Exhibit 10.47
                                 Lease Agreement

This Lease Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Lease") is entered into as
March 30,  2002,  in the city of  Shanghai,  by and  between  SHANGHAI  KAI HONG
ELECTRONIC  COMPANY,  LIMITED  (hereinafter  referred  to as "Party A") with its
registered office at East of Chen Chun Road, XinQiao Town,  SongJiang  District,
(hereinafter  referred to as "Party B") with its  registered  office at No. 999,
Chen Chun Road, XinQIao Town, SongJiang District, Shanghai, P.R.C.

Party A and Party B are  collectively  referred  to as the Parties and each as a


1. Party B represents that it is the legal owner of the Factory Building and the
Utility Building (hereinafter  collectively referred to as "the Buildings") with
full legal power to enter into this Lease.

2. Party A agrees to lease to Party B the partial area of the first floor of the
Factory  Building  (set forth in Exhibit One,  hereinafter  referred to as "Rent
Area A") and the  Utility  Building  (set  forth  in  Exhibit  Two,  hereinafter
referred to as "Rent Area B) in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
Lease.  Rent Area A and Rent  Area B are  collectively  referred  to as the Rent
Areas as the area for lease in the "Phase I". Party B accepts this Lease.

3. Party B  understands  that there is no guarantee or obligation on the part of
Party A that it will  lease any  portion  of the  Buildings  other than the Rent
Areas from Party B including,  but not limited to the second floor and the third
floor of the Building.

1.       Definitions and Interpretation
                  Unless otherwise  defined in this Lease, the terms used in the
Lease shall only have the meanings hereunder.

1.1      "Factory Building" shall mean the building of three stories
           (Construction Number C) located in the lot No. 375 of Song Jiang
           District, Shanghai.

                  1.2 "Rent  Area A" shall mean the first  floor of the  Factory
Building  excluding  the shade area marked in the Exhibit One ("1st Floor Layout
for Factory Building").

1.3      "Utility Building" shall mean the building of three stories
          (Construction Number) located in the lot No. 375-1 of Song Jiang
           District, Shanghai.

1.4 "Rent Area B" shall mean the first floor of the Utility  Building  excluding
the shade area marked in the Exhibit Two ("Utility Building 1st Floor Layout").

1.5  "Effective  Date"  shall mean the date on which the Lease will take  effect
after the legal  representatives  or authorized  representatives  of the Parties
affix their signatures and corporate seals on the Lease.

1.6 "Rent  Term"  shall mean the period of time in which  Party A is entitled to
use the Rent  Areas and Party B is  entitled  to  receive  rent from  Party A in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Lease.

2.       Gross Area of the Rent Areas
2.1 The gross area of the Rent Area A is 1233.90 square meters.

2.2 The gross area of the Rent Area B is 478.80 square meters.

3.       Rent Term
3.1 The Parties agree that the Lease Term is 5 years commencing from the date of
March 1, 2002.

3.2 The Rent Term shall be  automatically  renewed for  successive  5 year terms
unless  Party A gives  notice of  termination  not less than 30 days  before the
expiration of any Lease Term. In its operating period,  Party A has the priority
to the Rent Areas defined in this Contract and Party B shall not terminate  this
Contract without reasonable cause and Party A's approval in written.

3.3 In the period of renewal,  the items  relating to the rental  stipulated  in
Article 4 of the Lease shall be adjusted upon  consultation  on the basis of the
current-then index number of prices.

4.       Rental
4.1 The Parties  agree that the monthly  Rental of the Rent Area A shall be US$4
per square meter and for a total of US$ 4935.60.

4.2 The Parties  agree that the monthly  Rental of the Rent Area B shall be US$4
per square meter and for a total of US$ 1915.20.

5.       Method of Payment
         Party A shall pay the Rental in RMB Yuan  according  to the Medium Rate
of  Exchanges  published  by the Bank of China on the day of  payment to the RMB
account as prescribed by Party B before the first day of every month.

