WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                                  FORM 10-Q

                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2000


                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        Commission File Number 1-815

                    E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
           (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                  Delaware                            51-0014090
       (State or Other Jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer
        Incorporation or Organization)            Identification No.)

               1007 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                  (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                               (302) 774-1000
                       (Registrant's Telephone Number)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                           Yes   X         No

1,042,578,365 shares (excludes 4,894,362 shares held by DuPont's Flexitrust
and 87,041,427 shares of treasury stock) of common stock, $0.30 par value,
were outstanding at July 31, 2000.


                                                                   Form 10-Q

                   E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                             Table of Contents

Part I  Financial Information
  Item 1.  Financial Statements
    Consolidated Income Statement ...............................         3
    Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows ........................         4
    Consolidated Balance Sheet ..................................         5
    Notes to Financial Statements ...............................      6-13

  Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of
           Financial Condition and Results of Operations
    Forward-Looking Statements ..................................     14-15
    Results of Operations:
      Financial Results .........................................     16-18
      Segment Performance .......................................     18-20
    Financial Condition .........................................     21-22
    Other Items:
      Asset Securitization ......................................        23
      Healtheon/WebMD Warrants ..................................        23
      Polyester Enterprise ......................................        23
      Purchased In-Process Research and Development .............        24

Part II  Other Information
  Item 1.  Legal Proceedings ....................................     24-25
  Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K .....................     25-26

Signature .......................................................        27
Exhibit Index ...................................................     28-29
Exhibit 12 - Computation of Ratio of Earnings to
  Fixed Charges .................................................        30


                                                                                                    Form 10-Q

                                        PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION



                                                                 Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT<Fa>                                      June 30                June 30
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                           2000       1999         2000         1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES<Fb> ...................................................   $7,914      $7,024      $15,507      $13,319
Other Income<Fc> ............................................      218         235          566          253
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
  Total .....................................................    8,132       7,259       16,073       13,572
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Operating Charges<Fd> ..........    5,028       4,360        9,884        8,200
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ................      809         625        1,566        1,160
Depreciation ................................................      353         373          704          708
Amortization of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets<Fe> ....      109          51          216           84
Research and Development Expense ............................      460         387          881          745
Interest Expense ............................................      210         117          411          213
Purchased In-Process Research and Development<Ff> ...........      -           -            (11)          40
Employee Separation Costs and Write-Down of Assets<Fg> ......       98          62           98           62
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
  Total .....................................................    7,067       5,975       13,749       11,212
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
  MINORITY INTERESTS ........................................    1,065       1,284        2,324        2,360
Provision for Income Taxes ..................................      355         418          794          850
Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated Subsidiaries .       22          20           39           36
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS<Fb> .......................      688         846        1,491        1,474
  Gain on Disposal of Discontinued Business,
    Net of Income Taxes<Fh> .................................     -             71          -            106
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
NET INCOME ..................................................   $  688      $  917      $ 1,491      $ 1,580
                                                                ======      ======      =======      =======
  Continuing Operations .....................................   $  .66      $  .75      $  1.42      $  1.30
  Discontinued Operations ...................................      -           .06          -            .10
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
  Net Income ................................................   $  .66      $  .81      $  1.42      $  1.40
                                                                ======      ======      =======      =======
  Continuing Operations .....................................   $  .65      $  .74      $  1.41      $  1.29
  Discontinued Operations ...................................      -           .06          -            .09
                                                                ------      ------      -------      -------
  Net Income ................................................   $  .65      $  .80      $  1.41      $  1.38
                                                                ======      ======      =======      =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK .........................   $  .35      $  .35      $   .70      $   .70
                                                                ======      ======      =======      =======
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
See Notes to Financial Statements


                                                                                       Form 10-Q

                                                                              Six Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS<Fa>                                           June 30
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                                         2000        1999
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Income ..........................................................     $1,491      $ 1,580
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Cash
    Provided by Continuing Operations:
      Net Income from Discontinued Operations<Fh> .....................        -           (106)
      Depreciation ....................................................        704          708
      Amortization of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets ............        216           84
      Purchased In-Process Research and Development ...................        (11)          40
      Other Noncash Charges and Credits - Net<Fd> .....................        407           60
      Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities - Net ................       (833)        (675)
                                                                            ------      -------
        Cash Provided by Continuing Operations ........................      1,974        1,691
                                                                            ------      -------
  Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment ..........................       (909)        (981)
  Investment in Affiliates ............................................        (59)         (24)
  Payments for Businesses Acquired (Net of Cash Acquired) .............        (41)      (1,624)
  Proceeds from Sales of Assets .......................................        241           62
  Net Decrease (Increase) in Short-Term Financial Instruments .........         59          (30)
  Miscellaneous - Net .................................................        (47)          (7)
                                                                            ------      -------
        Cash Used for Investment Activities of Continuing
          Operations ..................................................       (756)      (2,604)
                                                                            ------      -------
  Dividends Paid to Stockholders ......................................       (738)        (794)
  Net Increase (Decrease) in Borrowings ...............................        106       (2,737)
  Acquisition of Treasury Stock .......................................       (250)         (44)
  Proceeds from Exercise of Stock Options .............................         39           90
  Increase in Minority Interests ......................................        -             80
                                                                            ------      -------
        Cash Used For Financing Activities ............................       (843)      (3,405)
                                                                            ------      -------
Net Cash Flow from Discontinued Operations ............................        -          4,733
                                                                            ------      -------
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash ...............................       (126)         (96)
                                                                            ------      -------
INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS .................................     $  249      $   319
                                                                            ======      =======

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                                                        Form 10-Q

