  The
Participant shall be entitled to receive a Normal Retirement Benefit, the
Actuarial Equivalent of which is equal to the sum of (a) and (b) below:

          (a)  Service Before September 1, 1994.  A Participant's accrued
benefit under the Prior Plan as of August 31, 1994 multiplied by the factor

               (i)  The numerator shall be the greater of the Partici-

pant's Average Compensation as of August 31, 1994 or the Participant's
Average Compensation at retirement.

              (ii)  The denominator shall be the Participant's Average
Compensation as of August 31, 1994.

          If a Participant elects pursuant to Section 6.07(e) of the Plan
to receive a distribution of his employee contributions to the Plan, the
accrued benefit under the Prior Plan as of August 31, 1994, as adjusted
above, shall be reduced by the Actuarial Equivalent of the amount actually
distributed to the Participant.

          (b)  Service After August 31, 1994.  One and one-half (1 1/2 %)
percent of Average Compensation in excess of Covered Compensation
multiplied by the Participant's total number of Years of Credited Service
(up to a maximum of 35 years) plus one percent of Average Compensation up
to Covered Compensation multiplied by the Participant's total number of
Years of Credited Service (up to a maximum of 35 years).

6.02      Minimum Retirement Benefit.  A minimum retirement benefit equal
to the greater of (a) or (b) below shall be provided for "contributing
participants" as such term is defined under the Prior Plan, who attained
age fifty-five (55) with sixty (60) months of contributory Service ending
on August 31, 1994.

          (a)  The Normal Retirement Benefit under the Plan;
          (b)  The Participant's Prior Plan benefit calculated pursuant to
Section 6.15.

6.03      Early Retirement.  If a Participant's Service terminates on or
after the Participant's Early Retirement Date, the Participant shall be
entitled to receive his Normal Retirement Benefit determined as of the date
on which the Participant terminated Service; provided, however, that in no
event shall the Normal Retirement Benefit of any Participant who continues
to perform Service after the Early Retirement Date be reduced as a result
of such continued Service.  Should the Participant elect to receive his
Normal Retirement Benefit prior to the Normal Retirement Age, the
Participant shall be entitled to a retirement benefit that is equal to his
Normal Retirement Benefit multiplied by the applicable Early Retirement
Factor below.  The Normal Retirement Benefit shall be payable in one of the
forms provided in Article 7 of the Plan and shall commence on the first day
of the month following the date on which the Paant's Prior Plan benefit
calculated pursuant to Section 6.15.

6.03      Early Retirement.  If a Participant's Service terminates on or
after the Participant's Early Retirement Date, the Participant shall be
entitled to receive his Normal Retirement Benefit determined as of the date
on which the Participant terminated Service; provided, however, that in no
event shall the Normal Retirement Benefit of any Participant who continues
to perform Service after the Early Retirement Date be reduced as a result
of such continued Service.  Should the Participant elect to receive his
Normal Retirement Benefit prior to the Normal Retirement Age, the
Participant shall be entitled to a retirement benefit that is equal to his
Normal Retirement Benefit multiplied by the applicable Early Retirement
Factor below.  The Normal Retirement Benefit shall be payable in one of the
forms provided in Article 7 of the Plan and shall commence on the first day
of the month following the date on which the Participant terminates
                                     - 1 - 
                 Early Retirement Factors (Schedule A):
          Age            Factor            Age            Factor
         -----          --------          -----          --------
           64              98%              59              87%
           63              96%              58              84%
           62              94%              57              81%
           61              92%              56              78%
           60              90%              55              75%

          If the sum of a Participant's Age and Years of Service exceed
eighty (80), then one (1%) percent multiplied by the said sum in excess of
eighty (80) shall be added to the applicable Early Retirement Factor.  The
Early Retirement Factor, as adjusted, shall not exceed one hundred (100%)

6.04      Deferred Retirement.  If a Participant should continue Service
beyond his Normal Retirement Age, the Participant shall continue his
accrual of benefits in accordance with Section 6.01 of the Plan.

6.05      Disability Retirement.

          (a)  If, prior to his Normal Retirement Date or other
termination of employment with the Company, a Participant who shall have
completed at least five (5) Years of Credited Service retires by reason of
becoming totally and permanently disabled in a manner which would qualify
him to receive disability benefits under the Social Security Act
("Disability Retirement"), he shall have a right to his Normal Retirement
Benefit as of his Disability Retirement Date.

          (b)  Disability Retirement Benefit payments to a Participant
shall commence on the first to occur of (i) his Normal Retirement Date;
(ii) the first day of the month following the date payment of the
disability benefits under the Company's Long Term Disability Plan are
terminated; or (iii) such other earlier date as shall be determined by the

          (c)  If the Participant is married on the date his Disability
Retirement Benefit Commences, his benefits shall be paid in the form of a
Joint and Survivor Annuity unless the necessary election and consent were
made for an alternative form of benefit payment under the Plan.

          (d)  The Committee may require that a Participant receiving a
Disability Retirement Benefit periodically submit proof of his continued

          (e)  A Participant who elects Disability Retirement shall
continue to receive credit for Years of Credited Service and Vesting Years
of Service until his Normal Retirement Date and shall be deemed to receive
Compensation in each such year in an amount equal to his Compensation on
the date on which payment of his Long Term Disability benefits commenced.

6.06      Termination of Service After August 31, 1994.  A Participant who
separates from Service shall be entitled to receive a distribution equal to
the Actuarial Equivalent of his Normal Retirement Benefit.  In the event of
such an election, the vested retirement benefit shall commence as soon as
administratively practicable following the Participant's separation from
Service.  The vested retirement benefit shall be payable in one of the
forms provided in Article 7 of the Plan.
                                     - 2 - 
6.07      Employee Contributions.

          (a)  Effective September 1, 1994, no contribution shall be
required of any Participant as a condition of his participation in the
Plan.  The provisions of the Prior Plan shall govern mandated employee
contributions required before September 1, 1994.

          (b)  For periods before September 1, 1994, interest on the
employee contributions shall be calculated pursuant to the terms of the
Prior Plan.

          (c)  For periods on or after September 1, 1994, interest on the
employee contributions shall be calculated using the Code Section 417
interest rates.

          (d)  A Participant may request a distribution of his employee
contributions plus accrued interest thereon at any time, in writing, on a
form or forms prescribed by the Committee.  Such distribution will be in a
lump sum cash payment equal to the aggregate of his employee contributions
plus accrued interest thereon.  Such a distribution shall reduce the
Participant's retirement benefit under Section 6.01(a) of the Plan by the
Actuarial Equivalent of the amount actually distributed to the Participant.

6.08      Leave of Absence.

          (a)  If a Participant is on an approved Leave of Absence, the
Participant's retirement benefit shall be equal to the Participant's
retirement benefit determined as of the beginning of such Leave of Absence. 
If the Participant returns to Service immediately following such approved
Leave of Absence, the Participant's retirement benefit will be determined
by including the period during such Leave of Absence in the Participant's
Years of Service.

          (b)  The provisions of this Section 6.08, including the
conditions for granting a Leave of Absence, shall be applied on a uniform
and nondiscriminatory basis for Participants under all qualified plans
maintained by the Company.

6.09      Deferred Commencement of Benefits.

          (a)  Subject to Section 7.03 of the Plan, a Participant may
elect, in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee, to defer payment
of his vested Normal Retirement Benefit to a date specified by the
          (b)  If payment of the Participant's vested Normal Retire-ment
Benefit commences after the Participant's Normal Retirement Date, the
Participant shall be entitled to a retirement benefit that is equal to his
Normal Retirement Benefit multiplied by the applicable Deferred Retirement
Factor below.
                       Deferred Retirement Factors:
          Age            Factor            Age            Factor
         -----          --------          -----          --------
           66            1.1049             71            1.9071
           67            1.2244             72            2.1505
           68            1.3608             73            2.4355
           69            1.5175             74            2.7710
           70            1.6980             75            3.1687
                                     - 3 - 
6.10      Deductions for Disability Benefits.  In determining benefits
payable to any Participant, a deduction shall be made equivalent to all or
any part of the following benefits payable to such pensioner by reason of
any law of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, which
has been or shall be enacted, provided that such deduction shall be to the
extent that such benefits have been provided by premiums, taxes or other
payments paid by or at the expense of the Company:

          (a)  Disability benefits, other than a Primary Insurance Amount
payable under the Federal Social Security Act as now in effect or as
hereafter amended.
          (b)  Workers' Compensation (including hearing, pulmonary,
ocular, and other occupational diseases and accident claims but excluding
statutory payments for loss of any physical or bodily members such as leg,
arm or finger) for Workers' Compensation awards granted subsequent to March
1, 1978, for Wood-Ridge and Nuclear facilities; January 9, 1978 for
Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems, Inc.; May 5, 1978 for Target Rock Corp.;
July 28, 1987 for Buffalo facility; and March 1, 1978 for the Corporate

6.11      Mandatory Commencement of Benefits.  Unless a Participant elects
otherwise, payment of the Participant's vested retirement benefit must
commence not later than the sixtieth (60th) day after the close of the Plan
Year in which occurs the latest of:

          (a)  the Participant attains the earlier of age sixty-five (65)
and the Normal Retirement Age,
          (b)  the date the Participant's Service terminates or
          (c)  the tenth (10th) anniversary of the year in which the
Participant commenced Plan participation.

6.12      Maximum Retirement Benefit.

          (a)  The retirement benefit payable from the Plan, together with
the Annual Benefits payable to a Participant under all other plans of the
Controlled Group that are defined benefit plans under Section 414(j) of the
Code, shall not in any Limitation Year exceed the lesser of either (i) or
(ii) hereinbelow:

               (i)  Defined Benefit Dollar Limitation:  $90,000. 
Effective on January 1, 1988, and each January thereafter, the $90,000
limitation above will be automatically adjusted by multiplying such limit
by the cost-of-living adjustment factor prescribed by the Secretary of the
Treasury under Section 415(d)  of the Code in such manner as the Secretary
shall prescribe.  The new limitation will apply to Limitation Years ending
within the calendar year of the date of the adjustment.

              (ii)  One hundred (100%) percent of the average Compensation
of a Participant for the three (3) consecutive calendar years for which
such average is highest.

          The limitation in this paragraph is deemed satisfied if the
Annual Benefit payable to a Participant is not more than $1,000 multiplied
by the Participant's number of Years of Service or parts thereof (not to
exceed ten (10)) with the Company, and the Company has not at any time
maintained a defined contribution plan, a welfare benefit plan as defined
in Section 419(e) of the Code, or an individual medical account as defined
in Section 415(l)(2) of the Code in which such Participant participated.
                                     - 4 - 
          (b)  Annual Benefit shall mean a retirement benefit under the
Plan which is payable annually in the form of a straight Life Annuity. 
Except as provided below, a benefit payable in a form other than a straight
Life Annuity must be adjusted to an actuarially equivalent straight Life
Annuity before applying the limitations of this Article.  The interest rate
used under this subparagraph (b) will be five (5%) percent.  The Annual
Benefit does not include any benefits attributable to voluntary contribu-
tions, rollover contributions, or the assets transferred from a qualified
plan that was not maintained by the Company.  No actuarial adjustment to
the benefit is required for:

               (i)  the value of a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity,

              (ii)  the value of benefits that are not directly related to
retirement benefits (such as the qualified disability benefit, pre-
retirement death benefits, and post-retirement medical benefits), and

             (iii)  the value of post-retirement cost-of-living increases
made in accordance with Section 415(d) of the Code and Section 1.415-
3(c)(2)(iii) of the Treasury Regulations.

          Projected Annual Benefit means the Annual Benefit to which a
Participant would be entitled under the terms of the Plan assuming:

               (i)  the Participant will continue employment until Normal
Retirement Age under the Plan (or current age, if later), and

              (ii)  the Participant's Compensation for the current
Limitation Year and all other relevant factors used to determine benefits
under the Plan will remain constant for all future Limitation Years.

          (c)  Compensation shall mean, for purposes of this Section,
wages, salaries, and fees for professional services, and other amounts
received (without regard to whether or not an amount is paid in cash) for
personal services actually rendered in the course of employment with the
Company maintaining the Plan (including, but not limited to, commissions
paid salesmen, compensation for services on the basis of a percentage of
profits, commissions on insurance premiums, tips, bonuses, fringe benefits,
reimbursements and expense allowances), and excluding the following:

               (i)  Company contributions to a plan of deferred
compensation which are not included in the Employee's gross income for the
taxable year in which contributed, or Company contributions under a
simplified employee pension plan to the extent such contributions are
deductible by the Employee, or any distributions from a plan of deferred
              (ii)  Amounts realized from the exercise of a nonqualified
stock option, or when restricted stock (or property) held by the Employee
either becomes freely transferable or is no longer subject to a substantial
risk of forfeiture;
             (iii)  Amounts realized from the sale, exchange or other
disposition of stock acquired under a qualified stock option; and
              (iv)  Other amounts which receive special tax benefits, or
contributions made by the Company (whether or not under a salary reduction
agreement) towards the purchase of an annuity described in Section 403(b)
of the Code (whether or not the amounts are actually excludable from the
gross income of the Employee).
                                     - 5 - 
          For any self-employed individual, compensation will mean earned
          For Limitation Years beginning after December 31, 1991 for
purposes of applying the limitations of this Article 6, compensation for a
Limitation Year is the compensation actually paid or includable in gross
income during such Limitation Year.

          (d)  If the Participant has less than ten (10) Years of Credited
Service with the Company, the Defined Benefit Dollar Limitation is reduced
by one-tenth (1/10) for each year of participation (or part thereof) less
than ten (10).  To the extent provided in regulations or in other guidance
issued by the Internal Revenue Service, the preceding sentence shall be
applied separately with respect to each change in the benefit structure of
the Plan.

          If the Participant has less than ten (10) Years of Service with
the Company, the Compensation limitation is reduced by one-tenth (1/10th)
for each Year of Service (or part thereof) less than ten (10).  The
adjustments of this Section (d) shall be applied in the denominator of the
defined benefit fraction based upon Years of Service.  Years of Service
shall include future years occurring before the Participant's Normal
Retirement Age.  Such future years shall include the year which contains
the date the Participant reaches Normal Retirement Age, only if it can be
reasonably anticipated that the Participant will receive a Year of Service
for such year.

          (e)  If the Annual Benefit of the Participant commences before
the Participant's social security retirement age, but on or after age
sixty-two (62), the Defined Benefit Dollar Limitation shall be determined
as follows:

               (i)  If a Participant's social security retirement age is
sixty-five (65), the dollar limitation for benefits commencing on or after
age sixty-two (62) is determined by reducing the Defined Benefit Dollar
Limitation by five-ninths (5/9) of one (1%) percent for each month by which
benefits commence before the month in which the Participant attains age
sixty-five (65).
              (ii)  If a Participant's social security retirement age is
greater than sixty-five (65), the dollar limitation for benefits commencing
on or after age sixty-two (62) is determined by reducing the Defined
Benefit Dollar Limitation by five-ninths (5/9) of one (1%) percent for each
of the first thirty-six (36) months and five-twelfths (5/12) of one (1%)
percent for each of the additional months (up to twenty-four (24) months)
by which benefits commence before the month of the Participant's social
security retirement age.

          (f)  If the Annual Benefit of a Participant commences prior to
age sixty-two (62), the Defined Benefit Dollar Limitation shall be the
actuarial equivalent of an annual benefit beginning at age sixty-two (62),
as determined in Section (e) above, reduced for each month by which
benefits commence before the month in which the Participant attains age
sixty-two (62).  The interest rate used under this subparagraph (f) will be
five (5%) percent.  The mortality table used under this subparagraph (f)
will be the GAM 83 Male and Female Blended 80% Male and 20% Female.  Any
decrease in the Defined Benefit Dollar Limitation determined in accordance
with this Section (f) shall not reflect the mortality decrement to the
extent that benefits will not be forfeited upon the death of the Partici-
                                     - 6 - 
          (g)  If the Annual Benefit of a Participant commences after the
Participant's social security retirement age, the Defined Benefit Dollar
Limitation shall be increased so that it is the actuarial equivalent of an
annual benefit of such dollar limitation beginning at the Participant's
social security retirement age.  The interest rate used under this
subparagraph (g) will be five (5%) percent.  The mortality table used under
this subparagraph (g) will be the GAM 83 Male and Female Blended 80% Male
and 20% Female.
          (h)  If the benefit limitations of this Section 6.12 are
exceeded in any Plan Year solely because the Plan is aggregated with one or
more other defined benefit plans of any member of the Controlled Group, the
amount of any benefit that would otherwise be accrued under such other
plans shall be reduced so that (to the extent possible) such limitations
are not exceeded before any adjustment is required under this Plan.
          (i)  In the case of an individual who was a Participant in one
or more defined benefit plans of the Company and/or any other member of the
Controlled Group on or before January 1, 1983, the maximum benefit for such
Participant under this Section 6.12 shall not be less than the current
accrued benefit under such plan or plans at the close of the last
Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1983 if such plan or plans met
the requirements of Section 415 of the Code, as in effect on July 1, 1982,
for all years.
          (j)  In the case of an individual who was a Participant in one
or more defined benefit plans of the Company and/or any other member of the
Controlled Group on or before January 1, 1987, the maximum benefit for such
Participant under this Section 6.12 shall not be less than the current
accrued benefit under such plan or plans at the close of the last
Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1987 if such plan or plans met
the requirements of Section 415 of the Code, as in effect on May 6, 1986,
for all years.
          (k)  If a Participant also participates, or previously
participated, in one or more defined contribution plans (as defined in
Section 414(i) of the Code), or a welfare benefit fund, as defined in
Section 419(e) of the Code maintained by any member of the Controlled
Group, or an individual medical account, as defined in Section 415(l)(2) of
the Code, which provides an annual addition as defined in Code Section
415(c), the sum of the following fractions shall not exceed 1.0 as of the
end of any Limitation Year.
               (i)  Defined Contribution Fraction:  A fraction, the
numerator of which is the sum of the annual additions to the Participant's
account under all the defined contribution plans (whether or not
terminated) maintained by the Company for the current and all prior
Limitation Years (including the annual additions attributable to the
Participant's voluntary contributions to this and all other defined benefit
plans (whether or not terminated) maintained by the Company, and the annual
additions attributable to all welfare benefit funds, as defined in Section
419(e) of the Code, or individual medical accounts, as defined in Section
415(l)(2) of the Code, maintained by the Company, and the denominator of
which is the sum of the maximum aggregate amounts for the current and all
prior Limitation Years of Service with the Company (regardless of whether a
defined contribution plan was maintained by the Company).

          The maximum aggregate amount in any Limitation Year is the
lesser of one hundred twenty-five (125%) percent of the dollar limitation
determined under Sections 415(b) and (d) of the Code in effect under
Section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code or thirty-five (35%) percent of the
Participant's Compensation for such year.
                                     - 7 - 
          If the Employee was a Participant as of the first day of the
first Limitation Year beginning after December 31, 1986, in one or more
defined contribution plans maintained by the Company which were in
existence on May 6, 1986, the numerator of this fraction will be adjusted
if the sum of this fraction and the defined benefit fraction would
otherwise exceed 1.0 under the terms of this Plan.  Under the adjustment,
an amount equal to the product of (1) the excess of the sum of the
fractions over 1.0 times (2) the denominator of this fraction, will be
permanently subtracted from the numerator of this fraction.  The adjustment
is calculated using the fractions as they would be computed as of the end
of the last Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1987, and
disregarding any changes in the terms and conditions of the plans made
after May 6, 1986, but using the Section 415 limitation applicable to the
first Limitation Year beginning on or after January 1, 1987.

          The annual addition for any Limitation Year beginning before
January 1, 1987, shall not be recomputed to treat all voluntary
contributions as annual additions.

              (ii)  Defined Benefit Fraction:  A fraction, the numerator
of which is the sum of the Participant's Projected Annual Benefits under
all the defined benefit plans (whether or not terminated) maintained by the
Company, and the denominator of which is the lesser of one hundred twenty-
five (125%) percent of the dollar limitation determined for the Limitation
Year under Sections 415(b) and (d) of the Code or one hundred forty (140%)
percent of the highest average Compensation, including any adjustments
under Section 415(b) of the Code.

          Notwithstanding the above, if the Participant was a participant
as of the first Limitation Year beginning after December 31, 1986, in one
or more defined benefit plans maintained by the Company which were in
existence on May 6, 1986, the denominator of this fraction will not be less
than one hundred twenty-five (125%) percent of the sum of the Annual
Benefits under such plans which the Participant had accrued as of the close
of the last Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1987, disregarding
any changes in the terms and conditions of the plans after May 5, 1986. 
The preceding sentence applies only if the defined benefit plans
individually and in the aggregate satisfied the requirements of Section 415
of the Code for all Limitation Years beginning before January 1, 1987.

          (l)  The Committee may elect to compute the Defined Contribution
Fraction for all Participants for all Limitation Years ending before
January 1, 1983 by using the "transition fraction" (as defined in Section
415(e) of the Code).  In the event the limitation imposed by paragraph (a)
of this Section is exceeded as of the last day of the last Limitation Year
beginning before January 1, 1983, with respect to a Participant, but the
limitation imposed by such paragraph (a) was not exceeded with respect to
the Participant in any prior Limitation Years, then the numerator of the
Participant's Defined Contribution Fraction shall be reduced in accordance
with Treasury Regulations as necessary so that the sum of the Defined
Benefit Fraction and the Defined Contribution Fraction does not exceed 1.0
as of the end of such Limitation Year.
          (m)  The "125%" applied in paragraph (k)(i) of this Section 6.12
shall be reduced to "100%" for any Limitation Year in which either:
               (i)  the Plan is included in an "Aggregation Group" (as
defined in Section 14.02) which is "Top Heavy" (as defined in Section
14.02) and the Plan or any other plan within such "Aggregation Group" fails
to provide the minimum benefit prescribed by Section 416(h) of the Code and
the regulations thereunder; or
                                     - 8 - 
              (ii)  the Plan is included in an "Aggregation Group" which
is "Top Heavy" if "90%" were substituted for "60%" in Section 14.02 of the

          (n)  If the limitations of this Section 6.12 are exceeded in any
Limitation Year because the aggregation of the Plan with one or more
defined contribution plans produces a fraction that exceeds 1.0, the
retirement benefit to which the Participant would otherwise be entitled
under the Plan shall be reduced so that such fraction does not exceed 1.0.

6.13      Applicable Employer.  For purposes of this Article 6, Employer
shall mean the Employer that sponsors this Plan, and all members of a
controlled group of corporations (as defined in Code Section 414(b) as
modified by Code Section 415(h)), all commonly controlled trades or
business (as defined in Code Section 414(c) as modified by Code Section
415(h) of the Code), or Affiliated Service Groups (as defined in Code
Section 414(m) of the Code) of which the sponsoring Employer is a part, and
any other entity required to be aggregated with the Company pursuant to
regulations under Section 414(o) of the Code.

6.14      Incorporation by Reference.  Notwithstanding anything
hereinabove to the contrary, the limitations, adjustments and other
requirements prescribed in this Article shall at all times comply with the
provisions of Section 415 of the Code and the regulations thereunder, the
terms of which are specifically incorporated herein by reference.

6.15      Prior Plan Benefit For Vested Employees Terminated Prior To
September 1, 1994 And Current Employees Who Attained Age Fifty-Five (55)
With Sixty (60) Continuous Months Of Contributory Active Service Ending On
August 31, 1994.

          (a)  Normal Retirement Benefit.  A Participant who retires on
his Normal Retirement Date shall be entitled to his Normal Retirement
Benefit calculated as of the date he retires.  The Normal Retirement
Benefit of a Participant shall be an annual annuity benefit (payable
monthly) equal to the sum of the following:

               (i)  A Past Service Benefit if he shall have become an
active Participant as of May 1, 1953, shall have been a continuous
Participant (whether active or suspended) during the period of his
employment on and after May 1, 1953, and shall have made contributions
while an active Participant during such period;

              (ii)  A Future Service Benefit if he shall have made
contributions while an active Participant;
             (iii)  A Supplemental Benefit if he shall have made
contributions while an active Participant;
              (iv)  A Pension Equivalent Benefit; and
               (v)  Minus the value of contributions that the Participant
would have made from September 1, 1994, if permitted, to the Participant's
retirement date.

                    (A)  The "Past Service Benefit" of a Participant
eligible therefor shall be equal to three-quarters percent (3/4 %) of his
annual earnings on May 1, 1953, multiplied by the number of his Years of
Credited Service prior to May 1, 1953.
                                     - 9 - 
                    (B)  The "Future Service Benefit" of a Participant
eligible therefor shall be one percent (1%) of his annual earnings for each
year of active participation during which he shall have made contributions
under the Plan.

                    (C)  The "Supplemental Benefit" of a Participant
eligible therefor shall be the benefit calculated under either subparagraph
(1) or (2) below, whichever shall be applicable:

                         (1)  If the Participant shall have been a
continuous Participant (whether active or suspended) for the period from
his eligibility date to his Normal Retirement Date and shall have made
contributions at all times while an active Participant during such period,
two percent (2%) of his final average earnings in excess of $3,600 as
determined below, multiplied by the sum of his Years (not in excess of
fifteen (15) years) of Credited Service.  For purposes of the preceding
sentence, "final average annual earnings in excess of $3,600" means (A) for
an Employee with five (5) or more years of active participation, the
average of the excess of his annual earnings over $3,600 for the five (5)
consecutive years of his active participation during his final years of
active participation, but not in excess of ten (10), which produce the
highest such average, or (B) for an Employee with less than five (5) years
of active participation, the average of his annual earnings in excess of
$3,600 actually paid to him for the period of his service, not in excess of
five (5) years, ending with his last year of active participation.

                         (2)  If the Participant shall not have been a
continuous Participant (whether active or suspended) for the period from
his eligibility date to his Normal Retirement Date, or shall not have made
contributions at all times while an active Participant during such period,
an amount calculated under subparagraph (1) above, as if the Participant
had, in fact, been a continuous Participant for such period and made
contributions at all times while an active Participant therein, multiplied
by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the sum of his Years of
Credited Service (not limited to fifteen (15) years) on the basis of which
the Participant shall actually accrue a Past and/or Future Service Benefit
under the Plan, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of his Years
of Service (whether or not regarded as Credited Service for purposes of the
Plan and not limited to fifteen (15) years) on the basis of which the
Participant would have been entitled to accrue a Past and/or Future Service
Benefit under the Plan if he had, in fact, been a continuous Participant
for such period and made contributions while an active Participant therein.

                    (D)  The "Pension Equivalent Benefit" of a Participant
eligible therefor shall be the monthly pension benefit in accordance with
Schedule B attached hereto; provided, however, that the portion, if any, of
such Pension Equivalent Benefit which shall have been based upon Years of
Credited Service for which the Participant also is entitled to Past and/or
Future Service Benefits under this Section 6.15 shall be reduced by the
amount of such Past and/or Future Service Benefits.

          (b)  Death Benefit.  In the event an inactive Participant shall
die before retirement, a death benefit shall be payable to his beneficiary
equal to the aggregate of his contributions plus interest and any
applicable annuity.
                                     - 10 - 
          (c)  Severance of Employment Benefit.

               (i)  After Vesting Date.  If the employment of a Par-
ticipant who has made contributions while an active Participant shall be
severed after he shall have completed five (5) Years of Credited Service,
and before he has reached his Early Retirement Date, he shall be entitled
to a Severance of Employment Benefit which shall be an annual annuity
benefit commencing as of the first of the month next following his sixty-
fifth (65th) birthday, which shall be equal to his Normal Retirement
Benefit based upon his Years of Credited Service and years of active
participation on the date of his severance of employment.  (In the
calculation of the Supplemental Benefit of a Participant who severs his
employment under this subparagraph (c)(i), the denominator of the fraction
referred to in subparagraph (a)(iv)(C)(2) of this Section 6.15 shall
include Years of Service the Participant would have had at his Normal
Retirement Date if he had remained in the employ of the Company until such
date.)  Such Participant may elect (by filing a written request therefor
with the Committee on such form and on such terms and conditions as the
Committee may prescribe) to receive an annual annuity benefit commencing as
of the first of any month following his fifty-fifth (55th) birthday, in
which event such annual annuity benefit shall be the actuarial equivalent
benefit calculated under the preceding sentences of this subparagraph
(c)(i) in accordance with Schedule C attached hereto.  The first payment of
a benefit under this subparagraph (i) will commence the first of the month
next following receipt by the Committee of all completed necessary forms
and documentation.  On or after January 1, 1976, one (1) Year of Service
toward eligibility for a vested benefit will be credited for any
Participant who works at least one thousand (1,000) hours in any calendar

               In lieu of the foregoing annuity benefits, the Participant
may elect (by filing a written request therefor with the Committee on such
form and on such terms and conditions as the Committee may prescribe), at
any time after the date of his severance of employment and prior to the
commencement of said annuity benefit, to receive in a lump sum cash payment
the aggregate of his contributions plus interest and a deferred pension
benefit equal to the benefit as provided in Schedule D attached hereto paid
for solely through Company Contributions.

              (ii)  Prior to Vesting Date.  If the employment of a
Participant who has made contributions while an active Participant shall be
severed prior to satisfying the applicable age and service conditions
prescribed in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph (d), he shall be entitled,
without request therefor, to a Severance of Employment Benefit equal to the
aggregate of his contributions plus interest.

             (iii)  Deferred Pension Benefit.  If the employment of an
active Participant was severed after his vested Retirement Benefit Date but
prior to September 1, 1994, and he is not entitled to a Normal, Early or
Disability Retirement Benefit, he shall be entitled to a Deferred Benefit
under this Plan in accordance with Schedule D attached hereto.

