This Separation Agreement including a Release of Claims (this "Agreement")
ismade as of the 2 day of December, 1998, by and between DOW JONES & 
COMPANY,INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), and KENNETH L. 
BURENGA (the "Executive"), pursuant to the Company's Separation Plan for 
Senior Management(the "Plan");

                                 W I T N E S S E T H:

THAT WHEREAS, the Plan (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" 
and,by this reference, is incorporated herein in its entirety) provides 
certain benefits to executive employees of the Company in salary grades 1 
through 9 whose employment with the Company is to be terminated under 
certain circumstances (each, an "Eligible Executive"); 

WHEREAS, the Executive is an Eligible Executive;

WHEREAS, a duly executed and validly rendered notice of intent (the 
"Notice of Intent") was delivered by the Company or the Executive, as the
case may be, to the other party pursuant to Section 2 of the Plan on 
December 2, 1998 (the "Notice Date"); and

WHEREAS, the Plan requires, as a condition to the Executive's receipt of 
the payments and other benefits provided for under the Plan, that the 
Company and the Executive enter into this Agreement as promptly as 
possible after the delivery of the Notice of Intent;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and 
obligations set forth herein and in the Plan, and other good and valuable 
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the 
parties hereby agree as follows:

1.	Benefits Period.

The Company and the Executive acknowledge and agree that the Executive 
was an executive employee of the Company in salary grade 2, and that the 
Executive isentitled to receive payments and other benefits (as provided 
for under and subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan and this 
Agreement) for the 24-month period beginning the first day of the first 
calendar month following the Notice Date (the "Benefits Period").

2.	Separation Payments and Benefits.

Subject to the Executive's compliance with all of his or her obligations 
under this Agreement and the Plan, and in consideration of the Executive, 
among other things, agreeing to maintain confidential information and not 
to compete with the Company during the Benefits Period as provided in 
Sections 5 and 6 below and executing the waivers and releases as set 
forth in Section 7 below, the Company shall provide the Executive with 
the payments and other benefits provided for under the terms and 
conditions of the Plan, including, but not limited to, the payments of 
salary and target bonus during the Benefits Period 

as provided in Section 8 of the Plan; the continuation of the Executive's 
participation in the Company's employee benefits plans and programs 
during theBenefits Period as provided in Section 9 of the Plan or the 
provision of substantially equivalent benefits as provided in Section 14 
(f) of the Plan;the provisions relating to stock options and contingent 
stock rights as provided in Section 10 of the Plan; the entitlement to 
financial counselingand outplacement services as provided in Section 11 
of the Plan; and the provisions regarding qualification for retirement 
as provided in Section 12 of the Plan.

3.	Exclusive Separation Payments and Benefits.

The Executive and the Company acknowledge and agree that the Plan and 
this Agreement are intended to be the exclusive separation plan or 
arrangement between the Company and the Executive.  Accordingly, unless 
otherwise agreed to in a writing signed by the Executive and the Company, 
the Executive and the Company agree that the Executive shall not be 
entitled to any remuneration, payments or other benefits under the 
Company's Severance Pay Plan or any other similar severance or separation 
plan or arrangement of the Company (other than the payments and other 
benefits provided to the Executive pursuant to the Plan and this 
Agreement).  The payments and other benefits provided by the Plan and 
this Agreement include any severance or termination benefits that may be 
required by applicable law.

4.	Death or Disability during Benefits Period.

As additional consideration for the Executive, among other things, 
agreeing to maintain confidential information and not to compete with the 
Company duringthe Benefits Period as provided in Sections 5 and 6 below 
and executing the waivers and releases as set forth in Section 7 below, 
if the Executive dies or becomes disabled, the Company agrees to continue 
to make the payments of salary and target bonus as provided in Section 8 
of the Plan to the Executive for the balance of the Benefits Period (in 
the case of a disability), or to the Executive's estate or designated 
beneficiary for the balance of the Benefits Period (in the case of death).  
The Executive may file with the Company a written designation of a 
beneficiary or beneficiaries hereunder (the "Beneficiary") and may from 
time to time revoke or change any such designation. Any designation of 
Beneficiary shall be controlling over any other disposition, testamentary 
or otherwise; provided, however, that if the Company shall be in doubt as 
to the entitlement of any such Beneficiary to any rights hereunder,
the Company may determine to recognize only the legal representative of 
the Executive.