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET<Fa>                                                           June 30      December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                                                    2000          1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Cash and Cash Equivalents ........................................................     $ 1,715       $ 1,466
  Marketable Securities ............................................................          43           116
  Accounts and Notes Receivable ....................................................       5,937         5,318
  Inventories<Fj> ..................................................................       4,112         5,057
  Prepaid Expenses .................................................................         241           202
  Deferred Income Taxes ............................................................         437           494
                                                                                         -------       -------
    Total Current Assets ...........................................................      12,485        12,653
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, less accumulated depreciation (June 30, 2000 -
  $20,310; December 31, 1999 - $20,545) ............................................      14,171        14,871
INVESTMENT IN AFFILIATES<Fk> .......................................................       2,263         1,459
OTHER ASSETS .......................................................................      11,318        11,794
                                                                                         -------       -------
    TOTAL ..........................................................................     $40,237       $40,777
                                                                                         =======       =======
  Accounts Payable .................................................................     $ 2,001       $ 2,780
  Short-Term Borrowings and Capital Lease Obligations ..............................       5,005         4,941
  Income Taxes .....................................................................         376           359
  Other Accrued Liabilities ........................................................       3,274         3,148
                                                                                         -------       -------
    Total Current Liabilities ......................................................      10,656        11,228
LONG-TERM BORROWINGS AND CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS .................................       6,638         6,625
OTHER LIABILITIES ..................................................................       7,751         7,872
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES ..............................................................       1,575         1,660
                                                                                         -------       -------
    Total Liabilities ..............................................................      26,620        27,385
                                                                                         -------       -------
MINORITY INTERESTS IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES ....................................         370           517
                                                                                         -------       -------
  Preferred Stock ..................................................................         237           237
  Common Stock, $.30 par value; 1,800,000,000 shares authorized; shares issued
    at June 30, 2000 - 1,134,514,154; December 31, 1999 - 1,139,514,154............          340           342
  Additional Paid-In Capital .......................................................       7,704         7,941
  Reinvested Earnings ..............................................................      12,238        11,699
  Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss .............................................        (319)         (133)
  Common Stock Held in Treasury at Cost (Shares:  June 30, 2000 - 87,041,427;
    December 31, 1999 - 87,041,427) ................................................      (6,727)       (6,727)
  Common Stock Held in Trust for Unearned Employee Compensation and Benefits
    (Flexitrust), at Market (Shares:  June 30, 2000 - 5,053,309; December 31,
    1999 - 7,342,245) ..............................................................        (226)         (484)
                                                                                         -------       -------
    Total Stockholders' Equity .....................................................      13,247        12,875
                                                                                         -------       -------
    TOTAL ..........................................................................     $40,237       $40,777
                                                                                         =======       =======
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
See Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                     Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)


<Fa> These statements are unaudited, but reflect all adjustments that, in the
     opinion of management, are necessary to provide a fair presentation of the
     financial position, results of operations and cash flows for the dates and
     periods covered.  All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature.

       CONTINUING               Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
       OPERATIONS<F1>                June 30                   June 30
     (Dollars in millions)      2000         1999         2000         1999
     Agriculture &
       Nutrition ..........   $  843      $  827       $ 1,469      $ 1,547
     Nylon Enterprise .....    1,172       1,149         2,295        2,252
       Coatings &
       Polymers ...........    1,716       1,656         3,369        2,806
     Pharmaceuticals ......      394         380           783          789
     Pigments &
       Chemicals ..........    1,038         949         1,998        1,815
     Pioneer ..............      803         265         1,724          325
       Enterprise .........      676         643         1,265        1,267
     Specialty Fibers .....      892         857         1,797        1,720
     Specialty Polymers ...    1,151       1,057         2,242        2,046
     Other ................      147         122           272          237
                              ------      ------       -------      -------
       Total Segment
         Sales ............    8,832       7,905        17,214       14,804

     Elimination of
       Transfers ..........     (177)       (178)         (336)        (352)
     Elimination of
       Equity Affiliate
       Sales ..............     (741)       (701)       (1,373)      (1,132)
     Miscellaneous ........      -            (2)            2           (1)
                              ------      ------       -------      -------
     SALES ................   $7,914      $7,024       $15,507      $13,319
                              ======      ======       =======      =======


                                                                     Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)


       CONTINUING               Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
       OPERATIONS<F1>                June 30                   June 30
     (Dollars in millions)      2000         1999         2000         1999
       INCOME (LOSS)
     Agriculture &
       Nutrition ..........   $   73<F3>  $  146       $   136<F3>  $   244
     Nylon Enterprise .....       88         104           175          206
       Coatings &
       Polymers ...........      129<F4>     160           308<F4>      260 <F5>
     Pharmaceuticals ......       51          49           105          124
     Pigments &
       Chemicals ..........      186         158           350          304
     Pioneer ..............        6<F6>      59            83<F6>       52
       Enterprise .........       11         (53)<F7>       20          (59)<F7>
     Specialty Fibers .....      175         168           376          349
       Polymers ...........      183         164           348          328
     Other ................        6          13             7           23
                              ------      ------       -------      -------
       Total Segment
         ATOI .............      908         968         1,908        1,831

     Interest & Exchange
       Gains and Losses ...     (136)        (48)         (259)        (211)<F8>
     Corporate Expenses ...      (84)        (74)         (158)        (146)
                              ------      ------       -------      -------
       OPERATIONS .........   $  688      $  846       $ 1,491      $ 1,474
                              ======      ======       =======      =======


                                                                   Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                   (Dollars in millions, except per share)


- ---------------------
<F1> Certain reclassifications of segment data have been made to reflect
     changes in organizational structure.

<F2> Includes pro rata equity affiliate sales and intersegment transfers.

<F3> Includes a charge of $62 to increase the company's reserve for "Benlate"
     50 DF fungicide litigation.

<F4> Includes a charge of $61 related to employee separation costs for about
     1,000 employees within Performance Coatings, the shutdown of related
     manufacturing facilities and other exit costs.

<F5> Includes an estimated charge of $40 based on preliminary purchase price
     allocations in conjunction with the purchase of Herberts, the automotive
     coatings business of Hoechst AG, related to the value assigned to
     research and development in progress at the time of purchase for which
     technological feasibility had not yet been established and no alterna-
     tive future use was anticipated.

<F6> Second quarter includes a noncash charge of $138 resulting from the sale
     of acquired Pioneer inventories which, in accordance with purchase
     accounting rules, were recorded at fair value on October 1, 1999.
     Year-to-date includes noncash charges of $353 resulting from the sale of
     acquired Pioneer inventories, partly offset by a $109 gain resulting
     from the sale of certain equity securities classified as available for
     sale, and a credit of $11 to reduce the preliminary purchase price
     allocated to purchased in-process research and development.

<F7> Includes a charge of $40 related to employee separation costs for about
     850 employees within the Polyester Enterprise.

<F8> Includes an exchange loss of $81 on forward exchange contracts purchased
     in 1998 to lock in the U.S. dollar cost of the acquisition of Herberts.
     The purchase price for Herberts was negotiated in German marks.


                                                                    Form 10-Q

                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                  (Dollars in millions, except per share)


<Fc> Year-to-date 2000 includes a $176 gain resulting from the sale by
     Pioneer of certain equity securities classified as available for sale.
     Year-to-date 1999 includes an exchange loss of $131 on forward exchange
     contracts purchased in 1998 to lock in the U.S. dollar cost of the
     acquisition of Herberts, the automotive coatings business of Hoechst AG.
     The purchase price for Herberts was negotiated in German marks.

<Fd> In accordance with purchase accounting rules applied to the acquisition
     of the remaining 80 percent ownership interest in Pioneer on October 1,
     1999, Pioneer inventory was increased to fair value.  This inventory
     step-up generates noncash charges to cost of goods sold as the inventory
     on hand at the acquisition date is sold.  Second quarter and year-to-
     date 2000 charges were $220 and $567, respectively.  These charges are
     reflected in "Other Noncash Charges and Credits - Net" in the Consoli-
     dated Statement of Cash Flows.

