WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported) October 23, 1996

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-815              51-0014090
    (State or Other Jurisdiction     (Commission       (I.R.S Employer
         of Incorporation)           File Number)     Identification No.)

                              1007 Market Street
                          Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (302) 774-1000



Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

     In connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities that may be offered 
on a delayed or continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3 
(No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339 and No. 33-60069), we hereby file the following 
press release.

    Number                      Description of Exhibit
    -------        -------------------------------------------------

      99           Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release,
                   dated October 23, 1996



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                          /s/D. B. Smith
                                             D. B. Smith
                                         Assistant Controller

October 23, 1996


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                           Description of Exhibits
- -------        ------------------------------------------------------------

  99           Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, dated
               October 23, 1996.


                                                      EXHIBIT 99

                                        Contact:  Susan Gaffney
                                                  (302) 774-2698

          Wilmington, Del., Oct. 23 -- DuPont reported record 
third quarter earnings of $1.60 per share, citing strong 
upstream petroleum earnings and 6 percent volume growth in its 
chemicals and specialties businesses.
          Excluding a previously announced nonrecurring charge 
of $.08 per share, earnings for the quarter were $1.68, 
22 percent higher than the $1.38 per share earned in the third 
quarter of 1995.  Net income totaled $898 million compared to 
$769 million in 1995.
          "This is the tenth consecutive quarter where earnings 
per share were at record levels versus comparable quarters," 
said President and Chief Executive Officer, John A. Krol.  "This 
consistent level of performance reflects our employees' dedica- 
tion and clear focus on profitable growth worldwide."
          Petroleum segment earnings in the current quarter were 
up 47 percent from last year and were the highest since the 
first quarter 1991.  Upstream was particularly strong, with 
earnings increasing 96 percent compared to last year on higher 
prices and solid production gains.  Earnings for Chemicals and 
Specialties businesses were mixed, with strong performances from 
agricultural products, automotive products, nylon, engineering 
polymers, and "Lycra" brand spandex.


          Sales for the third quarter were $10.5 billion versus 
$10.2 billion last year, up 3 percent.  Chemicals and Special- 
ties segments sales were $5.6 billion, up 3 percent after 
adjusting for changes in business composition resulting from 
divestitures and formation of the DuPont Dow Elastomers joint 
venture.  Worldwide Chemicals and Specialties sales volume 
increased 6 percent -- 4 percent in the United States and 
7 percent outside the United States.  Worldwide Chemicals and 
Specialties average selling prices were down 3 percent from last 
year, about half due to the adverse effect of the stronger 
dollar and the remainder primarily from lower prices for white 
pigments and "Dacron" polyester fiber.  Petroleum segment sales 
were $4.9 billion, up 12 percent over last year.  Crude oil 
prices averaged $19.85 per barrel for the period, 25 percent 
higher than last year.  U.S. natural gas prices were 45 percent 
higher averaging $1.98 per thousand cubic feet, while worldwide 
gas prices increased 32 percent to $2.28 per thousand cubic 
feet.  Crude oil production and natural gas deliveries increased 
5 percent and 12 percent, respectively.
          As previously announced, the current quarter includes 
an after-tax nonrecurring charge of $47 million, or $.08 per 
share, for crop damage claims and legal expenses related to the 
recall of "Benlate" 50 DF fungicide.  The third quarter of 1995 
had no earnings per share effect from nonrecurring items, but 
did include $.12 per share income from insurance recoveries 
related to environmental remediation.


          The following commentary compares third quarter 1996 
results with third quarter 1995 for each industry segment, after 
adjusting sales for changes in business composition and exclud- 
ing the earnings impact of nonrecurring items.
          Chemicals segment earnings were $138 million, down 
$19 million, or 12 percent, reflecting lower earnings for white 
pigments, partly offset by improved results for specialty 
chemicals.  Segment sales were 3 percent lower, reflecting 
10 percent lower selling prices, partly offset by 7 percent 
higher sales volume.
          Fibers segment earnings of $206 million were up 
$17 million, or 9 percent, principally due to better earnings 
from nylon, "Lycra" and nonwovens.  "Dacron" polyester was 
adversely affected by weather-related plant outages and lower 
polyester staple prices.  Segment sales were up less than 
1 percent, as 2 percent higher volume was offset by lower 
selling prices. 
          Polymers segment earnings were $213 million, up 
$18 million, or 9 percent, reflecting improved results in 
automotive products and engineering polymers.  Segment sales 
grew 4 percent, reflecting 6 percent higher volume, partly 
offset by 2 percent lower selling prices. 
          Petroleum segment earnings were $256 million, up 
$82 million from last year.  Upstream earned $163 million, 
almost double last year's $83 million, due to higher prices and 
production, while keeping nonproduction-related costs under 


control.  In particular, earnings from Upstream operations 
outside the United States improved dramatically to $102 million, 
compared to $41 million last year, on strong North Sea per- 
formance.  Downstream earned $93 million, up slightly from last 
year, despite continuing weak margins aggravated by higher crude 
          Diversified Businesses segment earnings totaled 
$218 million, up $28 million or 15 percent, principally due to 
higher earnings from agricultural products.  Agricultural 
products sales were unusually strong in the third quarter, 
reflecting later-than-normal crop plantings in North America.  
Segment sales were up 11 percent due to 11 percent higher sales 
volume.  Selling prices were down less than 1 percent.
          For the first nine months of 1996, earnings per share 
totaled $4.95 and exceeded by 11 percent the previous record for 
nine months earnings of $4.47 per share set in 1995.  Net income 
for the first nine months of 1996 was $2.8 billion, up 4 percent 
compared to $2.7 billion in the same period last year.  Year-to- 
date sales totaled $32.4 billion versus $31.8 billion last year, 
up 2 percent. 
          "Total return to DuPont shareholders has been about 
40 percent so far this year, well above industry averages," said 
Krol.  "We are pleased with our improved performance, and will 
continue to focus on generating shareholder value through 
profitable growth by leveraging technologies and expanding 
global leadership positions in our businesses."



