
                           Park-Ohio Industries, Inc.


                           GAMCO Components Group LLC



                          Amcast Industrial Corporation


                           Dated as of August 23, 2004

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.    AGREEMENT TO SELL AND AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE..............................1

   1.1      Assets to be Conveyed..............................................1
   1.2      Excluded Assets....................................................3
   1.3      Closing............................................................4

2.    CONSIDERATION TO BE PAID BY PURCHASER....................................4

   2.1      Purchase Price for Acquired Assets; Payment Thereof................4
   2.2      Liabilities Assumed by Purchaser...................................5
   2.3      Liabilities Not Assumed by Parent or Purchaser.....................5
   2.4      Purchase Price Adjustment..........................................6
   2.5      Sales Taxes........................................................7
   2.6      Price Allocation...................................................7


   3.1      Organization, Good Standing, Authority and Enforceability..........8
   3.2      Agreement Not in Breach of Other Instruments.......................8
   3.3      Consents...........................................................8
   3.4      Available Funds....................................................8
   3.5      No Brokerage Fees..................................................8
   3.6      Due Diligence Matters..............................................8

4.    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER.................................9

   4.1      Organization, Good Standing and Authority..........................9
   4.2      Authorization of Agreement.........................................9
   4.3      Acquired Assets....................................................9
   4.4      Financial Statements..............................................10
   4.5      Real Property and Leaseholds......................................10
   4.6      Tangible Personal Property Other Than Inventory...................11
   4.7      Intellectual Property Assets......................................12
   4.8      Insurance.........................................................12
   4.9      Environmental Matters.............................................12
   4.10     Employment Matters................................................13
   4.11     Employee Benefit Plans............................................14
   4.12     Assumed Contracts.................................................14
   4.13     Consents..........................................................15
   4.14     Liabilities.......................................................15


   4.15     Disclaimer........................................................15
   4.16     Inventory.........................................................15
   4.17     Products Liability and Warranty...................................15
   4.18     Customers and Suppliers...........................................16
   4.19     Litigation........................................................16
   4.20     Taxes.............................................................16
   4.21     Agreements and Transactions with Related Parties..................16
   4.22     Absence of Changes................................................17
   4.23     Compliance with Laws..............................................17
   4.24     Utilities.........................................................18
   4.25     Receivables.......................................................18
   4.26     No Broker's Fees..................................................18
   4.27     No other Representations and Warranties...........................18


   5.1      Reasonable Efforts; Further Assurances............................18
   5.2      Covenant Not to Compete...........................................19
   5.3      Accounts Receivable...............................................19
   5.4      Employees.........................................................19
   5.5      Consents..........................................................20
   5.6      Use of Business Names by Purchaser................................20
   5.7      Bulk Transfer Laws................................................20
   5.8      Employee Benefit Matters..........................................20
   5.9      Prorations........................................................21
   5.10     Access to Records.................................................21
   5.11     Tax Matters.......................................................21
   5.12     Environmental Matters.............................................21

6.    CONDITIONS TO CLOSING...................................................22

   6.1      Conditions to Obligations of each Party...........................22
   6.2      Conditions to Obligations of Purchaser and Parent.................22
   6.3      Conditions to Obligations of Seller...............................23

7.    INDEMNIFICATION.........................................................24

   7.1      Indemnification by Seller.........................................24
   7.2      Indemnification by Parent and Purchaser...........................26
   7.3      Determination of Loss.............................................28
   7.4      Limitations on Indemnification....................................28
   7.5      Indemnification Procedure.........................................34
   7.6      Exclusive Remedy..................................................35

8.    ADDITIONAL COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS.....................................35

   8.1      Expenses..........................................................35


   8.2      Public Releases...................................................35

9.    MISCELLANEOUS...........................................................35

   9.1      Entire Agreement..................................................35
   9.2      Amendments; Waiver................................................35
   9.3      Successors; Assignment............................................36
   9.4      Notices...........................................................36
   9.5      Severability......................................................37
   9.6      No Third Party Beneficiary........................................37
   9.7      Applicable Law....................................................37
   9.8      Arbitration.......................................................37
   9.9      Counterparts......................................................38
   9.10     Headings; Construction............................................38
   9.11     Consent to Service of Process and Jurisdiction....................38
   9.12     Certain Information...............................................39

10.   Certain Definitions.....................................................39

   10.1     Definitions.......................................................39


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     THIS ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is dated as of August 23, 2004,
among  Park-Ohio  Industries,   Inc.,  an  Ohio  corporation  ("Parent"),  GAMCO
Components Group LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("Purchaser") and Amcast
Industrial  Corporation,  an Ohio  corporation  ("Seller").  Section  10 of this
Agreement  defines certain  capitalized  terms used but not elsewhere defined in
this Agreement.


     A. WHEREAS,  Seller is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling
to original  equipment  manufacturers  and tier-one  suppliers in the automotive
industry aluminum castings,  produced using gravity and low-pressure  production
processes,  for suspension  and brake systems for use on  automobiles  and light
trucks as conducted at the Facilities (the "Business").

     B. WHEREAS,  Parent,  primarily through its subsidiaries,  is a provider of
supply  chain  logistics  services  and  a  manufacturer  of  highly  engineered

     C. WHEREAS,  Purchaser is a direct or indirect  wholly owned  subsidiary of
Parent; and

     D. WHEREAS,  Purchaser desires to purchase  substantially all of the assets
of Seller used  exclusively  by Seller in or necessary  for the operation of the
Business (other than the Facility located in Cedarburg,  Wisconsin),  and Seller
desires  to sell such  assets to  Purchaser,  all upon the terms and  conditions
hereinafter set forth.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  and in  consideration  of the  mutual  promises  and
covenants  herein contained and for other good and valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and adequacy of which hereby are acknowledged,  the parties hereto agree
as follows:


     1.1 Assets to be Conveyed.  On the terms and subject to the  conditions set
forth herein,  and except as provided in Section 1.2 hereof, on the Closing Date
(as defined in Section 1.3 hereof), Seller shall convey, sell, transfer,  assign
and deliver to Purchaser, and Purchaser shall purchase,  acquire and accept from
Seller,  the following assets owned by Seller as of the Closing Date but only to
the extent that such assets are used  exclusively  by Seller in or are necessary
for the operation of the Business at the Facilities (collectively, the "Acquired

     (a) All  inventories of finished  goods,  raw  materials,  work in process,
spare parts, replacement and component parts (collectively, the "Inventory");

     (b) All machinery and equipment,  including  those items listed on Schedule
1.1(b) (the "M&E")

     (c) All parts, toolings,  dies, jigs, molds, office,  maintenance and other
supplies,  packaging materials,  computers,  tools, furniture and other tangible
personal property, including those items listed on Schedule 1.1(c);

     (d) The prepaid items,  deposits,  advance  payments,  deferred charges and
other similar assets listed on Schedule 1.1(d) hereto (the "Prepaid Expenses");

     (e) All accounts and notes  receivable  and any security held by Seller for
the  payment  thereof,  including  those items  listed on  Schedule  1.1(e) (the
"Accounts Receivable");

     (f) All customer lists,  computer software and software in progress,  sales
brochures, data bases, books and records, correspondence and production records;

     (g) All  warranties  and  guaranties  by, and rights,  choses in action and
claims, known or unknown,  matured or unmatured,  accrued or contingent against,
third parties;

     (h) Seller's right, title and interest in and to all contracts,  agreements
and  commitments  (including  unfilled  customer and  purchase  orders) to which
Seller is a party at the Closing Date or by which any of the Acquired  Assets is
then bound and, in each case,  which are utilized in the conduct of the Business
(all of the foregoing to be assigned to Purchaser  pursuant  hereto  (subject to
Section 5.5), including the Agreement between Amcast Automotive (Richmond Plant)
and United  Automobile,  Aerospace & Agricultural  Implement Workers of America,
UAW and Local  2374  dated  October  6, 2000 and the  Agreement  between  Amcast
Automotive  (Cedarburg Plant) and Local 185 Glass Molders,  Pottery,  Plastics &
Allied  Workers  International  Union  (AFL-CIO,   CLC)  dated  April  28,  2002
(collectively,  the "Union Contracts"), are hereinafter referred to collectively
as the "Assumed Contracts" and individually as an "Assumed Contract");

     (i) Motor vehicles listed on Schedule 1.1(i) hereto;

     (j) Those leasehold  improvements and construction in progress with respect
to the Owned Real Property as set forth on Schedule 1.1(j) hereto;

     (k) All  intellectual  property  licenses,  patents,  patent  applications,
copyrights,  copyright applications,  trademarks, trademark registrations issued
or applied for,  trade names,  computer  programs and formula,  including  those
items listed on Schedule 1.1(k) (the "Intellectual Property Assets");

     (l) The owned real estate described on Schedule  1.1(l),  together with all
rights of way,  licenses,  permits,  easements  and  appurtenances  thereto (the
"Owned Real Property");

     (m) (i) the Industrial  Development Project Lease by and between Amcast and
Richmond Power and Light dated August 31, 1992,  (ii) the Lease Agreement by and
between Amcast and Bellevue  Partners,  LLC,  dated October 28, 1999,  including
extension  dated  November  19,  2003,  and (iii) the Lease  dated March 9, 1994
between Amcast Automotive,  Inc. and GALLERIA EQUITIES, LLC, as successor to FCN
Associates,  L.L.C., as supplemented by that certain Commencement Date Amendment
dated March 6, 1994 and as amended by a First  Amendment to Lease dated November
3, 1998 and a Second Amendment to Lease dated March 26, 2004 (collectively,  the
"Real Property Leases");


     (n) All business, proprietary and confidential information, including trade
secrets,  capabilities,  technical  information,  know-how,  process technology,
ideas, designs,  processes,  procedures,  algorithms,  discoveries,  inventions,
blueprints,  engineering data,  patterns,  bills of materials,  and drawings and
specifications, and all improvements thereof;

     (o) All governmental approvals,  licenses and permits which are utilized in
the conduct of the  Business,  including  those  listed on Schedule  1.1(o) (the
"Transferred Permits"); and

     (p) All goodwill associated with the other Acquired Assets.

     1.2  Excluded  Assets.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained in Section 1.1
hereof to the contrary,  Seller is not selling, and Purchaser is not purchasing,
pursuant to this Agreement, any of the following, all of which shall be retained
by Seller (the "Excluded Assets"):

     (a) Any cash, investments and other cash equivalents;

     (b) Seller's minute books, Tax returns and other organizational  documents,
and  Seller's  financial  records  and  employment  records,  other  than  those
employment  records  pertaining  to Employees and allowed to be  transferred  to
Purchaser under applicable Laws;

     (c) Assets of Seller that are not used in or necessary for the operation of
the Business,  but as of the Closing Date, are subleased to Affiliates of Seller
or other divisions of Seller, including the assets set forth on Schedule 1.2(c);

     (d) All  qualifications  to  transact  business  as a foreign  corporation,
arrangements with registered agents with respect to foreign qualifications,  and
taxpayer and other identification numbers;

     (e) Any Tax  benefits  and rights to refunds,  including  rights to any net
operating losses;

     (f) Any contracts or rights relating to borrowed money;

     (g) Any  contracts,  agreements  or rights  between  Seller  and any of its
Affiliates, including any Tax-sharing agreements;


     (h) All insurance  contracts and policies,  insurance  refunds from prepaid
insurance,  and insurance  deposits,  recoveries and rights under any current or
prior insurance contracts or policies;

     (i) Any pension,  profit sharing,  welfare or other benefit plans,  and any
assets, contracts or rights relating to any such plans;

     (j) The trademarks,  trade names and business names  "Amcast,"  "Izumi" and
any and all variations thereof and any related goodwill,  trademark applications
and registrations, and internet domain names which consist of or incorporate the
names "Amcast" and "Izumi" and any and all variations thereof;

     (k) The real property lease  described on Schedule  1.2(k) for the Facility
located in Detroit, Michigan;

     (l) All tangible assets located at Seller's  facilities in Dayton, Ohio and
at the leased Facility in Detroit, Michigan described on Schedule 1.2(k);

     (m) Seller's real property  located in Cedarburg,  Wisconsin  together with
all rights of way, licenses,  permits,  easements and appurtenances thereto (the
"Cedarburg Facility");

     (n) Any  assets  or  rights  certain  benefits  of which  are  provided  to
Purchaser  pursuant  to a  mutually  acceptable  transition  services  agreement
executed  by  Seller  and  Purchaser  at  Closing  (the   "Transition   Services
Agreement"); and

     (o) The assets listed on Schedule 1.2(o).

     1.3  Closing.  The closing of the  transactions  herein  contemplated  (the
"Closing")  shall,  unless  another  date,  time or  place is  agreed  to by the
parties,  take place at the offices of Seller in Dayton, Ohio, at 10 A.M., local
time,  simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement and will be effective
as of the date of this Agreement (the "Closing Date").


     2.1 Purchase Price for Acquired Assets; Payment Thereof. The purchase price
for the Acquired Assets shall be $10,000,000 (Ten Million Dollars) (the "Initial
Cash Purchase Price"), subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 2.4 below, plus
the  assumption of the Assumed  Liabilities  (as defined in Section 2.2). At the
Closing,  Purchaser shall pay, in cash,  certified check, wire transfer or other
immediately available funds ("Immediately Available Funds"), (a) $500,000 of the
Initial  Cash  Purchase  Price to an  escrow  agent  designated  by  Seller  and
Purchaser, which amount shall be held and disbursed in accordance with the terms
of a mutually  acceptable escrow agreement  ("Escrow  Agreement") that provides,
among other  things,  for the  escrowed  funds to be  disbursed  to Purchaser to
satisfy  any  indemnification  obligations  of  Seller  under  Section 7 of this
Agreement and the balance to be paid to Seller 18 months after Closing,  and (b)
the balance of the Initial  Cash  Purchase  Price to Seller,  less the  $250,000
deposit  which Seller  previously  received  from  Purchaser  and which shall be
retained by Seller at Closing.