     During second quarter 2000, a charge of $100 was also recorded to
     increase the company's reserve for "Benlate" 50 DF fungicide litigation.

<Fe> 2000 includes amortization expense associated with acquisitions of
     Herberts and Pioneer.  Prior to October 1, 1999, the company's 20
     percent ownership in Pioneer was accounted for under the equity method
     and results (including amortization expense) were reported as Other
     Income.  1999 includes amortization expense associated with the Herberts
     acquisition beginning in the second quarter.

<Ff> Year-to-date 2000 includes a credit of $11 that was recorded based on
     revisions of preliminary purchase price allocations associated with the
     October 1, 1999, purchase of the remaining 80 percent ownership interest
     in Pioneer.  Year-to-date 1999 includes an estimated charge of $40 that
     was recorded in conjunction with the purchase of Herberts, based on
     preliminary allocations of purchase price.

<Fg> Second quarter 2000 charges resulting from restructuring activities
     within Performance Coatings totaled $98.  This Phase II restructuring
     activity was instituted to continue the consolidation of business assets
     and to eliminate redundancies as a result of the acquisition of Herberts
     in 1999.  This charge included $73 related to the termination of about
     1,000 employees involved in technical, manufacturing, marketing and
     administrative activities.  Approximately 90 percent of these employee
     reductions will occur in Europe.  Employee terminations and charges
     against the reserves will begin in the third quarter.  Restructuring
     charges of $13 relate to the write-down of operating facilities that


                                                                    Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)


     were shutdown in the second quarter in Germany and the United States and
     $12 relate to the cancellation of contractual agreements principally
     associated with the global distribution of products.  Termination of
     services under the contractual agreements will be completed during the
     second quarter of 2001; charges against the reserve will begin in third
     quarter 2000.  The effect of these actions on second quarter operating
     results was not material.

     Second quarter 1999 charges of $62 result from employee separation costs
     for about 850 employees engaged primarily in manufacturing within
     Polyester Enterprise.  The restructuring was instituted to address poor
     economic and intensively competitive market conditions.

<Fh> Includes operating results of the company's former interest in Conoco.

<Fi> Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing income available to
     common stockholders (the numerator) by the weighted-average number of
     common shares (the denominator) for the period.  The numerator for both
     income from continuing operations and net income is reduced by preferred
     dividends of $2.5 and $5.0 for the three- and six-month periods,
     respectively.  For diluted earnings per share, the denominator is based
     on the following weighted-average number of common shares and includes
     the additional common shares that would have been outstanding if
     potentially dilutive common shares had been issued:

                    Three Months Ended                Six Months Ended
                         March 31                         June 30
              -----------------------------     -----------------------------
                  Basic          Diluted            Basic          Diluted
              -------------   -------------     -------------   -------------
     2000     1,045,857,572   1,053,658,428     1,046,447,044   1,055,367,888
     1999     1,129,006,814   1,144,189,906     1,128,051,977   1,141,147,812

     The difference between basic and diluted weighted-average common shares
     outstanding results from the assumption that dilutive stock options
     outstanding were exercised.


                                                                    Form 10-Q

                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                   (Dollars in millions, except per share)


     The following average stock options are antidilutive, and therefore are
     not included in the diluted earnings per share calculation since the
     exercise price is greater than the average market price:

                           Three Months Ended          Six Months Ended
                                June 30                    June 30
                         ----------------------     ----------------------
                            2000        1999           2000        1999
                         ----------   ---------     ----------   ---------
       Average Stock
         Options         35,059,358   3,060,038     24,220,698   5,818,192

       Compensation expense (benefit) recognized in income for stock-based
       employee compensation awards was $(4) and $23 for the three months and
       $(29) and $30 for the six months ended June 30, 2000, and 1999,

       Shares held by the Flexitrust and treasury stock are not considered
       outstanding in computing the foregoing weighted-average number of common

                                                      June 30     December 31
<Fj> Inventories                                        2000         1999
     -----------                                      -------     -----------
     Finished Products ..........................      $2,818        $3,322
     Semifinished Products ......................       1,038         1,518
     Raw Materials and Supplies .................         889           823
                                                       ------        ------
                                                        4,745         5,663
     Less:  Adjustment of Inventories to a
       Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) Basis ..........         633           606
                                                       ------        ------
         Total ..................................      $4,112        $5,057
                                                       ======        ======
     At October 1, 1999, Pioneer inventories were stepped up to fair value in
     accordance with purchase accounting rules.  At June 30, 2000, and
     December 31, 1999, these inventories include the remaining balance of the
     step-up of $190 and $757, respectively.

<Fk> Includes the company's investment in DuPont Photomasks, Inc. which is
     accounted for by the equity method beginning in the second quarter 2000.


                                                                    Form 10-Q

                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                  (Dollars in millions, except per share)


<Fl> The following sets forth the company's Total Comprehensive Income for the
     periods shown:
                                       Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                            June 30              June 30
                                       ------------------   ------------------
                                         2000      1999       2000      1999
                                       --------   -------   --------   -------
     Net Income ....................    $688       $917     $1,491     $1,580
     Cumulative Translation
       Adjustment ..................     (13)       (11)       (20)      (105)
     Unrealized Gains (Losses)
       on Securities ...............     (37)*       14       (166)*       14
                                        ----       ----     ------     ------
     Total Comprehensive Income ....     $638      $920      $1,305    $1,489
                                         ====      ====      ======    ======
     * Primarily reflects unrealized holding losses of $60 and $145 for the
       second quarter and year-to-date, respectively, associated with the
       company's investment in Healtheon/WebMD.  The remainder relates to
       unrealized holding gains and losses of other equity securities.

<Fm> During first quarter 2000, the company completed purchase accounting for
     the Herberts acquisition.  In connection with the purchase of Herberts,
     the company has now essentially completed the initial restructuring plan
     that was formulated at the time of the acquisition.  Under this plan,
     nearly 1,300 employees were to have been terminated as manufacturing
     facilities were shut down and other business activities were reorganized.
     Through June 30, 2000, approximately 1,200 employees have been terminated
     and about $35 in employee separation costs have been charged against the
     related liability.  The total remaining reserve balances for terminations
     and other exit costs are $19 at June 30, 2000.

[FN] In second quarter 2000 there were no changes in estimates related to
     reserves established for restructuring initiatives contained in Item 8 of
     the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended
     December 31, 1999, at Note 5 "Employee Separation Costs and Write-Down of
     Assets."  An update of these initiatives is discussed below under the
     respective prior years' activities.

     1999 Activities
     During 1999, the company recorded restructuring charges in three segments
     -- Agriculture & Nutrition, Nylon Enterprise and Polyester Enterprise.


