WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

      Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):  December 3, 1998

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-815              51-0014090
    (State or Other Jurisdiction     (Commission       (I.R.S Employer
         of Incorporation)           File Number)     Identification No.)

                              1007 Market Street
                          Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (302) 774-1000



Item 5.  Other Events

        The Year 2000 statements attached as an exhibit to and 
incorporated by reference in this Current report on  Form 8-K 
are hereby designated as "Year 2000 Readiness Disclosures" as 
defined in section 3(9) of the Year 2000 Information and 
Readiness Disclosure Act (Public Law 105-271), enacted on 
October 19, 1998.  These "Year 2000 Readiness Disclosures" 
represent statements included in prior filings with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission which have been and in the 
future may be superseded by the Company's most current 
disclosure regarding Year 2000 readiness.  As of the date of 
this filing, the Company's most current disclosure regarding 
Year 2000 readiness is included in the Company's Quarterly 
Report on form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1998.

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial
         Statements and Exhibits

c. Exhibits.  The following exhibit is filed as part of this 
              Current Report on Form 8-K:

  No.                      Description of Exhibit
- -------      ---------------------------------------------------

  99         1.  Copy of the Registrant's "Year 2000 Readiness 
                 Disclosure" from the company's Annual Report on 
                 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

             2.  Copy of the Registrant's "Year 2000 Readiness 
                 Disclosure" from the company's Quarterly Report 
                 on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf 
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                           /s/ D. B. Smith
                                             D. B. Smith
                                         Assistant Controller

December 3, 1998


                          EXHIBIT INDEX

  No.                      Description of Exhibit
- -------      ---------------------------------------------------

  99         1.  Copy of the Registrant's "Year 2000 Readiness 
                 Disclosure" from the company's Annual Report on 
                 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

             2.  Copy of the Registrant's "Year 2000 Readiness 
                 Disclosure" from the company's Quarterly Report 
                 on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 


                                                                   EXHIBIT 99

                       "YEAR 2000 READINESS DISCLOSURES"

1.  Copy of the Registrant's "Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure" from the 
    company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

    YEAR 2000
    Historically, certain computer programs have been written using two digits 
    rather than four digits to define the applicable year, which could result 
    in computers recognizing a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather than 
    the year 2000.  This could result in major system failures or miscalcula- 
    tions, and is generally referred to as the "Year 2000" problem or issue.

    The company is conducting a global assessment of its key internal computer 
    systems and software and will take steps necessary to ensure that its 
    information technology infrastructure will be Year 2000-capable.  The com- 
    pany has established a "Year 2000 Project Office" to lead and coordinate 
    all of its global Year 2000 activities.  This office is accountable to 
    provide the necessary leadership, tools and knowledge required by all 
    operating units to become Year 2000-capable.  The company is also working 
    with Computer Sciences Corporation and Andersen Consulting, who operate 
    the majority of the company's global information systems and technology 
    infrastructure, so that the services they provide will be Year 2000- 
    capable.  At this time, the company cannot reasonably estimate the poten- 
    tial impact on its financial position and operations if key suppliers, 
    customers and other constituents (e.g., government) do not become Year 
    2000-capable on a timely basis.

    Out-of-pocket costs incurred to become Year 2000-capable are currently 
    estimated to be about $200 million and are not expected to have a material 
    adverse effect on the company's financial condition, operations or 
    liquidity.  The company will devote all necessary resources to make its 
    key systems Year 2000-capable on a timely basis. 

2.  Copy of the Registrant's "Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure" from the 
    company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 

    YEAR 2000
    The company has essentially completed the inventory and assessment phases 
    and has entered the remediation and testing phases of its plan to become 
    Year 2000-capable.  The company's target for completing its Year 2000 
    modifications is mid-1999; however, additional refinements and testing may 
    continue through the end of 1999.

    The company currently expects total out-of-pocket costs to become Year 
    2000-capable to be in the range of $300 to $400 million.  The company 
    expects that such costs will not have a material adverse effect on the 
    company's financial condition, operations or liquidity.


    The foregoing timetable and assessment of costs to become Year 2000- 
    capable reflect management's best estimates.  These estimates are based 
    upon many assumptions, including assumptions about the cost, availability 
    and ability of resources to locate, remediate and modify affected systems.  
    Based upon its activities to date, the company does not believe that these 
    factors will cause results to differ significantly from those estimated.  
    However, the company cannot reasonably estimate the potential impact on 
    its financial condition and operations if key third parties, including 
    governments, do not become Year 2000-capable on a timely basis.  The com- 
    pany is working through various trade associations as well as communicat- 
    ing directly with its significant suppliers and customers to determine 
    their Year 2000 capability.  In addition, the company has begun contin- 
    gency planning to handle potential disruptions in electrical, telecommuni- 
    cations, transportation and distribution services.  There can be no 
    guarantee that these efforts will prevent the failure of third parties to 
    become Year 2000-capable from having a material adverse affect on the 
    company's financial condition or operations. 