          (d)  Optional Survivor Benefit.  The Participant's fifty-five
percent (55%) optional survivor benefit and/or contingent annuitant benefit
shall be reduced by a percentage as set forth below for each full month or
fraction thereof in effect for such Participant.
                                     - 11 - 
     The appropriate percentages are:
               For Coverage While The
               Participant's Age Is          Monthly Percentage
               -----------------------       ------------------
               under 35                             .01%
               35 - 45                              .02%
               45 - 54 and 11 months                .04%

          (e)  Optional Annuity Benefits for Deferred Vested Participant. 
A Participant may elect (by filing a written request therefor with the
Committee on such form and on such terms and conditions as the Committee
may prescribe).

          For an Employee receiving a benefit with a survivor benefit
adjustment, the reduced amount of his monthly benefit shall be equal to an
amount determined by multiplying the monthly benefit otherwise payable to
the Employee by ninety percent (90%) if the Employee's age and his
designated Spouse's age are the same; or, if such ages are not the same,
such percentage shall be increased by one-half of one percent (1/2%), up to a
maximum of one hundred percent (100%) for each year that the designated
spouse's age exceeds the Employee's age and shall be decreased by one-half
of one percent (1/2%) for each year that the designated spouse's age is less
than the Employee's age, and his or her surviving spouse will receive
fifty-five percent (55%) of such annuity benefit.

          A "Contingent Annuity Option" of seventy-five percent (75%) or
one hundred percent (100%) with respect to the total of the Supplemental
Benefit amount included within his annuity benefit, under which an annuity,
on such terms as the Committee may prescribe, shall be payable for the
Participant's life and continue after his death, in the same or lesser
amount, to and for the life of a selected contingent annuitant; provided,
however, that if such selected contingent annuitant is other than the
Participant's spouse or physically or mentally disabled child, the amount
payable under the option shall be adjusted, if necessary, so that the
reduction on account of the option in the Supplemental Benefit otherwise
payable to the Participant does not exceed forty percent (40%).  Such
annuity shall be the actuarial equivalent of the aforesaid Supplemental
Benefit amount.  Election of a seventy-five (75%) percent or one hundred
percent (100%) option shall ordinarily be made at least one year prior to
the commencement date of the Participant's annuity benefit which includes a
Supplemental Benefit amount in accordance with Schedule E attached hereto;
otherwise, the Committee may require evidence satisfactory to it of the
Participant's good health.

6.16      Definitions.  For purposes of determining a Participant's
minimum benefit in accordance with Section 6.15, the following definitions
shall apply.

          (a)  Credited Service.  The term "credited service" shall have
the following meanings:
               (i)  Service Prior to May 31, 1953.  Only Employees who
become contributing active Participants as of May 31, 1953 shall be
entitled to "credited service" under this subparagraph (a) for any periods
prior to May 31, 1953.  Such "credited service" shall mean completed years
and calendar months of employment prior to May 31, 1953, including the
following periods:
                                     - 12 - 
                    (A)  the period of employment of an Employee with the
Company (or with a member of the Controlled Group) following his most
recent date of hire preceding May 31, 1953 and prior to his sixty-eighth
(68th) birthday;

                    (B)  the period of employment of an Employee with the
Company (or with a member of the Controlled Group) preceding his most
recent date of hire and prior to his sixty-eighth (68th) birthday;
provided, however, that the period of his employment preceding a break in
employment (except a break in employment of any duration during the
interval commencing August 1, 1945, and ending on or before December 31,
1949) of two (2) or more years shall not be taken into account;

                    (C)  any periods of approved Leave of Absence or mili-
tary leave during the period(s) defined in paragraphs (A) and/or (B) above.

              (ii)  Service Commencing on or After May 31, 1953.  "Credit-
ed service" after May 31, 1953 shall mean completed years and calendar
months of employment commencing on or after May 31, 1953 and shall include
the following periods:

                    (A)  the periods of employment of an Employee with the
Company (or with a member of the Controlled Group) while eligible to
participate under the Plan following his most recent date of hire and prior
to the earlier of his retirement;

                    (B)  any periods of leave of absence approved by the
Company in writing, or military leave during the period defined in
subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above.

             (iii)  Pension Plan Equivalent Service.  On and after May 1,
1966, "credited service" of an Employee eligible to participate in this
Plan shall include Service which would be creditable under the Curtiss-
Wright Pension Plan for any period(s) of his employment not included as
Credited Service under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above.

          (b)  Years of Participation.  The term "years of participation"
shall be Years of Credited Service while a continuous Participant; "years
of active participation" shall mean Years of Credited Service while an
active Participant, whether or not interrupted by a period or periods of
suspended participation; and "years of contributory active participation"
shall mean Years of Credited Service while (a) an active Participant prior
to May 1, 1966 and (b) a contributing active Participant after May 1, 1966,
whether or not interrupted by a period or periods of suspended

          (c)  "Annual Earnings" for periods prior to September 1, 1994
shall mean:

               (i)  for each calendar month prior to July 1, 1970, one-
twelfth (1/12) of his basic salary (on an annual basis) in effect at the
beginning of each Plan Year; and
              (ii)  for each calendar month after June 30, 1970, one-
twelfth (1/12) of the sum of his basic salary (on an annual basis) in
effect at the beginning of each Plan Year, plus any cash payments he
received in the prior Plan Year under the Company's incentive compensation
                                     - 13 - 
          (d)  "Interest" for deferred vested prior to September 1, 1994
means interest calculated from the first day of the Plan Year next
following the Participant's contribution, compounded annually to the first
of any month in which (a) there shall occur an event under the Plan calling
for the distribution of an amount plus interest or (b) the Participant's
retirement, whichever first occurs.  Interest to May 1, 1966 shall be
calculated at the rate of two (2%) percent compounded annually; interest
from May 1, 1966 to January 1, 1971 shall be calculated at the rate of
three and one-half (3 1/2%) percent compounded annually; and interest from
January 1, 1971 to December 31, 1975 shall be calculated at the rate of
four and one-half (4 1/2%) percent compounded annually. Interest from January
1, 1976 to December 31, 1987 shall be calculated at the rate of five (5%)
percent compounded annually; and interest from January 1, 1988 at one
hundred twenty (120%) percent of the Federal mid-term rate as at the
beginning of the Plan Year compounded annually.

                                     - 14 - 
                                   ARTICLE 7

                            FORM OF BENEFIT PAYMENT

7.01      Normal Form of Payment.  Unless a Participant has elected
pursuant to Section 7.02 of the Plan that his vested Normal Retirement
Benefit be paid in another form or to a Beneficiary other than his
surviving Spouse, a Participant's vested Normal Retirement Benefit shall be
paid in whichever of the following forms is applicable:

          (a)  If the Participant does not have a Spouse at the time
payment of his vested Normal Retirement Benefit commences, the vested
Normal Retirement Benefit shall be payable in the form of a Life Annuity.

          (b)  If the Participant has a Spouse at the time payment of the
vested Normal Retirement Benefit commences, and the Participant terminates
Service after attaining the earlier of his Normal Retirement Age or his
Early Retirement Date, the Participant's vested Normal Retirement Benefit
shall be payable in the form of a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity
which is the Actuarial Equivalent of the vested Normal Retirement Benefit
payable to the Participant as a Life Annuity.

7.02      Optional Forms of Payment For All Benefits.

          (a)  In lieu of the form of payment provided in Section 7.01 of
the Plan, a Participant may elect in the manner prescribed by the Committee
and during the election period described in Subsection (c) of this Section
7.02, a form of benefit payment provided under Section 7.02(b); provided,
however, that any election, made by a Participant who has a Spouse, not to
have payment of the Participant's benefits made in the form of a Qualified
Joint and Survivor Annuity under Subsection of Section 7.01 of the Plan, as
applicable, shall not be effective unless:

               (i)  The Spouse of the Participant consents in writing to
the election; the election designates a specific Beneficiary, including any
class of beneficiaries or any contingent beneficiaries, which may not be
changed without spousal consent (or the Spouse expressly permits
designations by the Participant without any further spousal consent); and
the Spouse's consent acknowledges the effect of such election and is
witnessed by a member of the Committee or a Notary Public.  Additionally, a
Participant's waiver of the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity shall not
be effective unless the election designates a form of benefit payment which
may not be changed without spousal consent (or the Spouse expressly permits
designations by the Participant without any further spousal consent).
              (ii)  If it is established to the satisfaction of the
Committee that the required consent may not be obtained because there is no
Spouse, because the Spouse cannot be located, or because of such other
circumstances as provided in Treasury regulations under the applicable
provisions of the Code, a waiver will be deemed a qualified election.

          Any consent by a Spouse (or establishment that the consent of a
Spouse may not be obtained) under this Section 7.02(a) of the Plan shall be
effective only with respect to such Spouse.  At any time during the
election period described in Section 7.02(c) of the Plan, a Participant
may, without the consent of the Participant's Spouse, revoke the election
pursuant to this Section 7.02(a) of the Plan to have payment of the
retirement benefit made in a form other than a Qualified Joint and Survivor
                                     - 1 - 
          (b)  In the event an election is validly made and in effect
pursuant to Section 7.02(a) of the Plan not to receive payment of benefits
in the normal form provided in Section 7.01, then the benefit payable to a
Participant shall be the Actuarial Equivalent of the retirement benefit
otherwise payable to the Participant in the form of a Life Annuity.  A
Participant may, in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee, elect
any one of the following optional forms of payment:

               (i)  a Life Annuity payable monthly to the Participant;

              (ii)  a joint and survivor annuity under which one hundred
(100%) percent, seventy-five (75%) percent, sixty-six and two thirds
(662/3%) percent or fifty (50%) percent of the amount payable to the
Participant for his life is continued thereafter for the life of a
contingent annuitant designated by him, for a period not in excess of the
joint life expectancies of the Participant and the Participant's

             (iii)  a lump sum payment; or

              (iv)  one-half (1/2) as a lump sum payment and one-half
(1/2) as an annuity.

          (c)  Any election not to receive payment of benefits under the
Plan in the normal form provided in Section 7.01 of the Plan shall be made
at any time during the election period in writing.  Any such election may
be revoked in writing, and a new election made, at any time during the
election period.  The election period shall be the ninety (90) day period
ending on the Annuity Starting Date.

7.03      Limitation on Optional Forms of Payment.

          (a)  Notwithstanding any other Plan provision, payment of the
Participant's entire interest in this Plan:

               (i)  shall be made to the Participant no later than the
Required Beginning Date (as defined in Section 7.03(b) of the Plan), or

              (ii)  shall commence not later than the Required Beginning
Date (as defined in Section 7.03(b) of the Plan) and be distributable (in
accordance with Treasury regulations under Section 401(a)(9) of the Code)
over one of the following periods:

                    (A)  the life of the Participant,
                    (B)  the joint and survivor lives of the Participant
and the Participant's designated Beneficiary,
                    (C)  a period certain not extending beyond the life
expectancy of the Participant, or
                    (D)  a period certain not extending beyond the joint
and survivor life expectancies of the Participant and the Participant's
designated Beneficiary.

          For purposes of this Section 7.03, the life expectancy of the
Participant and the Participant's Spouse, if any, may be redetermined
(other than in the case of a life annuity), but no more frequently than
                                     - 2 - 
          (b)  For purposes of this Section, the Required Beginning Date
means the April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which
the Participant attains age seventy and one-half (70 1/2).

          (c)  Notwithstanding any other Plan provision, all distributions
required under this Article shall be determined and made in accordance with
the Treasury Regulations under Section 401(a)(9) of the Code, including the
minimum distribution incidental benefit requirement of Section 1.401(a)(9)-2
of the Treasury Regulations.

7.04      Notice to Married Participants.  No less than thirty (30) days
and no more than ninety (90) days prior to the Annuity Starting Date, the
Committee shall furnish any Participant who has a Spouse, by mail or
personal delivery, with a written explanation of (a) the terms and
conditions of the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity provided in Section
7.01 of the Plan, (b) the Participant's right to make, and the effect of,
an election to waive the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity form of
benefit, (c) the rights of the Participant's Spouse under Section 7.02(b)
of the Plan to consent to a waiver of the Qualified Joint and Survivor
Annuity form, and (d) the right to make, and the effect of, a revocation of
an election to waive payment in the form of a Qualified Joint and Survivor
Annuity.  Within thirty (30) days following receipt by the Committee of a
Participant's written request, the Participant shall be furnished an
additional written explanation, in terms of dollar amounts, of the
financial effect of an election not to receive the Qualified Joint and
Survivor Annuity.  The Committee shall not be required to comply with more
than one such request.

7.05      Small Payments.  If the Actuarial Equivalent of the Partici-
pant's vested retirement benefit does not exceed $3,500, then the Committee
may pay the present value of the Participant's vested retirement benefit in
a lump sum payment to the Participant and the nonvested portion will be
treated as a forfeiture.

7.06      Annuity Contract Nontransferable.  Any annuity contract
distributed herefrom must be nontransferable.

7.07      Conflicts With Annuity Contracts.  The terms of any annuity
contract purchased and distributed by the Plan to a Participant, Spouse or
Beneficiary shall comply with the requirements of this Plan.

7.08      Rollovers.  This Section 7.08 applies to distributions made on
or after January 1, 1993.  Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the
contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee's election under this
Section 7.08, a distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner
prescribed by the Plan Administrator, to have any portion of an eligible
rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement plan
specified by the distributee in a direct rollover.

          The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this
Section 7.08:
                                     - 3 - 
          (a)  Eligible rollover distribution:  An eligible rollover
distribution is any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to
the credit of the distributee, except that an eligible rollover
distribution does not include:  any distribution that is one of a series of
substantially equal periodic payments (not less frequently than annually)
made for the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee or the joint
lives (or joint life expectancies) of the distributee and the distributee's
designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten years or more; any
distribution to the extent such distribution is required under Section
401(a)(9) of the Code; and the portion of any distribution that is not
includable in gross income (determined without regard to the exclusion for
net unrealized appreciation with respect to employer securities).

          (b)  Eligible retirement plan:  An eligible retirement plan is
an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Code,
an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Code,
an annuity plan described in Section 403(a) of the Code, or a qualified
trust described in Section 401(a) of the Code, that accepts the
distributee's eligible rollover distribution.  However, in the case of an
eligible rollover distribution to the surviving Spouse, an eligible
retirement plan is an individual retirement account or individual
retirement annuity.

7.09      Waiver of Thirty (30) Day Notice Period.  The notice required by
Section 1.411(a)-11(c) of the Treasury Regulations must be provided to a
Participant no less than thirty (30) days and no more than ninety (90) days
before the Annuity Starting Date.

          If a distribution is one to which Sections 401(a)(11) and 417 of
the Code do not apply, such distribution may commence less than thirty (30)
days after the notice required under Section 1.411(a)-11(c) of the Treasury
Regulations is given, provided that:

          (a)  the Plan Administrator clearly informs the Participant that
the Participant has a right for a period of at least thirty (30) days after
receiving the notice to consider the decision of whether or not to elect a
distribution (and, if applicable, a particular distribution option), and

          (b)  the Participant, after receiving the notice, affirmatively
elects a distribution.
                                     - 4 - 
                                   ARTICLE 8

                                 DEATH BENEFITS

8.01      Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity.

          (a)  (i)  If a Participant who has a vested interest in his
retirement benefit dies before payment of his benefits commence, and the
Participant is survived by a Spouse, then such surviving Spouse shall
receive a death benefit equal to, and in the form of a Qualified Pre-
Retirement Survivor Annuity.  For purposes of this Section 8.01, a
Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity means a Life Annuity for the life
of the surviving Spouse in a monthly amount equal to the amount that would
have been payable to such Spouse if:

                    (A)  in the case of a Participant who dies after his
Normal Retirement Date or after his Early Retirement Date, the Participant
had immediately prior to death commenced receiving payment of a Qualified
Joint and Survivor Annuity that is the Actuarial Equivalent of his vested
Normal Retirement Benefit, with the Spouse's annuity being equal to fifty
(50%) percent of the Participant's annuity; or

                    (B)  in the case of a Participant who dies on or
before his Normal Retirement Date and before his Early Retirement Date, the
Participant had

                         (1)  separated from Service on the date of death,

                         (2)  survived until the earlier of the
Participant's Normal Retirement Date or the Early Retirement Date,

                         (3)  immediately commenced receiving payment of a
Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity that is the Actuarial Equivalent of
his vested Normal Retirement Benefit, with the Spouse's annuity being equal
to fifty (50%) percent of the Participant's annuity, and

                         (4)  died on the day after the earlier of the
Participant's Normal Retirement Date or the Participant's Early Retirement

              (ii)  Payment of the Qualified Pre-retirement Survivor
Annuity shall commence on the later of (1) the earlier of the Participant's
Normal Retirement Date or the Participant's Early Retirement Date, and (2)
the first day of the month coincident with or immediately following the
Participant's death.

          The actuarial value of benefits which commence later than the
date on which payments would have been made to the surviving Spouse with a
Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity shall be adjusted to reflect the
delayed payment.

          (b)  The Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity of a married
Participant who was an active Employee on or after September 1, 1994 shall
be fully subsidized by the Plan.  The Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor
Annuity of a married Participant who was a deferred vested Participant on
September 1, 1994 shall not be fully subsidized.
                                     - 1 - 
          (c)  A married Participant whose pre-retirement death benefit is
not fully subsidized may during the election period elect to waive the
Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity provided in this Section 8.01;
provided, however, that no such election may be made unless:

               (i)  The Spouse consents in writing to the election, the
election designates a specific Beneficiary, including any class of
beneficiaries or contingent beneficiaries, which may not be changed without
spousal consent (or the Spouse expressly permits designations by the
Participant without further spousal consent); and the Spouse's consent
acknowledges the effect of such election and is witnessed by a member of
the Committee or a notary public.
              (ii)  If it is established to the satisfaction of the
Committee that the required consent may not be obtained because there is no
Spouse, because the Spouse cannot be located, or because of such other
circumstances as provided in Treasury Regulations under the applicable
provisions of the Code.

          Any consent by a Spouse (or establishment that the consent of a
Spouse may not be obtained) under this Section 8.01(c) shall be effective
only with respect to such Spouse.  Any election pursuant to this Section
8.01(c) may be revoked by the Participant without the consent of the
Participant's Spouse at any time during the election period (as described
hereafter in this Section 8.01(c)).  The election period shall commence on
the first day of the Plan Year in which the Participant attains age thirty-
five (35) and shall end on the date of his death; provided, however, that
in the case of any Participant who is separated from Service, the election
period with respect to benefits accrued before the date of such separation
from Service shall begin not later than the date of the Participant's
separation from Service.

          A Participant who will not yet attain age thirty-five (35), as
of the end of any current Plan Year, may make a special qualified election
to waive the Qualified Pre-retirement Survivor Annuity for the period
beginning on the date of such election and ending on the first day of the
Plan Year in which the Participant will attain age thirty-five (35).  Such
election shall not be valid unless the Participant receives a written
explanation of the Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity.  The
Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity coverage will be automatically
reinstated as of the first day of the Plan Year in which the Participant
attains age thirty-five (35).  Any new waiver on or after such date shall
be subject to the full requirements of this Section.

          The Plan Administrator shall provide each Participant within the
applicable period for such Participant, a written explanation of the
Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity in such terms and in such a
manner as would be comparable to the explanation provided for meeting the
requirements of Section 7.04 applicable to a Qualified Joint and Survivor
          The applicable period for a Participant is whichever of the
following periods ends last: 

               (i)  the period beginning with the first day of the Plan
Year in which the Participant attains age thirty-two (32) and ending with
the close of the Plan Year preceding the Plan Year in which the Participant
attains age thirty-five (35);
                                     - 2 - 
              (ii)  a reasonable period ending after the individual
becomes a Participant;
             (iii)  a reasonable period ending after Section 8.01(d)
ceases to apply to the Participant;
              (iv)  a reasonable period ending after this Article first
applies to the Participant.

          Notwithstanding the foregoing, notice must be provided within a
reasonable period ending after separation of Service in case of a
Participant who separates from Service before attaining age thirty-five

          For purposes of the preceding paragraph, a reasonable period
ending after the enumerated events described in Subparagraphs (ii), (iii)
and (iv) of this Section 8.01(c) is the end of the two (2) year period
beginning one (1) year prior to the date the applicable event occurs and
ending one year after that date.  In the case of a Participant who
separates from Service before the Plan Year in which age thirty-five (35)
is attained, notice shall be provided within the two (2) year period
beginning one year prior to separation and ending one (1) year after
separation.  If such a Participant thereafter returns to employment with
the Company, the applicable period for such Participant shall be

          (d)  Notwithstanding the other requirements of Section 8.01(c)
of the Plan, the respective notices prescribed in Section 8.01(c) may not
be given to a Participant if the Plan fully subsidizes the cost of a
Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity or Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor
Annuity, and the Plan does not allow the Participant to waive the Qualified
Joint and Survivor Annuity or Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity and
does not allow a married Participant to designate a non-Spouse Beneficiary. 
For purposes of Sections 8.01(b) and (c) of the Plan, the Plan fully
subsidizes the cost of a benefit if, under the Plan, no increase in cost or
decrease in benefits to the Participant may result from the Participant's
failure to elect another benefit.  Prior to the time the Plan allows the
Participant to waive the Qualified Pre-retirement Survivor Annuity, the
Plan may not charge the Participant for the cost of such benefit by
reducing the Participant's benefits under the Plan or by any other method.

8.02      Post-Retirement Death Benefit.  Upon the death after retirement
of a Participant who contributed for sixty (60) consecutive months ending
August 31, 1994 and attained age fifty-five (55) on or before August 31,
1994, his Death Benefit shall be equal to:

          (a)  $1,000; plus
          (b)  the greater of (i) his Compensation (on an annual basis) in
effect on the January 1 next preceding his retirement date, reduced by
1/60th of such amount on the first day of each month following his
retirement date, and (ii) $2,000; less
          (c)  Any amounts under a Group Life Insurance Plan of the
Company which were paid to such Participant during his lifetime or are
payable by reason of his death.
                                     - 3 - 
8.03      Payment to Beneficiary.

          (a)  The amount of the Survivor Annuity, if any, payable to the
surviving Spouse of a Participant shall be payable in the form of the
Survivor Annuity, as provided in Section 8.01 of the Plan; provided,
however, that the Committee may, in its discretion, make an immediate lump
sum distribution to the surviving Spouse of an amount equal to the
Actuarial Equivalent of the Survivor Annuity if either (i) the amount of
such distribution would not exceed $3,500, or (ii) the Spouse consents in
writing to such distribution.

          (b)  (i)  Except as otherwise provided in Section 8.04 of the
Plan, the amount of any death benefits payable to a Participant's
Beneficiary under Section 8.02 of the Plan shall be made or commence to be
made at the time, and in a form provided under Section 7.02 of the Plan,
elected by the Participant or by the Beneficiary if permitted by the terms
of the Participant's election.  Such election shall be made in the form and
manner prescribed by the Committee.  If no such election is made or
effective, payment shall be made to the Beneficiary in a lump sum.

              (ii)  Unless a Participant or Beneficiary has elected, in
the form and manner prescribed by the Committee, to defer payment of the
death benefits, payment to the Beneficiary shall be made, or commence to be
made, within ninety (90) days after the date of the Participant's death.
8.04      Required Distributions.

          (a)  If a Participant dies after distribution of his interest in
the Plan has commenced in accordance with Article 7 of the Plan, the
remaining portion of the Participant's interest in the Plan shall be
distributed at least as rapidly as the method of distribution being used as
of the date of the Participant's death pursuant to Article 7 of the Plan.

          (b)  If the Participant dies before distribution of his interest
in the Plan has commenced, the Participant's entire interest in the Plan
shall be distributed no later than five (5) years after the date of the
Participant's death except to the extent provided in Subparagraphs (i) or
(ii) below:

               (i)  if any portion of the Participant's interest in the
Plan is payable to (or for the benefit of) a designated Beneficiary,
distribution of the Participant's interest in the Plan may be made over the
life of such designated Beneficiary (or over a period not extending beyond
the life expectancy of such designated Beneficiary), commencing no later
than one year after the date of such Participant's death or such later date
as may be provided in Treasury Regulations under the applicable provisions
of the Code; and

              (ii)  if the designated Beneficiary is the Participant's
surviving Spouse, the date on which the distributions are required to begin
in accordance with paragraph (i) immediately above shall not be earlier
than the date on which the Participant would have attained age seventy and
one-half (70 1/2), and if the surviving Spouse dies before the distributions
to such Spouse begin, subsequent distributions shall be made as if the
surviving Spouse were the Participant.
                                     - 4 - 
          (c)  For purposes of this Section 8.04:

               (i)  the life expectancy of the Participant and, if
applicable, the Participant's Spouse (other than in the case of a Life
Annuity) may be determined but not more frequently than annually, and

              (ii)  any amount paid to a child shall be treated as if it
had been paid to the surviving Spouse if such amount will become payable to
the surviving Spouse when such child reaches the age of majority (or such
other designated event permitted under Treasury regulations).
                                     - 5 - 
                                   ARTICLE 9

                           RETIREMENT BENEFITS UNDER

9.01      Eligibility for Employees Subject to a Collective Bargaining

          (a)  Each Employee whose employment is covered by a collective
bargaining agreement to which the Company is a party who, on or after
September 15, 1952, shall have attained the age of sixty-five (65), shall
have completed ten (10) or more Years of Credited Service and shall have
ceased active Service shall be entitled to receive the pension under this
Article 9.

          (b)  Effective January 1, 1976, an Employee to whom Subsection
(a) of this Section 9.01 applies who begins employment with the Company
five (5) or more years before the Normal Retirement Age shall be a
Participant in the Plan and entitled to a benefit after reaching Normal
Retirement Age based upon actual Years of Credited Service.

          (c)  Effective January 1, 1989, each Employee to whom Subsection
(a) of this Section 9.01 applies who, on or after September 15, 1952, shall
have completed five (5) or more Years of Credited Service, and shall have
ceased active Service shall be entitled to receive a pension benefit under
the Plan regardless of the number of years of participation before
retirement age.

9.02      Amount, Form, and Commencement of Retirement Benefit.  The
monthly amount of pension payable to a pensioner retired pursuant to the
provisions of Section 9.01 of the Plan shall be as follows:

          (a)  Normal Retirement.

               (i)  Wood-Ridge and Nuclear Facilities.  With respect to
any such pensioner whose Credited Service was with the Wood-Ridge and
Nuclear Facilities:

                    (A)  With benefits payable commencing prior to October 1,
1962, $6.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service for any pension
payments due for months commencing on and after October 1, 1974 but prior to
October 1, 1976 and $6.25 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service for any
pension payments due for months commencing on and after October 1, 1976.

                    (B)  With benefits payable commencing on and after
October 1, 1962 and prior to October 1, 1965, $6.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1974 but prior to October 1, 1976 and $6.50 multiplied
by his Years of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months
commencing on and after October 1, 1976. 

                    (C)  With benefits payable commencing on and after
October 1, 1965 and prior to October 1, 1968, $6.50 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1974 but prior to October 1, 1976 and $6.75 multiplied
by his Years of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months
commencing on and after October 1, 1976.
                                     - 1 - 
                    (D)  With benefits payable commencing on and after
October 1, 1968 and prior to October 1, 1971, $7.50 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1974 but prior to October 1, 1976 and $7.75 multiplied
by his Years of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months
commencing on and after October 1, 1976. 
                    (E)  With benefits payable commencing on and after
October 1, 1971 and prior to October 1, 1974, $8.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1974 but prior to October 1, 1976 and $8.50 multiplied
by his Years of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months
commencing on and after October 1, 1976. 
                    (F)  With benefits payable commencing on and after
October 1, 1974 and prior to October 1, 1976, $9.00 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1974.
                    (G)  With benefits payable commencing on and after
October 1, 1976, $10.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service for any
pension payments due for months commencing on and after October 1, 1976.

              (ii)  Buffalo Facility.  With respect to any such pensioner
whose Credited Service was with the Buffalo Facility: 

                    (A)  With benefits payable commencing prior to Octo-

ber 1, 1962, $4.75 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service for any
pension payments due for months commencing on and after October 1, 1969.

                    (B)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1962 and prior to October 1, 1965, $5.00 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1969.

                    (C)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1965 and prior to October 1, 1968, $5.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1969. 

                    (D)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1968 and prior to October 1, 1971, $6.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1970.

                    (E)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1971 and prior to October 1, 1973, $6.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for benefit payments due prior to February 1, 1972,
becoming the sum of $6.25 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service prior
to January 1, 1972 and $7.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service on
and after January 1, 1972 for benefit payments due on and after February 1,
                    (F)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1973, the sum of $6.50 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to January 1, 1972 and $7.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after January 1, 1972.
                                     - 2 - 
                    (G)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1974, the sum of $8.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to January 1, 1972 and $7.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after January 1, 1972 for payments due on and after
October 1, 1974.

                    (H)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1975, $8.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service for
payments due on and after October 1, 1975.

                    (I)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
November 1, 1977 and prior to November 1, 1978, the sum of $8.00 multiplied
by his Years of Credited Service prior to January 1, 1978 and $9.00
multiplied by his Years of Credited Service on and after January 1, 1978.

                    (J)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
November 1, 1978, the sum of $8.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to January 1, 1978 and $10.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after January 1, 1978.

                    (K)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
November 2, 1980, the sum of:  

                         (1)  $8.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to January 1, 1978,
                         (2)  $10.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service from January 1, 1978 through November 1, 1980,
                         (3)  $11.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service from November 2, 1980 through November 1, 1981,
                         (4)  $12.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service on and after November 2, 1981 through May 4, 1985,
                         (5)  $13.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service on and after May 4, 1985 through July 23, 1993, and
                         (6)  $17.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service on and after July 24, 1993.