     2.2  Liabilities  Assumed by Purchaser.  As further  consideration  for the
purchase  of the  Acquired  Assets and  consummation  of the other  transactions
contemplated  hereby,  on the Closing Date,  Purchaser  shall,  and Parent shall
cause Purchaser to, assume and agree to pay, perform and discharge in full, when
due, the  following  liabilities  of Seller with  respect to the  Business  (the
"Assumed  Liabilities")  by execution and delivery to Seller of an instrument of
assumption reasonably satisfactory to Seller (the "Instrument of Assumption"):

     (a) All obligations  and  liabilities  arising under or associated with the
Assumed  Contracts,  including all obligations and liabilities  arising under or
associated with any Assumed Contract requiring the consent of any third party to
be assigned to Purchaser pursuant hereto,  regardless of whether such consent is
delivered  to  Purchaser  at or  after  Closing;  provided,  however,  that  the
obligations  and  liabilities  arising  under and  associated  with any  Assumed
Contract  that is the  subject  of a  Material  Consent  (as  defined in Section
6.2(h)) listed on Schedule 6.2(h) hereto shall be assumed,  paid,  performed and
discharged by Purchaser  if, and only if, such Material  Consent is delivered to
Purchaser  at  Closing;  and  provided  further,   however,   that  the  Assumed
Liabilities  shall not include any pension or welfare  benefit plan  liabilities
arising  under or  associated  with the Union  Contracts  for  periods  prior to
Closing other than any such welfare benefit plan  liabilities that are reflected
on,  accrued  for or  reserved  against  on the Final  Closing  Working  Capital
Statement, which shall be Assumed Liabilities;

     (b) All accounts payable and other liabilities reflected on, accrued for or
reserved  against in the Final Closing  Working Capital  Statement,  but only to
such extent,  including all accrued  payroll,  accrued vacation and accrued sick
pay  liabilities,  medical program  liabilities,  all accrued payroll Taxes, all
accrued  real and  personal  property  Taxes  (all such Taxes  being  assumed by
Purchaser are referred to in this Agreement as the "Affected  Taxes"),  workers'
compensation claims, and all other current liabilities of Seller with respect to
the Business;

     (c) All product repair and product replacement claims that arise under, and
are made  pursuant  to and  consistent  with,  the  terms of  Seller's  standard
outstanding  warranty  obligations,  which terms are specifically  identified on
Schedule 4.17 hereto (but excluding any Product  Liability Claims (as defined in
Section  7.1(e))  with  respect to any goods  manufactured  or sold or  services
provided  by the  Business  before  and after  Closing,  but only to the  extent
reflected  on,  accrued for or  reserved  against in the Final  Closing  Working
Capital Statement; and

     (d) The  employment  and  retention  obligations  of  Seller  set  forth on
Schedule 2.2(d).

     2.3  Liabilities  Not  Assumed by Parent or  Purchaser.  (a) Except for the
Assumed  Liabilities,  neither Parent nor Purchaser shall assume or be liable or
responsible  for,  whether  as a  successor  or  otherwise,  any  obligation  or
liability of Seller of any kind or nature whatsoever.


     2.4 Purchase Price Adjustment.

     (a) The Initial Cash  Purchase  Price shall be adjusted by an amount (which
may be a positive  or  negative  number)  equal to the  difference  between  the
Working  Capital (as defined  below) of the  Business at Closing as set forth on
the Final Closing Working Capital  Statement and $3,625,000 (the "Target Working

     (b) Seller  shall  prepare  and deliver to  Purchaser  within 45 days after
Closing an  unaudited  statement  of Working  Capital as of the Closing  Date in
accordance with the same  methodologies,  assumptions  and accounting  practices
used to prepare the Audited  Financial  Statements  (as defined in Section  4.4)
(the "Closing  Working Capital  Statement") and the methodology  used to prepare
the Target  Working  Capital as set forth in Schedule  2.4(b).  Purchaser  shall
provide Seller reasonable  access to all books,  records and other documents and
information   requested  by  Seller  to  prepare  the  Closing  Working  Capital
Statement.  Purchaser  shall  have 45 days  from the date on which  the  Closing
Working  Capital  Statement  is  delivered  to it to review the Closing  Working
Capital Statement (the "Review  Period").  During the Review Period Seller shall
provide Purchaser reasonable access to the information used by Seller to prepare
the Closing  Working  Capital  Statement  for  purposes of  Purchaser's  review.
Purchaser may dispute items or amounts  reflected on the Closing Working Capital
Statement  on any  reasonable  basis  consistent  with this  Agreement  and with
Seller's  historical  accounting  methodologies,  assumptions and practices,  by
delivering to Seller, on or prior to the last day of the Review Period, a notice
of objection setting forth, in reasonable  detail,  each disputed item or amount
and the basis for Purchaser's  disagreement therewith,  together with supporting
calculations. If no notice of objection is received by Seller on or prior to the
last day of the Review Period,  the Closing Working  Capital  Statement shall be
deemed  accepted  by  Parent  and  Purchaser  and shall be  final,  binding  and
conclusive on Parent and Purchaser. If Purchaser gives such notice of objection,
then  Purchaser  and Seller shall use their  reasonable  efforts to resolve such
dispute. In the event such dispute is not resolved by the parties within fifteen
(15) days of the receipt of notice of such objection by Seller,  then the issues
in dispute shall be submitted to BDO Seidman,  LLP, certified public accountants
(the  "Accountants")  and the Accountants shall determine the Working Capital of
the  Business  at  Closing  in  accordance  with the  terms  of this  Agreement,
including  the first  sentence of this Section  2.4(b),  but within the range of
differences  between  the  parties.  If issues in dispute are  submitted  to the
Accountants for resolution, (i) each party shall furnish to the Accountants such
workpapers and other documents and  information  relating to the disputed issues
and the  Closing  Working  Capital  Statement  as the  Accountants  may  request
(including a copy of this  Agreement)  and which are available to that party (or
its independent  public  accountants),  and shall be afforded the opportunity to
present to the Accountants  any material  relating to the  determination  and to
discuss the  determination  with the Accountants;  (ii) the determination by the
Accountants,  which shall be set forth in a written  notice  delivered to Seller
and Purchaser as soon as practical by the Accountants,  shall be final,  binding
and  conclusive on the parties for all purposes;  and (iii) Parent and Purchaser
shall  bear  one-half  and  Seller  shall  bear  one-half  of  the  fees  of the
Accountants for such  determination.  The Closing Working Capital  Statement and
Initial  Cash  Purchase  Price,  as both are finally  adjusted  pursuant to this
Section, are referred to in this Agreement as the "Final Closing Working Capital
Statement" and the "Final Cash Purchase Price," respectively.


     (c) No later than five (5) business days after the final  determination  of
the Working  Capital of the  Business at Closing,  whether by the passing of the
forty-five (45) day objection  period without written notice of objection as set
forth in  subsection  (b)  above,  or by the  resolution  of the  parties or the
determination  of the  Accountants,  if the Working  Capital of the  Business at
Closing  as finally  determined  is greater  than the  Target  Working  Capital,
Purchaser shall pay such difference to Seller, and if the Working Capital of the
Business  at  Closing  as finally  determined  is less than the  Target  Working
Capital, Seller shall pay such difference to Purchaser. Payments must be made in
Immediately Available Funds as requested by the party receiving the funds.

     (d) For purposes hereof,  the term "Working Capital" shall mean (i) the sum
of Total Receivables,  Total Inventory and Total Other Current Assets, less (ii)
the  sum  of  Total  Accounts  Payable,  Total  Compensation   Accruals,   Total
Withholding  Accruals,  Total  Accrued  Worker's  Compensation,  Total  Benefits
Accruals,  Total Miscellaneous  Accruals and Total Accrued Taxes, as these terms
are commonly used as line item  categories in the  internally  prepared  balance
sheet for the  Business.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  for purposes of this
Agreement,  Working  Capital  shall not  include  (A) bank  debt,  (B) costs and
expenses associated with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or (C)
long-term   indebtedness   and  the  current  portion  of  any  such  long  term

     2.5 Sales Taxes. Seller shall be responsible for and duly pay one-half, and
Purchaser  shall be responsible  for and duly pay one-half,  of all sales,  use,
excise, transfer, value added and similar Taxes imposed by any Government in any
jurisdiction on the purchase and sale of any of the Acquired Assets.

     2.6 Price  Allocation.  Promptly  following the  determination of the Final
Cash  Purchase  Price  pursuant  to Section  2.4,  Purchaser  shall  cause to be
prepared and delivered to Seller a schedule  setting forth the allocation of the
Final  Cash  Purchase  Price and the  Assumed  Liabilities  that are taken  into
account  for  federal  income  Tax  purposes  among the  Acquired  Assets.  Such
allocation shall be subject to the review and approval of Seller, which approval
shall not be unreasonably  withheld or delayed. The allocation of the Final Cash
Purchase Price and the Assumed  Liabilities shall be made in accordance with (i)
the  reasonable  fair  market  value of such  items and (ii) the  provisions  of
Section 1060 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  and
the rules and regulations promulgated  thereunder,  and shall be binding, to the
extent not in conflict with  applicable  Law, upon Parent,  Purchaser and Seller
for all purposes (including  financial and regulatory reporting purposes and Tax
purposes).  Parent,  Purchaser and Seller  further agree to file, as applicable,
their  respective  U.S.  federal  income Tax  returns  and Form 8594 and, to the
extent not in conflict with applicable  Law, their other Tax returns  reflecting
such  allocation and any other reports  required by Section 1060 of the Code, in
accordance  with said  allocation.  Each party agrees to prepare and timely file
all applicable IRS forms, to cooperate with the other parties in the preparation
of such  forms  and to  furnish  the  other  parties  with a copy of such  forms
prepared in draft,  within a reasonable  period before the due date thereof.  In
addition,  each party agrees to notify the other parties in the event any taxing
authority takes or purports to take a position inconsistent with the agreed-upon



     Parent and Purchaser, jointly and severally,  represent and warrant to, and
covenant and agree with, Seller that:

     3.1 Organization, Good Standing, Authority and Enforceability.  Parent is a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws
of the State of Ohio.  Purchaser is a limited  liability company duly organized,
validly  existing and in good standing under the Laws of the State of Ohio. Each
of Parent and Purchaser has all requisite power and authority to enter into this
Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement
and each  other  agreement  and  instrument  to be  executed  by  Parent  and/or
Purchaser in connection  herewith have been (or upon execution  shall have been)
duly executed and delivered by Parent and Purchaser,  as  applicable,  have been
duly authorized by all necessary  action and constitute (or upon execution shall
constitute)  legal,  valid and binding  obligations of Parent and Purchaser,  as
applicable,  enforceable  against Parent and Purchaser in accordance  with their
respective terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,
moratorium  or other Laws  relating to or  affecting  the rights and remedies of
creditors  generally and to general  principles of equity (regardless of whether
considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

     3.2 Agreement Not in Breach of Other Instruments. Neither the execution and
delivery of this  Agreement by Parent or Purchaser nor the  consummation  of the
transactions  contemplated  herein  shall result in a violation or breach of, or
constitute a default under (i) any agreement,  indenture or other  instrument to
which  Parent  or  Purchaser  is a party  or by  which  it is  bound,  (ii)  the
organizational and charter documents of Parent or Purchaser, (iii) any judgment,
decree, order or award of any court, Government or arbitrator by which Parent or
Purchaser is bound, or (iv) any Law applicable to Parent or Purchaser.

     3.3 Consents.  The  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by Parent or
Purchaser  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
Agreement  by Parent or Purchaser  (i) do not require the  consent,  approval or
action of, or any filing with or notice to, any Person or Government,  except as
specified  in Schedule  3.3,  and (ii) do not require the consent or approval of
Parent's or Purchaser's respective  shareholders or boards of directors,  except
such as have been obtained and are in full force and effect.

     3.4 Available Funds.  Purchaser has readily available to it committed funds
sufficient  to allow it to  consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement on a timely basis.

     3.5 No Brokerage  Fees.  Neither  Parent,  Purchaser  nor anyone  acting on
Parent's or  Purchaser's  behalf has incurred any liability or obligation to pay
fees  or  commissions  to any  broker,  finder  or  agent  with  respect  to the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  for  which  Seller or any of its
Affiliates shall be liable.

     3.6 Due Diligence  Matters.  Parent and Purchaser have carefully  evaluated
the risks  associated with the Acquired Assets and the operation of the Business
following the Closing.  Parent and Purchaser have been given the  opportunity to
ask questions and receive answers from Seller concerning the financial condition
of the Business  and such other  information  pertaining  to the purchase of the
Acquired  Assets  as  Parent  and  Purchaser  desire,  and have  been  given the
opportunity to obtain  additional  information  necessary to verify the accuracy
thereof.  The  foregoing  shall  not serve to  diminish  any  representation  or
warranty given by Seller hereunder.



     Seller  represents  and warrants to, and covenants and agrees with,  Parent
and Purchaser that:

     4.1 Organization, Good Standing and Authority. Seller is a corporation duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  Laws  of the
jurisdiction of its incorporation. Seller has full corporate authority and power
to carry on its business as it is now  conducted,  and to own,  lease or operate
the Acquired Assets.  Seller is qualified to do business and is in good standing
as a foreign  corporation in each jurisdiction in which its failure to obtain or
maintain such  qualification  or good standing  would  reasonably be expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect.

     4.2 Authorization of Agreement. (a)

     (a)  Seller  has all  requisite  power  and  authority  to enter  into this
Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement
and each other  agreement and  instrument to be executed by Seller in connection
herewith  have been (or upon  execution  shall  have  been)  duly  executed  and
delivered by Seller,  have been duly  authorized by all  necessary  corporate or
partnership  action and constitute (or upon execution shall  constitute)  legal,
valid  and  binding  obligations  of  Seller,   enforceable  against  Seller  in
accordance  with  their  respective  terms,  subject to  applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium  or other Laws relating to or affecting
the rights and  remedies of creditors  generally  and to general  principles  of
equity  (regardless of whether  considered in a proceeding in equity or at law);

     (b) Except as set forth in Schedule 4.2, neither the execution and delivery
of  this  Agreement  by  Seller  nor  the   consummation  of  the   transactions
contemplated  herein  shall  result in a  material  violation  or breach  of, or
constitute a material default under (i) the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws
of Seller,  (ii) any material term or provision of any Assumed Contract or other
contract,  indenture,  note, mortgage, bond, security agreement, loan agreement,
guaranty, pledge, or other agreement,  instrument or document to which Seller is
a party or by which Seller is bound, (iii) any judgment,  decree, order or award
of any court,  Government  or  arbitrator  by which Seller is bound,  or (iv) to
Seller's Knowledge any Law applicable to Seller.

     4.3 Acquired Assets.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.3, Seller is, or at
the Closing  shall be, the lawful  owner of or have the right to use each of the
Acquired  Assets owned or used by Seller in the Business,  free and clear of all
Liens. Except for Excluded Assets and except as set forth on Schedule 4.3, there
are no assets or properties  used  exclusively in or necessary for the operation
of the  Business  and owned by any Person  other than  Seller  that shall not be
leased  or  licensed  to  Purchaser  under a valid,  current  lease  or  license
arrangement  included among the Assumed Contracts or other Acquired Assets.  The
tangible  Acquired  Assets shall be in the possession of Seller at Closing or at
such other locations set forth on Schedule 4.3. Except for the Excluded  Assets,
there are no assets or  properties  used  exclusively  in or  necessary  for the
operation of the  Business as currently  conducted by Seller not included in the
Acquired Assets.


