WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported) January 29, 1997

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-815              51-0014090
    (State or Other Jurisdiction     (Commission       (I.R.S Employer
         of Incorporation)           File Number)     Identification No.)

                              1007 Market Street
                          Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (302) 774-1000



Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

     In connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities that may be offered 
on a delayed or continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3 
(No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339 and No. 33-60069), we hereby file the following 
press release.

    Number                      Description of Exhibit
    -------        -------------------------------------------------

      99           Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release,
                   dated January 29, 1997



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                          /s/D. B. Smith
                                             D. B. Smith
                                         Assistant Controller

January 29, 1997


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                           Description of Exhibits
- -------        ------------------------------------------------------------

  99           Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, dated
               January 29, 1997.


                                                      EXHIBIT 99

                                        Contact:  Susan Gaffney
                                                  (302) 774-2698

          Wilmington, Del., Jan. 29 -- DuPont reported record 
fourth quarter and full-year 1996 earnings per share citing 
excellent performance by upstream petroleum and strong Chemicals 
and Specialties volumes in the second half of the year. 
          Fourth quarter 1996 earnings per share of $1.52 were 
$.39 higher than the fourth quarter 1995, marking the 11th 
consecutive quarter of record earnings for comparable quarters. 
Excluding 1995 nonrecurring charges of $.15 per share, earnings 
for the current quarter were up 19 percent from $1.28 per share 
earned in the fourth quarter 1995.
          Full year earnings were $6.47 per share compared to 
$5.61 per share in 1995.  Excluding nonrecurring items from both 
years, 1996 earnings were $6.65 per share, up 14 percent from 
$5.81 per share in 1995. 
          "This was another strong year for DuPont and the third 
consecutive year of record earnings.  Upstream petroleum results 
increased 46 percent to $706 million and were a major con- 
tributor to our earnings growth," said John A. Krol, DuPont 
President and CEO.  "In addition, we have taken a number of 
significant steps toward strengthening and positioning our busi- 
ness portfolio for profitable growth.  DuPont employees are 
enthusiastic and committed to building our company."


          Krol also stated that the company has regained finan- 
cial flexibility by essentially completing repayment of the 
$8 billion of debt incurred in 1995 to redeem shares from 
Seagram and by repurchasing for $500 million the 156 million 
warrants issued to Seagram.
          Sales for the fourth quarter were $11.4 billion, up 
10 percent from the prior year.  This reflects a 26 percent 
increase in Petroleum sales, principally from higher crude oil 
and natural gas prices, and a 2 percent decrease in Chemicals 
and Specialties sales.  Chemicals and Specialties sales were up 
6 percent after adjusting for changes in business composition 
resulting from the divestiture of medical products businesses 
and forming the DuPont Dow Elastomers joint venture.  Worldwide 
volume increased 10 percent reflecting 10 percent growth both 
inside and outside of the United States.  These gains were 
partly offset by lower worldwide selling prices that averaged 
4 percent below the fourth quarter 1995.  Net income for the 
fourth quarter was $858 million, compared to $627 million earned 
in 1995.  Excluding 1995 nonrecurring items, net income was up 
21 percent.
          Petroleum segment full year sales were $20.2 billion, 
up 14 percent over last year.  Crude oil prices averaged $20.11 
per barrel for the period, 21 percent higher than last year.  
U.S. natural gas prices were 32 percent higher averaging $1.90 
per thousand cubic feet, while worldwide gas prices increased 


19 percent to $2.21 per thousand cubic feet.  Crude oil 
production and natural gas deliveries increased 6 percent and 
5 percent, respectively. 
          Chemicals and Specialties sales for 1996 were 
$23.6 billion, down 4 percent, reflecting sales reductions from 
changes in business composition.  Excluding the effect of these 
changes on reported sales, Chemicals and Specialties sales were 
up 2 percent versus 1995, reflecting 3 percent higher sales 
volume, partly offset by 1 percent lower average selling prices. 
U.S. prices were flat, while prices outside the United States 
averaged 3 percent lower, largely attributable to a stronger 
U.S. dollar.  Outside the United States volume improved 
4 percent, principally from growth in the Asia Pacific region. 
U.S. sales volume was up almost 3 percent.
          Total company sales for the year were $43.8 billion, 
up 4 percent from last year.  Net income was $3.6 billion, up 
10 percent from $3.3 billion earned in 1995.
          The following commentary compares results for the full 
year 1996 with 1995 for each industry segment, after adjusting 
sales for changes in business composition and excluding the 
earnings impact of nonrecurring items.  Effective with the 
fourth quarter 1996, what was formerly the Diversified Busi- 
nesses segment has been split into two segments -- (1) a new 
"Life Sciences" segment comprised of the agricultural products 
and pharmaceuticals businesses, and (2) a Diversified Businesses 


