WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported) January 24, 1996

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-815              51-0014090
    (State or Other Jurisdiction     (Commission       (I.R.S Employer
         of Incorporation)           File Number)     Identification No.)

                              1007 Market Street
                          Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (302) 774-1000



Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

          In connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities that may be offered 
on a delayed or continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3 
(No. 33-48128, No. 33-53327 and No. 33-61339), we hereby file the following 
press release.

     Number                        Description of Exhibit
     -------          -------------------------------------------------

       99             Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, 
                        dated January 24, 1996



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                           /s/ D. B. Smith
                                             D. B. Smith
                                         Assistant Controller

January 24, 1996


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                                 Description
- -------          -------------------------------------------------------

  99             Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, dated
                   January 24, 1996.


                                                     EXHIBIT 99

                                    Contact:  Susan Gaffney
                                              (302) 774-2698

          WILMINGTON, Del., January 24 -- DuPont reported record 
fourth quarter and full-year 1995 earnings per share citing 
improved profit margins on revenue growth of 4 percent for the 
quarter and 9 percent for the year in its chemicals and 
specialties businesses. 
          Fourth quarter 1995 earnings of $1.13 per share 
surpassed previous record fourth quarter earnings of $.95 posted 
in 1994.  Excluding previously announced nonrecurring charges 
totaling $.15 per share, earnings for the quarter were $1.28 per 
share, up 35 percent versus prior year.
          Full year earnings were $5.61 per share compared to 
$4.00 per share in 1994.  Excluding nonrecurring items from both 
years, 1995 earnings were $5.81 per share, up 43 percent from 
$4.07 per share in 1994.  The average number of shares outstand- 
ing in 1995 declined 14 percent due to the redemption of stock 
from Seagram in 1995.
          "This was our second consecutive year of record 
earnings and significant year-over-year improvement," said 
John A. Krol, DuPont president and chief executive officer.
"These outstanding results are a tribute to the talent and 
dedication of DuPont's people worldwide.  We are pleased with 


the progress we have made to increase profitability and expand 
our businesses globally."
          "Record results were achieved across a broad span of 
businesses including white pigments, agricultural products, 
packaging and industrial products, specialty chemicals, 
engineering polymers, aramid fiber products and upstream 
petroleum," Krol said.  "In addition, we were able to generate 
net cash flow after dividends of $2.3 billion, $700 million more 
than last year.  As a result, our program to pay back debt 
incurred for redemption of shares from Seagram remains on 
          Total company sales for the year were $42.2 billion, 
up 7 percent from last year.  Chemicals and specialties segments 
sales were $24.5 billion, up 9 percent.  This reflects 4 percent 
higher sales volume and 5 percent higher average selling prices, 
with about half of the selling price increase attributable to a 
weaker U.S. dollar.  Outside the United States, volume improved 
7 percent, principally reflecting growth in the Asia Pacific and 
European regions.  U.S. sales volume was up one percent.  
Petroleum segment sales were $17.7 billion, 5 percent higher 
than last year.
          Net income for the year was $3.3 billion, up 
21 percent from $2.7 billion earned in 1994.  Excluding interest 
expense associated with debt incurred to finance the redemption 
of stock from Seagram, earnings for the year increased 
28 percent.


          As previously announced, after-tax nonrecurring 
charges in the quarter of $83 million or $.15 per share included 
$38 million for a recent settlement of a nationwide class-action 
plumbing systems lawsuit, and $45 million for write-downs of 
certain petroleum assets.
          The following information compares for each industry 
segment the full year 1995 results with prior year, excluding 
the impact of nonrecurring items described in the accompanying 
          Chemicals segment earnings were $649 million, up 
66 percent from the $391 million earned last year, principally 
reflecting improvement in white pigments and specialty 
chemicals.  Segment sales of $4.2 billion were 11 percent 
higher, reflecting 9 percent higher prices and 2 percent higher 
          Fibers segment earnings of $795 million were 
18 percent above the $676 million earned in 1994.  This is 
principally attributable to improved results for aramid fibers 
and Dacron(R) polyester.  Sales of $7.2 billion were up 
7 percent, reflecting 5 percent higher selling prices, and 
2 percent higher volume.
          Earnings for the Polymers segment were $876 million, 
up 24 percent from $706 million in 1994, reflecting improvement 
in most businesses.  Engineering polymers, elastomers and 