     4.4 Financial Statements. Seller has made available to Parent and Purchaser
copies of Seller's audited consolidated balance sheets as at August 31, 2003 and
August 31, 2002,  and related  consolidated  audited  statements of  operations,
shareholders'  equity and cash  flows for each of the three  years in the period
ended  August  31,  2003  (the  "Audited  Financial  Statements").  The  Audited
Financial  Statements  include  the  opinion of Ernst & Young  LLP,  independent
certified public accountants,  that such financial statements present fairly, in
all  material  respects,  the  consolidated  financial  position  of Seller  and
subsidiaries as at their respective dates and the consolidated  results of their
operations and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended August
31, 2003, in conformity with GAAP.  Seller also has made available to Parent and
Purchaser  copies of the  unaudited  balance sheet of the Business as at May 31,
2004 (the "Unaudited Balance Sheet"),  and the unaudited  statement of income of
the Business for the nine-month  period then ended (such unaudited  statement of
income,  together with the Unaudited Balance Sheet, being collectively  referred
to as the  "Unaudited  Financial  Statements").  Except  for  footnotes,  normal
year-end  adjustments and as set forth in Schedule 4.4, the Unaudited  Financial
Statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with the  same  methodologies,
assumptions  and  accounting  practices  used to prepare the  Audited  Financial
Statements and present fairly, in all material respects, the financial condition
of the  Business as at the date  thereof and the  results of  operations  of the
Business for the nine-month period then ended. The Audited Financial  Statements
and the Unaudited  Financial  Statements  are  collectively  referred to in this
Agreement as the "Financial Statements."

     4.5 Real  Property  and  Leaseholds.  Except as set forth in Schedule  4.5:

     (a)  Seller  owns,  free and clear of all Liens,  the Owned Real  Property.
Seller owns the Cedarburg  Facility free and clear of all Liens other than Liens
arising  under  or  associated  with  the  Amended  and  Restated  Restructuring
Agreement,  dated  as  of  August  23,  2003,  among  Seller,  KeyBank  National
Association  and certain other  lenders  party thereto and certain  security and
mortgage   agreements  related  to  such  Amended  and  Restated   Restructuring

     (b) The Owned Real Property  constitutes all of the real property currently
owned  by  Seller  and used  for the  operation  of the  Business  as  presently
conducted,  other than the Cedarburg  Facility and Seller's  facility in Dayton,
Ohio.  The real  property  leased  by  Seller  under  the Real  Property  Leases
constitutes all of the real property leased, subleased to, or otherwise occupied
(and not  owned)  by  Seller  and  used for the  operation  of the  Business  as
presently  conducted,  other than the leased real property set forth on Schedule


     (c) To Seller's Knowledge,  each parcel of Owned Real Property, each parcel
of real estate leased by Seller under the Real Property Leases and the Cedarburg
Facility  (collectively,  the  "Real  Property")  have  adequate  access  to the
existing  roads and other public rights of way for the operation of the Business
as presently conducted;

     (d) To Seller's Knowledge,  the present use, occupancy and operation of the
Real  Property,  and all aspects of the  improvements  to the Real Property (the
"Real Property  Improvements"),  are in compliance in all material respects with
all applicable Laws. To Seller's Knowledge,  all Real Property  Improvements are
located  within the lot lines (and within the mandatory  set-backs from such lot
lines  established by applicable Law or otherwise) and not over areas subject to
easements or rights of way;

     (e) To Seller's Knowledge, all material certificates of occupancy and other
permits and approvals  required  with respect to the Real Property  Improvements
and the use, occupancy and operation thereof have been obtained and paid for and
are  currently in effect,  and Seller has not received any notices of violations
in connection with such items;

     (f) To Seller's  Knowledge,  no portion of the Real  Property is subject to
any  classification,  designation or determination of any Government or pursuant
to any Law that would reasonably be expected to materially  restrict the current
use, occupancy or operation of the Real Property in connection with the Business
as currently conducted;

     (g) Seller has made available to Purchaser  correct and complete  copies of
each Real Property Lease.  Each of the Real Property Leases is valid and in full
force and effect, and Seller holds a valid and existing leasehold interest under
each of the Real Property Leases,  free and clear of all Liens. Seller is not in
default under the terms of any Real Property Lease, and, to Seller's  Knowledge,
no events have occurred and no circumstances  exist which, if not remedied,  and
whether with or without  notice or the passage of time or both,  would result in
such a default.

     4.6 Tangible Personal Property Other Than Inventory.

     (a) Except as set forth in Schedule  4.6, to Seller's  Knowledge all of the
M&E and other items of tangible  personal  property  included among the Acquired
Assets (other than the Inventory and office and maintenance supplies),  or which
are leased by Seller  pursuant  to an Assumed  Contract,  have been  operated by
Seller in material conformity with all applicable Laws, manufacturer's operating
manuals, manufacturer's warranties, and insurance requirements.

     (b) Except as set forth in Schedule 4.6, to Seller's Knowledge, all lessors
of all M&E and other tangible  personal property leased to Seller pursuant to an
Assumed  Contract have  performed and satisfied in all material  respects  their
respective duties and obligations under such Assumed Contracts.


     4.7 Intellectual Property Assets. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.7:

     (a) To  Seller's  Knowledge,  Seller  owns or has  the  right  to use  each
Intellectual  Property  Asset  owned or used by  Seller,  free and  clear of all

     (b)  No  interference  Actions  concerning  Seller's  use  of  any  of  its
Intellectual  Property  Assets are  pending  with a  Government  or, to Seller's
Knowledge, threatened;

     (c) To Seller's  Knowledge,  Seller has the right and  authority to use the
Intellectual  Property  Assets owned by it in connection with the conduct of the
Business in the manner presently conducted and, to Seller's Knowledge,  such use
does not  violate in any respect  the  legally  enforceable  rights of any other
Person other than any such  violation  that would not  reasonably be expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.7, Seller has
not  received  any  notice  that  the  use of any  Intellectual  Property  Asset
infringes upon or conflicts with any rights claimed by any other Person; and

     (d) Seller has  complied  in all  material  respects  with the terms of any
Assumed  Contract  respecting  Intellectual  Property  Assets  and,  to Seller's
Knowledge,  each  other  party to such  Assumed  Contract  has  complied  in all
material respects with such terms.

     4.8 Insurance.  Schedule 4.8 lists each liability,  crime, fidelity,  fire,
product liability, workers' compensation, life and health insurance policy owned
by Seller with  respect to the Business or the Acquired  Assets,  including  for
each  policy  the name of the  insurer,  the type of  policy  and the  amount of
coverage. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.8, to Seller's Knowledge, Seller has
not received any written  notice from any such  insurance  company within the 12
months preceding the date hereof canceling or materially  amending any insurance
policies applicable to the Business or, except in connection with or as a result
of general market or industry  conditions,  materially  increasing the annual or
other  premiums  payable under any of such insurance  policies,  and to Seller's
Knowledge no such  cancellation,  amendment or material  increase of premiums is

     4.9 Environmental Matters.

     (a) Except as set forth on Schedule  4.9,  Seller has not stored,  treated,
disposed of, managed, generated, manufactured,  produced, released (as "release"
is defined  in Section  101(22)  of the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA")), emitted or discharged in any
material  respect  any  toxic,  hazardous,   explosive  or  otherwise  dangerous
materials, substances,  pollutants or wastes (as those terms are used in CERCLA,
the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery
Act of 1976, the Hazardous Materials  Transportation Act, the Emergency Planning
and Community  Right-to-Know Act or in any other  Environmental Law ), petroleum
products,  poly-chlorinated  biphenyls,  urea-formaldehyde  foam, or radioactive
materials (all of the above being collectively  referred to herein as "Hazardous
Materials") on, to, in, under or from the Real Property.


     (b) Except as set forth in  Schedule  4.9,  Seller (i) is  conducting  and,
during all  applicable  limitations  periods,  has  conducted  the  Business  in
material  compliance with all  Environmental  Laws and has obtained and complied
with in all  material  respects  all  permits,  licenses,  consents,  approvals,
registrations and other authorizations required under Environmental Law in order
to operate the  Business as  currently  conducted,  and (ii) Seller has not been
notified that it is potentially  liable under, or received any written  requests
for information or other correspondence  under, any Environmental Law concerning
the Real Property.

     (c) Except as set forth on Schedule  4.9,  Seller has  prepared  and timely
filed with the  appropriate  jurisdictions  all  reports  and  filings  required
pursuant to any Environmental Law applicable to or affecting the Business or the
Acquired  Assets,  and such  reports and filings  were  accurate in all material

     (d) Schedule 4.9 contains a list of all environmental studies, analyses and
reports prepared during the last five years and in Seller's  possession relating
to the  environmental  condition  of the  Real  Property,  and  Seller  has made
available  to Parent and  Purchaser  copies of all such  studies,  analyses  and
reports, if any.

     (e) Except as set forth on Schedule  4.9,  no audit or other  investigation
has been  conducted  by Seller or, to Seller's  Knowledge,  by any  governmental
authority as to environmental  matters at the Real Property within the past five
(5) years.

     (f) Except as set forth on Schedule  4.9,  with  respect to the Business or
any Acquired Asset,  Seller has not sent any Hazardous  Material to a site that,
pursuant to any  Environmental  Law, has been placed on the National  Priorities
List or any  similar  state list or is subject to, or the source of, any written
demand  to Seller  to take  response,  removal,  corrective,  remedial  or other
responsive  action under or pursuant to any  Environmental Law or to pay for the
costs of any such action at the site.

     (g)  Except as set forth on  Schedule  4.9,  no  Action  against  Seller to
enforce or impose  liability  under any  Environmental  Laws with respect to the
operation  of the  Business  or any Real  Property  is pending  or, to  Seller's
Knowledge, threatened.

     4.10 Employment Matters.

     (a) For each Employee set forth on Schedule 4.10 is such Employee's date of
birth,  date of hire, the years of service  required under each  applicable Plan
for purposes of eligibility,  vesting and accrual of benefits, and annual salary
or hourly wage rate, as applicable, and accrued vacation. Seller or an Affiliate
has paid in full to all Employees, or made appropriate accruals for on the books
of  account  of  Seller,  all  wages,  commissions,  bonuses  and  other  direct
compensation  for all  services  performed by them.  Seller or an Affiliate  has
withheld or collected from each payment made to each of the Employees the amount
of all Taxes  required to be withheld or collected  therefrom,  and Seller or an
Affiliate has paid the same when due to the applicable Government agency.


     (b) Except as set forth on Schedule  4.10,  (i) there are no pending or, to
Seller's Knowledge, threatened claims by any Employee or former Employee against
Seller with respect to the Business other than for compensation and benefits due
in the ordinary course of employment or workers'  compensation claims arising in
the Ordinary  Course of Business of the Business,  (ii) there are no pending or,
to Seller's  Knowledge,  threatened  claims  against  Seller with respect to the
Business  arising out of any applicable Law relating to employment  practices or
occupational or safety and health standards of the Business,  (iii) there are no
pending or, to Seller's  Knowledge,  threatened labor disputes,  strikes or work
stoppages against Seller affecting the Business, and (iv) to Seller's Knowledge,
there  are no  union  organizing  activities  in  process  involving  any of the
Employees with respect to the Business.

     (c)  Schedule  4.10  lists  all  union  and  collective  bargaining  agency
agreements to which Seller is a party and that relate to the Business.

     (d) Schedule 4.10  identifies all Employees and former  Employees and their
dependents receiving health benefits, or eligible to receive health benefits, as
required  by  COBRA.  To  Seller's  Knowledge,  notice  of the  availability  of
healthcare  continuation  coverage for  Employees,  former  Employees  and their
respective  dependents  and  qualified  beneficiaries,  in  accordance  with the
requirements of COBRA has been provided to all persons entitled thereto, and all
persons electing such coverage are being (or have been, if applicable)  provided
such coverage.

     4.11  Employee  Benefit  Plans.  Schedule  4.11  hereto  lists  all  plans,
programs,  agreements,  commitments  and  arrangements,  including any "employee
benefit  plan" within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA,  maintained by or on
behalf of Seller that provide any present or future benefits or compensation to,
or for the benefit of, any Employee or former Employee of Seller, or under which
Seller has any present or future  liability  with respect to any Employees  (the
"Plans"),  complete  copies  of which  have been made  available  to Parent  and
Purchaser.  To Seller's  Knowledge,  except as set forth on Schedule 4.11,  each
Plan, and the  administration  of each Plan,  complies with all applicable  Laws
(including,  in the case of Plans which are  intended to be  tax-qualified,  all
applicable provisions of the Code, including Sections 401(a) and 401(k)), except
for any  noncompliance  that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material
Adverse  Effect.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  4.11,  Seller has not,  with
respect to the Business, established,  maintained or contributed to or otherwise
participated in a multi-employer retirement plan (as defined in Section 3(37)(A)
of ERISA),  any defined  benefit  plan  within the  meaning of Section  3(35) of
ERISA,  or any other plan which is subject to the  provisions of Sections 302 or
Title IV of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code,  and Seller and all  Affiliates of
Seller have timely made any contributions required by them to any such plan, and
have no unpaid withdrawal  liability or termination  liability under Title IV of
ERISA with respect to any such plan.

     4.12 Assumed Contracts. Schedule 4.12 sets forth each Assumed Contract that
(a) cannot be  terminated  by Seller  within  ninety (90) days after the date of
this  Agreement  without  any  penalty  or premium  or (b)  provides  for annual
payments or receipts in excess of $100,000.00  in the  aggregate.  Except as set
forth on  Schedule  4.12:  each  Assumed  Contract  is in full force and effect;
Seller has performed in all material respects its obligations under each Assumed
Contract;  to Seller's  Knowledge  each other party to an Assumed  Contract  has
performed in all material  respects each of its  obligations  under such Assumed
Contract; and to Seller's Knowledge no event has occurred which, with the giving
of notice or the lapse of time, or both,  would constitute a material default or
breach on the part of Seller  under any of the Assumed  Contracts or on the part
of any other party to the Assumed Contracts.


     4.13  Consents.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Seller and
the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement by Seller
(i) do not  require  the  consent,  approval or action of, or any filing with or
notice to, any Person or  Government,  except as specified in Schedule 4.13, and
(ii) do not require the consent or approval of Seller's shareholders or board of
directors, except such as has been obtained and is in full force and effect.

     4.14  Liabilities.  To  Seller's  Knowledge,  Seller  has no  liability  or
obligation (whether absolute,  accrued, contingent or otherwise) with respect to
the  Business  that is of a nature  required by GAAP to be recorded on financial
statements,  except (i) those  reflected on, accrued for or reserved  against in
the Financial  Statements or that will be reflected on,  accrued for or reserved
against in the Final Closing Working Capital Statement, (ii) current liabilities
incurred in the Ordinary  Course of Business of the  Business  since the date of
the Unaudited  Balance  Sheet,  (iii) relating to  transactions  disclosed in or
contemplated by this Agreement (including the Schedules hereto), (iv) those that
have not had and would not  reasonably  be expected  to have a Material  Adverse
Effect, and (v) as set forth in Schedule 4.14.


