Exhibit 10.46
                         The Sale and Leasing Agreement

This agreement is concluded between and by Shanghai Kai Hong Electronic  Company
Ltd. with its legal residence being: Chenchun Road Xinqiao Town Songjiang County
Shanghai , China ("Party A") and Shanghai Ding Hong Electronic Company Ltd. with
its legal residence being: No 999 Xinqiao Town Songjiang County Shanghai , China
("Party B") on March 30, 2002,in the city of Shanghai.

1.    Party A agrees  to sell a three  story  building  completed  by  itself on
      (date)(hereinafter  referred to as "original  factory  building"),and  one
      power  distribution  building both  buildings set forth in Exhibit one and
      two,  hereinafter refereed to as " Building A") to Party B for the purpose
      and on the terms and conditions of this agreement;
2.    Party B  agrees  to let  Building  A to  Party A after  Party B  purchases
      Building A from Party A for the purpose and on the terms and conditions of
      this agreement.
3.    Party B agrees to let extended  part of the original  factory  building as
      well as the affiliated  buildings and area (set forth in Exhibit three and
      four, hereinafter referred to as " Building B") to Party A.

Now it is hereby agreed as follows,

1.       Definitions and interpretation

Unless  otherwise  defined in this  agreement,  the terms used in this agreement
shall only have the meanings hereunder.

1.1      "Building A" shall have the following meanings,
a.       The original factory building of three stories located in No. 375 land
          of Song Jiang District, Shanghai;
b.       The power distribution building located in No. 375 land of Song Jiang
          District, Shanghai.

1.2  "Building B" shall have the following meanings,
a.       The extended part of the original three story factory building and
b.       Affiliated buildings and area set forth in Exhibit Four.
         (the specific site and area is set forth in the Exhibit Map of the
          completed building )

1.3   "Effective Date" shall mean the agreement will take effect after the legal
      representatives or authorized  representatives of both parties affix their
      signatures and company seals on this agreement.

1.4      "Leasing Term" shall mean 15 years since the agreement takes effect.

1.5 "Free of Rental Term" shall mean the period that in accordance  with article
3.4 Party A is entitled to use Building A without paying any rent fees since the
16th year after the  agreement  has taken effect for 15 years as long as Party A
maintains its lawful existence as a business entity.

2.       The sale price of Building A and the method of payment
2.1      The sale price

a.       Both parties agree to that the net value of the original factory
          building is USD$ 242,090, and that the net value of power distribution
          building is USD$; 32,916
b.       Party B agrees to purchase Building A with the price mentioned above.

2.2      The method of payment
Both parties agree that Party B shall  provide Party A with a lawful  receipt of
real assets  transfer,  meanwhile to clarify the real assets value  indicated in
Party A's account,  the clearance  balance shall be  transferred  into Party A's
long  term  credit--to  collect  from  Party  B.  Party B will  make  15  annual
installment  payments after the agreement  takes effect,  in other words, to pay
off USD$ 275,006 within 15 years, and that every calendar year Party B shall pay
USD$ 18,334to the account as prescribed by Party A before January 31st.

3.       Rent Term, Rent and Method of Payment
3.1      The period of lease
Both parties agree to that Party A is entitled to lease  Building A for 15 years
after the agreement takes effect.

3.2      Rental: both parties agree to that the annual rental of Building A
          shall be USD$ 19.251.

3.3      Method of payment: every calendar year Party A shall pay rental to the
          account as prescribed by Party B before January 31st.

3.4      Term for free of rent

After  Party A leases  Building A for 15 years,  thereby  Party A is entitled to
continue to use Building A until 2024 with free of rent. If the operating period
of Party A is  extended  beyond  2024,  and Party A still  exists as a  business
entity  after 2024,  thereby  Party A is entitled to use  Building  with free of

4.    Under the circumstances that Party A terminates the lease of Building A
       before the lease term expires, then,

4.1   Under the  circumstances  that Party A terminates  the lease  relationship
      prior to  maturity  of the lease  term and where  Party B is unable to let
      Building  A to a third  party,  Party A is still  borne to pay the rent in
      accordance with the agreement. Party B shall also pay installment to Party
      A in accordance with the agreement.

4.2   Under the  circumstances  that Party A terminates  the lease  relationship
      prior to  maturity  of the  lease  term and  where  Party B is able to let
      Building A to a third party with the same rent,  then Party A is not borne
      to pay the rent and any penalties,  Party B shall also pay  installment to
      Party A in accordance with the agreement.

