This Schedule Contains Summary Financial Information Extracted From
Form 10-Q For The Quarterly Period Ended September 30, 1999, And Is
Qualified In Its Entirety By Reference To Such Financial Statements
<MULTIPLIER> 1,000,000

<PERIOD-TYPE>                   9-MOS
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                          DEC-31-1999
<PERIOD-START>                             JAN-01-1999
<PERIOD-END>                               SEP-30-1999
<CASH>                                           2,305
<SECURITIES>                                       294
<RECEIVABLES>                                    5,200<F1>
<ALLOWANCES>                                         0
<INVENTORY>                                      3,595
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                                12,107
<PP&E>                                          35,542
<DEPRECIATION>                                  20,941
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                  34,436
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                           10,654
<BONDS>                                          4,622
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                0
<PREFERRED>                                        237
<COMMON>                                           342
<OTHER-SE>                                       9,706
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>                    34,436
<SALES>                                         19,800
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                                20,212
<CGS>                                           12,468<F2>
<TOTAL-COSTS>                                   17,108<F3>
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                                     0
<LOSS-PROVISION>                                     0
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                                 333
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                  2,771
<INCOME-TAX>                                     1,066
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                              1,655
<DISCONTINUED>                                   7,455
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      0
<CHANGES>                                            0
<NET-INCOME>                                     9,110
<EPS-BASIC>                                       8.29
<EPS-DILUTED>                                     8.19
<F1>Includes Other Accounts In Addition To Notes and Accounts
<F2>Includes Other Expenses.
<F3>Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses; Depreciation and Amortization;
Research and Development; Selling, General and Administrative Expenses;
Purchased In-Process Research and Development; and Employee Separation
Costs and Write-Down of Assets.