             (iii)  Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems, Inc. Facility.  With
respect to any such pensioner whose Credited Service was with the
Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems, Inc. Facility:

                    (A)  With benefits payable commencing prior to October 1,
1962, $4.75 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service for any pension pay-
ments due for months commencing on and after October 1, 1969.

                    (B)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1962 and prior to October 1, 1965, $5.00 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1969.

                    (C)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1965 and prior to October 1, 1968, $5.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1969.
                                     - 3 - 
                    (D)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1968, $6.25 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service.

              (iv)  Marquette Metal Products Company.  With respect to any
such pensioner whose Credited Service was with The Marquette Metal Products

                    (A)  With benefits payable commencing prior to Octo-

ber 1, 1962, $4.75 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service for any
pension payments due for months commencing on and after October 1, 1969.

                    (B)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1962 and prior to October 1, 1965, $5.00 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1969.

                    (C)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1965 and prior to October 1, 1968, $5.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1969.

                    (D)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1968 and prior to October 1, 1971, $6.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1970.

                    (E)  With benefits payable commencing on or after October
1, 1971 and prior to October 1, 1973, $6.25 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service for benefit payments due prior to February 1, 1972, becoming the sum of
$6.25 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service prior to October 1, 1971 and
$7.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service on and after October 1, 1971
for benefit payments due on and after February 1, 1972.

                    (F)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1973, the sum of $6.50 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to October 1, 1971 and $7.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after October 1, 1971. 

                    (G)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1974, the sum of $7.50 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to October 1, 1971 and $7.50 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after October 1, 1971.

                    (H)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1975, the sum of $7.50 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to October 1, 1971 and $8.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after October 1, 1971.

                    (I)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1976, the sum of $7.50 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service prior to October 1, 1971 and $9.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after October 1, 1971 and $10.00 multiplied by his
Years of Credited Service on and after November 1, 1979.
                                     - 4 - 
               (v)  Target Rock Corporation.  With respect to any such
pensioner whose Credited Service was with Target Rock Corporation:

                    (A)  With benefits commencing on or after June 1, 1967
and prior to October 1, 1968, $6.25 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service, for any pension payments due for months commencing on and after
February 1, 1972.

                    (B)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1968 and prior to October 1, 1971, $7.25 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service, for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after February 1, 1972.

                    (C)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
October 1, 1971 and prior to June 1, 1975, his Years of Credited Service
multiplied by $6.25 for any pension payments due for months commencing on
and after October 1, 1971 but prior to February 1, 1972 and by $8.00 for
any pension payments due for months commencing on or after February 1,

                    (D)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
June 1, 1975 and prior to May 1, 1977, $9.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service for any pension payments due for months commencing on and
after June 1, 1975.

                    (E)  With benefits payable commencing on or after
May 1, 1977, the sum of $9.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service
prior to May 1, 1977 and $10.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service
on and after May 1, 1977 for any pension payments due for months commencing
on and after May 1, 1977.

                    (F)  $11.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service on or after May 1, 1981 for any pension payments due for months
commencing on and after May 1, 1981, $12.00 multiplied by his Years of
Credited Service on and after May 5, 1982 for any pension payments due for
months commencing on and after May 5, 1982, $13.00 multiplied by his Years
of Credited Service on and after May 7, 1984 for any pension payments due
for months commencing on and after May 7, 1984, $14.00 multiplied by his
Years of Credited Service on and after May 6, 1985 for any pension payments
due for months commencing on and after May 6, 1985, and $15.00 multiplied
by his Years of Credited Service on and after May 5, 1986 for any pension
payments due for months commencing on and after May 5, 1986.

          (b)  Early Retirement.  On or after January 1, 1989 any Employee
who has attained age fifty-five (55) but not age sixty-five (65) and who
has five (5) or more Years of Credited Service may retire at his option,
and for any such Employee who retires with benefits which first could
commence on or after October 1, 1965, the monthly pension payable to him
shall be either:

               (i)  a pension commencing at age sixty-five (65) determined
in accordance with Section 9.02(a) of the Plan and based upon his Credited
Service at the time of his early retirement, or
              (ii)  a pension commencing on the first day of the month
selected by him at the time of his early retirement which is after such
retirement and prior to age sixty-five (65) in an amount equal to the
amount that would have been payable at age sixty-five (65) on the basis of
his Credited Service at the time of early retirement, multiplied by the
applicable percentage set forth in the following table (Schedule F):
                                     - 5 - 
              Attained Age at the Time
                 Pension Commences                Percent *
              ------------------------            ---------
                         64                         97.0
                         63                         94.0
                         62                         91.0

              Attained Age at the Time
                 Pension Commences                Percent *
              ------------------------            ---------
                         61                         88.0
                         60                         85.0
                         59                         79.6
                         58                         74.2
                         57                         68.8
                         56                         63.4
                         55                         58.0

          *    To be prorated on the basis of the Employee's attained age
plus the number of complete months (twelfths of a year) since his last

               If an Employee's Credited Service at the time of his early
retirement is in excess of twenty (20) years, then the amount of the
monthly pension payable to such an Employee as determined above shall be
increased by:

                    (A)  one tenth (1/10) of one percent (1%) for each
one-tenth (1/10) year of such Employee's Credited Service in excess of
twenty (20) years up to a maximum increase of ten percent (10%) with
respect to benefits which first could commence on or after October 1, 1965
and prior to October 1, 1968, or

                    (B)  two-tenths (2/10) of one percent (1%) for each
one-tenth (1/10) year of such Employee's Credited Service in excess of
twenty (20) years up to a maximum increase of ten percent (10%) with
respect to benefits which first could commence on or after October 1, 1968,

but in no event shall the total monthly pension payable to such Employee
under this Section 9.02(b) be greater than the amount of monthly pension
that would have been payable to him at age sixty-five (65) on the basis of
his Credited Service at the time of early retirement.

          (c)  Total and Permanent Disability Retirement.

               (i)  An Employee with at least five (5) Years of Credited
Service who is actually at work for the Company or is on an Company-
approved Leave of Absence on or after January 1, 1989, who subsequent to
September 15, 1952 becomes totally and permanently disabled prior to
attaining age sixty-five (65), shall be eligible for a disability pension
as hereinafter provided.
                                     - 6 - 
              (ii)  An Employee shall be deemed to be totally and per-
manently disabled when on the basis of medical evidence satisfactory to the
Company he is found to be wholly and permanently prevented from engaging in
any occupation or employment for wage or profit as a result of bodily
injury or disease, either occupational or non-occupational in cause,
provided, however, that no Employee shall be deemed to be totally and
permanently disabled for the purposes of the Plan if his disability
resulted from a self- inflicted injury, or a hostile act of a foreign
power, or resulted from service in the Armed Forces of any country, unless
his benefits could first commence on or after January 1, 1989, and he has
accumulated five (5) Years of Credited Service since such hostile act or
since leaving service in such Armed Forces.

             (iii)  The monthly pension payable to a disability pensioner
shall be in accordance with Section 9.02(a) of the Plan, based on Credited
Service at the date of disability.

              (iv)  In addition to the monthly pension provided for in
subparagraph (iii), there shall be payable to a disability pensioner during
the continuance of his total and permanent disability until he attains age
sixty-five (65), or, if earlier, until the date at which such disability
pensioner becomes or could have become entitled to an unreduced Federal
Social Security benefit for age for disability, a monthly amount equal to:

                    (A)  $5.20 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service
at the date of disability, but not more than $130, with respect to a
monthly pension that first could commence prior to October 1, 1968,

                    (B)  $6.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited Service
at the date of disability, but not more than $150, with respect to a
monthly pension that first could commence on or after October 1, 1968, and

                    (C)  $10.00 multiplied by his Years of Credited
Service at the date of disability, but not more than $250, with respect to
a monthly pension that first could commence on or after March 1, 1978.

               (v)  Any disability pensioner may be required to submit to
medical examination at any time during retirement prior to age sixty-five
(65), but not more often than semi-annually, to determine whether he is
eligible for continuance of the disability pension.  If, on the basis of
such examination, it is found that he is no longer disabled or if he
engages in gainful employment, except for purposes of rehabilitation as
determined by the Company, his disability pension will cease.  In the event
the disability pensioner refuses to submit to medical examination, his
pension will be discontinued until he submits to examination.

          (d)  Retention of Deferred Pension.

               (i)  An Employee who loses Credited Service in accordance
with Section 9.03(c) of the Plan prior to the age at which he is eligible
for early retirement in accordance with Section 9.02(b) of the Plan, shall
be eligible for a deferred pension; provided, that:

                    (A)  If such loss was on or after September 15, 1957
and prior to September 30, 1962, such Employee then had at least twenty
(20) Years of Credited Service; or
                    (B)  If such loss was on or after September 30, 1962
and prior to September 30, 1965, such Employee either:
                                     - 7 - 
                         (1)  then had at least ten (10) Years of Credited
Service and had attained his fortieth (40th) birthday; or

                         (2)  then had at least twenty (20) Years of
Credited Service accrued through (i) the calendar year 1962 or (ii) the
date of his loss of Credited Service, whichever is earlier; or

                    (C)  If such loss was on or after September 30, 1965,
such Employee then had at least ten (10) Years of Credited Service; or

                    (D)  If such loss was on or after January 1, 1989,
such Employee then had at least five (5) Years of Credited Service.

              (ii)  The monthly amount of such deferred pension commencing
at age sixty-five (65) for Employees eligible therefor in accordance with
Section 9.02(a) of the Plan shall be as shown in Schedule A attached hereto
for the Wood-Ridge Facility, Schedule G attached hereto for the Buffalo
Facility, Schedule C attached hereto for the Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems
Facility, and Schedule D attached hereto for the Target Rock Facility.  The
deferred pension rates for Marquette are the same rates as shown in Section
9.02(a)(iv) of the Plan for the Marquette Facility.

             (iii)  For Employees who became eligible for a deferred
pension before January 1, 1976:

               Upon written request to the Company by a former Employee
eligible for a deferred pension in accordance with this Section 9.02(d),
such deferred pension shall be payable on the first day of the month
following the later of (a) the month in which such former Employee attains
age sixty-five (65), or effective October 1, 1962, age sixty (60), or (b)
the month during which the Company receives such written request, provided,
that any deferred pension commencing after age sixty (60) and prior to age
sixty-five (65) shall be the amount in accordance with Section 9.02(a) of
the Plan, reduced by sixth-tenths (6/10) of one percent (1%) (Schedule D)
for each complete calendar month by which such former Employee is under the
age of sixty-five (65) at the time such deferred pension commences.  The
written request must be received by the Company not earlier than sixty (60)
days prior to his sixtieth (60th) birthday.

              (iv)  For Employees who became eligible for a deferred
pension on or after January 1, 1976:

               Such deferred pension benefit shall be payable on the first
day of the month following the later of (a) the month in which such former
Employee attains age fifty-five (55), or (b) sixty (60) days from the date
the Company receives such written request; provided that any deferred
pension benefit commencing after age fifty-five (55) and prior to age
sixty-five (65) shall be the amount in accordance with Section 9.02(a) of
the Plan, reduced by six-tenths (6/10) of one percent (1%) for each
complete calendar month by which such former Employee is under the age of
sixty-five (65) at the time such deferred pension commences.  The written
request must be received by the Company not earlier than sixty (60) days
prior to his fifty-fifth (55th) birthday.
                                     - 8 - 
          (e)  Optional Survivor Benefit Election.

               (i)  An Employee retiring with benefits payable commencing
on or after January 1, 1989, in accordance with the normal, early or total
and permanent disability retirement provisions of this Article 9, where an
Employee is age fifty-five (55) or older, or who loses Seniority on or
after January 1, 1989 and is eligible for a deferred pension benefit in
accordance with Section 9.02(d) of the Plan, will, unless waived, receive
an adjusted amount of monthly pension benefit to provide that, if his or
her designated Spouse shall be living at his or her death after the
survivor benefit becomes effective, a survivor benefit shall be payable to
such Spouse during his or her further lifetime.

                    (A)  The Employee may designate as a beneficiary of a
survivor benefit only the person who is his or her Spouse at such time and
who has been his or her Spouse for at least one (1) year immediately prior
to the date of benefit commencement.  Such designation must be accompanied
by proof of marriage and date of birth of Spouse.
                    (B)  An Employee who is entitled to a total and perma-
nent disability benefit prior to attaining age fifty-five (55) shall have
such benefit adjusted to provide the survivor benefit, if not waived,
effective the first day of the month following his or her fifty-fifth
(55th) birthday.
                    (C)  A survivor benefit shall be irrevocable at or
after its effective date if the Employee and the designated Spouse both
shall be living at such time.
                    (D)  The survivor benefit shall become effective, if
not waived, on the commencement date of the Employee's monthly benefit and
payable on and after the first day of the month following the pensioner's
                    (E)  If the amount of monthly pension benefit that
would be payable to the Employee, in accordance with subparagraph (ii) of
this Section 9.02(e), shall be less than $30.00 a month, the option set
forth in this Section 9.02(e) shall not be available.

              (ii)  For an Employee receiving a pension benefit with a
survivor benefit adjustment in accordance with subparagraph (i) of this
Section 9.02(e), the reduced amount of his monthly pension benefit referred
to in subparagraph (i) shall be equal to an amount determined by
multiplying the monthly pension benefit otherwise payable to the Employee
by ninety percent (90%) if the Employee's age and his designated Spouse's
age are the same (the age of each for the purposes hereof being the age at
his or her last birthday prior to the effective date of the survivor
benefit); or, if such ages are not the same, such percentage shall be
increased by one-half of one percent (1/2%), up to a maximum of one hundred
percent (100%), for each year that the designated Spouse's age exceeds the
Employee's age and shall be decreased by one-half of one percent (1/2%) for
each year that the designated Spouse's age is less than the Employee's age.

             (iii)  The survivor benefit payable to the surviving Spouse
of a retired Employee in accordance with paragraph 1 and who dies after
such benefit becomes effective, shall be a monthly benefit for the further
lifetime of such surviving Spouse equal to fifty-five percent (55%) of the
reduced amount of such Employee's monthly pension benefit as determined in
accordance with Section 9.02(a) of the Plan for any such Employee with
benefits payable commencing on or after October 1, 1965.
                                     - 9 - 
              (iv)  Effective August 23, 1984, a survivor benefit, not
waived, shall be paid to a surviving Spouse of a vested active participant
not eligible for early retirement or a vested deferred participant who was
credited with at least one (1) Hour of Service subsequent to August 22,
1984 not eligible for early retirement at the date the participant would
have been eligible for early retirement but reduced in accordance with the
tables below.

                For Coverage While The
                 Participant's Age Is         Monthly Percentages
                ----------------------        -------------------
                      Under 35                       .01%
                      35 - 45                        .02%
                      45 - 54 and 11 months          .04%

               (v)  Effective August 23, 1984, a survivor benefit, may not
be waived by the participant without the consent of the participant's
Spouse. Such consent for a waiver must be in writing and either notarized
or witnessed by a member of the Board of Administration.  Notwithstanding
this consent requirement, if the participant establishes to the
satisfaction of the Board of Administration that such written consent
cannot be obtained because:

                    (A)  there is no Spouse;
                    (B)  the Spouse cannot be located; and
                    (C)  of other circumstances if the Secretary of the
Treasury may by regulation prescribe the participant's election to waive
coverage will be considered valid if made within the Applicable Election

          A Participant who will not yet attain age thirty-five (35), as
of the end of any current Plan Year, may make a special qualified election
to waive the Qualified Pre-retirement Survivor Annuity for the period
beginning on the date of such election and ending on the first day of the
Plan Year in which the Participant will attain age thirty-five (35).  Such
election shall not be valid unless the Participant receives a written
explanation of the Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity.  The
Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity coverage will be automatically
reinstated as of the first day of the Plan Year in which the Participant
attains age thirty-five (35).  Any new waiver on or after such date shall
be subject to the full requirements of this Section.

          The Plan Administrator shall provide each Participant within the
applicable period for such Participant, a written explanation of the
Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity in such terms and in such a
manner as would be comparable to the explanation provided for meeting the
requirements applicable to a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity.

          The applicable period for a Participant is whichever of the
following periods ends last: 

                         (1)  the period beginning with the first day of
the Plan Year in which the Participant attains age thirty-two (32) and
ending with the close of the Plan Year preceding the Plan Year in which the
Participant attains age thirty-five (35);

                         (2)  a reasonable period ending after the
individual becomes a Participant;
                                     - 10 - 
                         (3)  a reasonable period ending after the subsidy
of cost ceases to apply to the Participant;
                         (4)  a reasonable period ending after this
Article first applies to the Participant.

          Notwithstanding the foregoing, notice must be provided within a
reasonable period ending after separation of Service in case of a
Participant who separates from Service before attaining age thirty-five

          For purposes of the preceding paragraph, a reasonable period
ending after the enumerated events described in Subparagraphs (2), (3) and
(4) of this Section 9.02(e) is the end of the two (2) year period beginning
one (1) year prior to the date the applicable event occurs and ending one
year after that date.  In the case of a Participant who separates from
Service before the Plan Year in which age thirty-five (35) is attained,
notice shall be provided within the two (2) year period beginning one year
prior to separation and ending one (1) year after separation.  If such a
Participant thereafter returns to employment with the Company, the
applicable period for such Participant shall be redetermined.

          Notwithstanding the other requirements of the Plan, the
respective notices prescribed in the Plan may not be given to a Participant
if the Plan fully subsidizes the cost of a Qualified Joint and Survivor
Annuity or Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity, and the Plan does not
allow the Participant to waive the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity or
Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity and does not allow a married
Participant to designate a non-Spouse Beneficiary.  For purposes of the
Plan, the Plan fully subsidizes the cost of a benefit if, under the Plan,
no increase in cost or decrease in benefits to the Participant may result
from the Participant's failure to elect another benefit.  Prior to the time
the Plan allows the Participant to waive the Qualified Pre-retirement
Survivor Annuity, the Plan may not charge the Participant for the cost of
such benefit by reducing the Participant's benefits under the Plan or by
any other method.

          (f)  Employees Not Actively at Work.  The absence of an Employee
from active work at the time he would be eligible to retire under the Plan
shall not preclude his retirement without return to active work, provided
that such absence is due to lay-off, medical leave or other Company
approved leave of absence commencing subsequent to September 15, 1952 and
provided there has been no loss of Credited Service.

          (g)  Pension Payments.

               (i)  Pensions shall be paid monthly. The first monthly
payment of an Employee's pension other than for total and permanent
disability shall be on the first day of the month following the month in
which the Employee actually retires or, in the case of early retirement,
the later date selected by the Employee in accordance with Section
9.02(b)(i) or (ii) of the Plan, and the pension shall be payable monthly
during his lifetime thereafter.
              (ii)  Total and permanent disability pensions shall be
payable to the disability pensioner (A) on the first day of the month
following the date the required proof of such disability is received by the
Company, or (B) the first day of the month following the completion of a
period of total and permanent disability of six (6) months, whichever is
later, and thereafter shall be payable monthly during the continuance of
total and permanent disability while he remains eligible for such benefits.
                                     - 11 - 
             (iii)  In determining the pension payable to any pensioner, a
deduction shall be made equivalent to all or any part of the following
benefits payable to such pensioner by reason of any law of the United
States, or any political subdivision thereof, which has been or shall be
enacted; provided, that such deduction shall be to the extent that such
benefits have been provided by premiums, taxes or other payments paid by or
at the expense of the Company:

                    (A)  Workers' Compensation (except fixed statutory
payments for loss of any bodily member); provided, however, that this
subparagraph shall not be applicable with respect to the monthly pension
payable to any pensioner for months commencing on and after October 1, 1965
except as provided in subparagraph (C) below.
                    (B)  Disability benefits, other than a Primary
Insurance Amount payable under the Federal Social Security Act as now in
effect or as hereafter amended, or a benefit specified in subparagraph (ii)
                    (C)  Workers' Compensation (including hearing, pulmo-
nary, ocular, and other occupational disease and accident claims, but
excluding statutory payments for loss of any physical or bodily members
such as a leg, arm or finger) for Workers' Compensation awards granted
subsequent to March 1, 1978, for Wood-Ridge and Nuclear, January 9, 1978
for Caldwell facility, May 5, 1978 for Target Rock, and August 1, 1988 for

          (h)  Death Benefits.

               (i)  On or after January 1, 1989, upon the death before
retirement of an Employee who had attained age fifty-five (55) and had at
least five (5) Years of Credited Service, a death benefit shall be payable
under the Plan to his surviving Spouse which shall be a monthly pension
determined as if the Employee had retired under the early or normal
retirement provisions of the Plan, whichever would apply at his age as of
the date of his death, with monthly payments commencing on the first day of
the month following the date of his death, and had a survivor benefit
adjustment in accordance with Section 9.02(e) of the Plan; provided,
however, that:

                    (A)  No such benefit shall be payable for any month in
which the surviving Spouse is entitled to receive a Transition or Bridge
Survivor Income Benefit under a Group Life Insurance Plan of the Company;

                    (B)  If no qualified Spouse shall survive the
Employee, or if the qualified Spouse's death shall occur while receiving a
Transition or Bridge Survivor Income Benefit under a Group Life Insurance
Plan of the Company, no death benefit shall be payable under this

              (ii)  Upon the death of a pensioner who retired with
benefits which first could commence on or after October 1, 1965 in
accordance with the early, normal, automatic, or total and permanent
disability retirement provisions of the Plan, the death benefit under the
Plan shall be $1,000, reduced by any amounts under a Group Life Insurance
Plan of the Company which were paid to the pensioner during his lifetime or
are payable by reason of his death.
                                     - 12 - 
               Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to the contrary,
a pensioner whose Credited Service was with the Buffalo Facility, the death
benefit shall be increased to $2,000 effective September 1, 1994 and $3,000
effective September 1, 1995.

             (iii)  Payment of the death benefit after retirement shall be
made in a lump sum to a surviving beneficiary designated by the pensioner
or, otherwise, to his estate.

              (iv)  There shall be no death benefit under the Plan at any
time by reason of the death of an Employee eligible for, or in receipt of,
a deferred pension as provided for in Section 9.02(d) of the Plan.

9.03      Credited Service.  The following provisions shall apply to
Employees to whom Section 9.01 of the Plan applies:

          (a)  Credited Service Prior to September 15, 1952.

               (i)  Credited Service prior to September 15, 1952 shall be
computed to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) year and shall be the sum of:

                    (A) the number of years following the Employee's
Seniority date with the Company and preceding September 15, 1952, plus
                    (B)  any period or periods of Service as an hourly or
salaried Employee of the Company preceding the Employee's Seniority date
with the Company, provided that if there was an interval equal to two (2)
years or more between periods of employment with the Company beginning with
the last day of active Service in the employment immediately preceding such
interval, no Service prior to such interval shall be counted, except this
provision shall not apply to any such interval commencing on or after
August 1, 1945, and ending on or before December 31, 1949.

          (b)  Credited Service Subsequent to September 15, 1952.

               (i)  Subparagraph (A) of this Section 9.03(b)(i) shall be
applicable for the period of time prior to January 1, 1976.  Subparagraphs
(B) and (C) of this Section 9.03(b)(i) shall be applicable to the period of
time subsequent to January 1, 1976.

                    (A)  For purposes of vesting and for purposes of
accrual of benefits prior to January 1, 1976, Credited Service, commencing
with September 15, 1952 and thereafter, shall be computed for each calendar
year for each Employee on the basis of total hours compensated by the
Company during such calendar year and prior to his attaining age sixty-
eight (68).  Any calendar year in which the Employee has one thousand seven
hundred (1,700) or more compensated hours shall be counted a full calendar
year.  Where his total hours compensated during a calendar year are less
than one thousand seven hundred (1,700) hours, a proportionate credit shall
be given to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of a year according to Schedule A
attached hereto.  For the calendar year 1952 no more than a year's credit
will be given including credit for Service prior to September 15, 1952.
                    (B)  For the purpose of vesting only, Credited Service
commencing with January 1, 1976 shall be computed for each calendar year
for each Employee on the basis of total hours compensated by the Company
during such calendar year.  Any calendar year in which the Employee has one
thousand (1,000) or more compensated hours shall be counted a full calendar
year.  Where his total hours compensated during a calendar year are less
than one thousand seven hundred (1,700) hours, a proportionate credit shall
be given to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of a year.
                                     - 13 - 
                    (C)  For the purpose of accrual of benefits after
January 1, 1976, subparagraph (i) of this Section 9.03(b) shall continue to

              (ii)  For the purpose of computing Credited Service, hours
of pay at premium rate shall be computed as straight time hours.

             (iii)  For the purpose of computing compensated hours under
subparagraph (i) of this Section 9.03(b), an Employee who, after September
15, 1952, shall be absent from work because of occupational injury or
disease incurred in the course of his employment with the Company, and on
account of such absence receives Workers' Compensation while on Company
approved Leave of Absence, shall be credited with the number of hours that
he would have been regularly scheduled to work during such absence,
provided that no Employee shall be credited with Service under this
paragraph after retirement.

              (iv)  Any Employee who may be transferred subsequent to
September 15, 1952 from employment that is not eligible for the benefits of
the Plan, to employment that is eligible for such benefits, shall have
credited to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of a year any Credited Service he
had as of the date of such transfer; provided, that there shall be no
duplication of Credited Service, nor, Credited Service of more than one (1)
year in respect to any calendar year.

               (v)  An Employee who has Seniority and who:

                    (A)  leaves the employment of the Company to enter the
Armed Forces of the United States and retains re-employment rights with the
Company under the re-employment provisions of the Universal Military
Training and Service Act of 1948, as amended, and who, during the period he
retains such re-employment rights, returns to work for the Company or
reports to the Company and is given leave of absence or laid off status,
shall be credited with Future Service at the rate of forty (40) hours per
week during the period he would normally have worked for the Company during
the period he was in the Armed Forces (or the number of hours that the
Company is regularly scheduled to work if less than forty (40) hours), or

                    (B)  after September 30, 1968, is given a medical
leave of absence approved by the Company, shall be credited with Future
Service at the rate of forty (40) hours per week during the period he would
normally have worked for the Company while on such medical leave of
absence; provided, that the Employee otherwise had at least one hundred
seventy (170) compensated hours during the calendar year in which such
medical leave of absence commenced, except this Section 9.03(b) shall not
apply to any absence to which Section 9.03(b)(iii) would apply.

          (c)  Loss of Credited Service.

               (i)  After September 15, 1952, an Employee of the Company
will lose all Credited Service for purposes of the Plan and if re-employed
shall be considered as a new Employee of the Company for purposes of the

               (A)  if the Employee quits,
               (B)  if the Employee is discharged or released,
               (C)  if the Employee loses his Seniority for any other reason.
                                     - 14 - 
               The provisions of this paragraph shall not affect an
Employee's entitlement to any benefit under the Plan for which he is
eligible at the time of his loss of Credited Service.

              (ii)  Effective January 1, 1976 for purposes of vesting and
accrual of benefits, any Employee under the Plan whose employment is
terminated and is later re-employed by any other facility or wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company which has adopted the Plan will be entitled to
Credited Service as follows:

                    (A)  if entitled to a vested benefit at the time of
termination, the pre-break and post-break Service will be aggregated.

                    (B)  if not entitled to a vested benefit at the time
of termination, the pre-break and post-break Service subsequent to January
1, 1976 will be aggregated only if his period of absence is less than five
(5) years.

          (d)  Restoration of Lost Credited Service.

               (i)  Anything in the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding,
any Employee who has Seniority with the Company on or after September 30,
1968 will be entitled to have any Credited Service with such Company, which
he previously lost in accordance with subparagraph (ii) of Section 9.03(a)
of the Plan or subparagraph (i) or (ii) of Section 9.03(c) of the Plan,
restored for purposes of entitlement to and computation of any benefit
under the Plan, provided that:

                    (A)  In the case of an Employee who lost such Credited
Service prior to October 1, 1968 and who (i) has Seniority on September 30,
1968, such Employee applies to such Company for restoration of such lost
Service prior to July 1, 1969 or (ii) does not have the Seniority on
September 30, 1968 but thereafter acquires Seniority, such Employee applies
for restoration of such lost Credited Service within ninety (90) days of
re-employment by such Company.

                    (B)  Effective January 1, 1976 any Employee having
Seniority with the Company on or after January 1, 1976 will be entitled to
have any Credited Service with the Company which he had previously lost in
accordance with Section 9.03(c) of the Plan restored automatically.

              (ii)  Effective January 1, 1976, any Employee included in
subparagraphs (i)(B) and (ii)(B) of Section 9.03(c) of the Plan shall be
entitled to the benefit specified in this Section 9.03(d).

9.04      Definitions.  For purposes of this Article 9, the following
definitions shall apply:

          (a)  "Board of Administration" means equal members which shall
be appointed by the Company and equal members which shall be appointed by
the respective union.  Such Board of Administration shall have the powers
enumerated in the collective bargaining agreements attached hereto.
          (b)  "Salaried or Hourly Employee" means an Employee who is
carried on the payroll records of the Company as receiving Compensation on
a weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly or annual basis.
          (c)  "Seniority" shall have the meaning as defined under the
respective collective bargaining agreement.
                                     - 15 - 
                                   ARTICLE 10

                         CONTRIBUTORY RETIREMENT PLANS

10.01      Merger Date.  On the Effective Date of this Plan, the METAL
individually as a "Merged Plan" or collectively as "Merged Plans") were
merged into the Plan.  The following provisions shall apply under the Plan
FLIGHT SYSTEMS/SHELBY, INC. who were non-union Employees on the Effective
Date or non-union Employees hired after said date.