     4.16 Inventory. To Seller's Knowledge,  subject to any reserves included in
the Final Closing  Working  Capital  Statement (the  "Reserves"),  all Inventory
reflected on the Final Closing Working  Capital  Statement shall be of a quality
and  quantity  suitable  and useable in the  Ordinary  Course of Business of the
Business,  except,  subject to Reserves,  for excess and obsolete items or items
below  standard  quality that in each case have been written off or written down
to net realizable value.

     4.17 Products  Liability and Warranty.  (a) Except as set forth on Schedule
4.17,  during the prior three years there has not been any, and currently  there
is no pending or, to Seller's Knowledge, threatened Action against Seller nor to
Seller's  Knowledge any circumstance that would reasonably be expected to result
in the filing of an Action against Seller,  relating to, or otherwise involving,
any Product  Liability  Claims,  but excluding any Actions or liability that has
not had and would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.


     (b)  Schedule  4.17  contains  a true and  complete  copy of the  terms and
conditions of Seller's  standard  warranties which are utilized in the Business.
Except as set forth and  described on Schedule  4.17,  Seller has not  modified,
either orally or in writing, any of the terms or conditions of such warranty for
any Person.  Schedule  4.17 sets forth an accurate and complete  history for the
Business of (i) warranty  claims made against Seller during the last three years
that resulted in an economic  payment by or against Seller,  (ii) all unresolved
warranty claims, and (iii) product returns during the last six months.

     4.18 Customers and  Suppliers.  Schedule 4.18 sets forth the name of the 10
largest  customers and suppliers of the Business (by dollar  volume) in terms of
purchases  and sales for the years ended August 31, 2003 and August 31, 2002. To
Seller's  Knowledge,  except as set  forth in  Schedule  4.18,  no  customer  or
supplier set forth on Schedule 4.18 intends to discontinue or substantially  and
adversely change its relationship with Seller with respect to the Business.

     4.19  Litigation.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.19, there is no Action
pending  with a Government  or, to Seller's  Knowledge,  threatened,  against or
affecting  Seller with  respect to the  Business or any of the  Acquired  Assets
that,  if adversely  decided,  would  reasonably  be expected to have a Material
Adverse Effect.

     4.20 Taxes.  Except as set forth on Schedule  4.20,  all Taxes that are due
and payable by Seller with respect to the  Business or the  Acquired  Assets for
all periods  through the date of the  Unaudited  Balance Sheet have been paid or
accrued for on the Unaudited Balance Sheet and all such Taxes due and payable by
Seller  with  respect to the  Business  or the  Acquired  Assets for all periods
through  the  Closing  Date  shall be paid or accrued  for on the Final  Closing
Working Capital  Statement.  Seller has timely and accurately filed all federal,
state,  local and  foreign  returns  and  reports  required to be filed with any
Government  with  respect to all Taxes  with  respect  to the  Business  and the
Acquired Assets on or before the date of this Agreement, and there is no pending
or, to  Seller's  Knowledge,  threatened,  audit of any of those  returns by any
Government.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.20, there is not now in force any
extension of time with  respect to the date on which any return  relating to any
Taxes owed by Seller with respect to the Business or the Acquired  Assets was or
is due to be filed by  Seller,  or any  waiver or  agreement  by Seller  for the
extension of time for the assessment of any such Taxes.

     4.21 Agreements and Transactions with Related Parties.  Except as set forth
in  Schedule  4.21,  none of the  following  Persons  is a party to any  Assumed
Contract with Seller: (i) any Person owning, or formerly owning, beneficially or
of record,  directly or  indirectly,  a ten percent  (10.0%) or more  beneficial
interest in capital stock of Seller, (ii) any person related by blood,  adoption
or marriage to any such Person,  or (iii) any director or officer of Seller (any
or all of the foregoing being herein referred to as "Related  Parties").  Except
as set forth in Schedule 4.21, the terms of conditions of each Assumed  Contract
between  Seller and a Related  Party are, in all material  respects,  consistent
with the terms and conditions  that would have been  obtainable at the time in a
comparable  arm's-length  transaction.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.21, no
Related Party has received any loans from or is otherwise a debtor,  or has made
any loans to or is otherwise a creditor of, Seller, other than any such loans or
debts that will be settled on or before  Closing or that are not included in the
Acquired  Assets or Assumed  Liabilities  and other than  ordinary  advances  to
directors and officers of Seller.


     4.22 Absence of Changes. Except as provided for in this Agreement or as set
forth in Schedule 4.22 or any other Schedule to this  Agreement,  since the date
of the Unaudited Balance Sheet, to Seller's Knowledge:

     (a) no event has occurred  that has had or would  reasonably be expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect;

     (b) the Business has been operated in the Ordinary Course of Business;

     (c) other than in the Ordinary Course of Business of the Business or as set
forth on Schedule 2.2(d),  there has been no (i) increase in the compensation or
in the rate of  compensation  or  commissions  payable  or to become  payable by
Seller to any Employee earning $50,000 or more per annum, (ii) Employee hired at
a salary in excess of $50,000  per  annum,  or (iii)  commitment  to pay any new
bonus, profit sharing or other extraordinary compensation to any Employee;

     (d) no liability or obligation  (whether absolute,  accrued,  contingent or
otherwise)  in excess of $25,000 has been incurred by Seller with respect to the
Business,  other than liabilities incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business of
the Business  since the date of the Unaudited  Balance Sheet or reflected in the
Final Closing Working Capital Statement;

     (e) Seller  has not (i) paid any  judgment  in excess of $25,000  resulting
from any Action against Seller  relating to the Business or the Acquired  Assets
or (ii) made any payment to any Person in excess of $25,000 in settlement of any
Action against Seller relating to the Business or the Acquired Assets;

     (f) there has been no sale,  transfer,  lease or other  disposition  of any
assets of Seller that are  necessary  for or used  exclusively  in the Business,
other than sales of Inventory in the Ordinary Course of Business of the Business
and any  other  asset  that is not  material  to the  current  operation  of the
Business; or

     (g) Seller has not entered  into any  contract,  oral or written,  to do or
engage in any of the foregoing after the date hereof.

     4.23  Compliance  with  Laws.  Except as set  forth on  Schedule  4.23,  to
Seller's Knowledge,  Seller is and during all applicable limitations periods has
been in compliance  with all Laws with respect to the operation of the Business,
except where the failure to be in compliance would not reasonably be expected to
have a  Material  Adverse  Effect.  Except as set  forth on  Schedule  4.23,  to
Seller's  Knowledge,  no event has  occurred  or  conditions  exists  that would
reasonably  be  expected to give rise to any  violation  by Seller of any Law in
connection  with Seller's  operation of the Business,  except any violation that
would not reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  Except as
set forth on Schedule 4.23,  Seller  possesses all Transferred  Permits that are
necessary for the lawful operation of the Business and is in compliance with all
such Transferred Permits.


     4.24  Utilities.  To  Seller's  Knowledge,  except as set forth on Schedule
4.24, each parcel of Real Property at which the Business is conducted has access
to utilities  (including  electric,  natural gas, water, sewer,  telephone,  and
similar services but excluding  electronic data transmission  services) adequate
to operate  the  Business  operated  at such  Facility  in the manner  currently

     4.25  Receivables.  Subject to any reserves set forth in the Final  Closing
Working  Capital  Statement,  (i) all  Accounts  Receivable  represent  or shall
represent  valid  obligations  arising  from  sales  actually  made or  services
actually performed in the Ordinary Course of Business of the Business,  and (ii)
to Seller's Knowledge,  except as set forth on Schedule 4.25, there is no claim,
or right of set-off,  other than returns in the  Ordinary  Course of Business of
the  Business,  under any  contract  with any obligor of an Accounts  Receivable
relating to the amount or validity of such Account Receivable.

     4.26 No Broker's Fees.  Neither Seller nor anyone acting on Seller's behalf
has  incurred any  liability or  obligation  to pay fees or  commissions  to any
broker,  finder or agent with respect to the  transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement for which Parent, Purchaser or any of Affiliate of Parent or Purchaser
shall be liable.

     4.27 No other  Representations  and  Warranties.  Seller has not made,  and
Seller shall not be deemed to have made,  any  representation  or warranty other
than as  expressly  made by Seller  in this  Section  4.  Without  limiting  the
generality  of  the  foregoing,  and  notwithstanding  any  representations  and
warranties made by Seller in this Section 4, Seller makes no  representation  or
warranty with respect to (i) any projections,  estimates or budgets delivered or
made available to Parent,  Purchaser or their  Representatives  at any time with
respect  to future  revenues,  expenses  or  expenditures  or future  results of
operations, or (ii) except as expressly covered by a representation and warranty
contained in this Section 4, any other  information  or documents  (financial or
otherwise) made available to Parent,  Purchaser or their Representatives  before
or after the date of this Agreement.


     5.1  Reasonable  Efforts;  Further  Assurances.  Each  party  shall use its
reasonable efforts to take or cause to be taken all actions necessary, proper or
advisable to fulfill and perform its  obligations in respect of this  Agreement,
or otherwise to  consummate  and make  effective the  transactions  contemplated
hereby and to cause its respective conditions set forth in Sections 6.1, 6.2 and
6.3 to be satisfied.  Each party shall furnish to the other parties and keep the
other  parties   informed   concerning   the  status  of  its  filings  and  its
communications  with any  Government  with respect to its filings.  Parent shall
cause  Purchaser to timely and fully perform all of its agreements and covenants
made in, and obligations  arising under,  this Agreement and each other document
executed  and  delivered  by or on behalf of  Parent or  Purchaser  to Seller at
Closing with respect to the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.  From
time to time after the  Closing,  each  party  shall  execute  and  deliver  any
documents and take any other actions that another party  reasonably  requests to
confirm or effectuate the consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this


     5.2 Covenant Not to Compete. Seller covenants and agrees that it shall not,
for the period  ending five (5) years after  Closing,  participate,  directly or
indirectly, in the ownership,  management,  financing or control of, or act as a
consultant  or agent to, or furnish  services  or advice  to,  any  Person  that
develops,  manufactures  or sells  Competitive  Products to  original  equipment
manufacturers and tier-one suppliers in the automotive  industry (a "Competitive
Business").  For  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  "Competitive  Products"  means
aluminum castings, produced using gravity and low-pressure production processes,
for  suspension  and  brake  systems.  The  geographic  scope  of the  foregoing
covenants  is  worldwide.  The  covenants  set forth in this  Section  shall not
prohibit  Seller or its Affiliates  from,  directly or indirectly,  (i) entering
into any contract, arrangement or other relationship with any Person that is not
for any  Competitive  Product  (by way of  example,  Seller  may  enter  into an
agreement to sell products that are not  Competitive  Products to a company that
operates a Competitive  Business as a division,  subsidiary or other Affiliate),
(ii) making any equity investments in any publicly owned company that conducts a
Competitive  Business,  provided that the investment  does not confer control of
more than 5% of the outstanding  voting  securities of such company upon Seller,
or (iii) acquiring any Person that conducts a Competitive Business with revenues
of less than $100 million if Seller or the applicable  Affiliate  divests itself
within 12 months after such  acquisition  of that portion of the business of the
acquired Person that constitutes a Competitive  Business.  The parties agree and
intend that the time period,  geographic coverage and scope of the covenants set
forth in this  Section  5.3 are  reasonable.  The  covenants  set  forth in this
Section  5.3 will not  extend  to or bind any  purchaser  of the  assets  of the
businesses being retained by Seller and its Affiliates (other than any purchaser
who is an Affiliate of Seller at the time of the purchase).

     5.3 Accounts Receivable. Seller agrees to promptly forward to Purchaser any
monies,  checks or negotiable  instruments  received by Seller after the Closing
Date relating to any Accounts  Receivable for  Purchaser's  own account.  Seller
hereby appoints Purchaser as its  attorney-in-fact to endorse,  cash and deposit
any monies, checks and other negotiable instruments so forwarded to Purchaser.

     5.4  Employees.  On and effective as of the Closing Date,  Purchaser  shall
offer  employment  to all of the Employees on  substantially  the same terms and
conditions,  including  pay and  benefits,  as they enjoy on the Closing Date or
those which  Purchaser or Parent provides to its similarly  situated  employees.
Purchaser  shall also take all other steps necessary to eliminate any obligation
of Seller or any of its  Affiliates  under the Worker  Adjustment and Retraining
Notification Act and related  regulations  ("WARN") and any similar Laws to give
notice of the transfer of any  operations  or the loss of  employment or loss of
pay or benefits or to pay any amounts in lieu of such  notice.  Those  Employees
who accept offers of  employment  are referred to as the "Hired  Employees."  In
addition,  after  Closing  Parent and  Purchaser  shall  comply  with the notice
provisions of WARN and any similar Laws in connection  with the  termination  of
any Hired  Employees by  Purchaser.  Purchaser's  commitment  to hire all of the
Employees  shall not be  construed  as a contract of  employment  and all of the
Employees  hired by  Purchaser  shall be  employees at will except to the extent
expressly  agreed  in  writing  by  Purchaser  with  respect  to any  individual
Employee.   To  the  extent  that  any   employees  or  agents  of  Seller  make
recommendations to Parent or Purchaser relating to discontinuation of employment
of any of the Employees,  such persons shall be deemed to be acting as agents of
Parent and Purchaser for such purpose.  The parties agree that the provisions of
this Section are solely  among and for the benefit of the parties  hereto and do
not inure to the benefit of or confer rights upon any third party, including any


     5.5 Consents. Each party shall use its reasonable efforts to cooperate with
the other party to obtain any necessary  consent to  assignment  and transfer of
the Acquired Assets to Purchaser at Closing. If consent to a particular Acquired
Asset is not  obtained or if such  assignment  is not  permitted  regardless  of
consent, Seller shall use its reasonable efforts to cooperate with Purchaser (at
Purchaser's  cost) in any reasonable  arrangement  designed to provide Purchaser
all material benefits of that Acquired Asset.