5.	Confidential Information.

(a)	The Executive shall not, at any time or for any reason, 
(i) disclose, publish, communicate or divulge any Confidential 
Information to any person, corporation or entity,  or (ii) otherwise 
exploit, sell or use any Confidential Information in any manner whatsoever.  
For the purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" shall mean 
any and all trade secrets, confidentialinformation, knowledge or data 
regarding the Company or any of its affiliates, officers, directors or 
employees, (I) where such trade secrets, information, knowledge or data 
is not generally known in the newspaper publishing or information services 
industries or which is reasonably considered confidential by the Company 
or its affiliates, or was the subject of efforts 

by the Company or its affiliates to maintain its confidentiality 
(including the terms of this Agreement), and (II) where such information 
refers or relates in any manner whatsoever to the business activities, 
processes, services, publications, or products of the Company or its 
affiliates.  Such information (whether in printed or electronic form) 
includes, but is not limited to:  business and development plans and 
strategies (whether contemplated, initiated or completed); business 
contacts; methods of operation; policies; customer and prospective customer 
lists; employee lists; business forecasts; financial, marketing and 
operating data and records; databases; advertising and marketing methods; 
training materials; performance reviews; project assessments; contracts 
or agreements with customers or vendors; statements, reports, strategic 
information and other information distributed to management; information 
relating to costs, revenues, profits, losses, assets and/or liabilities; 
any information concerning any publication, product, technology, 
procedure or service currently offered or under development by the Company; 
and any other similar information.

(b)	In the event the Executive shall be requested, by subpoena or 
otherwise,in a judicial, administrative or government proceeding to make 
disclosures of Confidential Information which are otherwise prohibited by 
this Agreement(whether by way of oral questions, interrogatories, 
requests for information or documents, subpoenas or similar process), 
the Executive shall notify the Company in writing of such request (and 
shall provide a copy of such request to the Company) within forty-eight 
(48) hours of the Executive's receipt thereof and before providing any 
information in response to such request. The Company shall provide 
counsel to represent the Executive in connection with responding to any 
such subpoena or request for information.  The Executive, if advised by 
the Company and counsel not to respond to such request or to seek to 
quash such subpoena, shall take whatever action he or she is instructed 
by the Company to take.  The Company shall indemnify the Executive for 
any legal expense or penalties that result from efforts to quash or 
respond to any such subpoenas or requests for information.

(c)	The Executive shall return to the Company immediately upon request 
of the Company at any time during the Benefits Period all of the 
Company's or its affiliates' property and Confidential Information which 
is in tangible form (including, but not limited to, all correspondence, 
memoranda, files, manuals, books, lists, records, equipment, computer 
disks, magnetic tape, and electronic or other media and equipment) and 
all copies thereof in the Executive's possession, custody or control.

6.	Covenant Not to Compete.

(a)	Without the written consent of the Company, which may be given or 
withheld in its sole and absolute discretion, the Executive shall not, 
directly or indirectly, either individually or as a stockholder, 
director, officer, partner, consultant, owner, capital investor, lender, 
employee, agent, or in any other capacity (other than as a holder of no 
more than one percent (1%) of the outstanding stock of a publicly-traded 
corporation), for the duration of the Benefits Period, engage in the 
Company Business, or work for or provide services to any Competitor of 
the Company or its affiliates.  For the purposes of this Agreement, (i) 
the term "Company Business" 

shall mean the newspaper publishing, information services, and any other 
business engaged in, or proposed to be engaged in, by the Company or its 
affiliates as of the Notice Date; and (ii) the term "Competitor" shall 
mean any natural person, corporation, firm, organization, trust, 
partnership, association, joint venture, governmental agency or other 
entity that engages, orproposes to engage, in Company Business. 

(b)	During the Benefits Period, the Executive shall not directly or 
indirectly, induce or attempt to induce or otherwise counsel, advise, 
ask orencourage any employee of the Company or its affiliates to leave 
the employ of the Company or its affiliates or to accept employment 
with another employer besides the Company or its affiliates as an 
employee or as an independent contractor.

(c)	The Executive agrees that the restrictions imposed upon him or her
 by the provisions of this Section 6 are fair and reasonable considering 
the nature of the Company's business, and are reasonably required for the 
protection of the Company.  The Executive further agrees that the 
provisions of Section 6(a) relating to areas of restriction and time 
periods of restriction are acceptable to the Executive.  Nevertheless, 
to the extent that these restrictions exceed the maximum areas of 
restriction, limitations or periods of time which a court of competent 
jurisdiction would enforce, the areas of restriction, limitations or 
time periods shall be modified by such court to be the maximum areas of 
restriction, limitations or time periods which such court would enforce.  
If any other part of this Section 6 is held to be invalid or unenforceable, 
the remaining parts shall nevertheless continue to be valid and enforceable 
as though the unenforceable portions were absent.