                                                                    Form 10-Q

                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                  (Dollars in millions, except per share)


     In Agriculture & Nutrition, by June 30, 2000, approximately $34 of
     employee termination payments had been settled and charged against the
     related liability.  Approximately 670 employees have been terminated and
     another 70 employees have accepted other work assignments within the
     company.  Total remaining reserve balances for employee termination
     payments and dismantlement and removal of facilities that were shutdown
     are approximately $24 at June 30, 2000.

     In the Nylon Enterprise, by June 30, 2000, approximately $3 of employee
     termination payments had been settled and charged against the related
     liability and approximately 30 employees had been terminated.  The
     remaining reserve balance is approximately $12 at June 30, 2000.

     In the Polyester Enterprise, by June 30, 2000, $45 related to employee
     separation costs had been settled and charged against the related
     liability.  Approximately 700 employees have been terminated and about 65
     employees have accepted other work assignments within the company.  Total
     remaining reserve balances are approximately $15 at June 30, 2000.

     1998 Activities
     During 1998, the company recorded charges directly related to management
     decisions to implement company-wide productivity improvement initiatives.
     By June 30, 2000, about $268 in severance benefits have been charged
     against the related liability and approximately $33 in dismantlement and
     removal costs have been paid.  Total remaining reserve balances are
     approximately $22 at June 30, 2000.


                                                                   Form 10-Q


         Forward-Looking Statements
                 This report contains forward-looking statements which may be
         identified by their use of words like "plans," "expects," "will,"
         "anticipates," "intends," "projects," "estimates" or other words of
         similar meaning.  All statements that address expectations or pro-
         jections about the future, including statements about the company's
         strategy for growth, product development, market position, expendi-
         tures and financial results are forward-looking statements.

                 Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions
         and expectations of future events.  The company cannot guarantee that
         these assumptions and expectations are accurate or will be realized.
         In addition to the factors discussed in this report and in Manage-
         ment's Discussion and Analysis in the company's latest Annual Report
         on Form 10-K, the following are some of the important factors that
         could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from
         those projected in any such forward-looking statements:

              o  The company operates in approximately 70 countries world-
                 wide and derives about half of its revenues from sales
                 outside the United States.  Changes in the laws or policies
                 of other governmental and quasi-governmental activities in
                 the countries in which the company operates could affect its
                 business in the country and the company's results of opera-
                 tions.  In addition, economic factors (including inflation
                 and fluctuations in interest rates and foreign currency
                 exchange rates) and competitive factors (such as greater
                 price competition or a decline in U.S. or European industry
                 sales from slowing economic growth) in those countries could
                 affect the company's revenues, expenses and results.

              o  The company's ability to grow earnings will be affected by
                 increases in the cost of raw materials, particularly
                 petroleum-based feedstocks, natural gas and paraxylene.  The
                 company may not be able to fully offset the effects of higher
                 raw material costs through price increases or productivity

              o  The company's growth objectives are largely dependent on its
                 ability to renew its pipeline of new products and to bring
                 those products to market.  This ability may be adversely
                 affected by difficulties or delays in product development
                 such as the inability to:  identify viable new products;
                 successfully complete clinical trials of new pharmaceuticals;


                                                                   Form 10-Q

                 obtain relevant regulatory approvals, which may include
                 approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; obtain
                 adequate intellectual property protection; or gain market
                 acceptance of the new products.

              o  As part of its strategy for growth, the company has made and
                 may continue to make acquisitions and divestitures and form
                 strategic alliances.  There can be no assurance that these
                 will be completed or beneficial to the company.

              o  To a significant degree, results in the company's Agriculture
                 & Nutrition and Pioneer segments reflect changes in agricul-
                 tural conditions, including weather and government programs.
                 These results also reflect the seasonality of sales of
                 agricultural products; highest sales in the United States
                 occur in the first half of the year.  In addition, demand for
                 products produced in these segments may be affected by market
                 acceptance of genetically enhanced products.

              o  The company has undertaken and may continue to undertake pro-
                 ductivity initiatives, including organizational restructur-
                 ings and Six Sigma productivity improvement projects, to
                 improve performance and generate cost savings.  There can be
                 no assurance that these will be completed or beneficial to
                 the company.  Also there can be no assurance that any
                 estimated cost savings from such activities will be realized.

              o  The company's facilities are subject to a broad array of
                 environmental laws and regulations.  The costs of complying
                 with complex environmental laws and regulations, as well as
                 internal voluntary programs, are significant and will con-
                 tinue to be so for the foreseeable future.  The company's
                 accruals for such costs and liabilities may not be adequate
                 since the estimates on which the accruals are based depend on
                 a number of factors including the nature of the allegation,
                 the complexity of the site, the nature of the remedy, the
                 outcome of discussions with regulatory agencies and other
                 potentially responsible parties (PRPs) at multi-party sites,
                 and the number and financial viability of other PRPs.

              o  The company's results of operations could be affected by
                 significant litigation adverse to the company including
                 product liability claims, patent infringement claims and
                 antitrust claims.

                 The foregoing list of important factors is not inclusive, or
         necessarily presents them in order of importance.


                                                                    Form 10-Q

         (a) Results of Operations

             (1) Financial Results:

                 Including one-time items in both periods and discontinued
         operations in 1999, diluted earnings per share for the second quarter
         were $.65 compared to $.80 in 1999.  DuPont's earnings from continu-
         ing operations, before one-time items were $.90 per share for the
         second quarter, 15 percent higher than the $.78 per share earned in
         last year's second quarter, and $1.75 per share for the first half
         2000 versus $1.44 for the first half 1999, up 22 percent.

         Results From Continuing Operations
                 Second quarter 2000 consolidated sales were $7.9 billion,
         13 percent above second quarter 1999.  Segment sales, which include
         pro rata equity affiliate sales and intersegment transfers, were
         $8.8 billion, up 12 percent from $7.9 billion last year.  This
         increase is the result of 6 percent volume growth, 6 percent added
         from the Pioneer acquisition, and 2 percent higher local prices,
         partly offset by the currency effect from the stronger U.S. dollar
         which reduced worldwide sales by 2 percent.  Regional segment sales
         and related variances are summarized below:

                                   %                % Change Due To
                                 Chng.   -------------------------------------
                         2Q 00    vs.    Local   Currency            Portfolio
         Segment Sales    $B     2Q 99   Price    Effect    Volume    Changes
         -------------   -----   -----   -----   --------   ------   ---------
         Worldwide        8.8     12       2        (2)        6         6
         U.S.             4.7     14       1         0         4         9
         Europe           2.0     (2)      0        (9)        6         1
         Asia             1.2     26       3         3        18         2
          Mexico, S.A.    0.9     17       7        (3)        4         9

              o  U.S. sales, excluding portfolio changes, were up 5 percent,
                 reflecting 4 percent higher volume and 1 percent higher

              o  Asia Pacific region volume growth rate remained very strong
                 at 18 percent, with local prices up 3 percent.

              o  European sales reflect 6 percent volume growth more than
                 offset by the impact of weaker European currencies which
                 decreased sales in the quarter by 9 percent.