10.02      Eligibility.

           (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan to the
contrary, a non-union Employee of either METAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, INC. or
CURTISS-WRIGHT FLIGHT SYSTEMS/SHELBY, INC. employed by said companies on
August 31, 1994 shall become a Participant of this Plan on the Effective

           (b)  Any future Employee of METAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, INC. or
CURTISS-WRIGHT FLIGHT SYSTEMS/SHELBY, INC. shall be eligible to participate
in the Plan as of the Entry Date coinciding with or next following the date
he completes his Year of Eligibility Service.

10.03      Retirement Benefits.

           (a)  With respect to a "participant" in either of the Merged
Plans who retired, died, became disabled, or terminated Service with
"vested benefits" under either of the Merged Plans prior to September 1,
1994 (irrespective of whether benefits have commenced as of that date), the
Plan will pay to, or in respect of, that "participant" the benefits
provided under the applicable section of the respective Merged Plan in
accordance with the terms thereof (and that person shall have no rights
under the other terms of this Plan).

           (b)  With respect to a Participant who satisfies the
eligibility requirements of Section 10.02 of the Plan, if he retires, dies,
becomes disabled or terminates Service on or after September 1, 1994, the
Plan will pay to, or in respect of, that Participant the benefits provided
under Articles 4, 6 and 8 of this Plan in accordance with Articles 4, 6, 7
and 8 of the Plan.

           For purposes of determining a Participant's benefit under this
paragraph (b), references to Prior Plan in Article 6 of the Plan shall mean
the respective Merged Plan.
           For purposes of Section 1.05 of the Plan, a Participant's
TEMS/ SHELBY, INC.  prior to September 1, 1994 shall be included in the
calculation of Final Average Compensation.

           (c)  For purposes of determining a Participant's benefits under
this Article 10, a Participant shall be credited with his participation in
the respective Merged Plan as of August 31, 1994.
                                     - 1 - 
           (d)  Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to the
contrary, any former participant under the METAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, INC.
RETIREMENT INCOME PLAN shall not qualify for a death benefit under Section
8.02 of the Plan.

10.04      Prior Accrued Benefit.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
this Plan to the contrary, in respect of periods prior to August 31, 1994,
a Participant who was formerly covered under either of the Merged Plans
shall be credited with an accrued benefit under this Plan equal to his
"retirement benefit" under the respective Merged Plan as of August 31,

10.05      Vesting.

           (a)  With respect to a Participant who satisfies the
eligibility requirements of Section 10.02 of the Plan, he shall be vested
in his retirement benefits in accordance with Article 5 of the Plan.

           (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5 of the Plan,
the vesting percentage of a Participant (who is described in (a)
hereinabove and who was a participant in either of the Merged Plans as of
August 31, 1994) in his or her retirement benefit shall not be less than
the vesting percentage as provided under the terms of the respective Merged

           (c)  For purposes of Article 5 of the Plan, a Participant who
is described in (a) hereinabove shall receive vesting credit for his number
of full Years of Service under the terms of the respective Merged Plan as
of August 31, 1994, and his number of Hours of Service for the period from
January 1, 1994 to August 31, 1994, to the extent credited for vesting
purposes under the respective Merged Plan as of August 31, 1994.

10.06      Transfer of Assets.  As of a date fixed in accordance with law,
the assets held under the Merged Plans shall be transferred to the Trust
                                     - 2 - 
                                   ARTICLE 11


11.01      Plan Administrator. The President shall appoint a Committee. 
The Committee shall consist of three (3) or more persons designated by the
President.  Members of the Committee and its officers and agents may
participate in the benefits under this Plan if otherwise eligible to do so. 
The members of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the President
and the President shall appoint successors to fill any vacancies in the

11.02      Committee's Authority and Powers.  The Committee shall
administer the Plan, except where that part of the Plan is pursuant to a
collectively bargained agreement and in such case that agreement shall
govern the administration of that part of the Plan.  The Committee shall
have the exclusive discretionary authority and power to determine
eligibility for benefits and to construe the terms and provisions of the
Plan, determine questions of fact and law arising under the Plan, direct
disbursements pursuant to the Plan, and exercise all other powers specified
herein or which may be implied from the provisions hereof.  The Committee
may adopt such rules for the conduct of the administration of the Plan as
it may deem appropriate.

11.03      Delegation of Duties.  The Committee may delegate such of its
duties and may engage such experts and other persons as it deems
appropriate in connection with administering the Plan.

11.04      Compensation.  No member of the Committee shall receive any
Compensation for his services as such.

11.05      Exercise of Discretion.  Any person with any discretionary
power in the administration of the Plan shall exercise such discretion in a
nondiscriminatory manner and shall discharge his duties with respect to the
Plan in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Plan and with the
standards of fiduciary conduct contained in Title I, Part 4, of ERISA.

11.06      Fiduciary Liability.  In administering the Plan, neither the
Committee nor any member of the Committee nor any person to whom the
Committee delegates any duty or power in connection with administering the
Plan shall be liable, except in the case of his own willful misconduct,

           (a)  any action or failure to act,
           (b)  the payment of any amount under the Plan,
           (c)  any mistake of judgment, or
           (d)  any neglect, omission or wrongdoing of any other member of
the Committee.

           No member of the Committee shall be personally liable under any
contract, agreement, bond, or other instrument made or executed by him or
on his behalf as a member of the Committee.
                                     - 1 - 
11.07      Indemnification by Company.  To the extent not compensated by
insurance or otherwise, the Company shall indemnify and hold harmless each
member of the Committee, and each partner and Employee of the Company
designated by the Committee to carry out any fiduciary responsibility with
respect to the Plan, from any and all claims, losses, damages, expenses
(including counsel fees approved by the Company) and liabilities (including
any amount paid in settlement with the approval of the Company), arising
from any act or omission of such member, or partner or Employee, except
where the same is judicially determined or is determined by the Company to
be due to willful misconduct of such member or Employee.  No assets of the
Plan may be used for any such indemnification.

11.08      Plan Participation by Fiduciaries.  No person who is a
fiduciary with respect to the Plan shall be precluded from becoming a
Participant upon meeting the requirements for eligibility.

                                     - 2 - 
                                   ARTICLE 12


12.01      Amendment.  The Company may at any time and from time to time
amend the Plan by written instrument, provided, that:

           (a)  no amendment that affects the rights and obligations of
the Trustee shall be effective without the written consent of the Trustee,
unless such amendment is necessary for the qualification of the Plan under
Section 401(a) of the Code or to avoid actual or potential liability of the
Company with respect to the Plan, including, without limitation, liability
to make future contributions;
           (b)  no amendment shall cause the Trust Fund to be used other
than for the exclusive benefit of Participants and their Beneficiaries;
           (c)  if any amendment changes the vesting provisions of the
Plan, within sixty (60) days after receiving written notice of such
amendment (or such longer period as may be prescribed by Code Section 411
or the regulations promulgated thereunder), a Participant who has completed
at least three (3) Years of Service may file with the Committee an election
to have his vested interest in his retirement benefit computed under the
Plan's vesting provisions as applicable to such Participant immediately
prior to the amendment; and
           (d)  any party will be protected in assuming that this
Agreement has not been amended until such party has received written notice
of the amendment.

           No amendment to the Plan (including a change in the actuarial
basis for determining optional or early retirement benefits) shall be
effective to the extent that it has the effect of decreasing a
Participant's retirement benefit.  Notwithstanding the preceding sentence,
a Participant's retirement benefit may be reduced to the extent permitted
under Section 412(c)(8) of the Code.  For purposes of this paragraph, a
Plan amendment which has the effect of eliminating or reducing an early
retirement benefit or a retirement-type subsidy; or eliminating an optional
form of benefit, with respect to benefits attributable to Service before
the amendment shall be treated as reducing retirement benefits.  In the
case of a retirement-type subsidy, the preceding sentence shall apply only
with respect to a Participant who satisfies (either before or after the
amendment) the pre-amendment conditions for the subsidy.  In general, a
retirement-type subsidy is a subsidy that continues after retirement, but
does not include a qualified disability benefit, a medical benefit, a
social security supplement, a death benefit (including life insurance). 
Furthermore, if the vesting schedule of a plan is amended, in the case of
an Employee who is a Participant as of the later of the date such amendment
is adopted or becomes effective, the nonforfeitable percentage (determined
as of such date) of such Employee's employer-derived retirement benefit
will not be less than the percentage computed under the Plan without regard
to such amendment.

12.02      Procedure for Amendment.  Any modification or amendment of or
to any or all of the provisions of the Plan shall be made by a written
resolution of either the Board of Directors of the Company or the Committee
referred to in Section 1.09 of the Plan, which shall be delivered to the
Trustee and, where required, to the  Board of Administration, as defined in
the collective bargaining agreements referred to herein.
                                     - 1 - 
12.03      Company's Right to Terminate Plan.  The Company intends to
maintain the Plan as a permanent tax-qualified retirement plan. 
Nevertheless, the Company reserves the right to terminate the Plan (in
whole or in part) at any time and from time to time, for any reason

12.04      Consequences of Termination.

           (a)  If the Plan is terminated in whole or in part, or if
Company contributions are completely discontinued, each Participant
affected by such termination or discontinuance shall be fully vested in his
retirement benefit as of the date of such termination or discontinuance of
Company contributions.  The Committee shall determine the date and manner
of distribution of the retirement benefits of all affected Participants.
           (b)  The Committee shall give prompt notice to each Participant
(or, if deceased, his Beneficiary) affected by the Plan's complete or
partial termination, or the discontinuance of Company contributions.
           (c)  The balance, if any, of the residual assets held by the
Trust Fund after all liabilities have been extinguished, shall revert to
the Company, but only after the satisfaction of liabilities with respect to
the Participants under the Plan.

12.05      Early Termination Restrictions.

           (a)  In the event that (i) the Plan is terminated within ten
(10) years after the "Commencement Date" or (ii) the benefits provided for
a "Restricted Participant" become payable within ten (10) years after the
Commencement Date, the maximum amount of Company contributions that may be
used to provide benefits for a Restricted Participant may not exceed the
largest of:

                (i)  Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000);

               (ii)  an amount equal to twenty (20%) percent of the first
$50,000 of a Restricted Participant's "Annual Compensation" multiplied by
the number of years between the Commencement Date and the date of
termination of the Plan, or between the Commencement Date and the date
benefits become payable if such date precedes termination of the Plan; or

              (iii)  in the event the Plan becomes subject to Title IV of
ERISA, an amount equal to the present value of the maximum benefit
guaranteed for the Participant by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
as described in Section 4022(b)(3) of ERISA.  Such amount shall be
determined on the earlier of the date of termination of the Plan, or the
date benefits to a Restricted Participant become payable, in accordance
with regulations issued by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

           (d)  In the event of a Plan termination, the benefit of any
Highly Compensated active or former Employee is limited to a benefit that
is nondiscriminatory under Section 401(a)(4) of the Code.  Benefits
distributed to any of the twenty-five (25) most Highly Compensated active
and former Employees are restricted such that the annual payments are no
greater than an amount equal to the payment that would be made on behalf of
the Employee under a single life annuity that is the Actuarial Equivalent
of the sum of the Employee's retirement benefit and the Employee's other
benefits under the Plan.
                                     - 2 - 
           The preceding paragraph shall not apply if after payment of the
benefit to an Employee described in the preceding paragraph, the value of
Plan assets equals or exceeds one hundred ten (110%) percent of the value
of current liabilities, as defined in Section 412(l)(7) of the Code, or the
value of the benefits for an Employee described above is less than one (1%)
percent of the value of current liabilities.

           For purposes of this Section 12.05, benefit includes loans in
excess of the amount set forth in Section 72(p)(2)(A) of the Code, any
periodic income, any withdrawal values payable to a living Employee, and
any death benefits not provided for by insurance on the Employee's life.

           (b)  For purposes of this Section 12.05:

                (i)  "Annual Compensation" means annual average
Compensation for the period of five (5) consecutive Years of Service that
produces the highest average;
               (ii)  "Commencement Date" means the Original Effective
Date, or the effective date of any amendment to the Plan that substantially
increases benefits under the Plan, with a separate set of limitations to be
determined as of each such date; and
              (iii)  "Restricted Participant" means the Participant, if
the Participant's anticipated retirement benefit exceeds $1,500 and the
Participant is among the twenty-five (25) Participants entitled to the
highest Annual Compensation as of the Commencement Date.

           (c)  The foregoing limitations shall not restrict the payment
of the Participant's retirement benefit, if:

                (i)  in the case of annuity payments, the level amount of
annuity does not exceed the level amount of annuity payable under the
normal form of retirement benefit; or

               (ii)  in the case of a lump sum distribution, a written
agreement between the Participant and the Trustee guarantees the repayment
of the distribution that would be restricted if the Plan were terminated
within ten (10) years after the Commencement Date.  Such agreement shall
require the Participant to provide "adequate security" for the guaranteed
repayment.  For purposes of this paragraph (c)(ii), "adequate security"
means property having a fair market value at least equal to one hundred
twenty-five (125%) percent of the amount subject to repayment that is
deposited with an acceptable depository under an agreement providing that
if the market value of such property falls below one hundred ten (110%)
percent of the amount subject to repayment, the Participant will deposit
additional property necessary to bring the value of the property held by
the depository up to at least one hundred twenty-five (125%) percent of
such amount; or

              (iii)  in the case of termination of the Plan, Plan assets
are sufficient to pay each Participant who is not a Restricted Participant
the full amount of the Participant's retirement benefit accrued to the date
of Plan termination and to pay to each Restricted Participant the amount of
the retirement benefit as restricted by this Section 12.05.

           (e)  The foregoing limitations shall not restrict the payment
of any death benefit to any Beneficiary.
                                     - 3 - 
                                   ARTICLE 13


13.01      Merger or Transfer.  The Plan shall not be merged or
consolidated with, nor shall any Plan assets or liabilities be transferred
to, any other plan, unless each Participant (if the other plan then
terminated) would receive a benefit that is equal to or greater than the
benefit he would have been entitled to receive immediately before the
merger, consolidation or transfer (if the Plan had then terminated).

13.02      Transfer from Trust.  At a Participant's request and pursuant
to uniform rules prescribed by the Committee, the Committee may instruct
the Trustee to transfer the Participant's Account to another qualified plan
described in Code Section 401(a) in which the Participant is participating
at the time of such transfer.

13.03      Transfer to Trust and Transfer Account.

           (a)  At a Participant's request, the Committee shall instruct
the Trustee to accept a transfer of assets from another qualified plan
described in Section 401(a) of the Code which assets are attributable to
the Participant's interest in such other plan.  The transferred amount
shall be maintained in the Trust Fund on behalf of the Participant as a
separate account under the Plan, designated the "Transfer Account."

           (b)  Any portion of the Transfer Account (whether the whole,
the lesser amount or none) may be commingled with other assets of the Trust
Fund for investment.  In any event, the balance in the Transfer Account
shall be adjusted to reflect its proportionate share of the Trust Fund's
earnings, gains, losses and expenses.

           (c)  Unless the Participant has elected otherwise in the form
and manner prescribed by the Committee, payment of the Transfer Account
shall be made at the same time and in the same form as the retirement
benefit and shall be in addition to the retirement benefit.

           (d)  A Participant's interest in his Transfer Account shall be
at all times and in all events fully vested and nonforfeitable.

           (e)  The Participant's account will continue to retain all
rights and protections ascribed to it pursuant to Section 411(d)(6) of the

                                     - 1 - 
                                   ARTICLE 14


14.01      Effective Date.  If the Plan is or becomes top heavy in any
Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1983, the provisions of this Section
will supersede any conflicting provisions in the Plan.

14.02      Determination of Top-Heavy and Super Top-Heavy Status.  This
Plan is top heavy if any of the following conditions exists:

           (a)  If the top-heavy ratio for this Plan exceeds sixty (60%)
percent and this Plan is not part of any required aggregation group or
permissive aggregation group of plans.
           (b)  If this Plan is a part of a required aggregation group of
plans but not part of a permissive aggregation group and the top-heavy
ratio for the group of plans exceeds sixty (60%) percent.
           (c)  If this Plan is a part of a required aggregation group and
part of a permissive aggregation group of plans and the top-heavy ratio for
the permissive aggregation group exceeds sixty (60%) percent.

           Top-heavy ratio:

           (a)  If the Company maintains one or more defined benefit plans
and the Company has not maintained any defined contribution plans which
during the five (5) year period ending on the determination date(s) has or
has had account balances, the top-heavy ratio for this Plan alone or for
the required or permissive aggregation group as appropriate is a fraction,
the numerator of which is the sum of the present value of retirement
benefits of all Key Employees as of the determination date(s) (including
any part of any retirement benefits distributed in the five (5) year period
ending on the determination date(s), and the denominator of which is the
sum of present value of retirement benefits (including any part of any
retirement benefits distributed in the five (5) year period ending on the
determination date(s)), both computed in accordance with Section 416 of the
Code and the regulations thereunder.  Both the numerator and denominator of
the top-heavy ratio are increased to reflect any contribution not actually
made as of the determination date, but which is required to be taken into
account on that date under Section 416 of the Code and regulations

           (b)  If the Company maintains one or more defined contribution
plans and the Company maintains or has maintained one or more defined
benefit plans which during the five (5) year period ending on the determi-
nation date(s) has or has had any retirement benefits, the top-heavy ratio
for any required or permissive aggregation group as appropriate is a
fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of account balances under the
aggregated defined contribution plan or plans for all Key Employees,
determined in accordance with (a) above, and the present value of
retirement benefits under the aggregated defined benefit plan or plans for
all Key Employees as of the determination date(s), and the denominator of
which is the sum of the account balances under the aggregated defined
contribution plan or plans for all Participants, determined in accordance
with (a) above, and the present value of retirement benefits under the
defined benefit plan or plans for all Participants as of the determination
date(s), all determined in accordance with Section 416 of the Code and the
regulations thereunder.  The retirement benefits under a defined benefit
plan in both the numerator and denominator of the top-heavy ratio are
increased for any distribution of a retirement benefit made in the five (5)
year period ending on the determination date.
                                     - 1 - 
           (c)  For purposes of (a) and (b) above the value of account
balances and the present value of retirement benefits will be determined as
of the most recent valuation date that falls within or ends with the twelve
(12) month period ending on the determination date, except as provided in
Section 416 of the Code and the regulations thereunder for the first and
second Plan Years of a defined benefit plan.  The account balances and
retirement benefits of a Participant (1) who is not a Key Employee but who
was a Key Employee in a prior year, or (2) who has not been credited with
at least one Hour of Service with any Employer maintaining the Plan at any
time during the five (5) year period ending on the determination date will
be disregarded.  The calculation of the top-heavy ratio, and the extend to
which distributions, rollovers, and transfers are taken into account will
be made in accordance with Section 416 of the Code and the regulations
thereunder.  Deductible employee contributions will not be taken into
account for purposes of computing the top-heavy ratio.  When aggregating
plans the value of account balances and retirement benefits will be
calculated with reference to the determination dates that fall within the
same calendar year. 
           The retirement benefit to a Participant other than a Key
Employee shall be determined under (a) the method, if any, that uniformly
applies for accrual purposes under all defined benefit plans maintained by
the Company, or (b) if there is no such method, as if such benefit accrued
not more rapidly than the slowest accrual rate permitted under the
fractional rule of Section 411(b)(1)(c) of the Code.
           Permissive aggregation group:  The required aggregation group
of plans plus other plan or plans of the Company which, when considered as
a group with the required aggregation group, would continue to satisfy the
requirements of Sections 401(a)(4) and 410 of the Code.
           Required aggregation group:  (1) Each qualified plan of the
Company in which at least one Key Employee participates or participated at
any time during the determination period (regardless of whether the Plan
has terminated), and (2) any other qualified plan of the Company which
enables a plan described in (1) to meet the requirements of Section
401(a)(4) or 410 of the Code.
           Determination date:  For any Plan Year subsequent to the first
Plan Year, the last day of the preceding Plan Year.  For the first Plan
Year of the Plan, the last day of that year.
           This Plan shall be a Super Top-Heavy Plan for any Plan Year
commencing after December 31, 1983, in which, as of the Determination Date,
(1) the Present Value of retirement benefits of Key Employees and (2) the
sum of the Aggregate Accounts of Key Employees under this Plan and all
plans of an Aggregation Group, exceeds ninety (90%) percent of the Present
Value of retirement benefits and the Aggregate Account of all Key and Non-
Key Employees under this Plan and all plans of an Aggregation Group.

14.03      Key Employee.  Any Employee or former Employee (and the
beneficiaries of such Employee) who at any time during the determination
period was an officer of the Company if such individual's Annual
Compensation exceeds fifty (50%) percent of the dollar limitation under
Section 415(b)(1)(A) of the Code, an owner (or considered an owner under
Section 318 of the Code) of one of the ten (10) largest interests in the
Company if such individual's Compensation exceeds one hundred (100%)
percent of the dollar limitation under Section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code, a
five (5%) percent owner of the Company, or a one (1%) percent owner of the
                                     - 2 - 
Company who has an Annual Compensation of more than One Hundred Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($150,000).  Annual Compensation means compensation as
defined in Section 415(c)(3) of the Code, but including amounts contributed
by the Company pursuant to a salary reduction agreement which are
excludable from the Employee's gross income under Section 125, Section
402(a)(8), Section 402(h) or Section 403(b) of the Code.  The determination
date is the Plan Year containing the determination date and the four (4)
preceding Plan Years. 

           The determination of who is a Key Employee will be made in
accordance with Section 416(i)(1) of the Code and the regulations
thereunder.  A Non-Key Employee means any Employee or former Employee (and
his Beneficiaries) who is not a Key Employee.

14.04      Minimum Benefit.

           (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision in this Plan to the
contrary, except as otherwise provided in Subsections (c), (d) and (e) of
this Section 14.04, a Participant who is not a Key Employee and has
completed one thousand (1,000) Hours of Service will accrue a benefit (to
be provided solely by Company contributions and expressed as a Life Annuity
commencing at Normal Retirement Age) of not less than two (2%) percent of
his or her highest average Compensation for the five (5) consecutive years
for which the Participant had the highest Compensation.  The aggregate
Compensation for the years during such five (5) year period in which the
Participant was credited with a Year of Service will be divided by the
number of years in order to determine average Annual Compensation.  The
minimum accrual is determined without regard to any Social Security
contribution.  The minimum accrual applies even though under other Plan
provisions the Participant would not otherwise be entitled to receive an
accrual, or would have received a lesser accrual for the year because (i)
the Non-Key Employee fails to make mandatory contributions to the Plan,
(ii) the Non-Key Employee's Compensation is less than a stated amount,
(iii) the Non-Key Employee is not employed on the last day of the accrual
computation period, or (iv) the Plan is integrated with Social Security.
           (b)  For purposes of computing the minimum retirement benefit,
Compensation shall mean Compensation as defined in Section 1.11 of the Plan.

           (c)  No additional benefit accruals shall be provided pursuant to
(a) above to the extent that the total accruals on behalf of the Participant
attributable to Company contributions will provide a benefit expressed as a
Life Annuity commencing as Normal Retirement Age that equals or exceeds twenty
(20%) percent of the Participant's highest average Compensation for the five
(5) consecutive years for which the Participant had the highest Compensation.

           (d)  The provision in Subsection (a) of this Section 14.04
shall not apply to any Participant to the extent the Participant is covered
under any other plan or plans of the Company.  Such other plan or plans
must provide a minimum two (2%) percent top-heavy Benefit Accrual or a five
(5%) percent top-heavy contribution.

           (e)  All accruals of employer-derived benefits, whether or not
attributable to years for which the Plan is top heavy, may be used in
computing whether the minimum accrual requirements of Subsection (c) of
this Section 14.04 are satisfied.
                                     - 3 - 
14.05      Minimum Vesting.  For any Plan Year in which this Plan is top
heavy, the following vesting schedule shall automatically apply to this
Plan.  The vesting schedule applies to all benefits within the meaning of
Section 411(a)(7) of the Code except those attributable to employee
contributions, including benefits accrued before the effective date of
Section 416 and benefits accrued before the Plan became top heavy. 
Further, no reduction in vested benefits may occur in the event the Plan's
status as top heavy changes for any Plan Year.  However, this Section does
not apply to the account balances of any Employee who does not have an Hour
of Service after the Plan has initially become top heavy and such
Employee's account balance attributable to Company contributions and
forfeitures will be determined without regard to this Section.

               VESTING                      NONFORFEITABLE
           ----------------              ---------------------
             Less than 3                           0%
             3 or more                           100%

                                     - 4 - 
                                   ARTICLE 15

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

15.01      Trust Fund Sole Source of Payments for Plan.  The Trust  Fund
shall be the sole source for the payment of all Participant's retirement
benefits.  In no event shall assets of the Company be applied for the
payment of Plan benefits.

15.02      Exclusive Benefit.  The Plan is established for the exclusive
benefit of the Participants and their Beneficiaries, and the Plan shall be
administered in a manner consistent with the provisions of Section 401(a)
of the Code and of ERISA.

15.03      Binding Effect.  This Agreement shall be binding upon the
heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties to
this Agreement and upon any and all persons interested in this Agreement,
presently or in the future.

15.04      Nonalienation.  Except as is permitted under Section 401(a)
(13) of the Code in the case of a qualified domestic relations order as
defined in Section 414(p) of the Code, no Participant or Beneficiary shall
have the right to alienate or assign his benefits under the Plan, and no
Plan benefits shall be subject to attachment, execution, garnishment, or
other legal or equitable process.  If a Participant or his Beneficiary
attempts to alienate or assign his benefits under the Plan, or if his
property or estate should  be subject to attachment, execution, garnishment
or other legal or equitable process, the Committee may direct the Trustee
to distribute the Participant's (or Beneficiary's) benefits under the Plan
to members of his family, or may use or hold such benefits  for his benefit
or for the benefit of members of his family as the Committee deems
appropriate under the circumstances.

15.05      Claims Procedure.  All claims for benefits under the Plan  by a
Participant not covered under a collective bargaining agreement or his
Beneficiary with respect to benefits not received by such person shall be
made in writing to the Committee, which shall designate one of its members
to review such claims.  If the reviewing member believes that a claim
should be denied, he shall notify the claimant in writing of the denial
within ninety (90) days after his receipt of the claim, unless special cir-
cumstances require an extension of time for processing the claim.  Such
notice shall:

           (a)  set forth the specific reasons for the denial, making
reference to the pertinent provisions of the Plan or the Plan documents on
which the denial is based;
           (b)  describe any additional material or information that
should be received before the claim may be acted upon favorably, and
explain why such material or information, if any, is needed; and
           (c)  inform the person making the claim of his right pursuant
to this Section to request review of the decision by the Committee.

           Any such person who believes that he has submitted all
available and relevant information may appeal the denial of a  claim to the
Committee by submitting a written request for review to the Committee
within sixty (60) days after the date on which such denial is received. 
Such period may be extended by the Committee for good cause.
                                     - 1 - 
The person making the request for  review may examine pertinent Plan documents.
The request for review may discuss any issues relevant to the claim.
The Committee shall decide whether or not to grant the claim within sixty (60)
days after receipt of the request for review, but this period may be
extended by the Committee for up to an additional sixty (60) days in
special circumstances.  If such an extension of time for review is required
because of special circumstances, written notice of the extension shall be
furnished to the claimant prior to the commencement of the extension.  The
Committee's decision shall be in writing, shall include specific reasons
for the decision and shall refer to pertinent provisions of the Plan  or of
the Plan documents on which the decision is based.

           All claims for benefits under the Plan by a Participant covered
under a collective bargaining agreement, or his Beneficiary, who has been
denied a benefit, or feels aggrieved by any other act of the Board of
Administration, shall be entitled to request a hearing before the Board of
Administration of the Plan.  Such request, together with a written
statement of the claimant's position, shall be filed with the Board of
Administration no later than ninety (90) days after receipt of the written
notification.  The Board of Administration shall schedule an opportunity
for a full and fair hearing of the issue within the next sixty (60)  days. 
The decision following such hearing shall be made within sixty  (60) days
and shall be communicated in writing to the claimant.  The decision of the
Board of Administration shall be final and binding upon all parties
concerned.  In the event the Board of Administration cannot reach a
majority decision, an impartial chairman shall be appointed by the Board of

15.06      Location of Participant or Beneficiary Unknown.  In the event
that all, or any portion, of the distribution payable to a Participant or
his Beneficiary hereunder shall, at the expiration of five (5) years after
it shall become payable, remain unpaid solely by reason of the inability of
the Committee, after sending a registered letter, return receipt requested,
to the last known address, and after further diligent effort, to ascertain
the whereabouts of such Participant or his Beneficiary, the amount so dis-
tributable shall be forfeited and shall be used to reduce the cost of the
Plan.  In the event a Participant or Beneficiary is located subsequent to
his benefit being forfeited, such benefit shall be restored.

15.07      Applicable Law.  Except as otherwise expressly required by
ERISA, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State  of New
Jersey, where it was entered into and where it shall be enforced.

15.08      Rules of Construction.  Whenever the context so admits, the use
of the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and vice
versa; either gender shall be deemed to include the neuter and vice versa;
and the use of the singular shall be deemed to include the plural and vice

                                     - 2 - 

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this instrument to
be executed by an officer duly authorized on this       day of              
    , 1994.