(d)	The Executive acknowledges that a breach of any of the provisions 
of Section5 above or this Section 6 may result in continuing and 
irreparable damages to the Company for which there may be no adequate 
remedy at law and that the Company, in addition to all other relief 
available to it, shall be entitled to the issuance of a temporary 
restraining order, preliminary injunction and permanent injunction 
restraining the Executive from committing or continuing to commit any 
breach of the provisions of Section 5 above or this Section 6.  The 
Company's obligations pursuant to the Plan and this Agreement shall cease 
as of the date of any  breach of any of the provisions of Section 5 above 
or this Section 6 by the Executive.  Furthermore, the Executive 
understands that his or her breach of the provisions of Section 5 above 
or this Section 6 will cause monetary damages to the Company.  Thus, 
should the Executive breach the provisions of Section 5 above or this 
Section 6, he or she shall be required to pay the Company, as liquidated 
damages, the amount of the consideration paid by the Company to the 
Executive pursuant to the Plan and this Agreement plus all costs and 
expenses, including all attorneys' fees and expenses, that the Company 
incurs in enforcing Section 5 above or this Section 6.  The Executive 
agrees that the foregoing amount of liquidated damages is reasonable 
and necessary, and does not constitute a penalty. 

7.	Release and Waiver of Claims Against the Company.

(a)	The Executive, on behalf of himself or herself, his or her agents, 
heirs, successors, assigns, executors and administrators, in consideration 
for the payments and other consideration provided for under the Plan and 
this Agreement, hereby forever releases and discharges the Company and 
its successors, their affiliated 

entities, and their past and present directors, employees, agents, 
attorneys, accountants, representatives, plan fiduciaries, successors 
and assigns from any and all known and unknown causes of action, actions, 
judgments, liens, indebtedness, damages, losses, claims, liabilities, and 
demands of whatsoever kind and character in any manner whatsoever arising 
on or prior to the date of this Agreement, including but not limited to 
(i) any claim for breach of contract, breach of implied covenant, breach 
of oral or written promise, wrongful termination, intentional infliction 
of emotional distress, defamation, interference with contract relations 
or prospective economic advantage, negligence, misrepresentation or 
employment discrimination, and including without limitation alleged 
violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 
prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national 
origin; the Family and Medical Leave Act; the Americans With Disabilities 
Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; other federal, state and 
local laws, ordinances and regulations; and any unemployment or workers' 
compensation law, excepting only those obligations of the Company expressly 
recited in the Plan or this Agreement and any claims to benefits under the 
Company's employee benefit plans as defined exclusively in written plan 
documents; (ii) any and all liability that was or may have been alleged 
against or imputed to the Company by the Executive or by anyone acting 
on his or her behalf; (iii) all claims for wages, monetary or equitable 
relief, employment or reemployment with the Company in any position, and 
any punitive, compensatory or liquidated damages; and (iv) all rights to 
and claims for attorneys' fees and costs except as otherwise provided 
herein or in the Plan. 

(b)	The Executive shall not file or cause to be filed any action, suit, 
claim, charge or proceeding with any federal, state or local court or 
agency relating to any claim within the scope of this Section 7.  In the 
event there is presently pending any action, suit, claim, charge or 
proceeding within the scope of this Section 7, or if such a proceeding is 
commenced in the future, the Executive shall promptly withdraw it, with 
prejudice, to the extent he or she has the power to do so.  The Executive 
represents and warrants that he or she has not assigned any claim released 
herein, or authorized any other person to assert any claim on his or her 

(c)	In the event any action, suit, claim, charge or proceeding within 
the scope of this Section 7 is brought by any government agency, putative 
class representative or other third party to vindicate any alleged rights 
of the Executive, (i) the Executive shall, except to the extent required 
or compelled by law, legal process or subpoena, refrain from participating, 
testifying or producing documents therein, and (ii) all damages, inclusive 
of attorneys' fees, if any, required to be paid to the Executive by the 
Company as a consequence of such action, suit, claim, charge or proceeding 
shall be repaid to the Company by the Executive within ten (10) days of 
his or her receipt thereof.

(d)	Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, in the 
event of a breach of this Section 7 by the Executive, the Company's 
obligations pursuant to the Plan and this Agreement shall cease as of the 
date of such breach.  Furthermore, the Executive understands that his or 
her breach of the provisions of this Section 7 will cause monetary damages 
to the Company.  Thus, should the Executive breach the provisions of this 
Section 7, he or she shall be required to pay the Company, as liquidated 
damages, the amount of the consideration paid by the Company 

to the Executive pursuant to the Plan and this Agreement plus all costs 
and expenses,including all attorneys' fees and expenses, that the Company 
incurs in enforcing this Section 7.  The Executive agrees that the 
foregoing amount of liquidated damagesis reasonable and necessary, and 
does not constitute a penalty.

