WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                                  FORM 10-Q

                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1996


                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        Commission File Number 1-815

                    E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
           (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                  Delaware                            51-0014090
       (State or Other Jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer
        Incorporation or Organization)            Identification No.)

               1007 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                  (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                               (302) 774-1000
                       (Registrant's Telephone Number)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                           Yes   X         No     

561,057,690 shares (excludes 17,985,035 shares held by DuPont's 
  Flexitrust) of common stock, $0.60 par value, were outstanding at 
  July 30, 1996.


                                                                   Form 10-Q

                   E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                             Table of Contents

Part I

  Item 1.  Financial Statements

    Consolidated Income Statement ...............................       3

    Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows ........................       4

    Consolidated Balance Sheet ..................................       5

    Notes to Financial Statements ...............................       6

  Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of 
           Financial Condition and Results of Operations

    Financial Results ...........................................       7

    Industry Segment Performance ................................      7-9

    Consolidated Industry Segment Information ...................      10

    Financial Condition .........................................      11

Part II

  Item 1.  Legal Proceedings ....................................     12-13

  Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K .....................     13-14

Signature .......................................................      15

Exhibit Index ...................................................      16

Exhibit 10.3 - DuPont Stock Accumulation and Deferred
  Compensation Plan for Directors ...............................     17-23

Exhibit 10.12 - Warrant Repurchase Agreement ....................     24-27

Exhibit 11 - Computation of Earnings Per Share ..................      28

Exhibit 12 - Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges ..      29


                                                                                                  Form 10-Q

                                       PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION



                                                               Three Months Ended        Six Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT<Fa><Fb>                                June 30                 June 30
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                         1996       1995           1996       1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES ...................................................      $11,148    $11,076        $21,917    $21,578
Other Income ............................................          405        247            775        585
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
    Total ...............................................       11,553     11,323         22,692     22,163
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses ...................        8,296      8,031         16,289     15,634
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ............          718        805          1,458      1,522
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization ................          605        642          1,258      1,290
Exploration Expenses, Including Dry Hole Costs
  and Impairment of Unproved Properties .................           68         88            147        142
Interest and Debt Expense ...............................          172        236            376        356
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
    Total ...............................................        9,859      9,802         19,528     18,944
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES ............................        1,694      1,521          3,164      3,219
Provision for Income Taxes ..............................          693        583          1,284      1,322
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
NET INCOME ..............................................      $ 1,001    $   938        $ 1,880    $ 1,897
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======

EARNINGS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK<Fc>...................      $  1.78    $  1.70        $  3.35    $  3.07
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK .....................      $   .57    $   .52        $  1.09    $   .99
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======

See page 6 for Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                                  Form 10-Q

                                                                           Six Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS<Fa><Fb>                                   June 30
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                                       1996       1995 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Income ........................................................    $ 1,880     $ 1,897
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Cash
    Provided by Operations:
      Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization ......................      1,258       1,290
      Dry Hole Costs and Impairment of Unproved Properties ..........         46          50
      Other Noncash Charges and Credits - Net .......................       (436)        (47)
      Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities - Net ..............       (392)       (862)
                                                                         -------     -------

        Cash Provided by Operations .................................      2,356       2,328
                                                                         -------     -------

  Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment ........................     (1,442)     (1,482)
  Investment in Affiliates ..........................................       (159)        (87)
  Proceeds from Sales of Assets .....................................      1,224         185
  Investments in Short-Term Financial Instruments - Net .............       (191)        249
  Miscellaneous - Net ...............................................        (32)        (26)
                                                                         -------     -------

        Cash Used for Investment Activities .........................       (600)     (1,161)
                                                                         -------     -------

  Dividends Paid to Stockholders ....................................       (615)       (613)
  Net Increase (Decrease) in Borrowings .............................     (1,074)      6,022
  Purchase of Treasury Stock ........................................        -        (8,347)
  Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock Through 
    Public and Private Offerings ....................................        -         1,747
  Common Stock Issued in Connection with Compensation Plans .........        205          35
  Additions to Minority Interests ...................................        297         -
                                                                         -------     -------

        Cash Used for Financing Activities ..........................     (1,187)     (1,156)
                                                                         -------     -------

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash .............................        (50)         70
                                                                         -------     -------

INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ...............................    $   519     $    81
                                                                         =======     =======


See page 6 for Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                                                          Form 10-Q
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET<Fa><Fb>                                                         June 30      December 31
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                                                      1996          1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Cash and Cash Equivalents ..........................................................     $ 1,927        $ 1,408
  Marketable Securities ..............................................................         238             47
  Accounts and Notes Receivable ......................................................       5,670          4,912
  Inventories<Fd> ....................................................................       3,621          3,737
  Prepaid Expenses ...................................................................         338            276
  Deferred Income Taxes ..............................................................         538            575
                                                                                           -------        -------
    Total Current Assets .............................................................      12,332         10,955
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, less accumulated depreciation, depletion and
  amortization (June 30, 1996 - $28,353; December 31, 1995 - $29,044) ................      20,635         21,341
INVESTMENT IN AFFILIATES .............................................................       2,356          1,846
OTHER ASSETS .........................................................................       3,163          3,170
                                                                                           -------        -------
    TOTAL ............................................................................     $38,486        $37,312
                                                                                           =======        =======
  Accounts Payable ...................................................................     $ 2,485        $ 2,636
  Short-Term Borrowings and Capital Lease Obligations ................................       5,249          6,157
  Income Taxes .......................................................................         792            470
  Other Accrued Liabilities ...........................................................      3,731          3,468
                                                                                           -------        -------
    Total Current Liabilities ........................................................      12,257         12,731
LONG-TERM BORROWINGS AND CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS ...................................       5,515          5,678
OTHER LIABILITIES ....................................................................       8,400          8,454
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES ................................................................       1,858          1,783
                                                                                           -------        -------
    Total Liabilities ................................................................      28,030         28,646
                                                                                           -------        -------
MINORITY INTERESTS IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES ......................................         601            230
                                                                                           -------        -------
  Preferred Stock ....................................................................         237            237
  Common Stock, $.60 par value; 900,000,000 shares authorized; shares issued 
    at June 30, 1996 - 735,042,725; December 31, 1995 - 735,042,724 ..................         441            441
  Additional Paid-In Capital .........................................................       8,730          8,689
  Reinvested Earnings ................................................................      10,768          9,503
  Cumulative Translation Adjustment<Fe> ..............................................         (98)           -
  Common Stock Held in Trust for Unearned Employee Compensation and Benefits, at
    Market (Shares:  June 30, 1996 - 18,123,543; December 31, 1995 - 23,546,176) .....      (1,434)        (1,645)
  Common Stock Held in Treasury, at Cost (Shares:  June 30, 1996 and
    December 31, 1995 - 156,000,000) .................................................      (8,789)        (8,789)
                                                                                           -------        -------
    Total Stockholders' Equity .......................................................       9,855          8,436
                                                                                           -------        -------
    TOTAL ............................................................................     $38,486        $37,312
                                                                                           =======        =======
See page 6 for Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                   Form 10-Q