ATTEST:                           CURTISS-WRIGHT CORPORATION

______________________________     By:___________________________
                   , Secretary        David Lasky, President

                                     - 3 - 
                       EMPLOYEES ON AND AFTER 9/l/94

Age        55       56       57        58       59       60      61       62       63        64
0/12   .75000   .78000   .81000    .84000   .87000   .90000  .92000   .94000    .96000   .98000
1/12   .75250   .78250   .81250    .84250   .87250   .90167  .92167   .94167    .96167   .98167
2/12   .75500   .78500   .81500    .84500   .87500   .90333  .92333   .94333    .96333   .98333
3/12   .75750   .78750   .81750    .84750   .87750   .90500  .92500   .94500    .96500   .98500
4/12   .76000   .79000   .82000    .85000   .88000   .90667  .92667   .94667    .96667   .98667
5/12   .76250   .79250   .82250    .85250   .88250   .90833  .92833   .94833    .96833   .98833
6/12   .76500   .79500   .82500    .85500   .88500   .91000  .93000   .95000    .97000   .99000
7/12   .76750   .79750   .82750    .85750   .88750   .91167  .93167   .95167    .97167   .99167
8/12   .77000   .80000   .83000    .86000   .89000   .91333  .93333   .95333    .97333   .99333
9/12   .77250   .80250   .83250    .86250   .89250   .91500  .93500   .95500    .97500   .99500
10/12  .77500   .80500   .83500    .86500   .89500   .91667  .93667   .95667    .97667   .99667
11/12  .77750   .80750   .83750    .86750   .89750   .91833  .93833    95833    .97833   .99833

Rule of 80
If the sum of your age and years of credited service exceed 80, 1% will be added to your early retirement factor.  No
more than 100% of your benefit will be payable.

$ 8.00 per month per year of credited service prior to 1/1/78
$10.00 per month per year of credited service from 1/1/78 thru 11/1/80 
$11.00 per month per year of credited service from 1/2/80 thru 11/1/81 
$12.00 per month per year of credited service from 11/2/81 thru 5/3/85 
$13.00* per month per year of credited service from 5/4/85 thru 7/23/93 
$17.00* per month per year of credited service from 7/24/93


$ 6.25 per month per year of credited service

$ 9.00 per month per year of credited service prior to 5/l/77
$10.00 per month per year of credited service from 5/l/77 thru 4/30/81
$11.00 per month per year of credited service from 5/l/81 thru 5/4/82
$12.00 per month per year of credited service from 5/5/82 thru 5/6/84
$13.00 per month per year of credited service from 5/7/84 thru 5/5/85
$14.00 per month per year of credited service from 5/6/85 thru 5/4/86
$15.00 per month per year of credited service from 5/5/86


$10.00 per month per year of credited service

*Does not apply to Local 212


                             EARLY RETIREMENT FACTORS


   Age       55        56        57       58        59       60      61       62        63        64
  0/12   .50000    .53333    .56667   .60000    .63333   .66667  .73333   .80000    .86667    .93333
  1/12   .50278    .53611    .56945   .60278    .63611   .67222  .73889   .80556    .87222    .93889
  2/12   .50556    .53889    .57222   .60556    .63889   .67778  .74444   .81111    .87778    .94444
  3/12   .50833    .54167    .57500   .60833    .64167   .68333  .75000   .81667    .88333    .95000
  4/12   .51111    .54445    .57778   .61111    .64445   .68889  .75556   .82222    .88889    .95556
  5/12   .51389    .54722    .58056   .61389    .64722   .69444  .76111   .82778    .89444    .96111
  6/12   .51667    .55000    .58333   .61667    .65000   .70000  .76667   .83333    .90000    .96667
  7/12   .51944    .55278    .58611   .61944    .65278   .70556  .77222   .83889    .90556    .97222
  8/12   .52222    .55556    .58889   .62222    .65556   .71111  .77778   .84444    .91111    .97778
  9/12   .52500    .55833    .59167   .62500    .65833   .71667  .78333   .85000    .91667    .98333
 10/12   .52778    .56111    .59444   .62778    .66111   .72222  .78889   .85556    .92222    .98889
 11/12   .53056    .56389    .59722   .63056    .66389   .72778  .79444   .86111    .92778    .99444

                   EFFECTIVE DATE OF FACTOR SEPTEMBER 30, 1965

                                             Age of Retired Employee                              
of year     55        56        57       58        59       60     61       62        63       64 
 0/12     28.0%     35.2%     42.4%    49.6%     56.8%    64.0%  71.2%   78.4%    85.6%     92.8%
 1/12     28.6      35.8      43.0     50.2      57.4     64.6   71.8    79.0     86.2      93.4 
 2/12     29.2      36.4      43.6     50.8      58.0     65.2   72.4    79.6     86.8      94.0 
 3/12     29.8      37.0      43.2     51.4      58.6     65.8   73.0    80.2     87.4      94.6 
 4/12     30.4      37.6      44.8     52.0      59.2     66.4   73.6    80.8     88.0      95.2 
 5/12     31.0      38.2      45.4     52.6      59.8     67.0   74.2    81.4     88.6      95.8 
 6/12     31.6      38.8      46.0     53.2      60.4     67.6   74.8    82.0     89.2      96.4 
 7/12     32.2      39.4      46.6     53.8      61.0     68.2   75.4    82.6     89.8      97.0 
 8/12     32.8      40.0      47.2     54.4      61.6     68.8   76.0    83.2     90.4      97.6 
 9/12     33.4      40.6      47.8     55.0      62.2     69.4   76.6    83.8     91.0      98.2 
10/01     34.0      41.2      48.4     55.6      62.8     70.0   77.2    84.4     91.6      98.8 
11/12     34.6      41.8      49.0     56.2      63.4     70.6   77.8    85.0     92.2      99.4 

*NOTE:  Factors are for non-union non-contributors who terminated
employment prior to 9/1/94 and prior to attaining age 55; factors are for
union employees who terminate prior to age 55.

                   (Partial List of Factors)

                                  100%      50%       75%      66%

    65     0      0      35       0.6491    0.7872    0.7115   0.7350
    65     0      0      36       0.6518    0.7892    0.7139   0.7373
    65     0      0      37       0.6546    0.7912    0.7164   0.7397
    65     0      0      38       0.6575    0.7934    0.7191   0.7423
    65     0      0      39       0.6607    0.7956    0.7219   0.7449
    65     0      0      40       0.6640    0.7981    0.7249   0.7477
    65     0      0      41       0.6675    0.0006    0.7280   0.7507
    65     0      0      42       0.6711    0.8032    O.T312   0.7537
    65     0      0      43       0.6749    0.8059    0.7347   O.7569
    65     0      0      44       0.6790    0.8088    0.7382   0.7603
    65     0      0      45       0.6832    0.8117    O.7419   0.7638
    65     0      0      46       0.6876    0.8148    0.7458   0.7675
    65     0      0      47       0.6922    0.8181    0.7499   0.7713
    65     0      0      48       0.6969    0.8214    0.7541   0.7753
    65     0      0      49       0.7019    0.8249    0.7585   0.7794
    65     0      0      50       0.7072    0.8285    0.7630   0.7836
    65     0      0      51       0.7125    0.8321    0.7677   0.7881
    65     0      0      52       0.7182    0.8359    0.7726   0.7926
    65     0      0      53       0.7239    0.8399    0.7776   0.7973
    65     0      0      54       0.7299    0.8438    0.7828   0.8021
    65     0      0      55       0.7361    0.8480    0.7881   0.8071
    65     0      0      56       0.7424    0.8521    0.7935   0.8122
    65     0      0      57       0.7490    0.8565    0.7991   0.8174
    65     0      0      58       0.7557    0.8609    0.8048   0.8227
    65     0      0      59       0.7626    0.8653    0.8107   0.8282
    65     0      0      60       0.7697    0.8699    0.8167   0.8337
    65     0      0      61       0.7769    0.8744    0.8227   0.8393
    65     0      0      62       0.7842    0.8790    0.8289   0.8450
    65     0      0      63       0.7917    0.8837    0.8352   0.8508
    65     0      0      64       0.7993    0.8884    0.8415   0.8566
    65     0      0      65       0.8070    0.8931    0.8479   0.8624
    65     0      0      66       0.8147    0.8979    0.8543   0.8683
    65     0      0      67       0.8225    0.9026    0.8607   0.8742
    65     0      0      68       0.8302    0.9073    0.8671   0.8801
    65     0      0      69       0.8380    0.9118    0.8734   0.8858
    65     0      0      70       0.8458    0.9164    0.8797   0.8916
    65     0      0      71       0.8535    0.9210    0.8859   0.8973
    65     0      0      72       0.8611    0.9254    0.8920   0.9029
    65     0      0      73       0.8687    0.9297    0.8982   0.9084
    65     0      0      74       0.8761    0.9339    0.9041   0.9138
    65     0      0      75       0.8834    0.9381    0.9099   0.9191


                         EARLY RETIREMENT - % OF NORMAL PENSION
                             PAYABLE AT EARLY RETIREMENT DATE*
                         EFFECTIVE DATE OF FACTOR SEPTEMBER 30, 1965
                                       UNION EMPLOYEES

                                                               Age of Retired Employee
of Year      55          56       57      58       59     60       61      62       63      64
0/12      58.00%      63.40%   68.80%  74.20%   79.60%  85.00%  88.00%  91.00%   94.00%  97.00%
1/12      58.45       63.85    69.25   74.65    80.05   85.25   88.25   91.25    94.25   97.25 
2/12      58.90       64.30    69.70   75.10    80.50   85.50   88.50   91.50    94.50   97.50 
3/12      59.35       64.75    70.15   75.55    80.95   85.75   88.75   91.75    94.75   97.75 
4/12      59.80       65.20    70.60   76.00    81.40   86.00   89.00   92.00    95.00   98.00 
5/12      60.25       65.65    71.05   76.45    81.85   86.25   89.25   92.25    95.25   98.25 
6/12      60.70       66.10    71.50   76.90    82.30   86.50   89.50   92.50    95.50   98.50 
7/12      61.15       66.55    71.95   77.35    82.75   86.75   89.75   92.75    95.75   98.75 
8/12      61.60       67.00    72.40   77.80    83.20   87.00   90.00   93.00    96.00   99.00 
9/12      62.05       67.45    72.85   78.25    83.65   87.25   90.25   93.25    96.25   99.25 
10/12     62.50       67.90    73.30   78.70    84.10   87.50   90.50   93.50    96.50   99.50 
11/12     62.95       68.35    73.75   79.15    84.55   87.75   90.75   93.75    96.75   99.75 

*NOTE:  Early Retirement Pensions calculated per this table are subject to
 an increase of 2/10 of 1% for each 1/10 year of credited service in excess
 of 20.0 years up to a maximum increase of 30% provided, however, that the
 total Early Retirement Pension shall not be an amount greater than the
 normal pension. 


                     WOOD-RIDGE DEFERRED PENSION RATES            

The monthly amount of such deferred pension commencing at age 65 for an
employee eligible therefore in accordance with paragraph 13 shall be as

1.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is prior to 
September 30, 1962, $2.25 multiplied by his years of credited service.

2.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1962 and prior to September 30, 1965, $2.75 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

3.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1965 and prior to September 30,1968, $4.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

4.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1968 and prior to September 30, 1969, $5.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

5.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1969 and prior to September 30, 1970, $5.75 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

6.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1970 and prior to September 30, 1971, $6.25 multiplied by his 
years of credited service.

7.    For any such employee whose credited service was with the Wood-Ridge or
Nuclear Facilities and whose loss of credited service on or after September
30, 1971 and prior to September 30, 1974, $8.00 multipled by his years of
credited service.

8.    For any such employee whose credited service was with the Wood-Ridge or
Nuclear Facilities and whose loss of credited servie is on or after September
30, 1974 and prior to September 30, 1976, $9.00 multiplied by his years of
credited service.

9.    For any such employee whose credited service was with the Wood-Ridge or
Nuclear Facilities and whose loss of credited service on or after September
30, 1976, $10.00 multiplied by his years of credited service.

                                     - 1 - 
                     BUFFALO DEFERRED PENSION RATES               

The monthly amount of such deferred pension commencing at age 65 for an
employee eligible therefore in accordance with paragraph 13 shall be as

1     For any such employee whose loss of credited service is prior to
September 30, 1962, $2.25 multiplied by his years of credited service.

2.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1962 and prior to September 30, 1965, $2.75 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

3.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1965 and prior to September 30, 1968, $4.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

4.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1968 and prior to September 30, 1969, $5.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

5.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1969 and prior to September 30, 1970, $5.75 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

6.    For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1970 and prior to September 30, 1971, $6.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

7.    For any such employee whose credited service was with the Buffalo
Facility and whose loss of credited service is either:

a.  On or after September 30, 1971 and prior to September 30, 1973, the
sum of $6.25 multiplied by his years of credited service prior to January 1,
1972 and $7.00 multiplied by his years of credited service;

b.  On or after September 30, 1973, the sum of $6.50 multiplied by his
years of credited service prior to January 1, 1972 and $7.00 multiplied by
his years of credited service on or after January 1, 1972;

c.  On or after September 30, 1974, the sum of $7.00 multiplied by his
years of credited service prior to January 1, 1972 and $8.00 multiplied by
his years of credited service on or after January 1, 1972;

                                     - 2 - 
d.  On or after September 30, 1975, $8.00 multiplied by his years of credited

e.  On or after October 31, 1977 and prior to October 30, 1978, the sum of
$8.00 multiplied by his years of credited service prior January 1, 1978 and
$9.00 multiplied by his years of credited service on and after January 1,
1978; or

f.  On or after October 31, 1978 and prior to November 2, 1980, the sum of
$8.00 multiplied by his years of credited service prior January 1, 1978 and
$10.00 multiplied by his years of credited service on or after January 1, 
1978; or

g.    On or after November 2, 1980, the sum of 
$8.00 multiplied by his years of credited service prior to January 1, 1978;

$10.00 multiplied by his years of credited service prior to January 1, 1978
through November 1, 1980; and

$11.00 multiplied by his years of credited service from November 2, 1980
through November 1, 1981; and

$12.00 multiplied by his years of credited service from November 2, 1981
through May 3, 1985; and

$13.00 multiplied by his years of credited service from May 4, 1985
through July 23, 1993; and

$17.00 multiplied by his years of credited service on and after July 24,1993.

                                     - 3 - 
                        CURTISS-WRIGHT FLIGHT SYSTEMS
                            DEFERRED PENSION RATES

The monthly amount of such deferred pension commencing at age 65 for an
employee eligible therefore in accordance with paragraph 14 shall be as

1. For any such employee whose loss of credited service is prior to September
30, 1962, $2.25 multiplied by his years of credited service.

2. For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1962 and prior to September 30, 1965, $2.75 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

3. For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1965 and prior to September 30, 1968, $4.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

4. For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 309 1968 and prior to September 30, 1969, $5.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

5. For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 309 1969 and prior to September 30, 1970, $5.75 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

6. For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1970 and prior to September 30, 1971, $6.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

7. For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1971, $6.25 multiplied by his years of credited service.

                                     - 4 - 
                      TARGET ROCK CORPORATION
                       DEFERRED PENSION RATES

The monthly amount of such deferred pension commencing at age 65 for an
employee eligible therefore in accordance with paragraph 14 shall be as

1.  For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after June
1, 1967 and prior to September 30, 1968, $4.25 multiplied by his years of
credited service.

2.  For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1968 and prior to September 30, 1969, $5.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

3.  For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1969 and prior to September 30, 1970, $5.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

4.  For any such employee whose loss of credited service is on or after
September 30, 1970 and prior to September 30, 1971, $6.25 multiplied by his
years of credited service.

5.  For any such employee whose credited service was at the Target Rock
Corporation and whose loss of credited service is on or after September 30,
1971, and prior to June 1, 1975, $8.00 multiplied by his years of credited 

6.  For any such employee whose credited service was at the Target Rock
Corporation and whose loss of credited service is on or after June 1, 1975,
and prior to May 1, 1977, $9.00 multiplied by his years of credited service.

7.  For any such employee whose credited service was with Target Rock
Corporation and whose loss of credited service is on or after May 1, 1977,
the sum of:

  $9.00 multiplied by his years of credited service prior to May 1, 1977;

  $10.00 multiplied by his years of credited servicefrom May 1, 1977 to May
  1, 1981;

  $11.00 multiplied by his years of credited service from May 1, 1981 to May
  1, 1982;

  $12.00 multiplied by his years of credited service from May 1, 1982 to May
  1 1984;

  $13.00 multiplied by his years of credited service from May 1, 1984 to May
  1 1985;

  $14.00 multiplied by his years of credited service from May 1, 1985 to May
  1, 1986;

  $15.00 multiplied by his years of credited service on or after May 1, 1986.

                                     - 5 - 
                                                             EXHIBIT (10) (vii)

                        CURTISS-WRIGHT CORPORATION
                        SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN

                           Amended and Restated
                           As of January 1, 1989
               And As Further Amended Through March 1, 1995

                        CURTISS-WRIGHT CORPORATION

                        SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE 1.  DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
           1.01  "Accounts". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
           1.02  "Actual Deferral Percentage". . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
           1.03  "Adjustment Factor" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
           1.04  "Affiliated Employer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
           1.05  "After-Tax Contributions" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
           1.06  "Annual Dollar Limit" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
           1.07  "Annuity Starting Date" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
           1.08  "Beneficiary" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
           1.09  "Board of Directors". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
           1.10  "Code". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
           1.11  "Committee" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
           1.12  "Compensation". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
           1.13  "Contribution Percentage" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
           1.14  "Deferred Account". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
           1.15  "Deferred Cash Contributions" . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
           1.16  "Disability". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
           1.17  "Earnings". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
           1.18  "Effective Date". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
           1.19  "Employee". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
           1.20  "Employer". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
           1.21  "Employer Account". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
           1.22  "Enrollment Date" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
           1.23  "ERISA" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
           1.24  "Fund" or "Investment Fund" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
           1.25  "Group Annuity Contract". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
           1.26  "Highly Compensated Employee" . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
           1.27  "Hour of Service" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
           1.28  "Insurer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
           1.29  "Leased Employee" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
           1.30  "Matching Contributions". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
           1.31  "Member". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
           1.32  "Member Account". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
           1.33  "Plan". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
           1.34  "Plan Year" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
           1.35  "Rollover Contributions". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
           1.36  "Severance Date". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


           1.37  "Spousal Consent" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
           1.38  "Statutory Compensation". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
           1.39  "Subsidiary". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
           1.40  "Trust" or "Trust Fund" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
           1.41  "Trustees". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
           1.42  "Valuation Date". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
           1.43  "Vested Portion". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
           1.44  "Vesting Service" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
           1.45  "Year of Eligibility Service" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

ARTICLE 2.  ELIGIBILITY AND MEMBERSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
           2.01  Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
           2.02  Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
           2.03  Reemployment of Former Employees and
                   Former Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
           2.04  Termination of Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
           2.05  Year-end Membership List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

ARTICLE 3.  CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
           3.01  Deferred Cash Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
           3.02  After-Tax Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
           3.03  Employer Matching Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
           3.04  Employee or Member Rollover Contributions . . . . . . . 18
           3.05  Change in Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
           3.06  Suspension of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
           3.07  Actual Deferral Percentage Test . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
           3.08  Contribution Percentage Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
           3.09  Aggregate Contribution Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . 22
           3.10  Additional Discrimination Testing Provisions. . . . . . 22
           3.11  Maximum Annual Additions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
           3.12  Return of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

ARTICLE 4.  INVESTMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
           4.01  Investment Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
           4.02  Investment of Members' Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
           4.03  Responsibility for Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
           4.04  Change of Election for Current and
                   Future Contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
           4.05  Reallocation of Accounts Among the Funds. . . . . . . . 33
           4.06  Limitations Imposed by Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


ARTICLE 5.  VALUATION OF THE ACCOUNTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
           5.01  Computation of Trust Fund or Group
                   Annuity Contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
           5.02  Valuation of Member Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
           5.03  Right to Change Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
           5.04  Statement of Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

ARTICLE 6.  VESTED PORTION OF ACCOUNTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
           6.01  Member Account and Deferred Account . . . . . . . . . . 38
           6.02  Employer Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
           6.03  Disposition of Forfeitures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

ARTICLE 7.  WITHDRAWALS WHILE STILL EMPLOYED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
           7.01  Withdrawal of After-Tax Contributions . . . . . . . . . 40
           7.02  Withdrawal of Employer Contributions. . . . . . . . . . 41
           7.03  Withdrawal After Age 59 1/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
           7.04  Hardship Withdrawal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
           7.05  Procedures and Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
           7.06  Determination of Vested Portion of
                   Employer Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

ARTICLE 8.  LOANS TO MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
           8.01  Amount Available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
           8.02  Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

                    OF EMPLOYMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
           9.01  Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
           9.02  Form of Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
           9.03  Date of Payment of Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
           9.04  Age 70 1/2 Required Distribution .  . . . . . . . . . . 52
           9.05  Status of Accounts Pending Distribution . . . . . . . . 53
           9.06  Proof of Death and Right of Beneficiary
                   or Other Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
           9.07  Distribution Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
           9.08  Direct Rollover of Certain Distributions. . . . . . . . 53

ARTICLE 10.  ADMINISTRATION OF PLAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
           10.01 Appointment of Administration Committee . . . . . . . . 55
           10.02 Duties of Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
           10.03 Individual Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
           10.04 Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


           10.05 Action of Majority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
           10.06 Compensation and Bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
           10.07 Establishment of Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
           10.08 Prudent Conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
           10.09 Service in More Than One Fiduciary Capacity . . . . . . 57
           10.10 Limitation of Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
           10.11 Indemnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
           10.12 Appointment of Investment Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 58
           10.13 Claims Review Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
           10.14 Named Fiduciary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

ARTICLE 11.  MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
           11.01 Trust Agreement or Group Annuity Contract . . . . . . . 60
           11.02 Exclusive Benefit Rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
           11.03 Investment, Management and Control. . . . . . . . . . . 61
           11.04 Payment of Certain Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

ARTICLE 12.  AMENDMENT, MERGER AND TERMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
           12.01 Amendment of Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
           12.02 Merger, Consolidation or Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . 62
           12.03 Additional Participating Employers. . . . . . . . . . . 62
           12.04 Termination of Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
           12.05 Distribution of Accounts Upon a Sale of Assets or a 
                   Sale of a Subsidiary                . . . . . . . . . 64

ARTICLE 13.  GENERAL PROVISIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
           13.01 Nonalienation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
           13.02 Conditions of Employment Not Affected by Plan . . . . . 65
           13.03 Facility of Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
           13.04 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
           13.05 Top-Heavy Provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
           13.06 Written Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
           13.07 Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


                         Effective January 1, 1989

                          ARTICLE 1.  DEFINITIONS

1.01 "Accounts" means the Employer Account, the Member Account and
     the Deferred Account.

1.02 "Actual Deferral Percentage" means, with respect to a specified
     group of Employees, the average of the ratios, calculated
     separately for each Employee in that group, of (a) the amount of
     Deferred Cash Contributions made pursuant to Section 3.01 for a
     Plan Year (in Deferred Cash Contributions returned to a Highly-
     Compensated Employee under Section 3.01(c) and Deferred Cash
     Contributions returned to any Employee pursuant to Section
     3.01(d)), to (b) the Employees' Statutory Compensation for that
     entire Plan Year, provided that, upon direction of the Committee,
     Statutory Compensation for a Plan Year shall only be counted if
     received during the period an Employee is, or is eligible to
     become, a Member.  The Actual Deferral Percentage for each group
     and the ratio determined for each Employee in the group shall be
     calculated to the nearest one one-hundredth of one percent.  For
     purposes of determining the Actual Deferral Percentage for a Plan
     Year, Deferred Cash Contributions may be take account for a Plan
     Year only if they:
     (a)   relate to compensation that either would have been received
           by the Employee in the Plan Year but for the deferral
           election, or are attributable to services performed by the
           Employee in the Plan Year and would have been received by
           the Employee within 2 1/2 months after the close of the Plan
           Year but for the deferral election,
      (b)  are allocated to the Employee as of a date within that Plan
           Year and the allocation is not contingent on the
           participation or performance of service after such date, and
                                     - 1 - 
      (c)  are actually paid to the Trustee no later than 12 months
           after the end of the Plan Year to which the contributions relate.

1.03 "Adjustment Factor" means the cost of living adjustment factor pre-     
     scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 415(d) of the
     Code for calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 1988, and
     applied to such items and in such manner as the Secretary shall

1.04 "Affiliated Employer" means any company which is a member of a
     controlled group of corporations (as defined in Section 414(b) of the
     Code) which also includes as a member the Employer; any trade or
     business under common control (as defined in Section 414(c) of the
     Code) with the Employer; any organization (whether or not
     incorporated) which is a member of an affiliated service group (as
     defined in Section 414(m) of the Code) which includes the Employer;
     and any other entity required to be aggregated with the Employer
     pursuant to regulations under Section 414(o) of the Code. 
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of Sections 1.29 and 3.11,
     the definitions in Sections 414(b) and (c) of the Code shall be modified
     by substituting the phrase "more than 50 percent" for the phrase "at
     least 80 percent" each place it appears in Section 1563(a)(1) of the

1.05 "After-Tax Contributions" means amounts contributed pursuant to
     Section 3.02.

1.06 "Annual Dollar Limit" means for Plan Years beginning on or after
     January 1, 1989 and before January 1, 1994, $200,000 multiplied by
     the Adjustment Factor.  Commencing with the 1994 Plan Year, the
     Annual Dollar Limit means $150,000, except that if for any calendar
     year after 1994 the Cost-of-Living Adjustment as hereafter defined is
     equal to or greater than $10,000, then the Annual Dollar Limit (as
     previously adjusted under this Section) for any Plan Year beginning in
     any subsequent calendar year shall be increased by the amount of such
     Cost-of-Living Adjustment, rounded to the next lowest multiple of
     $10,000.  The Cost-of-Living Adjustment shall equal the excess of (i)
                                     - 2 - 
     $150,000 increased by the adjustment made under Section 415(d) of the
     Code for the calendar year except that the base period for purposes of
     Section 415(d)(1)(A) of the Code shall be the calendar quarter
     beginning October 1, 1993 over (ii) the Annual Dollar Limit in effect
     for the Plan Year beginning in the calendar year.

1.07 "Annuity Starting Date" means the first day of the first period for
     which an amount is paid the April 1st following the year in which the
     Member or a terminated member attains age 70 1/2.

1.08 "Beneficiary" means any person or persons designated by a Member
     to receive any benefits payable in the event of the Member's death. 
     However, a married Member's spouse shall be deemed to be his
     Beneficiary unless or until he elects another Beneficiary with Spousal
     Consent.  If no Beneficiary designation is in effect at the Member's
     death, or if no person or persons so designated survives the Member,
     the Member's surviving spouse, if any, shall be deemed to be the
     Beneficiary; otherwise the Beneficiary shall be the personal represen-
     tative of the estate of the Member.

1.09 "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of Curtiss-Wright

1.10 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
     time to time.

1.11 "Committee" means the persons named by the President of Curtiss-
     Wright Corporation or his designee to administer and supervise the
     Plan as provided in Article 10.

1.12 "Compensation" means the total of an Employee's compensation paid
     by the Employer during any Plan Year prior to any reduction for
     deferred compensation under Section 401(k) of the Code, consisting of
     (i) "Base Compensation" representing the Employee's base salary and
                                     - 3 - 
     (ii) "Additional Compensation" representing any bonus, overtime pay,
     vacation pay, incentive compensation or premium pay received by an

     Compensation shall not include:
          (i)   relocation allowances;
          (ii)  severance pay;
          (iii) any kind of stock payment;
          (iv)  additional compensation granted in connection with
                 away from original home assignments;
          (v)   imputed value of group life insurance premiums under
                 Section 79 of the Code.
     In any event, for Plan Years beginning after 1988, Compensation shall
     not exceed the Annual Dollar Limit.  The Annual Dollar Limit applies
     to the aggregate Compensation paid to a Highly Compensated
     Employee referred to in Section 3.10(a), his spouse and his lineal
     descendants who have not attained age 19 before the end of the Plan
     Year.  If, as a result of the application of the family aggregation rule,
     the Annual Dollar Limit is exceeded, then the Limit shall be pro-rated
     among the affected individuals in proportion to each such individual's
     Compensation as determined under this Section 1.12 prior to the
     application of the Limit.

1.13 "Contribution Percentage" means, with respect to a specified group
     of Employees, the average of the ratios, calculated separately for each
     Employee in that group, of (a) the sum of the Employee's After-Tax
     Contributions and Matching Contributions for that Plan Year, to (b) his
     Statutory Compensation for that entire Plan Year; provided that, upon
     direction of the Committee, Statutory Compensation for a Plan Year
     shall only be counted if received during the period an Employee is, or
     is eligible to become, a Member.  The Contribution Percentage for
     each group and the ratio determined for each Employee in the group
     shall be calculated to the nearest one one-hundredth of one percent. 
                                     - 4 - 

1.14 "Deferred Account" means the account credited with the Deferred
     Cash Contributions made on a Member's behalf and earnings on those
     contributions, and with Rollover Contributions made by a Member or
     an Employee and earnings on those contributions.

1.15 "Deferred Cash Contributions" means amounts contributed pursuant
     to Section 3.01.

1.16 "Disability" means total and permanent disability.  A Member shall be
     deemed to be totally and permanently disabled when, on the basis of
     medical evidence satisfactory to the Committee, he is found to be
     wholly and permanently prevented from engaging in any occupation or
     employment for wages or profit as a result of bodily injury or disease,
     either occupationally or nonoccupationally caused, but not as a result
     of bodily injury or disease which originated from service in the Armed
     Forces of any country.

1.17 "Earnings" means the amount of income to be returned with any
     excess deferrals, excess contributions or excess aggregate contributions
     under Section 3.01, 3.07, 3.08 or 3.09.  Earnings on excess deferrals
     and excess contributions shall be determined by multiplying the income
     earned on the Deferred Account for the Plan Year by a fraction, the
     numerator of which is the excess deferrals or excess contributions, as
     the case may be, for the Plan Year and the denominator of which is the
     Deferred Account balance at the end of the Plan Year, disregarding any
     income or loss occurring during the Plan Year.  Earnings on excess
     aggregate contributions shall be determined in a similar manner by
     substituting the sum of the Employer Account and Member Account for
     the Deferred Account, and the excess aggregate contributions for the
     excess deferrals and excess contributions in the preceding sentence.

