Exhibit 99.1

                                                 For Immediate Release

CONTACT:          Anne A. Tarbell
                  Triarc Companies, Inc.


     New York, NY, May 1, 2002 - Triarc  Companies,  Inc. (NYSE:  TRY) announced
today that it has submitted a bid to acquire  Sybra,  Inc.,  the second  largest
franchisee of the Arby's(R) brand.

     Sybra, Inc., a subsidiary of I.C.H.  Corporation,  and currently in Chapter
11, owns and operates 239 Arby's restaurants in nine states located primarily in
Michigan, Texas, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Florida.

     In return for 100% of the equity of a reorganized Sybra,  Triarc would make
a $10 million  investment  and Sybra  would  remain  exclusively  liable for its
long-term debt and capital lease  obligations,  which  aggregated  approximately
$104 million as of December 29, 2001,  on terms to be agreed upon.  In addition,
Triarc would make available $2 million to be paid to ICH's creditors.

     Commenting  on the  proposal,  Nelson  Peltz,  Triarc's  Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer,  said: "We believe that the acquisition of Sybra's 239 stores
would  solidify  Triarc's  commitment  to  investing in the Arby's brand and the
Arby's system. We envision the Sybra acquisition as presenting  opportunities to
strengthen the Arby's brand,  to  demonstrate  the benefits of remodeling and to
selectively  re-franchise  restaurants to both new and existing franchisees.  We
also believe that ownership of these  restaurants will increase the value of the
Arby's brand and thus enhance shareholder value."

     Peltz added:  "While there have been other proposals made to acquire Sybra,
we believe that Triarc's proposal is higher and better."

     In February 2002, ICH and its principal subsidiaries, including Sybra, each
voluntarily  filed  petitions  for  reorganization   under  chapter  11  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code.  Sybra has  stated  that the  purpose  of the  filings  was to
separate Sybra's Arby's operations from certain ongoing ICH liabilities  related
to ICH's former ownership of the  California-based  Lyon's  restaurant chain. To
date, the filings  appear to have helped  preserve  Sybra's  Arby's  operations,
allowing  essentially all of Sybra's  restaurants to continue to operate without

     Triarc  is  a  holding  company  and,  through  its  subsidiaries,  is  the
franchisor of Arby's(R) restaurants.

                                      # # #

                                 Notes To Follow


     1. There can be no assurance that the proposed acquisition of Sybra will be
accepted  by Sybra or its  creditors  or approved by the  Bankruptcy  Court.  In
addition, there can be no assurance that such acquisition will be completed, or,
if completed,  that Sybra will be successfully integrated with the operations of
Triarc and its subsidiaries, including Arby's, Inc. In addition, there can be no
assurance that Triarc will be able to identify and effect any other acquisitions
or  business  combinations  or,  if  completed,  that any such  acquisitions  or
business  combinations  will be  successfully  integrated with the operations of
Triarc and its subsidiaries.

     2. The  statements  in this press  release that are not  historical  facts,
including,  most importantly,  information concerning possible or assumed future
results  of  operations  of  Triarc   Companies,   Inc.  and  its   subsidiaries
(collectively,  "Triarc" or the "Company") and statements  preceded by, followed
by, or that include the words "may," "believes," "expects," "anticipates" or the
negation   thereof,   or  similar   expressions,   constitute   "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of the Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act
of 1995 (the "Reform Act"). All statements which address operating  performance,
events or developments  that are expected or anticipated to occur in the future,
including  statements  relating to revenue growth,  earnings per share growth or
statements  expressing  general  optimism about future  operating  results,  are
forward-looking   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  Reform  Act.  These
forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations,  speak only of
the  date of this  press  release  and are  susceptible  to a number  of  risks,
uncertainties   and  other  factors.   Our  actual   results,   performance  and
achievements  may differ  materially  from any future  results,  performance  or
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking  statements. For those
statements,  we claim the  protection  of the  safe-harbor  for  forward-looking
statements  contained in the Reform Act. Many important factors could affect our
future  results and could cause those  results to differ  materially  from those
expressed  in the  forward-looking  statements  contained  herein.  Such factors
include, but are not limited to, the following:  competition,  including product
and  pricing  pressures;  success  of  operating  initiatives;  development  and
operating  costs;  advertising and promotional  efforts;  brand  awareness;  the
existence or absence of positive or adverse publicity;  market acceptance of new
product offerings; new product and concept development by competitors;  changing
trends in consumer  tastes and  preferences  (including  changes  resulting from
health  or safety  concerns  with  respect  to the  consumption  of beef) and in
spending and demographic  patterns;  the business and financial viability of key
franchisees;   availability,   location  and  terms  of  sites  for   restaurant
development by  franchisees;  the ability of franchisees to open new restaurants
in  accordance  with their  development  commitments,  including  the ability of
franchisees to finance restaurant development;  the ability to identify, attract
and retain  potential  franchisees  with  sufficient  experience  and  financial
resources to develop and operate multiple Arby's restaurants; the performance by
material  suppliers  of their  obligations  under their supply  agreements  with
franchisees;  changes in business strategy or development plans;  quality of the
Company's and  franchisees'  management;  availability,  terms and deployment of
capital;  business  abilities  and judgment of the  Company's  and  franchisees'
personnel;   availability   of  qualified   personnel  to  the  Company  and  to
franchisees;  labor and employee  benefit  costs;  availability  and cost of raw
materials, ingredients and supplies and the potential impact on royalty revenues
and franchisees'  restaurant level sales that could arise from  interruptions in
the distribution of supplies of food and other products to franchisees;  general
economic,  business and political conditions in the countries and territories in
which  franchisees  operate;  changes in, or failure to comply with,  government
regulations,  including franchising laws,  accounting  standards,  environmental
laws and taxation  requirements;  the costs,  uncertainties and other effects of
legal,  environmental  and  administrative  proceedings;  the  impact of general
economic  conditions on consumer spending,  including a slower consumer economy,
the effects of the events of September  11, 2001 and the effects of war or other
terrorist   activities;   adverse  weather  conditions;   and  other  risks  and
uncertainties  affecting  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  detailed  in the
Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year ended  December  30,
2001,  and in our other  current and periodic  filings with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission,  all of which  are  difficult  or  impossible  to  predict
accurately  and many of which are beyond our control.  We will not undertake and
specifically  decline  any  obligation  to  publicly  release the results of any
revisions which may be made to any forward-looking  statements to reflect events
or circumstances  after the date of such statements or to reflect the occurrence
of anticipated or unanticipated  events. In addition, it is our policy generally
not to make  any  specific  projections  as to  future  earnings,  and we do not
endorse any projections  regarding future  performance that may be made by third