     5.6 Use of  Business  Names by  Purchaser.  To the extent  the  trademarks,
service marks, brand names or trade,  corporate or business names of Seller that
are not  included  in the  Acquired  Assets  but are  used  by the  Business  on
stationery,  signage,  invoices,  receipts,  forms,  packaging,  advertising and
promotional materials,  product,  training and service literature and materials,
computer  programs or like materials  included in the Acquired  Assets  ("Marked
Materials")  or appear on  Inventory  at the Closing,  Purchaser  shall  remove,
"sticker over" or obscure such trademarks,  service marks, brand names or trade,
corporate  or business  names to the extent  commercially  feasible  and, to the
extent not  commercially  feasible,  may use such Marked  Materials or sell such
Inventory  after  the  Closing  for a  period  of 90 days  without  altering  or
modifying  such Marked  Materials or  Inventory,  or removing  such  trademarks,
service marks, brand names, or trade, corporate or business names, but Purchaser
shall not thereafter use such trademarks,  service marks,  brand names or trade,
corporate  or  business  names in any other  manner  without  the prior  written
consent of Seller.  Neither Parent nor Purchaser shall otherwise use, attempt to
register or otherwise seek protection for, or challenge  Seller's  ownership of,
such  trademarks,  service  marks,  brand names or trade,  corporate or business
names.  Any rights in and to such  trademarks,  service  marks,  brand  names or
trade, corporate or business names that may accrue to Parent or Purchaser and/or
are deemed to accrue to Parent or Purchaser  subsequently by operation of Law or
otherwise shall inure to the benefit of Seller.

     5.7 Bulk Transfer Laws.  Parent and Purchaser  hereby waive compliance with
any bulk  transfer  Laws  applicable to the  transactions  contemplated  by this

     5.8  Employee  Benefit  Matters.  At  Closing,  or as soon  as  practicable
thereafter,  Purchaser  shall cause a defined  contribution  plan  sponsored  by
Parent,  Purchaser or one of their  Affiliates  and which,  to the  knowledge of
Parent and Purchaser, is in all material respects qualified under Section 401(a)
of the Code and otherwise  organized and operated in compliance  with applicable
Law to accept  rollovers of amounts  distributed from qualified plan accounts of
Hired Employees  maintained in any qualified plan sponsored by Seller.  Any such
rollover  shall be  accomplished  in  accordance  with  applicable  Law, and the
parties agree to reasonably cooperate to accomplish such rollovers. With respect
to any  amounts  so rolled  over,  Seller  shall  have no,  and  disclaims  all,
fiduciary or other  responsibilities for acts and omissions occurring after such
rollover  under  any  plan  maintained  by  Parent,  Purchaser  or any of  their
Affiliates,  and Parent and Purchaser shall have no, and disclaim all, fiduciary
or  other  responsibilities  for  acts  and  omissions  occurring  prior to such
rollover under any qualified retirement plans maintained by Seller.


     5.9 Prorations. All personal and real property Taxes affecting the Acquired
Assets that are not included in the Assumed Liabilities shall be prorated to the
Closing  Date on a due  date  basis  as if paid in  advance  (regardless  of the
practice  of the  applicable  taxing  authority).  Unless  otherwise  an Assumed
Liability and except for any  installments  payable by any lessor under the Real
Property  Leases and except as otherwise  provided  under the  Cedarburg  Lease,
Seller shall pay all  installments  of special  assessments  with respect to the
Real Property that come due on or before the Closing Date,  and Purchaser  shall
pay all such  installments  that come due after the Closing Date.  Except to the
extent included in the Assumed Liabilities,  all water, sewer, utility and other
similar charges,  and all prepaid rent and other similar credits,  affecting the
Real  Property  shall be prorated to the Closing  Date (with  Closing Date meter
readings as appropriate). The foregoing prorations shall be paid by Purchaser to
Seller,  insofar as  feasible,  at the Closing,  or to the extent not  feasible,
within 30 days following the Closing, by Immediately Available Funds. Any errors
or omissions  in computing  prorations  at the Closing,  or any  re-computations
required as a result of facts that  become  known  after the  Closing,  shall be
corrected (and paid as specified above) as soon as practicable thereafter.

     5.10  Access to  Records.  Each party  shall  preserve  for six years after
Closing all business  records  relating to the  Business and shall  provide each
other party and its  Representatives,  during reasonable business hours and upon
reasonable advance notice, access to and the right to copy (at the other party's
own expense) such records for any legitimate  business purpose,  including a Tax
audit or governmental  inquiry, and each party to whom the records are disclosed
hereby agrees to keep  confidential any confidential or proprietary  information
included in those records and to use the records for no other purpose.

     5.11 Tax Matters.  The parties shall  cooperate in the  preparation  of all
federal,  state,  local and  foreign Tax returns and reports for which one party
could reasonably  require the assistance of another party,  including  providing
any  information  reasonably  requested  by  another  party  to  assist  in  the
preparations of any such returns.

     5.12 Environmental Matters. With respect to the Cedarburg Facility, as soon
as reasonably practicable after Closing, Seller shall:

     .........(a)  Revise the Cedarburg  Facility's Spill Prevention Control and
Countermeasures Plan so that it accurately reflects current facility conditions,
is certified by a professional  engineer and otherwise  complies with applicable
Environmental Law; and

     .........(b)   Revise  the  Cedarburg   Facility's  Storm  Water  Pollution
Prevention Plan in accordance with applicable Environmental Law.


Purchaser  acknowledges and agrees that after Closing Purchaser (and not Seller)
shall  have the  obligation  to comply  with the plans  referenced  in  Sections
5.12(a)  and (b) above (the  "Environmental  Plans")  and to update or amend the
Environmental  Plans in accordance with applicable  Environmental Law, provided,
however,  that Seller  acknowledges  and agrees that Seller (and not  Purchaser)
shall have the  obligation to construct  and install,  at Seller's sole cost and
expense,  any improvements  required in order to bring the  Environmental  Plans
into compliance with applicable Environmental Law as of the Closing Date.


     6.1  Conditions  to  Obligations  of each Party.  (a) As a condition to the
obligations  of Parent,  Purchaser  and Seller to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby (which condition may be waived by any party and which shall
be deemed to have been waived in whole if the  Closing  occurs),  all  consents,
approvals  and  authorizations  of,  and any  filings  with or  notices  to, any
Government,  as well as any consents under Sellers' credit facilities,  that are
necessary  for  the  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
Agreement must have been received and must be in full force and effect.

     6.2  Conditions to  Obligations  of Purchaser and Parent.  As an additional
condition  to  the   obligation  of  Parent  and  Purchaser  to  consummate  the
transactions contemplated hereby (which condition may be waived by Parent, as to
itself and  Purchaser,  in whole or in part,  and which  shall be deemed to have
been  waived in whole if the Closing  occurs),  Parent and  Purchaser  must have
received the following documents, dated the Closing Date:

     (a) A copy, certified by an authorized officer of Seller, of resolutions of
the board of  directors  of  Seller  authorizing  the  execution,  delivery  and
performance  of  this  Agreement  and  all  other   agreements,   documents  and
instruments   relating  hereto  and  the   consummation   of  the   transactions
contemplated hereby;

     (b) A bill of sale for the Acquired Assets and such other bills of sale and
assignments,  in form and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to  counsel  for
Purchaser,  covering items of tangible and intangible personal property included
in the Acquired Assets;

     (c)  Certificates  of title to the motor  vehicles  identified  on Schedule
1.1(i) hereto, duly endorsed, completed and acknowledged for transfer;

     (d) General warranty deeds to the Owned Real Property and the Real Property

     (e) The Transition Services Agreement;

     (f) The Escrow Agreement;

     (g) A lease,  on terms  acceptable  to  Purchaser  and Seller,  under which
Purchaser leases the Cedarburg Facility from Seller (the "Cedarburg Lease");


     (h) The consents set forth on Schedule 6.2(h) (the "Material Consents");

     (i) One or more instruments assigning the Real Property Leases to Purchaser
and providing for the assumption by Purchaser of Seller's obligations thereunder
pursuant to the Instrument of Assumption (collectively, the "Lease Assignment");

     (j) Such further documents and instruments of sale,  transfer,  conveyance,
assignment  or delivery  covering  the  Acquired  Assets or any part  thereof as
Purchaser  may  reasonably  require  to assure  the sale and  assignment  of the
Acquired Assets as contemplated by this Agreement.

     6.3  Conditions  to  Obligations  of Seller.  The  obligation  of Seller to
consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall  be  subject  to  the
fulfillment,  at or prior  to the  Closing  Date,  of the  following  additional
conditions (any of which condition may be waived, in whole or in part, by Seller
in writing and shall be deemed to be waived in whole if the Closing occurs):

     (a) Tender of Purchase Price. Purchaser must have tendered the Initial Cash
Purchase Price for the Acquired  Assets in Immediately  Available Funds pursuant
to Section 2.1 of this Agreement; and

     (b) Additional Closing Documents of Purchaser. Seller must have received at
the Closing the following documents, each dated the Closing Date:

     (i)  Copies,   certified  by  the  respective  Secretaries  of  Parent  and
Purchaser,  of resolutions  of the respective  boards of directors of Parent and
Purchaser authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement and all other
agreements, documents or instruments relating hereto and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby;

     (ii) The Instrument of  Assumption,  duly executed by Parent and Purchaser,
pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof;

     (iii) The Transition Services Agreement;

     (iv) The Escrow Agreement;

     (v) The Cedarburg Lease;

     (vi) The Lease Assignment; and

     (vii) Such further documents and instruments reasonably requested by Seller
to assure the  assumption of the Assumed  Liabilities  as  contemplated  by this



     7.1 Indemnification by Seller. Subject to the terms hereof, irrespective of
any investigation  (including any  environmental  investigation or assessment or
any due diligence  review or  investigation)  conducted  with respect to, or any
knowledge  acquired  (or capable of being  acquired) at any time before or after
the  execution and delivery of this  Agreement,  with respect to the accuracy or
inaccuracy  of or  compliance  with any  representation,  warranty,  covenant or
obligation of Seller in this Agreement,  Seller agrees to defend,  indemnify and
hold  Parent,   Purchaser  and  their   directors,   officers,   Affiliates  and
Representatives (the "Purchaser  Indemnified Parties") harmless from and against
any  claim,  liability,  expense,  loss or other  damage  (including  reasonable
attorneys' fees and expenses) (collectively, "Claims") asserted against, imposed
upon or incurred by any Purchaser Indemnified Party by reason of, resulting from
or arising out of:

     (a) any breach by Seller of any  representation  or warranty made by Seller
in  Section  4 of this  Agreement  or in the  Cedarburg  Lease or any  other any
document  executed and  delivered by or on behalf Seller to Purchaser at Closing
with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

     (b) any breach or  non-performance  by Seller of any  covenant or agreement
made by Seller in this Agreement or in the Cedarburg Lease or any other document
executed  and  delivered  by or on behalf of Seller to Purchaser at Closing with
respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

     (c)  failure  to  comply  with any bulk  sale  statutes  applicable  to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

     (d) any Plan  liabilities  of Seller or any other  benefit  liabilities  of
Seller or any  Affiliate  of Seller  (other than any such Plan or other  benefit
liabilities included in the Assumed Liabilities);

     (e) any injury or damage  alleged  to have been  caused by or the result of
any product sold,  distributed or otherwise  placed in the stream of commerce by
or on  behalf  of  Seller  in  the  Business  on or  prior  to the  Closing,  or
manufactured  by or on  behalf  of  Seller  in the  Business  on or prior to the
Closing,  but not  including  any Claims  solely for  product  repair or product
replacement  that arise under, and are made pursuant to and consistent with, the
terms of Seller's standard  outstanding  warranty  obligations,  which terms are
specifically  identified on Schedule 4.17 (collectively,  the "Product Liability
Claims").  For  purposes of  clarification,  if a Claim is made by a third party
solely for product repair or replacement  arising under and made pursuant to and
consistent with, the terms of Seller's standard outstanding warranty obligations
(a "Warranty Claim"), Seller shall have no obligation to indemnify the Purchaser
Indemnified  Parties for such Warranty  Claim  pursuant to this Section  7.1(e).
However,  if a third party pursues two claims, one of which is a Warranty Claim,
and the other of which is  brought  as a result of injury or damage  alleged  to
have  been  caused  by  or  as  the  result  of a  product  sold,  manufactured,
distributed  or  otherwise  placed in the stream of  commerce by or on behalf of
Seller  in the  Business  on or  prior  to the  Closing,  Seller  shall  have no
obligation to indemnify the Purchaser Indemnified Parties for the Warranty Claim
pursuant to this Section  7.1(e),  however Seller shall  indemnify the Purchaser
Indemnified  Parties  for the  Claim  brought  as a result  of  injury or damage
alleged to have been caused by or as the result of a product sold, manufactured,
distributed  or  otherwise  placed in the stream of  commerce by or on behalf of
Seller in the  Business  on or prior to the  Closing  pursuant  to this  Section


     (f) each of the following matters:

     (i) any violation of or non-compliance with any Environmental Law by Seller
with respect to the operation of the Business occurring before or existing as of
the Closing Date;

     (ii)  any  generation,  treatment,  storage,  transport,  management,  use,
handling,  disposal,  leakage,  spill or release of any  Hazardous  Material on,
under or from the Real Property on or before Closing;

     (iii) any disposal or  arrangement  for disposal of any Hazardous  Material
from the Real Property  directly or  indirectly  arranged for by or on behalf of
Seller on or before the Closing Date;

     (iv) any Recognized  Environmental  Condition (as defined in ASTM E1527-00,
Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment  Process) or any Hazardous  Materials  which existed on or before the
Closing Date on the Real Property;

     (v) any PCB  Contamination  (and for  purposes of this  Section  7.1(f)(v),
there shall be a  rebuttable  presumption  that any PCB  Contamination  that was
present in the environment at, on or emanating from the Real Property or present
in any equipment or machinery  included in the Acquired  Assets located  thereon
was present prior to the Closing Date);

     (vi)  any  failure  of  Seller  to  comply  with  the AOC or with  Seller's
covenants under Section 5.12 of this Agreement;

     (vii)  any  bodily  injury  (including   illness,   disability  and  death,
regardless of when any such bodily injury  occurred,  was incurred or manifested
itself),  personal  injury,  property  damage  (including  trespass,   nuisance,
diminution in property  value,  wrongful  eviction and deprivation of the use of
real property) or other damage of or to any Person,  property (real or personal)
or any Acquired  Assets  arising from or related to any Hazardous  Material that
was (A) present on or before the  Closing  Date on or at the Real  Property  (or
present on any other property, if such Hazardous Material emanated from any Real
Property and was present on any Real Property,  on or prior to the Closing Date)
or (B) released by any Person on or at any Real Property or any Acquired  Assets
at any time on or prior to the Closing Date;

     (viii) any and all necessary and reasonable  costs and expenses,  including
costs of environmental studies,  field investigations,  remedial design and work
and any and all  necessary  remediation  related  to the  matters  set  forth in
clauses (i) through (vii) of this Section 7.1(f); and


     (ix) any entry by  Seller or its  Representatives  onto any  affected  Real
Property in connection  with the performance of any Work under Section 7.4(j) of
this Agreement;

     (g)  any  brokerage  or  finders'  fees  arising  out  of  the  transaction
contemplated hereby owing to any party engaged by Seller;

     (h)  any Tax  liability  of  Seller  that is not  included  in the  Assumed
Liabilities  or that is not the  responsibility  of  Parent or  Purchaser  under
Section 2.5 above;

     (i) any sale-success  fees payable to any employees of Seller in connection
with the closing of the transaction  contemplated by this Agreement in excess of
$160,000 in the aggregate;

     (j) (i) any recall by a third  party of a product of such third party which
utilizes a product of Seller sold, distributed or otherwise placed in the stream
of  commerce  by or on  behalf  of  Seller  in the  Business  on or prior to the
Closing,  or  manufactured by or on behalf of Seller in the Business on or prior
to the Closing,  for purposes of repair or replacement of such product of Seller
(a "Product  Recall"),  but  excluding  any Claims  with  respect to the Product
Recall to the  extent  that  they are  solely  for  product  repair  or  product
replacement  that arise under, and are made pursuant to and consistent with, the
terms of Seller's standard outstanding warranty obligations, and (ii) any Claims
solely for product repair or product  replacement of any product of Seller sold,
distributed  or  otherwise  placed in the stream of  commerce by or on behalf of
Seller in the  Business on or prior to the  Closing,  or  manufactured  by or on
behalf of Seller in the  Business  on or prior to the  Closing  in excess of the
amount  reflected  on,  accrued  for or  reserved  against in the Final  Closing
Working  Capital  Statement,  regardless  of whether  such  Claims  arise  under
Seller's standard outstanding warranty obligations; and

     (k) the enforcement of the indemnification rights under this Section 7.

