THIS  ESCROW  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement"),  is made as of July 30, 2004 by and
among AALBERTS INDUSTRIES U.S. HOLDING CORP., a Delaware corporation ("Parent"),
ELKHART PRODUCTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ("U.S. Purchaser"), ELKHART
PRODUCTS LTD., a Canada corporation  ("Canadian Purchaser" and collectively with
Parent and U.S. Purchaser, "Purchasers"), AMCAST INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, an Ohio
corporation  ("Amcast"),  ELKHART PRODUCTS  CORPORATION,  an Indiana corporation
("Elkhart"),  and AMCAST INDUSTRIAL LIMITED, a Canada corporation  (collectively
with Amcast and  Elkhart,  "Sellers"),  and Wells Fargo Bank,  N.A., a financial
institution located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, as escrow agent ("Escrow Agent").


     A.  WHEREAS,  Sellers and  Purchasers  have entered into an Asset  Purchase
Agreement dated as of July 8, 2004 (the "Purchase Agreement").

     B.  WHEREAS,  the  execution  of  this  Agreement  is a  condition  to  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement.

     C.  WHEREAS,  capitalized  terms used in this  Agreement  and not otherwise
defined  shall  have  the  respective  meanings  given  to them in the  Purchase

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  and in  consideration  of the  mutual  promises  and
covenants  herein contained and for other good and valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and adequacy of which hereby are acknowledged,  the parties hereto agree
as follows:

     1. Establishment of Escrow Fund.  Simultaneously with the execution of this
Agreement, Purchasers shall deliver Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars (US $700,000)
(the "Escrow  Payment")  by wire  transfer to the Escrow  Agent,  and the Escrow
Agent shall acknowledge  receipt of such amount. The Escrow Agent agrees to hold
and disburse the Escrow Payment and any interest,  dividends,  distributions  or
other  income or capital  appreciation  received  on or from the Escrow  Payment
("Interest"  and,  together  with the  Escrow  Payment,  the  "Escrow  Fund") in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

     2. Investment of Escrow Fund; Accounting.

     (a)  Investments.  The Escrow  Agent shall invest all of the Escrow Fund in
such  investments  as may be  designated to the Escrow Agent by both a Purchaser
and a Seller in writing from time to time and, if no  designation is provided by
both a Purchaser and a Seller, then in one or more money-market accounts.

     (b) Monthly  Accounting.  Upon  written  request of both a Purchaser  and a
Seller,  the  Escrow  Agent  shall  deliver  to each of the  parties,  a monthly
accounting  in  writing of the  property  constituting  the Escrow  Fund and all
distributions  (including  payments  in respect of the Escrow  Agent's  fees and
expenses) from the Escrow Fund during such month.


     3. Disbursements.

     (a) Disbursement Upon Joint Instructions.  The Escrow Fund shall be used to
pay the  premium for a  representations  and  warranty  policy to be obtained by
Purchasers  on terms no less  favorable  to the insured  parties  than the terms
proposed  by AIG in  its  indication  of  interest  dated  June  21,  2004  (the
"Indemnification  Insurance"). If the Indemnification Insurance policy is issued
within six months  after the  Closing,  the Escrow Fund shall be used to pay the
premium  for the  Indemnification  Insurance.  If the  premium  is less than the
Escrow Fund, then the balance of the Escrow Fund shall be promptly  disbursed to
Sellers;  if the premium is more than the Escrow Fund,  then the excess shall be
paid by Purchasers. Purchasers and Sellers covenant and agree to give the Escrow
Agent  joint  instructions  to  disburse  the  Escrow  Fund as set forth in this
Section  promptly after  Purchasers have provided  Sellers with proof reasonably
acceptable to Sellers that Purchasers have purchased  Indemnification  Insurance
consistent  with the  requirements  of this  Section.  Notwithstanding  anything
herein to the  contrary,  upon  receipt  by the  Escrow  Agent of joint  written
instructions  signed by both a  Purchaser  and a Seller to  disburse  all or any
amount of the Escrow Fund, the Escrow Agent shall disburse the Escrow Fund as so
instructed; provided, however, that the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to retain
any fees and  expenses  payable to the Escrow  Agent as provided  for in Section

     (b)  Termination  of  the  Escrow  Fund.  On the  first  occur  of (i)  the
distribution of all of the Escrow Fund pursuant to Section 3(a) or (ii) the date
that is six months after the Closing (the "Termination  Date"), the Escrow Agent
shall disburse to Amcast on behalf of all Sellers the balance of the Escrow Fund
after any distributions made pursuant to Section 3(a); provided,  however,  that
the Escrow  Agent shall be entitled to retain any fees and  expenses  payable to
the Escrow Agent as provided for in Section 5(c);  provided,  further,  however,
that if Purchasers  have  provided  Sellers and the Escrow Agent with proof that
the Purchasers  have purchased  Indemnification  Insurance  consistent  with the
requirements  of Section  3(a) and Sellers  have not given the Escrow  Agent the
instructions  to disburse the Escrow Fund in accordance with Section 3(a), or if
Sellers dispute any  disbursement  made by the Escrow Agent to pay a premium for
any  insurance   purporting  to  be  consistent  with  Section  3(a),  then  the
Termination  Date shall be  extended  until such time as the joint  instructions
described in Section 3(a) have been given to the Escrow Agent or the dispute has
been resolved.

     4. Resolution of Disputes.

     (a)  Disputes.  Any dispute  that may arise under this  Agreement  shall be
settled as promptly as practicable  either by mutual agreement of Purchasers and
Sellers  (evidenced by joint instructions to the Escrow Agent) or as provided in
Section 15.

     (b) No Duty of Escrow  Agent.  The Escrow  Agent  shall be under no duty to
institute or defend any proceedings brought under this Agreement and none of the
costs and expenses of any such  proceedings  shall be borne by the Escrow Agent.
Prior to the settlement of any dispute as provided in this Agreement, the Escrow
Agent is authorized and directed to retain such portion of the Escrow Fund which
is the subject of or involved in the dispute.


     5. Rights and Duties of Escrow Agent.

     (a) Limited  Duties.  Escrow  Agent shall not be under any duty to give the
Escrow Fund held by it  hereunder  any greater  degree of care than it gives its
own  similar  property  and  shall not be  required  to  invest  any funds  held
hereunder  except as directed in this Agreement.  The Escrow Agent undertakes to
perform  only such  duties as are  expressly  set forth in this  Agreement.  The
Escrow  Agent  shall  not be  bound  by  any  waiver,  modification,  amendment,
termination,  cancellation  or  revision  of this  Agreement,  unless any of the
foregoing is in writing and signed by the other parties to this Agreement,  and,
if the Escrow  Agent's  duties are affected,  unless the Escrow Agent shall have
given its prior written consent thereto.  The Escrow Agent shall not be bound by
any  assignment by  Purchasers  or Sellers of their rights under this  Agreement
unless the Escrow  Agent shall have  received  written  notice  thereof from the
assignor.  The Escrow Agent shall perform any acts required under the resolution
procedures  described  in  Section  15  or  ordered  by  a  court  of  competent
jurisdiction. This Agreement expressly sets forth all the duties of Escrow Agent
with  respect to any and all  matters  pertinent  hereto.  No implied  duties or
obligations shall be read into this Agreement against Escrow Agent. Escrow Agent
shall not be bound by the  provisions of any  agreement  among the other parties
except this Agreement,  and Escrow Agent is specifically not a party to or bound
by the Purchase Agreement.

     (b) No  Representation.  The Escrow Agent makes no representation as to the
validity, value, genuineness or the collectability of any document or instrument
held by or delivered to the Escrow Agent.

     (c) Fees.  The Escrow Agent  agrees to serve as Escrow Agent in  accordance
with the fee schedule  attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. The Escrow Agent
shall  also be  entitled  to  reimbursement  of its  reasonable  fees and  other
expenses  (including  reasonable legal fees and expenses) incurred by the Escrow
Agent in connection with extraordinary  services required  hereunder  (including
any  interpleader  action  pursuant  to Section  5(g)) or on account of disputes
among and between  Purchasers and Sellers.  All fees and expenses payable to the
Escrow Agent under this Section 5(c) shall be paid from the Escrow Fund,  and if
the Escrow Fund is not  sufficient to pay such fees and  expenses,  the fees and
expenses  shall be paid  one-half by  Purchasers,  on one hand,  and one-half by
Sellers, on the other hand.

     (d) Indemnification.  Purchasers and Sellers agree to jointly and severally
indemnify  the Escrow  Agent for, and to hold it harmless  against,  any and all
claims, suits, actions, proceedings,  investigations,  judgments,  deficiencies,
damages, settlements,  liabilities and expenses (including reasonable legal fees
and expenses of attorneys  chosen by the Escrow  Agent)  ("Losses")  as and when
incurred, arising out of or based upon any act, omission, alleged act or alleged
omission by the Escrow Agent or any other cause,  in any case in connection with
the acceptance of, or performance or  non-performance by the Escrow Agent of any
of the Escrow  Agent's  duties under this  Agreement,  except as a result of the
Escrow  Agent's  willful  misconduct  or gross  negligence.  The Escrow Agent is
hereby  granted a lien on the  Escrow  Fund to secure the  foregoing  indemnity.
Purchasers  and  Sellers  agree that  one-half  of all  Losses  shall be paid by
Purchasers, on one hand, and one-half of any Losses shall be paid by Sellers, on
the other hand.


     (e) Investments.  Purchasers and Sellers understand that investments in the
Escrow Fund are not necessarily  insured by the United States  government or any
agency or  instrumentality  thereof or of any state or municipality.  The Escrow
Agent shall not be liable for any  depreciation  in the value of the Escrow Fund
invested in accordance with this Agreement.

