Exhibit 10.1

                                  TAX AGREEMENT

         TAX AGREEMENT, dated as of September 15, 2000 (the "Agreement"), by and
among Cadbury  Schweppes  plc, an English  public limited  company  ("CS"),  SBG
Holdings  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  ("SBGH"),  Triarc  Companies,  Inc., a
Delaware  corporation  ("T Parent") and Triarc Consumer  Products Group,  LLC, a
Delaware limited liability company wholly-owned by T Parent ("TCPG").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions set forth
in that  Agreement  and Plan of Merger by and among CS, T Parent  and  others of
even date  herewith  (the  "Merger  Agreement"),  SBGH will acquire the stock of
Snapple Beverage Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("SBG"); and

         WHEREAS, in connection with this acquisition and the other transactions
contemplated by the Merger Agreement, the parties hereto have determined that it
is in their best interests to make the election  pursuant to Section  338(h)(10)
of the Code and, where available,  comparable elections for state and local (but
not foreign)  Tax law purposes  (the  "Election")  with respect to SBG,  Snapple
Beverage Corp., a Delaware  corporation  wholly-owned by SBG ("SBC"), and Mistic
Brands, Inc., a Delaware corporation  wholly-owned by SBG ("M") (SBG, SBC and M,
together, the "Mandatory Election Companies"); and

         WHEREAS,  SBGH may  determine  to make or cause to be made the Election
with respect to any or all of the Subsidiaries of SBC (the "SBC  Subsidiaries");

         WHEREAS,  unless  defined  in this  Agreement,  capitalized  terms used
herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Merger Agreement;

         NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the  representations,  warranties,
covenants  and  agreements  contained  herein and in the Merger  Agreement,  the
parties hereto agree as follows:

1. THE  ELECTIONS.  SBGH and T Parent shall jointly make or cause to be made the
Election with respect to the Mandatory  Election  Companies.  At the election of
SBGH, SBGH and T Parent shall jointly make or cause to be made the Election,  to
the extent  permitted by law, with respect to such SBC  Subsidiaries as SBGH, in
its sole  discretion,  may determine (such SBC  Subsidiaries,  together with the
Mandatory Election Companies, the "Election Companies").

2. COOPERATION. The parties hereto shall cooperate fully with each other
in the making of each Election. The parties shall provide or cause to be
provided to each other all necessary information to enable the Elections to be
made. The parties hereto shall, promptly following the Closing Date, take all
actions necessary and appropriate, within their control, including filing
Internal  Revenue  Service  ("IRS")  Form 8023 and such  other  forms,  returns,
elections,  schedules,  attachments  and other documents as may be required (the
"Forms"), to effect timely, valid Elections.


         a. ALLOCATION PRINCIPLES. The amounts of the Stock Allocations shall be
allocated in  accordance  with Section 2.2 of the Merger  Agreement  and further
allocated  among the stock of the SBC  Subsidiaries  not  included  in the Stock
Allocations (all such allocations,  the "Further Allocations").  With respect to
each corporation for which the Election is to be made, the aggregate deemed sale
price ("ADSP"),  as defined in Treasury  Regulation  Section 1.338-4T,  shall be
determined  reflecting the amounts allocated pursuant to the preceding sentence.
The ADSP for each such Election  Company shall be allocated  among the assets of
such company in  accordance  with  Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.338-4T  (the
"Election  Allocations").  Notwithstanding  anything else in this Agreement, the
ADSP for any  Election  Company  shall not  include  or take into  account  with
respect to such  company (x) any of such  company's  accruals  or  expenses  not
deducted for Tax purposes  prior to the Closing Date  (including  any payment or
obligation to make payment pursuant to Section 5.14 of the Merger Agreement) and
(y) any  contingent  liabilities.  The $200 million  referred to in Section 4 of
this  Agreement  shall be allocated to SBG and further  allocated to SBC and the
SBC Subsidiaries for purposes of determining the ADSP for such companies.

