UNITED STATES


                       Washington, D.C. 20549

                               FORM 10-Q

                    SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

              For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1999


                     SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from _____________ to _____________

                     Commission file number 1-7564

                          DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC.
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          DELAWARE                                           13-5034940
(State or other jurisdiction of                           (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                         Identification No.)

200 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK                              10281
(Address of principal executive offices)                         (Zip Code)

                                (212) 416-2000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

   Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes  X     No
    ---       ---

   The number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock on September 30, 1999: 68,240,355 shares of Common Stock and
21,230,914 shares of Class B Common Stock.

                                PAGE 2

ITEM 1.   Financial Statements

                          Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
                                  Quarters Ended         Nine Months Ended
(in thousands, except               September 30              September 30
 per share amounts)             1999        1998         1999         1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advertising                 $289,549    $231,457   $  846,885   $  753,166
Information services          68,556      96,935      257,858      574,100
Circulation and other        111,690     115,233      337,705      338,982
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total revenues             469,795     443,625    1,442,448    1,666,248
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
News, operations and
 development                 121,598     131,448      384,043      535,531
   Selling, administrative
    and general              175,794     161,588      522,674      599,137
Newsprint                     34,704      38,510      108,744      121,393
Second class postage
 and carrier delivery         29,450      28,612       88,497       86,519
Depreciation and
 amortization                 24,106      22,577       73,966      121,436
Restructuring                             16,340        2,755       16,340
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Operating expenses         385,652     399,075    1,180,679    1,480,356
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Operating income            84,143      44,550      261,769      185,892
Other income (deductions):
Investment income              2,480       4,535        7,251        7,567
Interest expense                (918)        (909)     (3,741)      (5,429)
Equity in losses of
 associated companies         (8,171)     (4,483)     (18,797)     (13,988)
Gain on disposition of
 businesses and investments   57,607                   68,225     (120,997)
Other, net                      (383)         97          (59)      (3,175)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before income taxes   134,758      43,790      314,648       49,870
Income taxes                  31,957      17,931      103,113       41,010
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                  $102,801    $ 25,859   $  211,535  $     8,860
Per share:
Net income per share:
  - Basic                      $1.14       $0.28        $2.33        $0.09
  - Diluted                     1.13        0.27         2.32         0.09

Weighted-average shares outstanding:
  - Basic                     90,040      93,928       90,711       95,825
  - Diluted                   90,689      95,113       91,333       97,125

Cash dividends declared                                 $0.72        $0.72
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive income        $ 42,498    $ 13,157     $171,427  $     5,866
See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                PAGE 3

                         CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED
                        STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                        Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
                                            Nine Months Ended September 30
(in thousands)                                          1999          1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Activities:
Net income                                          $211,535      $  8,860
Adjustments to reconcile net income
 to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization                         73,966       121,436
(Gain) loss on disposition of businesses
 and investments                                     (68,225)      120,997
Changes in assets and liabilities                    (66,780)      (76,714)
Other, net                                            19,457        31,928
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net cash provided by operating activities        169,953       206,507
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investing Activities:
Additions to plant and property                     (144,159)     (175,658)
Businesses and investments acquired,
 net of cash received                                (39,518)      (50,734)
Disposition of businesses and investments             92,698       465,983
Other, net                                             2,084         8,429
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net cash (used in) provided by
      investing activities                           (88,895)      248,020
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financing Activities:
Cash dividends                                       (65,662)      (69,195)
Reduction of long-term debt                                        (63,015)
Repurchase of treasury stock, net of put premiums   (141,529)     (201,193)
Other, net                                            18,524        50,874
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net cash used in financing activities           (188,667)     (282,529)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                  123            78
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents    (107,486)      172,076
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year       142,877        23,763
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents at September 30           $ 35,391      $195,839
See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                PAGE 4

                       CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED
                            BALANCE SHEETS
                      Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
                                             September 30      December 31
(in thousands)                                       1999             1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents                      $   35,391       $  142,877
Accounts receivable-trade, net                    261,355          236,928
Accounts receivable-other                          20,609           19,038
Inventories                                        14,116           11,386
Deferred income taxes                              13,659           13,992
Prepaid expenses                                   17,964           18,068
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total current assets                            363,094          442,289
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in associated companies,
 at equity                                         53,129           41,406
Other investments                                 169,504          222,858
Plant and property, at cost                     1,696,555        1,575,781
Less, accumulated depreciation                  1,034,676          973,664
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  661,879          602,117
Goodwill, less accumulated amortization            83,950           86,554
Deferred income taxes                              68,299           67,171
Other assets                                       31,076           28,927
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total assets                                 $1,430,931       $1,491,322
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities       $  278,004       $  324,190
Income taxes                                       41,070           37,198
Unearned revenue                                  224,589          238,409
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total current liabilities                       543,663          599,797
Long-term debt                                    149,931          149,889
Other noncurrent liabilities                      241,843          232,296
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total liabilities                               935,437          981,982
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stockholders' Equity:
Common stock                                      102,181          102,181
Additional paid-in capital                        138,756          137,479
Retained earnings                                 770,112          624,239
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income      (4,295)          35,813
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                1,006,754          899,712
Less, treasury stock, at cost                     511,260          390,372
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total stockholders' equity                      495,494          509,340
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $1,430,931       $1,491,322
See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                PAGE 5

                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                         Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

1.  The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
reflect all adjustments considered necessary by management to present
fairly the company's consolidated financial position as of September 30,
1999, and December 31, 1998, and the consolidated results of operations for
the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 and the
consolidated cash flows for the nine-month periods then ended.  All
adjustments reflected in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated
financial statements are of a normal recurring nature.  Certain prior year
amounts have been reclassified to conform with current year presentation.
The results of operations for the respective interim periods are not
necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year.