8.	Release and Waiver of Claims Against the Employee.

The Company hereby forever releases and discharges the Executive from any 
and all actions, causes of action, claims or demands in general, special 
or punitive damages, attorneys' fees and costs, expenses or other 
compensation which in any wayrelate to or arise out of the Company's 
employment of the Executive or the termination of such employment or 
otherwise, which the Company may now or hereafter have under any federal, 
state or local law, regulation or ordinance.  The release and waiver 
contained in this Section 8 of this Agreement shall not apply to any act 
of fraud or criminal conduct by the Executive of which the Company is not 
aware as of the date of this Agreement, nor to any act of non-compliance 
with the terms of the Plan or this Agreement by the Executive. 

9.	No Admission of Wrongdoing.

The release of claims and waivers by the Company in Section 8 of this 
Agreement, and the payment by the Company of the amounts and other 
benefits set forth in the Plan and this Agreement, to which the Executive 
would not otherwise be entitled, are being given to the Executive in 
return for the Executive's agreements and covenants contained in this 
Agreement.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as an 
admission of liability or wrongdoing by either the Executive or the 

10.	Further Obligations of the Executive.

The Executive agrees to take such steps as the Company may reasonably 
require to insure an orderly transition of the Executive's duties and 
responsibilities with the Company or its affiliates upon his or her 
termination.  Such steps may include, but shall not be limited to, the 
Company requiring the Executive to execute and deliver written 
resignations from such offices, directorships and other positions with 
the Company or its affiliates as the Company may require.

11.	Voluntary Execution of Agreement.










12.	Claims Procedure.

If the Executive believes that he or she has not been provided with 
benefits as and when due under this Agreement, then the Executive may 
pursue his or her remedies pursuant to the Claims Procedure as set forth 
in Section 13 of the Plan.

13.	Notices.

All notices, requests, demands and other communications required or 
permitted hereunder shall be in writing, shall be deemed properly given 
if delivered personally or sent by certified or registered mail, postage 
prepaid, return receipt requested, or sent by telegram, telex, telecopy 
or similar form of telecommunication, and shall be deemed to have been 
given when received.  Any such notice, request, demand or communication 
shall be addressed:  (a) if to the Company, to the Company's Vice 
President/Employee Relations or General Counsel;(b) if to the Executive, 
to his or her last known home address on file with the Company; or (c) 
to such other address as the parties shall have furnished to one another 
in writing.

14.	Termination and Amendments; Miscellaneous.

(a)	The payments and other benefits provided by this Agreement are 
subject to, and the Company and the Executive agree to be bound by, all 
of the terms and conditions of the Plan as the same may be amended from 
time to time in accordance with the terms thereof, but no such amendment 
shall be effective as to the rights, obligations and benefits provided 
by this Agreement or the Plan without the Executive's written consent 
insofar as any such amendment may adversely affect the Executive's rights 
under this Agreement or the Plan.  This Agreement may only be terminated, 
or the provisions of this Agreement amended or waived, prior to the 
expiration of the Company's and the Executive's obligations under the 
Plan or this Agreement, by a writing signed by the Company and the 

(b)	Except as otherwise provided in the Plan or this Agreement, the 
provisions of the Plan and this Agreement, and any payment or benefit 
provided for thereunder, shall not reduce any amounts otherwise payable, 
or in any way diminish the Executive's existing rights, or rights which 
would accrue solely as a result of the passage of time, under any benefit 
plan, employment agreement or other contract, plan or arrangement.

(c)	The Company may withhold from any amounts payable under the Plan or 
this Agreement (i) such federal, state or local taxes as shall be required 
to be withheld pursuant to any applicable law or regulation and (ii) such 
amounts, if any, as the Executive owes the Company.

(d)	The failure to insist upon strict compliance with any provision 
hereof, or the failure to assert any right hereunder, shall not be deemed 
to be a waiver of such provision or right or of any other provision or 
right under the Plan or this Agreement.  In the event that any term, 
provision or release of claims or rights contained in this Agreement is 
found or determined to be illegal or otherwise invalid and unenforceable, 
whether in whole or in part, such invalidity shall not affect the 
enforceability of the remaining terms, provisions and releases of claims 
or rights.

(e)	All payments to be made hereunder shall be paid from the Company's 
general funds and no special or separate fund shall be established and no 
segregation of assets shall be made to assure the payment of such amounts.  
Nothing contained in the Plan or this Agreement shall create or be 
construed to create a trust of any kind, or a fiduciary relationship 
between the Company and any eligible executive or any other person with 
respect to amounts to be paid hereunder.