     (f) Limited  Liability.  The Escrow  Agent acts  hereunder  as a depository
only,  and except in cases of the Escrow  Agent's  willful  misconduct  or gross
negligence,  the Escrow Agent shall be protected by acting in reliance  upon any
certificate,  statement, request, notice, advice, direction, or other agreement,
instrument or signature believed by the Escrow Agent to be genuine,  by assuming
that any  person  or  entity  purporting  to give the  Escrow  Agent  any of the
foregoing in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement,  or in connection
with either this Agreement or the Escrow Agent's duties hereunder, has been duly
authorized  to do so,  or by  acting  in good  faith on the  advice  of  counsel
retained  by the  Escrow  Agent.  The Escrow  Agent  shall not be liable for any
mistake  of fact or law or any error of  judgment,  or for any act or  omission,
except as a result of its willful  misconduct or gross negligence.  In the event
that the Escrow Agent shall be  uncertain as to its duties or rights  hereunder,
or shall receive any certificate,  statement, request, notice, advice, direction
or other agreement or instrument from any other party with respect to the Escrow
Fund  which,  in the  Escrow  Agent's  opinion  is in  conflict  with any of the
provisions of this  Agreement,  or shall be advised that dispute has arisen with
respect to the payment,  ownership or right of  possession of the Escrow Fund or
any  part  thereof  (or as to  the  delivery,  non-delivery  or  content  of any
certificate, statement, request, notice, advice, direction or other agreement or
instrument), the Escrow Agent shall be entitled, without liability to any person
or entity,  to refrain from taking any action other than to use its best efforts
to keep  safely  the  Escrow  Fund  until the  Escrow  Agent  shall be  directed
otherwise in accordance with this Agreement.  The Escrow Agent shall be under no
duty to institute or defend any proceeding.

     (g) Interpleader. Purchasers and Sellers authorize the Escrow Agent, if the
Escrow  Agent is  threatened  with  litigation  or is sued,  to  interplead  all
interested  parties in any court of  competent  jurisdiction  and to deposit the
Escrow Fund with the clerk of that court.

     (h)  Advice of  Counsel.  Escrow  Agent may act  pursuant  to the advice or
opinion of counsel with  respect to any matter  relating to this  Agreement  and
shall not be liable  for any  action  taken or  omitted  by it in good  faith in
accordance with such advice or opinion.

     (i) No Investment  Advice.  Escrow Agent shall not be called upon to advise
any party as to the wisdom in selling,  retaining, taking or refraining from any
action with respect to any securities or other property deposited hereunder.

     6. Resignation; Successor Escrow Agent.

     (a)  Resignation.  The Escrow Agent may resign and be  discharged  from its
duties or  obligations  under this  Agreement at any time by giving no less than
fifteen (15) business days notice of such  resignation to Purchasers and Sellers
specifying  the date  when  such  resignation  shall  take  effect.  After  such
resignation,  the  Escrow  Agent  shall have no  further  obligation  under this
Agreement  except to hold the Escrow Fund as  depository,  and the Escrow  Agent
shall  refrain  from  taking any action  until it shall  receive  joint  written
instructions  from  both  a  Purchaser  and  a  Seller   designating  a  banking
corporation,  trust  company,  attorney or other  person or entity as  successor
Escrow Agent.  Upon receipt of such joint  instructions  and the Acceptance,  as
defined in Section 6(d), the Escrow Agent shall promptly deliver the Escrow Fund
to such  successor  Escrow Agent and render the  accounting  required by Section
6(c) and shall thereafter have no further obligations hereunder.


     (b)  Termination.  Purchasers  and Sellers  acting  together shall have the
right  to  terminate  the  appointment  of the  Escrow  Agent  by  giving  joint
instructions of such  termination to the Escrow Agent,  specifying the date upon
which such termination shall take effect.  After  termination,  the Escrow Agent
shall hold the Escrow Fund as a depository  pending transfer to a successor.  In
the event of such  termination,  Purchasers  and  Sellers  agree  that they will
jointly  appoint a successor  Escrow Agent within  fifteen (15) business days of
giving  such  notice and the  Escrow  Agent  agrees  that it shall turn over and
deliver to such  successor  Escrow  Agent all of the  Escrow  Fund and any other
amounts held by it pursuant to this Agreement and render the accounting required
by Section 6(c) and shall thereafter have no further obligations hereunder. Upon
receipt of the funds and other  amounts and  execution  of the  Acceptance,  the
successor Escrow Agent shall thereupon be bound by all of the provisions of this

     (c)  Accounting.  In the event of the  resignation or removal of the Escrow
Agent or upon the termination of the appointment of the Escrow Agent pursuant to
Section 6(b), the Escrow Agent shall render to Purchasers and Sellers and to the
successor  Escrow  Agent,  if any,  an  accounting  in writing  of the  property
constituting the Escrow Fund and all distributions therefrom.

     (d)  Successor.  If at any time the Escrow  Agent  shall give notice of its
resignation pursuant to Section 6(a), shall be removed pursuant to Section 6(b),
or shall be dissolved or otherwise become  incapable of acting,  or the position
of the Escrow Agent shall become  vacant for any other  reason,  Purchasers  and
Sellers shall promptly mutually appoint a successor Escrow Agent. Promptly after
such appointment,  the predecessor Escrow Agent shall deliver the Escrow Fund to
such successor  Escrow Agent and render the accounting  required by Section 6(c)
and shall  thereafter have no further  obligations  under this  Agreement.  If a
successor Escrow Agent has not been appointed within sixty (60) days of the date
of any such resignation, removal, dissolution, incapacity or vacancy, the Escrow
Agent  may  deposit  the  Escrow  Fund  with the  clerk of a court of  competent
jurisdiction and may interplead all of the parties or may petition such court to
appoint a successor Escrow Agent.  Upon so depositing the Escrow Fund and filing
its pleading, this Agreement shall terminate as to the Escrow Agent.

     7.Ownership for Tax Purposes.  For purposes of this Agreement,  the parties
agree to adopt for federal and state  income tax  purposes  Proposed  Regulation
1.468B-8   promulgated  under  the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  Pursuant  to  this
provision,  all  interest  accruing on the Escrow Fund prior to the  Termination
Date shall be allocated to Amcast.  The Escrow Agent shall deliver Amcast a Form
1099 each year with respect to the interest.  Amcast hereby  certifies  that its
correct federal taxpayer  identification  number is 31-0258080 and shall provide
such other certification as Escrow Agent may require.


     8.  Entire  Agreement.   This  Agreement   supersedes  any  and  all  other
agreements,  oral or  written,  among the  parties  hereto  with  respect to the
subject matter hereof,  and contains the entire agreement among the parties with
respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.

     9. Amendments;  Waiver. This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded
or canceled and any of its provisions may be waived only by a written instrument
executed by all of the  parties or, in the case of a waiver,  by or on behalf of
the party  waiving  compliance.  The failure of any party at any time to require
performance  of any  provision of this  Agreement  shall in no manner affect the
right  of  that  party  at a later  time  to  enforce  the  same or a  different
provision.  No  waiver  by any party of any  condition  or of any  breach of any
provision of this Agreement, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be
or construed as a further or continuing  waiver of any such  condition or of any
breach of the same or a different provision.

     10. Successors;  Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their  respective  successors  and
permitted  transferees  and  assignees.  Neither this Agreement nor any interest
herein may directly or indirectly be  transferred  or assigned by any party,  in
whole or in part, without the written consent of the other parties,  except that
Purchasers  may  effect  any  such  assignment  to any  Affiliate,  but any such
assignment  shall  not  relieve  Purchasers  of  their  duties  and  obligations
contained in this Agreement.

     11. Notices. Any notice, request, demand or other communication to be given
pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement  must be in writing and shall be deemed
to have been duly  given on the day it is  delivered  by hand,  on the day it is
sent by facsimile with  confirmation  of receipt by the  transmitting  facsimile
machine,  on the next  business day after it is sent by a nationally  recognized
overnight mail service  (delivery charge prepaid),  or on the third business day
after it is mailed first class,  postage prepaid,  in each case to the following

If to Sellers:                            Amcast Industrial Corporation
                                          7887 Washington Village Drive
                                          Dayton, Ohio  45499-3959
                                          Attention:  Joseph R. Grewe, President
                                          and Chief Executive Officer
                                          Facsimile:  937-291-7007

with copies to:                           Barnes & Thornburg LLP
                                          601 Campau Square Plaza
                                          99 Monroe Ave., NW
                                          Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
                                          Attention: R. Paul Guerre, Esq.
                                          Facsimile: 616-742-3999


If to Purchasers:                         Aalberts Industries N.V.
                                          Sandenburgerlaan 4
                                          3947 CS Langbroek
                                          Attention: Berend P. Bolkenstein
                                          Facsimile: 011-31-343-565-081

with copies to:                           Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
                                          2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 2800
                                          Dallas, Texas  75201
                                          Attention: Harva R. Dockery, Esq.
                                          Facsimile: 214-855-8200
If to Escrow Agent:                       Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
                                          116 E. Wayne St.
                                          N 8622-033

                                          Ft. Wayne, Indiana
                                          46802 Attention:
                                          Roberta A. Jensen
                                          Facsimile: (260)

or to such other  address or to such other  person as any party  shall have last
designated  by written  notice  provided to the other  parties in the manner set
forth in this Section.

     12.  Severability.  If any provision of this  Agreement or any  application
thereof shall be invalid or  unenforceable,  the remainder of this Agreement and
any other application of such provision shall not be affected thereby.