to be made the Further Allocations and the Election Allocations  (together,  the
"Allocations").  SBGH shall deliver a statement  setting  forth the  Allocations
(the  "Allocation  Statement") to T Parent  simultaneously  with or prior to the
delivery to T Parent of the Audited  Closing  Balance Sheet  pursuant to Section
2.2 of the Merger Agreement, but in any event at least ninety (90) days prior to
the last possible date for the timely filing of the IRS Form 8023. Within thirty
(30) days of its receipt of the Allocation Statement,  T Parent shall deliver to
SBGH in writing  either (a) a  statement  indicating  that it has  accepted  the
Allocation  Statement  without  change  (the  "Acceptance  Statement")  or (b) a
statement  of proposed  changes with respect to the  Allocation  Statement  (the
"Statement  of  Changes").  If T Parent  shall  fail to deliver a  Statement  of
Changes  within  such  30-day  period,  T Parent  also  shall be  deemed to have
accepted the Allocation  Statement.  If T Parent delivers to SBGH a Statement of
Changes, T Parent shall be deemed to accept all Allocations other than those set
forth in the  Statement of Changes.  In the event T Parent  delivers to SBGH the
Acceptance  Statement or fails to deliver the  Statement  of Changes  within the
time set forth above,  the  Election  Allocations  contained  in the  Allocation
Statement  shall be used in the Forms.  If T Parent delivers to SBGH a Statement
of Changes,  SBGH shall in good faith attempt to accommodate  such changes,  and
SBGH and T Parent shall negotiate in good faith in this regard,  but if SBGH and
T Parent cannot agree on all items set forth in the Statement of Changes  within
fifteen (15) days of SBGH's receipt  thereof,  SBGH and T Parent shall submit to
an Independent  Accounting  Firm,  within five (5) days,  those items,  and only
those  items,  set forth in the  Statement of Changes on which they do not agree
(the "Disputed  Items").  Within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the Disputed
Items, the Independent  Accounting Firm shall determine their resolution,  which
shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties. T Parent and SBGH shall, and
shall cause their respective  Affiliates to, provide the Independent Accounting
Firm full cooperation. T Parent, on the one hand, and CS and SBGH, on the other
hand,  shall each pay fifty percent (50%) of the fees and disbursements of the
Independent  Accounting  Firm. The  Allocations, as ultimately determined under
the procedures set forth in this Section 3(b), shall be called the "Final
Allocations."  The Final  Allocations shall be used in the Forms,  which T
Parent and SBGH will  promptly  cause to be duly executed by the appropriate
parties and filed with the IRS or other appropriate Tax authority.

4.  PAYMENT TO T PARENT.  On the date on which the IRS Form 8023 is to be filed,
simultaneously,  immediately  prior to such filing,  (a) the parties shall cause
four originals of each of the Forms to be duly executed, and T Parent shall take
two executed  originals of each Form and SBGH shall take two executed  originals
of each Form, and (b) CS and SBGH shall jointly and severally pay to T Parent an
aggregate  of  $200  million  (the  "Election   Amount")  by  wire  transfer  of
immediately available funds to such account or accounts specified by T Parent in
writing,  plus interest thereon (if any) on the terms set forth in the following
sentence.  Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, T Parent is under no
obligation  to file or cause to be filed the Forms unless and until the Election
Amount is paid to T Parent,  plus,  in the event the Forms are not filed  within
forty-five  (45) days of the Closing  Date,  interest  thereon (i) at a rate per
annum equal to the  three-month  LIBOR rate as reported under the heading "Money
Rates" in the Wall  Street  Journal on the  Closing  Date  ("LIBOR")  plus 0.5%,
compounded quarterly,  from (but excluding) the forty-fifth (45th) day following
the  Closing  Date to (and  including)  March 15,  2001,  and (ii) (a) from (but
excluding)  March 15, 2001 at 9% compounded  daily on any unpaid  balance of the
Election  Amount up to and including  $170 million,  and (b) at a rate per annum
equal to LIBOR plus 0.5%, compounded quarterly,  on any remaining balance of the
Election Amount outstanding.

5.  FILING  OF  FORMS;  LIQUIDATED  DAMAGES.  In the  event  that T Parent or an
Affiliate thereof takes or fails to take such action in breach of this Agreement
such that the Forms  cannot be duly and  timely  filed as  contemplated  by this
Agreement,  then T Parent shall pay to SBGH the sum of $30 million as liquidated
damages, which the parties hereto agree shall be in lieu of any other damages to
which SBGH or any of its Affiliates  might be entitled  hereunder.  In the event
that CS,  SBGH or an  Affiliate  thereof  takes or fails to take such  action in
breach of this  Agreement such that the Forms cannot be duly and timely filed as
contemplated by this Agreement,  then CS and SBGH shall be jointly and severally
obligated to pay to T Parent the sum of $30 million as liquidated damages, which
the parties hereto agree shall be in lieu of any other damages to which T Parent
or any of its  Affiliates  might be  entitled  to  hereunder.  These  liquidated
damages are considered to be a fair and reasonable  estimate of the damages that
may be  incurred  by  the  non-  breaching  parties,  which  damages  cannot  be
determined  with  reasonable  certainty.  This  amount is not  considered  to be
disproportionate  to the provable  damages,  unconscionable  or a penalty by the
parties hereto.