                 (Dollars in millions, except per share)

<Fa>These statements are unaudited, but reflect all adjustments that, in the 
    opinion of management, are necessary to provide a fair presentation of 
    the financial position, results of operations and cash flows for the 
    dates and periods covered.  All such adjustments are of a normal 
    recurring nature.  Certain reclassifications of 1995 data have been 
    made to conform to 1996 classifications.

<Fb>Subsequent Event - On July 24, 1996, DuPont repurchased from Seagram 
    for $500 warrants to purchase 156 million shares of DuPont common stock.  
    These are all of the warrants that were issued to Seagram in April 1995 
    in connection with DuPont's redemption of 156 million shares of its 
    common stock from Seagram.  The repurchase was funded with private 
    placement commercial paper borrowings of the company.  Coincident with 
    the repurchase, the company retired 156 million shares of common stock 
    held in treasury. 

<Fc>Earnings per share are calculated on the basis of the following average 
    number of common shares outstanding:

                        Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                             June 30                June 30
                        -------------------     ----------------
              1996          560,546,407            559,128,795
              1995          550,445,989            615,537,673

    The 18,123,543 shares held by the Flexitrust at June 30, 1996 are not 
    considered outstanding in computing the foregoing average shares 
    outstanding.  Earnings per share calculations that reflect the impact of 
    common stock equivalents in the periods presented do not result in 
    materially dilutive primary or fully diluted earnings per share.

<Fd>Inventories                                    June 30      December 31
    -----------                                      1996          1995
                                                   -------      -----------
    Chemicals ...............................       $  251        $  248
    Fibers ..................................          583           569
    Polymers ................................          503           573
    Petroleum ...............................        1,352         1,293
    Diversified Businesses ..................          932         1,054
                                                    ------        ------
      Total .................................       $3,621        $3,737
                                                    ======        ======

<Fe>Effective January 1, 1996, local currency was designated as functional 
    currency for the company's integrated European petroleum operations, 
    while the U.S. dollar continued as the functional currency for the 
    company's other worldwide operations.  The amount of the cumulative 
    translation adjustment on January 1, 1996, was a reduction in stock- 
    holders' equity of $68.


                                                                   Form 10-Q


         (a) Results of Operations

             (1) Financial Results:

                 The company reported earnings of $1.78 per share for the 
         second quarter of 1996, exceeding the previous record of $1.70 per 
         share earned in the second quarter of 1995.  Excluding nonrecurring 
         items from both periods, second quarter results were $1.84 per 
         share, up 5 percent from 1995.  Net income totaled $1 billion 
         compared to $938 million earned in 1995, and marks the first time 
         quarterly net income exceeded $1 billion.

                 Chemicals and Specialties sales volumes from continuing 
         operations increased 4 percent compared to last year.  Lower 
         selling prices, principally due to the stronger U.S. dollar 
         largely offset these volume gains, resulting in Chemicals and 
         Specialties earnings before nonrecurring items equal to last 
         year.  Results from the Petroleum segment continued strong, with 
         earnings before nonrecurring items up 15 percent, benefiting 
         from higher oil and gas prices.

                 Nonrecurring items were recorded in both second quarter 
         periods -- a net after-tax charge of $34 million, or $.06 per share 
         in 1996, and a charge of $29 million, or $.05 per share, in 1995.  
         Current period charges include an additional accrual for crop 
         damage claims and legal expenses related to the recall of "Benlate" 
         50 DF fungicide, the writedown of certain petroleum assets and 
         employee separation costs, partly offset by gains on asset sales 
         and insurance recoveries. 

                 For the first six months of 1996, earnings per share were 
         $3.35 compared to $3.07 in 1995 with net income of $1.9 billion, 
         equal to last year.  Sales totaled $21.9 billion, up 2 percent.  
         Excluding nonrecurring items and adjusting for interest expense 
         associated with debt incurred to finance the 1995 redemption of 
         stock from Seagram, earnings were 3 percent higher than last year.  
         Average shares outstanding in the first half were 9 percent lower 
         than last year as a result of last year's stock redemption.

             (2) Industry Segment Performance:

                 The following text compares second quarter 1996 results 
         with the prior year for each industry segment, excluding non- 
         recurring items and reflecting certain reclassifications as 
         described in the footnotes to the "Consolidated Industry Segment 
         Information" table.


                                                                 Form 10-Q

                 Sales for the second quarter were $11.1 billion, up 
         1 percent from last year.  Petroleum segment sales were up 
         9 percent, reflecting higher worldwide oil and natural gas 
         prices and volumes.  Combined sales for Chemicals and 
         Specialties segments were down 5 percent before adjusting for 
         changes in business composition.  After adjusting to reflect the 
         absence of elastomers sales, now part of the DuPont Dow 
         Elastomers joint venture, and the divestiture of medical 
         products businesses, Chemicals and Specialties sales were up 
         1 percent, reflecting 4 percent higher volume offset by 
         3 percent lower selling prices.  Volumes were up in all regions, 
         with the United States up 3 percent, Europe up 2 percent, and 
         Asia, Latin America and Mexico, on average, up more than 
         8 percent.

              o  Chemicals segment earnings were $165 million, down 
                 $5 million, or 3 percent, as better earnings for fluoro- 
                 chemicals and specialty chemicals were offset by lower 
                 results for white pigments.  Segment sales decreased 
                 1 percent reflecting 6 percent lower selling prices, 
                 partly offset by 5 percent higher sales volume.

              o  Fibers segment earnings of $208 million were up $5 million, 
                 or 2 percent.  Higher earnings for "Lycra" brand spandex 
                 were partly offset by lower results for nylon in apparel 
                 markets, and for aramids.  Segment sales were 1 percent 
                 lower, reflecting flat volumes and 1 percent lower prices.