     13. No Third Party  Beneficiary.  This Agreement is for the benefit of, and
may be enforced only by, the parties hereto and their respective  successors and
permitted transferees and assignees,  and is not for the benefit of, and may not
be enforced by, any third party.

     14.  Applicable  Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and
enforced in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York without regard to
conflict of law principles.

     15. Arbitration.

     (a) The parties  agree that any and all disputes,  claims or  controversies
arising  out of or  relating  to  this  Agreement  or the  breach,  termination,
enforcement,  interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of
the scope or applicability of this agreement to mediate and arbitrate,  shall be
mediated  before a mediator  agreeable to both parties or, if they cannot agree,
then before  JAMS,  or its  successor.  The  mediation  shall be  conducted at a
mutually agreeable location or, if they cannot agree, then at the JAMS office in
Elkhart,  Indiana.  Any party may  commence  mediation by providing to the other
parties a written  request  for  mediation,  setting  forth the  subject  of the
dispute and the relief  requested.  The parties shall cooperate with one another
in selecting a mediator and in scheduling the mediation proceedings. The parties
covenant that they shall  participate  in the mediation in good faith,  and that
they shall  share  equally in its  costs.  All  offers,  promises,  conduct  and
statements,  whether oral or written, made in the course of the mediation by any
of the  parties  or  their  Representatives,  and by the  mediator  or any  JAMS
employees,  are  confidential,  privileged  and  inadmissible  for any  purpose,
including impeachment, in any arbitration or other Action involving the parties,
provided that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be
rendered  inadmissible  or  non-discoverable  as a  result  of  its  use  in the


     (b)  Any  party  may  initiate  arbitration  with  respect  to the  matters
submitted to mediation by filing a written  demand for  arbitration  at any time
following the initial  mediation session or 45 days after the date of filing the
written  request for  mediation,  whichever  occurs  first.  The  mediation  may
continue after the commencement of arbitration if the parties so desire.  Unless
otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediator shall be disqualified from serving
as arbitrator in the case. Arbitration may be enforced by any court of competent
jurisdiction, and the party seeking enforcement shall be entitled to an award of
all costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, to be paid by
the party or parties against whom enforcement is ordered.

     (c) Any arbitration shall be conducted at a mutually agreeable location or,
if the parties  cannot agree,  in Elkhart,  Indiana.  The  arbitration  shall be
before a sole  arbitrator  mutually  selected  by the parties or, if they cannot
agree,  then  before a retired  judge to be  selected  by JAMS  pursuant  to its
Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures,  who shall thereafter administer
the  arbitration,  provided  however that JAMS shall  identify the preceding ten
(10)  arbitrations  conducted  by each  arbitrator  candidate  and  the  lawyers
involved in the arbitration.  The arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the
foregoing rules except as set forth herein.  The parties to the dispute shall be
permitted  to  conduct  pre-hearing  discovery  in the form of  depositions  and
document production requests subject to the control of the arbitrator. The award
of the arbitrator shall be a reasoned award specifying all essential findings of
fact and  conclusions  of law  necessary  to support the award.  Judgment on the
award may be entered in any court  having  jurisdiction.  In any  proceeding  to
confirm the award,  the court also shall have  jurisdiction  to review the award
for errors of law.

     (d) The cost of the  arbitration  shall  initially be borne  equally by the
parties.  In the  award  the  arbitrator  shall  allocate,  consistent  with the
indemnification   provisions  of  this  Agreement,  all  of  the  costs  of  the
arbitration  (and  the  mediation,  if  applicable),  including  the fees of the
arbitrator and the reasonable  attorneys' fees of the prevailing party,  against
the party or parties who did not prevail.

     16.   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
counterparts and by the parties on separate counterparts,  all of which shall be
considered  one and the same  instrument,  and each of which  shall be deemed an
original. Each of the parties hereto (i) has agreed to permit the use, from time
to time, of faxed or otherwise electronically transmitted signatures in order to
expedite the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby, (ii) intends
to be bound by its  respective  faxed or  otherwise  electronically  transmitted
signature,  (iii) is aware that the other parties hereto shall rely on the faxed
or otherwise  electronically  transmitted signature,  and (iv) acknowledges such
reliance and waives any defenses to the  enforcement of the documents  effecting
the  transaction  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  based  on the  fact  that a
signature was sent by fax or otherwise electronically transmitted.


     17. Headings;  Construction. The headings of the sections and paragraphs in
this  Agreement  have been inserted for  convenience of reference only and shall
not  restrict  or  otherwise  modify  any of the  terms  or  provisions  of this
Agreement.  Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided,  the  words  "including"  or
"includes"  whenever used in this Agreement do not limit the preceding  words or
terms.  With  regard to all dates and time  periods  set forth or referred to in
this Agreement, time is of the essence.

     18. Consent to Service of Process and Jurisdiction. The parties agree that,
in the event it becomes necessary for any party to enforce any provision of this
Agreement  or any  arbitration  award  obtained  pursuant  to Section 15 of this
Agreement by legal action,  the parties  hereby consent that suit may be brought
hereunder in any court of appropriate  jurisdiction in Elkhart County,  Indiana,
U.S.A.,  or in the United  States  District  Court for the Northern  District of
Indiana,  regardless  of the  state,  county or  country  in which any party may
reside or have such parties  domicile  (corporate or  individual) at the time of
any such  action.  The parties  consent to service of process and other  notices
given or required in any  proceedings  submitted to  arbitration by either party
pursuant to the provisions of Section by personal delivery or by registered mail
addressed to such party at the  addresses  set out in Section 10.  However,  any
party may serve legal process in any other manner  permitted by Law or the rules
of the American Arbitration Association.

                     [Signature Page immediately following]


     The parties  hereto have caused this Escrow  Agreement to be fully executed
as of the date first set forth above.

                                               ELKHART PRODUCTS CORPORATION
                                               (a Delaware corporation)

                                               By:  ____________________________

                                                   Its:  _______________________

                                               ELKHART PRODUCTS LTD.
                                               (a Canada corporation)

                                               By:  ____________________________

                                                   Its:  _______________________

                                               AMCAST INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION
                                               (an Ohio corporation)

                                               By:  ____________________________
                                                   Joseph R. Grewe, President

                                               ELKHART PRODUCTS CORPORATION
                                               (an Indiana corporation)

                                               By:  ____________________________
                                                   Joseph R. Grewe, President

                                               AMCAST INDUSTRIAL LIMITED
                                               (a Canada corporation)

                                               By:  ____________________________
                                                   Joseph R. Grewe, President

                                               Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

                                               By:  ____________________________

                                                   Its:  _______________________


                                    Exhibit A
                                Escrow Agent Fees

Acceptance Fee:                                     $500.00 per Escrow Agreement

Initial Fees as they relate to Wells Fargo Bank acting in the capacity of Escrow
Agent - includes creation and examination of the Escrow Agreement; acceptance of
the Escrow appointment;  setting up of Escrow Account(s) and accounting records;
coordination of receipt of funds for deposit to the Escrow  Account(s);  and due
diligence performed on all parities to the agreement.

Acceptance Fee payable at time of Escrow Agreement execution.

Annual Administration Fee:                        $2,000.00 Per Escrow Agreement
- -------------------------
For ordinary  administration  services by Escrow Agent - includes  daily routine
account  management;   investment  transactions;   cash  transaction  processing
(including wires and check processing); monitoring claim notices pursuant to the
agreement;  disbursement  of the funds in  accordance  with the  agreement;  and
mailing of trust account statements to all applicable parties.  Tax reporting is
included for up to One (1) entity.

Payable  in  advance,  with the  first  installment  due at the  time of  Escrow
Agreement execution. Fee will not be prorated in case of early termination.

Wells Fargo's bid is based on the following assumptions:
o        Deposit amount: Approximately $700,000
o        Number of escrow funds/accounts to be established:  One (1)
o        Number of Deposits to Escrow Account:  One (1)
o        Number of Withdrawals from Escrow Fund:  One (1)
o        Term of Escrow:  6 months or less

Out-of Pocket Expenses:                                                  At Cost

We only charge for out-of-pocket expenses in response to specific tasks assigned
by the client. Therefore, we cannot anticipate what specific out-of-pocket items
will be  needed  or what  corresponding  expenses  will  be  incurred.  Possible
expenses  would be, but are not  limited to,  express  mathomail  and  messenger
charges,  travel  expenses  to attend  closing or other  meetings.  There are no
charges for indirect out-of- pocket expenses.


                          TRANSITION SERVICES AGREEMENT

     THIS TRANSITION  SERVICES  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement") is made as of July ___,
2004,   between   ELKHART   PRODUCTS   CORPORATION,   a   Delaware   corporation
("Purchaser"), and LEE BRASS COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (the "Company").


     A.  WHEREAS,  pursuant  to  an  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  (the  "Purchase
Agreement"),  dated  as of  July  __,  2004,  by and  among  Purchaser,  certain
affiliates of  Purchaser,  and certain  affiliates of the Company,  Purchaser is
acquiring substantially all of the assets of certain affiliates of the Company.

     B.  WHEREAS,  it  is  a  condition  to  the  closing  of  the  transactions
contemplated   by  the  Purchase   Agreement  that  Purchaser  and  the  Company
contemporaneously  enter into this Agreement  pursuant to which  Purchaser shall
provide the Company with certain transitional services as described below.