                                                                     Form 10-Q

              o  Portfolio changes, predominantly the Pioneer acquisition,
                 were a significant contributor to second quarter revenue
                 growth, particularly in the United States.  Pioneer's selling
                 season for 2000 is now essentially complete.

                 Including one-time items, second quarter income from continu-
        ing operations was $688 million versus $846 million last year, result-
        ing in earnings per share of $.65 compared to $.74 last year.  Second
        quarter income from continuing operations before one-time items was
        $949 million, compared to $886 million in the second quarter 1999, up
        $63 million or 7 percent.  Earnings on a per-share basis were up
        15 percent, reflecting 8 percent lower average shares outstanding this
        year.  Higher sales volume, higher local selling prices and benefits
        from increased ownership of Pioneer more than offset the negative
        impact of higher raw material costs, higher interest costs and a
        stronger U.S. dollar.  One-time items are detailed in the notes to the
        financial statements and are summarized below:

                               $MM Pretax     $MM After-Tax     ($ Per Share)
                             --------------   --------------   ---------------
                             2Q 00    2Q 99   2Q 00    2Q 99   2Q 00    2Q 99
                             ------   -----   ------   -----   ------   ------
        "Benlate" Accrual    $(100)           $ (62)           $(.06)
         Accounting -
         Pioneer              (220)            (138)            (.13)
         Restructuring         (98)             (61)            (.06)
         Restructuring                $(62)            $(40)            $(.04)
                             -----    ----    -----    ----    -----    -----
        Total                $(418)   $(62)   $(261)   $(40)   $(.25)   $(.04)
                             =====    ====    =====    ====    =====    =====

        Six Sigma Productivity Initiatives
                 Six Sigma implementation remains on track.  At the end of the
        second quarter 2000 the company had over 1,000 trained Black Belts and
        2,500 active projects.  The potential annualized pretax benefit from
        active projects at the end of the second quarter was $450 million.
        The actual annualized pretax benefit of completed projects at the end
        of the second quarter was $110 million.

        Corporate Outlook
                 The first half earnings performance positions the company to
        meet its 17-20 percent earnings per share growth target for the year
        2000.  Aggressive pricing actions,  Six Sigma productivity projects


                                                                    Form 10-Q

        and cost controls have been implemented to mitigate raw material cost
        increases.  Looking at the second half of the year, the company

              o  raw material costs to remain at current high levels, which
                 would result in an estimated negative EPS impact of $.20-$.25
                 versus the second half of 1999,

              o  more than half of the strategic business units to have higher
                 U.S. dollar selling prices than second-half 1999 levels, and

              o  volume growth to be somewhat below the 6 percent rate of the
                 first half.

             (2) Segment Performance:

                 The following text compares second quarter 2000 results with
        second quarter 1999, for sales and earnings of each segment, excluding
        the earnings impact of one-time items described in the footnotes to
        the "Segment Information - Continuing Operations" table at Note (b) on
        pages 6-8.  Segment results include intersegment transfers and a
        pro rata ownership share of the sales and earnings of equity affili-
        ates.  Total segment after-tax operating income was $1,169 million
        compared to $1,008 million last year, up 16 percent.  Total segment
        sales were $8.8 billion, compared to $7.9 billion last year.

              o  Agriculture & Nutrition - A modest earnings improvement in
                 Crop Protection Products, driven by higher volume and prices
                 (ex-currency), was offset by Nutrition & Health losses.  Crop
                 Protection Products sales increased in the North  American
                 corn and soybean markets, which in part, benefited from the
                 TruChoiceSM integrated offering with Pioneer.  Fixed costs
                 were also lower reflecting last year's restructuring of the

              o  Nylon Enterprise - Volumes remained strong, close to last
                 year's historically high levels.  Segment earnings were
                 15 percent lower, reflecting significantly higher raw
                 material costs.  A global price increase was announced for
                 DuPont Nylon Fibers and Intermediates effective August 1.

              o  Performance Coatings & Polymers - Segment earnings were up
                 19 percent, reflecting continued strength in Engineering
                 Polymers and Performance Coatings.  Phase II of the Herberts
                 integration announced during the quarter will result in the
                 elimination of about 1,000 positions.  The resulting savings
                 will be partly realized in 2000, with the majority of the
                 benefit in 2001, reaching an estimated annualized savings


                                                                   Form 10-Q

                 rate of $100 million pretax upon completion during the second
                 quarter 2001.  Engineering Polymers earnings growth continued
                 with strong worldwide volumes offsetting a negative currency
                 impact, principally in Europe.  Several new polymer materials
                 have been introduced to meet customer demand for reduced
                 costs and improved performance versus metal alternatives.

              o  Pharmaceuticals - Segment earnings and product sales were
                 both up by 4 percent, led by SustivaTM efavirenz.  "Coumadin"
                 (warfarin sodium tablets, USP) crystalline sales reflect
                 continued generic competition.  Prescription market share
                 decline has been held to roughly one-half share point per
                 month despite generic competitors.  "Sinemet" (carbidopa-
                 levodopa) sustained-release sales were limited by product
                 availability.  As planned, investment in R&D was increased
                 versus prior year.  During the quarter DuPont Pharmaceuticals
                 received FDA approval for "Innohep", the first true once-a-
                 day low molecular weight heparin approved in the United
                 States, and signed a letter of intent with Emisphere to
                 co-develop and market solid oral heparins.  These products
                 are an excellent strategic fit with DuPont Pharmaceuticals
                 cardiovascular franchise.