packaging and industrial polymers had the greatest year-over- 
year gains.  Segment sales of $7.0 billion were 11 percent above 
1994, reflecting 6 percent higher selling prices and 5 percent 
higher volume. 
          Diversified Businesses segment earnings were 
$924 million, up 37 percent from $676 million in 1994, princi- 
pally reflecting higher earnings in agricultural products and 
pharmaceuticals.  Pharmaceuticals benefitted from a more 
favorable allocation of DuPont Merck joint venture operating 
income recognizing the performance of assets originally 
contributed by DuPont to the venture.  Segment sales were 
$6.1 billion, up 7 percent, reflecting 2 percent higher selling 
prices and 5 percent higher volume.
          Petroleum segment earnings were $700 million, essen- 
tially unchanged from the $706 million earned in 1994.  Upstream 
earnings were a record $509 million, up 8 percent.  Upstream 
operations outside the United States provided a 14 percent 
increase on higher crude oil prices and lower costs, while 
domestic upstream improved 2 percent despite 19 percent lower 
natural gas prices.  Downstream earnings were $191 million, down 
19 percent, attributable to lower worldwide refined product 
margins.  Domestic downstream was up 10 percent over last year, 
offsetting the lower margins with aggressive reductions in cost.


          "1995 was a year of rapid global economic change with 
the significant volume gains posted early in the year declining 
to small gains by the end of the year, principally reflecting 
declining growth in Europe and Asia," said Krol.  "U.S. sales 
volume growth turned slightly positive in the fourth quarter.  
We remain optimistic about our ability to perform well in 1996 
and will continue our focus on targeted profitable growth, cost 
control and capital productivity."




                                                          Three Months Ended         Year Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT<Fa>                            December 31             December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                   1995        1994        1995       1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES .............................................      $10,385     $10,137     $42,163    $39,333
Other Income ......................................          294         258       1,099        913
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total .........................................       10,679      10,395      43,262     40,246
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses .............        7,930       7,656      31,162     29,238
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ......          750         795       2,995      2,876
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization ..........          785         806       2,722      2,976
Exploration Expenses, Including Dry Hole Costs
  and Impairment of Unproved Properties ...........          110         153         331        357
Interest and Debt Expense .........................          197         124         758        559
Restructuring<Fb>..................................          -           (88)        (96)      (142)
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total .........................................        9,772       9,446      37,872     35,864
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES ......................          907         949       5,390      4,382
Provision for Income Taxes ........................          280         303<Fc>   2,097      1,655<Fc><Fd>
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
NET INCOME ........................................      $   627     $   646     $ 3,293    $ 2,727
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======

EARNINGS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK<Fe> ............      $  1.13     $   .95     $  5.61    $  4.00
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK ...............      $   .52     $   .47     $  2.03    $  1.82
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======
<Fa>Certain reclassifications of 1994 data have been made to conform to 
    1995 classifications.
<Fb>Reflects adjustments to 1993 estimated charges for asset write-downs, 
    employee separation costs, facility shutdowns, and other restructuring 
<Fc>Includes a benefit of $30 from adjustment of prior-year tax 
<Fd>Includes a benefit of $127 principally related to a favorable change in 
    tax status resulting from a transfer of properties among certain 
    North Sea affiliates.
<Fe>Earnings per share are calculated on the basis of the following average 
    number of common shares outstanding:

                         Three Months Ended      Year Ended
                             December 31         December 31 

                1995         555,367,995         585,107,476
                1994         680,929,485         679,999,916