     C. WHEREAS,  capitalized  terms used in this Agreement  without  definition
shall have the respective meanings given to them in the Purchase Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  and in  consideration  of the  mutual  promises  and
covenants  herein contained and for other good and valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and adequacy of which hereby are acknowledged,  the parties hereto agree
as follows:

     1. Services.

          1.1 IT Services.  Purchaser shall provide the Company with information
     technology support and services,  which shall include assisting the Company
     in establishing its own server and telephone  services and in transitioning
     such  services to the Company and shall include the use of the licenses and
     services under the following  contracts:  (i) Microsoft  Business Agreement
     between Elkhart Products  Corporation and MSLI, GP dated July 10, 2002; and
     (ii) Microsoft  Select Agreement  between Elkhart Products  Corporation and
     MSLI,  GP dated July 10, 2002 (the "IT  Services").  The IT Services  shall
     also include the use and benefit of the AS/400 Servicer located in Elkhart,

          1.2 Sales Services. Purchaser shall assist the Company in the training
     of the Company's sales manager to be designated by the Company, which shall
     including  introducing  the new sales  manager to customers as requested by
     the Company (the "Sales Services").

          1.3  Purchasing  Services.  Purchaser  shall  provide the Company with
     purchasing  support  and  services  and shall  assist  the  Company  in the
     training of the Company's employee in charge of purchasing to be designated
     by the  Company and in  transitioning  such  services  to the Company  (the
     "Purchasing Services").


          1.4 HR Services.  Purchaser  shall  provide the Company with the human
     resources support and services and shall assist the Company in the training
     of a new human  resources  employee to be  designated by the Company and in
     transitioning such services to the Company (the "HR Services").

          1.5  Accounting   Services.   Purchaser   shall  perform  payroll  and
     accounting  services  for the  Company  and shall  assist  the  Company  in
     transitioning such services to the Company (the "Accounting Services").

          1.6 Scope of Services.  The IT Services,  Sales  Services,  Purchasing
     Services,   HR  Services  and  Accounting   Services   (collectively,   the
     "Services")  shall be performed in a manner and scope  consistent  with the
     way in which and the  extent to which the  Services  were  provided  to the
     Company by Elkhart Products  Corporation (the Indiana corporation) prior to
     the Closing.

     2. Consideration. The fee for each of the Services shall be as set forth on
Exhibit A.  Purchaser  shall  invoice  the  Company  monthly in arrears  for any
Services provided by Purchaser in such month, and such invoices shall be due and
payable  thirty (30) days from the invoice date.  Upon any early  termination of
any of the  Services as set forth in Section  4.2, no further fees shall be owed
with respect to such Services.

     3. Representations and Warranties.

          3.1 Mutual Representations. Each party ("Warranting Party") represents
     and  warrants to the other party that the  Warranting  Party has full power
     and authority to enter into this Agreement and that this Agreement has been
     duly  authorized,  executed  and  delivered  by the  Warranting  Party  and
     constitutes  a valid,  binding and  legally  enforceable  agreement  of the
     Warranting  Party,  subject to bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization  or
     other  similar laws  affecting  or relating to  enforcement  of  creditors'
     rights generally and general equitable principles.

          3.2  Indemnification.  Each  party  ("Indemnifying  Party")  agrees to
     defend,  indemnify  and hold  harmless the other party from and against all
     claims,  demands,  losses,  costs,  expenses,   obligations,   liabilities,
     damages,  recoveries and deficiencies,  including  interest,  penalties and
     reasonable attorneys' fees (including court costs and attorneys' reasonable
     fees  and  expenses)  arising  from or in any  manner  connected  with  the
     Indemnifying  Party's  actions or omissions with respect to the Services or
     any breaches of any of the  representations,  warranties  or covenants  set
     forth in this Agreement.  The other party may participate in the defense of
     any such claim at its expense.

     4. Term and Termination.

          4.1 Term.  This Agreement  shall remain in effect for ninety (90) days
     following  the  date of this  Agreement  (the  "Initial  Term");  provided,
     however, that upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Purchaser, the
     Company may extend the term of this  Agreement  with  respect to any or all
     Services  for an  additional  period,  which  shall  not be  more  than  an
     additional ninety (90) days following the expiration of the Initial Term.


          4.2 Early Termination.  Upon written notice, the Company may terminate
     this  Agreement  or any one or  more of the  Services  or,  at its  option,
     suspend performance of any of the Services.

          4.3  Services  Independent.  The  Services  shall  be  construed  as a
     separate and independent  agreement for each and every Service arising from
     each  agreement set forth in Section 1. Any  termination  of this Agreement
     with respect to a Service shall not terminate  this  Agreement with respect
     to any other Service.

          4.4  Cooperation  Agreement.  Upon  notification  of  termination of a
     Service,  Purchaser  shall  cooperate  with the Company to  facilitate  the
     transition of the Services.

     5. Nature of  Relationship.  The provisions of this Agreement  shall not in
any respect whatsoever be deemed to create a partnership, joint venture or other
business combination between the Company and Purchaser.

     6.  Confidential  Information.  The  parties  each  agree  to  maintain  in
confidence,  and not to  use,  disclose  or  divulge  to any  third  party,  any
Confidential Information (as defined herein) obtained by either party hereunder.
For the  purposes of this  Agreement,  "Confidential  Information"  includes all
confidential  or  proprietary  information of the  disclosing  party,  including
information  concerning  the business of each of the parties  disclosed by or on
behalf of one  party to the  other,  and  information,  analyses,  compilations,
studies or other  documents  relating  to the  Services.  The term  Confidential
Information  does not  include  information  which (i) is or  becomes  generally
available to the public other than as a result of  disclosure  by the  receiving
party,  (ii) was made  available to the  receiving  party on a  non-confidential
basis  prior  to  disclosure  by  the  disclosing  party,  (iii)  was  developed
independently   by  the  receiving  party  without   reference  to  Confidential
Information,  (iv) became known to the receiving party through a third party not
bound by any obligation of confidentiality to the disclosing party; or (v) which
the receiving party is required or requested to provide pursuant to subpoena, or
demand by a government or governmental agency or authority;  provided,  however,
the receiving  party promptly  notifies the disclosing  party of the subpoena or
demand to permit the disclosing party to take legally  available steps to resist
or narrow the scope of such a subpoena or demand.

     7. Injunctive  Relief. The parties agree and acknowledge that money damages
may not be an adequate remedy for any breach of the provisions of this Agreement
and that any party may, in its sole  discretion,  apply for and secure  specific
performance and/or injunctive relief,  without bond, pending final resolution on
the merits in order to enforce or prevent any  violations  of the  provisions of
this Agreement.  Injunctive or other equitable relief shall not be the exclusive
remedy available to the parties.

     8.  Entire  Agreement.   This  Agreement   supersedes  any  and  all  other
agreements,  oral or  written,  among the  parties  hereto  with  respect to the
subject matter hereof,  and contains the entire agreement among the parties with
respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.

     9. Amendments;  Waiver. This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded
or canceled and any of its provisions may be waived only by a written instrument
executed by all of the  parties or, in the case of a waiver,  by or on behalf of
the party  waiving  compliance.  The failure of any party at any time to require
performance  of any  provision of this  Agreement  shall in no manner affect the
right  of  that  party  at a later  time  to  enforce  the  same or a  different
provision.  No  waiver  by any party of any  condition  or of any  breach of any
provision of this Agreement, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be
or construed as a further or continuing  waiver of any such  condition or of any
breach of the same or a different provision.


     10. Successors;  Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their  respective  successors  and
permitted  transferees  and  assignees.  Neither this Agreement nor any interest
herein may directly or indirectly be  transferred  or assigned by any party,  in
whole or in part, without the written consent of the other parties,  except that
the  Company  may  effect  any  such  assignment  to  a  transferee  of  all  or
substantially  all of the  assets  of the  Company  or to any  Affiliate  of the
Company, but any such assignment shall not relieve the Company of its duties and
obligations contained in this Agreement.

     11. Notices. Any notice, request, demand or other communication to be given
pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement  must be in writing and shall be deemed
to have been duly  given on the day it is  delivered  by hand,  on the day it is
sent by facsimile with  confirmation  of receipt by the  transmitting  facsimile
machine,  on the next  business day after it is sent by a nationally  recognized
overnight mail service  (delivery charge prepaid),  or on the third business day
after it is mailed first class,  postage prepaid,  in each case to the following

If to the Company:                             Lee Brass Company
                                               1800 Golden Springs Road
                                               Anniston, Alabama 36207
                                               Attention: ______________
                                               Facsimile: ______________
with copies to:                                Barnes & Thornburg LLP
                                               601 Campau Square Plaza
                                               99 Monroe Ave., NW
                                               Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
                                               Attention: R. Paul Guerre, Esq.
                                               Facsimile: 616-742-3999

If to Purchaser:                               Elkhart  Products Corporation
                                               c/o Aalberts Industries N.V.
                                               Sandenburgerlaan 4
                                               3947 CS Langbroek
                                               Attention: Berend P. Bolkenstein
                                               Facsimile: 011-31-343-565-081


with copies to:                                Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
                                               2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 2800
                                               Dallas, Texas  75201
                                               Attention: Harva R. Dockery, Esq.
                                               Facsimile: 214-855-8200

or to such other  address or to such other  person as any party  shall have last
designated  by written  notice  provided to the other  parties in the manner set
forth in this Section.

     12.  Severability.  If any provision of this  Agreement or any  application
thereof shall be invalid or  unenforceable,  the remainder of this Agreement and
any other application of such provision shall not be affected thereby.

     13. No Third-Party  Beneficiary.  This Agreement is for the benefit of, and
may be  enforced  only by,  the  Company  and  Purchaser  and  their  respective
successors and permitted  transferees and assignees,  and is not for the benefit
of, and may not be enforced by, any third party.

     14.  Applicable  Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and
enforced in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York without regard to
conflict of law principles.