2.  On July 1, 1999, the company formed a 50-50 joint venture, Dow Jones
Reuters Business Interactive LLC (DJRBI), with Reuters Group Plc, into
which Dow Jones contributed a significant portion of its interactive
business unit. Additionally, the company provided fixed assets with a net
book value of $9.9 million.  The company's share of the joint venture's
results are included in Equity in Losses of Associated Companies.  On
November 8, 1999, the Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive product was
renamed Factiva.

3.  In the third quarter of 1999, Dow Jones completed the sale of its
interest in United States Satellite Broadcasting, Inc.  The company
realized a net gain of $57.3 million, or $.63 per diluted share.

4.  The second quarter of 1999 included a restructuring charge of $2.8
million ($1.6 million after tax, or $.02 per diluted share) for employee
severance associated with the conversion to electronic pagination of The
Wall Street Journal.  The severance charge, which applies to approximately
70 employees, reduced operating income for the print publishing segment.
The company expects that the layoffs will be substantially completed in the
second quarter of 2000.

5.  First quarter 1999 included a net gain of $10.6 million, or $.12 per
diluted share, from the sale of a portion of the company's minority
interest in OptiMark Technologies, Inc.

6.  In the third quarter of 1998, the company recorded a restructuring
charge of $16.3 million ($9.6 million after tax, or $.10 per diluted share)
for a voluntary staff reduction plan at community newspapers.

7.  On May 29, 1998, the company completed the sale of Telerate (formerly,
Dow Jones Markets), a former subsidiary, to Bridge Information Systems,
Inc.  The accepted purchase price (subject to post-closing adjustment)
included $360 million in cash and $150 million of five year, convertible,
4% preferred stock of Bridge. In the second quarter of 1998, a loss was
recorded on the sale of $136.4 million ($98 million after-tax or $1.02 per
diluted share).  Pro forma results excluding Telerate operations and loss
on sale are included in the Other Information section as supplemental data
on pages 19 and 20 of this Form 10-Q.  Certain liabilities included in
accrued liabilities as of September 30, 1999 and December 31, 1998 are
principally related to long-term contracts the company had entered into
when Telerate was a wholly-owned subsidiary.

8.  First quarter 1998 included a net gain of $10.1 million, or 11 cents
per diluted share, from the sales of the company's interests in WBIS+ TV
($.08 per diluted share) and Mediatex Communications Corp., publisher of
Texas Monthly magazine ($.03 per diluted share).

                                PAGE 6

9.  The company has guaranteed payment under certain circumstances of
certain annual minimum payments for data acquired by Telerate from Cantor
Fitzgerald Securities and Market Data Corporation under contracts entered
into during the period when Telerate was a subsidiary of the company.  The
annual minimum payments average approximately $50 million per year through
October 2006.  Bridge has agreed to indemnify the company if the company is
required to make any payments under the guarantee.

10.  In the third quarter of 1999, the company repurchased 1.5 million
shares of its common stock at an aggregate price of $76.3 million.
Additionally, the company sold put options (puts) on 333,000 shares,
bringing to 2 million the number of shares subject to puts at September 30,
1999.  Outstanding puts may require the company to repurchase up to $96.1
million of its common stock (net of put premiums) through September 2000.

11.  Comprehensive income was computed as follows:
                                     Quarters Ended       Nine Months Ended
                                       September 30            September 30
(in thousands)                     1999        1998        1999        1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                     $102,801    $ 25,859    $211,535     $ 8,860

Adjustments for realized
 gain included in net income    (57,607)                (38,840)

Less: realized foreign currency
 translation adjustment
 included in net income                                             (9,023)

Foreign currency translation
 adjustments                        832                    (245)      8,461

Unrealized holdings             (3,528)    (12,702)     (1,023)     (2,432)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive income           $ 42,498    $ 13,157    $171,427     $ 5,866

12.  Diluted earnings per share have been computed as follows:
                                      Quarters Ended      Nine Months Ended
(in thousands, except                   September 30           September 30
 per share amounts)                 1999        1998        1999       1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                      $102,801    $ 25,859    $211,535    $ 8,860

Weighted-average shares
 outstanding - basic              90,040      93,928      90,711     95,825
  Stock options                      509         908         488      1,034
  Other, principally
   contingent stock rights           140         277         134        266
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weighted-average shares
 outstanding - diluted            90,689      95,113      91,333     97,125

Diluted earnings per share         $1.13       $0.27       $2.32      $0.09

                                PAGE 7

                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  (cont.)
                       Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

13. Certain employee stock options and put options have been excluded from
diluted earnings per share in 1999 and 1998 because to include such
securities would be antidilutive.

14. Various libel actions, environmental and other legal proceedings that
have arisen in the ordinary course of business are pending against the
company and its subsidiaries.  In the opinion of management, the ultimate
outcome to the company and its subsidiaries as a result of legal
proceedings is adequately covered by insurance, or if not covered, would
not have a material effect on the company's financial statements taken as a

15. The table on the following page compares revenues, income before income
taxes and EBITDA by business segment for the 1999 and 1998 quarters and
nine months ended September 30.  EBITDA is computed by the company as
operating income excluding depreciation and amortization and restructuring
charges.  EBITDA is a measure used by the company's management in
determining a business unit's performance.  EBITDA may be calculated
differently by other companies and investors should not view the company's
calculation of EBITDA as an alternative to GAAP measurements such as
operating income, net income and cash flows provided by or used in
operating, investing and financing activities.

