WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported) January 27, 1999

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-815              51-0014090
    (State or Other Jurisdiction     (Commission       (I.R.S Employer
         of Incorporation)           File Number)     Identification No.)

                              1007 Market Street
                          Wilmington, Delaware  19898
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (302) 774-1000



Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

     In connection with Debt and/or Equity Securities that may be offered 
on a delayed or continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3 
(No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339 and No. 33-60069), we hereby file the following 
press release.

    Number                      Description of Exhibit
    -------        -------------------------------------------------

      99           Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release,
                   dated January 27, 1999.



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                          /s/D. B. Smith
                                             D. B. Smith
                                         Assistant Controller

January 27, 1999


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                           Description of Exhibits
- -------        ------------------------------------------------------------

  99           Copy of the Registrant's Earnings Press Release, dated
               January 27, 1999.


                                                     EXHIBIT 99

                                        Contact:  Susan Gaffney
                                                  (302) 774-2698


        Wilmington, Del., Jan., 27 -- DuPont reported fourth 
quarter diluted earnings per share from continuing operations 
before nonrecurring items of $.60, down 8 percent versus the 
fourth quarter 1997 but 13 percent above the third quarter 1998.
        For the full year 1998, diluted earnings per share from 
continuing operations before nonrecurring items were $2.55 per 
share, down 6 percent versus a record $2.70 in 1997.  Including 
discontinued operations, diluted earnings per share before 
nonrecurring and extraordinary items for the fourth quarter and 
the full year were $.61 and $3.07, respectively.
                            4th       4th
                          Quarter   Quarter   Full Year   Full Year
  (per share diluted)      1998      1997       1998        1997
                          -------   -------   ---------   ---------
Continuing Operations      $.60      $.65       $2.55       $2.70
Discontinued Operations     .01       .18         .52         .85
                           ----      ----       -----       -----
Total                      $.61      $.83       $3.07       $3.55
                           ====      ====       =====       =====
4th Quarter Highlights
- ----------------------
     o  Recorded the second highest ever underlying after-tax 
        operating income from continuing operations for a fourth 

     o  Completed divestiture of 30 percent of the Company's 
        interest in Conoco via a $4.2 billion initial public 

     o  Completed sale of substantially all the Company's 
        remaining interest in coal operations.

     o  Announced agreement to purchase Hoechst AG's automotive 
        coatings business (Herberts) for DM 3.1 billion 
        (approximately $1.9 billion.)


        "Despite a challenging economic environment in which 
DuPont faced continued downward pressure on selling prices and a 
$.15 per share negative currency impact, underlying earnings of 
$2.55 per share from continuing operations for the year were only 
6 percent below 1997,"  said DuPont Chairman and Chief Executive 
Officer Charles O. Holliday, Jr.  "After four years of record 
earnings, we are disappointed by these results but not dis- 
couraged for the future.  In this environment almost half of our 
business units successfully increased their earnings year over 
        Holliday added, "Our view of the global economy suggests 
several more quarters of low volume growth and continued price 
pressure.  We are responding to these market challenges and 
developing appropriate opportunities.  Lower raw material costs 
and more favorable currency comparisons, combined with results 
from our productivity focus should all contribute to our ability 
to weather this cycle more favorably than in the past."
Reported Earnings - Including Nonrecurring Items
- ------------------------------------------------
        Fourth quarter diluted earnings from continuing opera- 
tions including nonrecurring items were $.68 per share compared 
to $.06 per share in 1997.  The current quarter includes non- 
recurring items as detailed in the accompanying footnotes total- 
ing a net benefit of $.08 per share.  The fourth quarter 1997 
included nonrecurring charges totaling $.59 per share, princi- 
pally the write-off of in-process R&D related to acquisitions.


        Including nonrecurring items, diluted earnings from 
discontinued operations for the fourth quarter were $2.14 per 
share compared to $.17 per share for the fourth quarter 1997.  
The current quarter includes a net nonrecurring gain of $2.13 per 
share, principally reflecting a gain from the issuance of stock 
in the Conoco IPO.  Fourth quarter 1997 included a $.01 net 
charge for nonrecurring items.
        Total Company earnings including the nonrecurring items 
described above were $2.82 per share for the fourth quarter and 
$3.90 for the year, compared to $.23 and $2.08 per share, 
respectively, earned in 1997.
                  DILUTED EARNINGS ($) PER SHARE
                            4th       4th
                          Quarter   Quarter   Full Year   Full Year
                            1998      1997      1998        1997
                          -------   -------   ---------   ---------
Continuing Operations
- ---------------------
Underlying                 $ .60      $.65      $2.55       $2.70
Reported                     .68       .06       1.43        1.24

Discontinued Operations
- -----------------------
Underlying                   .01       .18        .52         .85
Reported                    2.14       .17       2.65         .84

Extraordinary Item           --        --        (.18)        --
- ------------------

Total Company
- -------------
Underlying*                  .61       .83       3.07        3.55
Reported                    2.82       .23       3.90**      2.08

- --------------------
 *Includes per share amounts from discontinued operations.
**Includes 3Q98 extraordinary charge of $.18 per share for early 
  redemption of debt.