     15.  Arbitration.   Subject  to  the  indemnification  provisions  of  this

     (a) The parties  agree that any and all disputes,  claims or  controversies
arising  out of or  relating  to  this  Agreement  or the  breach,  termination,
enforcement,  interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of
the scope or applicability of this agreement to mediate and arbitrate,  shall be
mediated  before a mediator  agreeable to both parties or, if they cannot agree,
then before  JAMS,  or its  successor.  The  mediation  shall be  conducted at a
mutually agreeable location or, if they cannot agree, then at the JAMS office in
Chicago,  Illinois.  Any party may commence  mediation by providing to the other
parties a written  request  for  mediation,  setting  forth the  subject  of the
dispute and the relief  requested.  The parties shall cooperate with one another
in selecting a mediator and in scheduling the mediation proceedings. The parties
covenant that they shall  participate  in the mediation in good faith,  and that
they shall  share  equally in its  costs.  All  offers,  promises,  conduct  and
statements,  whether oral or written, made in the course of the mediation by any
of the  parties  or  their  Representatives,  and by the  mediator  or any  JAMS
employees,  are  confidential,  privileged  and  inadmissible  for any  purpose,
including impeachment, in any arbitration or other Action involving the parties,
provided that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be
rendered  inadmissible  or  non-discoverable  as a  result  of  its  use  in the

     (b)  Any  party  may  initiate  arbitration  with  respect  to the  matters
submitted to mediation by filing a written  demand for  arbitration  at any time
following the initial  mediation session or 45 days after the date of filing the
written  request for  mediation,  whichever  occurs  first.  The  mediation  may
continue after the commencement of arbitration if the parties so desire.  Unless
otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediator shall be disqualified from serving
as arbitrator in the case. Arbitration may be enforced by any court of competent
jurisdiction, and the party seeking enforcement shall be entitled to an award of
all costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, to be paid by
the party or parties against whom enforcement is ordered.


     (c) Any arbitration shall be conducted at a mutually agreeable location or,
if the parties cannot agree,  in Chicago,  Illinois.  The  arbitration  shall be
before a sole  arbitrator  mutually  selected  by the parties or, if they cannot
agree,  then  before a retired  judge to be  selected  by JAMS  pursuant  to its
Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures,  who shall thereafter administer
the  arbitration,  provided  however that JAMS shall  identify the preceding ten
(10)  arbitrations  conducted  by each  arbitrator  candidate  and  the  lawyers
involved in the arbitration.  The arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the
foregoing rules except as set forth herein.  The parties to the dispute shall be
permitted  to  conduct  pre-hearing  discovery  in the form of  depositions  and
document production requests subject to the control of the arbitrator. The award
of the arbitrator shall be a reasoned award specifying all essential findings of
fact and  conclusions  of law  necessary  to support the award.  Judgment on the
award may be entered in any court  having  jurisdiction.  In any  proceeding  to
confirm the award,  the court also shall have  jurisdiction  to review the award
for errors of law.

     (d) The cost of the  arbitration  shall  initially be borne  equally by the
parties.  In the  award  the  arbitrator  shall  allocate,  consistent  with the
indemnification   provisions  of  this  Agreement,  all  of  the  costs  of  the
arbitration  (and  the  mediation,  if  applicable),  including  the fees of the
arbitrator and the reasonable  attorneys' fees of the prevailing party,  against
the party or parties who did not prevail.

     16.   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
counterparts and by the parties on separate counterparts,  all of which shall be
considered  one and the same  instrument,  and each of which  shall be deemed an
original. Each of the parties hereto (i) has agreed to permit the use, from time
to time, of faxed or otherwise electronically transmitted signatures in order to
expedite the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby, (ii) intends
to be bound by its  respective  faxed or  otherwise  electronically  transmitted
signature,  (iii) is aware that the other parties hereto shall rely on the faxed
or otherwise  electronically  transmitted signature,  and (iv) acknowledges such
reliance and waives any defenses to the  enforcement of the documents  effecting
the  transaction  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  based  on the  fact  that a
signature was sent by fax or otherwise electronically transmitted.

     17. Headings;  Construction. The headings of the sections and paragraphs in
this  Agreement  have been inserted for  convenience of reference only and shall
not  restrict  or  otherwise  modify  any of the  terms  or  provisions  of this
Agreement.  Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided,  the  words  "including"  or
"includes"  whenever used in this Agreement do not limit the preceding  words or
terms.  With  regard to all dates and time  periods  set forth or referred to in
this Agreement, time is of the essence.

     18.  Consent  to Service of Process  and  Jurisdiction.  Purchaser  and the
Company agree that,  in the event it becomes  necessary for any party to enforce
any provision of this Agreement or any  arbitration  award obtained  pursuant to
Section 15 of this  Agreement by legal action,  the parties  hereby consent that
suit may be  brought  hereunder  in any  court of  appropriate  jurisdiction  in
Elkhart County, Indiana,  U.S.A., or in the United States District Court for the
Northern  District of  Indiana,  regardless  of the state,  county or country in
which  any  party  may  reside  or have  such  parties  domicile  (corporate  or
individual) at the time of any such action. Purchaser and the Company consent to
service  of process  and other  notices  given or  required  in any  proceedings
submitted to  arbitration  by either party pursuant to the provisions of Section
15 by personal  delivery or by  registered  mail  addressed to such party at the
addresses set out in Section 11.  However,  any party may serve legal process in
any  other  manner  permitted  by Law or the rules of the  American  Arbitration


     Purchaser and the Company have caused this Transition Services Agreement to
be fully executed as of the date first set forth above.

                                                ELKHART PRODUCTS CORPORATION
                                                (a Delaware corporation)




                                                Lee Brass Company





                                    EXHIBIT A

                          Service                                           Fee

IT Services
Sales Services
Purchasing Services
HR Services
Accounting Services


                     OPINION OF FULBRIGHT & JAWORSKI L.L.P.
                        AND OTHER COUNSEL, AS APPLICABLE

     Section 1. Each  Buying  Party is a  corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing  and in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of the  jurisdiction  of its

     Section  2.  Each  Buying  Party  has all  requisite  corporate  power  and
authority to enter into,  deliver and perform the Agreement  and each  agreement
that is an  exhibit  to the  Agreement  and to which it is a party and [name any
other specified closing agreements] (the "Subject  Agreements") to which it is a
party and to  consummate  the  transactions  described in the  Agreement and the
Subject Agreements. Each of the Agreement and the Subject Agreements to which it
is a party (including the transactions described therein) has been authorized by
all  necessary  corporate  action on the part of each Buying  Party and has been
duly  executed  and  delivered by each Buying  Party  pursuant to all  necessary
corporate action.

     Section 3. Neither the  execution  and delivery by each Buying Party of the
Agreement  and the Subject  Agreements,  the  consummation  of the  transactions
described in the Agreement and the Subject  Agreements by each Buying Party, nor
compliance by each Buying Party with any of the  provisions of the Agreement and
the Subject  Agreements  will result in a violation or breach of or constitute a
default  under (a) its  certificate  of  incorporation  or bylaws (or  analogous
documents),  (b) any material  contract,  agreement or other  commitment  of the
Purchasers or, to counsel's  knowledge,  Parent,  or (c) any Law applicable to a
Buying Party or to counsel's  knowledge,  any court or  administrative  order by
which a Buying Party is subject or bound.

     Section 4. Except for filings  required to be made  pursuant to the HSR Act
and Dutch  securities  Laws,  no Buying  Party is required to submit any notice,
report  or other  filing  with  any  governmental  or  regulatory  authority  or
instrumentality in connection with the execution, delivery or performance of the
Agreement and the Subject  Agreements by the Buying Parties and the consummation
of the transactions described in the Agreement and the Subject Agreements.

     Section 5. Each of the Agreements and the Subject  Agreements is the legal,
valid and binding  obligation  of the Buying  Party to which it is a party;  and
except as may be  limited by  principles  of equity or  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or other similar laws or judicial decisions relating
to or affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights, is enforceable against the
Buying Parties in accordance with its terms.


                                SUPPLY AGREEMENT

THIS SUPPLY AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of July 30, 2004, between Elkhart
Products  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("Purchaser"),  and Lee  Brass
Company, a Delaware corporation (the "Supplier").


A. WHEREAS,  pursuant to an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement"),
dated  as of July  8,  2004,  by and  among  Purchaser,  certain  affiliates  of
Purchaser   and  certain   affiliates   of  Supplier,   Purchaser  is  acquiring
substantially all of the assets of certain affiliates of Supplier.

B. WHEREAS, it is a condition to the closing of the transactions contemplated by
the Purchase Agreement that Supplier and Purchaser  contemporaneously enter into
this Agreement.

C. WHEREAS,  capitalized terms used in this Agreement  without  definition shall
have the respective meanings given to them in the Purchase Agreement.

D. WHEREAS, Purchaser desires to purchase from Supplier, and Supplier is willing
to supply to Purchaser, the products described below on the terms and conditions
set forth herein.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  for and in  consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
adequacy of which hereby are acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     Section 6. Supply of Products.

     6.1.  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement,  during the term of this
Agreement,  Supplier shall sell to Purchaser,  and Purchaser shall purchase from
Supplier,  all of Purchaser's  requirements of the products listed on Exhibit A,
including any future improvements,  next generation designs and upgrades on such
products (collectively,  the "Products"),  so long as Supplier determines in its
discretion to continue to manufacture brass fittings. The specifications for the
Products shall be consistent with current industry standards.

     6.2.  Purchaser  may not cancel any order for Products  without  Supplier's
written consent and full indemnification of Supplier from any Losses that arise,
result from or relate to such cancellation.