              o  Polymers segment earnings were $244 million, up 
                 $17 million, or 7 percent, reflecting improved earnings 
                 from fluoropolymers, automotive products and packaging and 
                 industrial polymers.  Partly offsetting these improvements 
                 were lower earnings in elastomers due to DuPont's reduced 
                 ownership interest resulting from the formation of the 
                 DuPont Dow Elastomers venture.  Segment sales were up 
                 5 percent, reflecting higher sales in all business units 
                 except automotive products.  Segment sales volume was up 
                 6 percent, partly offset by 1 percent lower prices.

              o  Petroleum segment earnings were $218 million, up 
                 $29 million, or 15 percent.  Upstream earnings were 
                 $175 million, up 41 percent, reflecting higher worldwide 
                 crude oil and U.S. natural gas prices as well as increased 
                 volumes outside the United States.  Downstream earnings 
                 were $43 million, down 34 percent from $65 million earned 
                 in the prior year, principally attributable to lower 
                 product prices outside the United States, partly offset by 
                 improved U.S. marketing margins.


                                                                 Form 10-Q

              o  Diversified Businesses segment earnings totaled 
                 $300 million, down $17 million or 5 percent.  Higher 
                 earnings from a more favorable allocation to DuPont of 
                 DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical venture results were offset by 
                 lower earnings from printing and publishing and agri- 
                 cultural products, and the loss of ongoing earnings from 
                 medical products businesses that were divested.  Segment 
                 sales increased 1 percent, reflecting 5 percent higher 
                 volume, partly offset by 4 percent lower selling prices. 


                                                                                                     Form 10-Q

                                                      Three Months Ended                Six Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                  June 30                          June 30
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                  1996           1995              1996            1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
Chemicals ....................................     $ 1,081         $ 1,088        $ 2,075            $ 2,123
Fibers .......................................       1,822           1,832          3,566              3,686
Polymers .....................................       1,714           1,844          3,498              3,621
Petroleum ....................................       4,963           4,556          9,620              8,809
Diversified Businesses .......................       1,568           1,756          3,158              3,339
                                                   -------         -------        -------            -------
    Total ....................................     $11,148         $11,076        $21,917            $21,578
                                                   =======         =======        =======            =======
- --------------------------
Chemicals ....................................     $   165         $   177<Fb>    $   287<Fc>        $   342<Fb>
Fibers .......................................         208             230<Fb>        355<Fc>            430<Fb>
Polymers .....................................         299<Fd>         227            497<Fd>            459
Petroleum ....................................         177<Fe>         189            391<Fe>            366
Diversified Businesses .......................         252<Ff><Fg>     254<Fg>        568<Ff><Fg><Fh>    489<Fg>
                                                   -------         -------        -------            -------
    Total ....................................     $ 1,101         $ 1,077        $ 2,098            $ 2,086

Interest and Other Corporate
  Expenses Net of Tax ........................        (100)           (139)          (218)              (189)
                                                   -------         -------        -------            -------
NET INCOME ...................................     $ 1,001         $   938        $ 1,880            $ 1,897
- ----------                                         =======         =======        =======            =======
<Fa>Effective in the first quarter of 1996, the amortization of capitalized 
    interest associated with property, plant and equipment is included in 
    After-Tax Operating Income versus the previous practice of including 
    such amortization in Interest and Other Corporate Expenses Net of Tax.  
    Prior period data have been reclassified for comparative purposes.  
    This change has no effect on Net Income.
<Fb>The Chemicals and Fibers segments include a benefit of $7 and $27, 
    respectively, principally an adjustment of estimates associated with 
    the third quarter 1993 restructuring charge.
<Fc>The Chemicals and Fibers segments include a charge of $21 and $32, 
    respectively, principally for employee separation costs in the United 
<Fd>Includes a gain of $55 associated with the formation of the DuPont Dow 
    Elastomers joint venture.
<Fe>Includes charges of $63 for writedown of investment in a European 
    natural gas marketing joint venture, and $22, principally, for employee 
    separation costs in the United States, partly offset by a net benefit 
    of $44 related to environmental insurance recoveries.
<Ff>Includes a gain of $41 from the sale of certain medical products 
    businesses and a charge of $26, principally employee separation costs 
    outside the United States, associated with the printing and publishing 
<Fg>Includes a charge of $63 in quarters ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, 
    associated with "Benlate" 50 DF fungicide recall.
<Fh>Includes a gain of $33 related to sale of stock received in connection 
    with the previously sold connector systems business.


                                                                  Form 10-Q

         (b) Financial Condition at June 30, 1996

         DuPont recorded a net cash inflow from operations of $2.4 billion 
for the first half of 1996, as compared with $2.3 billion for the same 
period in 1995.  Cash from operations for the first half includes a larger 
decrease for Other Noncash Charges and Credits - Net versus 1995, as is 
shown on the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.  This change is princi- 
pally due to higher undistributed earnings from affiliates, primarily the 
DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company, and higher gains on sales of assets.  
The statement of cash flows also shows that net operating assets and 
liabilities increased by a smaller amount than during the same period last 
year, notably smaller increases in inventory for ongoing businesses.

         Year-to-date capital expenditures for plant, property and equipment 
and investments in equity affiliates were $1.6 billion, up 2 percent from 
the same period last year.  The company currently expects capital expendi- 
tures for the year of about $3.8 billion.  Proceeds from sales of assets 
during the first half were $1.2 billion and included the sales of Medical 
Products businesses, sales of assets to DuPont Dow Elastomers (a newly 
formed joint venture with the Dow Chemical Company), the sale of a 
30 percent interest in the Photomask business, as well as the sale of 
various petroleum properties.

         Cash flows from financing activities for the first half included 
$297 million from outside investors in certain upstream petroleum proper- 
ties.  This investment is reflected as minority interest on the company's 
consolidated balance sheet.  Also, $205 million was received through stock 
options exercised by employees, principally under the company's corporate 
sharing programs.

         As indicated in Note (b) to the Consolidated Financial Statements, 
on July 24, 1996, DuPont repurchased warrants from Seagram.  The cash 
required to fund this transaction came from private placement commercial 
paper borrowings.  Following the repurchase, Standard & Poor's (S&P) 
affirmed its ratings of the company's senior debt and preferred stock (AA-) 
and commercial paper (A-1+).  S&P's ratings outlook remains negative. 

