WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported) January 26, 1994

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-815              51-0014090
    (State or Other Jurisdiction     (Commission       (I.R.S Employer
         of Incorporation)           File Number)     Identification No.)

                              1007 Market Street
                          Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (302) 774-1000



Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

          In connection with Debt Securities that may be offered on a delayed 
or continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-39161 
and No. 33-48128 ), we hereby file the following press release.

     Number                        Description of Exhibit
     -------          -------------------------------------------------

       99             Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, 
                        dated January 26, 1994



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf 
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                           /s/D. B. Smith
                                             D. B. Smith
                                         Assistant Controller

January 26, 1994


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                                 Description
- -------          -------------------------------------------------------

  99             Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, dated
                   January 26, 1994.


                                                  EXHIBIT 99

                                    Contact:  Mike Ricciuto
                                              (302) 774-2883

          WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 26 --  DuPont fourth quarter 
and full year 1993 earnings showed substantial improvement over 
1992.  The company reported net income of $226 million for the 
fourth quarter of 1993, or $.33 per share, compared with a 
loss of $230 million, or $.35 per share, for the same period 
last year.  Excluding nonrecurring items from each period, 
fourth quarter earnings were $.48 per share, up from $.14 per 
share earned in the fourth quarter, 1992, resulting in the 
full year being up 25 percent.
          Nonrecurring items in the fourth quarter of 1993 
resulted in a net charge of $103 million, or $.15 per share, 
reflecting an accrual of $144 million after-tax, or $.21 per 
share, for certain product liability claims and legal expenses, 
predominantly related to the recall of "Benlate" DF fungicide, 
and a $.02 per share charge for early redemption of debt.  These 
charges were partly offset by a net gain of $52 million, or $.08 
per share, on the previously announced sales of Remington Arms 
Company and DuPont Canada's polyethylene business.  The 
additional accrual for "Benlate" DF updates the estimate of 
costs relating to the product recall, following the first full 
quarter's experience of court trials and review of case histories 


and rate of spending on litigation.  The fourth quarter of 1992 
included net nonrecurring charges of $327 million, or $.49 per 
share, primarily due to restructuring.
          "Our fourth quarter results show a substantial 
improvement over a year ago," said Chairman Edgar S. Woolard.  
"This is reflected particularly in petroleum and in a number 
of our chemicals and specialty businesses.  Our businesses 
have benefited in the quarter from reduced fixed costs, better 
results in Europe, and improving economic conditions in the 
United States.  In addition, aggressive working capital 
management substantially reduced inventories, thus boosting 
cash flow."
          Net income for the full year 1993 was $555 million, or 
$.81 per share, compared with a loss for 1992 of $3,927 million, 
or $5.85 per share.  Excluding nonrecurring items from both 
years and one-time charges in 1992 for adoption of new account-
ing standards, 1993 earnings were $1,677 million, or $2.46 per 
share, 25 percent higher than the $1,341 million, or $1.98 per 
share earned last year.
          Total sales for 1993 were $37.1 billion, down 
2 percent versus 1992.   Combined sales for Chemicals, Fibers, 
Polymers and Diversified Businesses were 2 percent lower than 
last year, on somewhat higher volumes.


          Said Woolard, "It is gratifying to begin to see the 
results of our cash management and productivity improvement 
strategies implemented over the last several years.  Our focus 
on cash management resulted in a reduction in borrowings in 
1993 of more than $1 billion.  This year's 25 percent increase 
in earnings before nonrecurring items was primarily due to 
improvement in the petroleum segment, a large part of which is 
the result of aggressive cost reduction and restructuring 
programs.  Chemicals and specialty businesses also benefited 
from lower costs, but this was mitigated somewhat by weak 
economic conditions in Europe.  We will continue with strong 
efforts to improve productivity and increase revenues, so that 
our businesses grow faster than the growth anticipated in 
global economies."
          The following compares segment results for the full 
year 1993 with prior year, excluding the impact of nonrecurring 
items described in the accompanying footnotes:
          Petroleum segment earnings were $743 million, up 
$310 million, or 72 percent from last year.  Upstream earnings 
of $441 million were 79 percent higher, reflecting significantly 
lower costs, higher international crude oil and worldwide 
natural gas volumes, higher U.S. natural gas prices, and lower 
effective tax rates.  Downstream earnings were $302 million, 
62 percent above last year, primarily reflecting lower costs 
and higher refined products margins.