     6.3.  Supplier  shall  not  be  liable  for  any  failure  to  perform  its
obligations hereunder if (and during such time as) such failure is due to causes
beyond the reasonable  control of Supplier;  provided,  however,  if Supplier is
unable to perform  because  of causes  beyond  its  reasonable  control it shall
provide notice to Purchaser of such  inability as promptly as practicable  under
the circumstances.  The notice shall specify the extent to and time during which
Supplier  expects to be unable to manufacture  or supply the Products.  Supplier
shall  provide  Purchaser  with  reasonable  aid and  assistance  in securing an
alternate  supply of  Products,  including  providing  Purchaser or an alternate
supplier  with  access to dies,  tooling  and other  pattern  equipment  used by
Supplier  to  perform  this  Agreement  for as long as  Supplier  is  unable  to
manufacture the Products. During any such period Purchaser shall be excused from
the purchase obligations set forth in this Agreement or any purchase order under
this  Agreement.  Supplier shall provide notice to Purchase of the conclusion of
such period of inability to perform,  upon which time the sale  obligations  set
forth in this Agreement shall once again be in full force and effect.


     6.4.  Supplier  shall  perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement in a
manner that is consistent with Supplier's historical quality.

     Section 7. Term and Termination.

     7.1. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of the execution
of this Agreement and continue for a period of two (2) years thereafter,  unless
earlier  terminated as set forth below and may be renewed upon written agreement
of Purchaser and Supplier.

     7.2.  At any  time  during  the term of this  Agreement  either  party  may
terminate  this  Agreement:  (i) if the  other  party  materially  breaches  any
obligation  hereunder and such breach is not cured within 60 days after delivery
of written  notice to the other  party  specifying  the  nature of the  material
breach;  (ii) if a trustee  in  bankruptcy  or  receiver  or  similar  entity is
appointed for the other party; or (iii) subject to the provisions of Section 17,
if the other party ceases or terminates the operation of business.  For purposes
of this Section  2(b),  a delivery by Supplier  that is not timely made shall be
deemed a "material breach".

     7.3. If  Purchaser  fails to pay any amounts due  hereunder  within 20 days
after  delivery of written  notice from  Supplier to Purchaser of the failure to
pay by the payment date, Supplier may terminate this Agreement.

     7.4. The exercise by either  party of any right of  termination  under this
Agreement  shall not (i)  constitute  a waiver of any other  rights or  remedies
available to such party for  violation of the terms of this  Agreement;  or (ii)
affect any orders for Products  accepted by Supplier but not delivered as of the
effective date of termination.

     Section 8. Price and Terms.  The  purchase  price for each of the  Products
ordered from Supplier by Purchaser  shall be at the net  negotiated  prices that
were in effect as of the date of the Purchase  Agreement between the Company and
its affiliate Elkhart Products Corporation, an Indiana corporation, with respect
to such Products, plus a metal market-based surcharge determined consistent with
the past practice of the Company and its affiliate Elkhart Products Corporation,
an Indiana  corporation,  with respect to such Products.  All payments are to be
made in U.S.  dollars  against  funds in the  United  States.  Other  terms  and
conditions  of sale for each  purchase of Products by Purchaser  shall be as set
forth in this  Agreement  or as agreed in writing by the parties with respect to
that particular  purchase.  Any and all sales,  use and other taxes and delivery
charges  are in addition to the  purchase  price and shall be paid by  Purchaser
unless Purchaser supplies Supplier with an applicable exemption  certificate for
any such taxes.  Payment terms are 2%, 15 days, net 45 days. If Purchaser  fails
to pay the purchase  price for the Products when due or has any unpaid  purchase
price outstanding, Supplier may (i) alter or suspend credit terms for Purchaser,
(ii) demand cash payments or security from  Purchaser  prior to shipment,  (iii)
accelerate amounts due under any outstanding  invoices,  (iv) take possession of
goods and stop goods in transit,  suspend or  terminate  outstanding  orders and
deliveries, and (v) take other action, whether under this Agreement,  applicable
law or otherwise, that Supplier determines in its discretion is warranted due to
the financial  condition of Purchaser or  Purchaser's  nonpayment of any invoice
when due or other breach of any  provision  of this  Agreement or other terms of
purchase agreed to by Purchaser and Seller as permitted by this Agreement.


     Section  9.  Freight  Terms.  All  purchases   hereunder  shall  be  F.O.B.
Supplier's  plant.   Shipments  shall  be  in  Purchaser's  standard  packaging.
Purchaser  shall pay all shipping  costs from  Supplier's  plant to  Purchaser's
destination  of  choice.  Shipment  method  and  route  shall be  determined  by

     Section 10.  Delivery.  Purchaser  and  Supplier  shall agree on a delivery
schedule  and  Supplier  shall use its  reasonable  efforts to comply  with such
schedule,  subject to the other terms of this Agreement.  All risk of loss of or
damage to the Products  while in transit to  Purchaser's  destination  of choice
shall be the responsibility of Purchaser.

     Section 11. Intellectual Property. Any goodwill and other rights associated
with Purchaser's  trademarks,  service marks, brand names or trade, corporate or
business names ("Purchaser's  Marks") arising as a result of Purchaser's sale of
the Products  containing or including  Purchaser's Marks shall inure to the sole
benefit of Purchaser.  Any goodwill and other rights  associated with Supplier's
trademarks,  service  marks,  brand names or trade,  corporate or business names
("Supplier's  Marks")  arising as a result of  Purchaser's  sale of the Products
containing  or  including  Supplier's  Marks shall inure to the sole  benefit of

     Section 12.  Acceptance and Returned Goods.  Purchaser shall,  within sixty
(60) days after the delivery of the Products,  inspect the Products to determine
whether they are damaged and whether they conform to the terms of the applicable
order.  If Purchaser  determines that any Products are damaged or do not conform
to the  applicable  purchase  order,  in each case other than resulting from the
shipment of the Products (a  "Nonconformance"),  Purchaser shall provide written
notice  to  Supplier  describing  the  Nonconformance.   Products  that  have  a
Nonconformance  may be rejected by Purchaser and returned to Supplier for credit
or  replacement,  at  Supplier's  option,  with  Supplier  bearing  the  cost of
shipment,  freight  delivery  and  risk of loss of or  damage  to such  returned

     Section 13. Export. Purchaser must have obtained an export license prior to
the  delivery  of export  Products.  All  export  sales are  subject  to Revised
American Foreign Trade definitions. Supplier reserves all rights to any Drawback
of U.S. Customs Duties, if obtainable.

     Section 14. Confidential Information. The parties each agree to maintain in
confidence,  and not to  use,  disclose  or  divulge  to any  third  party,  any
Confidential  Information (as defined herein) obtained by either party hereunder
or in  conjunction  with the  manufacture  and supply of Product by  Supplier to
Purchaser  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  For the  purposes  of this  Agreement,
Confidential Information includes all confidential or proprietary information of
the disclosing party,  including information  concerning the business of each of
the  parties  disclosed  by  or on  behalf  of  one  party  to  the  other,  and
information,  analyses, compilations, studies or other documents relating to the
design,  manufacture,  marketing,  sale and  distribution  of Product.  The term
Confidential  Information does not include  information which, (i) is or becomes
generally  available to the public other than as a result of  disclosure  by the
receiving  party,   (ii)  was  made  available  to  the  receiving  party  on  a
non-confidential  basis prior to disclosure by the disclosing  party,  (iii) was
developed independently by the receiving party without reference to Confidential
Information,  (iv) became known to the receiving party through a third party not
bound by any obligation of confidentiality to the disclosing party; or (v) which
the receiving party is required or requested to provide pursuant to subpoena, or
demand by a government or governmental agency or authority;  provided,  however,
the receiving  party promptly  notifies the disclosing  party of the subpoena or
demand to permit the disclosing party to take legally  available steps to resist
or narrow the scope of such a subpoena or demand. This Section shall survive any
termination of this Agreement.


     Section 15. Injunctive Relief. The parties agree and acknowledge that money
damages may not be an adequate  remedy for any breach of the  provisions of this
Agreement and that any party may, in its sole  discretion,  apply for and secure
specific  performance  and/or  injunctive  relief,  without bond,  pending final
resolution  on the merits in order to enforce or prevent any  violations  of the
provisions of this Agreement.  Injunctive or other equitable relief shall not be
the exclusive remedy available to the parties.

     Section 16. Nature of Relationship.  The provisions of this Agreement shall
not in any respect  whatsoever be deemed to create a partnership,  joint venture
or other business combination between Purchaser and Supplier.

     Section 17.  Indemnification.  Supplier  shall  indemnify,  defend and hold
harmless  Purchaser  from and  against and in respect of any and all Losses that
Purchaser  may incur or suffer,  which  arise,  result from or relate to product
liability claims asserted against Purchaser as a result of Supplier's  defective
manufacture  of  Products;  provided,  however,  that  Supplier  shall  have  no
obligation to indemnify,  defend and hold harmless Purchaser for or with respect
to  Supplier's  manufacture  of  Products  if  (i)  the  parties  agree  to  use
Purchaser's specifications,  and the applicable Products were in compliance with
Purchaser's  specifications  or (ii) the applicable  Products were in compliance
with industry  standards.  Purchaser shall  indemnify,  defend and hold harmless
Supplier from and against and in respect of any and all Losses that Supplier may
incur or suffer,  which arise, result from or relate to product liability claims
relating to the Products asserted against Supplier as a result of (x) Supplier's
manufacture of Products in compliance with Purchaser's  specifications,  if any;
(y)  the  shipment  of the  Products  by  Supplier  from  its  facility;  or (z)
Purchaser's  handling  or sale of the  Products  after  the  Products  have been
transferred to Purchaser.