4.3   Under the circumstances  that Party B lets Building A or one of Building A
      to a third party,  however,  the rent thereof is less than the installment
      that  Party B shall  pay to Party A, then  Party A shall  pay the  balance
      between the annual rental  prescribed in Article 3.2 and the actual rental
      collected  by Party B.  Party B shall also pay  installment  to Party A in
      accordance with the agreement.

4.4   Under the circumstances that Party B lets Building A to a third party, and
      where the rent thereof is more than the  installment  Party B shall pay to
      Party  A,  then  Party B is  entitled  to just  pay the  consideration  in
      accordance with the amount on terms and conditions of this agreement.

4.5   Party B is not allowed to  terminate  the lease  contract  and the leasing
      term for free of rental without the consent of Party A. Otherwise  Party B
      is  liable to  indemnify  Party A all its  losses  including  and  without
      limitation  any and all reasonable  profits,  out-of-pocket  costs,  legal
      fees, accounting fees and removal or relocation fees.

5.    The leasing term, rental and the method of payment as to the leasing
       term of Building B.

5.1   Leasing  term:  both  parties  agree  that,  Party A is  entitled to lease
      Building B for 15 years  following the agreement  takes effect.  After the
      expiry of the  leasing  term,  in case Party A still  rents  Building A or
      within the leasing term for free of rental, the leasing term of Building B
      shall be extended automatically and accordingly.

5.2   Rental: both parties agree that the monthly rental of Building B shall
       be USD $17,541. The rental can be adjusted where meeting mutual

5.3   Method of payment: Party A shall pay the rental to the account as
       nominated by Party B before 1st monthly.

5.4   Deposit:  Party A shall pay Party B a deposit of USD$  17,030 for  leasing
      Building B, This deposit should apply against the last month's rent due by
      Party A to Party B

6.    Termination of the agreement prior to the maturity of the leasing term
       of Building B
6.1   Where Party A will terminate the agreement prior to the maturity of the
       leasing term, Party A thereby shall  compensate all losses,  and damages
        suffered by Party B. The amount of compensation shall be decided upon
        negotiation between two parties.

6.2   Under the circumstances that Party A terminates the agreement prior to the
      maturity  of the leasing  term of  building A for free of rental,  Party A
      shall not be entitled to refund the deposit of USD$17,030.

7.       Insurance and repair costs
7.1        During the Leasing Term and Free of rental period,  Party A is liable
           to purchase  insurance  for  Building A and bear the repair  costs as
           well, If Party A can not obtain building insurance, then Party B will
           be requested to obtain  insurance and Party A will reimburse  Party B
           for the actual insurance cost

7.2      During the Leasing Term, Party B is liable to purchase insurance for
          Building B and bear the repair costs as well.

7.3      Party B is entitled to inspect the utilization of buildings rented by
          Party A and Party A should provide assistance.

8.       Liability for breach of the agreement
Where  Party  B  violates  article  2.2  of the  agreement  for  failing  to pay
installment punctually, then Party B shall be liable to pay liquidate damages to
Party A at the rate of 0.21/ooof the installment for each day of delay.

8.1      Where Party A violates article 3.3 of the agreement for failing to pay
          the rent, then Party A shall pay a penalty at the rate of 0.21/of the
          rent for each day of delay.

8.2      Where Party B breach its warranties stipulated in article 6, Party B
          shall compensate Party A's lost and damages if any.

8.3      Party A is not allowed to:

(1)            sub-lease  Building A and  Building B or exchange  the use of two
               buildings with other parties without Party B's consent.
(2)            In case Party A alters the  structure  of two  building or damage
               two  buildings  without  Party B's consent,  Party A is liable to
(3)            In case  Party A changes  the  lease  purpose  prescribed  in the
               agreement  and the subject of lease  without  Party B's  consent,
               Party A is liable to restoration and compensation.

9.       Warranties
Party B hereby  warrants  that with the period of the lease and term for free of
rent  Building A and Building B shall not be sold or mortgaged  except for Party
A's prior approval in writing.