                 Major product sales are shown below:

                     ($ in millions)       2Q 2000   2Q 1999   YR 1999
                 -----------------------   -------   -------   -------
                 "Coumadin"                   69        91       464
                 SustivaTM                   141        58       211
                 "Sinemet Brand"              37        85       331
                 "Cardiolite"/MiralumaTM      62        50       210

              o  Pigments & Chemicals - Segment earnings were up 18 percent,
                 reflecting double-digit earnings growth in all three busi-
                 nesses:  White Pigment & Mineral Products (WPMP), Chemical
                 Solutions and Fluorochemicals.  WPMP sales grew with strong
                 demand in all regions and volumes at record levels.  Price
                 increases announced for July will help to offset the negative
                 impact of the stronger dollar and higher raw material costs.
                 DuPont Chemical Solutions sales reflected substantial volume
                 increases and Fluorochemicals continues to benefit from
                 increased sales of CFC alternative products.

              o  Pioneer - Pioneer earnings increased $85 million, reflecting
                 100 percent ownership in the current year versus 20 percent
                 in the second quarter of 1999.  Operating results reflect
                 essentially flat corn volumes and higher soybean volumes.
                 Prices for both corn and soybeans were up.  The higher corn
                 prices were due to an improvement in mix to new higher-priced


                                                                    Form 10-Q

                 products and lower discounts compared to last year.  The
                 higher soybean prices were due to a higher mix of "Roundup"
                 Ready Soybeans.  During the quarter the company received a
                 $100 million cash payment from Cargill in settlement of
                 patent infringement litigation, 80 percent of which was
                 reflected in the Pioneer purchase accounting resulting in a
                 reduction of goodwill.  The remaining $20 million was largely
                 offset by costs related to the acquisition.

              o  Polyester Enterprise - Segment earnings improved to
                 $11 million versus a loss of $13 million last year, a
                 $24 million turnaround.  Earnings from the specialty/branded
                 fibers, resins & intermediates, and films sectors improved
                 from second quarter 1999.  Fixed costs continue to decline as
                 benefits from restructuring and Six Sigma efforts are
                 realized.  The manufacturing alliance with Unifi for
                 polyester filament started in June and is expected to improve
                 product quality, yields, and costs.

              o  Specialty Fibers - Segment earnings increased 4 percent based
                 on 8 percent higher volumes.  Volumes were particularly
                 strong in "Lycra" elastane, "Kevlar" brand fiber, and "Tyvek"
                 flexible sheet products.  Segment earnings were adversely
                 affected by higher costs associated with capacity increases
                 and lower U.S. dollar prices, particularly "Lycra" in Europe.
                 Revenue growth was also impacted by new generic elastane
                 capacity in Asia.  However, the "Lycra" strategy of penetrat-
                 ing the ready-to-wear market via branding and new products
                 remains on track.  Advanced Fiber Systems earnings were
                 strong, reflecting significant growth in the Life Protection
                 and Protective Apparel markets.

              o  Specialty Polymers - Segment earnings were up 12 percent,
                 reflecting continued earnings growth from DuPont
                 iTechnologies, Fluoropolymers, and "Corian", businesses which
                 had double-digit sales and earnings growth.  iTechnologies
                 and Fluoropolymers both benefited from a strong electronics
                 market while "Corian" continues to drive market penetration
                 via new products.  Earnings in the Packaging & Industrial
                 Polymers business were down modestly due to significantly
                 higher raw material costs.

              o  The Other segment earnings were $6 million versus $13 million
                 in 1999.


                                                                   Form 10-Q

     (b) Financial Condition
                                                       Six Months Ended
                                                            June 30
      Selected Cash Flow Information                   2000       1999
      ------------------------------                  ------    --------
                                                        ($ in millions)

      Cash Provided by Continuing Operations .....    $1,974    $ 1,691
      Purchases of Property, Plant and
        Equipment and Investment in Affiliates ...     (968)     (1,005)
      Payments for Businesses Acquired ...........      (41)     (1,624)
      Proceeds from Sales of Assets ..............      241          62
      Dividends Paid to Stockholders .............     (738)       (794)
      Acquisition of Treasury Stock ..............     (250)        (44)

         Cash provided by continuing operations was $2.0 billion for the first
half of 2000, as compared with $1.7 billion for the same period in 1999.  Net
income plus noncash charges included in net income was higher this year as
compared to last year primarily reflecting contributions from the Herberts and
Pioneer acquisitions.  In addition, the company reduced its operating assets
by $500 million as a result of cash proceeds from the securitization of
accounts receivable.  These sources of cash were partly offset by higher
seasonal increases in working capital, primarily due to the inclusion of
Pioneer in DuPont's 2000 consolidated financial statements.  Strong first half
2000 results by Pioneer contributed to higher trade receivables which were
only partially offset by reductions in Pioneer inventory and other net working
capital items.

         Year-to-date capital investments for purchases of property, plant,
and equipment and investments in affiliates were $968 million in 2000, as
compared to $1,005 million spent in 1999.  The current spending level reflects
management's intention to limit capital spending to about $2.0 billion for the
year.  Payments for businesses acquired in the first half of 2000 totaled
$41 million as compared to $1.6 billion spent in 1999, which primarily
reflects the acquisition of Herberts in February 1999.

         Proceeds from the sale of assets in the first half of 2000 totaled
$241 million primarily reflecting the first quarter sale of available-for-sale
securities held by Pioneer and small asset sales.  Proceeds from the sale of
assets in first half 1999 totaled $62 million, and included the sale of
several small operating assets as well as office real estate assets.

         The per share dividend paid to stockholders in second quarter 2000
was $.35 per share, the same as in 1999.  The lower gross dollar dividends
paid in first half 2000 as compared to 1999 reflects lower shares outstanding
this year primarily due to the third quarter 1999 Conoco divestiture.  In each
of 1997 and 1998, DuPont's Board of Directors approved programs to purchase
and retire up to 20 million shares of DuPont common stock to offset dilution


                                                                    Form 10-Q

from shares issued under compensation programs.  In the first half of 2000,
the company spent $250 million to purchase and retire 5,000,000 shares of
DuPont common stock.  Comparable purchases in the first half of 1999 totaled
$44 million to purchase and retire 840,000 shares.  As a result, DuPont has
completed its authorized purchase of 20 million shares under the 1997 program
and has purchased about 4 million shares under its 1998 program.  On July 26,
2000 the company's Board of Directors approved an increase in the amount of
shares remaining to be purchased under the 1998 program from about 16 million
shares to the total number of shares of DuPont common stock which can be
purchased for $2.5 billion.  The remaining purchases are not limited to those
needed to offset dilution from shares issued under compensation programs.
DuPont anticipates completing this program within two years and for it to be
largely funded through the monetization of nonstrategic assets.

         Debt, including capital lease obligations, net of cash and cash
equivalents and marketable securities at June 30, 2000, was $9.9 billion, as
compared to $10.0 billion at year-end 1999.  Management's intent is to reduce
net debt from the current level over the second half of the year to increase
the company's financial flexibility.

         Management believes that the company's ability to generate cash from
operations and its capacity to issue short-term and long-term debt will be
adequate to meet anticipated future cash requirements to fund working capital,
capital spending, dividend payments and other cash needs in the foreseeable

      Certain Statistics - Continuing Operations
                                            At 6/30/00      At 12/31/99
                                            ----------      -----------
      Current Ratio (current assets
        to current liabilities) ......         1.2:1           1.1:1

      Earnings to Fixed Charges ......           5.7             2.9

         Pioneer's days' sales outstanding reflects significant programs in
the segment to provide farmers with extended harvest terms, which increases
days' sales outstanding; or with discounts for cash sales, which decrease
days' sales outstanding.  Days' sales outstanding excluding Pioneer averaged
57 days in the second quarter, equal to fourth quarter 1999, and an increase
of 2 days from the second quarter of 1999.  Including Pioneer, days' sales
outstanding averaged 59 days in second quarter 2000, as compared to 57 days in
first quarter 2000, and 67 days in fourth quarter 1999.  Fourth quarter days'
sales outstanding including Pioneer reflects low seasonal sales for Pioneer in
the quarter, as well as the impact of extended terms.