     Section 18. Warranty.

     18.1. If the Products  furnished by Supplier prove defective due to defects
in  manufacture  or  non-conformance   with  industry  standards  or  any  other
specifications  agreed to by Purchaser and Supplier in writing,  Supplier shall,
in lieu of other claims  against it, upon due notice within a period of one year
after date of shipment, replace it F.O.B. original point of delivery, or credit,
at Supplier's  option, on return to Supplier's plant of the defective  material,
but Supplier shall not be liable for any Losses  arising in connection  with, or
by reason of  Purchaser's  use of, or  inability to use,  such  Products for any
purpose whatsoever.

     18.2. In addition to the  limitations  set forth above,  Supplier  makes no
warranties  with respect to claims,  problems or defects which are the result of
Purchaser's specifications,  if any, normal wear and tear, mishandling,  misuse,
neglect or improper  repair by a person  other than  Supplier or its  authorized
representative.  In  addition,  except as set forth in Section  13(a),  SUPPLIER


     Section 19. Limitation of Liability. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER TERM OF THIS

     Section 20. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  supersedes any and all other
agreements,  oral or  written,  among the  parties  hereto  with  respect to the
subject matter hereof,  and contains the entire agreement among the parties with
respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.

     Section 21. Amendments;  Waiver.  This Agreement may be amended,  modified,
superseded or canceled and any of its provisions may be waived only by a written
instrument  executed by all of the parties or, in the case of a waiver, by or on
behalf of the party waiving compliance.  The failure of any party at any time to
require performance of any provision of this Agreement shall in no manner affect
the  right of that  party at a later  time to  enforce  the same or a  different
provision.  No  waiver  by any party of any  condition  or of any  breach of any
provision of this Agreement, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be
or construed as a further or continuing  waiver of any such  condition or of any
breach of the same or a different provision.

     Section 22.  Successors;  Assignment.  This Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their  respective  successors
and permitted transferees and assignees. Neither this Agreement nor any interest
herein may directly or indirectly be  transferred  or assigned by any party,  in
whole or in part, without the written consent of the other parties,  except that
Supplier may effect any such assignment to a transferee of all or  substantially
all of the assets of  Supplier or to any  Affiliate  of  Supplier,  but any such
assignment shall not relieve Supplier of its duties and obligations contained in
this Agreement.

     Section 23. Notices. Any notice,  request, demand or other communication to
be given pursuant to the terms of this Agreement must be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been duly given on the day it is delivered by hand, on the day it
is sent by facsimile with confirmation of receipt by the transmitting  facsimile
machine,  on the next  business day after it is sent by a nationally  recognized
overnight mail service  (delivery charge prepaid),  or on the third business day
after it is mailed first class,  postage prepaid,  in each case to the following


If to Purchaser:                               Lee Brass Company
                                               1800 Golden Springs Road
                                               Anniston, Alabama 36207
                                               Attention: David R. Smith
                                               Facsimile: 256-831-8380

with copies to:                                Barnes & Thornburg LLP
                                               601 Campau Square Plaza
                                               99 Monroe Ave., NW
                                               Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
                                               Attention: R. Paul Guerre, Esq.
                                               Facsimile: 616-742-3999

If to Supplier:                                Elkhart Products Corporation
                                               c/o Aalberts Industries N.V.
                                               Sandenburgerlaan 4
                                               3947 CS Langbroek
                                               Attention: Berend P. Bolkenstein
                                               Facsimile: 011-31-343-565-081

with copies to:                                Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
                                               2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 2800
                                               Dallas, Texas  75201
                                               Attention: Harva R. Dockery, Esq.
                                               Facsimile: 214-855-8200

or to such other  address or to such other  person as any party  shall have last
designated  by written  notice  provided to the other  parties in the manner set
forth in this Section.

     Section  24.  Severability.  If any  provision  of  this  Agreement  or any
application  thereof  shall be invalid or  unenforceable,  the remainder of this
Agreement  and any other  application  of such  provision  shall not be affected

     Section 25. No Third Party  Beneficiary.  This Agreement is for the benefit
of, and may be enforced  only by,  Purchaser  and Supplier and their  respective
successors and permitted  transferees and assignees,  and is not for the benefit
of, and may not be enforced by, any third party.

     Section  26.  Applicable  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be  governed  by and
construed  and  enforced  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of New York
without regard to conflict of law principles.


     Section 27.  Arbitration.  Subject to the  indemnification  provisions  set
forth in this Agreement:

     27.1. The parties agree that any and all disputes,  claims or controversies
arising  out of or  relating  to  this  Agreement  or the  breach,  termination,
enforcement,  interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of
the scope or applicability of this agreement to mediate and arbitrate,  shall be
mediated  before a mediator  agreeable to both parties or, if they cannot agree,
then before  JAMS,  or its  successor.  The  mediation  shall be  conducted at a
mutually agreeable location or, if they cannot agree, then at the JAMS office in
Elkhart,  Indiana.  Any party may  commence  mediation by providing to the other
parties a written  request  for  mediation,  setting  forth the  subject  of the
dispute and the relief  requested.  The parties shall cooperate with one another
in selecting a mediator and in scheduling the mediation proceedings. The parties
covenant that they shall  participate  in the mediation in good faith,  and that
they shall  share  equally in its  costs.  All  offers,  promises,  conduct  and
statements,  whether oral or written, made in the course of the mediation by any
of the  parties  or  their  Representatives,  and by the  mediator  or any  JAMS
employees,  are  confidential,  privileged  and  inadmissible  for any  purpose,
including impeachment, in any arbitration or other Action involving the parties,
provided that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be
rendered  inadmissible  or  non-discoverable  as a  result  of  its  use  in the

     27.2.  Any party may  initiate  arbitration  with  respect  to the  matters
submitted to mediation by filing a written  demand for  arbitration  at any time
following the initial  mediation session or 45 days after the date of filing the
written  request for  mediation,  whichever  occurs  first.  The  mediation  may
continue after the commencement of arbitration if the parties so desire.  Unless
otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediator shall be disqualified from serving
as arbitrator in the case. Arbitration may be enforced by any court of competent
jurisdiction, and the party seeking enforcement shall be entitled to an award of
all costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, to be paid by
the party or parties against whom enforcement is ordered.

     27.3. Any arbitration shall be conducted at a mutually  agreeable  location
or, if the parties cannot agree, in Elkhart,  Indiana.  The arbitration shall be
before a sole  arbitrator  mutually  selected  by the parties or, if they cannot
agree,  then  before a retired  judge to be  selected  by JAMS  pursuant  to its
Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures,  who shall thereafter administer
the  arbitration,  provided  however that JAMS shall  identify the preceding ten
(10)  arbitrations  conducted  by each  arbitrator  candidate  and  the  lawyers
involved in the arbitration.  The arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the
foregoing rules except as set forth herein.  The parties to the dispute shall be
permitted  to  conduct  pre-hearing  discovery  in the form of  depositions  and
document production requests subject to the control of the arbitrator. The award
of the arbitrator shall be a reasoned award specifying all essential findings of
fact and  conclusions  of law  necessary  to support the award.  Judgment on the
award may be entered in any court  having  jurisdiction.  In any  proceeding  to
confirm the award,  the court also shall have  jurisdiction  to review the award
for errors of law.

     27.4. The cost of the  arbitration  shall initially be borne equally by the
parties.  In the  award  the  arbitrator  shall  allocate,  consistent  with the
indemnification   provisions  of  this  Agreement,  all  of  the  costs  of  the
arbitration  (and  the  mediation,  if  applicable),  including  the fees of the
arbitrator and the reasonable  attorneys' fees of the prevailing party,  against
the party or parties who did not prevail.


     Section 28.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in two or more
counterparts and by the parties on separate counterparts,  all of which shall be
considered  one and the same  instrument,  and each of which  shall be deemed an
original. Each of the parties hereto (i) has agreed to permit the use, from time
to time, of faxed or otherwise electronically transmitted signatures in order to
expedite the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby, (ii) intends
to be bound by its  respective  faxed or  otherwise  electronically  transmitted
signature,  (iii) is aware that the other parties hereto shall rely on the faxed
or otherwise  electronically  transmitted signature,  and (iv) acknowledges such
reliance and waives any defenses to the  enforcement of the documents  effecting
the  transaction  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  based  on the  fact  that a
signature was sent by fax or otherwise electronically transmitted.

     Section  29.  Headings;  Construction.  The  headings of the  sections  and
paragraphs in this  Agreement  have been inserted for  convenience  of reference
only and shall not restrict or otherwise  modify any of the terms or  provisions
of this Agreement. Unless otherwise expressly provided, the words "including" or
"includes"  whenever used in this Agreement do not limit the preceding  words or
terms.  With  regard to all dates and time  periods  set forth or referred to in
this Agreement, time is of the essence.

     Section 30.  Consent to Service of Process and  Jurisdiction.  Supplier and
Purchaser  agree that,  in the event it becomes  necessary  for any provision of
this Agreement or any arbitration  award obtained pursuant to Section 21 of this
Agreement by legal action,  the parties  hereby consent that suit may be brought
hereunder in any court of appropriate jurisdiction in Elkhart,  Indiana, U.S.A.,
or in the United  States  District  Court for the Northern  District of Indiana,
regardless of the state, county or country in which any party may reside or have
such parties domicile  (corporate or individual) at the time of any such action.
Supplier and Purchaser  consent to service of process and other notices given or
required in any proceedings submitted to arbitration by either party pursuant to
the  provisions  of  Section  21 by  personal  delivery  or by  registered  mail
addressed to such party at the  addresses  set out in Section 17.  However,  any
party may serve legal process in any other manner  permitted by Law or the rules
of the American Arbitration Association.