Results From Continuing Operations
- ----------------------------------
        For the year, sales were $24.8 billion, up 3 percent from 
$24.1 billion in 1997.  Sales from acquisitions added roundly 
$2.1 billion or 9 percent.  After-tax operating income from 
continuing operations before nonrecurring items for the year 1998 
was $3.2 billion versus $3.3 billion in 1997. 
    Segment Analysis
        The following compares the full year 1998 with prior 
year for segment results from continuing operations before 
nonrecurring items described in the accompanying footnotes.
        Chemicals segment earnings were $662 million compared 
with $590 million earned last year, up 12 percent, principally 
due to higher earnings from white pigments.  Segment sales of 
$4.1 billion were 4 percent lower, reflecting an 8 percent 
decline from lower sales volume and divested hydrogen peroxide 
production.  Segment selling prices were up 4 percent prin- 
cipally reflecting higher white pigment prices.
        Fibers segment earnings were $843 million, 12 percent 
below the $962 million earned in 1997.  This principally 
reflects lower "Dacron" polyester and "Lycra" spandex earnings.   
"Dacron" polyester had significant declines in volume and 
selling prices resulting from competitive pressures and imports.  
"Lycra" spandex results were principally affected by weakness in 
Europe.  Segment sales of $7.3 billion were down 5 percent as 
selling prices averaged 3 percent lower and sales volumes 
2 percent lower.


        Earnings for the polymers segment were $925 million,
up 2 percent from the $911 million earned in 1997, reflecting 
improved results from engineering polymers and fluoropolymers, 
offset by lower earnings from automotive products.  Segment 
sales of $6.9 billion, sales volume, and selling prices were 
flat versus 1997.
        Life Sciences segment earnings were $500 million, down 
17 percent from $603 million in 1997.  Pharmaceuticals earnings 
were 15 percent higher reflecting higher ownership in the second 
half due to the buy out of Merck's interest in DuPont Merck 
Pharmaceuticals, improved results from "Coumadin" warfarin 
sodium and the successful launch of SustivaTM, a new drug for 
the treatment of HIV and AIDS.  Agricultural Products earnings 
were 29 percent lower, reflecting lower worldwide prices and 
lower U.S. volumes for crop protection products.  Segment sales 
of $3.4 billion were up 33 percent reflecting $1.2 billion of 
additional revenue from acquisitions (principally pharmaceu- 
        Diversified businesses earnings were $275 million, up 
3 percent from $268 million in 1997.  This reflects the absence 
of losses incurred last year from the now divested printing and 
publishing business, partly offset by earnings declines in the 
polyester related businesses.  Segment sales were $3.2 billion, 
up 13 percent from $2.8 billion in 1997.  This reflects addi- 
tional sales from acquired businesses, partly offset by absence 
of sales of divested businesses and 6 percent lower prices.


Results From Discontinued Operations
- ------------------------------------
        For the year 1998, income from discontinued operations 
before nonrecurring items was $608 million after tax, down 
38 percent from $979 million in 1997.  This decline is princi- 
pally attributable to lower worldwide oil and gas prices.  
Please refer to the press release issued by Conoco today for 
additional information and perspective regarding its operations.  
Income from discontinued operations including nonrecurring items 
was $3,033 million for the year 1998, compared to $973 million 
in 1997.  


        Forward-Looking Statements:  This release contains 
forward-looking statements relating to DuPont's operations that 
are based on management's current expectations, estimates and 
projections.  These statements are identified by words such as 
"looking ahead," "expects," "anticipates," "plans," "intends," 
"projects," "indicates," and similar expressions.  These 
statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve 
a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could 
cause actual results to differ materially, as discussed more 
fully elsewhere in this release and in DuPont's filings with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly its Current 
Report on Form 8-K filed on November 13, 1998.