(f)	This Agreement, together with the Plan, sets forth the entire 
agreement and understanding between the parties as to the subject matter 
hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral and written 
discussions, agreements and understandings of any kind or nature.  This 
Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties 
hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

(g)	Any reference within this Agreement to an action, judgment, 
conclusion, or determination by the Company shall mean an action, 
judgment, conclusion, or determination of the Board of Directors of the 
Company or its authorized representative(s).

(h)	 The headings preceding the text of the sections hereof are 
inserted solely for convenience of reference, and shall not constitute a 
part of this Agreement, nor shall they affect its meaning, construction 
or effect.

(i)	This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in 
accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

(j)	This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of 
which shall have the same force and effect as if all parties thereto had 
executed a single copy.  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and the Executive 
have acknowledged and executed this Agreement effective as of the seventh 
day following the date first set forth above, unless revoked prior to such 
seventh day by the Executive in the manner set forth in Section 11 above.

                                      							DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC.

/s/ Kenneth L. Burenga				                   By:	/s/ Peter R. Kann			
KENNETH L. BURENGA				                       Name:	Peter R. Kann				
                                             Title	Chairman




       1.  Purpose of the Plan:  This Separation Plan for Senior Management 
provides benefits to eligible executives in the event that their employment
with the Company is to be terminated under a variety of circumstances.  
The purpose of the Plan is to assure eligible executives that they will
be dealt with fairly in such circumstances in order to encourage such 
executives to remain in the employ of the Company and to devote their 
full attention and energies to its best interests.  This Plan was approved 
by the Board of Directors of the Company on September 16, 1998, effective 
as of that date.

      2.  Notice of Intent to Terminate:  If the Company intends to 
terminate the employment of any employee in salary grades 1 through 9 
(an "eligible executive") for any reason other than for cause (as 
hereinafter defined), or if an eligible executive intends to terminate 
his or her employment with the Company because of constructive termination 
(as hereinafter defined), then the Company or such eligible executive, as 
the case may be, shall deliver to the other a written notice to that 
effect (a "notice of intent").
       3.  Definition of "Cause":  An eligible executive shall be 
deemed to be terminated for "cause" if he or she is to be terminated 
because he or she (i) has been convicted of, or has pleaded guilty to, 
a felony, (ii) is abusing alcohol or narcotics, (iii)  has committed 
an act of fraud, material dishonesty or gross misconduct in connection 
with the Company's business (including, without limitation, an act that 
constitutes a material violation of the Company's Code of Conduct), or 
(iv)  has willfully and repeatedly refused to perform his or her duties 
after reasonable demand for such performance has been made by the Company.

       4.  Definition of "Constructive Termination":  An eligible 
executive may deliver a notice of intent to terminate because of 
"constructive termination" if, without his or her prior consent,  
(i) such executive's position or duties are substantially reduced,  
(ii) such executive's base salary, target bonus opportunity or incentive 
compensation opportunity is materially reduced, (iii) other employee 
benefits afforded to such executive are materially reduced, (iv) such 
executive's salary grade is reduced below grade 9 in the case of 
executives in salary grades 5 through 9, or below grade 4 in the case of 
executives in salary grades 1 through 4, or (v) this Plan is terminated 
or amended in any material respect.   

       Notwithstanding the foregoing, no reduction in base salary, target 
bonus opportunity or incentive compensation opportunity, or other employee 
benefits, shall be deemed to constitute constructive termination if such 
reduction is made in conjunction with similar reductions generally 
applicable to all eligible executives.  In addition, no change in salary 
grade level shall be deemed to constitute constructive termination if, 
concurrently with such reduction (and any subsequent reduction), the 
Company agrees to continue to extend the benefits of this Plan to such 
executive at the same level and on the same terms as applied to such 
executive prior to such reduction in salary grade.  A notice of intent 
to terminate because of constructive termination must be given by 
the executive in question within six (6) months after the occurrence of 
the event giving rise to the right to give such notice of intent.