Supplier and Purchaser have caused this Supply  Agreement to be duly executed as
of the date first set forth above.

                                               ELKHART  PRODUCTS CORPORATION
                                               (A Delaware Corporation)

                                               By: _____________________________
                                               Its: ____________________________


                                               LEE BRASS COMPANY

                                               By: _____________________________
                                                      Joseph R. Grewe, President


                                    EXHIBIT A


                        OPINION OF BARNES & THORNBURG LLP
                                  AS APPLICABLE

Subject to customary qualifications, limitations and exceptions:

     Section 31. Each Seller is a corporation  duly organized,  validly existing
and in good  standing  under  the laws of the  jurisdiction  under  which it was
formed and has the corporate  power and  authority to own,  lease or operate the
Acquired Assets as now owned,  leased or operated by that Seller in all material
respects.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure  Letter to the Agreement,  each
Seller is duly qualified to conduct its business and is in good standing in each
jurisdiction in which the Acquired Assets are owned,  leased or operated by that
Seller or the nature of the  operation of the  Business  operated by that Seller
requires that Seller to qualify to transact  business as a foreign  corporation,
other than any  jurisdiction in which the failure to be so registered  would not
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

     Section 32. Each Seller has all requisite  corporate power and authority to
enter into,  deliver and perform the  Agreement  and each  agreement  that is an
exhibit to the Agreement and [name any other specified closing  agreements] (the
"Subject  Agreements") to which it is a party and to consummate the transactions
described in the Agreement and the Subject  Agreements.  Each of the  Agreements
and the Subject  Agreements  (including the transactions  described  therein) to
which it is a party has been duly authorized by all necessary  corporate  action
on the part of each  Seller and has been duly  executed  and  delivered  by each
Seller pursuant to all necessary corporate action.

     Section 33. Except as disclosed in the Disclosure  Letter to the Agreement,
neither the  execution  and  delivery by each  Seller of the  Agreement  and the
Subject  Agreements to which it is a party,  the  consummation by each Seller of
the transactions  described in the Agreement and the Subject Agreements to which
it is a party,  nor  compliance by each Seller with any other  provisions of the
Agreement and the Subject  Agreements  to which it is a party,  will result in a
violation or breach of, or  constitute a default under (a) its charter or bylaws
(or analogous  documents),  (b) any Material Contracts or (c) any Law applicable
to a Seller or, to counsel's knowledge, court or administrative order by which a
Seller is subject or bound.

     Section 34. Except for filings  required to be made pursuant to the HSR Act
and the federal  securities laws of the United States and except as disclosed in
the  Disclosure  Letter to the  Agreement,  no Seller is  required to submit any
notice,  report or other filing with any governmental or regulatory authority or
instrumentality in connection with the execution, delivery or performance of the
Agreement and the Subject  Agreements by the Sellers and the consummation of the
transactions described in the Agreement and the Subject Agreements.

     Section 35. Each of the Agreements and the Subject Agreements is the legal,
valid and binding obligation of each Seller who is a party thereto;  and, except
as  may  be  limited  by  principles  of  equity  or   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or other similar laws or judicial  decision relating
to or affecting the  enforcement of creditors'  rights,  is enforceable  against
each Seller in accordance with its terms.


     Section 36. To our  knowledge  and except as  described  in the  Disclosure
Letter to the Agreement, (1) there is no suit, action, proceeding, investigation
or claim pending or  threatened  against and affecting the Business in any court
or before any Forum or by any Government and (2) there is no outstanding  order,
writ, injunction,  decree, judgment or award by any court,  arbitration panel or
Government against any Seller and adversely affecting the Business.


                                  BILL OF SALE

KNOW  ALL  MEN BY  THESE  PRESENTS  that  Amcast  Industrial  Ltd.,  a  Canadian
corporation ("Amcast Canada"), for good and valuable consideration paid to it by
Elkhart Products Ltd., a Canadian  corporation  ("Elkhart-Canada"),  pursuant to
that certain Asset Purchase  Agreement between Amcast Canada,  Amcast Industrial
Corporation,  an Ohio  corporation,  Elkhart  Products  Corporation,  an Indiana
corporation,  Aalberts  Industries U.S.  Holding Corp., a Delaware  corporation,
Elkhart Products Corporation,  a Delaware corporation and Elkhart-Canada,  dated
July 8,  2004  (the  "Asset  Purchase  Agreement"),  receipt  of which is hereby
acknowledged by Amcast Canada, does by these presents assign,  transfer,  convey
and deliver unto Elkhart-Canada,  its successors and assigns, all of the rights,
title and  interests  to the assets and rights  described  in Section 1.1 of the
Asset  Purchase  Agreement  (other than the Excluded  Assets,  as defined in the
Asset  Purchase   Agreement)  of  Amcast-Canada,   to  have  and  to  hold  unto
Elkhart-Canada, its successors and assigns.

This  Bill of Sale is  made  pursuant  to and  upon  the  terms  and  conditions
contained in the Asset Purchase Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Amcast-Canada has caused this Bill of Sale to be executed by
its respective duly authorized representatives on July 30, 2004.

                                                      Amcast Industrial Ltd.

                                                      By: ______________________
                                                      Joseph R. Grewe, President


                                  BILL OF SALE

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE  PRESENTS  that  Amcast  Industrial  Corporation,  an Ohio
corporation ("Amcast"), and Elkhart Products Corporation, an Indiana corporation
("Elkhart-Indiana"), for good and valuable consideration paid to them by Elkhart
Products Corporation, a Delaware corporation  ("Elkhart-Delaware"),  pursuant to
that certain Asset Purchase Agreement between Amcast, Elkhart-Indiana and Amcast
Industrial Ltd., a Canadian corporation, Aalberts Industries U.S. Holding Corp.,
a Delaware  corporation,  Elkhart Products,  Ltd., a Canadian  corporation,  and
Elkhart-Delaware,  dated July 8, 2004 (the "Asset Purchase Agreement"),  receipt
of which is hereby  acknowledged  by  Amcast  and  Elkhart-Indiana,  do by these
presents  assign,  transfer,  convey  and  deliver  unto  Elkhart-Delaware,  its
successors and assigns, all of the rights, title and interests to the assets and
rights described in Section 1.1 of the Asset Purchase  Agreement (other than the
Excluded  Assets,  as defined  in the Asset  Purchase  Agreement)  of Amcast and
Elkhart-Indiana,  to have and to hold unto Elkhart-Delaware,  its successors and

This  Bill of Sale is  made  pursuant  to and  upon  the  terms  and  conditions
contained in the Asset Purchase Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  each of Amcast and  Elkhart-Indiana has caused this Bill of
Sale to be executed by its respective  duly authorized  representatives  on July
30, 2004.

                                                   Amcast Industrial CORPORATION

                                                   By: _________________________
                                                     Joseph R. Grewe, President

                                                   ELKHART PRODUCTS CORPORATION

                                                   By: _________________________
                                                     Joseph R. Grewe, President


                            INSTRUMENT OF ASSUMPTION

THIS INSTRUMENT OF ASSUMPTION  dated July 30, 2004, is entered into by and among
Amcast   Industrial   Corporation,   an  Ohio   corporation,   Elkhart  Products
Corporation,  an Indiana  corporation,  and  Amcast  Industrial  Ltd.,  a Canada
corporation  ("Sellers")  and Aalberts  Industries U.S.  Holding Corp.,  Elkhart
Products Corporation, a Delaware corporation  ("Elkhart-Delaware"),  and Elkhart
Products  Ltd.,  a  Canadian   corporation   ("Elkhart-Canada"),   and  Aalberts
Industries   U.S.   Holding  Corp.,  a  Delaware   corporation   (together  with
Elkhart-Delaware and Elkhart-Canada, the "Buying Parties").


WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated July 8, 2004 by
and among the Buying  Parties and  Sellers  (the  "Asset  Purchase  Agreement"),
Sellers have agreed to sell, transfer,  and assign certain of Sellers' assets to
Elkhart-Delaware and Elkhart-Canada; and

WHEREAS,  pursuant to the  Agreement,  the Buying  Parties have agreed to assume
certain liabilities of the Sellers; and

WHEREAS,  all  of the  instruments,  documents  and  agreements  required  to be
executed and delivered in order to consummate the  transactions  provided in the
Asset  Purchase  Agreement  are  being  executed  and  delivered  by  and to the
respective parties to the Asset Purchase Agreement concurrently herewith.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and the transfer by Sellers
concurrently  herewith of the Acquired Assets in accordance with and pursuant to
the Asset Purchase Agreement:

The Buying Parties agree to assume and hereby assume, on the date hereof, and to
pay,  perform  or  discharge  in  full  the  Assumed  Liabilities,  when  due in
accordance with the provisions of the Asset Purchase Agreement.

The assignments  and assumptions  made hereunder are made in accordance with and
subject to the  provisions  contained in the Asset  Purchase  Agreement.  Unless
otherwise defined herein,  capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in the Asset Purchase Agreement.

This  Instrument  of  Assumption  may be  executed  by the  parties in  separate
counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original,
but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

This  Instrument of Assumption  shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of New York


IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties to this  Instrument of Assumption  have caused
this Instrument of Assumption to be duly executed by their respective authorized
officers as of the day and year first above written.

                                 ELKHART PRODUCTS CORPORATION,
                                 a Delaware corporation

                                 ELKHART PRODUCTS LTD.,
                                 a Canadian Corporation

                                 AALBERTS  INDUSTRIES  U.S.  HOLDING CORP.,
                                 a Delaware corporation