                                                               Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                     September 30             September 30
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                         1996       1995           1996       1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES ...................................................      $10,486    $10,200        $32,403    $31,778
Other Income ............................................          328        220          1,103        805
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
    Total ...............................................       10,814     10,420         33,506     32,583
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses ...................        7,776      7,502         24,065     23,136
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ............          648        723          2,106      2,245
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization ................          628        647          1,886      1,937
Exploration Expenses, Including Dry Hole Costs
  and Impairment of Unproved Properties .................           88         79            235        221
Interest and Debt Expense ...............................          171        205            547        561
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
    Total ...............................................        9,311      9,156         28,839     28,100
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES ............................        1,503      1,264          4,667      4,483
Provision for Income Taxes ..............................          605        495          1,889      1,817
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
NET INCOME ..............................................      $   898    $   769        $ 2,778    $ 2,666
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======

EARNINGS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK<Fa> ..................      $  1.60    $  1.38        $  4.95    $  4.47
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK .....................      $   .57    $   .52        $  1.66    $  1.51
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======
<Fa>Earnings per share are calculated on the basis of the following average 
    number of common shares outstanding:

                         Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                            September 30            September 30
                         ------------------      -----------------
               1996         561,367,436             559,880,456
               1995         554,978,850             595,129,571



                                                              Three Months Ended          Nine Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                        September 30               September 30
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                          1996       1995          1996           1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
Chemicals ...............................................    $ 1,025    $ 1,052       $ 3,100        $ 3,175
Fibers ..................................................      1,735      1,728         5,301          5,414
Polymers ................................................      1,573      1,700         5,071          5,321
Petroleum ...............................................      4,929      4,383        14,549         13,192
Diversified Businesses ..................................      1,224      1,337         4,382          4,676
                                                             -------    -------       -------        -------
    Total ...............................................    $10,486    $10,200       $32,403        $31,778
                                                             =======    =======       =======        =======
- --------------------------
Chemicals ...............................................    $   138    $   160       $   425<Fc>    $   502<Fd>
Fibers ..................................................        206        193           561<Fc>        623<Fd>
Polymers ................................................        213        198           710<Fe>        657
Petroleum ...............................................        256        174           647<Ff>        540
Diversified Businesses ..................................        171<Fh>    178           739<Fg><Fh>    667<Fh>
                                                             -------    -------       -------        -------
    Total ...............................................        984        903         3,082          2,989

Interest and Other Corporate
  Expenses Net of Tax ...................................        (86)      (134)         (304)          (323)
                                                             -------    -------       -------        -------
NET INCOME ..............................................    $   898    $   769       $ 2,778        $ 2,666
- ----------                                                   =======    =======       =======        =======
<Fa>Effective in the first quarter of 1996, the amortization of capitalized 
    interest associated with property, plant and equipment is included in 
    After-Tax Operating Income versus the previous practice of including such 
    amortization in Interest and Other Corporate Expenses Net of Tax.  Prior 
    period data have been reclassified for comparative purposes.  This change 
    has no effect on Net Income.
<Fb>Third quarter 1995 includes a charge of $24 for printing and publishing 
    operations, principally for employee separation costs in Europe, a 
    litigation provision of $13 related to a previously sold business, and 
    adjustments in estimates associated with the third quarter 1993 
    restructuring charge, which result in the following net (charges)/ 
         Chemicals                 $ 3
         Fibers                      4
         Polymers                    3
         Diversified Businesses    (12)
                                  $ (2)


<Fc>The Chemicals and Fibers segments include a charge of $21 and $32, 
    respectively, principally for employee separation costs in the United 
<Fd>The Chemicals and Fibers segments also include a benefit of $7 and $27, 
    respectively, principally an adjustment of estimates associated with the 
    third quarter 1993 restructuring charge.
<Fe>Includes a gain of $55 associated with the formation of the DuPont-Dow 
    Elastomers joint venture.
<Ff>Includes charges of $63 for writedown of investment in a European natural 
    gas marketing joint venture, and $22, principally, for employee 
    separation costs in the United States, partly offset by a net benefit of 
    $44 related to environmental insurance recoveries.
<Fg>Includes gains of $41 from the sale of certain medical products 
    businesses and $33 related to sale of stock received in connection with 
    the previously sold connector systems business, and a charge of $26, 
    principally employee separation costs outside the United States, 
    associated with the printing and publishing business.
<Fh>Includes a charge of $47 in third quarter 1996, and $110 and $63, 
    respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, 
    associated with "Benlate" 50 DF fungicide recall.



                                                                          After-Tax Operating Income
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                        Three Months Ended       Nine Months Ended
EXCLUDING IMPACT OF NONRECURRING ITEMS                              September 30            September 30
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                            1996       1995           1996       1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals ...............................................      $  138     $  157         $  446     $  492
Fibers ..................................................         206        189            593        592
Polymers ................................................         213        195            655        654
Petroleum ...............................................         256        174            688        540
Diversified Businesses ..................................         218        190            801        742
                                                               ------     ------         ------     ------
    Total ...............................................      $1,031     $  905         $3,183     $3,020

Less:  Interest and Other Corporate Expenses
  Net of Tax ............................................         (86)      (134)          (304)      (323)
                                                               ------     ------         ------     ------
    Total ...............................................      $  945     $  771         $2,879     $2,697
                                                               ======     ======         ======     ======
