Exhibit 99.1

                             Triarc Companies, Inc.
                                 280 Park Avenue
                               New York, NY 10017

                                                          For Immediate Release
CONTACT:          Anne A. Tarbell
                  (212) 451-3030


                    o  Strong Increase in Arby's(R) Same-Store Sales

New York, NY, May 12, 2005 - Triarc  Companies,  Inc.  (NYSE:  TRY;  TRY.B)
announced  today the results of operations  for its first quarter ended April 3,
                             Consolidated Highlights

o    Consolidated  revenues increased to $87.7 million in the 2005 first quarter
     from $69.2 million in the 2004 first  quarter  primarily  reflecting  $12.9
     million in asset  management  and related  fees of  Deerfield & Company LLC
     ("Deerfield"), in which Triarc acquired an approximate 64% capital interest
     in  July  2004,  as well  as  increases  in net  sales  from  company-owned
     Arby's(R)  restaurants  and in royalties and franchise and related fees for
     the 2005 quarter.  First quarter 2005 Arby's  systemwide  same-store  sales
     were up 4% from the 2004 first quarter.

o    Consolidated net income was $2.7 million,  or $0.04 per diluted Class A and
     Class B  share,  in the 2005  first  quarter,  compared  with a net loss of
     $(3.2)  million,  or $(0.5) per diluted  Class A and Class B share,  in the
     2004 first quarter.

o    Consolidated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
     ("EBITDA")  (which we define as  operating  profit  plus  depreciation  and
     amortization, other than amortization of deferred financing costs) was $6.0
     million in the 2005 first  quarter,  compared with $3.3 million in the 2004
     first quarter.  The attached table provides the calculation of EBITDA and a
     reconciliation of EBITDA to our net income or (loss).

o    Consolidated  operating  profit was relatively  flat at $0.4 million in the
     2005 first quarter compared with approximately  breakeven in the 2004 first
     quarter.  2005 first quarter  consolidated  operating  profit  reflects the
     impact  of an  increase  in  restaurant  operating  profit  as  well as the
     operating  profit of  Deerfield,  substantially  offset by an  increase  in
     corporate general and  administrative  expenses  reflecting higher employee
     compensation costs principally due to higher incentive compensation.

o    The 2005 period  included a $9.6  million gain  principally  related to the
     January 2005 sale of common stock of Encore  Capital Group,  Inc.  (NASDAQ:
     ECPG), a strategic equity investment of the Company.  The Company currently
     owns 6.3% of Encore's outstanding common stock.

o    Consolidated  net investment  income  increased to $9.1 million in the 2005
     first quarter from $6.5 million in the 2004 first quarter. The increase was
     due primarily to higher interest income principally  reflecting an increase
     in  average  rates on our  interest-bearing  investments  and the  interest
     income of Deerfield and, to a lesser extent, higher recognized net gains on

o    Consolidated  depreciation  and  amortization  was $5.5 million in the 2005
     first quarter versus $3.4 million in the 2004 first quarter.  This increase
     reflects the  inclusion of the  depreciation  and  amortization  related to
     Deerfield as well as the effects of the  implementation  of new back office
     and point-of-sale systems at company-owned Arby's restaurants in the second
     half of 2004.

o    Consolidated  interest  expense was $10.3 million in the 2005 first quarter
     compared  with  $9.6  million  in the  2004  first  quarter.  The  increase
     primarily  reflects an increase in interest expense on debt securities sold
     with an obligation to purchase or under agreements to repurchase within our
     short-term  trading  portfolio,  partially  offset  by the  effect of lower
     balances of the majority of our long-term debt.

o    In the 2004 first quarter,  we expensed $0.8 million  related to a proposed
     business  acquisition  we did not  pursue.  In the 2005 first  quarter,  we
     recognized  $1.3  million of costs  related to our decision not to pursue a
     certain  financing  alternative in connection with a potential  acquisition
     that is still pending.

                        Restaurant Operations Highlights

o    Net sales from  company-owned  Arby's restaurants were $51.2 million in the
     2005 first quarter,  compared with $46.7 million in the 2004 first quarter.
     Royalties  and  franchise  and related fees were $23.6  million in the 2005
     first quarter, up from $22.5 million in the 2004 first quarter.

o    The 2005 first  quarter  increase in sales from  company-owned  restaurants
     primarily  reflects a 9% increase in  same-store  sales,  compared with the
     weak  same-store  sales  performance  during  the 2004  comparable  period,
     primarily as a result of an increase in print media advertising,  primarily
     couponing,  and other marketing initiatives and new product  introductions,
     notably Market Fresh(R) salads and wraps, which began in April 2004.

o    The 2005 first quarter increase in royalties and franchise and related fees
     reflects an increase in same-store  sales of franchised  restaurants  of 3%
     compared  with  the  weak  same-store  sales  performance  during  the 2004
     comparable  period.  Royalties  and  franchise  and related  fees were also
     positively  impacted by royalties  from 81  franchised  Arby's  restaurants
     opened  since March 28, 2004,  with  generally  higher than  average  sales
     volumes,  replacing  the  royalties  from the 74 generally  underperforming
     franchised restaurants closed since March 28, 2004.