                                  PAGE 8

                           SEGMENT INFORMATION
                                       Quarters Ended       Nine Months Ended
                                         September 30            September 30
(in thousands)                       1999        1998        1999        1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Print publishing                 $310,027    $263,604  $  927,827  $  852,993
Electronic publishing              75,071      98,808     271,394     293,853
Community newspapers               84,697      81,213     243,227     233,500
                                 --------    --------  ----------  ----------
     Segment pro forma revenues   469,795     443,625   1,442,448   1,380,346
Telerate                                                              285,902
                                 --------    --------  ----------  ----------
     Consolidated revenues       $469,795    $443,625  $1,442,448  $1,666,248
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before income taxes:
Print publishing                 $ 61,304    $ 31,435  $  193,623  $  154,407
Electronic publishing               8,013      17,731      31,681      57,389
Community newspapers               22,855         968      60,451      25,190
Corporate                          (8,029)     (5,584)    (23,986)    (17,867)
                                  --------    --------  ----------  ----------
     Pro forma operating income    84,143      44,550     261,769     219,119
Telerate                                                              (33,227)
                                 --------    --------  ----------  ----------
     Consolidated operating income 84,143      44,550     261,769     185,892
Equity in losses of associated
 companies                         (8,171)     (4,483)    (18,797)    (13,988)
Gain (loss) on disposition
 of businesses and investments     57,607                  68,225    (120,997)
Other income (deductions),net       1,179       3,723       3,451      (1,037)
                                  --------    --------  ----------  ----------
     Income before income taxes  $134,758    $ 43,790  $  314,648  $   49,870
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Print publishing                 $ 75,153    $ 43,661  $  238,577  $  191,718
Electronic publishing              13,851      23,685      50,287      74,551
Community newspapers               27,274      21,705      73,612      54,595
Corporate                          (8,029)     (5,584)    (23,986)    (17,867)
                                 --------    --------  ----------  ----------
     Segment pro forma EBITDA     108,249      83,467     338,490     302,997
Telerate                                                               20,671
                                 --------    --------  ----------  ----------
     Consolidated EBITDA         $108,249    $ 83,467  $  338,490  $  323,668
EBITDA Margin:
Print publishing                    24.2%       16.6%       25.7%       22.5%
Electronic publishing               18.5%       24.0%       18.5%       25.4%
Community newspapers                32.2%       26.7%       30.3%       23.4%
     All segments (2)               23.0%       18.8%       23.5%       22.0%
    Supplemental disclosures including the company's half of DJRBI's results
    are presented on pages 20 and 21 of this Form 10-Q.
(1) EBITDA is computed as operating income excluding depreciation,
    amortization and restructuring costs.
(2) Excludes Telerate results from operations and loss on sale.

                                PAGE 9

ITEM 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
         Results of Operations.


    Net income for the third quarter was $102.8 million, or $1.13 per
diluted share, in 1999 versus $25.9 million, or $.27 per diluted share, in
1998.  Revenues advanced to $469.8 million this year from $443.6 million in
1998's third quarter.  Operating income increased to $84.1 million from
$44.6 million a year ago.

    For the first nine months of 1999 net income was $211.5 million, or
$2.32 per diluted share, compared with $8.9 million, or $.09 per diluted
share, last year.  Revenues dropped to $1.44 billion from the $1.67 billion
earned last year.  Operating income of $261.8 million in the first nine
months improved from $185.9 million in 1998.

    Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive LLC (DJRBI), a joint venture,
was established July 1, 1999.  The company's 50% share of the joint
venture's results are reported in Equity in Losses of Associated Companies.
Prior to July 1, 1999, results of the interactive business contributed to
the joint venture were included in electronic publishing operating results.

    On May 29, 1998, the company completed the sale of Telerate, its former
subsidiary, to Bridge Information Systems, Inc.  A loss on the sale of
$136.4 million ($98 million after-tax) was recorded in the second quarter
of 1998. Under the terms of the sales agreement, the purchase price is
subject to possible post-closing adjustments including working capital
changes and indemnification, which at this time the company believes will
be immaterial.  Pro forma results excluding Telerate operations and loss on
sale are included in the Other Information section as supplemental data on
pages 19 and 20 of this Form 10-Q.

    In the third quarter of 1999, the company realized a net gain of $57.3
million, or $.63 per diluted share, from the sale of its full interest in
United States Satellite Broadcasting, Inc. (USSB), a provider of direct
satellite television programming.

The following table summarizes special items, net of income taxes:
                               Quarters Ended            Nine Months Ended
(in thousands, except            September 30                 September 30
 per share data)            1999         1998             1999        1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment sale gains:
 USSB Inc.                 $57.3                         $57.3
 OptiMark Technologies,
  Inc.                                                    10.6
 WBIS+ TV                                                            $ 7.4
 Mediatex Communications
  Corp.                                                                2.7
                           -----        -----            -----       -----
Total investments           57.3                          67.9        10.1
Severance charges:                     ($ 9.6)          (  1.6)     (  9.6)
                           -----        -----            -----       -----
Total special items        $57.3       ($ 9.6)           $66.3       $ 0.5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings per diluted share:
 Investment sale gains     $ .63                         $ .75       $ .11
 Severance charges                     ($ .10)          ($ .02)     ($ .10)

                                PAGE 10

The company's consolidated financial results for the quarters and nine
months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 were as follows:
                               Quarters Ended            Nine Months Ended
(in thousands, except            September 30                 September 30
 per share data)            1999         1998             1999        1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income excluding
 Telerate and
  special items         $ 45,479      $35,418         $145,238    $129,620

Telerate results of
 operations and loss on sale                                      (121,347)

Special items             57,322       (9,559)          66,297         587
                         -------       ------          -------     -------
Net income as reported  $102,801      $25,859         $211,535    $  8,860
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted earnings per share from
 continuing operations      $.50         $.37            $1.59       $1.33
Telerate results of
 operations and loss on sale                                         (1.25)
Special items                .63        ( .10)             .73         .01
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted earnings
 per share as reported     $1.13         $.27            $2.32        $.09

    For purposes of understanding the financial results for the periods
presented in this Form 10-Q, the following text excludes Telerate results
from operations and loss on sale (pro forma results).  The company reports
DJRBI's results in Equity in Losses of Associated Companies.  However,
to assist the reader in understanding the revenue and expense trends of
the company, certain discussions and analysis will present the electronic
publishing business segment or consolidated operating results including the
company's 50% share of revenues, expenses and operating income of DJRBI.