          Chemicals segment earnings were $282 million, up 
2 percent from $277 million earned last year, reflecting 
improvements in chemical specialties, partly offset by lower 
results for white pigments.  The latter experienced declining 
prices for most of the year, despite increases in volume.  
Segment sales were down 2 percent, largely due to the currency 
effects of a strong dollar.
          Fibers segment earnings of $425 million were 
11 percent below the $478 million for 1992.  This is mainly 
attributable to lower earnings for "Lycra" spandex and nylon, 
particularly in Europe.  Sales were up 2 percent, principally 
reflecting additional nylon business acquired from ICI, partly 
offset by 3 percent lower selling prices.  U.S. selling prices 
were flat, while outside the United States, prices were lower by 
9 percent, reflecting the stronger dollar.
          Earnings for the Polymers segment were $340 million, 
unchanged from last year.  Improvements in the businesses 
supplying automotive original equipment and aftermarkets were 
largely offset by lower results in non-automotive markets.  
Sales were up less than 1 percent, reflecting 5 percent higher 
volume almost entirely offset by lower prices, principally due 
to currency effects.
          Diversified Businesses segment earnings were 
$238 million, up 35 percent from last year.  Excluding the 
impact of coal results, which were adversely affected for much


of the year by United Mine Workers strikes, segment earnings 
increased $169 million, or 146 percent.  This reflects strong 
results from crop protection chemicals and substantial cost 
improvements in printing and publishing from restructuring.  
Segment sales were down 7 percent on lower volume, principally 
due to disposition of the connectors business.




                                                        Three Months Ended              Year Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                               December 31                 December 31
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                   1993         1992        1993          1992
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES ............................................       $9,251       $9,161      $37,098      $37,799
Other Income .....................................          235          119          743          553
                                                         ------       ------      -------      -------
    Total ........................................        9,486        9,280       37,841       38,352
                                                         ------       ------      -------      -------
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses ............        7,300<Fa><Fb>7,084       27,951<Fa><Fb>28,609<Fa>
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses .....          806          957        3,309        3,743
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization .........          757          767        2,833        2,655
Exploration Expenses, Including Dry Hole Costs
  and Impairment of Unproved Properties ..........          120          119          361          416
Interest and Debt Expense ........................          142          171          594          643
Restructuring Charges<Fc>.........................          -            475        1,835          475
                                                         ------       ------      -------      -------
    Total ........................................        9,125        9,573       36,883       36,541
                                                         ------       ------      -------      -------
EARNINGS (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES ..............          361         (293)         958        1,811
Provision for Income Taxes .......................          124         (132)<Fd>     392<Fe>      836<Fd>
                                                         ------       ------      -------      -------
  TRANSITION EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGES ........          237         (161)         566          975
Extraordinary Charge from Early Extinguishment
  of Debt ........................................          (11)         (69)         (11)         (69)
Transition Effect of Changes in Accounting
  Principles<Ff>..................................           -            -            -        (4,833)
                                                         ------       ------      -------      -------
NET INCOME (LOSS) ................................       $  226       $ (230)     $   555      $(3,927)
                                                         ======       ======      =======      =======

  Income (Loss) Before Extraordinary Item and
    Transition Effect of Accounting Changes ......       $  .35       $ (.25)     $   .83      $  1.43
  Extraordinary Charge from Early Extinguishment
    of Debt ......................................         (.02)        (.10)        (.02)        (.10)
  Transition Effect of Changes in Accounting
    Principles<Ff>................................           -            -            -         (7.18)
                                                         ------       ------      -------      -------
  NET INCOME (LOSS) ..............................       $  .33       $ (.35)     $   .81      $ (5.85)
                                                         ======       ======      =======      =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK ..............       $  .44       $  .44      $  1.76      $  1.74
                                                         ======       ======      =======      =======



<Fa>1993, fourth quarter and year, and 1992 year include charges of $200 and 
      $212, respectively,  associated with the "Benlate" DF fungicide recall.
<Fb>Costs are down approximately $80 due to an inventory decrease under 
      last-in, first-out inventory method.
<Fc>Includes charges for asset write-downs, employee separation costs, 
      facility shutdowns, and other restructuring costs.  1992 data have been 
      reclassified to capture similar charges.
<Fd>Includes exchange gain of $71 for the quarter and $97 for the year 
      related to unhedged non-U.S. deferred tax liabilities established on 
      the adoption of SFAS No. 109.
<Fe>Includes a benefit of $265 resulting from tax law changes, primarily in 
      the United Kingdom.
<Ff>Changes in accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions and 
      income taxes resulted in charges to net income of $3,788 ($5.63 per 
      share) and $1,045 ($1.55 per share), respectively.
<Fg>Earnings per share are calculated on the basis of the following average 
      number of common shares outstanding:

                           Year Ended December 31:
                             1993 -- 676,622,115
                             1992 -- 673,454,935