6.       REPORTING. The parties will not take, and shall cause their Affiliates
not to take, any position with respect to Taxes, financial reporting or
otherwise in any filing, judicial or administrative  proceeding or other
circumstance  that is inconsistent with the Forms as filed, except as may be
required by law.


         a.  EXTENSION;  WAIVER.  The parties  hereto may to the extent  legally
allowed:  (i) extend the time for the  performance of any of the  obligations or
other acts of the other parties  hereto;  and (ii) waive  compliance with any of
the agreements or conditions  contained  herein.  Any agreement on the part of a
party hereto to any such extension or waiver shall be valid only if set forth in
a written  instrument  signed on behalf of such party.  The failure of any party
hereto to assert any of its rights  hereunder  shall not  constitute a waiver of
such rights. No waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement, in any one or
more  instances,  shall be deemed to be or  construed as a waiver of the same or
any other term or condition of this Agreement on any future occasion.

         b.       AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended, modified or
supplemented only by written agreement of the parties hereto with respect to
any of the terms contained herein.

         c.       GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, without
reference to choice of law principles, including all matters of construction,
validity and performance.

         d.       NOTICES. Notices, requests, permissions, waivers, and other
communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been
duly given if signed by the respective persons giving them (in the case of any
corporation the signature shall be by an officer thereof) and delivered by hand
or by telecopy or on the date of receipt indicated on the return receipt if
mailed (registered or certified, return receipt requested, properly addressed
and postage prepaid):

                           If to T Parent; to:

                           Triarc Companies, Inc.
                           280 Park Avenue
                           New York, NY 10017
                           Attention:     Brian L. Schorr, Esq.
                           Facsimile:     (212) 451-3216

                           with a copy to:

                           Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                           1285 Avenue of the Americas
                           New York, NY 10019-6064
                           Attention:     Neale M. Albert, Esq.
                           Facsimile:     (212) 757-3990


                           If to SBGH or an Affiliate thereof, to:
                           Cadbury Schweppes plc
                           25 Berkeley Square
                           London, England W1X 6HT
                           Attention:     Company Secretary
                           Facsimile:     (011) 44 207 830 5221

                           with a copy to:

                           Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                           101 Park Avenue
                           New York, NY 10178
                           Attention:     Charles E. Engros, Esq.
                                          Steven A. Navarro, Esq.
                           Facsimile:     (212) 309-6273

Such names and addresses may be changed by notice given in accordance  with this
Section 7(d).

         e.  COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts and each counterpart shall be deemed to be an original, but all
of which shall constitute one and the same original.

         f.  SEVERABILITY; ENFORCEMENT. The invalidity of any portion
hereof shall not affect the validity, force or effect of the remaining
portions hereof.

         g. CONSENT TO  JURISDICTION.  Each party hereto hereby  irrevocably and
unconditionally  (i)  submits,  for itself and its  property,  to the  exclusive
jurisdiction of any Federal Court sitting in New York County of the State of New
York in any suit,  action  or  proceeding  arising  out of or  relating  to this
Agreement or for recognition or enforcement of any judgment rendered in any such
suit,  action or  proceeding,  (ii)  waives  any  objection  which it may now or
hereafter have to the laying of venue of any such suit,  action or proceeding in
any such court, including any claim that any such suit, action or proceeding has
been brought in an inconvenient  forum and (iii) waives all rights to a trial by
jury in any such suit, action or proceeding.  Any and all service of process and
any other notice and any such action or  proceeding  shall be effective  against
any party if given personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt
requested, or by any other means of mail that requires a signed receipt, postage
prepaid, mailed to such party as provided herein. Nothing herein contained shall
be deemed  to affect  the  right of any  party to serve  process  in any  manner
permitted by law.

         h.  EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall be effective upon the
consummation of the Mergers as provided for in the Merger Agreement. If the
Merger Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms, this Agreement
shall be null and void.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have  executed or caused this
Agreement to be executed as of the date first above written.

                                               CADBURY SCHWEPPES PLC

                                               /s/ Henry A. Udow
                                               Name: Henry A. Udow
                                               Title: Directors, Mergers
                                                      & Acquisitions

                                               SBG HOLDINGS INC.

                                               /s/ Henry A. Udow
                                               Name: Henry A. Udow
                                               Title: President

                                               TRIARC COMPANIES, INC.

                                               /s/ Nelson Peltz, Peter W. May
                                               Name: Nelson Peltz, Peter W. May
                                               Title: Chairman & CEO,
                                                      President & COO

                                               TRIARC CONSUMER PRODUCTS
                                                GROUP, LLC

                                                /s/ Peter W. May
                                               Name: Peter W. May
                                               Title: President & COO