    Net income (excluding special items as defined above) was $45.5
million, or $.50 per diluted share, in the third quarter of 1999 compared
with $35.4 million, or $.37 per diluted share, earned in 1998.  Earnings
increased $.13, or 35%, per diluted share, due to improved print publishing
operating income (+$.14 excluding U.S. Television and newsprint price
benefit), lower newsprint prices (+$.05), enhanced earnings at community
newspapers (+$.03 excluding newsprint price benefit), and impact of share
repurchases (+$.02).  These increases were partially offset by reduced
earnings in electronic publishing (-$.07) and lower investment income and
equity results (-$.03).  Equity losses were greater due to an earnings
decline at F.F. Soucy (a newsprint mill owned 39.9% by Dow Jones), the
inclusion of the third quarter results of DJRBI (prior to July 1, 1999, the
former Dow Jones Interactive business was reported in operating results)
and SmartMoney (specifically from development costs for

                                PAGE 11

    Third quarter operating income, excluding special items, grew 38% to
$84.1 million in 1999, driven by strong advertising revenue gains, improved
margins at community newspapers and lower newsprint costs in 1999.
Revenues of $469.8 million grew $26.2 million, or 5.9%, from 1998.
Advertising revenue benefited from a 27% advertising linage gain at The
Wall Street Journal.  The EBITDA margin increased to 23.0% from 18.8% in

    Excluding special items, consolidated operating expenses in the third
quarter of 1999 increased $2.9 million, or 0.8%, to $385.7 million, from
the like period in 1998.  Print publishing expenses rose 7.1%, partially
due to higher compensation (in part due to increased sales commissions
driven by revenue growth) and marketing efforts associated with The Wall
Street Journal branding campaign.  Electronic publishing expenses fell 17%.

    Including 50% of DJRBI, consolidated operating expenses increased
8.1%, with electronic publishing expenses increasing 18% to $95.3 million,
due to sales and marketing, compensation and content fees, all partially
related to international expansion.  Third quarter 1999 consolidated
newsprint expense decreased $3.8 million, or 9.9%, compared with the like
period in 1998 reflecting an average decline of 19% in newsprint prices
partially offset by an 11.3% increase in consumption.

    Net income for the first three quarters of 1999 of $145.2 million, or
$1.59 per diluted share, grew 20% per diluted share from the 1998 like
period's pro forma results, excluding special items from both years.
Diluted earnings per share increased $.26, due to improved print publishing
operating income (+$.11 excluding U.S. Television and newsprint price
benefit), enhanced earnings at community newspapers (+$.10, excluding
newsprint price benefits), the impact of share repurchases (+$.10), lower
newsprint expense (+$.10), and reduced worldwide television losses (+$.08).
These increases were partially offset by reduced earnings in electronic
publishing (-$.17), lower equity results and an increase of corporate
expenses associated with compensation, establishment of the DJRBI joint
venture and process redesign (-$.07).

    Consolidated operating income, excluding special items, for the first
nine months was $264.5 million, an increase of $29.1 million, or 12.3%,
compared with 1998's operating income.  Revenue grew 8.4% at domestic print
publications, with U.S. television revenue more than doubled from the prior
year (the programming alliance with CNBC in the U.S. began April 2, 1998).
This was partially offset by an electronic publishing revenue decline of
46%, due to the inclusion of the former Dow Jones Interactive business unit
into Equity in Losses of Associated Companies effective July 1, 1999.
Electronic publishing revenues, including one-half of DJRBI, were $297.8
million, up 1.3%, from a year ago.  Community newspapers operating
earnings grew $18.9 million, or 46%.  Consolidated revenues through
September 1999 grew $62.1 million, an increase of 4.5%, largely due to
growth in the print publishing segment.  Consolidated expenses for the
three-quarters of 1999 increased $33 million, or 2.9%.

     Given the continuing strength in Wall Street Journal linage, the
company expects fourth quarter 1999 earnings per share, excluding special
items, to grow at least at the 20% pace achieved in the first nine months
of 1999.  Enhanced margins at the community newspapers and lower newsprint
costs should also continue to benefit earnings in 1999.  Electronic
publishing's earnings falloff is expected to partially offset these gains
as the company continues its marketing and sales initiatives and expands
its news content and distribution channels globally.

                                PAGE 12


    The company's business and financial news and information operations
are reported in the following two segments: print publishing and electronic
publishing.  The results of the company's Ottaway Newspapers subsidiary,
which publishes 19 daily newspapers and 15 weekly newspapers in communities
throughout the United States, are reported in the community newspapers

    Print publishing includes the operations of The Wall Street Journal and
its international editions, Barron's and other periodicals, and U.S.
television operations.  (Results of the company's international television
ventures are included in Equity in Losses of Associated Companies).

    Approximately 9% of print publishing revenues were earned by
international publications.  Revenues, particularly advertising, for the
print publications are historically seasonal with the fourth quarter
typically being the strongest in terms of total volume followed by the
second quarter, then first and finally the third quarter.

    Electronic publishing includes the operations of Dow Jones Newswires,
Dow Jones Indexes, The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition,, and Dow Jones Interactive and other.