                                                        Three Months Ended             Year Ended
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                   December 31                December 31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                    1993        1992          1993        1992
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
Chemicals .........................................     $  881      $  879       $ 3,546     $ 3,617
Fibers ............................................      1,623       1,486         6,188       6,074
Polymers ..........................................      1,458       1,444         5,869       5,856
Petroleum .........................................      4,059       3,966        15,771      16,065
Diversified Businesses ............................      1,230       1,386         5,724       6,187
                                                        ------      ------       -------     -------
    Total .........................................     $9,251      $9,161       $37,098     $37,799
                                                        ======      ======       =======     =======

- ---------------------------------
Chemicals .........................................     $   66<Fd>  $  -         $   166<Fd> $   226
Fibers ............................................        104         (17)          169         409
Polymers ..........................................         60<Fd>       4           177<Fd>     318
Petroleum .........................................        163          (2)          812<Fe>     337
Diversified Businesses ............................        (53)<Fd>   (138)         (407)<Fd>    (49)<Ff>
                                                        ------      ------       -------     -------
    Total .........................................        340        (153)          917       1,241

Interest and Other Corporate
  Expenses Net of Tax .............................       (103)         (8)<Fg>     (351)       (266)<Fg>
                                                        ------      ------       -------     -------

NET INCOME (LOSS)<Fh>..............................     $  237      $ (161)      $   566     $   975
- -----------------                                       ======      ======       =======     =======
<Fa>The year ended December 31, 1993 includes the following third-quarter 
      charges for asset write-downs, employee separation costs, facility 
      shutdowns, and other restructuring costs:

        Chemicals                   $  112 (1)
        Fibers                         266 (2)
        Polymers                       148 (3)
        Petroleum                      172 (4)
        Diversified Businesses         597 (5)
        (1) Includes $59 for asset write-downs and facility shutdowns for 
              the fluorochemicals and specialty chemicals businesses.
        (2) Includes $46 for facility shutdowns and asset write-downs, 
              primarily for the nylon business.
        (3) Includes $64 for shutdown of a portion of a polymers plant in 
              LaPorte, Texas.
        (4) Includes $147 for asset write-downs of certain North American 
              petroleum-producing properties.
        (5) Includes $448 for asset write-downs, primarily intangibles and 
              facilities for the printing and publishing business.



<Fb>The year ended December 31, 1993 includes a third-quarter benefit of $265 
      resulting from tax law changes.  The Petroleum segment reflects $230, 
      primarily due to a reduction in deferred U.K. petroleum revenue taxes, 
      and $35 is reflected in the remaining segments.
<Fc>1992 includes the following fourth-quarter charges for termination 
      incentives and payments, as well as certain other charges, related to 
      business restructurings:

        Chemicals                   $ 51 (1)
        Fibers                        69 (2)
        Polymers                      22
        Petroleum                     96 (3)
        Diversified Businesses        91 (4)
        (1) Includes $38 charge for project and facility shutdowns.
        (2) Includes $38 charge principally for shutdown of fire-damaged 
        (3) Includes $17 charge for shutdown of refinery facilities.
        (4) Includes $42 charge principally for withdrawal from certain 
              printing and publishing business lines.

<Fd>Includes a fourth-quarter net charge of $92 related to certain product 
      liability claims and litigation costs ($144) of which $126 is 
      associated with the "Benlate" DF fungicide recall, and a loss on the 
      sale of a polyethylene business ($17) partly offset by benefit from 
      sale of Remington Arms Company ($69).  The foregoing amounts are 
      reflected in the Chemicals ($10), Polymers ($25) and Diversified 
      Businesses ($57) segments.
<Fe>Includes a $21 loss from sale of petroleum-producing properties and a $32 
      gain from exchange of North Sea properties.
<Ff>Includes a charge of $134 associated with the "Benlate" DF fungicide 
<Fg>Includes an exchange gain of $71 for the quarter and $97 for the year 
      related to unhedged non-U.S. deferred tax liabilities established on 
      the adoption of SFAS No. 109.
<Fh>Before extraordinary item and the transition effect of changes in 
      accounting principles.



                                                                   After-Tax Operating Income
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION               Three Months Ended             Year Ended
EXCLUDING IMPACT OF NONRECURRING ITEMS                      December 31                December 31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                    1993        1992          1993        1992
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals .........................................      $ 76        $ 51         $  282      $  277
Fibers ............................................       104          52            425         478
Polymers ..........................................        85          26            340         340
Petroleum .........................................       163          94            743         433
Diversified Businesses ............................         4         (47)           238         176
                                                         ----        ----         ------      ------

    Total .........................................       432         176          2,028       1,704

Less:  Interest and Other Corporate Expenses
  Net of Tax ......................................      (103)        (79)          (351)       (363)
                                                         ----        ----         ------      ------

                                                         $329        $ 97         $1,677      $1,341
                                                         ====        ====         ======      ======