                                                                      Three Months Ended            Year Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT<Fa>                                        December 31                December 31
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                                 1998       1997         1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SALES .............................................................   $ 6,099    $ 5,903       $24,767     $24,089
Other Income<Fb> ..................................................       356        169           981       1,005
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
    Total .........................................................     6,455      6,072        25,748      25,094
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses .............................     4,196      4,216        16,972      16,636
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ......................       588        534         2,115       2,061
Depreciation and Amortization .....................................       385        346         1,452       1,361
Interest Expense ..................................................       104        121           520         389
Purchased In-Process Research and Development<Fc> .................       (58)       628         1,443       1,478
Employee Separation Costs and Write-Down of Assets<Fd> ............        56        -             633         340
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
    Total .........................................................     5,271      5,845        23,135      22,265
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
  MINORITY INTERESTS ..............................................     1,184        227         2,613       2,829
Provision for Income Tax Expenses .................................       398        147<Fc>       941       1,354<Fc>
Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated Subsidiaries .......         5          9            24          43
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS .................................       781         71         1,648       1,432
  Income from Operations of Discontinued Business, Net of Income
    Taxes<Fa> .....................................................       -          191           594         973
  Gain on Disposal of Discontinued Business, Net of Income
    Taxes<Fa> .....................................................     2,439        -           2,439         -
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
INCOME BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEM ..................................     3,220        262         4,681       2,405
Extraordinary Charge From Early Extinguishment of Debt, Net of
  Income Taxes<Fe> ................................................       -          -            (201)        - 
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
NET INCOME ........................................................   $ 3,220    $   262       $ 4,480     $ 2,405
                                                                      =======    =======       =======     =======

  Continuing Operations ...........................................   $   .69    $   .06       $  1.45     $  1.26<Fg>
  Discontinued Operations .........................................      2.17        .17          2.69<Fg>     .86<Fg>
  Extraordinary Charge ............................................       -          -            (.18)        -
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
  Net Income ......................................................   $  2.86    $   .23       $  3.96<Fg> $  2.12
                                                                      =======    =======       =======     =======
  Continuing Operations ...........................................   $   .68    $   .06       $  1.43<Fg> $  1.24
  Discontinued Operations .........................................      2.14        .17          2.65<Fg>     .84<Fg>
  Extraordinary Charge ............................................       -          -            (.18)        -
                                                                      -------    -------       -------     -------
  Net Income ......................................................   $  2.82    $   .23       $  3.90     $  2.08<Fg>
                                                                      =======    =======       =======     =======
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK                                   $   .35    $  .315       $ 1.365     $  1.23
                                                                      =======    =======       =======     =======



- --------------------------------------
<Fa> Discontinued Operations:
     On September 28, 1998, the Company's Board of Directors approved a 
     plan to divest the Company's wholly owned petroleum business 
     (Conoco).  On October 21, 1998, Conoco sold, in an initial public 
     offering (IPO), 191,456,427 shares of Conoco Class A common stock at 
     $23.00 per share for net proceeds of $4,228.  The Company intends to 
     complete the divestiture with a tax-free split off of its remaining 
     Conoco shares (69.5%) to DuPont shareholders no later than third 
     quarter 1999.  The Company has not recognized a deferred tax 
     liability for the difference between the book basis and tax basis of 
     its investment in Conoco's common stock because the Company does not 
     expect this basis difference to become subject to tax.  The 
     Company's consolidated financial statements and notes report its 
     petroleum business as Discontinued Operations.  Prior periods have 
     been restated.  Fourth quarter results reported by Conoco to its 
     shareholders are on a standalone basis and differ from results based 
     on discontinued operations reporting as discussed below.

     Income from Operations of Discontinued Business reflects income 
     taxes of $267, $311, and $921 for the three months ended 
     December 31, 1997 and for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 
     1997, respectively.  The fourth quarter 1997 and year ended 
     December 31, 1997 include charges of $112 for impairment of non- 
     revenue producing properties and $55 for a write-down of an office 
     building held for sale, substantially offset by a $161 gain on the 
     sale of certain North Sea producing and exploration properties.

     Effective October 1, 1998, Conoco's results are reported as part of 
     Gain on Disposal of Discontinued Business.  For the three months 
     ended December 31, 1998, such gain is $2,439.  This includes a loss 
     from Conoco's operations of $148 (after a tax benefit of $116 and a 
     minority interest benefit of $45).  This loss includes nonrecurring 
     charges of $164:  $127 for compensation expense for options granted 
     by Conoco in substitution for DuPont options held by Conoco 
     employees, $69 for employee separation costs and property impair- 
     ments, partially offset by $32 of asset sales.

<Fb> Fourth quarter 1998 includes a $217 gain on the sale of substan- 
     tially all of the Company's remaining interest in CONSOL Energy Inc.  
     Also, effective July 1, 1998, Other Income no longer reflects equity 
     affiliate earnings from The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Co. (DuPont 
     Merck) as these results are now fully consolidated due to the 
     purchase of Merck's 50% interest in DuPont Merck.