1.18 "Effective Date" means January 1, 1989.
                                     - 5 - 

1.19 "Employee" means a person employed by the Employer who receives
     stated compensation other than a pension, severance pay, retainer, or
     fee under contract; however, the term "Employee" excludes any non-
     resident alien, any Leased Employee and any person who is included
     in a unit of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement
     which does not provide for his membership in the Plan.  

1.20 "Employer" means Curtiss-Wright Corporation or any successor by
     merger, purchase or otherwise, with respect to its employees; or any
     other company participating in the Plan as provided in Section 12.03,
     with respect to its employees.

1.21 "Employer Account" means the account credited with Matching
     Contributions and earnings on those contributions.

1.22 "Enrollment Date" means the Effective Date and the first day of any
     calendar quarter following that date.

1.23 "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
     1974, as amended from time to time.

1.24 "Fund" or "Investment Fund" means the fund or funds in which
     contributions to the Plan are invested in accordance with Article 4.

1.25 "Group Annuity Contract" means such contract or contracts as are
     entered into by the Employer with an Insurer or Insurers for the
     purpose of investing and administering contributions received by the
     Insurer in accordance with the terms of the Plan.

1.26 "Highly Compensated Employee" means any employee of the
     Employer or an Affiliated Employer (whether or not eligible for
                                     - 6 - 
     membership in the Plan) who satisfies the criteria of paragraph (a),
     (b), (c) or (d):
     (a)  During the look-back year the employee:
          (i)    received Statutory Compensation in excess of $75,000 
                 multiplied by the Adjustment Factor; 
          (ii)   received Statutory Compensation in excess of $50,000
                 multiplied by the Adjustment Factor and was among
                 the highest 20 percent of employees for that year when
                 ranked by Statutory Compensation paid for that year
                 excluding, for purposes of determining the number of
                 such employees, such employees as the Employer may
                 determine on a consistent basis pursuant to Section
                 414(q)(8) of the Code; or
          (iii)  was at any time an officer of the Employer or an
                 Affiliated Employer and received Statutory
                 Compensation greater than 50 percent of the dollar
                 limitation on maximum benefits under Section
                 415(b)(1)(A) of the Code for such Plan Year.  The
                 number of officers is limited to 50 (or, if lesser, the
                 greater of 3 employees or 10 percent of employees
                 excluding those employees who may be excluded in
                 determining the top-paid group).  If no officer has
                 Statutory Compensation in excess of 50 percent of the
                 dollar limitation on maximum benefits under Section
                 415(b)(1)(A) of the Code, the highest paid officer is
                 treated as a Highly Compensated Employee.

     (b)  During the determination year, the employee satisfies the
          criteria under (i), (ii) or (iii) of (a) above and is one of the
          100 highest paid employees of the Employer or an Affiliated

     (c)  During the determination year or the look-back year the
          employee was at any time a five percent owner of the

     (d)  For purposes of Section 3.10(a), a Highly Compensated
          Employee shall include a former employee who separated
          from service prior to the determination year and who was a 5
          percent owner for either (i) the year he separated from service
          or (ii) any determination year ending on or after the
          employee's 55th birthday.
                                     - 7 - 
     (e)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, employees who are nonresident
          aliens and who receive no earned income from the Employer
          or an Affiliated Employer which constitutes income from
          sources within the United States shall be disregarded for all
          purposes of this Section.

     (f)  For purposes of this Section 1.26, the `determination year'
          means the Plan Year and the `look-back year' means the 12-
          month period immediately preceding the determination year. 
          However, to the extent permitted under regulations, the
          Committee may elect to determine the status of Highly
          Compensated Employees on a current calendar year basis.

     (g)  The provisions of this Section shall be further subject to such
          additional requirements as shall be described in Section 414(q)
          of the Code and its applicable regulations, which shall
          override any aspects of this Section inconsistent therewith.

1.27 "Hour of Service" means, with respect to any applicable computation
     (a)  each hour for which the employee is paid or entitled to
          payment for the performance of duties for the Employer or an
          Affiliated Employer;

     (b)  each hour for which the employee is paid or entitled to
          payment by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer on
          account of a period during which no duties are performed,
          whether or not the employment relationship has terminated,
          due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity (including
          disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty or leave of
          absence, but not more than 501 hours for any single
          continuous period; and

     (c)  each hour for which back pay, irrespective of mitigation of
          damages, is either awarded or agreed to by the Employer or
          an Affiliated Employer, excluding any hour credited under (a)
          or (b), which shall be credited to the computation period or
          periods to which the award, agreement or payment pertains
          rather than to the computation period in which the award,
          agreement or payment is made.

     No hours shall be credited on account of any period during which the
     employee performs no duties and receives payment solely for the
     purpose of complying with unemployment compensation, workers'
     compensation or disability insurance laws.  The Hours of Service
     credited shall be determined as required by Title 29 of the Code of
     Federal Regulations, Sections 2530.200b-2(b) and (c).

1.28 "Insurer" means a legal reserve life insurance company licensed to do
     business and authorized to issue Group Annuity contracts in the states
     in which the Employer is doing business selected by the Board of
     Directors and which issues a Group Annuity Contract in accordance
     with the terms of the Plan.

                                     - 8 - 

1.29 "Leased Employee" means any person performing services for the
     Employer or an Affiliated Employer as a leased employee as defined
     in Section 414(n) of the Code.  In the case of any person who is a
     Leased Employee before or after a period of service as an Employee,
     the entire period during which he has performed services as a Leased
     Employee shall be counted as service as an Employee for all purposes
     of the Plan, except that he shall not, by reason of that status, become
     a Member of the Plan.

1.30 "Matching Contributions" means amounts contributed pursuant to
     Section 3.03 until August 31, 1994, at which time Matching
     Contributions shall cease. 

1.31 "Member" means any person included in the membership of the Plan
     as provided in Article 2.

1.32 "Member Account" means the account credited with the After-Tax
     Contributions and earnings on those contributions and with Rollover
     Contributions made by a Member or an Employee and earnings on
     those contributions.

1.33 "Plan" means the Curtiss-Wright Corporation Savings and Investment
     Plan as set forth in this document or as amended from time to time. 
     The Plan is a continuation of the Curtiss-Wright Corporation Employee
     Savings Plan and the Curtiss-Wright Corporation Deferred
     Compensation Plan, which were merged effective September 1, 1994.

1.34 "Plan Year" means the 12-month period beginning on any January 1.

1.35 "Rollover Contributions" means amounts contributed pursuant to
     Section 3.04.

1.36 "Severance Date" means, solely for purposes of determining an
     employee's Vesting Service under Section 1.44, the earlier of (a) the
     date an employee quits, retires, is discharged or dies, or (b) the first
     anniversary of the date on which an employee is first absent from
     service, with or without pay, for any reason such as vacation, sickness,
     disability, layoff or leave of absence.

1.37 "Spousal Consent" means the written consent of a Member's spouse
     to the Member's election of a specified form of benefit or designation
     of a specified Beneficiary.  That consent shall be witnessed by a Plan
     representative or notary public and shall acknowledge the effect on the
     spouse of the Member's election.  The requirement for spousal consent
     may be waived by the Committee if it believes there is no spouse, or
     the spouse cannot be located, or because of such other circumstances
     as may be established by applicable law.

                                     - 9 - 
1.38 "Statutory Compensation" means the wages, salaries, and other
     amounts paid in respect of an employee for services actually rendered
     to an Employer or an Affiliated Employer, including by way of
     example, overtime, bonuses and commissions, but excluding deferred
     compensation, stock options and other distributions which receive
     special tax benefits under the Code.  For purposes of determining
     Highly Compensated Employees under Section 1.26 and key employees
     under Section 13.05(a)(iii), Statutory Compensation shall include
     Deferred Cash Contributions and amounts contributed on a Member's
     behalf on a salary reduction basis to a cafeteria plan under Section 125
     of the Code.  For all other purposes, each Plan Year the Committee
     may direct that Statutory Compensation shall include Deferred Cash
     Contributions and amounts contributed on a Member's behalf on a
     salary reduction basis to a cafeteria plan under Section 125 of the
     Code.  For Plan Years beginning after 1988, Statutory Compensation
     shall not exceed the Annual Dollar Limit, provided that such Limit
     shall not be applied in determining Highly Compensated Employees
     under Section 1.26.  The Annual Dollar Limit applies to the aggregate
     Statutory Compensation paid to a Highly Compensated Employee
     referred to in Section 3.11(a), his spouse and his lineal descendants
     who have not attained age 19 before the close of the Plan Year.  If, as
     a result of the application of the family aggregation rule, the Annual
     Dollar Limit is exceeded, then the Limit shall be pro-rated among the
     affected individuals in proportion to each such individual's Statutory
     Compensation as determined under this Section 1.38 prior to the
     application of the Limit.

1.39 "Subsidiary" means any corporation controlled by Curtiss-Wright
     Corporation or by another subsidiary of Curtiss-Wright Corporation.

1.40 "Trust" or "Trust Fund" means the fund established by the Board of
     Directors as part of the Plan into which contributions are to be made
     and from which benefits are to be paid in accordance with the terms of
     the Plan.

1.41 "Trustees" means the trustees holding the funds of the Plan as
     provided in Article 11.

1.42 "Valuation Date" means the last business day of each calendar month
     or such more frequent dates as the Committee shall establish.

1.43 "Vested Portion" means the portion of the Accounts in which the
     Member has a nonforfeitable interest as provided in Article 6 or, if
     applicable, Section 13.05.

                                     - 10 - 
1.44 "Vesting Service" means, with respect to any employee, his period of
     employment with the Employer or any Affiliated Employer, whether
     or not as an Employee, beginning on the date he first completes an
     Hour of Service and ending on his Severance Date, provided that:
     (a)  if his employment terminates and he is reemployed within one
          year of the earlier of (i) his date of termination or (ii) the
          first day of an absence from service immediately preceding his date
          of termination, the period between his Severance Date and his
          date of reemployment shall be included in his Vesting Service;
     (b)  if he is absent from the service of the Employer or any
          Affiliated Employer because of service in the Armed Forces
          of the United States and he returns to service with the
          Employer or an Affiliated Employer having applied to return
          while his reemployment rights were protected by law, the
          absence shall be included in his Vesting Service;
     (c)  if he is on a leave of absence approved by the Employer,
          under rules uniformly applicable to all Employees similarly
          situated, the Employer may authorize the inclusion in his
          Vesting Service of any portion of that period of leave which
          is not included in his Vesting Service under (a) or (b) above;
     (d)  if his employment terminates and he is reemployed, his
          Vesting Service after reemployment shall be aggregated with
          his previous period or periods of Vesting Service.

1.45 "Year of Eligibility Service" means, with respect to any employee, the
     12-month period of employment with the Employer or any Affiliated
     Employer, whether or not as an Employee, beginning on the date he
     first completes an Hour of Service upon hire or rehire, or any Plan
     Year beginning after that date, in which he first completes at least
     1,000 Hours of Service.
                                     - 11 - 


2.01 Eligibility
     Each Employee shall be eligible to become a Member on any
     Enrollment Date coinciding with or immediately following the date he
     completes one Year of Eligibility Service.

2.02 Membership
     An eligible Employee shall become a Member on the first Enrollment
     Date which is at least 30 days after the date he files with the Employer
     a form or forms prescribed by the Committee on which he meets all of
     the following requirements:
     (a)  designates the percentage of Compensation he wishes to
          contribute under the Plan under Section 3.02 or makes the
          election described in Section 3.01, or both;
     (b)  authorizes the Employer to make regular payroll deductions or
          to reduce his Compensation, or both; 
     (c)  names a Beneficiary; and
     (d)  commencing on and after March 1, 1995, makes an
          investment election.

2.03 Reemployment of Former Employees and Former Members
     Any person reemployed by the Employer as an Employee, who was
     previously a Member or who was previously eligible to become a
     Member, shall become a Member upon the filing of a form in
     accordance with Section 2.02.  Any person reemployed by the
     Employer as an Employee, who was not previously eligible to become
     a Member, shall become a Member upon completing the eligibility
     requirements described in Section 2.01 and filing the appropriate form
     or forms in accordance with Section 2.02.

2.04 Termination of Membership
     A Member's membership shall terminate on the date he is no longer
     employed by the Employer or any Affiliated Employer unless the
     Member is entitled to benefits under the Plan, in which event his
     membership shall terminate when those benefits are distributed to him.

2.05 Year-end Membership List
     On or before September 30th of each Plan Year, at the Committee's
     request, the Employer shall transmit to the Committee a list of the
     Members as of December 31st of the previous year which list shall be
     in such form and shall contain such information as the Committee may
                                     - 12 - 
                         ARTICLE 3.  CONTRIBUTIONS

3.01 Deferred Cash Contributions
 (a) A Member may elect on his application filed under Section 2.02 to
     reduce his Compensation payable while a Member by at least .5% and
     not more than the contribution permitted by law, in multiples of .5%,
     and have that amount contributed to the Plan by the Employer as
     Deferred Cash Contributions.  Deferred Cash Contributions shall be
     further limited as provided below and in Sections 3.07, 3.10 and 3.11. 
     Any Deferred Cash Contributions shall be paid to the Trustees or
     deposited with the Insurer pursuant to the Group Annuity Contract, as
     the case may be, as soon as practicable.

 (b) In no event shall the Member's Deferred Cash Contributions and
     similar contributions made on his behalf by the Employer or an
     Affiliated Employer to all plans, contracts or arrangements subject to
     the provisions of Section 401(a)(30) of the Code in any calendar year
     exceed $7,000 multiplied by the Adjustment Factor.  If a Member's
     Deferred Cash Contributions in a calendar year reach that dollar
     limitation, his election of Deferred Cash Contributions for the
     remainder of the calendar year will be canceled.  Each Member
     affected by this paragraph (b) may elect to change or suspend the rate
     at which he makes After-Tax Contributions.  As of the first pay period
     of the calendar year following such cancellation, the Member's election
     of Deferred Cash Contributions shall again become effective in
     accordance with his previous election.

 (c) In the event that the sum of the Deferred Cash Contributions and
     similar contributions to any other qualified defined contribution plan
     maintained by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer exceeds the
     dollar limitation in Section 3.01(b) for any calendar year, the Member
     shall be deemed to have elected a return of Deferred Cash
     Contributions in excess of such limit ("excess deferrals") from this
     Plan.  The excess deferrals, together with Earnings, shall be returned
     to the Member no later than the April 15 following the end of the
     calendar year in which the excess deferrals were made.  The amount
     of excess deferrals to be returned for any calendar year shall be
     reduced by any Deferred Cash Contributions previously returned to the
     Member under Section 3.07 for that calendar year.  

 (d) If a Member makes tax-deferred contributions under another qualified
     defined contribution plan maintained by an employer other than the
     Employer or an Affiliated Employer for any calendar year and those
     contributions when added to his Deferred Cash Contributions exceed
     the dollar limitation under Section 3.01(b) for that calendar year, the
     Member may allocate all or a portion of such excess deferrals to this
     Plan.  In that event, such excess deferrals, together with Earnings,
     shall be returned to the Member no later than the April 15 following
     the end of the calendar year in which such excess deferrals were made. 
     However, the Plan shall not be required to return excess deferrals
     unless the Member notifies the Committee, in writing, by March 1 of
     that following calendar year of the amount of the excess deferrals
     allocated to this Plan.  The amount of any such excess deferrals to be
     returned for any calendar year shall be reduced by any Deferred Cash
     Contributions previously returned to the Member under Section 3.07
     for that calendar year.  
                                     - 13 - 
3.02 After-Tax Contributions
     Any Member may make After-Tax Contributions under this Section
     whether or not he has elected to have Deferred Cash Contributions
     made on his behalf pursuant to Section 3.01.  The amount of After-Tax
     Contributions shall be at least .5% of (i) prior to September 1, 1994,
     each installment of his Base Compensation and (ii) on and after
     September 1, 1994 each installment of his Compensation, while a
     Member, in multiples of .5%, to the maximum contribution permitted
     by law.  Prior to September 1, 1994, a Member making such After-
     Tax Contributions may direct the Employer to deduct and contribute a
     percent, which shall be a whole number of up to 10% of each
     installment of his Additional Compensation, subject to the maximum
     contribution permitted by law.  On and after September 1, 1994, such
     supplemental contribution shall not be permitted.  The After-Tax
     Contributions of a Member shall be made through payroll deductions
     and shall be paid to the Trustees or deposited with the Insurer pursuant
     to the Group Annuity Contract, as the case may be, as soon as
3.03 Employer Matching Contributions
     The Employer shall contribute, until August 31, 1994, on behalf of
     each of its Members who elects to make After-Tax Contributions, an
     amount equal to 50% of the first 6% of the After-Tax Contributions
     made by the Member to the Plan during each payroll period.  In no
     event, however, shall the Matching Contributions pursuant to this
     Section exceed 3% of the Member's Compensation while a Member
     with respect to a particular Plan Year.  The Matching Contributions are
     made expressly conditional on the Plan satisfying the provisions of
     Sections 3.01, 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09.  If any portion of the After-Tax
     Contribution to which the Matching Contribution relates is returned to
     the Member under Section 3.09 or 3.10, the corresponding Matching
     Contribution shall be forfeited.  The Matching Contributions shall be
     paid to the Trustees or deposited with the Insurer, as the case may be,
     as soon as practicable.
3.04 Employee or Member Rollover Contributions
     Without regard to any limitations on contributions set forth in this
     Article 3, the Plan may receive from a Member, or an Employee who
     has not yet met the eligibility requirements for membership, in cash,
     any amount previously received (or deemed to be received) by him
     from a qualified plan.  The Plan may receive such amount either
     directly from the Member or Employee or from a qualified plan in the
     form of a direct rollover.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Plan
     shall not accept any amount unless such amount is eligible to be rolled
     over to a qualified trust in accordance with applicable law and the
     Member or Employee provides evidence satisfactory to the Committee
     that such amount qualifies for rollover treatment.  Unless received by
     the Plan in the form of a direct rollover, the Rollover Contribution
     must be paid to the Trustees or deposited with the Insurer, as the case
     may be, on or before the 60th day after the day it was received by the
     Member or Employee.  Rollover Contributions shall be allocated to the
     Member's or Employee's Deferred Account.
3.05 Change in Contributions
     The percentages of Compensation designated by a Member under
     Sections 3.01 and 3.02 shall automatically apply to increases and
     decreases in his Compensation.  A Member may change his election
     under Sections 3.01 and 3.02 at the beginning of any calendar quarter
     by giving at least 30 days' prior written notice to the Committee.  The
     changed percentage shall become effective as soon as administratively
     practicable following the expiration of the notice period.
                                     - 14 - 
3.06 Suspension of Contributions
 (a) A Member may suspend his contributions under Section 3.02 and/or
     revoke his election under Section 3.01 at any time by giving at least 30
     days' prior written notice to the Committee.  The suspension or
     revocation shall become effective as soon as administratively
     practicable following the expiration of the notice period.

 (b) A Member who has suspended his contributions under Section 3.02
     may elect to have them resumed in accordance with Section 3.02 as of
     the first day of the first payroll period of the calendar quarter next
     following 30 days' written notice of that intent.  A Member who has
     revoked his election under Section 3.01 may apply to the Committee
     to resume having his Compensation reduced in accordance with Section
     3.01 as of the first day of the first payroll period of the calendar
     quarter next following 30 days' written notice of that intent.

3.07 Actual Deferral Percentage Test
     The Actual Deferral Percentage for Highly Compensated Employees
     who are Members or eligible to become Members shall not exceed the
     Actual Deferral Percentage for all other Employees who are Members
     or eligible to become Members multiplied by 1.25.  If the Actual
     Deferral Percentage for Highly Compensated Employees does not meet
     the foregoing test, the Actual Deferral Percentage for Highly
     Compensated Employees may not exceed the Actual Deferral
     Percentage for all other Employees who are Members or eligible to
     become Members by more than two percentage points, and the Actual
     (a)  The amount of Deferred Cash Contributions made on behalf
          of some or all Highly-Compensated Employees shall be
          reduced until the provisions of this Section are satisfied as
          follows.  The actual deferral ratio of the Highly-Compensated
          Employee with the highest actual deferral ratio shall be
          reduced to the extent necessary to meet the test or to cause
          such ratio to equal the actual deferral ratio of the Highly-
          Compensated Employee with the next highest ratio.  This
          process will be repeated until the actual deferral percentage
          test is passed.  Each ratio shall be rounded to the nearest one
          one-hundredth of one percent of the Member's Statutory
     (b)  Deferred Cash Contributions subject to reduction under this
          Section, together with Earnings thereon, ("excess
          contributions") shall be paid to the Member before the close
          of the Plan Year following the Plan Year in which the excess
          contributions were made and, to the extent practicable, within
          2 1/2 months of the close of the Plan Year in which the excess
          contributions were made.  However, any excess contributions
          for any Plan Year shall be reduced by any Deferred Cash
          Contributions previously returned to the Member under
          Section 3.01 for that Plan Year.  
                                     - 15 - 
3.08 Contribution Percentage Test
     The Contribution Percentage for Highly Compensated Employees who
     are Members or eligible to become Members shall not exceed the
     Contribution Percentage for all other Employees who are Members or
     eligible to become Members multiplied by 1.25.  If the Contribution
     Percentage for the Highly Compensated Employees does not meet the
     foregoing test, the Contribution Percentage for Highly Compensated
     Employees may not exceed the Contribution Percentage of all other
     Employees who are Members or eligible to become Members by more
     than two percentage points, and the Contribution Percentage for Highly
     Compensated Employees may not be more than 2.0 times the
     Contribution Percentage for all other Employees (or such lesser amount
     as the Committee shall determine to satisfy the provisions of Section
     3.09).  The Committee may implement rules limiting the After-Tax
     Contributions which may be made by some or all Highly Compensated
     Employees so that this limitation is satisfied.  If the Committee
     determines that the limitation under this Section 3.08 has been
     exceeded in any Plan Year, the following provisions shall apply:
     (a)  The amount of After-Tax Contributions and Matching
          Contributions made by or on behalf of some or all Highly-
          Compensated Employees in the Plan Year shall be reduced
          until the provisions of this Section are satisfied as follows. 
          The actual contribution ratio of the Highly-Compensated
          Employee with the highest actual contribution ratio shall be
          reduced to the extent necessary to meet the test or to cause
          such ratio to equal the actual contribution ratio of the Highly-
          Compensated Employee with the next highest actual contribu-
          tion ratio.  This process will be repeated until the actual
          contribution percentage test is passed.  Each ratio shall be
          rounded to the nearest one one-hundredth of one percent of a
          Member's Statutory Compensation.
     (b)  Any After-Tax Contributions and Matching Contributions
          subject to reduction under this Section, together with Earnings
          thereon ("excess aggregate contributions"), shall be reduced
          and allocated in the following order:
          (i)  unmatched After-Tax Contributions, and then, if
          (ii) so much of the matched After-Tax Contributions and
               corresponding Matching Contributions, together with
               Earnings, as shall be necessary to meet the test shall
               be reduced, with the After-Tax Contributions, together
               with Earnings, being paid to the Member and the
               Matching Contributions, together with Earnings, being
               forfeited and applied to reduce Employer contributions,
               then, if necessary,
          (iii)     so much of the Matching Contributions, together with
                    Earnings, as shall be necessary to equal the balance of
                    the excess aggregate contributions shall be forfeited
                    and applied to reduce Employer contributions.
     (c)  Any repayment or forfeiture of excess aggregate contributions
          shall be made before the close of the Plan Year following the
          Plan Year for which the excess aggregate contributions were
          made and, to the extent practicable, any repayment or
          forfeiture shall be made within 2 1/2 months of the close of the
          Plan Year in which the excess aggregate contributions were
                                     - 16 - 
3.09 Aggregate Contribution Limitation
     Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 3.07 and 3.08, in no event
     shall the sum of the Actual Deferral Percentage of the group of eligible
     Highly Compensated Employees and the Contribution Percentage of
     such group, after applying the provisions of Sections 3.07 and 3.08,
     exceed the "aggregate limit" as provided in Section 401(m)(9) of the
     Code and the regulations issued thereunder.  In the event the aggregate
     limit is exceeded for any Plan Year, the Contribution Percentages of
     the Highly Compensated Employees shall be reduced to the extent
     necessary to satisfy the aggregate limit in accordance with the
     procedure set forth in Section 3.08.

3.10 Additional Discrimination Testing Provisions
 (a) If any Highly Compensated Employee is either (i) a five percent owner
     or (ii) one of the 10 highest paid Highly Compensated Employees, then
     any Statutory Compensation paid to or any contribution made by or on
     behalf of any member of his "family" shall be deemed paid to or made
     by or on behalf of such Highly Compensated Employee for purposes
     of Sections 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09, to the extent required under
     regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate
     under Sections 401(k) and 401(m) of the Code.  The contributions
     required to be aggregated under the preceding sentence shall be
     disregarded in determining the Actual Deferral Percentage and
     Contribution Percentage for the group of non-highly compensated
     employees for purposes of Sections 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09.  Any return
     of excess contributions or excess aggregate contributions required under
     Sections 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09 with respect to the family group shall be
     made by allocating the excess contributions or excess aggregate
     contributions among the family members in proportion to the
     contributions made by or on behalf of each family member that is
     combined.  For purposes of this paragraph, the term "family" means,
     with respect to any employee, such employee's spouse, any lineal
     ascendants or descendants and spouses of such lineal ascendants or

 (b) If any Highly Compensated Employee is a member of another qualified
     plan of the Employer or an Affiliated Employer, other than an
     employee stock ownership plan described in Section 4975(e)(7) of the
     Code or any other qualified plan which must be mandatorily
     disaggregated under Section 410(b) of the Code, under which deferred
     cash contributions or matching contributions are made on behalf of the
     Highly Compensated Employee or under which the Highly
     Compensated Employee makes after-tax contributions, the Committee
     shall implement rules, which shall be uniformly applicable to all
     employees similarly situated, to take into account all such contributions
     for the Highly Compensated Employee under all such plans in applying
     the limitations of Sections 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09.  If any other such
     qualified plan has a plan year other than the Plan Year defined in
     Section 1.34, the contributions to be taken into account in applying the
     limitations of Sections 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09 will be those made in the
     plan years ending with or within the same calendar year.
                                     - 17 - 
 (c) In the event that this Plan is aggregated with one or more other plans
     to satisfy the requirements of Sections 401(a)(4) and 410(b) of the Code
     (other than for purposes of the average benefit percentage test) or if
     one or more other plans is aggregated with this Plan to satisfy the
     requirements of such sections of the Code, then the provisions of
     Sections 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09 shall be applied by determining the Actual
     Deferral Percentage and Contribution Percentage of employees as if all
     such plans were a single plan.  If this Plan is permissively aggregated
     with any other plan or plans for purposes of satisfying the provisions
     of Section 401(k)(3) of the Code, the aggregated plans must also satisfy
     the provisions of Sections 401(a)(4) and 410(b) of the Code as though
     they were a single plan.  For Plan Years beginning after December 31,
     1989, plans may be aggregated under this paragraph (c) only if they
     have the same plan year.

 (d) The Employer may elect to use Deferred Cash Contributions to satisfy
     the tests described in Sections 3.08 and 3.09, provided that the test
     described in Section 3.07 is met prior to such election, and continues
     to be met following the Employer's election to shift the application of
     those Deferred Cash Contributions from Section 3.07 to Section 3.08.

 (e) The Employer may authorize that special "qualified nonelective contri-
     butions" shall be made for a Plan Year, which shall be allocated in
     such amounts and to such Members, who are not Highly Compensated
     Employees, as the Committee shall determine.  The Committee shall
     establish such separate accounts as may be necessary.  Qualified
     nonelective contributions shall be 100% nonforfeitable when made. 
     Qualified nonelective contributions made before January 1, 1989 and
     earnings credited thereon as of that date may be withdrawn by a
     Member while in service only under the provisions of Section 7.03 or
     7.04.  Any qualified nonelective contributions made on or after January
     1, 1989 and any earnings credited on any qualified nonelective
     contributions after such date shall only be available for withdrawal
     under the provisions of Section 7.03.  Qualified nonelective
     contributions made for the Plan Year may be used to satisfy the tests
     described in Sections 3.07, 3.08 and 3.09, where necessary.

3.11 Maximum Annual Additions
 (a) The annual addition to a Member's Accounts for any Plan Year, which
     shall be considered the "limitation year" for purposes of Section 415
     of the Code, when added to the Member's annual addition for that Plan
     Year under any other qualified defined contribution plan of the
     Employer or an Affiliated Employer, shall not exceed an amount which
     is equal to the lesser of (i) 25% of his aggregate remuneration for that
     Plan Year or (ii) the greater of $30,000 or one-quarter of the dollar
     limitation in effect under Section 415(b)(1)(A) of the Code.
                                     - 18 - 
 (b) For purposes of this Section, the "annual addition" to a Member's 
     Accounts under this Plan or any other qualified defined contribution
     plan maintained by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer shall be the
     sum of:
     (i)    the total contributions, including Deferred Cash Contributions,
            made on the Member's behalf by the Employer and all
            Affiliated Employers,
     (ii)   all Member contributions, exclusive of any Rollover Contribu-
            tions, and 
     (iii)  forfeitures, if applicable,
     that have been allocated to the Member's Accounts under this Plan or
     his accounts under any other such qualified defined contribution plan. 
     For purposes of this paragraph (b), any Deferred Cash Contributions
     distributed under Section 3.07 and any Matching Contributions or
     After-Tax Contributions distributed or forfeited under the provisions of
     Section 3.01, 3.07, 3.08 or 3.09 shall be included in the annual
     addition for the year allocated.