    Print publishing operating income in the third quarter was $61.3
million, an increase of $29.9 million, or 95%, from 1998.  The EBITDA
margin rose to 24.2% from 16.6% in 1998.  Revenues of $310 million advanced
$46.4 million, or 18%.  Advertising revenue grew 32%, mostly from the
strength of a 27% linage gain at The Wall Street Journal (third quarter
1998 linage was down 6.8% from the like period in 1997).  U.S. television
grew 28%, while International print revenue was down $1.7 million, or 6%,
due to a revenue falloff from Asian publications, almost entirely due to
the Far Eastern Economic Review.  Wall Street Journal Europe revenue rose

    General advertising linage in The Wall Street Journal, which comprised
58% of total linage, climbed 39% over third quarter 1998, in part due to
increased advertising by technology firms promoting server and networking
products as well as growth in "" advertising. Other strong
performers included the telecommunications and utility industries.  Luxury
goods, professional services and corporate image advertising also provided
substantial growth to the general category.  Financial linage, which made
up 29% of total Journal linage, was up 23%, driven by the strong economy
and resurgence in IPO activity.  Classified and other linage, which
constituted the remaining 13% of Journal linage, was down 2% from the
comparable period in 1998, reflecting some migration of employment
advertising to the Internet.  Barron's national advertising pages were up
nearly 20%.

    Circulation revenue in 1999's third quarter was down 4.7% from a year
ago.  Average circulation at the domestic Wall Street Journal remained
relatively flat with the expansion of low-revenue bulk distribution to the
hotel and airline markets offsetting a slight drop in subscription
circulation.  Barron's average circulation gained 1% to about 290,000.
International print circulation revenue decreased 9.6%, largely the result
of a revenue decline from The Far Eastern Economic Review and a weaker U.S.
dollar.  Average combined circulation for the Asian and European Journals
was up 14.4% to 143,000.

                                PAGE 13

    Operating expenses rose $16.6 million, or 7.1%, to $248.7 million in
the third quarter of 1999, reflecting higher compensation (in part due to
increased sales commissions driven by revenue growth), promotional spending
linked to the Journal's branding campaign and costs related to
international expansion.  The segment benefited from a newsprint expense
decrease of $2.3 million, or 7.6%.  The average newsprint price per ton was
$475, down 19%, while tons used increased 14.1% from 1998's third quarter.

    Operating income in the first nine months of 1999 was $196.4 million,
an increase of $42 million, or 27%, from $154.4 million earned a year
earlier.  Revenues advanced $74.8 million, or 8.8%, with advertising
revenue up $77.4 million, or 13.3%.  Advertising linage at The Wall Street
Journal rose 11.1%, as general advertising linage grew 17%.  Financial
linage was up 4%, reflecting increases in image advertising.  Classified
and other linage gained 1.3% from the comparable period in 1998, primarily
from real estate advertising.  Barron's national advertising pages were up

    Operating expenses increased $32.9 million, or 4.7%, to $731.4 million
in 1999.  The company continued to benefit from reduced newsprint prices,
with that expense declining $9.1 million, or 9.4%.  The average newsprint
price per ton for the first nine months of 1999 was $504, down 15%, while
newsprint consumption increased 7.1%.  The EBITDA margin in the first nine
months of 1999 was 25.7%, versus 22.5% a year earlier.

    Advertising rates for the U.S. Wall Street Journal will increase 4%
effective January 2000.  Four-color and spot color ad rates will rise 5%
and 8%, respectively.  Advertising rate changes for The Wall Street Journal
Europe and  The Asian Wall Street Journal will be announced later this


    On July 1, 1999, the company formed a 50-50 joint venture, Dow Jones
Reuters Business Interactive LLC with Reuters Group Plc, into which
Dow Jones contributed significant portions of its interactive business
unit.  The company's share of DJRBI's results are reported in Equity in
Losses of Associated Companies.  Prior to July 1, 1999, results of the
interactive business contributed to DJRBI were included in the company's
electronic publishing revenue, expenses and operating income.

    Electronic publishing's third quarter operating income of $8 million
decreased $9.7 million, or 55%, compared with 1998's third quarter.
Revenues fell 24% to $75.1 million.  Operating expenses decreased 17% from
$81.1 million in 1998.  If the company's 50% share of DJRBI operating
results were included in this segment, operating income would have
decreased 65%, or $11.5 million, to $6.2 million in 1999.  Revenues would
have increased $2.7 million to $101.5 million, while operating expenses
would have jumped $14.2 million, or 18%, chiefly from sales and marketing
efforts in all business units as well as costs related to international
expansion of the interactive products and Newswires businesses.

    Dow Jones Newswires third quarter revenue was flat at $52.2 million in
1999, due to cancellation of Telerate-related terminals in Europe and Asia
partly offset by the start of distribution channels with Reuters and
Bloomberg.  Through September 1999, the company initiated 17,500 user
trials on Reuters and Bloomberg, of which 8,200 were completed, with
roughly one-third continuing as paid subscribers.

                                PAGE 14

    At September 30, 1999, there were 312,000 newswires terminals, up 6.5%
from 293,000 a year ago.  Terminal growth in North America was 23,000,
somewhat offset by 4,000 cancellations overseas.  Revenues in the U.S. are
affected by larger accounts that tend to contract for more terminals and
receive larger volume discounts.  The 4,000 overseas terminals that
cancelled were yielding higher per-terminal revenue than those in the U.S.,
resulting in a 20% decline in international revenue, offsetting growth in
North America.

    In the third quarter of 1999, Dow Jones Indexes revenue of $3.3 million
declined 5.3% from the like period in 1998.  Excluding one-time fees,
revenue increased 2.5% from 1998.  The average number of futures contracts
on the CBOT and options contracts on the CBOE declined 2% from like period
in 1998.  Volume in DIAMONDS, which trade on the American Stock Exchange,
more than doubled from last year.