     Total year 1997 includes a benefit of $115 from the Company's equity 
     interest in the gain on the sale by The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical 
     Co. (now DuPont Pharmaceuticals) of its generic and multisource 
     product lines.



- --------------------------------------
<Fc> Purchased In-Process Research and Development represents the value 
     assigned in a purchase business combination to research and 
     development projects of the acquired business that were commenced 
     but not yet completed at the date of acquisition, for which tech- 
     nological feasibility has not been established and which have no 
     alternative future use in research and development activities or 

     The fourth quarter 1998 net benefit represents adjustments, based on 
     revision of preliminary purchase price allocations to purchased 
     in-process research and development, in conjunction with 1) the 
     purchase of Merck's 50% interest in The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical 
     Company (reduction of $70) and 2) the purchase of the ICI polyester 
     businesses (increase of $12).

     Total year 1998 includes $1,230 for DuPont Pharmaceuticals, $153 for 
     the polyester businesses and $60 to increase, based on revision of 
     preliminary purchase price allocations, the $500 charge taken in the 
     fourth quarter 1997 in connection with the purchase of Protein 
     Technologies International (PTI).

     Fourth quarter 1997 represents the $500 charge for PTI based on 
     preliminary allocations of purchase price (indicated above), a 
     charge of $53, based on revision of preliminary purchase price 
     allocations in conjunction with the purchase of a 20 percent 
     interest in Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (Pioneer) and a 
     charge of $75, based on preliminary allocations of purchase price, 
     in conjunction with the purchase of the ICI polyester businesses.

     Total year 1997 includes a charge of $903 for Pioneer, and the 
     fourth quarter 1997 charges of $500 for PTI and $75 for the ICI 
     polyester businesses as discussed above.  The charges associated 
     with Pioneer and PTI were not tax effected because these trans- 
     actions were stock acquisitions rather than asset purchases.

<Fd> Fourth quarter 1998 includes a $56 impairment write-down to fair 
     value of certain Pharmaceuticals assets.

     In addition, total year 1998 includes $391 resulting from the 
     implementation of Company-wide productivity improvement initiatives 
     ($202 associated with separation costs for over 2,600 employees and 
     $189 in asset write-downs, principally due to shutdown and disman- 
     tlement of excess production capacity); $108 of employee separation 
     costs and $78 for the shutdown of related manufacturing facilities 
     within the Nylon business.

     1997 represents charges, primarily write-downs, associated with 
     exiting the Company's global graphic arts films and offset printing 
     plates businesses.



- --------------------------------------
<Fe> During 1998, the Company recognized an extraordinary after-tax 
     charge of $201 ($275 pretax, less taxes of $74) for the early 
     extinguishment of debt with an aggregate principal amount of $1,633.

<Ff> Earnings per share are calculated on the basis of the following 
     average number of common shares outstanding:

                 Three Months Ended                 Year Ended
                    December 31                     December 31
            -----------------------------   ----------------------------
                Basic          Diluted          Basic          Diluted
            -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
     1998   1,126,504,245   1,139,231,632   1,128,826,525   1,145,347,028
     1997   1,131,053,603   1,148,485,338   1,130,755,483   1,149,803,450

<Fg> Year to date earnings per share do not equal the sum of quarterly 
     earnings per share due to changes in average share calculations.



CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRY SEGMENT INFORMATION -                Three Months Ended              Year Ended
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                         December 31                  December 31
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                   1998            1997         1998            1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
Chemicals ...........................................   $ 1,019         $ 1,084       $ 4,113         $ 4,267
Fibers ..............................................     1,716           1,932         7,281           7,680
Polymers ............................................     1,725           1,724         6,858           6,830
Life Sciences .......................................       890             461         3,355           2,518
Diversified Businesses ..............................       749             702         3,160           2,794
                                                        -------         -------       -------         -------
    Total ...........................................   $ 6,099         $ 5,903       $24,767         $24,089
                                                        =======         =======       =======         =======
- -----------------------------------------
Chemicals ...........................................   $   172         $   163       $   647 <Fc>    $   590
Fibers ..............................................       193             260           631             962
Polymers ............................................       256             227           898             911
Life Sciences .......................................        46<Fd>        (516)<Fe>     (429)<Fd>       (790)<Fe>
Diversified Businesses ..............................       178<Ff>          18 <Fg>      193 <Ff>        (15)<Fg>
                                                        -------         -------       -------         -------
    ATOI from Continuing Operations .................       845             152         1,940           1,658

Interest and Other Corporate Expenses, Net of Tax ...       (64)            (81)         (292)           (226)
                                                        -------         -------       -------         -------
  BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEM .........................   $   781         $    71       $ 1,648         $ 1,432
                                                        =======         =======       =======         =======

<Fa> Prior periods have been restated to reflect the petroleum business as 
     discontinued operations.