         Certain ratios are shown below:
                                           At 6/30/96     At 12/31/95
                                           ----------     -----------
       Debt Ratio (total debt to total
         capitalization)                        51%            58%
       Current Ratio (current assets
         to current liabilities)             1.0:1          0.9:1
       Earnings to Fixed Charges Ratio         7.1            5.9

         Days' sales outstanding averaged 34 days in the second quarter, 
down two days from the prior quarter and down four days from second quarter 
of 1995.

         The company's goal is to reduce the debt ratio to about 45 percent 
by year-end 1996 through a combination of internally generated funds and 
additional proceeds from asset sales of about $500 million. 


                                                                   Form 10-Q

                         PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION


          In 1991, DuPont began receiving claims by growers that use of 
"Benlate" 50 DF fungicide had caused crop damages.  Based on the belief that 
"Benlate" 50 DF would be found to be a contributor to the claimed damage, 
DuPont began paying crop damage claims.  In 1992, however, after 18 months 
of extensive research, DuPont concluded that "Benlate" 50 DF was not 
responsible for plant damage reports received since March 1991, and 
concurrent with those research findings, DuPont stopped paying claims.  To 
date, DuPont has been served with more than 700 lawsuits by growers who 
allege plant damage from using "Benlate" 50 DF fungicide.  About 60 of the 
lawsuits brought against the company since 1991 remain, the rest having been 
disposed of by trial, dismissal or settlement.  Two appeals from adverse 
jury verdicts in crop damage cases are still pending.  The appeal of an 
order by a federal district court in Georgia finding that DuPont had engaged 
in discovery abuse during the first "Benlate" 50 DF case to go to trial has 
been argued before the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh 
Circuit and remains pending.  A shareholder derivative action filed in the 
same court alleging that DuPont's Board of Directors breached various duties 
in its role in the "Benlate" 50 DF litigation has been stayed pending the 
resolution of DuPont's appeal of the Georgia court's order.  A putative 
class action filed by a shareholder in Federal District Court for the 
Southern District of Florida against the company and the Chairman in 
September 1995 is also still pending.  A June 1996 jury verdict of 
$3,980,000 against DuPont in a personal injury action involving "Benlate" 
50 DF brought in Florida state court is also on appeal.  DuPont continues to 
believe that "Benlate" 50 DF fungicide did not cause the alleged damages and 
intends to prove this in ongoing matters.

          Since 1989, DuPont has been named as a defendant in homeowner 
lawsuits in numerous state and federal courts alleging damages as a result 
of leaks in certain polybutylene plumbing systems.  Class actions alleging 
the same damages have also been filed in a number of jurisdictions.  In most 
cases, DuPont is a codefendant with Shell, Hoechst-Celanese, and parts manu- 
facturers.  The polybutylene plumbing systems consist of flexible pipe 
extruded from polybutylene connected by fittings made from acetal.  Shell 
Chemical is the sole producer of polybutylene; the acetals are provided by 
Hoechst-Celanese and DuPont.  DuPont, Shell and Hoechst-Celanese continue to 
coordinate the terms of several class action settlements.  Under those 
settlements DuPont will contribute 10 percent of the cost of repairs to 
plumbing systems up to a total DuPont contribution of $120 million.  Several 
dozen cases involving individual or groups of homeowners who have opted out 
of the class action litigation remain pending.

          The company's balance sheets reflect accruals for estimated costs 
associated with both of these matters.  Adverse changes in estimates of such 
costs could result in additional future charges.


                                                                 Form 10-Q

          On June 28, 1991, DuPont entered into a voluntary agreement with 
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct an audit of the U.S. 
sites under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  Agreement participa- 
tion is not an admission of TSCA noncompliance.  Maximum stipulated 
penalties that DuPont could pay under the agreement are capped at 
$1 million.  The first phase of the audit was completed, but no findings 
were issued at that time.  A second phase of the audit, set to begin after 
EPA's issuance of new reporting criteria (delayed since 1991), was cancelled 
in June 1996 by the EPA.  The EPA has not issued a consent order/agreement 
containing its findings. 

          On January 19, 1995, EPA Region IV issued a "Notice of Violation 
and Opportunity to Show Cause" against the Wurtland, Kentucky, sulphuric 
acid plant for 192 alleged violations of release reporting obligations under 
the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act.  The EPA has 
proposed to reduce its civil penalty to $550,800, and the parties are 
attempting to negotiate certain Supplemental Environmental Projects for 
DuPont to undertake in order to resolve the matter.

          On July 17, 1996, DuPont's Belle, West Virginia, plant entered 
into a Final Order with the West Virginia Department of Environmental 
Protection (WVDEP), resolving certain alleged violations at the Belle Plant 
noted by the WVDEP during a series of audits.  The violations cited centered 
on certain training and recordkeeping practices as well as the handling of a 
solvent characterized by the WVDEP as a hazardous waste.  Under the terms of 
the Order, DuPont will pay a fine of $274,075 and undertake several Supple- 
mental Environmental Projects with an expected cost of $174,500. 


         (a) Exhibits

               The exhibit index filed with this Form 10-Q is on page 16.

         (b) Reports on Form 8-K

               1.  On April 24, 1996, a Current Report on Form 8-K was filed 
                   in connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities that may 
                   be offered on a delayed or continuous basis under 
                   Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-48128, 
                   No. 33-53327 and No. 33-61339).  Under Item 7. "Financial 
                   Statements and Exhibits," the Registrant's Earnings Press 
                   Release, dated April 24, 1996, was filed.

               2.  On July 24, 1996, a Current Report on Form 8-K was filed 
                   in connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities that may 
                   be offered on a delayed or continuous basis under 
                   Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-48128, 
                   No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339 and No. 33-60069).  Under 
                   Item 7. "Financial Statements and Exhibits," the 
                   Registrant's Earnings Press Release, dated July 24, 1996, 
                   was filed.


                                                                   Form 10-Q

               3.  On July 24, 1996, the company filed a Current Report on 
                   Form 8-K in connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities 
                   that may be offered on a delayed or continuous basis 
                   under Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-53327, 
                   No. 33-61339 and No. 33-60069).  Under Item 5. "Other 
                   Events," the Registrant announced the repurchase of 
                   warrants from Seagram.