Seller's  obligation to defend,  indemnify  and hold the  Purchaser  Indemnified
Parties harmless from and against any Claims pursuant to Sections  7.1(b)-(k) is
made notwithstanding, and shall not be affected or diminished in any way by, any
disclosure contained in or on this Agreement or the Schedules.

     7.2  Indemnification by Parent and Purchaser.  Subject to the terms hereof,
irrespective of any investigation (including any environmental  investigation or
assessment or any due diligence review or investigation)  conducted with respect
to, or any knowledge  acquired (or capable of being acquired) at any time before
or after the  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement,  with  respect to the
accuracy or  inaccuracy  of or  compliance  with any  representation,  warranty,
covenant or  obligation  of Parent or  Purchaser in this  Agreement,  Parent and
Purchaser, jointly and severally, agree to defend, indemnify and hold Seller and
its directors, officers, Affiliates and Representatives (the "Seller Indemnified
Parties") harmless from and against any Claim asserted against,  imposed upon or
incurred by any Seller Indemnified Party by reason of, resulting from or arising
out of:


     (a) the Assumed Liabilities;

     (b) excluding matters addressed in Sections 7.2(c), Parent's or Purchaser's
conduct of the Business or use of the Acquired Assets after Closing;

     (c)  (i)  any  Tax  liability  of  Parent  or  Purchaser  that  is not  the
responsibility  of Seller  under  Section  2.5 above,  (ii) any injury or damage
caused by or the result of any product sold,  distributed or otherwise placed in
the stream of commerce by or on behalf of Parent or  Purchaser  in the  Business
after Closing (other than any such product that was manufactured by or on behalf
of Seller on or before  Closing),  or  manufactured by or on behalf of Parent or
Purchaser in the Business after Closing,  (iii) any recall by a third party of a
product of such  third  party  which  utilizes a product  sold,  distributed  or
otherwise  placed  in the  stream  of  commerce  by or on  behalf  of  Parent or
Purchaser in the Business  after  Closing  (other than any such product that was
manufactured by or on behalf of Seller on or before Closing), or manufactured by
or on behalf of Parent or  Purchaser  in the Business  after  Closing,  (iv) any
pension or other employee benefit liability of Parent or Purchaser,  and (v) any
failure  by Seller,  Purchaser  or their  respective  Affiliates  to comply,  in
connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement, with the Union
Contracts,  or with the National Labor Relations Act and any other Laws relating
to labor or employment with respect to the Union Contracts, Employees covered by
the Union Contracts or the applicable unions under the Union Contracts, but with
respect to Seller and its  Affiliates  only to the extent  that any such  Claims
result from or arise out of any failure to provide  proper and timely  notice of
the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement to the applicable  unions under
the Union  Contracts  and any failure to afford such unions the  opportunity  to
bargain about the effects of such transactions;  provided,  however,  this shall
not result in any  indemnification  of Seller by Purchaser or Parent of any Plan
liabilities that are not Assumed Liabilities.

     (d) [Reserved];

     (e)  any  brokerage  or  finders'  fees  arising  out  of  the  transaction
contemplated hereby owing to any party engaged by Parent or Purchaser;

     (f) any breach by Parent or  Purchaser  of any  representation  or warranty
made by Parent or Purchaser in Section 3 of this  Agreement or in the  Cedarburg
Lease or any other document  executed and delivered by or on behalf of Parent or
Purchaser to Seller at Closing with respect to the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement;

     (g) any breach or non-performance by Parent or Purchaser of any covenant or
agreement  made by Parent or  Purchaser in this  Agreement  or in the  Cedarburg
Lease or any other document  executed and delivered by or on behalf of Parent or
Purchaser to Seller at Closing with respect to the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement; and


     (h) the enforcement of the indemnification rights under this Section 7.

Parent's and  Purchaser's  obligation  to defend,  indemnify and hold the Seller
Indemnified  Parties  harmless from and against any Claims  pursuant to Sections
7.2(a)-(e)  and Sections  7.2(g)-(h) is made  notwithstanding,  and shall not be
affected or  diminished  in any way by, any  disclosure  contained in or on this
Agreement or the Schedules.

     7.3 Determination of Loss. Indemnification pursuant to this Section 7 shall
be  payable  with  respect  to  any  Claim   described   herein  as  subject  to
indemnification upon the happening of the earlier of the following:

     (a)  Resolution  of such Claim by mutual  agreement  of Seller,  Parent and
Purchaser; or

     (b) The issuance of a final, non-appealable judgment, award, order or other
ruling  by an  arbitrator  pursuant  to  Section  9.8  hereof  or by a court  of
competent jurisdiction.

     7.4 Limitations on Indemnification.

     (a) Seller  shall not have any  liability  under  this  Section 7 until the
aggregate  amount of all Claims  described in Section 7.1 exceeds  $150,000 (the
"Threshold  Amount"),  and then only for the amount by which such Claims  exceed
the Threshold Amount. Upon reaching the Threshold Amount, Seller shall be liable
to the Purchaser Indemnified Parties with respect to Claims described in Section
7.1 in excess of the  Threshold  Amount up to an aggregate  amount of $2,500,000
(the "Cap").  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the contrary,  the
limitations set forth in this Section 7.4(a) will not apply to a Claim (i) for a
breach of a representation or warranty  contained in Section 4.2(a) or the first
sentence of Section 4.3,  (ii) under  Sections  7.1(b)-(j),  (iii) under Section
7.1(k) except to the extent the Claim relates to enforcement of  indemnification
rights under Section  7.1(a) (in which case the Claim,  to the extent  otherwise
applicable  hereunder,  will be subject to the Threshold Amount and the Cap), or
(iv) for fraud.

     (b)  Neither  Parent  nor  Purchaser  shall have any  liability  under this
Section 7 until the  aggregate  amount of all Claims  described  in Section  7.2
exceeds the Threshold Amount,  and then only for the amount by which such Claims
exceed the Threshold  Amount.  Upon reaching the  Threshold  Amount,  Parent and
Purchaser  shall be liable to the Seller  Indemnified  Parties  with  respect to
Claims  described  in  Section  7.2 in excess of the  Threshold  Amount up to an
aggregate amount equal to the Cap.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to
the contrary, the limitations set forth in this Section 7.4(b) will not apply to
a Claim (i) under Sections  7.2(a),  7.2(c)-(e),  and 7.2(g),  (ii) under 7.2(h)
except to the extent the Claim relates to enforcement of indemnification  rights
under  Sections  7.2(b)  or 7.2(f)  (in  which  case the  Claim,  to the  extent
otherwise applicable hereunder,  will be subject to the Threshold Amount and the
Cap), or (iii) for fraud.


     (c) No Claim  may be made by any  Purchaser  Indemnified  Party  or  Seller
Indemnified  Party  under  Sections 7 unless the  indemnifying  party shall have
received  a written  claim for  indemnification  from the  person  seeking  such
indemnification  as provided herein on or before the expiration of eighteen (18)
months following the Closing Date (the "Indemnity Period");  provided,  however,

     (i) with  respect to Claims for  indemnification  under  Section  7.1(a) or
7.2(f),  as applicable,  for a breach of the  representations  and warranties in
Sections  3.1,  3.2,  4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (as it relates to good title to the Acquired
Assets),  4.11 (with  respect to the last two sentences  thereof) and 4.20,  the
Indemnity  Period  shall be thirty (30) days  following  the  expiration  of the
applicable  statute of limitations  for the assertion by third parties of claims
that would give rise to indemnification  under Sections 7.1(a) or Section 7.2(f)
for the breach of such representations and warranties;

     (ii) with respect to Claims for indemnification  under Section 7.1(a) for a
breach of Section 4.9 or Claims for  indemnification  under Section 7.1(f),  the
Indemnity Period shall be the expiration of ten (10) years following the Closing
Date except with respect to Claims for indemnification  under Section 7.1(a) for
a breach of Section 4.9 or Claims for indemnification under Section 7.1(f) that,
in each case, directly or indirectly relate to the Cedarburg Facility,  in which
case the Indemnity Period shall have no expiration following the Closing Date;

     (iii) with respect to Claims for  indemnification  under Sections 7.1(b) or
7.2(g),  the Indemnity Period shall be thirty (30) days following the expiration
of the applicable  statute of  limitations  for the assertion of a claim for the
breach of the covenant or agreement for which indemnification is sought;

     (iv) with respect to Claims for indemnification  under Sections 7.1(c)-(e),
Sections 7.1(h)-(j),  or under Section 7.2(c), the Indemnity Period shall be ten
(10) years after the Closing Date;

     (v) with respect to Claims for  indemnification  under  Sections  7.1(g) or
7.2(e), the Indemnity Period shall be three (3) years after the Closing Date;

     (vi) with respect to Claims for  indemnification  under Section 7.2(a), the
Indemnity Period shall have no expiration following the Closing Date; and

     (vii)  with  respect  to Claims  under  Sections  7.1(k) or 7.2(h)  for the
enforcement of indemnification rights, the Indemnity Period shall be the same as
the Indemnity Period that applies to the indemnification  rights being enforced.
For example,  if Purchaser  seeks  indemnification  against Seller under 7.1(a),
then the  Indemnity  Period  applicable  to the Claim under  7.1(a) shall be the
Indemnity Period for the assertion of a related Claim under Section 7.1(k).



     .........  (i) Except with respect to Claims under Section  7.1(f),  to the
extent  that  recovery  from  a  third  party  is  available  to  any  Purchaser
Indemnified  Party to cover  any item for  which  indemnification  may be sought
hereunder,  Parent and Purchaser  shall exhaust,  and cause each other Purchaser
Indemnified  Party to  exhaust,  all  available  remedies or causes of action to
recover the amount of its claim as may be available  from such other third party
and  shall  only seek  indemnification  against  Seller  in the  event  that any
Purchaser  Indemnified  Party  fails to obtain such  reimbursement  from a third
party or if such  reimbursement is insufficient to satisfy the claim (and in the
latter instance shall only seek indemnity for the amount of such deficiency).

     .........  (ii) To the extent Seller indemnifies any Purchaser  Indemnified
Parties on any Claim  (including  any Claim under  Section  7.1(f)),  Parent and
Purchaser  shall,  and shall cause each other  Purchaser  Indemnified  Party to,
assign to Seller,  to the fullest extent  allowable,  their rights and causes of
action  with  respect  to such  Claim  against  third  parties,  or in the event
assignment is not  permissible,  Seller shall be allowed to pursue such Claim in
the name of Parent and Purchaser and each other Purchaser  Indemnified Party, as
applicable,  at  Seller's  expense.  Seller  shall be  entitled  to  retain  all
recoveries for its own accounts made as a result of any such action.  Parent and
Purchaser shall provide, and shall cause each other Purchaser  Indemnified Party
to provide,  at no expense to  themselves,  to Seller  reasonable  assistance in
prosecuting  such Claim,  including  making their books and records  relating to
such  Claim  available  to Seller  and  making  their  employees  available  for
interviews  and similar  matters.  If Parent,  Purchaser or any other  Purchaser
Indemnified  Party recovers from a third party any part of a Claim that had been
paid by Seller pursuant to its indemnification obligations hereunder, Parent and
Purchaser  shall,  and shall cause each other  Purchaser  Indemnified  Party to,
promptly remit to Seller the amount of such recovery  without regard to the time
limitations described in Section 7.4(c).

     (e) In computing the amount of any  indemnification  to which any Purchaser
Indemnified  Party may be entitled under this Section 7 by virtue of a breach of
Sections 4.4 or 4.14,  if the amount of any liability  has been  understated  or
unrecorded,  on  one  hand,  but on the  other  hand  the  amount  of any  other
liabilities has been overstated or any assets  understated,  only the net effect
(benefits or detriment as the same are  determined in  accordance  with GAAP) of
such errors shall be taken into account.

     (f) Any amounts recoverable by any Purchaser  Indemnified Party from Seller
under  this  Section 7 shall be  treated  as an  adjustment  to the  Final  Cash
Purchase Price or Assumed Liabilities, as appropriate.

     (g) No Purchaser  Indemnified  Party shall be entitled to any indemnity (i)
on account of  consequential,  incidental or indirect  damages or losses (unless
such damages or losses are asserted against any Purchaser Indemnified Party by a
third party) and, in  particular,  no "multiple of profits" or other items shall
be applied in calculating any indemnity  amount, or (ii) in respect of any claim
to the extent that the matter that is the subject of the claim is reflected  on,
accrued for or reserved  against or otherwise  provided for in the Final Closing
Working  Capital  Statement  (but only up to the  amount for which the matter is
reflected on, accrued for or reserved  against or otherwise  provided for in the
Final Closing Working Capital Statement).


     (h) Seller shall have no liability for indemnification  with respect to any
claim for  indemnification  that  relates to the  passing  of, or any change in,
after the Closing Date, any Law or any accounting policy,  principle or practice
or any increase in Tax rates in effect on the Closing  Date,  even if the change
or increase has retroactive effect or requires action at a future date.