    Dow Jones Indexes initiated and maintains two new indexes, the Dow
Jones Internet Indexes (comprised of 40 Internet commerce or service
stocks) and the Dow Jones Global Titans Index (comprised of 50 of the
world's largest blue-chip stocks) launched in August of 1999.  Assets based
on Dow Jones Indexes grew to $137 billion from $15 billion a year ago,
chiefly due to growth of the Dow Jones STOXX partnership (launched in the
third quarter of 1998).

    The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition revenue in the third
quarter of 1999 advanced $3.5 million, to $7.5 million, compared with
1998's like period.  Advertising revenue more than doubled from last year's
third quarter and subscription revenue grew roughly 62%, partly reflecting
a 20% price increase for non-print subscribers effective November 1998.
Subscription growth reflects new distribution agreements.  In the third
quarter 1999, the company launched a new marketing strategy to promote its
interactive product through point-of-purchase subscription sales.  The
Interactive Journal also partnered with other interactive companies to
supplement its content and distribution channels.  At September 30, 1999,
there were roughly 330,000 subscribers to the Interactive Journal, up 29%
from a year ago.

    Third quarter 1999 revenue for was $2.3 million.  Launched
at the end of May 1999, the business news and information portal averages
approximately 40,000 sessions per business day, with an average of four-
page views per session. The free portal site is exclusively supported by
sponsorships, banner advertising and e-commerce.

    Dow Jones Interactive and other revenues (including the company's 50%
of DJRBI's revenue) was $36.2 million in the third quarter of 1999, down
7.4%, mainly from a contractual reduction in a third party licensing contract
and a decline in direct consumer sales.  Excluding these factors, the
company's former Dow Jones Interactive business' revenue increased 7%, driven
by 30% growth in the enterprise customer base. There was a slight decline in
the non-enterprise customer base reflecting customer conversions and price
changes.  Year-to-date 1999 revenues fell 5.5% to $110.9 million.

    In the  first nine months of 1999, operating income for electronic
publishing was $31.7 million, a decrease of $25.7 million, or 45%.  Segment
revenue of $271.4 million fell $22.5 million from 1998.  Dow Jones
Newswires revenue of $154.2 million was flat with a year ago.  Revenue at
The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition was up $8.3 million, to $20.1
million.  Dow Jones Indexes' revenue was flat at $9.6 million from 1998's
like period.  Dow Jones Interactive and other fell $32.9 million, or 28%,
partly reflecting the contribution at July 1, 1999 of Dow Jones Interactive
to DJRBI which is now included in equity.  Segment operating expenses in
1999 were up $3.2 million, or 1.4%, to $239.7 million.

                                PAGE 15

    Including one-half of DJRBI's results in the electronic publishing
segment, operating income decreased $27.5 million, or 48%, in the first
nine months of 1999.  Revenues grew $3.9 million, or 1.3%, and operating
expenses increased $31.5 million, or 13.3%.  The growth in expenses was due
to marketing and selling costs associated with promoting interactive
products, expansion of Newswires businesses and content fees.  Supplemental
disclosures for the electronic publishing segment are included on pages 20
and 21 of this Form 10-Q.  The company expects the electronic publishing
segment to continue to focus on revenue and market share growth which will
yield EBITDA margins below last year for the remainder of 1999.


    Third quarter 1999 operating income of $22.9 million at the community
newspapers segment increased 32% from last year, excluding a restructuring
charge in 1998's third quarter.  Community newspapers revenue of $84.7
million advanced $3.5 million, or 4.3%.  Advertising linage was up 0.8%.
Excluding the restructuring charge in 1998, operating expenses of $61.8
million were down $2.1 million, or 3.2%, largely due to a decrease in
newsprint expense of 18%.  The EBITDA margin increased to 32.2% from 26.7%.

    In the first nine months of 1999, operating income was $60.5 million,
up $18.9 million, or 46%, from the like 1998 period, again excluding the
1998 restructuring charge.  The EBITDA margin increased to 30.3% from 23.4%
reflecting the cost cutting measures implemented during the third quarter
of 1998.  The company expects this segment to exceed its long-term EBITDA
margin target of 27% for all of 1999.  Revenue of $243.2 million advanced
$9.7 million, or 4.2%, from 1998.  Advertising revenue increased $8.5
million, or 5.1%, to $173 million from a year-earlier and circulation
revenue grew $1.4 million, or 2.2%.  Operating expenses decreased $9.2
million, or 4.8%, to $182.7 million, excluding restructuring.


    Net interest income in the third quarter of 1999 and 1998 was $1.6
million and $3.6 million, respectively.  Through September net interest
income was $3.5 million versus $2.1 million in 1998.  Long-term debt was
$149.9 million at September 30, 1999 and 1998.

The company's share of Equity in Losses of Associated Companies in the
third quarter 1999 was $8.2 million compared with $4.5 million a year
earlier.  The wider loss largely resulted from the reduced earnings at
F.F. Soucy, the company's newsprint mill affiliate (due to lower newsprint
prices), the inclusion of the company's 50% share of DJRBI effective
July 1, 1999 and SmartMoney (specifically from development costs for, partially offset by a 17% improvement in international
television.  Year-to-date 1999 equity losses were $18.8 million versus
$14 million in 1998.

    On July 7, 1999, the company completed the sale of its interest in
United States Satellite Broadcasting, Inc. to Hughes Electronics and
recorded a pretax gain of $57.3 million.  In the first quarter of 1999,
the company reported a pretax gain of $10.6 million from the sale of a
portion of its holdings in OptiMark Technologies, Inc. (The pretax and
after-tax gains on these transactions are the same due to the usage of
certain tax loss carryforwards resulting from the Telerate sale).  First
quarter 1998 included a pretax gain of $15.4 million from the sales of
the company's interests in WBIS+ TV and Mediatex.