       5.  Exclusive Separation Plan for Eligible Executives;  Change in 
Control:  This Plan is intended as the exclusive separation plan for 
eligible executives whose service with the Company is to be terminated as 
described in Section 2 and who execute and deliver the non-competition 
agreement, waivers and releases described in Section 6.  Accordingly, such 
executives shall not be entitled to any benefits under the Company's 
Severance Pay Plan or any other similar severance or separation plan or 

       This Plan is not intended to apply in the case of terminations of 
employment by eligible executives because of death, disability, or 
voluntary retirement or resignation, except as provided in the case of the 
death or disability of an executive during the period he or she is 
receiving payments pursuant to Section 8, and except as provided in the 
case of "constructive termination."  In addition, this Plan is not 
intended to apply in the case of terminations that result from, or occur 
in connection with, a change in control of the Company, it being the intent 
of the Company to provide separation benefits to eligible executives in 
the case of a change in control of the Company that are superior to those 
set forth in this Plan.  A "change in control" will be deemed to have 
occurred at such time as there is a transfer of the power to elect a 
majority of the Company's Board of Directors from the persons and 
entities who constituted the Company's "parent" on September 16, 1998 to 
persons or entities unaffiliated with such parent, or at such other time 
as such parent ceases to be the Company's parent.

	6.  Non-Competition Agreement; Waivers and Releases:  As 
promptly as possible, the executive in question and the Company shall 
execute and deliver (a) an agreement pursuant to which such executive 
agrees not to compete with the Company for the18 or 24 month period 
during which such executive is receiving payments pursuant to Section 8, 
and (b) customary mutual waivers and releases.  Such agreement, waivers 
and releases shall be in such form as the Company may reasonably specify; 
may require the executive to take such steps as the Company may reasonably 
require to insure an orderly transition of  the executive's duties 
(including the execution and delivery by the executive of written 
resignations from such offices, directorships and other positions as the 
Company may require); and shall provide that the Company may cease 
payments under Section 8 in the event of any material breach by the 
executive of the confidentiality or non-competition covenants contained 
in such agreement.

       7.  Payment of Salary and Bonus for the Period prior to delivery of 
a Notice of Intent:  The Company shall pay the affected executive's base 
salary in accordance with the Company's normal payroll practices through 
the end of the month during which a notice of intent is delivered hereunder.  
In addition, the Company shall pay the executive promptly after the end of 
the year in which such notice of intent is delivered a pro rata portion of 
the annual bonus that the  executive would have received had he or she 
continued to perform duties for the entire year, pro rated through the end 
of the month in which a notice of intent is delivered hereunder.

       8.  Payment of Salary and Target Bonus during the Period 
following delivery of a Notice of Intent:   Provided that the affected 
executive has executed and delivered the non-competition agreement, 
waivers and releases described in Section 6, the Company shall continue 
to pay the executive his or her regular salary in accordance with the 
Company's normal payroll practices commencing with the regular salary 
payment next following the month in which a notice of intent is delivered 
and continuing (a) through the 24th month following such month if the 
executive is in salary grade 1, 2, 3 or 4, or (b) through the 18th month 
following such month if the executive is in salary grade 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9.  
In addition, the Company will pay the executive monthly during such 18 or 
24 month period, as the case may be, an amount equal to one-twelfth of the 
amount of his or her annual "target" bonus that was in effect for the year 
in which the notice of intent was delivered.  If an executive becomes 
disabled or dies during the period he or she is receiving payments hereunder, 
such payments will continue to be made thereafter for the balance of the 
18 or 24 month period, as the case may be, to such executive (in the case 
of disability) or such executive's estate or designated beneficiary (in 
the case of death).

        For the avoidance of doubt, it is the purpose of this Plan to 
provide that each eligible executive who is the subject of a notice of 
intent hereunder, and who executes and delivers the non-competition 
agreement, waivers and releases called for hereby, will receive continued
payment of his or her base salary and target bonus for 24 months (in the 
case of executives in salary grades 1 through 4) and 18 months (in the 
case of executives in salary grades 5 through 9) following the month in 
which such notice of intent was delivered.

        9.  Continuation of Certain Employee Benefits:  During the period 
that an executive is receiving payments of salary and target bonus pursuant 
to Section 8, such executive shall continue as an employee of the Company 
for purposes of, and shall continue to participate in, the following 
employee benefit plans and programs (including any successors to such 
plans and programs):  the profit-sharing retirement and supplementary 
benefit plans;  the health and dental care plans; and the executive death 
and group life, disability and accident  insurance plans, provided that 
coverage under any health, dental or other insurance plan will cease if 
the executive becomes covered by another such plan.  Coverage for the 
executive in question under the executive death and group life and 
disability insurance plans will be maintained at the levels in effect 
for such executive immediately prior to the delivery of the notice of 
intent.  The Company's contributions on behalf of the executive to the 
profit-sharing retirement and supplementary benefit plans, and any 
successors thereto, will be based upon the amounts paid to such executive 
for the periods in question pursuant to Sections 7 and 8.