                                                                   Form 10-Q


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf 
by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                              Date:           August 2, 1996

                              By           /s/ C. L. Henry

                                             C. L. Henry
                              Executive Vice President - DuPont Finance
                                     (As Duly Authorized Officer
                                       and Principal Financial
                                       and Accounting Officer)


                                                            Form 10-Q

                                EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                                 Description
- -------                                -----------

 10.3*       The DuPont Stock Accumulation and Deferred Compensation Plan 
             for Directors, formerly the Deferred Compensation Plan for 
             Directors, as last amended effective January 1, 1996, and 
             approved by shareholders at the company's 1996 Annual Meeting 
             of Shareholders.  (Previously filed as Exhibit 10.12 to the 
             company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the Period Ended 
             March 31, 1996.)  

 10.12       Warrant Repurchase Agreement dated as of July 24, 1996, among 
             the company, The Seagram Company Ltd. and JES Developments, 

  11         Computation of Earnings Per Share.

  12         Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges.

*Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement required
 to be filed as an exhibit to this Form 10-K.


                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                EXHIBIT 10.3

          The DuPont Stock Accumulation and Deferred Compensation Plan for 
Directors, formerly the Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors, as last 
amended, effective January 1, 1996, and approved by the shareholders of 
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company on April 24, 1996.

                    E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY



          The purpose of the DuPont Stock Accumulation and Deferred 
Compensation Plan for Directors (the "Plan") is (1) to further the identity 
of interests of members of the Board of Directors of E. I. du Pont de Nemours 
and Company (the "Company") with those of the Company's stockholders 
generally through the grant of common stock of the Company (the "Stock"); 
(2) to permit Directors to defer the payment of all or a specified part of 
their compensation, including any grant of Stock by the Company, for services 
performed as Directors; and (3) to provide for a grant of stock options to 
Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. in connection with his service as Chairman of the Board 
of Directors. 


          Members of the Board of Directors of the Company who are not 
employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates and who do 
not receive a form of compensation for Board service in lieu of customary 
Directors' fees shall be eligible to receive grants of Stock under the Plan.  
Members of the Board of Directors of the Company who are not employees of the 
Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall be eligible under this 
Plan to defer compensation for services performed as Directors.


          The Plan shall be administered by the Compensation and Benefits 
Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Committee").  The decision of the 
Committee with respect to any questions arising as to the interpretation of 
this Plan, including the severability of any and all of the provisions 
thereof, shall be final, conclusive and binding.  The Board of Directors of 
the Company reserves the right to modify the Plan from time to time, or to 
repeal the Plan entirely, provided, however, that (1) no modification of the 
Plan shall operate to annul an election already in effect for the current 
calendar year or any preceding calendar year; and (2) to the extent required 
under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act"), 
Plan provisions relating to the amount, price and timing of stock grants and 
options shall not be amended more than once every six months, except that the 
foregoing shall not preclude any amendment necessary to conform to changes in 
the Internal Revenue Code or the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. 


                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                EXHIBIT 10.3

          The Committee is authorized, subject to the provisions of the Plan, 
from time to time to establish such rules and regulations as it deems 
appropriate for the proper administration of the Plan, and to make such 
determinations and take such steps in connection therewith as it deems 
necessary or advisable.


          It is the Company's intent that the Plan comply in all respects 
with Rule 16b-3 of the Exchange Act, or its successor, and any regulations 
promulgated thereunder.  If any provision of this Plan is found not to be in 
compliance with such rule and regulations, the provision shall be deemed null 
and void, and the remaining provisions of the Plan shall continue in full 
force and effect.  All transactions under this Plan shall be executed in 
accordance with the requirements of Section 16 of the Exchange Act and 
regulations promulgated thereunder.

          The Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion, modify the 
terms and conditions of this Plan in response to and consistent with any 
changes in applicable law, rule or regulation.


          Effective with the 1996 Annual Meeting and annually thereafter, 
each Director eligible under Article 2 hereof shall be awarded an annual 
grant of two hundred  (200) shares of Stock following his/her election to the 
Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  A Director elected 
to the Board at a time other than at the Annual Meeting  shall receive a 
grant of two hundred (200) shares of Stock following his/her first attendance 
at a Board Meeting, provided, however, that no Director shall receive more 
than two hundred (200) shares of Stock in any calendar year.  A Director may 
use shares of Stock granted hereunder to satisfy withholding taxes related to 
grants under this Plan in accordance with terms and conditions established by 
the Committee. 


          On or before December 31 of any year, a Director may elect to 
defer, until a specified year or retirement as a Director of the Company, the 
receipt of the Stock granted under Article 5 or the payment of all or a 
specified part of all fees payable to the Director for services as a Director 
during the calendar year  following the election and succeeding calendar 
years in the form of cash or stock units, provided, however, that Stock may 
only be deferred as stock units.  Any person who shall become a Director 
during any calendar year, and who was not a Director of the Company on the 
preceding December 31, may elect, within thirty days after election to the 
Board, to defer in the same manner the receipt of the Stock granted under 
Article 5 or the payment of all or a specified part of fees not yet earned 
for the remainder of that calendar year and for succeeding calendar years in 
the form of cash or stock units.  Elections shall be made by written notice 
delivered to the Secretary of the Committee. 


                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                EXHIBIT 10.3


          Fees deferred in the form of cash shall be held in the general 
funds of the Company and shall be credited to an account in the name of the 
Director.  On the first day of each quarter, interest shall be credited to 
each account calculated on the basis of the cash balance in each account on 
the first day of each month of the preceding quarter at the Prime Rate of 
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York (or at such other rate as may be 
specified by the Committee from time to time) in effect on the first day of 
each month.  Stock granted under Article 5 to be deferred in the form of 
stock units, or fees to be deferred in the form of stock units, shall be 
allocated to each Director's account based on the closing price of the 
Company's common stock as reported on the Composite Tape of the New York 
Stock Exchange ("Stock Price") on the effective date of the Stock grant or 
the date the fees would otherwise have been paid.  The Company shall not be 
required to reserve or otherwise set aside shares of common stock for the 
payment of its obligations hereunder, but shall make available as and when 
required a sufficient number of shares of common stock to meet the needs of 
the Plan.  An amount equal to any cash dividends (or the fair market value of 
dividends paid in property other than dividends payable in common stock of 
the Company) payable on the number of shares represented by the number of 
stock units in each Director's account will be allocated to each Director's 
account in the form of stock units based upon the Stock Price on the dividend 
payment date.  Any stock dividends payable on such number of shares will be 
allocated in the form of stock units.  If adjustments are made to outstanding 
shares of common stock as a result of split-ups, recapitalizations, mergers, 
consolidations and the like, an appropriate adjustment will also be made in 
the number of stock units in a Director's account.  Stock units shall not 
entitle any person to rights of a stockholder unless and until shares of 
Company common stock have been issued to that person with respect to stock 
units as provided in Article 8.