segment consisting of the remaining businesses which include 
films, photopolymers and electronic materials, coal, and 
printing and publishing.  This change has been made to recognize 
the increasing importance of the earnings contribution of Life 
Sciences and to focus more attention on a business segment that 
will be a key growth area in the future. 
          Petroleum segment earnings were $901 million, up 
$237 million or 36 percent, and the second highest in Conoco's 
history.  Upstream earnings were a record $706 million, up 
46 percent, attributable to stronger worldwide crude oil and 
U.S. natural gas prices as well as increased oil and gas 
volumes outside the United States.  Exploration expenses 
increased $73 million, or 22 percent, from the prior year.  
Downstream earnings of $195 million were up $13 million, or 
7 percent, reflecting gradually improving margins.  U.S. 
downstream earnings of $107 million improved 24 percent while 
downstream earnings outside the United States were $88 million 
compared to $96 million in 1995.  Costs associated with major 
refinery start-ups, facility shutdowns and refinery turnarounds 
reduced improvement in the second half of the year.
          Chemicals segment earnings were $584 million, down 
9 percent from the $641 million earned last year, principally 
reflecting lower earnings from white pigments, partly offset by 
higher earnings from chemical intermediates.  Segment results 
were also negatively affected by investment write-offs in the 


fourth quarter.  Segment sales of $4.1 billion were 1 percent 
lower, reflecting 4 percent higher sales volume more than offset 
by 5 percent lower prices.
          Fibers segment earnings of $834 million were 8 percent 
above the $774 million earned in 1995.  This is principally 
attributable to improved results for "Lycra" spandex, nonwovens 
and "Dacron" polyester.  Sales of $7.2 billion were flat as 
average selling prices and sales volumes were essentially 
unchanged versus 1995.
          Earnings for the Polymers segment were $854 million, 
down 1 percent from $864 million in 1995.  Increased earnings 
from automotive products, engineering polymers, and "Corian" 
were offset by a reduction in elastomers earnings due to 
formation of the DuPont Dow Elastomers joint venture.  Segment 
sales of $6.7 billion were 4 percent above 1995, reflecting 
4 percent higher volume and flat selling prices.
          Life Sciences segment earnings were $789 million, up 
21 percent from $651 million in 1995.  This reflects earnings 
improvement from both pharmaceuticals and agricultural products.  
The increase in pharmaceuticals earnings was largely due to a 
more favorable allocation of operating income to DuPont from the 
DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical joint venture.  These allocations 
totaled $186 million after tax in 1996, compared to $111 million 
after tax in 1995, and are now completed in accordance with the 


venture agreement.  Segment sales were $2.5 billion, up 
6 percent and reflect only the agricultural products business. 
Only earnings are reported for pharmaceuticals.  Segment sales 
reflect 9 percent higher volume, partly offset by 3 percent 
lower prices.  
          Diversified Businesses earnings were $157 million, 
down 41 percent.  This is principally due to the absence of 
medical products earnings resulting from businesses that were 
divested during the year, and lower printing and publishing 
earnings.  Partly offsetting were higher earnings from 
electronic materials and coal.  Segment sales were $3.1 billion, 
up 2 percent, reflecting flat selling prices and 2 percent 
higher sales volume.
            "The double-digit Chemicals and Specialties volume 
growth in the fourth quarter gives us momentum moving into the 
new year," said Krol.  "Petroleum is also well positioned given 
major refinery upgrades completed in 1996 and reasonably strong 
upstream market conditions.  On balance, we expect 1997 to be 
another strong year."




                                                               Three Months Ended           Year Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT<Fa>                                 December 31               December 31
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                         1996       1995           1996       1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES ...................................................      $11,407    $10,385        $43,810    $42,163
Other Income ............................................          280        294          1,383      1,099
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
    Total ...............................................       11,687     10,679         45,193     43,262
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------

Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses ...................        8,553      7,930         32,618     31,066
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ............          750        750          2,856      2,995
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization ................          735        785          2,621      2,722
Exploration Expenses, Including Dry Hole Costs
  and Impairment of Unproved Properties .................          169        110            404        331
Interest and Debt Expense ...............................          166        197            713        758
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
    Total ...............................................       10,373      9,772         39,212     37,872
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------
EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES ............................        1,314        907          5,981      5,390
Provision for Income Taxes ..............................          456        280          2,345      2,097
                                                               -------    -------        -------    -------

NET INCOME ..............................................      $   858    $   627        $ 3,636    $ 3,293
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======

EARNINGS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK<Fb> ..................      $  1.52    $  1.13        $  6.47    $  5.61
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK .....................      $   .57    $   .52        $  2.23    $  2.03
                                                               =======    =======        =======    =======
<Fa> Certain reclassifications of 1995 data have been made to conform to 1996 
<Fb> Earnings per share are calculated on the basis of the following average 
     number of common shares outstanding:

                     Three Months Ended      Year Ended
                        December 31          December 31
                     ------------------      -----------

           1996         563,042,537          560,675,296
           1995         555,367,995          585,107,476



                                                               Three Months Ended            Year Ended
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                         December 31                December 31
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                          1996       1995          1996           1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
Chemicals ...............................................    $ 1,041    $ 1,006       $ 4,141        $ 4,181
Fibers ..................................................      1,903      1,801         7,204          7,215
Polymers ................................................      1,628      1,716         6,699          7,037
Petroleum ...............................................      5,617      4,468        20,166         17,660
Life Sciences ...........................................        472        431         2,472          2,322
Diversified Businesses ..................................        746        963         3,128          3,748
                                                             -------    -------       -------        -------
    Total ...............................................    $11,407    $10,385       $43,810        $42,163
                                                             =======    =======       =======        =======

- --------------------------
Chemicals ...............................................    $   138    $   149       $   563<Fc>    $   651<Fd>
Fibers ..................................................        241        182           802<Fc>        805<Fd>
Polymers ................................................        199        172<Fe>       909<Ff>        829<Fe>
Petroleum ...............................................        213         79<Fg>       860<Fh>        619<Fg>
Life Sciences ...........................................        139        121           679<Fi>        588<Fi>
Diversified Businesses ..................................          6         52           205<Fj>        252
                                                             -------    -------       -------        -------
    Total ...............................................        936        755         4,018          3,744

Interest and Other Corporate
  Expenses Net of Tax ...................................        (78)      (128)         (382)          (451)
                                                             -------    -------       -------        -------

NET INCOME ..............................................    $   858    $   627       $ 3,636        $ 3,293
- ----------                                                   =======    =======       =======        =======
<Fa> Effective in the first quarter of 1996, the amortization of capitalized 
     interest associated with property, plant and equipment is included in 
     After-Tax Operating Income versus the previous practice of including 
     such amortization in Interest and Other Corporate Expenses Net of Tax.  
     Prior period data have been reclassified for comparative purposes.  This 
     change has no effect on Net Income.
<Fb> 1995 includes, from the third quarter, a charge of $24 for printing and 
     publishing operations, principally for employee separation costs in 
     Europe, a litigation provision of $13 related to a previously sold 
     business, and adjustments in estimates associated with the third quarter 
     1993 restructuring charge, which result in the following net 
          Chemicals                 $  3
          Fibers                       4
          Polymers                     3
          Diversified Businesses     (12)
                                    $ (2)


<Fc> The Chemicals and Fibers segments include a charge of $21 and $32, 
     respectively, principally for employee separation costs in the United 
<Fd> The Chemicals and Fibers segments also include a benefit of $7 and $27, 
     respectively, principally an adjustment of estimates associated with the 
     third quarter 1993 restructuring charge.
<Fe> Includes a charge of $38 for costs to settle certain plumbing systems 
<Ff> Includes a gain of $55 associated with the formation of the DuPont Dow 
     Elastomers joint venture.
<Fg> Includes a charge of $45 for write-down of certain North American and 
     European assets.
<Fh> Includes charges of $63 for write-down of investment in a European 
     natural gas marketing joint venture, and $22, principally, for employee 
     separation costs in the United States, partly offset by a net benefit of 
     $44 related to environmental insurance recoveries.
<Fi> Includes a charge of $110 and $63 associated with "Benlate" 50 DF 
     fungicide recall for the year ended December 31, 1996 and 1995, 
<Fj> Includes gains of $41 from the sale of certain medical products 
     businesses and $33 related to sale of stock received in connection with 
     the previously sold connector systems business, and a charge of $26, 
     principally employee separation costs outside the United States, 
     associated with the printing and publishing business.



                                                                         After-Tax Operating Income
CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION                      Three Months Ended            Year Ended
EXCLUDING IMPACT OF NONRECURRING ITEMS                            December 31                December 31
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                          1996       1995          1996           1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals ...............................................     $  138     $  149        $  584         $  641
Fibers ..................................................        241        182           834            774
Polymers ................................................        199        210           854            864
Petroleum ...............................................        213        124           901            664
Life Sciences ...........................................        139        121           789            651
Diversified Businesses ..................................          6         52           157            264
                                                              ------     ------        ------         ------

    Total ...............................................     $  936     $  838        $4,119         $3,858

Less:  Interest and Other Corporate Expenses
  Net of Tax ............................................        (78)      (128)         (382)          (451)
                                                              ------     ------        ------         ------

    Total ...............................................     $  858     $  710        $3,737         $3,407
                                                              ======     ======        ======         ======