 (c) For purposes of this Section, the term "remuneration" with respect to
     any Member shall mean the wages, salaries and other amounts paid in
     respect of that Member by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer for
     personal services actually rendered, determined after any reduction of
     Compensation pursuant to Section 3.01 or pursuant to a cafeteria plan
     as described in Section 125 of the Code, including (but not limited to)
     bonuses, overtime payments and commissions, but excluding deferred
     compensation, stock options and other distributions which receive
     special tax benefits under the Code.

 (d) If the annual addition to a Member's Accounts for any Plan Year, prior
     to the application of the limitation set forth in paragraph (a) above,
     exceeds that limitation due to a reasonable error in estimating a
     Member's annual compensation or in determining the amount of
     Deferred Cash Contributions that may be made with respect to a
     Member under Section 415 of the Code, or as the result of the
     allocation of forfeitures, the amount of contributions credited to the
     Member's Accounts in that Plan Year shall be adjusted to the extent
     necessary to satisfy that limitation in accordance with the following
     order of priority:
     (i)    The Member's unmatched After-Tax Contributions under
            Section 3.02 shall be reduced to the extent necessary.  The
            amount of the reduction shall be returned to the Member,
            together with any earnings on the contributions to be returned.
     (ii)   The Member's Deferred Cash Contributions under Section
            3.01 shall be reduced to the extent necessary.  The amount of
            the reduction shall be returned to the Member, together with
            any earnings on the contributions to be returned.
     (iii)  The Member's matched After-Tax Contributions and
            corresponding Matching Contributions shall be reduced to the
            extent necessary.  The amount of the reduction attributable to
            the Member's matched After-Tax Contributions shall be
            returned to the Member, together with any earnings on those
            contributions to be returned, and the amount attributable to the
            Matching Contributions shall be forfeited and used to reduce
            subsequent contributions payable by the Employer.
                                     - 19 - 
     Any Deferred Cash Contributions returned to a Member under this
     paragraph (d) shall be disregarded in applying the dollar limitation on
     Deferred Cash Contributions under Section 3.01(b), and in performing
     the Actual Deferral Percentage Test under Section 3.07.  Any After-
     Tax Contributions returned under this paragraph (d) shall be
     disregarded in performing the Contribution Percentage Test under
     Section 3.08.

 (e) If the Employer's contributions to the Plan result in an increase in the
     combined defined benefit and defined contribution fractions in excess
     of the 1.0 permitted under Section 415 of the Code for any Member of
     the Plan who is also covered by the Curtiss-Wright Corporation
     Retirement Plan, then the accrued benefit under the Curtiss-Wright
     Corporation Retirement Plan shall be reduced to the extent necessary
     to prevent the sum of the following fractions computed as of the close
     of the Plan Year from exceeding 1.0:

     Projected Annual Benefit of the Member under the Retirement Plan
     divided by the maximum benefit allowed under Section 415(b)
     multiplied by 1.25; plus the sum of annual additions to such Member's
     Account in such Plan Year and for all prior Plan Years divided by the
     maximum annual additions to such Member's account which could have been
     made under the Plan for such Plan Year and for all prior Plan Years of
     employment as if the Plans had been in effect for each such Plan Year
     multiplied by 1.25.

     For purposes of this paragraph (e), the following terms shall have the
     following meanings:
     (i)    Defined benefit fraction:  A fraction, the numerator of which
            is the sum of the Member's projected annual benefits under all
            the defined benefit plans (whether or not terminated)
            maintained by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer, and
            the denominator of which is the lesser of 125 percent of the
            dollar limitation in effect for the limitation year under Section
            415(B)(1)(A) of the Code or 140 percent of the highest
            average compensation of the Member.

            Notwithstanding the above, if the Member was a member in
            one or more defined benefit plans maintained by the Employer
            or an Affiliated Employer which were in existence on July 1,
            1982, the denominator of this fraction will not be less than
            125 percent of the sum of the annual benefits under such plans
            which the Member had accrued as of the later of
            September 30, 1983, or the end of the last limitation year
            beginning before January 1, 1983.  The preceding sentence
            applies only if the defined benefit plans individually and in the
            aggregate satisfied the requirements of Section 415 of the
            Code as in effect at the end of the 1982 limitation  year.
                                     - 20 - 
     (ii)   Defined contribution fraction:  A fraction, the numerator of
            which is the sum of the annual additions to the Member's
            accounts under all the defined contribution plans (whether or
            not terminated) maintained by the Employer or an Affiliated
            Employer, for the current and all prior limitation years
            (including the annual additions attributable to the Member's
            non-deductible Employee contributions to all defined benefit
            plans, whether or not terminated, maintained by the Employer
            or an Affiliated Employer, and the annual additions
            attributable to all welfare benefit funds, as defined in Section
            419(e) of the Code, maintained by the Employer or an
            Affiliated Employer), and the denominator of which is the
            sum of the maximum aggregate amounts for the current and
            all prior limitation years of service with the Employer or an
            Affiliated Employer (regardless of whether a defined
            contribution plan was maintained by the Employer or an
            Affiliated Employer).  The maximum aggregate amount in any
            limitation year is the lesser of 125 percent of the dollar
            limitation in effect under Section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code or
            25 percent of the Member's remuneration for such year.
            If the employee was a participant in one or more defined
            contribution plans maintained by the Employer or an Affiliated
            Employer which were in existence on July 1, 1982, the
            numerator of this fraction will be adjusted if the sum of this
            fraction and the defined benefit fraction would otherwise
            exceeded 1.0 under the terms of this Plan.  Under the
            adjustment, an amount equal to the product of (1) the excess
            of the sum of the fractions over 1.0 times (2) the denominator
            of this fraction, will be permanently subtracted from the
            numerator of this fraction.  The adjustment is calculated using
            the fractions as they would be computed as of the later of
            September 30, 1983, or the end of the last limitation year
            beginning before January 1, 1983.  This adjustment also will
            be made if at the end of the last limitation year beginning
            before January 1, 1984, the sum of the fractions exceeds 1.0
            because of accruals or additions that were made before the
            limitations of this section became effective to any plans of the
            Employer or an Affiliated Employer in existence on July 1,
     (iii)  Highest average remuneration:  The average remuneration for
            the three consecutive years of service with the Employer or an
            Affiliated Employer that produces the highest average.  A year
            of service with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer is a
            12-consecutive month period.
     (iv)   Limitation year:  The calendar year.  All qualified plans
            maintained by the Employer must use the same limitation
            year.  If the limitation year is amended to a different 12-
            consecutive month period, the new limitation year must begin
            on a date within the limitation  year in which the amendment
            is made. 
                                     - 21 - 
     (v)    Projected annual benefit:  The annual retirement benefit
            (adjusted to an actuarially equivalent straight life annuity if
            such benefit is expressed in a form other than a straight life
            annuity or qualified joint and survivor annuity) to which the
            Member would be entitled under the terms of the Plan
            (a)  The Member will continue employment until Normal
                 Retirement Date under the Plan (or current age, if
                 later), and
            (b)  The Member's remuneration for the current limitation
                 year and all other relevant factors used to determine
                 benefits under the plan will remain constant for all
                 future limitation years.
     (vi)   Normal Retirement Date:  The first of the month next
            following the Member's 65th birthday.
3.12 Return of Contributions
 (a) If all or part of the Employer's deductions for contributions to the
     Plan are disallowed by the Internal Revenue Service, the portion of the
     contributions to which that disallowance applies shall be returned to
     the Employer without interest but reduced by any investment loss
     attributable to those contributions, provided that the contribution is
     returned within one year after the disallowance of deduction.  For this
     purpose, all contributions made by the Employer are expressly declared
     to be conditioned upon their deductibility under Section 404 of the

 (b) The Employer may recover without interest the amount of its contribu-
     tions to the Plan made on account of a mistake of fact, reduced by any
     investment loss attributable to those contributions, if recovery is made
     within one year after the date of those contributions.

 (c) In the event that Deferred Cash Contributions made under Section 3.01
     are returned to the Employer in accordance with the provisions of this
     Section 3.12, the elections to reduce Compensation which were made
     by Members on whose behalf those contributions were made shall be
     void retroactively to the beginning of the period for which those
     contributions were made.  The Deferred Cash Contributions so
     returned shall be distributed in cash to those Members for whom those
     contributions were made, provided, however, that if the contributions
     are returned under the provisions of paragraph (a) above, the amount
     of Deferred Cash Contributions to be distributed to Members shall be
     adjusted to reflect any investment gains or losses attributable to those

                                     - 22 - 

4.01 Investment Funds
 (a) Prior to March 1, 1995, the following provisions shall apply:
     (i)  The Trust Fund shall be invested by the Trustee, provided,
          however, that the Trustee shall not invest in, acquire or hold
          for the Trust Fund any securities or property of Curtiss-
          Wright Corporation or its Subsidiaries.
     (ii) In the event contributions hereunder are made with the Insurer
          pursuant to the Group Annuity Contract, such contributions
          shall be invested by the Insurer pursuant to the terms of said
          Contract, provided, however, that the Insurer shall not invest
          in, acquire or hold directly under the Group Annuity Contract
          any securities or property of Curtiss-Wright Corporation or its

 (b) On and after March 1, 1995, Members' Accounts shall be invested in
     one or more Investment Funds, as authorized by the President of
     Curtiss-Wright Corporation or his designee, which from time to time
     may include the following:
     Fund A - Fixed Income Investment Fund
     This Fund shall consist primarily of fixed-income obligations, including
     but not limited to government and private bonds, debentures, notes,
     certificates of deposit, participation in money market funds and other
     similar fixed-income investments (which may include investment in any
     commingled trust fund selected by the Trustees which meets the
     requirements of Section 401(a) of the Code and is exempt from taxation
     under Section 501(a) of the Code, and which is invested primarily in
     fixed income securities or fixed income investments).  Pending the
     selection and purchase of suitable investments, this Fund may be
     invested in short-term obligations of the United States Government and
     other short-term investments selected by the Trustees.

     Fund B - Diversified Investment Fund
     This Fund shall consist primarily of common or capital stocks of
     issuers other than the Employer or an Affiliated Employer, bonds or
     securities convertible into common or capital stocks of issuers other
     than the Employer or an Affiliated Employer, shares of mutual funds
     and closed-end investment companies and other similar types of
     investments (which may include investment in any commingled trust
     fund selected by the Trustees which meets the requirements of Section
     401(a) of the Code and is exempt from taxation under Section 501(a)
     of the Code, and which is invested primarily in similar types of
     securities).  Pending the selection and purchase of suitable investments,
     this Fund may be invested in short-term obligations of the United States
     Government and other short-term investments selected by the Trustees.

     Fund C - Money Market Fund
     This Fund shall consist of short-term obligations of the United States
     Government, bank certificates of deposit, commercial paper, bankers'
     acceptances, shares of money market mutual funds and other similar
     types of short-term investments (which may include investment in any
     commingled trust fund selected by the Trustees which meets the re-
     quirements of Section 401(a) of the Code and is exempt from taxation
     under Section 501(a) of the Code, and which is invested primarily in
     similar types of securities).  
                                     - 23 - 
     Fund D - Insurance Contract Fund
     This Fund shall be held and invested by a legal reserve life insurance
     company, or other financial institution or banking facility under the
     terms of a guaranteed investment contract or other funding agreement
     which provides for a fixed rate of investment income for specified

 (b) The Trustees may keep such amounts of cash as they, in their sole
     discretion, shall deem necessary or advisable as part of the Funds, all
     within the limitations specified in the trust agreement.

 (c) Dividends, interest, and other distributions received on the assets held
     by the Trustees in respect to each of the above Funds shall be
     reinvested in the respective Fund.

4.02 Investment of Members' Accounts
     A Member shall elect to have his Accounts invested in accordance with
     one of the following options:
     (a)  100% in one of the available Investment Funds; 
     (b)  in more than one Investment Fund allocated in multiples of
     If a Member fails to make an election with respect to the investment of
     his Accounts, such Member shall be deemed to have elected the
     investment of his Accounts in Fund D.

4.03 Responsibility for Investments
     Each Member is solely responsible for the selection of his investment
     options.  The Trustees, the Committee, the Employer, and the officers,
     supervisors and other employees of the Employer are not empowered
     to advise a Member as to the manner in which his Accounts shall be
     invested.  The fact that an Investment Fund is available to Members for
     investment under the Plan shall not be construed as a recommendation
     for investment in that Investment Fund.

4.04 Change of Election for Current and Future Contributions
     A Member may change his investment election under Section 4.02 in
     multiples of 1% at any time but no more than four times in any
     calendar year.  The changed investment election shall become effective
     as soon as administratively practicable, and shall be effective only with
     respect to subsequent contributions.

4.05 Reallocation of Accounts Among the Funds
     Subject to any administrative restrictions determined by the Committee,
     a Member may reallocate his investment account in multiples of 1% at
     any time but no more than four times in any calendar year.  The
     reallocation election shall become effective as soon as administratively

4.06 Limitations Imposed by Contract
     Notwithstanding anything in this Article to the contrary, any contri-
     butions invested in any investment contract shall be subject to any and
     all terms of such contract, including any limitations placed on the
     exercise of any rights otherwise granted to a Member under any other
          provisions of this Plan with respect to such contributions.
                                     - 24 - 

5.01 Computation of Trust Fund or Group Annuity Contract
     The following provisions shall apply with regard to the computation of
     the value of the Trust Fund or Group Annuity contract and allocation
     of Trust Fund or Group Annuity contract earnings until March 1, 1995,
     at which time the provisions of Section 5.02 through 5.04 shall apply.

     (a)  The Trustee shall compute the value of the Trust Fund as of
          the close of business at the end of each month by determining
          the market values of the assets then held in such fund.
     (b)  The difference between the market value of the Trust Fund as
          of any evaluation date and its market value as of the close of
          business the last preceding evaluation date shall be credited or
          debited, as the case may be, to the account balances of the
          Members in such Fund in the proportion that the account
          balance of such Member in such Fund on such preceding
          evaluation date bore to the aggregate account balances of all
          Members in such Fund as of such preceding evaluation date.
     (c)  The market value of the Trust Fund as of a particular date
          shall be as determined in good faith by the Trustee.
     (d)  In the event the Trust Fund is invested under the Group
          Annuity contract in a fixed investment fund, the Trustee shall
          compute the value of the Trust Fund as of the close of
          business at the end of each calendar month by determining the
          amount of contributions deposited in the Trust Fund plus
          whatever interest is credited thereto, and by subtracting
          therefrom any amounts withdrawn from or charged against the
          accounts in the Trust Fund in accordance with the provisions
          of the Plan, the Trust Agreement and the Group Annuity
          Contract then in effect.
     (e)  In the event the contributions hereunder are made directly with
          the Insurer pursuant to the Group Annuity Contract, the
          computation of the value of the Group Annuity contract shall
          be made as of the close of business at the end of each calendar
          month by determining the amounts of contributions deposited
          with the Insurer pursuant to the Group Annuity contract, plus
          whatever interest and capital appreciation, if any, have been
          credited thereto, and by subtracting therefrom any amounts
          withdrawn from or charged against the funds deposited under
          the Group Annuity contract including a proportionate
          allocation of investment losses, if any, in accordance with the
          terms of the Plan and the Group Annuity Contract then in
     (f)  The difference between the value of the Group Annuity
          Contract on any evaluation date and its value as of the last
          preceding evaluation date shall be credited or debited, as the
          case may be, to the account balances of each of the Members
          in such Group Annuity Contract, in the proportion that the
          account balance of such Member in such Group Annuity
          Contract on such preceding evaluation date bore to the
          aggregate account balances of all Members in such Group
          Annuity Contract as of such preceding evaluation date.
                                     - 25 - 
5.02 Valuation of Member Accounts
 (a) Effective March 1, 1995, the Trustees shall value the Funds at least
     monthly.  On each Valuation Date, the Accounts of a Member in each
     Fund shall equal:
     (i)  the Member's account balance in his Accounts as of the
          immediately preceding Valuation Date; less
     (ii) any distributions from the Member's Accounts since the
          immediately preceding Valuation Date; plus
     (iii)     the amount of contributions, if any, made by or on behalf of
               the Member to that Fund since the immediately preceding
               Valuation Date; plus
     (iv) the net earnings or losses, after adjusting for expenses, if any,
          since the immediately preceding Valuation Date.

 (b) Whenever an event requires a determination of the value of the
     Member's Accounts, the value shall be computed as of the Valuation
     Date coincident with or immediately following the date of
     determination, subject to the provisions of Section 5.03.

5.03 Right to Change Procedures
     The Committee reserves the right to change from time to time the
     procedures used in valuing the Accounts or crediting (or debiting) the
     Accounts if it determines, after due deliberation and upon the advice
     of counsel and/or the current recordkeeper, that such an action is
     justified in that it results in a more accurate reflection of the fair
     market value of assets.  In the event of a conflict between the
     provisions of this Article and such new administrative procedures,
     those new administrative procedures shall prevail.  

5.04 Statement of Accounts
     At least once a year, each Member shall be furnished with a statement
     setting forth the value of his Accounts and the Vested Portion of his
                                     - 26 - 

6.01 Member Account and Deferred Account
     A Member shall at all times be 100% vested in, and have a nonforfeit-     
     able right to, his Member Account and his Deferred Account.

6.02 Employer Account
 (a) As of December 31 of each year, a Member shall become vested with
     respect to 25% of the value of the total Matching Contributions made
     in his behalf for that portion of the year.  As of each succeeding
     December 31, such Member shall become vested with respect to an
     additional 25% of the value of such Matching Contributions until, on
     December 31 of the third calendar year following the year for which
     the Matching Contributions were made, such Member shall become
     vested in 100% of the value of such Matching Contributions made on
     his behalf.  For purposes of this paragraph, the "value of Matching
     Contributions" shall mean the amount of Matching Contributions
     adjusted for an allocable share of earnings, losses and expenses in
     accordance with section 5.02(a)(iv), as of each December 31.

     A Member with five years or more Vesting Service with the Employer
     shall become vested in 100% of his Employer Account. 

 (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Member shall be 100% vested in, and
     have a nonforfeitable right to, his Accounts upon death, Disability, or
     the attainment of his 65th birthday.

6.03 Disposition of Forfeitures
 (a) Upon termination of employment of a Member who was not fully
     vested in his Employer Account, the non-vested portion of his
     Employer Account shall not be forfeited until the Member receives a
     distribution of the Vested Portion of his Accounts.  If the former
     Member is not reemployed by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer
     before he receives such a distribution, the non-vested portion of his
     Employer Account shall be forfeited.  Any amounts forfeited pursuant
     to this paragraph (a) shall be applied to reduce Employer contributions
     or to pay the expenses of the Plan not paid directly by the Employer. 
     If the amount of the Vested Portion of a Member's Employer Account
     at the time of his termination of employment is zero, the Member shall
     be deemed to have received a distribution of such zero vested benefit.
 (b) If an amount of a Member's Employer Account has been forfeited in
     accordance with paragraph (a) above, that amount shall be subsequently
     restored to the Member's Employer Account provided (i) he is
     reemployed by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer and (ii) he
     repays to the Plan during his period of reemployment and within five
     years of his date of reemployment an amount in cash equal to the full
     amount distributed to him from the Plan on account of his termination
     of employment.  Repayment shall be made in one lump sum.
 (c) In the event that any amounts to be restored by the Employer to a
     Member's Employer Account have been forfeited under paragraph (a)
     above, those amounts shall be taken first from any forfeitures which
     have not as yet been applied against Employer contributions or used to
     pay expenses of the Plan not paid directly by the Employer, and if any
     amounts remain to be restored, the Employer shall make a special
     Employer contribution equal to those amounts.
 (d) A repayment shall be invested in the available Investment Funds as the
     Member elects at the time of repayment.
                                     - 27 - 

7.01 Withdrawal of After-Tax Contributions
     A Member may, subject to Section 7.05, by giving no less than 30
     days prior written notice to the Committee, may elect to withdraw any
     part or all (but not less than $100) of the Value of his Employee
     Contributions on the last day of any calendar month; provided such
     Participant shall not be eligible to make any contributions under the
     Plan again for at least one year from said date of withdrawal.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Member may apply to the Committee
     at any time for an emergency withdrawal of up to one hundred percent
     (100%) of the value of his After-Tax Contributions at the time of
     withdrawal for any or a combination of the circumstances listed below. 
     The Committee shall not approve a withdrawal in an amount in excess
     of the amount it deems sufficient to cover his emergency financial
     needs.  The circumstances which may warrant Committee approval of
     a Member's application for an emergency withdrawal are:
     (1)  a disability which has not resulted in termination of
     (2)  fees and charges for tuition, books, room and board and
          similar expenses related to one or more courses taken by the
          Member or by his spouse or dependent in an accredited
          college, university or trade, professional, vocation or business
     (3)  medical expenses (to the extent not otherwise paid for under
          any Employer benefits provided for this purpose) incurred by
          the Member or his dependents; or
     (4)  any other major financial emergencies which in the sole
          judgment of the Committee warrant a hardship withdrawal.

     In the event of such an emergency withdrawal, the Member may
     continue his participation in the Plan without interruption.

7.02 Withdrawal of Employer Contributions
     All of the Value of any Employer Contributions made on behalf of a
     Participant for a particular calendar year may be withdrawn by the
     Participant, without penalty, on December 31 of the third calendar year
     following the calendar year for which those Employer Contributions
     were made, provided the Participant, during the month of January
     immediately preceding that December 31st, notifies the Committee, in
     writing, of his election to make such withdrawal.  Failure to make
     timely notification shall result in the deferral of said receipt of
     Employer Contributions until retirement, termination on account of
     disability, death or otherwise, or distribution pursuant to Article 9.

7.03 Withdrawal After Age 59 1/2
     A Member who shall have attained age 59 1/2 as of the effective date of
     any withdrawal pursuant to this Section may, subject to Section 7.05,
     elect to withdraw, in any order of priority he chooses, all or part of his
     Deferred Account, and all or part of the Vested Portion of his
     Employer Account attributable to Employer contributions and all or
     part of the portion of the Member Account attributable to After-Tax
     Contributions made by the Member under Section 3.02.
                                     - 28 - 
7.04 Hardship Withdrawal
 (a) A Member who has withdrawn the total amount available for
     withdrawal under the preceding Sections of this Article may, subject to
     Section 7.05, elect to withdraw not more than once in a Plan Year all
     or part of the Deferred Cash Contributions made on his behalf to his
     Deferred Account upon furnishing proof of Hardship satisfactory to the

 (b) A Member shall be considered to have incurred a "Hardship" if, and
     only if, he meets the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) below. 

 (c) As a condition for Hardship there must exist with respect to the
     Member an immediate and heavy need to draw upon his Deferred
     (i)  The Committee shall presume the existence of such immediate
          and heavy need if the requested withdrawal is on account of
          any of the following: 
          (A)  expenses for medical care described in Section 213(d)
               of the Code previously incurred by the Member, his
               spouse or any of his dependents (as defined in Section
               152 of the Code) or necessary for those persons to
               obtain such medical care;
          (B)  costs directly related to the purchase of a principal
               residence of the Member (excluding mortgage
          (C)  payment of tuition and related educational fees for the
               next 12 months of post-secondary education of the
               Member, his spouse or dependents; 
          (D)  payment of amounts necessary to prevent eviction of
               the Member from his principal residence or to avoid
               foreclosure on the mortgage of his principal residence;
          (E)  the inability of the Member to meet such other
               expenses, debts or other obligations recognized by the
               Internal Revenue Service as giving rise to immediate
               and heavy financial need for purposes of Section
               401(k) of the Code. 
     (ii) The Committee may determine the existence of immediate and
          heavy financial need in situations other than those described
          in (i) above where the Member demonstrates the withdrawal
          is necessary for such reasons as the Committee shall

     The amount of withdrawal may not be in excess of the amount of the
     immediate and heavy financial need of the employee to pay any
     federal, state or local income taxes and any amounts necessary to pay
     any penalties reasonably anticipated to result from the distribution.

     In evaluating the relevant facts and circumstances, the Committee shall
     act in a nondiscriminatory fashion and shall treat uniformly those
     Members who are similarly situated.  The Member shall furnish to the
     Committee such supporting documents as the Committee may request
     in accordance with uniform and nondiscriminatory rules prescribed by
     the Committee. 
                                     - 29 - 
 (d) As a condition for Hardship, the Member must demonstrate that the
     requested withdrawal is necessary to satisfy the financial need
     described in paragraph (b).  To demonstrate such necessity, the
     Member who requests a hardship withdrawal to satisfy a financial need
     described in (c)(i) above must comply with (i) as follows and the
     Member who requests a hardship withdrawal to satisfy a financial need
     described in (c)(ii) above must comply with (ii) as follows: 
     (i)  The Member must certify to the Committee, on such form as
          the Committee may prescribe, that the financial need cannot
          be fully relieved (A) through reimbursement or compensation
          by insurance or otherwise, (B) by reasonable liquidation of the
          Member's assets, (C) by cessation of Deferred Cash
          Contributions and After-Tax Contributions, or (D) by other
          distributions or nontaxable (at the time of the loan) loans from
          the Plan or other plans of the Employer or Affiliated
          Employers or by borrowing from commercial sources at a
          reasonable rate in an amount sufficient to satisfy the need. 
          The actions listed are required to be taken to the extent
          necessary to relieve the hardship but any action which would
          have the effect of increasing the hardship need not be taken. 
          For purposes of this clause (i) there shall be attributed to the
          Member those assets of the Member's spouse and minor
          children which are reasonably available to the Member.  The
          Member shall furnish to the Committee such supporting
          documents as the Committee may request in accordance with
          uniform and nondiscriminatory rules prescribed by the
          Committee.  If, on the basis of the Member's certification and
          the supporting documents, the Committee finds it can
          reasonably rely on the Member's certification, then the
          Committee shall find that the requested withdrawal is
          necessary to meet the Member's financial need.
     (ii) The Member must request, on such form as the Committee
          shall prescribe, that the Committee make its determination of
          the necessity for the withdrawal solely on the basis of his
          application.  In that event, the Committee shall make such
          determination, provided all of the following requirements are
          met:   (A) the Member has obtained all distributions, other
          than distributions available only on account of hardship, and
          all nontaxable loans currently available under all plans of the
          Employer and Affiliated Employers, (B) the Member is
          prohibited from making Deferred Cash Contributions and
          After-Tax Contributions to the Plan and all other plans of the
          Employer and Affiliated Employers under the terms of such
          plans or by means of an otherwise legally enforceable
          agreement for at least 12 months after receipt of the
          distribution, and (C) the limitation described in Section
          3.01(b) under all plans of the Employer and Affiliated
          Employers for the calendar year following the year in which
          the withdrawal is made must be reduced by the Member's
          elective deferral made in the calendar year of the distribution
          for Hardship.  For purposes of clause (B), "all other plans of
          the Employer and Affiliated Employers" shall include stock
          option plans, stock purchase plans, qualified and non-qualified
          deferred compensation plans and such other plans as may be
          designated under regulations issued under Section 401(k) of
          the Code, but shall not include health and welfare benefit
          plans or the mandatory employee contribution portion of a
          defined benefit plan. 
                                     - 30 - 
7.05 Procedures and Restrictions
     If a loan and a hardship withdrawal are processed as of the Valuation
     Date, the amount available for the hardship withdrawal will equal the
     Vested Portion of the Member's Accounts on such Valuation Date
     reduced by the amount of the loan.  The amount of the withdrawal
     shall be allocated between and among the Investment Funds in
     proportion to the value of the Member's Accounts from which the
     withdrawal is made in each Investment Fund as of the date of the
     withdrawal.  Subject to the provisions of Section 9.08, all payments to
     Members under this Article shall be made in cash as soon as

7.06 Determination of Vested Portion of Employer Account    
     If a Member is not fully vested in his Employer Account at the time he
     makes a withdrawal from that Account under this Article 7, as of any
     subsequent Valuation Date such Member's Vested Portion of his
     Employer Account shall be determined in accordance with the
     following formula:
                            X = P x (AB+D) - D
     where X is the value of the Member's Vested Portion of such Account,
     P is the nonforfeitable percentage at the relevant time, AB is the value
     of his Employer Account at the relevant time, and D is the amount of
     the prior distribution from such Account.
                                     - 31 - 
                       ARTICLE 8.  LOANS TO MEMBERS

8.01 Amount Available
 (a) On and after March 1, 1995, a Member who is an employee of the
     Employer or an Affiliated Employer may borrow, on written
     application to the Committee and on approval by the Committee under
     such uniform rules as it shall adopt, an amount which does not exceed
     the lesser of
     (i)  50% of the Vested Portion of his Accounts, or
     (ii) $50,000 reduced by the highest outstanding balance of loans
          to the Member from the Plan during the one year period
          ending on the day before the day the loan is made.

 (b) The interest rate to be charged on loans shall be determined by the
     Committee each January 1 and shall be one percent above the reference
     charged by Mellon Bank as of January 1.  The interest rate so
     determined for purposes of the Plan shall be fixed for the duration of
     each loan.