          The aggregate amount of Stock granted under Article 5 which has 
been deferred and deferred fees, together with interest and dividend 
equivalents accrued thereon, shall be paid in the year specified or after a 
Director ceases to be a Director of the Company.  Amounts deferred to a 
specified year shall only be paid in a lump sum and shall be paid promptly at 
the beginning of that specified year.  Amounts deferred to retirement shall 
be paid in a lump sum or, if the Director elects, in substantially equal 
annual installments over a period of years specified by the Director.  The 
delivery election must be made by written notice delivered to the Secretary 
of the Committee prior to the date of retirement, and the first installment 
(or lump sum payment) shall be paid promptly at the beginning of the 
following calendar year.  Subsequent installments shall be paid promptly at 
the beginning of each succeeding calendar year until the entire amount 
credited to the Director's account shall have been paid.  Amounts credited to 


                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                EXHIBIT 10.3

a Director's account in cash shall be paid in cash and amounts credited in 
stock units shall be paid in one share of common stock of the Company for 
each stock unit, except that a cash payment will be made with any final 
installment for any fraction of a stock unit remaining in the Director's 
account.  Such fractional share will be valued at the closing Stock Price on 
the date of settlement.


          A Director may file with the Secretary of the Committee a written 
designation of a beneficiary for his or her account under the Plan on such 
form as may be prescribed by the Committee, and may, from time to time, amend 
or revoke such designation.  If a Director should die before all deferred 
amounts credited to the Director's account have been distributed, the balance 
of any deferred Stock and fees and interest and dividend equivalents then in 
the Director's account shall be paid promptly to the Director's designated 
beneficiary.  If the Director did not designate a beneficiary, or in the 
event that the beneficiary designated by the Director shall have predeceased 
the Director, the balance in the Director's account shall be paid promptly to 
the Director's estate. 


          A Director may terminate his/her election to defer payment of fees 
in cash or stock units by written notice delivered to the Secretary of the 
Committee.  Termination shall become effective as of the end of the calendar 
year in which notice of termination is given with respect to fees payable for 
services as a Director during subsequent calendar years.  Amounts credited to 
the account of a Director prior to the effective date of termination shall 
not be affected thereby and shall be paid only in accordance with Articles 7 
and 8.


          During the Director's lifetime, the right to any deferred Stock or 
fees including interest and dividend equivalents thereon shall not be 
transferable or assignable.


     A.  Grant

          In recognition of his current and future contributions to the 
Company as Chairman of the Board of Directors and subject to approval by the 
stockholders at the Company's 1996 Annual Meeting, Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. 
(Grantee) is granted one hundred thousand (100,000) nonqualified options to 
purchase shares of Stock, effective January 1, 1996.  The terms and 
conditions of such options shall be determined by the Committee consistent 
with the provisions of this Plan. 


                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                EXHIBIT 10.3

     B.  Non-Transferability Of Options

          During Grantee's lifetime, no stock options granted under this Plan 
shall be transferable, and stock options may be exercised only by Grantee, 
except as may otherwise be provided in rules established by the Committee to 
permit transfers or to authorize a third party to act on behalf of Grantee 
with respect to any such stock options.

     C.  Option Price

          The price per share of Stock which may be purchased upon exercise 
of a stock option granted hereunder shall be determined by the Committee, but 
shall in no event be less than the fair market value of such share on the 
date the stock option is granted, and in no event less than the par value 
thereof.  For purpose of this Plan, fair market value shall be the average of 
the high and low prices of the stock as reported on the "NYSE-Composite 
Transactions Tape" on the date of grant of a stock option or the date of 
exercise of a stock option, or if no sales of such Stock were reported on 
said Tape on such date, the average of the high and low prices of such Stock 
on the next preceding day on which sales were reported on said Tape.  Such 
price shall be subject to adjustment as provided in paragraph 12(D) hereof.

     D.  Adjustment

          (i) In the event of any stock dividend, split-up, reclassification 
              or other analogous change in capitalization, the Committee 
              shall make such adjustments, in the light of the change, as it 
              deems to be equitable, both to Grantee and to the Company, in 
              the number of shares and prices per share applicable to out- 
              standing stock options.  Furthermore, in the event of a 
              distribution to common stockholders other than interim or 
              year-end dividends declared as such by the Board of Directors, 
              the Committee shall make such adjustments, in the light of the 
              distribution, as it deems to be equitable, both to Grantee and 
              to the Company, in respect to the item described herein.

         (ii) Any fractional shares resulting from adjustments made pursuant 
              to this subparagraph shall be eliminated.

     E.  Option Term

          The term of each stock option granted under this Plan shall be for 
such period as the Committee shall determine, but not for more than ten (10) 
years from the date of grant.


                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                EXHIBIT 10.3

     F.  Exercise of Options

           (i) Subject to the provisions of this Plan, each stock option 
               granted hereunder shall be exercisable on such date or dates 
               and during such period and for such number of shares as the 
               Committee may determine.  However, in no event shall a stock 
               option be exercisable prior to six months from the date of 
               grant.  The Committee may fix from time to time a minimum 
               number of shares which must be purchased at the time a stock 
               option is exercised.

          (ii) At the time he elects to exercise a stock option, Grantee 
               shall pay the Company the full purchase price of the shares he 
               has elected to purchase.  Payment of the purchase price shall 
               be made in cash, Stock (valued at fair market value on the 
               date of exercise), or a combination thereof, as the Committee 
               may determine from time to time.  With respect to Stock to be 
               delivered upon exercise of a stock option, the Committee shall 
               periodically determine whether, and to what extent, such Stock 
               shall be in the form of new common stock issued for such 
               purposes, or common stock acquired by the Company.