10.      Force Majeure
10.1     The definition of Force Majeure

Force  Majeure shall mean all events which are beyond the control of the Parties
to this agreement, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable and insurmountable, and
which  arise  after  the  Effective  Date and  which  prevent  total or  partial
performance by either party.  Such events shall include  earthquakes,  typhoons,
flood,  fire, war, acts of government or public agencies,  strikes and any other
event which can not be foreseen,  prevented  and  controlled,  including  events
which are  recognized  as Force  Majeure  in  general  international  commercial

10.2     Consequences of Force Majeure

a.    If an event of Force Majeure  occurs,  a Party's  contractual  obligations
      affected  by such an event shall be  suspended  during the period of delay
      caused by the Force Majeure and the period for performing  such obligation
      shall be extended, without penalty, for a period equal to such suspension.
b.    The party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly  inform the other party in
      writing and shall furnish with in fifteen (15) days thereafter  sufficient
      proof of the occurrence and expected  duration of such Force Majeure.  The
      party claiming  Force Majeure shall also use all  reasonable  endeavors to
      terminate the Force Majeure.
c.    In the event of Force Majeure, the parties shall immediately consult
       with each other in order to find an equitable solution and shall use all
       reasonable endeavors to minimize the consequences of such Force Majeure

11.      The effectiveness of this agreement

This  agreement  shall  become  effective  after  the legal  representatives  or
authorized  representatives  of both parties affix their  signatures and company
seals on this agreement.

12.      Language of the agreement

This agreement is made and executed in Chinese and English, both versions having
equal validity.

13.      Settlement of disputes

13.1     Friendly consultations

In the event of any dispute, difference,  controversy or claim arising out of or
relating to this agreement,  including any regarding the breach,  termination or
validity of this  agreement,  (a "Dispute") then upon one party giving the other
party  notice in  writing of the  Dispute  and  regarding  the  commencement  of
friendly  consultations  ("Notice  of  Dispute")  the parties  shall  attempt to
resolve such Dispute through friendly consultation.

If the Dispute has not been resolved through friendly  consultations with thirty
(30) days from the  Notice of Dispute  was given in  respect of it, the  Dispute
shall  be  resolved  by  arbitration  in  accordance   with  Article  10.2  such
arbitration may be initiated by either party.

13.2     Arbitration

The  arbitration  shall be  conducted  by  Shanghai  Arbitration  Commission  in
Shanghai in accordance with its procedure rules. The arbitration  award shall be
final and binding on the parties. The costs of arbitration shall be borne by the
losing party except as may be otherwise determined by the arbitration tribunal.

13.3     Continuance of performance

Except for the  specified  matters in dispute,  which are then  currently  being
arbitrated,  the parties shall continue to perform their respective  obligations
under  this  agreement  during any  friendly  consultations  or any  arbitration
pursuant to this article 10.

13.4     Separability

The  provisions of these  articles 10 shall be separable from the other terms of
this  agreement.  Neither the  termination  nor the invalidity of this agreement
shall affect the validity of the provisions of this article 10.

14.      Applicable law

The  validity,  interpretation  and  implementation  of this  agreement  and the
settlement  of  disputes  herein  shall be  governed  by  relevant  PRC laws and
regulation which are officially promulgated and publicly available.

15.      Miscellaneous
15.1  Anything  not   prescribed  by  the   agreement   shall  be  made  as  the
      supplementary clauses by two parties' mutual agreement.  The supplementary
      clauses and exhibitions constitute the part of the entire agreement.

15.2  Both parties know their  respective  right,  obligation,  liability,  very
      clearly and will execute the agreement in accordance  with the  provisions
      of the agreement.  Where one party violates the agreement, the other party
      is entitled to claim damages in accordance with the agreement.

15.3  Any notice or written communication provided for in this Contract from one
      Party to the other  Party  shall be made in writing in Chinese and English
      and sent by courier  service  delivered  letter.  The date of receipt of a
      notice  or  communication  hereunder  shall be deemed to be seven (7) days
      after the letter is given to the courier service  provided it is evidenced
      by a confirmation receipt. All notices and communications shall be sent to
      the  appropriate  address  set forth  below,  until the same is changed by
      notice given in writing to the other Party.

To:      Party A                              To: Party B
Address: Shanghai KaiHong Electronics, Ltd.   Shanghai Ding Hong Electronic Co.,
Attn.: /s/ Joseph Liu,                        Attn.: /s/ J.Y. Xing
Joseph Liu, President                         J.Y. Xing, President
Date:  March 30, 2002                         Date:  March 30, 2002