     (i) With respect to any claim for indemnification relating to environmental
matters in which Parent,  Purchaser or any other Purchaser  Indemnified Party is
required under  applicable  Environmental  Law to initiate or conduct a response
action (a  "Response  Action"),  Seller  shall  only be  responsible  to provide
indemnification with respect to the most economically reasonable Response Action
required  under  applicable  Environmental  Law. A claim arising out of off-site
disposal that is resolved through agreement, settlement or consent among a group
of potentially  responsible  parties with the  appropriate  Government  shall be
deemed  economically  reasonable as long as consistent with that affecting other
similarly  situated  Persons.  Seller  shall  have the option to  supervise  and
perform any Response  Action.  Parent and Purchaser  shall, and shall cause each
other Purchaser  Indemnified Party to, reasonably  cooperate with Seller and its
Representatives in connection with any Response Action.

     (j) In connection with any Response Action performed by Seller,  any action
required to be  performed  by Seller  under the AOC ("AOC  Work") and any action
performed by Seller under Section 5.12 ("Compliance Action") ("Response Action,"
"AOC Work" and "Compliance  Action" shall be referred to herein  collectively as
the "Work"), subject to the Cedarburg Lease and the Real Property Leases, Parent
and Purchaser shall, and shall cause each other Purchaser  Indemnified Party to,
provide Seller and its  Representatives  reasonable  access to any affected Real
Property to supervise and perform the Work, subject to the following:

     (i) Seller and its  Representatives  shall promptly commence and diligently
and  expeditiously  perform  the Work to  completion  in a good and  workmanlike
manner, in compliance with all applicable Laws and Purchaser's reasonable health
and safety  requirements.  The Work shall be  performed by  competent,  licensed
contractors, under the supervision of a competent, licensed consultant;

     (ii)  Purchaser  grants  to  Seller  and its  Representatives  a  revocable
temporary  permission  to enter any affected Real Property in order to supervise
and perform any Work (the  "Access").  Access may be exercised by Seller and its
Representatives  for the sole purpose of  supervising  and  performing the Work.
Access shall continue until ten (10) days after  completion of the Work,  except
that Access shall continue to the extent  necessary to monitor the affected Real

     (iii) Not later than ten (10) days after termination of Access,  Seller and
its Representatives shall remove any tools, equipment or materials placed on the
affected  Real  Property by Seller or its  Representatives  and shall repair any
damage to any affected Real Property caused by Seller or its Representatives;


     (iv) Seller and its  Representatives  shall use their reasonable efforts to
minimize any  interference  with  Purchaser's  activities  at any affected  Real
Property in connection with performance of the Work by or on behalf of Seller or
its Representatives;

     (v) The grant of Access  provided  herein  is  intended  to be and shall be
construed  only as temporary  permission  to Seller and its  Representatives  to
supervise  and perform the Work on any affected  Real  Property and shall not be
construed as a grant of easement or other interest in such Real Property. Seller
and its  Representatives  shall have Access  only to such areas of the  affected
Real Property as are necessary to supervise and perform the Work;

     (vi) Seller shall give Purchaser reasonable advance notice before any entry
by Seller or its  Representatives  onto any affected Real Property in connection
with the supervision or performance of any Work;

     (vii)  Purchaser shall have the right, at its own cost, to have one or more
of its Representatives  present during any activities conducted by or for Seller
in connection  with any Response  Action  pursuant to this Section 7.4(j) or the
AOC Work.  Purchaser  shall also have the right,  at its own cost,  to receive a
"split" of any sample taken by or for Seller or its  Representatives  on or from
any affected  Real Property in  connection  with any Response  Action or the AOC

     (viii) Seller shall give Purchaser reasonable advance notice of any meeting
to be held with any Government having  jurisdiction over any Response Action and
the right to attend and participate in any such meeting. With respect to the AOC
Work, to the extent  reasonably  practicable  in light of applicable Law and the
requirements of any Government,  Seller shall provide to Purchaser a copy of any
work plan at least ten (10) days in advance of submittal to any  Government  and
shall  revise such work plan to  incorporate  any  reasonable  comments  made by

     (ix) Seller shall keep Purchaser reasonably informed of the progress of any
Response Action performed  pursuant to this Section 7.4(j) and the AOC Work. All
information (including information from samples,  measurements or tests) and all
documentation   (including  copies  of  field  documentation,   chain-of-custody
documents,  laboratory records and reports and quality assurance/quality control
documentation)  collected or created by or for Seller or its  Representatives in
connection with performing any Response Action or the AOC Work shall be provided
to Purchaser as soon as practicable after it comes into Seller's possession. All
reports submitted to any Government by, to or for Seller or its  Representatives
concerning any Response Action or the AOC Work shall be provided to Purchaser no
later than ten (10) days after completion of such reports;

     (x) Seller shall be solely and fully responsible for the handling,  storage
and  disposal  of  any  Hazardous  Materials  created,  collected  or  otherwise
generated   in   connection   with  any  Work   performed   by   Seller  or  its


     (xi) Seller shall keep any affected Real Property free and clear of any and
all  Liens  which  may  result  from  acts  or   omissions  of  Seller  and  its
Representatives in connection with any Work and shall cause all such Liens to be
bonded or otherwise  discharged  of record  within  thirty (30) days after their

     (xii) Purchaser may refuse or terminate  Access for failure,  or reasonable
threat of failure,  by Seller or its  Representatives  to comply with applicable
safety,  health or Environmental  Laws in connection with the performance of the

     (xiii) If, after Seller's receipt of written notice that Parent,  Purchaser
or  any  other  Purchaser   Indemnified   Party  is  required  under  applicable
Environmental  Law to initiate or conduct a Response Action or Compliance Action
that is subject to Seller's  indemnity  obligations under this Section 7, Seller
fails to commence and  thereafter  to prosecute  diligently  to  conclusion  the
Response Action or Compliance  Action,  Purchaser shall be entitled to do so. If
Seller fails to commence and  diligently  prosecute to conclusion  such Response
Action or Compliance  Action and Purchaser elects to conduct the Response Action
or Compliance Action as provided in the preceding sentence,  then, provided that
Purchaser  conducts (and Purchaser hereby agrees to conduct) the Response Action
or Compliance  Action in accordance  with the  requirements of Section 7.4(j) to
the same extent that those  requirements would be applicable to Seller if Seller
performed  the Response  Action or  Compliance  Action,  then (A) such  Response
Action or Compliance  Action performed by Purchaser shall be deemed to have been
approved by, and shall be binding on,  Seller,  as though Seller had assumed the
obligation  to supervise and perform the Response  Action or Compliance  Action,
and (B), in  accordance  with and subject to the  indemnification  provisions of
this  Section 7, Seller shall pay any cost  reasonably  incurred by Purchaser in
connection  with  conducting  the Response  Action or  Compliance  Action within
fifteen (15) business days after receiving  evidence  reasonably  substantiating
the  incurring  of such  expense.  If  Purchaser  elects to conduct the Response
Action or Compliance  Action, (A) Purchaser shall give Seller reasonable advance
notice of any sampling or any other  on-site  activities  (other than such other
activities that are not material to the Response Action or Compliance Action (an
"Immaterial  Activity"))  performed in connection  with such Response  Action or
Compliance  Action,  (B) Seller  shall have the right to have one or more of its
Representatives  present during such sampling or other on-site activities (other
than  Immaterial  Activities)  and to obtain a "split" of any sample taken by or
for Purchaser in connection with such Response Action or Compliance  Action, and
(C) Seller  shall have the same rights as  Purchaser  would have under  Sections
7.4(j)(viii)-(ix)  if Seller had  conducted  the Response  Action or  Compliance

     (k)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the  contrary,  to the
extent  that any facts or  circumstances  give rise to a Claim under (i) Section
7.1(a) and (ii) any of Sections 7.1(d)-(j), the liability of the Seller for such
Claim under Sections 7.1(d)-(j), as applicable, shall control.

     (l)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the  contrary,  to the
extent  that any  facts or  circumstances  give rise to (i) a Claim  under  this
Section 7 and (ii) a purchase  price  adjustment  to the Initial  Cash  Purchase
Price under  Section 2.4,  such facts or  circumstances  shall first be resolved
under the purchase price  adjustment  mechanism  pursuant to Section 2.4. To the
extent  that the  Initial  Cash  Purchase  Price has been  adjusted  pursuant to
Section 2.4 and Purchaser is paid in connection therewith, neither Purchaser nor
any other  Purchaser  Indemnified  Party  shall not be  entitled  to a  "second"
payment  under  Section 7 for any facts or  circumstances  which could have also
given rise to a Claim under Section 7.


     7.5 Indemnification Procedure.

     (a) Third-Party Claims.

     (i) Promptly after receipt by a party entitled to be indemnified under this
Section 7 (an  "Indemnified  Party") of notice of the commencement of any Action
for which the  Indemnified  Party intends to assert a claim for  indemnification
against  another  party (an  "Indemnifying  Party")  under  this  Section 7, the
Indemnified   Party  shall  give  notice  to  the  Indemnifying   Party  of  the
commencement of such Action with  reasonable  promptness (so as to not prejudice
the Indemnifying Party's rights).

     (ii) The Indemnifying  Party shall be entitled to participate in any Action
described  in Section  7.5(a)(i)  above and,  to the extent  that it wishes,  to
assume the defense of such Action with counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
Indemnified Party. Following the assumption of defense by an Indemnifying Party,
the  Indemnifying  Party  shall not be liable for any  subsequent  fees of legal
counsel or other expenses  incurred by the Indemnified  Party in connection with
the defense of such Action,  and the  Indemnified  Party shall have the right to
participate  in the  defense  with  its  own  counsel  at its  own  expense.  No
compromise  or  settlement  of any  claims in an Action  shall be  binding on an
Indemnifying   Party  for  purposes  of  the  Indemnifying   Party's   indemnity
obligations  under this  Agreement  without  the  Indemnifying  Party's  express
written consent.  The Indemnifying Party may not compromise or settle any claims
in an Action without the  Indemnified  Party's express  written  consent,  which
shall not be unreasonably withheld, unless the compromise or settlement involves
only the payment of money (which is paid by the Indemnifying Party) and does not
include any admission of liability by the Indemnified Party.

     (iii) A party  granted the right to direct the defense of any Action  under
this Section 7.5 shall (A) keep the other  parties  hereto  informed of material
developments  in the Action,  (B) promptly submit to the other parties copies of
all pleadings,  responsive pleadings,  motions and other similar legal documents
and papers received in connection with the Action,  (C) permit the other parties
and their counsel,  to the extent  practicable,  to confer on the conduct of the
defense  of the  Action,  and (D) to the  extent  practicable,  permit the other
parties  and their  counsel  an  opportunity  to review  all legal  papers to be
submitted  prior to their  submission.  The parties shall make available to each
other and each other's  counsel and  accountants  all of their books and records
relating  to the  Action,  and each  party  shall  provide  to the  others  such
assistance  as may be  reasonably  required  to insure the  proper and  adequate
defense of the Action.  Each party shall use its good faith efforts to avoid the
waiver of any privilege of another  party.  The assumption of the defense of any
Action  by  an   Indemnifying   Party  shall  not  constitute  an  admission  of
responsibility to indemnify or in any manner impair or restrict the Indemnifying
Party's  rights  to later  seek to be  reimbursed  its  costs  and  expenses  if
indemnification  under  this  Agreement  with  respect  to the  Action  was  not


     (iv) Other Claims. A claim for indemnification for any matter not involving
a  third-party  claim may be  asserted by written  notice of the claim,  setting
forth in reasonable  detail the factual and contractual  bases for the claim, to
the party from whom indemnification under this Section 7 is sought.

     7.6  Exclusive  Remedy.  Except as provided in Section 2.4,  this Section 7
constitutes  the sole and  exclusive  remedy of  Purchaser  and Seller for money
damages  with  respect  to any  matters  arising  under or with  respect to this
Agreement or any document  executed and  delivered by any party to another party
at Closing,  and  Parent,  Purchaser  and Seller  hereby  irrevocably  waive and
release the others from any and all claims and other causes of action, including
claims for contribution, relating to such matters. No party shall be entitled to
rescind  this  Agreement  following  the Closing in the event of a breach of any
representation, warranty or covenant made by another party in this Agreement.


     8.1 Expenses.  Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement,  each party
hereto  shall bear and pay all costs and expenses  incurred by it in  connection
with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,  including fees, costs and
expenses of its own Representatives.

     8.2 Public  Releases.  Parent,  Purchaser  and Seller shall agree with each
other  as to the  form  and  substance  of any  press  release  related  to this
Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, shall consult with each other
as to the form and substance of other public  disclosures  related thereto,  and
shall not make any such press  release or such other  disclosures  prior to such
agreement or  consultation;  provided,  however,  that nothing  contained herein
shall  prohibit  any party  hereto  from  making any  disclosure  which it deems
necessary in light of applicable Law, after notice to the other parties with the
opportunity  to comment to the extent that delay of the  disclosure is permitted
under such Law.


     9.1  Entire  Agreement.  Except  for the  Confidentiality  Agreement  dated
January 26, 2004 executed by Parent,  this  Agreement  (including all Schedules,
Exhibits and other documents  executed and delivered pursuant hereto) supersedes
any and all other  agreements,  oral or written,  among the parties  hereto with
respect to the subject matter hereof,  and contains the entire  agreement  among
the parties with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.

     9.2 Amendments; Waiver. This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded
or canceled and any of its provisions may be waived only by a written instrument
executed by all of the  parties or, in the case of a waiver,  by or on behalf of
the party  waiving  compliance.  The failure of any party at any time to require
performance  of any  provision of this  Agreement  shall in no manner affect the
right  of  that  party  at a later  time  to  enforce  the  same or a  different
provision.  No  waiver  by any party of any  condition  or of any  breach of any
provision of this Agreement, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be
or construed as a further or continuing  waiver of any such  condition or of any
breach of the same or a different  provision.  If any party expressly  waives in
writing  an  unsatisfied  condition,   representation,   warranty,  undertaking,
covenant or agreement (or portion  thereof) set forth herein,  the waiving party
shall  thereafter be barred from  recovering,  and thereafter  shall not seek to
recover,  any Claims from the other  parties in respect of the matter or matters
so waived.


     9.3 Successors;  Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their  respective  successors  and
permitted  transferees  and  assignees.  Neither this Agreement nor any interest
herein may directly or indirectly be  transferred  or assigned by any party,  in
whole or in part, without the written consent of the other parties,  except that
Purchaser  may  effect  any  such  assignment  to any  Affiliate,  but any  such
assignment  shall not relieve Parent or Purchaser of its duties and  obligations
contained in this Agreement.