                                                                     Form 10-Q

         (c) Other Items

         During June 2000, the company entered into an ongoing program to sell
an interest of up to $500 million in a revolving pool of its trade accounts
receivable.  Proceeds received from the initial sale of approximately
$500 million have been reflected as a reduction of accounts receivable in the
company's consolidated balance sheet.  The company retains servicing respon-
sibilities for the receivables.

         DuPont owns a warrant position in Healtheon/WebMD Corp., entitling it
to purchase Healtheon/WebMD common stock.  As of June 30, 2000, DuPont
reflected an unrealized loss on this investment of $145 million in Other
Comprehensive Income.  In the future, if the decline in the market value of
the company's investment in the aforementioned warrants is deemed to be other
than temporary, a one-time charge to earnings will be recorded.

         In June, DuPont and Unifi, Inc. began operating their manufacturing
alliance in the U.S. to produce polyester filament yarn.  The alliance
integrates partially oriented yarn (POY) manufacturing facilities of both
companies into a single production platform.  This alliance enables each
company to match production with the best assets available, significantly
improving product quality and yields.

         The alliance, which involves production only, has a combined capacity
of 800 million pounds.  DuPont will manage production planning and scheduling
of all POY assets.  Production will be realigned among DuPont's "Dacron"
polyester filament plants in Wilmington, NC, and Kinston, NC, and Unifi's POY
plant in Yadkinville, NC.

         DuPont's "Dacron" POY business and Unifi's textured yarn business
will continue to operate separately.  Each company will continue to own and
operate its respective sites and employees will remain with their respective

         DuPont and Unifi can terminate the alliance at any time by mutual
agreement.  At termination, or at any time after June 1, 2005, Unifi has the
option to purchase from DuPont and DuPont has the option to sell to Unifi
DuPont's U.S. polyester filament business at fair market value within a
predetermined range.  If Unifi exercises its option, DuPont is obligated to
sell the business to Unifi and, if DuPont exercises its option, Unifi is
obligated to buy the business from DuPont.  Should either option not be
exercised, the alliance could continue.


                                                                    Form 10-Q


         With respect to the in-process research and development projects
acquired in conjunction with the company's 1998 pharmaceutical acquisition,
Phase 3 enrollment has begun for DMP754, further development of DMP777 has
been put on hold, and FDA approval for "Innohep" has been received.  No other
significant changes occurred during the second quarter 2000 with respect to
in-process research and development related to the company's recent

                         PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION


         In 1991, DuPont began receiving claims by growers that use of
"Benlate" 50 DF fungicide had caused crop damage.  Based on the belief that
"Benlate" 50 DF would be found to be a contributor to the claimed damage,
DuPont began paying crop damage claims.  In 1992, after 18 months of extensive
research, DuPont scientists concluded that "Benlate" 50 DF was not responsible
for plant damage reports received since March 1991.  Concurrent with these
research findings, DuPont stopped paying claims.  DuPont since has been served
with several hundred lawsuits most of which were disposed of by trial, dis-
missal or settlement.  Approximately 140 cases are pending.  Most of these
lawsuits were filed by growers who allege plant damage from using "Benlate"
50 DF although some include claims for alleged damage to shrimping operations
and a smaller number of cases include claims for alleged personal injuries.
Also, many of these cases include general allegations of fraud and misconduct.
In addition, a securities fraud class action was filed in September 1995 by a
shareholder in federal district court in Florida against the company and the
then-Chairman.  This action is still pending.  The plaintiff in this case
alleges that DuPont made false and misleading statements and omissions about
"Benlate" 50 DF, with the alleged effect of inflating the price of DuPont's
stock between June 19, 1993, and January 27, 1995.  The district court has
certified the case as a class action.  Discovery is proceeding.  Another
shareholder derivative action which alleges that DuPont's Board of Directors
breached various duties in connection with the "Benlate" 50 DF litigation was
dismissed when the Federal Court for the Middle District of Georgia granted
the motion to dismiss filed on behalf of the directors.  The company then
settled the case for nuisance value to avoid the cost of litigating an appeal
by plaintiffs.  Certain plaintiffs who previously settled with the company
have filed cases alleging fraud and other misconduct relating to the
litigation and settlement of "Benlate" 50 DF claims.  Approximately 40 such
cases are pending.  These cases are in various stages of proceedings in trial
and appellate courts in Florida and Hawaii.  In April 2000, a jury in Texas
state court awarded compensatory damages and fees of approximately $9 million,
prejudgment interest, and punitive or exemplary damages of approximately


                                                                    Form 10-Q

$60 million to three pecan growers who claimed that "Benlate" 50 DF had
damaged their pecan trees.  Because the punitive or exemplary damages awarded
were not in compliance with Texas law, the total award will be reduced to
approximately $23 million.  DuPont plans to appeal.  On June 21, a jury in
Texas state court awarded compensatory damages of $10.3 million, prejudgment
interest, and punitive damages of $90 million to two growers who claimed
"Benlate" 50 WP failed to protect their melons and cantaloupe crops.  Due to
limitations on punitive damages in Texas, the total award will be reduced to
approximately $35 million.  DuPont plans to appeal.

         DuPont continues to believe that "Benlate" 50 DF did not cause the
damages alleged in these cases and denies the allegations of fraud and
misconduct.  DuPont intends to defend itself in ongoing matters and in any
additional cases that may be filed or reopened.  The ultimate liabilities from
"Benlate" 50 DF lawsuits and the "Benlate" 50 WP lawsuit discussed above may
be significant to the company's results of operations, particularly in the
Crop Protection business, in the period recognized, but management does not
anticipate that they will have a material adverse effect on the company's
consolidated financial position or liquidity.

         The company's balance sheet reflects reserves for estimated costs
associated with this matter.  Adverse changes in estimates for such costs
could result in additional future charges.


         (a) Exhibits

             The exhibit index filed with this Form 10-Q is on pages
             28 and 29.

         (b) Reports on Form 8-K

               1.  On April 25, 2000, a Current Report on Form 8-K was filed
                   in connection with Debt Securities that may be offered on a
                   delayed or continuous basis under its Registration State-
                   ments on Form S-3 (No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339,
                   No. 33-60069, and No. 333-86363).  Under Item 7, "Financial
                   Statements and Exhibits," the Registrant's Earnings Press
                   Release, dated April 25, 2000, was filed.