      10. Stock Options; Contingent Stock Rights:  (a) Stock Options.  
Except as otherwise provided in the case of executives who qualify for 
retirement as provided in Section 12: 

      (i)  vested stock options held by an executive who is the subject 
of a notice of intent hereunder shall remain exercisable in accordance 
with their terms until the earlier of (x) the expiration of the option 
and (y) the last day (the "termination date") of the month during which 
the final payment of salary and target bonus under Section 8 is due and 
      (ii)  unvested stock options held by such an executive shall 
continue to vest, and once vested shall be exercisable, in accordance 
with their terms until the termination date; and

      (iii)  all vested and unvested stock options held by such an 
executive will terminate on the termination date.

       (b)  Contingent Stock Rights.   An executive who is the subject of 
a notice of intent hereunder shall receive a pro rated final award with 
respect to each of his or her outstanding grants of contingent stock rights 
under the Long Term Incentive Plan (or any predecessor or successor thereto) 
equal to (i) the maximum number of shares of common stock covered by such 
grant, multiplied by (ii) a fraction the numerator of which is the aggregate 
number of shares granted as final awards to all participants under the 
Long Term Incentive Plan (excluding the executive in question) with 
respect to the performance period covered by such grant, and the 
denominator of which is the aggregate of the maximum number of shares 
covered by all grants held by all such participants (excluding such 
executive) with respect to such performance period, multiplied further 
by (iii) a fraction the numerator of which is the number of months from 
the commencement of the performance period in question through and 
including the termination date as defined in Section 10(a), and the 
denominator of which is the total number of months in such performance 
period.   Such final award shall be paid to the executive in accordance 
with the Long Term Incentive Plan after the end of the performance period 
in question at the same time as final awards are delivered to the other 
participants in the Long Term Incentive Plan. (c)  No further awards.  
An executive who is the subject of a notice of intent hereunder shall 
not be eligible thereafter to receive new stock option grants or 
new contingent stock rights awards under the Long Term Incentive Plan or 

       11.  Financial Counseling and Outplacement Services:   An 
executive who is the subject of a notice of intent hereunder shall be 
entitled to receive financial counseling services during the first 12 
months that he or she is receiving payments pursuant to Section 8;  the 
cost of such services shall be paid by the Company up to such reasonable 
amount as the Company may specify.  In addition, such an executive shall 
be entitled to receive outplacement services at a level commensurate with 
the executive's position; the cost of such services shall be paid by the 
Company up to an amount equal to 20% of such executive's annual base 
salary in effect on the date the notice intent is delivered.

       12.  Termination of Employment;  Retiree Status:  An executive 
who is the subject of a notice of intent hereunder shall cease to be an 
employee of the Company on the termination date as defined in Section 
10(a).  If such executive is 55 years of age or older on such date, and 
if he or she has accumulated 10 or more years of service with Dow Jones 
as of such date (including in computing such years of service the 18 or 
24 months, as the case may be, that the executive received payments under 
Section 8),  then such executive's employment shall be deemed to have been 
terminated on the termination date because of retirement, and such 
executive shall thereupon be deemed to be a retiree for purposes of  the 
Company's profit sharing and other retirement plans; health, life, 
executive death and disability insurance plans; stock option, deferred 
compensation and supplementary benefit plans; any predecessors or 
successors to such plans; and all other plans and programs then or 
thereafter in effect for the Company's retirees and for which such 
executive qualifies.

       Without limiting the generality of the foregoing:  

      (a)  Such executive shall participate as a retiree in the retiree 
health plan, and the 18 or 24 months, as the case may be, that the 
executive received payments under Section 8  shall be credited to such 
executive's years of service for purposes of determining his or her 
benefit levels under such plan.

      (b)  All vested stock options held by such executive shall continue 
to be exercisable in accordance with their terms until the expiration 
dates set forth in the respective stock option agreements.  In addition, 
all unvested stock options held by such executive shall continue to vest 
and, once vested, shall similarly be exercisable in accordance with their 
terms until the expiration dates set forth in the respective stock 
option agreements.

       13.  Claims Procedure: Benefits will be provided as specified in 
this Plan to each eligible executive who is the subject of a notice of 
intent hereunder.  If such an executive believes that he or she has not 
been provided with benefits as and when due under this Plan, then such 
executive may pursue his or her remedies under the claims and appeals 
procedures set forth in the summary plan description applicable to the 
Company's health and life insurance plans (which claims and appeals 
procedures are hereby incorporated herein by reference); provided, 
however, that requests for reconsideration under this Plan must 
be filed with the Company's Vice President/Employee Relations or General 
Counsel, or such other officer as the Company's Board of Directors may 
designate, as the executive may elect, within sixty (60) days after the 
date that he or she should have received such benefits.  