6.       Deposit
         Party A shall pay Party B a deposit amounting to US$ 6850.80 within 10
          days of the effective date of the Lease.

7.       Right of First Refusal
         If, during any term of this Lease,  Party B receives from a third party
a bona fide,  legally  binding offer to rent any portion of the Buildings  other
than the Rent Areas,  it shall  notify  Party A of this fact.  The notice  shall
specify  all terms in the bona fide third party  offer.  Party A shall then have
thirty (30) days to rent that portion of the  Buildings  referred to in the bona
fide  offer  on the  same  terms  and  conditions.  Party B shall  not  rent the
remaining portion of the Buildings to any third party until the thirty (30) days
has expired, without Party A exercising its right of first refusal.

8.       Termination of the Lease
      If either Party  terminates  the Lease prior to the expiration of the Rent
Term  without the consent  from the other Party,  the former  thereby  shall pay
damages to the latter to compensate its actual loss. The amount of damages shall
include,  but not be limited to the  reasonable  profits,  out-of-pocket  costs,
legal fees, accounting fees and removal or relocation fees.

9.       Insurance and Repair Costs
9.1 During the term of the rental  agreement,  Party B shall purchase & maintain
insurance  coverage to cover any and all casualty damage to the Aent Areas,  and
shall be responsible for repairs of all structural  damages to the building that
are not the result of improper use by Party A. Party A shall be responsible  for
all  repair  costs  arising  from  improper  usage by Party A. If Party B cannot
obtain building  insurance,  the Party A will be requested to obtain  insurance,
and Party B will reimburse Party A for all costs of such insurance coverage".

9.2  Party B shall be  entitled  to  inspect  the  Rented  Areas  at  reasonable
intervals and upon reasonable notice.  Party A shall provide assistance to allow
such inspections.

10.      Liability for Breach of the Lease
10.1 If Party A violates  Article 5 of the Lease for  failing to pay the Rental,
then  Party A shall pay a penalty  at the rate of 0.21/oo of the Rental for each
day of delay.

10.2 Where Party B breaches  its  warranties  stipulated  in Article 11, Party B
shall  compensate  Party  A  for  all  of  its  losses  and  damages   including
consequential damages.

10.3  Party A shall not:
(4)      sub-lease the Rented Areas or exchange the use of the Rented Areas with
         other parties without Party B's prior, written consent.
(5)      alter the structure of the Rented Areas or damage the Rented Areas
          without Party B's prior, written consent.
(6)      change the Lease purpose stipulated by the competent authorities
          without Party B's consent.

11.  Warranties
11.1 Party B hereby  warrants that if the Rent Areas are sold to any third party
in the Rent Term or the period of renewal,  the third  party  shall  continue to
carry out the Contract. In case the third party fails to carry out the Contract,
Party B shall compensate Party A for all of its losses and damages.

11.2 In case  Party B  mortgages  the Rent  Areas to the third  party,  any loss
suffered by Party A shall be indemnified by Party B.

12.       Alteration
12.1 The lease of the area  marked as "Phase II" and "Phase  III" in the Exhibit
One shall be discussed  further to meet Party A's  requirements for productivity

12.2 If the Parties  reach an  agreement  for the lease of the area set forth in
Section  11.1,  the  layout of the area  shall be signed by the  Parties  as the
Exhibit  Three of the Lease and the Gross Area and the monthly  Rental set forth
in Article 2 and Article 4 shall be adjusted accordingly.

13.      Force Majeure

13.1  The definition of Force Majeure
Force Majeure  shall mean all events which arise after the Effective  Date which
are  beyond  the  control  of  the  Parties,  are  unforeseen,  unavoidable  and
insurmountable,  and which prevent total or partial performance by either Party.
Such events shall  include  earthquakes,  typhoons,  flood,  fire,  war, acts of
government  or public  agencies,  strikes and any other  event  which  cannot be
foreseen,  prevented and  controlled,  including  events which are recognized as
Force Majeure in general international commercial practice.