                                                          Three Months Ended        Year Ended
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                    December 31            December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                     1995        1994        1995       1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
Chemicals ...........................................    $ 1,006     $   970     $ 4,181    $ 3,760
Fibers ..............................................      1,801       1,723       7,215      6,767
Polymers ............................................      1,716       1,639       7,037      6,318
Petroleum ...........................................      4,468       4,470      17,660     16,815
Diversified Businesses ..............................      1,394       1,335       6,070      5,673
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total ...........................................    $10,385     $10,137     $42,163    $39,333
                                                         =======     =======     =======    =======
- --------------------------
Chemicals ...........................................    $   151     $   125     $   659<Fd>$   386
Fibers ..............................................        188         216         826<Fd>    701
Polymers ............................................        175(e)      194         841<Fe>    717
Petroleum ...........................................         89(f)      118         655<Ff>    680
Diversified Businesses ..............................        175          98         849<Fg>    623<Fg>
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
    Total ...........................................        778         751       3,830      3,107

Interest and Other Corporate
  Expenses Net of Tax ...............................       (151)       (105)       (537)      (380)
                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
NET INCOME ..........................................    $   627     $   646     $ 3,293    $ 2,727
- ----------                                               =======     =======     =======    =======
<Fa>1995 includes, from the third quarter, a charge of $24 for printing and 
    publishing operations, principally for employee separation costs in 
    Europe, a litigation provision of $13 related to a previously sold 
    business, and adjustments in estimates associated with the third 
    quarter 1993 restructuring charge, which result in the following net 
              Chemicals                    $  3
              Fibers                          4
              Polymers                        3 
              Diversified Businesses        (12)
                                           $ (2)


<Fb>1994 includes the following fourth-quarter (charges)/benefits:
              Chemicals                    $ 22 (1)
              Fibers                         25 (1)
              Polymers                       (5)(1)
              Diversified Businesses        (40)(1)(2)
                                           $  2
    (1) Reflects adjustments in estimates associated with the third quarter 
        1993 restructuring charge.
    (2) Includes charges of $63 for the "Benlate" DF 50 fungicide recall 
        and $27 for the write-down of assets and discontinuation of certain 
        products, and a benefit of $30 from adjustment of prior-year tax 
<Fc>1994 includes the following third-quarter (charges)/benefits:
              Chemicals                    $(27)(1)
              Polymers                       16 (2)
              Petroleum                     (26)(2)
              Diversified Businesses         34 (2)
                                           $ (3)
    (1) Associated with discontinuation of certain products and asset sales 
        and write-downs.
    (2) Reflects adjustments in estimates associated with the third quarter 
        1993 restructuring charge.  In addition, the Petroleum segment also 
        includes additional charges for employee separation costs, a loss 
        of $95 from write-down of certain North Sea oil properties held for 
        sale and a benefit of $127 principally related to a favorable 
        change in tax status resulting from a transfer of properties among 
        certain North Sea affiliates.
<Fd>The Chemicals and Fibers segments reflect an additional benefit of $7 
    and $27, respectively, principally an adjustment of estimates 
    associated with the third quarter 1993 restructuring charge.
<Fe>Includes a charge of $38 for costs to settle certain plumbing systems 
<Ff>Includes a charge of $45 for write-down of certain North American and 
    European assets.
<Fg>Also includes charges of $63 and $47 associated with "Benlate" DF 50 
    fungicide recall from the quarters ended June 30, 1995 and 1994, 



                                                                  After-Tax Operating Income
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                 Three Months Ended         Year Ended
EXCLUDING IMPACT OF NONRECURRING ITEMS                       December 31             December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                     1995        1994        1995       1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals ...........................................    $  151      $  103      $  649     $  391
Fibers ..............................................       188         191         795        676
Polymers ............................................       213         199         876        706
Petroleum ...........................................       134         118         700        706
Diversified Businesses ..............................       175         138         924        676
                                                         ------      ------      ------     ------
    Total ...........................................    $  861      $  749      $3,944     $3,155

Less:  Interest and Other Corporate Expenses
  Net of Tax ........................................      (151)       (105)       (537)      (380)
                                                         ------      ------      ------     ------
    Total ...........................................    $  710      $  644      $3,407     $2,775
                                                         ======      ======      ======     ======