     G.  Tax Withholding

          Grantee may use shares of Stock to satisfy withholding taxes 
relating to the grants under this Plan to the extent provided in terms and 
conditions established by the Committee.

     H.  Termination of Options

           (i) The Committee shall, subject to the provisions of the Plan, 
               determine the rules relating to rights of Grantee in the event 
               Grantee ceases to be a director of the Company or in the event 
               of his death.

          (ii) In the event the Committee establishes a period of time in 
               excess of six months from date of grant for the first date of 
               exercisability of options granted hereunder, the Board of 
               Directors, in its sole discretion, may waive such longer 

         (iii) Grantee shall forfeit all rights under stock options granted 
               hereunder if the Committee, after a hearing at which Grantee 
               shall be entitled to be present, shall find that Grantee has 
               willfully engaged in any activity harmful to the interest of 
               the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates provided, 
               however, that such stock options may continue in effect to 
               such extent and under such conditions as the Committee may 


                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                EXHIBIT 10.3


          The validity and construction of the Plan shall be governed by the 
laws of the State of Delaware.


          This Plan shall become effective as of January 1, 1996, provided it 
is approved by stockholders at the Company's 1996 Annual Meeting, and shall 
continue in full force and effect until terminated by the Board of Directors.


                                                              Form 10-Q
                                                              Exhibit 10.12

                        WARRANT REPURCHASE AGREEMENT

          THIS WARRANT REPURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered 
into this 24th day of July 1996, by and among The Seagram Company Ltd., a 
Canadian corporation ("Seagram"), JES Developments, Inc., a Delaware 
corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Seagram ("Subsidiary") and E. I. 
du Pont de Nemours and Company, a Delaware corporation (the "Company").

          WHEREAS, in connection with the Warrant Agreement, dated as of 
April 6, 1995 (the "Warrant Agreement") and the Redemption Agreement, dated 
as of April 6, 1995 (the "Redemption Agreement"), Subsidiary acquired 
Warrants expiring October 6, 1997 to acquire 48 million shares of Common 
Stock, par value $0.60 per share (the "Common Stock") of the Company at 
$89.33 per share, Warrants expiring October 6, 1998 to acquire 54 million 
shares of Common Stock at $101.14 per share, and Warrants expiring October 6, 
1999 to acquire 54 million shares of Common Stock at $113.63 per share 
(collectively, the "Warrants" and each, individually, a "Warrant"); and

          WHEREAS, the Company has agreed to purchase and Seagram and 
Subsidiary have agreed to sell all of the Warrants (the "Repurchase"), in 
each case in accordance with the terms set forth below.

          NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises set forth above and 
the mutual promises and agreements set forth herein, Seagram, Subsidiary and 
the Company agree as follows:

      1.  Simultaneously with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, 
(i) the Company is paying to Subsidiary by wire transfer in immediately 
available funds $500 million and (ii) Subsidiary is delivering to the Company 
for cancellation all of the Warrants and transfer forms attached thereto, 
endorsed in blank or in favor of the Company, duly executed by Subsidiary.  
Each of Seagram and Subsidiary acknowledges and agrees that upon consummation 
of the Repurchase, it shall have no further rights under any of the Warrants.  
The purchase and sale of the Warrants pursuant to this Agreement shall be 
effective notwithstanding any provisions of the Redemption Agreement giving 
Seagram, Subsidiary or the Company the right or the obligation, under the 
circumstances specified therein, to purchase or sell, as the case may be, the 

      2.  Each of Seagram and Subsidiary hereby jointly and severally 
represent and warrant to the Company, and agree for the benefit of the 
Company, that:

     (i)  Seagram is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under 
          the laws of Canada and has been duly qualified for the transaction 
          of business under the laws of the Province of Quebec;


                                                               Form 10-Q
                                                               Exhibit 10.12

    (ii)  Subsidiary is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in 
          good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware;

   (iii)  each of Seagram and Subsidiary has all necessary corporate power 
          and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and perform its 
          obligations hereunder;

    (iv)  the execution and delivery by each of Seagram and Subsidiary of 
          this Agreement and the performance by each of its obligations 
          hereunder have been duly and validly authorized by the Board of 
          Directors of each of Seagram and Subsidiary,  and by the sole 
          stockholder of Subsidiary, and no other corporate proceedings on 
          the part of Seagram or Subsidiary are necessary to authorize the 
          execution, delivery or performance of this Agreement;

     (v)  this Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by 
          each of Seagram and Subsidiary and constitutes a valid and binding 
          agreement of each of Seagram and Subsidiary, enforceable against 
          each in accordance with its terms;

    (vi)  the execution and delivery by Seagram and Subsidiary of this 
          Agreement do not and the performance by Seagram and Subsidiary of 
          their obligations hereunder will not (a) contravene or conflict 
          with the certificate of incorporation, by-laws or similar charter 
          or other organizational documents of Seagram or Subsidiary or 
          (b) contravene or conflict with or constitute a violation of or 
          default under or give rise to a right of termination, cancellation 
          or acceleration of any right or obligation of Seagram or Subsidiary 
          under any provision of applicable law or regulation of the United 
          States or Canada or any state or province thereof or of any 
          agreement, contract, judgment, injunction, order, decree or other 
          instrument binding upon Seagram or Subsidiary, which contravention, 
          conflict, violation, default or right of termination, cancellation 
          or acceleration would result in the case of this clause (b) in a 
          material adverse effect on the business, assets, results of 
          operations or financial condition of Seagram and its subsidiaries, 
          taken as a whole, other than any such material adverse effect which 
          would have no effect on this Agreement and the performance of the 
          obligations and transactions contemplated hereby;

   (vii)  Subsidiary has good and marketable title to all of the Warrants, 
          free and clear of all liens, claims, options, proxies, voting 
          agreements, security interests, charges and encumbrances other than 
          the Redemption Agreement, and has complete and unrestricted power 
          to transfer, assign and deliver the Warrants to the Company, and 
          upon the transfer of the Warrants to the Company as provided 
          herein, the Company will acquire good and marketable title to the 
          Warrants, free and clear of all liens, claims, options, proxies, 
          voting agreements, security interest, charges and encumbrances; and


                                                               Form 10-Q
                                                               Exhibit 10.12

  (viii)  Seagram, Subsidiary and their representatives have been given the 
          opportunity to ask questions of, and to receive answers from, the 
          Company and its representatives concerning the business affairs, 
          financial condition and other information relating to the  Company 
          and to obtain any additional information which Seagram, Subsidiary, 
          or their representatives deem necessary.

