WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported) July 26, 1995

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-815              51-0014090
    (State or Other Jurisdiction     (Commission       (I.R.S Employer
         of Incorporation)           File Number)     Identification No.)

                              1007 Market Street
                          Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (302) 774-1000



Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

          In connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities that may be offered 
on a delayed or continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3 
(No. 33-48128 and No. 33-53327), we hereby file the following press release.

     Number                        Description of Exhibit
     -------          -------------------------------------------------

       99             Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, 
                        dated July 26, 1995



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                           /s/ D. B. Smith
                                             D. B. Smith
                                         Assistant Controller

July 26, 1995


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                                 Description
- -------          -------------------------------------------------------

  99             Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, dated
                   July 26, 1995.


                                                    EXHIBIT 99

                                    Contact:  Mike Ricciuto
                                              (302) 774-2883

          WILMINGTON, Del., July 26 -- DuPont reported record 
earnings per share for the second quarter of 1995 of $1.70, up 
47 percent from the $1.16 earned in the second quarter 1994.  
Excluding nonrecurring items, earnings for the quarter were 
$1.75 per share.  Net income totaled $938 million, compared to 
$792 million earned in 1994.
          During the second quarter, average shares outstanding 
were substantially reduced, principally due to the redemption of 
DuPont common stock from Seagram.  Excluding the effect of 
accretion, which totaled $.23 per share, both earnings per share 
and net income increased 27 percent.  "These outstanding results 
continue to reflect strong revenue gains and ongoing productiv- 
ity improvements," said DuPont Chairman Edgar S. Woolard Jr. 
          "During the first half, our chemicals and specialties 
businesses grew revenue 13 percent and improved productivity 
8 percent, generating after-tax operating margins of 14 percent 
- -- 30 percent higher than last year -- with Europe and Asia 
recording the largest gains," said Woolard.  "Clearly we are 
pleased with these very strong results.  Although we are seeing 
some signs of slower economic growth, particularly in North 


America, we expect sales and earnings improvement to continue 
versus last year.  Our agricultural products business should 
have a stronger than normal third quarter as weather conditions 
in the U.S. midwest delayed sales into the third quarter, and 
the Petroleum segment is anticipating improved second-half 
results compared to last year."
          Sales for the second quarter were $11.1 billion, up 
9 percent from prior year.  Petroleum segment sales were up 
10 percent on higher refined product sales outside the United 
States.  Combined segments other than Petroleum were up 
8 percent, with 2 percent higher volume and 6 percent higher 
selling prices.  Two-thirds of the increase in selling prices is 
attributable to the weaker U.S. dollar.
          Nonrecurring charges were recorded in both second 
quarter periods -- $29 million after-tax or $.05 per share in 
1995, and $47 million after-tax or $.07 per share in 1994.  The 
1995 charge reflects the current estimate of costs related to 
the recall of "Benlate" DF 50 fungicide, partly offset by a 
reduction in estimates for certain restructuring costs taken in 
prior periods.
          For the first six months of 1995, earnings per share 
totaled $3.07 and exceeded 1994 previous record first-half 
earnings per share by 46 percent.  Net income for the first six 


months of 1995 was $1.9 billion compared to $1.4 billion in the 
same period last year.  Sales totaled $21.6 billion, up 
12 percent.
          The following compares second quarter 1995 results 
with second quarter 1994, for each industry segment excluding 
the impact of nonrecurring items described in the accompanying 
segment footnotes:
          Chemicals segment earnings were $172 million, up 
$71 million, or 70 percent, reflecting better results for white 
pigments and specialty chemicals.  Segment sales increased 
13 percent reflecting 3 percent higher sales volume and 
10 percent higher selling prices.
          Fibers segment earnings of $208 million were up 
$31 million, or 18 percent, with the most significant earnings 
improvement in aramids.  Segment sales were 6 percent higher on 
6 percent higher selling prices.
          Polymers segment earnings were $230 million, up 
$47 million, or 26 percent, from last year reflecting improved 
results in engineering polymers and elastomers.  Segment sales 
improved 14 percent, reflecting 5 percent higher volume, and 
9 percent higher selling prices.