     14.  Termination and Amendments; Miscellaneous:  (a)  This Plan 
may be terminated or amended by the Board of Directors of the Company 
at any time or from time to time, provided that no such termination or 
amendment shall terminate, amend or other- wise affect the obligations 
of the Company hereunder to any executive as to whom a notice of intent 
has theretofore been delivered, or to any executive who elects to 
deliver a notice of intent (as provided in Section 4) because of such 
termination or amendment of this Plan; it being the intent of the 
Company that this Plan will remain in full force and effect with 
respect to, and for the benefit of, such executives notwithstanding 
its termination or amendment. 

     (b)  Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of this 
Plan, and any payment provided for hereunder, shall not reduce any 
amounts otherwise payable, or in any way diminish an executive's 
existing rights, or rights which would accrue solely as a result of 
the passage of time, under any benefit plan, employment agreement 
or other contract, plan or arrangement.

     (c)  The Company may withhold from any amounts payable under this 
Plan (i) such federal, state or local taxes as shall be required to be 
withheld pursuant to any applicable law or regulation and (ii) such 
amounts, if any, as such executive owes the Company.

     (d)  The failure to insist upon strict compliance with any provision 
hereof, or the failure to assert any right hereunder, shall not be deemed 
to be a waiver of such provision or right or of any other provision or 
right under this Plan.

     (e) All payments to be made hereunder shall be paid from the 
Company's general funds and no special or separate fund shall be established 
and no segregation of assets shall be made to assure the payment of such 
amounts.  Nothing contained in this Plan shall create or be construed to 
create a trust of any kind, or a fiduciary relationship between the 
Company and any eligible executive or any other person with respect to 
amounts to be paid hereunder.

      (f)  If the Company determines that it is impossible or impractical to 
provide benefits hereunder pursuant to plans or programs maintained for its 
employees or executives generally, the Company shall provide substantially 
equivalent benefits to affected executives through other means.  For 
example, if for any reason the Company determines that it is impossible 
or impractical to make contributions on behalf of eligible executives 
to any tax qualified contributory retirement plan, the Company will 
credit the amount it would otherwise have contributed to such plan to a 
deferred compensation or similar account for the benefit of such executive.  
Similarly, if for any reason the Company determines that it is impossible 
or impractical to provide life, health or other insurance coverage to an 
executive under existing employee, executive or other group plans, the 
Company will purchase or otherwise provide such coverage separately for 
any affected executive.  If any such arrangement results in the recognition 
of taxable income by an executive, the Company will reimburse such executive 
for all taxes paid on such income and for all taxes paid on all 
reimbursements of taxes hereunder.

December 2, 1998

Mr. Kenneth L. Burenga
74 John Ringo Road
Ringoes, New Jersey  08551

Dear Ken:

		This letter agreement confirms our agreement to supplement your 
Separation Agreement with Dow Jones dated as of the date hereof (the 
"Agreement") as follows:		

		1.	The Company agrees to defer payment of 55% of the amount 
payable to you pursuant to Section 8 of the Separation Plan for Senior 
Management (the "Plan") and to pay the balance (45%) of such amount to you as 
salary continuation and target bonus each month during the 24-month benefits 
period.  The deferred amount will be credited to your deferred compensation 
account on a monthly basis and will be paid to you as provided under your 
deferred compensation agreement with the Company.

		2.	Upon your retirement on the termination date (i.e., December 
31, 2000), you will be entitled to the same retiree health care benefits that 
are then applicable to persons who are receiving such retiree health care 
benefits on the date hereof.

		3.	The Company hereby transfers to you the personal computer, 
software, fax machine, cellular telephone, desk chair and the USSB satellite 
equipment currently in your home.  You will be entitled to a free subscription 
to The Wall Street Journal and Barron's during your lifetime (and your spouse's 
lifetime if she shall survive you).  In addition, you will be entitled to a free
subscription to The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition and Dow Jones 
Interactive or their successor services during your lifetime (and your spouse's 
lifetime if she shall survive you), provided however that you will be 
responsible for any charges for premium services and/or non-Dow Jones content. 
The Company also agrees to provide you with one series of free classified 
advertisements in The Wall Street Journal for the purpose of selling one of 
your residences. 
		This letter agreement, the Agreement and the Plan constitute the 
entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter 
hereof and no amendment, waiver or modification hereof shall be valid or binding
unless made in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement thereof
is sought.

		Please acknowledge your agreement to the foregoing in the space 
provided below.

                           							Very truly yours,

                           							/s/ Peter R. Kann


/s/ Kenneth L. Burenga