13.2  Consequences of Force Majeure
d.    If an event of Force Majeure occurs, the contractual obligation of a Party
      affected  by such an event shall be  suspended  during the period of delay
      the  time for  performing  such  obligation  shall  be  extended,  without
      penalty, for a period equal to such suspension.

e.    The Party  claiming  Force  Majeure  shall give prompt notice to the other
      Party in writing and shall furnish,  with in fifteen (15) days thereafter,
      sufficient  proof of the  occurrence  and expected  duration of such Force
      Majeure.  The Party  claiming  Force Majeure shall also use all reasonable
      efforts to mitigate or eliminate the effects of the Force Majeure.
f.    In the event of Force Majeure,  the Parties shall immediately consult with
      each  other in order  to find an  equitable  solution  and  shall  use all
      reasonable efforts to minimize the consequences of such Force Majeure.

14.      The Effectiveness of the Lease
The Lease shall become effective after the legal  representatives  or authorized
representatives  of both Parties affix their signatures and company seals on the

15.      Language of the Lease
The Lease is made and  executed in Chinese and  English,  both  versions  having
equal validity.

16.      Settlement of Disputes

16.1  Friendly Consultations
a. In the event of any dispute, difference,  controversy or claim arising out of
or relating to the Lease,  including any regarding  the breach,  termination  or
validity of the Lease,  (a "Dispute") then upon one Party giving the other Party
notice in writing of the  Dispute  ("Notice  of  Dispute"),  the  Parties  shall
attempt to resolve such Dispute through friendly consultation.

b. If the Dispute has not been  resolved  through  friendly  consultations  with
thirty  (30) days from the Notice of Dispute,  the Dispute  shall be resolved by
arbitration in accordance with Article 15.2.  Such  arbitration may be initiated
by either Party.

16.2 Arbitration
The  arbitration  shall be  conducted  by  Shanghai  Arbitration  Commission  in
Shanghai in accordance with its procedure rules. The arbitration  award shall be
final and binding on the Parties. The costs of arbitration shall be borne by the
losing Party except as may be otherwise determined by the arbitration tribunal.

16.3 Continuance of performance
Except  for the  specified  matters in dispute  which are then  currently  being
arbitrated,  the Parties shall continue to perform their respective  obligations
under the Lease during any friendly consultations or any arbitration pursuant to
this Article 15.

16.4 Separability
The provisions of this Article 15 shall be separable from the other terms of the
Lease.  Neither the termination nor the invalidity of the Lease shall affect the
validity of the provisions of this Article 15. 17.  Applicable law The validity,
interpretation  and  implementation  of the Lease and the settlement of disputes
herein  shall  be  governed  by  relevant  PRC laws and  regulations  which  are
officially promulgated and publicly available.

18.      Miscellaneous
18.1 Any  amendment  to this Lease  shall be in writing  and duly signed by both
Parties. Such Amendment shall constitute the part of the entire Lease.

18.2 Both Parties  know their  respective  right,  obligation,  liability,  very
clearly and will  execute the Lease in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the
Lease.  Where one Party violates the  agreement,  the other Party is entitled to
claim damages in accordance with the Lease.

18.3 Any notice or written  communication  required or  permitted  by this Lease
shall be made in writing in Chinese and English and sent by courier service. The
date of  receipt  of a notice or  communication  shall be deemed to be seven (7)
days after the letter is deposited with the courier service provided the deposit
is evidenced by a confirmation  receipt. All notices and communications shall be
sent to the  appropriate  address set forth below,  until the same is changed by
notice given in writing to the other Party.

To:      Party A                   To: Party B
Attn.: /s/ Joseph Liu              Attn.: /s/ Jian Y. Xing
Joseph Liu, President              Jian Y. Xing, President
Date: March 30, 2002               Date: March 30, 2002