<Fb> Total year 1998 includes a charge of $256 resulting from a Company-wide 
     productivity improvement initiative (Chemicals - $51; Fibers - $82; 
     Polymers - $27; Life Sciences - $16; and Diversified Businesses - $80) 
     and charges of $130 within the Fibers segment attributable to employee 
     separation costs and the shutdown of related manufacturing facilities.

<Fc> Includes a $36 gain on the sale of Hydrogen Peroxide assets, in addition 
     to the charge in Note (b).

<Fd> Purchased in-process research and development represents the value 
     assigned in a purchase business combination to research and development 
     projects of the acquired business that were commenced but not yet 
     completed at the date of acquisition, for which technological feasibility 
     has not been established and which have no alternative future use in 
     research and development activities or otherwise.



- --------------------------------------
     The fourth quarter 1998 includes a benefit, based on revision of 
     preliminary purchase price allocations to purchased in-process research 
     and development, of $46 in conjunction with the purchase of Merck's 50% 
     interest in The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company (DuPont Merck) and, 
     in addition, a $54 impairment write-down to fair value of certain 
     Pharmaceutical assets.

     In addition to the charge indicated in Note (b), total year 1998 includes 
     a charge of $799 related to purchased in-process research and development 
     for DuPont Pharmaceuticals, the $54 impairment write-down indicated 
     above, and a $60 charge to increase, based on revision of preliminary 
     purchase price allocations, the $500 charge taken in the fourth quarter 
     1997, of the purchase price allocation related to purchased in-process 
     research and development in conjunction with the purchase of Protein 
     Technologies International (PTI).

<Fe> Includes a charge of $553 ($53 for a charge, based on revision of 
     preliminary purchase price allocations to purchased in-process research 
     and development, in conjunction with the purchase of 20 percent interest 
     in Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (Pioneer) and $500 for the 
     purchase of PTI) for the fourth quarter 1997, and $1,403 ($903 for 
     Pioneer and $500 for PTI) for the total year 1997, related to purchased 
     in-process research and development.  The charges associated with Pioneer 
     and PTI were not tax effected because these transactions were stock 
     rather than asset purchases.  Also includes a charge of $62 for the 
     quarter and the year associated with the "Benlate" 50 DF fungicide 
     recall.  In addition, the year includes a benefit of $72 from the 
     Company's equity interest in the gain on the sale by DuPont Merck (now 
     DuPont Pharmaceuticals) of its generic and multisource product lines.

<Ff> Fourth quarter includes a gain of $121 on the sale by the Company of 
     substantially all of its remaining interest in CONSOL Energy Inc., a 
     50/50 coal operations joint venture, and a charge of $14, based on 
     revision of preliminary purchase price allocations to purchased 
     in-process research and development, in conjunction with the purchase of 
     the ICI polyester businesses.

     In addition to the charge indicated in Note (b), total year 1998 includes 
     a charge of $123, based on revision of preliminary purchase price 
     allocations to purchased in-process research and development, in 
     conjunction with the purchase of the ICI polyester businesses, offset by 
     the $121 gain on the sale of substantially all of the Company's remaining 
     interest in CONSOL Energy Inc.
<Fg> Includes a fourth quarter charge of $63, based on preliminary allocations 
     of purchase price to purchased in-process research and development, in 
     conjunction with the purchase of the ICI polyester businesses.  Total 
     year also includes $220 associated with exiting the Company's global 
     graphics arts films and offset printing plates businesses.



EXCLUDING IMPACT OF NONRECURRING ITEMS -                   Three Months Ended              Year Ended
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                         December 31                  December 31
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                   1998            1997          1998            1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------
Chemicals ...........................................    $  172          $  163        $  662          $  590
Fibers ..............................................       193             260           843             962
Polymers ............................................       256             227           925             911
Life Sciences .......................................        54              99           500             603
Diversified Businesses ..............................        71              81           275             268
                                                         ------          ------        ------          ------
  ATOI from Continuing Operations ...................       746             830         3,205           3,334

Interest and Other Corporate 
  Expenses, Net of Tax ..............................       (64)            (81)         (292)           (226)
                                                         ------          ------        ------          ------
  BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEM .........................    $  682          $  749        $2,913          $3,108
                                                         ======          ======        ======          ======