                                PAGE 16


    The effective income tax rates for the third quarter and year-to-date
1999 were 24% and 33%, respectively, compared with 41% in both periods in
1998.  The lower effective tax rates resulted from the utilization of
capital loss carryforwards on the sales of investments.  Excluding Telerate
in 1998 and the effect of investment gains in each year, the effective tax
rate in the third quarter and nine months would have been 41% and 42%, in
both years, respectively.

    At September 30, 1999, the company had available approximately $480
million of capital loss carryforwards (a deferred tax asset of $184
million) which was fully reserved through a valuation allowance (resulting
from the sale of Telerate in May 1998).


    In the first nine months of 1999, the company repurchased approximately
3 million shares at an average price per share of $48.19.  In 1998, the
Board of Directors authorized repurchase expenditures of up to $800
million.  As of September 30, 1999, the remaining amount of repurchase
authorizations from the company's Board of Directors was $263.8 million,
after reserving for the exercise of put options.

    In the first three quarters of 1999, the company funded from operating
cash flow and sale of investments the repurchase of its common stock of
$141.5 million, capital expenditures of $144.2 million (including $50.6
million for The Wall Street Journal color expansion project), dividends of
$65.7 million and $39.5 million in various investments.  Cash and cash
equivalents, which include highly-liquid investments with a maturity of
three months or less, were $35.4 million at September 30, 1999 compared
with $142.9 million at year-end.

    The company has guaranteed payment under certain circumstances of
certain annual minimum payments for data acquired by Telerate (now wholly-
owned by Bridge Information Systems, Inc.) from Cantor Fitzgerald
Securities and Market Data Corporation under contracts entered into during
the period when Telerate was a subsidiary of the company.  The annual
minimum payments average approximately $50 million per year through October
2006.  Bridge has agreed to indemnify the company if the company is
required to make any payments under the guarantee.

    In November 1999, the company disclosed its intention to sell Dow Jones
Financial Publishing Corp.  The company, which publishes Asset Management,
Realty Stock Review, Dow Jones Property and Investment Advisor, was
acquired by Dow Jones in 1995.

                                PAGE 17

YEAR 2000

    The company has completed its assessment of its Year 2000 status. The
company expects its efforts to modify existing software and the replacement
of certain systems will be completed without interrupting ongoing
operations. The company estimates operating costs over the 1997-1999 period
to modify its systems for the Year 2000 issue will range between $16
million and $18 million.  Through September 30, 1999 the company's expenses
were approximately $15.4 million.

    In 1996, Dow Jones established a project team responsible for
identifying and resolving Year 2000 issues.  These efforts include, but are
not limited to, identification and review of internal operating systems and
applications, and customer products and services, as well as formal
discussions with information providers and other key suppliers to the

    The company has identified existing computer applications and
categorized them as:  (1) applications to be modified, (2) applications to
be replaced by Year 2000 compliant systems, and (3) applications initially
reported as Year 2000 compliant that need to be tested to confirm their
readiness.  Through September 1999, approximately 98% of applications
requiring modification have been certified as Year 2000 compliant, roughly
96% of replacement applications have been certified and all of the
initially reported Year 2000 compliant applications have been confirmed.

    The company started contingency planning in the fourth quarter of 1998.
The primary focus is to plan for unprepared providers of goods and
services, the potential for numerous simultaneous outages, facility
problems and unforeseen internal and external failures of computer
applications and hardware.  As part of this effort the company is ensuring
the availability of employees and others at year-end.  This contingency
planning project is specific to potential Year 2000 related issues and
includes; (1) program definition, (2) business risk assessments, (3)
strategy development, (4) business continuity and readiness plan
development for mission critical processes, (5) testing readiness plans and
(6) developing and implementing event response procedures and a team to
monitor and address any Year 2000 related failures.

    At September 30, 1999, the readiness plans for essentially all mission
critical processes have been developed.  These plans will be tested and any
proactive measures will be implemented by year end.  An event response team
will be in place during the balance of this year and will continue into the
Year 2000.

    While the company expects its Year 2000 efforts to be successful, if
the modifications and replaced systems are not made compliant in a timely
manner, it could result in a material effect on the company.  Additionally,
the company's products and services as well as the tools that Dow Jones
uses to conduct its Year 2000 evaluation are dependent on technological
components, equipment and software that were developed by third parties and
that may not be year 2000 compliant.  Failure of such third party
components, equipment or software to operate properly with regard to the
Year 2000 could interrupt ongoing operations or require the company to
incur unanticipated expenses to remedy any problems, which could have a
material adverse effect on the company's business and operating results.

                                PAGE 18


    Management's Discussion and Analysis and other sections of this Form
10-Q include forward-looking statements that reflect the company's current
expectations or beliefs concerning future results and events.  The words
"expects," "intends," "believes," "anticipates," "likely," "will," and
similar expressions identify forward-looking statements.  These forward-
looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties which
could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those
anticipated in the forward-looking statements.  Factors that might cause
such a difference include, but are not limited to, global economic and
stock market conditions and their impact on advertising sales and sales of
the company's products and services; the inability to expand newspaper page
capacity and/or production and service capacity for electronic publishing
products on a timely basis to satisfy customer demands; the extent to which
the company is able to achieve its revenues and earnings targets for
distribution of its newswires services, taking into account any
cancellations of Telerate-related terminals that may occur and the
company's ability to add new subscribers; the extent to which the company
is able to achieve and maintain a more diversified advertising base for its
print publications; the size of the global corporate desktop market for on-
line business information and research services and competition in that
market; the extent to which the company is able to achieve and maintain
advertising revenues from its free services on the Internet; cost of
newsprint and labor; rapid technological changes and frequent new product
introductions prevalent in electronic publishing; product obsolescence due
to advances in technology and shifts in market demand; any damage to or
technical failure of the company's computer infrastructure or software that
causes interruptions of operations; increased competition in the markets
for  financial news and information and advertising resulting from the rise
in popularity of the  Internet (which includes free and paid competitive
services), financial television programming and other news media; business
conditions (growth or consolidation)  in the financial service industry;
the company's ability to negotiate collective bargaining agreements with
its labor unions without work interruptions; adverse verdicts in legal
proceedings, including libel actions; risks associated with the development
of television channels in competitive foreign markets, including the
ability to produce or obtain desired programming, to sell advertising time
at desired rates, to achieve sufficient distribution and to attract
audiences; risks associated with foreign operations, including currency and
political risks; the cost of resolving the company's Year 2000 software
issues or untimely resolution of its Year 2000 issues that results in
business interruption or shutdown, financial loss, reputation loss, and/or
legal liability; and such other risk factors as may have been or may be
included from time to time in the company's reports filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                PAGE 19