          Petroleum segment earnings were $198 million, about 
the same as last year.  Upstream's results were $131 million, 
down 14 percent, largely attributed to higher exploration 
expenses.  Higher crude oil prices during the period were offset 
by lower international volumes and U.S. natural gas prices.  
Downstream earnings were $67 million, up 40 percent, principally 
on lower costs in the United States.
          Diversified Businesses segment earnings totaled 
$320 million, up $65 million or 25 percent principally 
reflecting earnings improvement from agricultural products.  
Segment sales were up 2 percent due to 2 percent higher sales 




                                                          Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                 June 30                   June 30
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                   1995        1994        1995       1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES .............................................      $11,076     $10,161     $21,578    $19,351
Other Income ......................................          253         278         614        483
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total .........................................       11,329      10,439      22,192     19,834
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses .............        8,030       7,492      15,633     14,167
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ......          812         709       1,552      1,373
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization ..........          642         670       1,290      1,373
Exploration Expenses, Including Dry Hole Costs
  and Impairment of Unproved Properties ...........           88          53         142        112
Interest and Debt Expense .........................          236         148         356        290
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total .........................................        9,808       9,072      18,973     17,315
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES ......................        1,521       1,367       3,219      2,519
Provision for Income Taxes ........................          583         575       1,322      1,085
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
NET INCOME ........................................      $   938     $   792     $ 1,897    $ 1,434
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======

EARNINGS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK<Fa> ............      $  1.70     $  1.16     $  3.07       2.10
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK ...............      $   .52     $   .44     $   .99    $   .88
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======
<Fa>Earnings per share are calculated on the basis of the following average 
    number of common shares outstanding:

                        Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                              June 30                June 30
                        ------------------      ----------------

              1995         550,445,989             615,537,673
              1994         679,925,200             679,204,899

    Earnings per share for the six months ended June 30, 1995 of $3.07, do 
    not equal the sum of the first quarter's earnings per share ($1.40) and 
    the second quarter's earnings per share ($1.70) due to a significant 
    change in average common shares outstanding for the second quarter.  
    During the second quarter, the Company redeemed 156 million shares of 
    its common stock from Seagram and subsequently sold, through public and 
    private offerings, 27,339,375 shares of newly-issued common stock.  
    Also in the second quarter, 24 million shares of newly-issued common 
    stock were sold to the DuPont Flexitrust.  These shares are not 
    considered outstanding for purposes of computing the foregoing average 
    shares outstanding.



                                                          Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                     June 30                   June 30
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                   1995        1994        1995       1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
Chemicals ...........................................    $ 1,088     $   959     $ 2,123    $ 1,807
Fibers ..............................................      1,832       1,722       3,686      3,367
Polymers ............................................      1,844       1,619       3,621      3,102
Petroleum ...........................................      4,556       4,139       8,809      8,001
Diversified Businesses ..............................      1,756       1,722       3,339      3,074
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total ...........................................    $11,076     $10,161     $21,578    $19,351
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======

- --------------------------
Chemicals ...........................................    $   179<Fa> $   101     $   346<Fa>$   184
Fibers ..............................................        235<Fa>     177         440<Fa>    321
Polymers ............................................        230         183         465        330
Petroleum ...........................................        198         201         384        416
Diversified Businesses ..............................        257<Fb>     208<Fb>     494<Fb>    356<Fb>
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total ...........................................      1,099         870       2,129      1,607

Interest and Other Corporate
  Expenses Net of Tax ...............................       (161)        (78)       (232)      (173)
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------

NET INCOME ..........................................    $   938     $   792     $ 1,897    $ 1,434
- ----------                                               =======     =======     =======    =======

<Fa>The Chemicals and Fibers segments reflect a benefit of $7 and $27, 
    respectively, principally an adjustment of estimates associated with 
    the third quarter 1993 restructuring charge.
<Fb>Includes charges of $63 and $47 for quarters ended June 30, 1995 and 
    1994, respectively, associated with "Benlate" DF 50 fungicide recall.