 (c) The amount of the loan is to be transferred from the Investment Funds
     in which the Member's Accounts are invested to a special "Loan Fund"
     for the Member under the Plan.  The Loan Fund consists solely of the
     amount transferred to the Loan Fund and is invested solely in the loan
     made to the Member.  The amount transferred to the Loan Fund shall
     be pledged as security for the loan.  Payments of principal on the loan
     will reduce the amount held in the Member's Loan Fund.  Those payments,
     together with the attendant interest payment, will be reinvested in the
     Investment Funds in accordance with the Member's then effective investment

8.02 Terms
 (a) In addition to such rules and regulations as the Committee may adopt,
     all loans shall comply with the following terms and conditions:
     (i)   An application for a loan by a Member shall be made in
           writing to the Committee, whose action in approving or
           disapproving the application shall be final;
     (ii)  Each loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note payable to
           the Plan;
     (iii) The period of repayment for any loan shall be arrived at by
           mutual agreement between the Committee and the Member,
           but that period shall not exceed five years unless the loan is to
           be used in conjunction with the purchase of the principal
           residence of the Member, in which case that period shall not
           exceed 15 years;
     (iv)  Payments of principal and interest will be made by payroll
           deductions or in a manner agreed to by the Member and the
           Committee in substantially level amounts, but no less
           frequently than quarterly, in an amount sufficient to amortize
           the loan over the repayment period;
     (v)   A loan may be prepaid, but only in full, as of the end of any
           month without penalty;
     (vi)  Only one loan may be outstanding at any given time.
                                     - 32 - 
 (b) If a loan is not repaid in accordance with the terms contained in the
     promissory note and a default occurs, the Plan may execute upon its
     security interest in the Member's Accounts under the Plan to satisfy the
     debt; however, the Plan shall not levy against any portion of the Loan
     Fund attributable to amounts held in the Member's Deferred Account
     or Employer Account until such time as a distribution of the Deferred
     Account or Employer Account could otherwise be made under the

 (c) Any additional rules or restrictions as may be necessary to implement
     and administer the loan program shall be in writing and communicated
     to employees.  Such further documentation is hereby incorporated into
     the Plan by reference, and the Committee is hereby authorized to make
     such revisions to these rules as it deems necessary or appropriate, on
     the advice of counsel.

 (d) To the extent required by law and under such rules as the Committee
     shall adopt, loans shall also be made available on a reasonably
     equivalent basis to any Beneficiary or former Employee (i) who main-     
     tains an account balance under the Plan and (ii) who is still a
     party-in-interest (within the meaning of Section 3(14) of ERISA).
                                     - 33 - 

9.01 Eligibility
     Upon a Member's termination of employment the Vested Portion of his
     Accounts, as determined under Article 6, shall be distributed as
     provided in this Article.

9.02 Form of Distribution
     Distribution of the Vested Portion of a Member's Accounts shall be
     made to the Member (or to his Beneficiary, in the event of death) in a
     cash lump sum.

9.03 Date of Payment of Distribution
 (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, distribution of the Vested
     Portion of a Member's Accounts shall be made as soon as admin-    
     istratively practicable following the later of (i) the Member's
     termination of employment or (ii) the 65th anniversary of the
     Member's date of birth (but not more than 60 days after the close of
     the Plan Year in which the later of (i) or (ii) occurs).

 (b) In lieu of a distribution as described in paragraph (a) above, a Member
     may, in accordance with such procedures as the Committee shall
     prescribe, elect to have the distribution of the Vested Portion of his
     Accounts made as of any Valuation Date coincident with or following
     his termination of employment which is before or after the date
     described in paragraph (a) above, subject to the provisions of
     Section 9.04.

 (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b), if the value
     of the Vested Portion of the Member's Accounts amounts to $3,500 or
     less, a lump sum payment shall automatically be made as soon as
     administratively practicable following the Member's termination of

 (d) In the case of the death of a Member before the distribution of his
     Accounts, the Vested Portion of his Accounts shall be distributed to his
     Beneficiary as soon as administratively practicable following the
     Member's date of death.

9.04 Age 70 1/2 Required Distribution
 (a) In no event shall the provisions of this Article operate so as to allow
     the distribution of a Member's Accounts to begin later than the April 1
     following the calendar year in which he attains age 70 1/2, provided that
     such commencement in active service shall not be required with respect
     to a Member (i) who does not own more than five percent of the
     outstanding stock of the Employer (or stock possessing more than five
     percent of the total combined voting power of all stock of the
     Employer), and (ii) who attained age 70 1/2 prior to January 1, 1988.

 (b) In the event a Member is required to begin receiving payments while
     in service under the provisions of paragraph (a) above, the Member
     may elect to receive payments while in service in accordance with
     option (i) or (ii), as follows:
     (i)  A Member may receive one lump sum payment on or before
          the Member's required beginning date equal to his entire
          Account balance and annual lump sum payments thereafter of
          amounts accrued during each calendar year; or
                                     - 34 - 
     (ii) A Member may receive annual payments of the minimum
          amount necessary to satisfy the minimum distribution
          requirements of Section 401(a)(9) of the Code.  Such
          minimum amount will be determined on the basis of either a
          single or a joint life expectancy of the Member and his
          Beneficiary at the Member's election.  Such life expectancy
          will be recalculated once each year; however, the life
          expectancy of the Beneficiary will not be recalculated if the
          Beneficiary is not the Member  (i)  A Member may receive one lump
          sum payment on or before the Member's required beginning date
          equal to his entire Account balance and annual lump sum payments
          thereafter of amounts accrued during each calendar year; or
                                     - 34 - 
     (ii) A Member may receive annual payments of the minimum
          amount necessary to satisfy the minimum distribution
          requirements of Section 401(a)(9) of the Code.  Such
          minimum amount will be determined on the basis of either a
          single or a joint life expectancy of the Member and his
          Beneficiary at the Member's election.  Such life expectancy
          will be recalculated once each year; however, the life
          expectancy of the Beneficiary will not be recalculated if the
          Beneficiary is not the Member's spouse.  The amount of the
          withdrawal shall be allocated among the Investment Funds in
          proportion to the value of the Member's Accounts as of the
          date of each withdrawal.

     An election under this Section 9.04 shall be made by a Member by
     giving written notice to the Committee within the 90-day period prior
     to his required beginning date.  The commencement of payments under
     this Section 9.04 shall not constitute an Annuity Starting Date for
     purposes of Sections 72, 401(a)(11) and 417 of the Code.  Upon the
     Member's subsequent termination of employment, payment of the
     Member's Accounts shall be made in accordance with the provisions
     of Section 9.02.  In the event a Member fails to make an election under
     this Section 9.04, payment shall be made in accordance with clause (ii)

9.05 Status of Accounts Pending Distribution
     Until distributed under Section 9.03 or 9.04 the Accounts of a Member
     who is entitled to a distribution shall continue to be invested as part
     of the funds of the Plan and the Member shall retain investment transfer
     rights as described in Section 4.05 during the deferral period.

9.06 Proof of Death and Right of Beneficiary or Other Person
     The Committee may require and rely upon such proof of death and
     such evidence of the right of any Beneficiary or other person to receive
     the value of the Accounts of a deceased Member as the Committee may
     deem proper and its determination of the right of that Beneficiary or
     other person to receive payment shall be conclusive.

9.07 Distribution Limitation
     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article 9, all distributions
     from this Plan shall conform to the regulations issued under Section
     401(a)(9) of the Code, including the incidental death benefit provisions
     of Section 401(a)(9)(G) of the Code.  Further, such regulations shall
     override any Plan provision that is inconsistent with Section 401(a)(9)
     of the Code.

9.08 Direct Rollover of Certain Distributions
     This Section applies to distributions made on or after January 1, 1993. 
     Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary that would
     otherwise limit a distributee's election under this Section, a
     distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the
     Committee, to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution
     paid directly by the Plan to an eligible retirement plan specified by
     the distributee in a direct rollover.  The following definitions apply
     to the terms used in this Section:
                                     - 35 - 
    (a)  "Eligible rollover distribution" means any distribution of all
          or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee,
          except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include
          any distribution to the extent such distribution is required
          under Section 401(a)(9) of the Code, and the portion of any
          distribution that is not includible in gross income;
     (b)  "Eligible retirement plan" means an individual retirement
          account described in Section 408(a) of the Code, an individual
          retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Code, an
          annuity plan described in Section 403(a) of the Code, or a
          qualified trust described in Section 401(a) of the Code other
          than a defined benefit plan, that accepts the distributee's
          eligible rollover distribution.  However, in the case of an
          eligible rollover distribution to the surviving spouse, an
          eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account or
          individual retirement annuity;
     (c)  "Distributee" means an employee or former employee.  In
          addition, the employee's or former employee's surviving
          spouse and the employee's or former employee's spouse or
          former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified
          domestic relations order as defined in Section 414(p) of the
          Code, are distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse
          or former spouse; and
     (d)  "Direct rollover" means a payment by the Plan to the eligible
          retirement plan specified by the distributee.

     In the event that the provisions of this Section 9.08 or any part thereof
     cease to be required by law as a result of subsequent legislation or
     otherwise, this Section or any applicable part thereof shall be
     ineffective without the necessity of further amendment to the Plan.
                                     - 36 - 
                    ARTICLE 10.  ADMINISTRATION OF PLAN

10.01     Appointment of Administration Committee
     The general administration of the Plan and the responsibility for
     carrying out the provisions of the Plan shall be placed in an
     Administration Committee of not less than three persons appointed
     from time to time by the President of Curtiss-Wright Corporation or
     his designee to serve at the pleasure of such President or his designee. 
     Any person who is appointed a member of the Committee shall signify
     his acceptance by filing written acceptance with the President or his
     designee.  Any member of the Committee may resign by delivering his
     written resignation to the President or his designee.  Vacancies shall be
     filled by the President or his designee.

10.02     Duties of Committee
     The members of the Committee shall elect a chairman from their
     number and a secretary who may be but need not be one of the
     members of the Committee; may appoint from their number such
     subcommittees with such powers as they shall determine; may authorize
     one or more of their number or any agent to execute or deliver any
     instrument or make any payment on their behalf; and may retain
     counsel, employ agents and provide for such clerical, accounting, and
     consulting services as they may require in carrying out the provisions
     of the Plan.  Notwithstanding the foregoing powers of the Committee
     with respect to the administration of the Plan, the President of
     Curtiss-Wright Corporation or his designee shall have the sole power and
     responsibility to appoint the Trustee who shall direct the investment of
     the Trust Fund, or select the Insurer who shall issue the Group Annuity
     Contract hereunder, as the case may be.  Such Trustee shall manage all
     portions of the Trust Fund for investment and reinvestment in its sole
     discretion upon such terms and for such compensation as the Board and
     the Trustee may agree upon.  Such insurer shall comply with all
     provisions of the Group Annuity Contract for such compensation as the
     Board and Insurer may agree upon.  The agreed-upon compensation of
     the Trustee, the administrative expenses of the Trustee, its counsel
     fees, if any, or the agreed-upon charges of the Insurer under the Group
     Annuity Contract, as the case may be, shall be paid by the Fund.

10.03     Individual Accounts
     The Committee shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, records
     showing the interests in the Trust Fund or Group Annuity Contract, as
     the case may be, of all Members, former Members or Beneficiaries,
     and the individual balances in each Member's Accounts.  However,
     maintenance of those records and Accounts shall not require any
     segregation of the funds of the Plan.

10.04     Meetings
     The Committee shall hold meetings upon such notice, at such place or
     places, and at such time or times as it may from time to time

10.05     Action of Majority
     Any act which the Plan authorizes or requires the Committee to do
     must be done by a majority of its members.  The action of that
     majority expressed from time to time by a vote at a meeting or in
     writing without a meeting shall constitute the action of the Committee
     and shall have the same effect for all purposes as if assented to by all
     members of the Committee at the time in office.
                                     - 37 - 
10.06     Compensation and Bonding
     No member of the Committee shall receive any compensation from the
     Plan for his services as such.  Except as may otherwise be required by
     law, no bond or other security need be required of any member in that
     capacity in any jurisdiction.

10.07     Establishment of Rules
     Subject to the limitations of the Plan, the Committee from time to time
     shall establish rules for the administration of the Plan and the
     transaction of its business.  The Committee shall have discretionary
     authority to construe and interpret the Plan (including, but not limited
     to, determination of an individual's eligibility for Plan participa-
     tion, the right and amount of any benefit payable under the Plan and
     the date on which any individual ceases to be a Member).  The determin-
     ation of the Committee as to the interpretation of the Plan or any
     disputed question shall be conclusive and final to the extent permitted
     by applicable law.

10.08     Prudent Conduct
     The members of the Committee shall use that degree of care, skill,
     prudence and diligence that a prudent man acting in a like capacity and
     familiar with such matters would use in his conduct of a similar

10.09     Service in More Than One Fiduciary Capacity
     Any individual, entity or group of persons may serve in more than one
     fiduciary capacity with respect to the Plan and/or the funds of the Plan.

10.10     Limitation of Liability
     The Employer, the Board of Directors, the members of the Committee,
     and any officer, employee or agent of the Employer shall not incur any
     liability individually or on behalf of any other individuals or on
     behalf of the Employer for any act or failure to act, made in good faith in
     relation to the Plan or the funds of the Plan.  However, this limitation
     shall not act to relieve any such individual or the Employer from a
     responsibility or liability for any fiduciary responsibility, obligation or
     duty under Part 4, Title I of ERISA.

10.11     Indemnification
     The members of the Committee, the Board of Directors, and the officers,
     employees and agents of the Employer shall be indemnified
     against any and all liabilities arising by reason of any act, or failure
     act, in relation to the Plan or the funds of the Plan, including,
     without limitation, expenses reasonably incurred in the defense of any
     claim relating to the Plan or the funds of the Plan, and amounts paid
     in any compromise or settlement relating to the Plan or the funds of the
     Plan, except for actions or failures to act made in bad faith.  The
     foregoing indemnification shall be from the funds of the Plan to the
     extent of those funds and to the extent permitted under applicable law;
     otherwise from the assets of the Employer.
                                     - 38 - 
10.12     Appointment of Investment Manager
     The President of Curtiss-Wright Corporation or his designee may, in
     his discretion, appoint one or more investment managers (within the
     meaning of Section 3(38) of ERISA) to manage (including the power
     to acquire and dispose of) all or part of the assets of the Plan, as the
     President or his designee shall designate.  In that event authority over
     and responsibility for the management of the assets so designated shall
     be the sole responsibility of that investment manager.

10.13     Claims Review Procedure
 (a) Claims for benefits under the Plan shall be filed on forms supplied by
     the Committee with Curtiss-Wright Corporation's Benefits Department. 
     Written notice of the disposition of a claim shall be furnished the
     claimant within 60 days after the application therefor is filed.  In the
     event the claim is denied, the reasons for the denial shall be
     specifically set forth, pertinent provisions of the Plan shall be cited
     and, where appropriate, an explanation as to how the claimant can
     appeal the claim will be provided.

 (b) Any Employee, former Employee, or Beneficiary of either, who has
     been denied a benefit, shall be entitled to request a hearing before the
     Committee.  Such request, together with a written statement of the
     claimant's position, shall be filed with the Committee no later than 90
     days after receipt of the written notification provided for in paragraph
     (a) above.  The committee shall schedule an opportunity for a full and
     fair hearing of the issue within the next 60 days.  The decision
     following such hearing shall be made within 60 days and shall be
     communicated in writing to the claimant.  The decision of the
     Committee shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned.

10.14     Named Fiduciary
     For purposes of ERISA, Curtiss-Wright Corporation shall be the named
     fiduciary of the Plan and the Committee shall be the named
     administrator of the Plan.

                                     - 39 - 
                     ARTICLE 11.  MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS

11.01     Trust Agreement or Group Annuity Contract
     The property resulting from Employer contributions made on behalf of
     the Member shall either be held as a Trust Fund by a Trustee or
     Trustees selected by the Board, pursuant to a Trust Agreement entered
     into between the Trustee or Trustees and the Employer, or be held by
     an Insurer, selected by the Board, under the Group Annuity Contract
     entered into between the Insurer and Curtiss-Wright Corporation. 
     References in the Plan to Trustee or Insurer shall be deemed to be
     applicable with equal force to co-Trustees or co-Insurers or successor
     Trustees or successor Insurers who may be so selected.  The Board in
     its discretion may remove the Trustee or Trustees or successor Trustee
     or Trustees or Insurer or Insurers or successor Insurer or Insurers from
     time to time.

11.02     Exclusive Benefit Rule
     All assets of the Plan shall either comprise the Trust Fund and shall be
     held in trust for use in accordance with the Plan and the Trustee
     Agreement or be held under the Group Annuity Contract for use in
     accordance with the Plan and the Group Annuity Contract, as the case
     may be.  No person shall have any interest in, or right to, any part of
     the earnings of the funds of the Plan, or any right in, or to, any part
     of the assets held under the Plan, except as and to the extent expressly
     provided in the Plan.

11.03     Investment, Management and Control
     The Trustee or Insurer, as the case may be, shall invest, reinvest,
     manage, control and make disbursements from the Trust Fund or funds
     deposited with the Insurer pursuant to the Group Annuity Contract in
     accordance with the provisions of this Plan and the Trust Agreement
     or the Group Annuity Contract, as the case may be, referred to in
     Section 11.01.

11.04     Payment of Certain Expenses
     Brokerage fees, commissions, stock transfer taxes and other charges
     and expenses directly incurred in connection with the acquisition or
     disposition of property for or of the Trust Fund, or distributions
     therefrom, shall be paid from the Trust Fund.  Taxes, if any, payable
     by the Trustee on the assets at any time held in the Trust Fund or on
     the income thereof shall be paid from the Trust Fund.
                                     - 40 - 

12.01     Amendment of Plan
     The Employer, by action of its Board of Directors taken at a meeting
     held either in person or by telephone or other electronic means, or by
     unanimous written consent in lieu of a meeting, reserves the right at
     any time and from time to time, and retroactively if deemed necessary
     or appropriate, to amend in whole or in part any or all of the
     provisions of the Plan.  However, no amendment shall make it possible
     for any part of the funds of the Plan to be used for, or diverted to,
     purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of persons entitled to
     benefits under the Plan.  No amendment shall be made which has the
     effect of decreasing the balance of the Accounts of any Member or of
     reducing the nonforfeitable percentage of the balance of the Accounts
     of a Member below the nonforfeitable percentage computed under the
     Plan as in effect on the date on which the amendment is adopted or, if
     later, the date on which the amendment becomes effective.

12.02     Merger, Consolidation or Transfer
     The Plan may not be merged or consolidated with, and its assets or
     liabilities may not be transferred to, any other plan unless each person
     entitled to benefits under the Plan would, if the resulting plan were
     then terminated, receive a benefit immediately after the merger,
     consolidation, or transfer which is equal to or greater than the benefit
     he would have been entitled to receive immediately before the merger,
     consolidation, or transfer if the Plan had then terminated.

12.03     Additional Participating Employers
 (a) If any company is or becomes a subsidiary of or associated with an
     Employer, the Board of Directors may include the employees of that
     subsidiary or associated company in the membership of the Plan upon
     appropriate action by that company necessary to adopt the Plan.  In that
     event, or if any persons become Employees of an Employer as the
     result of merger or consolidation or as the result of acquisition of all
     or part of the assets or business of another company, the Board of
     Directors shall determine to what extent, if any, previous service with
     the subsidiary, associated or other company shall be recognized under
     the Plan, but subject to the continued qualification of the trust for
     the Plan as tax-exempt under the Code.

 (b) Any subsidiary or associated company may terminate its participation
     in the Plan upon appropriate action by it.  In that event the funds of
     the Plan held on account of Members in the employ of that company, and
     any unpaid balances of the Accounts of all Members who have
     separated from the employ of that company, shall be determined by the
     Committee.  Those funds shall be distributed as provided in Section
     12.04 if the Plan should be terminated, or shall be segregated by the
     Trustees as a separate trust, pursuant to certification to the Trustees
     by the Committee, continuing the Plan as a separate plan for the
     employees of that company under which the board of directors of that
     company shall succeed to all the powers and duties of the Board of
     Directors, including the appointment of the members of the Committee.
                                     - 41 - 
12.04     Termination of Plan
 (a) The Employer, by action of its Board of Directors, taken at a meeting
     described in Section 12.01 or by unanimous written consent, Board of
     Directors may terminate the Plan or completely discontinue
     contributions under the Plan for any reason at any time.  In case of
     termination or partial termination of the Plan, or complete
     discontinuance of Employer contributions to the Plan, the rights of
     affected Members to their Accounts under the Plan as of the date of the
     termination or discontinuance shall be nonforfeitable.  The total amount
     in each Member's Accounts shall be distributed, as the Committee shall
     direct, to him or for his benefit or continued in trust for his benefit.

 (b) Upon termination of the Plan, Deferred Cash Contributions, with
     earnings thereon, shall only be distributed to Members if (i) neither 
     the Employer nor an Affiliated Employer establishes or maintains a
     successor defined contribution plan, and (ii) payment is made to the
     Members in the form of a lump sum distribution (as defined in Section
     402(d)(4) of the Code, without regard to clauses (i) through (iv) of
     subparagraph (A), subparagraph (B), or subparagraph (F) thereof).  For
     purposes of this paragraph, a "successor defined contribution plan" is
     a defined contribution plan (other than an employee stock ownership
     plan as defined in Section 4975(e)(7) of the Code ("ESOP") or a
     simplified employee pension as defined in Section 408(k) of the Code
     ("SEP")) which exists at the time the Plan is terminated or within the
     12-month period beginning on the date all assets are distributed. 
     However, in no event shall a defined contribution plan be deemed a
     successor plan if fewer than two percent of the employees who are
     eligible to participate in the Plan at the time of its termination are
     or were eligible to participate under another defined contribution plan
     of the Employer or an Affiliated Employer (other than an ESOP or a SEP)
     at any time during the period beginning 12 months before and ending
     12 months after the date of the Plan's termination.

12.05     Distribution of Accounts Upon a Sale of Assets or a Sale of a
     Upon the disposition by the Employer of at least 85 percent of the
     assets (within the meaning of Section 409(d)(2) of the Code) used by
     the Employer in a trade or business or upon the disposition by the
     Employer of its interest in a subsidiary (within the meaning of Section
     409(d)(3) of the Code), Deferred Cash Contributions, with earnings
     thereon, may be distributed to those Members who continue in
     employment with the employer acquiring such assets or with the sold
     subsidiary, provided that (a) the Employer maintains the Plan after the
     disposition, (b) the buyer does not adopt the Plan or otherwise become
     a participating employer in the Plan and does not accept any transfer
     of assets or liabilities from the Plan to a plan it maintains in a
     transaction subject to Section 414(l)(1) of the Code, and (c) payment
     is made to the Member in the form of a lump sum distribution (as
     defined in Section 402(d)(4) of the Code, without regard to clauses (i)
     through (iv) of subparagraph (A), subparagraph (B), or subparagraph
     (F) thereof).
                                     - 42 - 
                      ARTICLE 13.  GENERAL PROVISIONS

13.01     Nonalienation
     Except as required by any applicable law, no benefit under the Plan
     shall in any manner be anticipated, assigned or alienated, and any
     attempt to do so shall be void.  However, payment shall be made in
     accordance with the provisions of any judgment, decree, or order
     (a)  creates for, or assigns to, a spouse, former spouse, child or
          other dependent of a Member the right to receive all or a
          portion of the Member's benefits under the Plan for the
          purpose of providing child support, alimony payments or
          marital property rights to that spouse, child or dependent,
     (b)  is made pursuant to a State domestic relations law, 
     (c)  does not require the Plan to provide any type of benefit, or
          any option, not otherwise provided under the Plan, and
     (d)  otherwise meets the requirements of Section 206(d) of ERISA,
          as amended, as a "qualified domestic relations order", as
          determined by the Committee.

     Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if the amount payable
     to the alternate payee under the qualified domestic relations order is
     less than $3,500 such amount shall be paid in one lump sum as soon
     as practicable following the qualification of the order.  If the amount
     exceeds $3,500, it may be paid as soon as practicable following the
     qualification of the order if the alternate payee consents thereto;
     otherwise it may not be payable before the earliest of (i) the Member's
     termination of employment, (ii) the time such amount could be
     withdrawn under Article 7 or (iii) the Member's attainment of age 50.

13.02     Conditions of Employment Not Affected by Plan
     The establishment of the Plan shall not confer any legal rights upon any
     Employee or other person for a continuation of employment, nor shall
     it interfere with the rights of the Employer to discharge any Employee
     and to treat him without regard to the effect which that treatment might
     have upon him as a Member or potential Member of the Plan.

13.03     Facility of Payment
     If the Committee shall find that a Member or other person entitled to
     a benefit is unable to care for his affairs because of illness or
     accident or is a minor, the Committee may direct that any benefit due
     him, unless claim shall have been made for the benefit by a duly
     appointed legal representative, be paid to his spouse, a child, a
     parent or other blood relative, or to a person with whom he resides.
     Any payment so made shall be a complete discharge of the liabilities of
     the Plan for that benefit.

13.04     Information
     Each Member, Beneficiary or other person entitled to a benefit, before
     any benefit shall be payable to him or on his account under the Plan,
     shall file with the Committee the information that it shall require to
     establish his rights and benefits under the Plan.
                                     - 43 - 
13.05     Top-Heavy Provisions
 (a) The following definitions apply to the terms used in this Section:
     (i)   "applicable determination date" means the last day of the later
           of the first Plan Year or the preceding Plan Year;
     (ii)  "top-heavy ratio" means the ratio of (A) the value of the
           aggregate of the Accounts under the Plan for key employees
           to (B) the value of the aggregate of the Accounts under the
           Plan for all key employees and non-key employees;
     (iii) "key employee" means an employee who is in a category of
           employees determined in accordance with the provisions of
           Sections 416(i)(1) and (5) of the Code and any regulations
           thereunder, and where applicable, on the basis of the
           Employee's Statutory Compensation from the Employer or an
           Affiliated Employer;
     (iv)  "non-key employee" means any Employee who is not a key
     (v)   "applicable Valuation Date" means the Valuation Date
           coincident with or immediately preceding the last day of the
           first Plan Year or the preceding Plan Year, whichever is
     (vi)  "required aggregation group" means any other qualified
           plan(s) of the Employer or an Affiliated Employer in which
           there are members who are key employees or which enable(s)
           the Plan to meet the requirements of Section 401(a)(4) or 410
           of the Code; and
     (vii) "permissive aggregation group" means each plan in the
           required aggregation group and any other qualified plan(s) of
           the Employer or an Affiliated Employer in which all members
           are non-key employees, if the resulting aggregation group
           continues to meet the requirements of Sections 401(a)(4) and
           410 of the Code.

 (b) For purposes of this Section, the Plan shall be "top-heavy" with respect
     to any Plan Year if as of the applicable determination date the top-
     heavy ratio exceeds 60 percent.  The top-heavy ratio shall be
     determined as of the applicable Valuation Date in accordance with
     Sections 416(g)(3) and (4) of the Code and Article 5 of this Plan.  For
     purposes of determining whether the Plan is top-heavy, the account
     balances under the Plan will be combined with the account balances or
     the present value of accrued benefits under each other plan in the
     required aggregation group and, in the Employer's discretion, may be
     combined with the account balances or the present value of accrued
     benefits under any other qualified plan in the permissive aggregation
     group.  Distributions made with respect to a Member under the Plan
     during the five-year period ending on the applicable determination date
     shall be taken into account for purposes of determining the top-heavy
     ratio; distributions under plans that terminated within such five-year
     period shall also be taken into account, if any such plan contained key
     employees and therefore would have been part of the required
     aggregation group.

 (c) The following provisions shall be applicable to Members for any Plan
     Year with respect to which the Plan is top-heavy:
     (i)  In lieu of the vesting requirements specified in Section 6.02,
          a Member shall be vested in, and have a nonforfeitable right
          to, his Employer Account upon the completion of three years
          of Vesting Service, provided that in no event shall the Vested
          Portion of a Member's Employer Account be less than the
          percentage determined under Section 6.02.
                                     - 44 - 
     (ii) An additional Employer contribution shall be allocated on
          behalf of each Member (and each Employee eligible to
          become a Member) who is a non-key employee, and who has
          not separated from service as of the last day of the Plan Year,
          to the extent that the contributions made on his behalf under
          Section 3.03 for the Plan Year (and not needed to  meet the
          contribution percentage test set forth in Section 3.08) would
          otherwise be less than 3% of his remuneration.  However, if
          the greatest percentage of remuneration contributed on behalf
          of a key employee under Sections 3.01 and 3.03 for the Plan
          Year would be less than 3%, that lesser percentage shall be
          substituted for "3%" in the preceding sentence.  Notwithstand-        
          ing the foregoing provisions of this subparagraph (ii), no
          minimum contribution shall be made under this Plan with
          respect to a Member (or an Employee eligible to become a
          Member) if the required minimum benefit under Section
          416(c)(1) of the Code is provided to him by any other
          qualified pension plan of the Employer or an Affiliated
          Employer.  For the purposes of this subparagraph (ii),
          remuneration has the same meaning as set forth in Section

 (d) If the Plan is top-heavy with respect to a Plan Year and ceases to be
     top-heavy for a subsequent Plan Year, a Member who has completed
     three years of Vesting Service on or before the last day of the most
     recent Plan Year for which the Plan was top-heavy shall continue to be
     vested in and have a nonforfeitable right to his Employer Account.

13.06     Written Elections
     Any elections, notifications or designations made by a Member
     pursuant to the provisions of the Plan shall be made in writing and
     filed with the Committee in a time and manner determined by the
     Committee under rules uniformly applicable to all employees similarly
     situated. The Committee reserves the right to change from time to time
     the time and manner for making notifications, elections or designations
     by Members under the Plan if it determines after due deliberation that
     such action is justified in that it improves the administration of the
     Plan.  In the event of a conflict between the provisions for making an
     election, notification or designation set forth in the Plan and such new
     administrative procedures, those new administrative procedures shall

13.07     Construction
 (a) The Plan shall be construed, regulated and administered under ERISA
     and the laws of the State of New Jersey, except where ERISA controls.

 (b) The masculine pronoun shall mean the feminine wherever appropriate.

 (c) The titles and headings of the Articles and Sections in this Plan are
     for convenience only.  In the case of ambiguity or inconsistency, the
     text rather than the titles or headings shall control.

                                     - 45 -