                             STATEMENTS OF INCOME *
                           Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

                                   Quarters Ended        Nine Months Ended
(in thousands, except                September 30             September 30
 per share amounts)             1999         1998        1999         1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advertising                 $289,549     $231,457  $  846,885   $  753,166
Information services          68,556       96,935     257,858      288,198
Circulation and other        111,690      115,233     337,705      338,982
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total revenues             469,795      443,625   1,442,448    1,380,346
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
News, operations and
 development                 121,598      131,448     384,043      383,689
Selling, administrative
 and general                 175,794      161,588     522,674      485,748
Newsprint                     34,704       38,510     108,744      121,393
Second class postage
 and carrier delivery         29,450       28,612      88,497       86,519
Depreciation and
 amortization                 24,106       22,577      73,966       67,538
Restructuring                              16,340       2,755       16,340
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Operating expenses         385,652      399,075   1,180,679    1,161,227
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Operating income            84,143       44,550     261,769      219,119

Investment income              2,480        4,535       7,251        6,631
 Interest expense               (918)        (909)     (3,741)      (4,506)
 Equity in losses of
  associated companies        (8,171)      (4,483)    (18,797)     (13,988)
 Gain on disposition of
  businesses and investments  57,607                   68,225       15,390
  Other, net                    (383)          97         (59)        (821)
 Income before income taxes  134,758       43,790     314,648      221,825
 Income taxes                 31,957       17,931     103,113       91,618
 NET INCOME                 $102,801     $ 25,859  $  211,535   $  130,207
    - Basic                    $1.14         $.28       $2.33        $1.36
    - Diluted                   1.13          .27        2.32         1.34

 Weighted-average shares
    - Basic                   90,040       93,928      90,711       95,825
    - Diluted                 90,689       95,113      91,333       97,125
    *Excludes Telerate results from operations and loss of sale.

                                PAGE 20


                          Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
                                    Quarters Ended        Nine Months Ended
                                      September 30             September 30
(in thousands)                   1999         1998        1999         1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  U.S. Publications:
  Advertising                $207,309     $156,617  $  611,027   $  536,349
  Circulation and other        76,736       79,350     234,569      236,011
  International Publications:
  Advertising                  15,596       15,585      49,424       46,659
  Circulation and other        10,386       12,052      32,807       33,974
                             --------     --------  ----------   ----------
     Total pro forma
      revenues                310,027      263,604     927,827      852,993

  Dow Jones Newswires          52,218       52,230     154,199      155,124
  Dow Jones Indexes             3,289        3,474       9,593        9,543
  The Wall Street Journal
   Interactive Edition          7,517        4,064      20,124       11,781                  2,302                    2,951
  Dow Jones Interactive
   and other (a)               36,158       39,040     110,940      117,405
                             --------     --------  ----------   ----------
     Total pro forma
      revenues                101,484       98,808     297,807      293,853

  Advertising                  60,425       57,400     173,034      164,563
  Circulation and other        24,272       23,813      70,193       68,937
                             --------     --------  ----------   ----------
     Total pro forma
      revenues                 84,697       81,213     243,227      233,500

     Total pro forma segment
      revenues               $496,208     $443,625  $1,468,861   $1,380,346
(a)  The amounts presented include the company's 50% share of DJRBI's
     revenues.  Content fees between the joint venture and partners are

     *Excludes Telerate results from operations and loss of sale.

                                PAGE 21


                          Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

                              Quarters Ended              Nine Months Ended
                                September 30                   September 30
 (in thousands)             1999        1998               1999        1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                $496,208    $443,625         $1,468,861  $1,380,346
Operating expenses       413,866     382,735          1,206,138   1,144,887
Operating income          82,342      60,890            262,723     235,459
EBITDA                   107,381      83,467            337,622     302,997
EBITDA margin              21.6%       18.8%              23.0%       22.0%

                              Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

                              Quarters Ended              Nine Months Ended
                                September 30                   September 30
 (in thousands)             1999        1998               1999        1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                $101,484     $98,808           $297,807    $293,853
Operating income           6,212      17,731             29,880      57,389
EBITDA                    12,983      23,685             49,419      74,551
EBITDA margin              12.8%       24.0%              16.6%       25.4%

(1) The amounts presented include the company's 50% share of DJRBI's
    results and exclude all special items.  Also, the amounts presented
    exclude Telerate results from operations and loss of sale.

                                PAGE 22


    (a)  Exhibits filed:

Number               Document
- -------              --------

* 27     Financial Data Schedule

* Securities and Exchange Commission and New York Stock Exchange copies

    (b)  Reports on Form 8-K:

No reports on Form 8-K have been filed during the period for which this
report is filed.

                                PAGE 23


    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC.

Date:  November 12, 1999                   By: /s/  Lawrence K. Kinsella
                                                 (Chief Accounting Officer)