               2.  On April 26, 2000, a Current Report on Form 8-K was filed
                   in connection with Debt and/or Equity securities that may
                   be offered on a delayed or continuous basis under
                   Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-53327,
                   No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No. 333-86363).  Under
                   Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant filed a press
                   release, dated April 26, 2000, entitled "DuPont Commits To
                   Specific Earnings Growth Target For 2000."


                                                                   Form 10-Q

               3.  On June 29, 2000, a Current Report on  Form 8-K was filed
                   in connection with Debt and/or Equity securities that may
                   be offered on a delayed or continuous basis under
                   Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-53327,
                   No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No. 333-86363).  Under
                   Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant filed a press
                   release, dated June 29, 2000, entitled "DuPont Reaffirms
                   Vigorous Defense of "Benlate" Lawsuits; Will Increase
                   "Benlate" Reserve."

               4.  On July 26, 2000, a Current Report on  Form 8-K was filed
                   in connection with Debt Securities that may be offered on a
                   delayed or continuous basis under its Registration
                   Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339,
                   No. 33-60069, and No. 333-86363).  Under Item 7, "Financial
                   Statements and Exhibits," the Registrant's Earnings Press
                   Release, dated July 26, 2000, was filed.

               5.  On July 26, 2000, a Current Report on  Form 8-K was filed
                   in connection with Debt and/or Equity securities that may
                   be offered on a delayed or continuous basis under
                   Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-53327,
                   No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No. 333-86363).  Under
                   Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant filed a press
                   release, dated July 26, 2000, entitled "DuPont Expands
                   Share Buyback Program."


                                                                  Form 10-Q


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                              Date:           August 8, 2000

                              By         /s/ Gary M. Pfeiffer

                                          Gary M. Pfeiffer
                               Senior Vice President - DuPont Finance
                              (As Duly Authorized Officer and Principal
                                  Financial and Accounting Officer)


                                                                  Form 10-Q

                               EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                                 Description
- -------        ------------------------------------------------------------
 10.1*         Company's Corporate Sharing Plan, as last amended August 28,
               1991 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of the
               company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
               December 31, 1996).

 10.2*         The DuPont Stock Accumulation and Deferred Compensation
               Plan, as last amended April 29, 1998 (incorporated by
               reference to Exhibit 10.3 of the company's Quarterly Report
               on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 1998).

 10.3*         Company's Supplemental Retirement Income Plan, as last
               amended effective June 4, 1996 (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.3 of the company's Annual Report on  Form 10-K
               for the year ended December 31, 1996).

 10.4*         Company's Pension Restoration Plan, as last amended
               effective June 4, 1996 (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.4 of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
               the year ended December 31, 1996).

 10.5*         Company's Stock Performance Plan, as last amended effective
               January 28, 1998 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1
               of the company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
               period ended March 31, 1998).

 10.6*         Company's Variable Compensation Plan, as last amended
               effective April 30, 1997 (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.7 of the company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
               for the quarter ended September 30, 1997).

 10.7*         Company's Salary Deferral & Savings Restoration Plan
               effective April 26, 1994 (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.7 of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
               the year ended December 31, 1999).

 10.8*         Company's 1995 Corporate Sharing Plan, adopted by the Board
               of Directors on January 25, 1995 (incorporated by reference
               to Exhibit 10.8 of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K
               for the year ended December 31, 1999).

- ------------------------
* Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement required to be
  filed as an exhibit to this Form 10-Q.


                                                                 Form 10-Q

                               EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                                 Description
- -------        ------------------------------------------------------------
 10.9*         Company's 1997 Corporate Sharing Plan, adopted by the  Board
               of Directors on January 29, 1997 (incorporated by reference
               to Exhibit 10.11 of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K
               for the year ended December 31, 1996).

 10.10*        Company's Retirement Income Plan for Directors, as last
               amended August 1995 (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.12 of the company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
               for the quarter ended March 31, 1997).

 10.11*        Letter Agreement and Employee Agreement, dated as of
               April 22, 1999, between the company and R. R. Goodmanson
               (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.11 of the company's
               Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,

 10.12         Company's Tax Sharing Agreement dated October 27, 1998, by
               and among the company and Conoco Inc., formerly known as
               Conoco Energy Company (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.13 of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K
               for the year ended December 31, 1998).

   12          Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges.

   27**        Financial Data Schedule.

- -------------------------
 * Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement required to be
   filed as an exhibit to this Form 10-Q.
** Filed electronically only.


                                                                                                                       Form 10-Q
                                                                                                                      Exhibit 12

                                              E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                        COMPUTATION OF RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES
                                                      (Dollars in millions)

                                                                                         Years Ended December 31
                                                      Six Months Ended   -------------------------------------------------------
                                                       June 30, 2000       1999        1998        1997        1996       1995
                                                      ----------------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   -------
Income from Continuing Operations Before
  Extraordinary Item ..............................       $1,491         $  219      $1,648      $1,432      $2,931      $2,858
Provision for Income Taxes ........................          794          1,410         941       1,354       1,416       1,432
Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated
  Subsidiaries ....................................           39             61          24          43          40          29
Adjustment for Companies Accounted for
  by the Equity Method ............................          (79)            33         (39)        936<Fa>      82         126
Capitalized Interest ..............................          (36)          (107)       (120)        (80)        (70)        (76)
Amortization of Capitalized Interest ..............           33             88<Fb>      65<Fb>      82<Fb>     127<Fb>      81
                                                          ------         ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
                                                           2,242          1,704       2,519       3,767       4,526       4,450
                                                          ------         ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Fixed Charges:
  Interest and Debt Expense - Continuing
    Operations ....................................          411            535         520         389         409         449
  Interest and Debt Expense - Discontinued
    Operations<Fc> ................................          -              180         304         252         304         308
  Capitalized Interest - Continuing Operations ....           36            107         120          80          70          76
  Capitalized Interest - Discontinued
    Operations<Fc> ................................          -                3          78          90          73          95
  Rental Expense Representative of Interest
    Factor ........................................           34             66          71          83          80          80
                                                          ------         ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
                                                             481            891       1,093         894         936       1,008
                                                          ------         ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Total Adjusted Earnings Available for Payment of
  Fixed Charges ...................................       $2,723         $2,595      $3,612      $4,661      $5,462      $5,458
                                                          ======         ======      ======      ======      ======      ======
Number of Times Fixed Charges are Earned ..........          5.7            2.9         3.3         5.2         5.8         5.4
                                                          ======         ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

- --------------------------------
<Fa> Includes write-off of Purchased In-Process Research and Development
     associated with acquisition of 20% interest in Pioneer Hi-Bred
     International, Inc.
<Fb> Includes write-off of capitalized interest associated with divested
<Fc> Divestiture of Conoco Inc. was completed August 6, 1999.