      3.  The Company hereby represents and warrants to Seagram and 
Subsidiary, and agrees for the benefit of Seagram and Subsidiary, that:

     (i)  it is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good 
          standing under the laws of the State of Delaware;

    (ii)  it has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and 
          deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder;

   (iii)  the execution and delivery by the Company of this Agreement and the 
          performance by the Company of its obligations hereunder have been 
          duly and validly authorized by the Board of Directors of the 
          Company and no other corporate proceedings on the part of the  
          Company are necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of 
          this Agreement or the performance by the Company of its obligations 

    (iv)  this Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by 
          the Company and constitutes a valid and binding agreement of the 
          Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with its 
          terms; and

     (v)  the execution and delivery by the Company of this Agreement do not 
          and the performance by the Company of its obligations hereunder 
          will not (a) contravene or conflict with the certificate of incor- 
          poration or by-laws of the Company or (b) contravene or conflict 
          with or constitute a violation of or default under or give rise to 
          a right of termination, cancellation or acceleration of any right 
          or obligation of the Company or any of the Company's subsidiaries 
          under any provision of applicable law or regulation of the United 
          States or any state thereof or of any agreement, contract, 
          judgment, injunction, order, decree or other instrument binding 
          upon the Company or any of its subsidiaries, which contravention, 
          conflict, violation, default or right of termination, cancellation 
          or acceleration would result in the case of this clause (b) in a 
          material adverse effect on the business, assets, results of 
          operations or financial condition of the Company and its subsidi- 
          aries, taken as a whole, other than any such material adverse 
          effect which would have no effect on this Agreement and the per- 
          formance of the obligations and transactions contemplated thereby.


                                                               Form 10-Q
                                                               Exhibit 10.12

      4.  Upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the parties 
hereto, the Redemption Agreement and all rights and obligations thereunder 
shall terminate.

      5.  The closing of the Repurchase is taking place at the offices of 
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, at 919 Third Avenue, New York, New York 
10022, simultaneously with the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

      6.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties 
hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all other 
prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral, among the parties 
with respect to the subject matter hereof.

      7.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance 
with the laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to the principles of 
conflicts of law thereof.

      8.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall 
be a valid and binding obligation of the parties thereto, but all of which 
shall constitute one and the same instrument.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this 
Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its representatives thereunto duly 
authorized, all as of the day and year first above written.

                                       E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                       By:         /s/ C. L. Henry

                                       THE SEAGRAM COMPANY LTD.

                                       By:     /s/ Edgar Bronfman, Jr.

                                       JES DEVELOPMENTS, INC.

                                       By:     /s/ Daniel R. Paladino


                                                                             Form 10-Q
                                                                            Exhibit 11

                         E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                         COMPUTATION OF EARNINGS PER SHARE<Fa>
                        (Dollars in millions, except per share)

                                                     Primary and Fully Diluted
                                              Three Months Ended     Six Months Ended
                                                June 30, 1996         June 30, 1996
                                              ------------------     ----------------
Net income less dividends on preferred
 stock ..................................              $  998                $1,875

Adjustment for interest, net of income
  tax, determined under "Modified
  Treasury Stock Method" ................                 135                   281
                                                       ------                ------
Earnings applicable to common stock .....              $1,133                $2,156
                                                       ======                ======
Average number of common shares
  outstanding (excludes treasury
  stock and shares held by DuPont
  Flexitrust) ...........................         560,546,407           559,128,795

Adjustments required for common share
    (1) shares awarded but undelivered
    under the Variable Compensation
    Plan, (2) shares held by the
    DuPont Flexitrust, and (3) shares
    assumed to be issued due to stock
    options and warrants, net of
    shares acquired, as determined
    under "Modified Treasury Stock
    Method" .............................          90,518,010            90,741,012
                                                  -----------           -----------
Adjusted average number of common
  shares ................................         651,064,417           649,869,807
                                                  ===========           ===========

Earnings per share ......................              $ 1.74                $ 3.32
                                                       ======                ======

Earnings per share - as published .......              $ 1.78                $ 3.35
                                                       ======                ======

<Fa>1995 calculations either resulted in dilution of less than 3 percent or 
    were antidilutive.


                                                                                                               Form 10-Q

                                                                                                               Exhibit 12

                                             E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                       COMPUTATION OF RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES
                                                     (Dollars in millions)

                                                        Six Months Ended               Years Ended December 31            
                                                         June 30, 1996      1995     1994      1993       1992      1991  
Net Income ..........................................       $1,880         $3,293   $2,727   $  566<Fa> $  975<Fa> $1,403
Provision for Income Taxes ..........................        1,284          2,097    1,655      392        836      1,415
Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated
  Subsidiaries ......................................           28             30       18        5         10          6
Adjustment for Companies Accounted for
  by the Equity Method ..............................           32             41       18       41          6         35
Capitalized Interest ................................          (68)          (170)    (143)    (194)      (194)      (197)
Amortization of Capitalized Interest ................          116<Fb>        154      154      144        101         94
                                                            ------         ------   ------   ------     ------     ------
                                                             3,272          5,445    4,429      954      1,734      2,756
                                                            ------         ------   ------   ------     ------     ------

Fixed Charges:
  Interest and Debt Expense - Borrowings ............          376            758      559      594        643        752
  Adjustment for Companies Accounted for by the
    Equity Method - Interest and Debt Expense .......           35             71       55       42         62         11
  Capitalized Interest ..............................           68            170      143      194        194        197
  Rental Expense Representative of Interest Factor ..           56            113      118      143        151        162
                                                            ------         ------   ------   ------     ------     ------
                                                               535          1,112      875      973      1,050      1,122
                                                            ------         ------   ------   ------     ------     ------

Total Adjusted Earnings Available for Payment of
  Fixed Charges .....................................       $3,807         $6,557   $5,304   $1,927     $2,784     $3,878
                                                            ======         ======   ======   ======     ======     ======

Number of Times Fixed Charges are Earned ............          7.1            5.9      6.1      2.0        2.7        3.5
                                                            ======         ======   ======   ======     ======     ======

<Fa>Income Before Extraordinary Item and Transition Effect of Accounting 
<Fb>Includes write-off of capitalized interest associated with divested