     9.4 Notices. Any notice, request, demand or other communication to be given
pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement  must be in writing and shall be deemed
to have been duly  given on the day it is  delivered  by hand,  on the day it is
sent by facsimile with  confirmation  of receipt by the  transmitting  facsimile
machine,  on the next  business day after it is sent by a nationally  recognized
overnight mail service  (delivery charge prepaid),  or on the third business day
after it is mailed first class,  postage prepaid,  in each case to the following

If to Seller:                             Amcast Industrial Corporation
                                          7887 Washington Village Drive
                                          Dayton, Ohio  45499-3959
                                          Attention:  Joseph R. Grewe, President
                                          and Chief Executive Officer
                                          Facsimile:  937-291-7007

with copies to:                           Barnes & Thornburg LLP
                                          601 Campau Square Plaza
                                          99 Monroe Ave., NW
                                          Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
                                          Attention: R. Paul Guerre, Esq.
                                          Facsimile: 616-742-3999

If to Parent or Purchaser:                Park-Ohio Industries, Inc.
                                          23000  Euclid Ave.
                                          Cleveland, Ohio 44117
                                          Attention: Robert D. Vilsack, Esq.
                                          Facsimile: 216-692-6877

                                          Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
with copies to:                           1400 McDonald Investment Center
                                          800 Superior Avenue
                                          Cleveland, Ohio 44114
                                          Attention: Douglas A. Neary, Esq.
                                          Facsimile: 216-241-0816


or to such other  address or to such other  person as any party  shall have last
designated  by written  notice  provided to the other  parties in the manner set
forth in this Section.

     9.5  Severability.  If any provision of this  Agreement or any  application
thereof shall be invalid or  unenforceable,  the remainder of this Agreement and
any other application of such provision shall not be affected thereby.

     9.6 No Third Party  Beneficiary.  This Agreement is for the benefit of, and
may be enforced  only by,  Seller,  Parent and  Purchaser  and their  respective
successors and permitted  transferees and assignees,  and is not for the benefit
of, and may not be enforced by, any third party.

     9.7 Applicable  Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed and
enforced  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of Ohio  without  regard to
conflict of law principles.

     9.8  Arbitration.  Subject to the  indemnification  provisions set forth in
Section 7 above:

     (a) The parties  agree that any and all disputes,  claims or  controversies
arising  out of or  relating  to  this  Agreement  or the  breach,  termination,
enforcement,  interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of
the scope or applicability of this agreement to mediate and arbitrate,  shall be
mediated  before a mediator  agreeable to both parties or, if they cannot agree,
then before  JAMS,  or its  successor.  The  mediation  shall be  conducted at a
mutually agreeable location or, if they cannot agree, then at the JAMS office in
Chicago,  Illinois.  Any party may commence  mediation by providing to the other
parties a written  request  for  mediation,  setting  forth the  subject  of the
dispute and the relief  requested.  The parties shall cooperate with one another
in selecting a mediator and in scheduling the mediation proceedings. The parties
covenant that they shall  participate  in the mediation in good faith,  and that
they shall  share  equally in its  costs.  All  offers,  promises,  conduct  and
statements,  whether oral or written, made in the course of the mediation by any
of the  parties  or  their  Representatives,  and by the  mediator  or any  JAMS
employees,  are  confidential,  privileged  and  inadmissible  for any  purpose,
including impeachment, in any arbitration or other Action involving the parties,
provided that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be
rendered  inadmissible  or  non-discoverable  as a  result  of  its  use  in the

     (b)  Any  party  may  initiate  arbitration  with  respect  to the  matters
submitted to mediation by filing a written  demand for  arbitration  at any time
following the initial  mediation session or 45 days after the date of filing the
written  request for  mediation,  whichever  occurs  first.  The  mediation  may
continue after the commencement of arbitration if the parties so desire.  Unless
otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediator shall be disqualified from serving
as arbitrator in the case. Arbitration may be enforced by any court of competent
jurisdiction, and the party seeking enforcement shall be entitled to an award of
all costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, to be paid by
the party or parties against whom enforcement is ordered.


     (c) Any arbitration shall be conducted at a mutually agreeable location or,
if the parties cannot agree,  in Chicago,  Illinois.  The  arbitration  shall be
before a sole  arbitrator  mutually  selected  by the parties or, if they cannot
agree,  then  before a retired  judge to be  selected  by JAMS  pursuant  to its
Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures,  who shall thereafter administer
the  arbitration,  provided  however that JAMS shall  identify the preceding ten
(10)  arbitrations  conducted  by each  arbitrator  candidate  and  the  lawyers
involved in the arbitration.  The arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the
foregoing rules except as set forth herein.  The parties to the dispute shall be
permitted  to  conduct  pre-hearing  discovery  in the form of  depositions  and
document production requests subject to the control of the arbitrator. The award
of the arbitrator shall be a reasoned award specifying all essential findings of
fact and  conclusions  of law  necessary  to support the award.  Judgment on the
award may be entered in any court of competent  jurisdiction.  In any proceeding
to confirm the award, the court also shall have jurisdiction to review the award
for errors of law.

     (d) The cost of the  arbitration  shall  initially be borne  equally by the
parties.  In the award the arbitrator shall allocate,  consistent with Section 7
hereof, all of the costs of the arbitration (and the mediation,  if applicable),
including the fees of the arbitrator and the reasonable  attorneys'  fees of the
prevailing party, against the party or parties who did not prevail.

     9.9   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
counterparts and by the parties on separate counterparts,  all of which shall be
considered  one and the same  instrument,  and each of which  shall be deemed an
original. Each of the parties hereto (i) has agreed to permit the use, from time
to time, of faxed or otherwise electronically transmitted signatures in order to
expedite the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby, (ii) intends
to be bound by its  respective  faxed or  otherwise  electronically  transmitted
signature,  (iii) is aware that the other parties hereto shall rely on the faxed
or otherwise  electronically  transmitted signature,  and (iv) acknowledges such
reliance and waives any defenses to the  enforcement of the documents  effecting
the  transaction  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  based  on the  fact  that a
signature was sent by fax or otherwise electronically transmitted.

     9.10 Headings; Construction. The headings of the sections and paragraphs in
this  Agreement  have been inserted for  convenience of reference only and shall
not  restrict  or  otherwise  modify  any of the  terms  or  provisions  of this
Agreement.  Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided,  the  words  "including"  or
"includes"  whenever used in this Agreement do not limit the preceding  words or
terms.  With  regard to all dates and time  periods  set forth or referred to in
this Agreement, time is of the essence.

     9.11  Consent  to  Service  of  Process  and  Jurisdiction.  If it  becomes
necessary  for any  party to  enforce  the  provisions  of  Section  9.8 of this
Agreement  or any  arbitration  award  obtained  pursuant to Section 9.8 of this
Agreement by legal action,  the parties  hereby consent that suit may be brought
hereunder in any court of appropriate  jurisdiction in Montgomery County,  Ohio,
U.S.A.,  or in the United  States  District  Court for the Southern  District of
Ohio,  regardless of the state,  county or country in which any party may reside
or have such party's domicile  (corporate or individual) at the time of any such
action.  Parent,  Purchaser  and Seller  consent to service of process and other
notices given or required in any proceedings  submitted to arbitration by either
party  pursuant to the  provisions  of Section  9.8 by  personal  delivery or by
registered mail addressed to such party at the addresses set out in Section 9.4.
However,  any party may serve legal process in any other manner permitted by Law
or the rules of the American Arbitration Association.


     9.12 Certain Information. Neither the specification of any dollar amount in
the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement nor the inclusion
of any item in any Schedule to this Agreement is intended,  or will be construed
or offered in any dispute among the parties as evidence of, the material  nature
of such  dollar  amount  or  item,  nor  shall  it  establish  any  standard  of
materiality  upon  which  to  judge  the  inclusion  of any  other  items in any
Schedules to this Agreement. The information contained in this Agreement and the
Schedules  to this  Agreement  is  disclosed  solely  for the  purposes  of this
Agreement,  and no information contained herein or therein shall be deemed to be
an admission by any party to any Person of any matter  whatsoever,  including of
any violation of Law or breach of any contract.

     10. Certain Definitions.

10.1 Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, the following capitalized
terms shall have the meanings given to them below, and all other capitalized
terms used in this Agreement that are not defined in this Section 10 but defined
elsewhere in this Agreement shall have for purposes of this Agreement the
meanings set forth elsewhere in this Agreement:

     "Action" means any action, suit, complaint, claim, counter-claim, petition,
set-off, inquiry,  investigation,  administrative  proceeding,  arbitration,  or
private dispute resolution proceeding, whether at law, in equity, by contract or
agreement, or otherwise, and whether conducted by or before any Government,  any
Forum, or other Person.

     "Affiliate"  of any Person  means any other Person  directly or  indirectly
controlling,  controlled by, or under direct or indirect common control with the
former Person. A Person shall be deemed to control another Person if such Person
possesses, directly or indirectly, the power to direct or cause the direction of
the  management  and policies of such Person,  whether  through the ownership of
voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

     "AOC"  means the  Administrative  Order on  Consent  issued by U.S.  EPA on
February  28,  2003 in the case  styled  In the  Matter of Cedar  Creek,  Amcast
Industrial  Corp.,  Cedarburg,  Wisconsin,  Docket  No.  V-W-'03-C-737,  and any
amendments thereto.

     "Employee" or "Employees" means the persons listed on Schedule 4.10.

     "Environmental Law" means any and all Laws in effect as of the date of this
Agreement relating to pollution or protection of human health or the environment
(including  ambient air, indoor air, surface water,  ground water, land surface,
or subsurface strata), including: (i) CERCLA, (ii) the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act, as amended,  42 U.S.C.,  et seq.  ("RCRA"),  (iii) the
Clean Air Act,  42 U.S.C.  7401 et seq.;  (iv) the Clean  Water Act,  33
U.S.C.,   et  seq.,  (v)  the  Emergency   Planning  and  Community
Right-to-Know Act, 42 U.S.C.  11011, et seq., (vi) the Oil Pollution Act
of  1990,  33  U.S.C.  2701,  et seq.,  (vii)  the  Hazardous  Materials
Transportation  Act, 49 U.S.C. 1801, et seq., (viii) the Toxic Substances
Control Act, 15 U.S.C.  2601, et seq., (ix) the Occupational  Safety and
Health Act, 29 U.S.C., et seq., (x) any state or local Law similar to
the Laws listed in parts (i) - (ix) of this  paragraph,  (xi) any  amendments to
the statues,  laws or ordinances  listed in parts (i) - (ix) above, in existence
on the date  hereof,  and  (xii)  any other Law in effect as of the date of this
Agreement  relating to emissions,  discharges,  releases,  threatened  releases,
generation,  management,  handling, control, use, treatment,  storage, disposal,
transport, removal, remediation or recovery of any Hazardous Material.


     "ERISA"  means the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as

     "Facilities"  means  Seller's  facilities  located  in  Richmond,  Indiana,
Detroit,  Michigan,  Southfield,   Michigan,  Wapakoneta,  Ohio  and  Cedarburg,
Wisconsin at which the Business is conducted.

     "Forum" means any federal,  state,  local or municipal court,  governmental
agency,  administrative  body or agency,  tribunal,  private alternative dispute
resolution system, or arbitration panel.

     "GAAP" means United States generally accepted accounting principles.

     "Government"  means any court,  tribunal,  arbitrator,  authority,  agency,
commission,  official or other instrumentality of the United States, any foreign
country  or any  domestic  or foreign  state,  county,  city or other  political

     "Law" means all federal, state, local or municipal constitutions, statutes,
rules,  regulations,  ordinances,  acts,  codes,  legislation,  conventions  and
similar laws and legal requirements, as in effect on the date of this Agreement.

     "Lien"  means  any  mortgage,  pledge,  hypothecation,  security  interest,
encumbrance,  lien or charge of any kind,  however  evidenced  or  created,  but
excluding any of the foregoing (i) disclosed in this  Agreement  (including  any
Schedule to this  Agreement),  (ii) for water,  sewage and  similar  charges and
current Taxes and assessments not yet due and payable or being contested in good
faith,   (iii)  relating  to  mechanics',   carriers',   workers',   repairers',
materialmen's, warehousemen's and other similar liens arising or incurred in the
Ordinary Course of Business of the Business,  (iv) arising or resulting from any
action taken by Purchaser or its Affiliates,  (v) relating to easements,  rights
of way,  restrictions  and other similar liens that do not materially  interfere
with the ordinary  conduct of  operations,  (vi)  relating to  imperfections  or
defects in title that do not materially adversely affect the value or use of the
applicable asset,  (vii) consisting of purchase money security interests created
in the  Ordinary  Course  of  Business,  (viii)  arising  under  Law in favor of
landlords, and (ix) to which Purchaser consents in writing.


     "Material  Adverse Effect" means an actual,  material adverse effect on the
financial  condition of the Business  considered as a whole, but shall be deemed
to exclude  (i) any changes  resulting  from  general  economic,  regulatory  or
political  conditions,  (ii) acts  attributable to, omissions by or circumstance
affecting Parent, Purchaser or their Affiliates, (iii) circumstances that affect
the  industries in which the Business  operates  generally,  or (iv) any changes
resulting from the announcement or pendency of the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement.

     "Ordinary  Course of  Business"  means an action  taken by a Person that is
consistent  with the past  practices of such Person and is taken in the ordinary
course of the normal day-to-day operations of such Person.

     "PCB Contamination"  means any polychlorinated  biphenyls ("PCBs") that are
or were: (i) present on or before the Closing Date on or at any Real Property or
any equipment or machinery located thereon (or present on any other property, if
such PCBs emanated or allegedly emanated from any Real Property or any equipment
or  machinery  located  thereon  and was  present  on any Real  Property  or any
equipment or machinery  located  thereon,  on or prior to the Closing Date),  or
(ii)  released (as  "release" is defined in Section  101(22) of CERCLA) on or at
any Real Property or any equipment or machinery  located  thereon on or prior to
the Closing Date.

     "Person" means and includes an individual, a partnership,  a joint venture,
a  corporation,   a  limited  liability  company,  a  trust,  an  unincorporated
association or organization, and a Government.

     "Representative"  means with respect to a particular  Person, any director,
officer,  manager,  member,  employee,  agent,  consultant,   advisor  or  other
representative of such Person, including legal counsel, lenders, accountants and
financial advisors.

     "Seller's  Knowledge"  shall means the actual  knowledge  of Joseph  Grewe,
Francis Drew, Kenneth Stakas, Chuck Frothingham, Jagan Nath and Jim Moran.

     "Taxes" shall mean all income,  property,  sales, use, customs,  franchise,
value added, ad valorem, withholding,  employees' income withholding, and social
security  and Medicare  taxes  imposed by any  Government,  and all interest and
penalties thereon.

                                    * * * * *


     Parent,  Purchaser and Seller have caused this Asset Purchase  Agreement to
be duly executed as of the date first set forth above.


                                                   PARK-OHIO INDUSTRIES, INC.




                                                   GAMCO COMPONENTS GROUP LLC




                                                   AMCAST INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION


