Originally Adopted - February 3, 1905

                Last Amended - November 24, 1993





       The purposes of this Variable Compensation Plan (the 
"Plan") are:  (a) to provide greater incentive for employees 
continually to exert their best efforts on behalf of E. I. 
du Pont de Nemours and Company (the "Company") by granting them 
compensation that, combined with their regular salaries, results 
in total compensation that is competitive based on performance; 
and (b) to further the identity of interests of such employees 
with those of the Company's stockholders generally.


       1.  Variable compensation under this Plan may be granted 
           in acquired common stock of this Company, or in new 
           common stock to be issued directly to the 
           beneficiaries, or in cash, or in two or more of said 

       2.  The Compensation and Benefits Committee shall 
           determine the portion of each award under this Plan 
           to be paid in cash and the portion to be delivered to 
           the beneficiary in the form of common stock.


       1.  Grants under this Plan shall be made from the 
           Variable Compensation Fund which the Company shall 
           establish and to which shall be credited annually an 
           amount to be determined by the Compensation and 
           Benefits Committee.  This amount shall not exceed 20% 
           of the "variable net income."

       2.  The term "variable net income" for any year, as used 
           in this Plan, shall mean the amount of net income as 
           shown in the Consolidated Income Statement of this 
           Company and its subsidiaries set forth in the Annual 
           Report to the Stockholders for such year, with 
           adjustments for any significant items of income or 
           loss which the Compensation and Benefits Committee in 
           its discretion may deem appropriate; further adjusted 


           (a)  adding any amount which has been deducted in 
                computing said net income with respect to any 
                provision for the Variable Compensation Fund, 

           (b)  deducting an amount equal to 6% of the "variable 
                net capital employed," as defined in paragraph 3 
                of this Article.

       3.  The term "variable net capital employed" for any 
           year, as used in this Plan, shall mean the average of 
           the amounts of Stockholders' Equity as of 
           December 31st of such year and December 31st of the 
           preceding year, as shown in the Consolidated Balance 
           Sheets of this Company and its subsidiaries set forth 
           in the Annual Reports to the Stockholders, after 
           adjusting said amounts, however, by adding to 
           Stockholders' Equity as stated in the later of such 
           Balance Sheets any amount which has been deducted in 
           computing net income with respect to any provision 
           for the Variable Compensation Fund, as described in 
           paragraph 2(a) of this Article.

       4.  Grants for each year need not have an aggregate value 
           equal to the entire amount available in the Variable 
           Compensation Fund.  Any ungranted portion of the Fund 
           shall be carried forward and be available for grants 
           in a succeeding year or years, and while grants in 
           the aggregate for any year may exceed the amount 
           credited for that year to the Variable Compensation 
           Fund, they shall not exceed the total amount in the 


       1.  Except as otherwise specifically provided, the Plan 
           shall be administered by the Compensation and 
           Benefits Committee of the Company's Board of 
           Directors.  The Compensation and Benefits Committee 
           shall be elected pursuant to the Bylaws of the 
           Company, and the members thereof shall be ineligible 
           for grants for services performed while serving on 
           said Committee.

       2.  The decision of the Compensation and Benefits 
           Committee with respect to any questions arising as to 
           interpretation of this Plan, including the sever- 
           ability of any and all of the provisions thereof, 
           shall be final, conclusive and binding.



       1.  Grants under the Plan may be made to those employees 
           who have contributed the most in a general way to the 
           Company's success by their ability, efficiency, and 
           loyalty, consideration being given to ability to 
           succeed in more important managerial responsibility 
           in the Company.  Grants may also be made to:

           (a)  a person performing services on a consultant 

           (b)  an employee who retired or plans to retire 
                pursuant to the provisions of the pension and 
                retirement plan or policy of a plan company,

           (c)  a former employee, and

           (d)  the surviving spouse or estate of a deceased 

           No grant may be made to a director except for 
           services performed as an employee of a plan company.

       2.  Except as set forth in subparagraphs (a) to (d) of 
           the preceding paragraph, to be eligible for a grant 
           an employee shall be employed by a plan company as of 
           the date final action is taken on a grant under this 
           Plan and shall be expected to continue in the employ 
           of such a company.  Except in special cases, any 
           employee receiving a grant shall have been in the 
           continuous employ of a plan company at least two 
           years on January 1st of the year in which the grant 
           is being made.

       3.  For purposes of this Plan, the term "employee" shall 
           include an employee of a corporation or other 
           business entity in which the Company shall directly 
           or indirectly own fifty percent or more of the 
           outstanding voting stock or other ownership interest.  
           The term "plan company" as used in this Plan shall 
           mean a business entity whose employees are eligible 
           for grants under this Plan.


       1.  The Compensation and Benefits Committee shall 
           determine each year the total amount of the Variable 
           Compensation Fund to be distributed.  Grants for any 
           calendar year shall be made as soon as practicable 
           after the close of such calendar year.


       2.  Employees in countries other than the United States 
           may be granted variable compensation through plans or 
           programs other than this Plan.


       1.  With respect to the portion of grants under this Plan 
           to be delivered in common stock, the Compensation and 
           Benefits Committee of the Company's Board of 
           Directors shall determine whether, and to what 
           extent, such portion of the grants shall be in new 
           common stock to be issued directly to beneficiaries, 
           or in common stock acquired by the Company.

       2.  The value per share at which common stock is to be 
           granted to beneficiaries under this Plan shall be 
           fixed and determined by the Board of Directors.  
           Common stock to be delivered in payment of grants 
           under this Plan shall be issued or registered in the 
           names of beneficiaries at the time of delivery 
           provided under Article IX hereof.


       1.  Recommendations for grants to members of the Board of 
           Directors shall be made by the Compensation and 
           Benefits Committee.  Recommendations for grants to 
           employees who are not members of the Board of 
           Directors shall be made to the Compensation and 
           Benefits Committee by the Office of the Chairman.

       2.  Any grant to a director shall be made in the sole 
           discretion of the Board of Directors, a majority of 
           whose members taking final action on any such grant 
           shall be ineligible for grants under Article V.  Any 
           grant to an employee who is not a member of the Board 
           of Directors shall be made in the sole discretion of 
           the Compensation and Benefits Committee which shall 
           take final action on any such grant.  No person shall 
           have a right  to a grant under this Plan until final 
           action has been taken to make such grant.  At the 
           discretion of the Compensation and Benefits 
           Committee, grants to employees of a plan company may 
           be made subject to approval by the board of directors 
           or other management group of such company.


       3.  Action to establish a minimum liability for variable 
           compensation grants under this Plan, if deemed 
           appropriate, shall be taken by the Compensation and 
           Benefits Committee prior to year-end of the calendar 
           year for which grants are to be made.


       When any stock or cash is granted under this Plan, 
certificates of stock, or cash, as the case may be, representing 
such grant, shall be delivered to the beneficiary promptly, or 
at such future times and under such terms and conditions as the 
Compensation and Benefits Committee may determine.  If it is 
determined that the grant be delivered promptly to the bene-
ficiary, that beneficiary may be given the option to defer 
delivery of the grant to the extent provided in terms and 
conditions established by the Compensation and Benefits 


       While it is the present intention of the Company to make 
grants annually, the Board of Directors reserves the right to 
modify this Plan from time to time or to repeal the Plan 
entirely, or to direct the discontinuance of making grants 
either temporarily or permanently; provided, however, that no 
modification of this Plan shall operate to annul, without the 
consent of the beneficiary, a grant already made hereunder; 
provided, also, that no modification without approval of the 
stockholders shall increase the maximum amount which may be 
credited to the Variable Compensation Fund as hereinabove 


       All expenses and costs in connection with the operation 
of this Plan shall be borne by the Company and no part thereof 
shall be charged against the Variable Compensation Fund. 