o    Systemwide  same-store  sales were up 4% in the 2005 first  quarter  versus
     flat systemwide  same-store  sales in the 2004 first quarter.  We currently
     expect the increase in 2005  systemwide  same-store  sales to be between 3%
     and 4%,  reflecting  the impact of  continued  new  product  introductions,
     improved advertising and marketing and better operating efficiencies.

o    The gross margin on Arby's company-owned restaurants' sales improved to 23%
     in the 2005 first  quarter from 20% in the  comparable  2004  period.  This
     improvement  principally  reflects  better  oversight and training of store
     management  and improved  operational  reporting  made available by the new
     back office and point-of-sale  restaurant systems implemented in the second
     half of 2004 that  facilitated  labor  efficiencies and reduced food waste,
     slightly  lower  costs  for roast  beef and the  impact  of  certain  price
     increases  implemented in the second half of 2004.  During the remainder of
     2005,  we  expect  that the  improvement  in the  gross  margin  on  Arby's
     company-owned  restaurants  experienced  during the 2005 first quarter will

o    Our restaurant  business operating profit increased to $14.1 million in the
     2005  first  quarter  versus  $12.0  million  in the  2004  first  quarter,
     reflecting the revenue increases and improved operating  efficiencies noted
     above,  partially offset by increases in depreciation and amortization (see
     below),  advertising and selling expenses,  and general and  administrative
     expenses.  The  increase  in  advertising  and  selling  expenses  reflects
     increased  spending for print media  campaigns,  primarily  couponing.  The
     increase   in  general  and   administrative   expenses   reflects   higher
     compensation expenses.

o    Depreciation  and  amortization  from our  restaurant  operations  was $2.9
     million in the 2005 first  quarter  versus  $2.0  million in the 2004 first
     quarter.  This increase  partially  reflects the implementation of new back
     office  and   point-of-sale   restaurant   systems  in  our   company-owned
     restaurants in the second half of 2004.

o    Restaurant  business  EBITDA was $17.1  million  in the 2005 first  quarter
     compared  with  $14.0  million in the 2004 first  quarter,  reflecting  the
     factors  discussed above.  Restaurant  EBITDA is reconciled to consolidated
     EBITDA,  which is in turn reconciled to consolidated  net income or (loss),
     on the attached table.

o    In the 2005 first quarter, the Arby's system opened 11 new units and closed
     13  generally  underperforming  units.  As of April  3,  2005,  Arby's  had
     commitments from franchisees to build 441 new units through 2011.

                           Asset Management Highlights

o    Triarc  accounts  for  Deerfield,  its  asset  management  business,  as  a
     consolidated  subsidiary  with a  minority  interest.  For the  2005  first
     quarter,  Deerfield's reported asset management and related fees, operating
     profit,  depreciation  and  amortization  and EBITDA,  after the effects of
     purchase   accounting   adjustments  and  before  the  effect  of  minority
     interests, were $12.9 million, $2.8 million, $1.1 million and $3.9 million,
     respectively. Asset management EBITDA is reconciled to consolidated EBITDA,
     which is in turn  reconciled to consolidated  net income or (loss),  on the
     attached table.

o    Excluding the effects of purchase  accounting  adjustments  associated with
     our  acquisition  of  Deerfield  in July  2004,  2005 first  quarter  asset
     management   and  related  fees,   operating   profit,   depreciation   and
     amortization  and  EBITDA,  before the effect of minority  interests,  were
     $13.5 million, $4.3 million,  $0.1 million and $4.4 million,  respectively.
     The  attached  table  provides a  reconciliation  of these  measures to the
     corresponding  measures  without  exclusion  of  the  effects  of  purchase
     accounting adjustments associated with the Deerfield acquisition.

o    As of April 3, 2005,  Deerfield  had  approximately  $8.8 billion of assets
     under  management   ("AUM"),   of  which  approximately  $115  million  was
     attributable  to  investments  by  Triarc  to seed new  fixed-income  funds
     managed  by  Deerfield.  Deerfield's  AUM at April  3,  2005  consisted  of
     approximately  $7.3  billion  in  18  CDOs  and  a  structured  loan  fund,
     approximately $900 million in seven hedge funds, approximately $370 million
     in a real estate investment trust ("REIT") and  approximately  $200 million
     in five managed accounts.

o    On  April  1,  2005,  Deerfield  Triarc  Capital  Corp.  ("DTCC")  filed  a
     registration  statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the
     initial  public  offering of $450 million of its common  stock.  DTCC is an
     externally  managed REIT, with Deerfield  Capital  Management LLC, a wholly
     owned  subsidiary of Deerfield,  as its manager.  DTCC began  operations in
     December  2004,  when it completed a private  placement of its common stock
     with gross  proceeds of $400  million,  including  $15 million  invested by
     Triarc. DTCC invests in a diversified  portfolio of real-estate  securities
     and  various  alternative  investments,  such  as  syndicated  bank  loans,
     corporate mezzanine loans, and private equity.

     Commenting on asset management operations,  Nelson Peltz, Triarc's Chairman
and Chief Executive  Officer,  said: "We are pleased with Deerfield's 2005 first
quarter  results.  We continue to work closely with  Deerfield's  senior team as
they develop  strategies to grow Deerfield's AUM and expand its asset management

     Commenting  on Arby's  2005 first  quarter  results,  Peter  May,  Triarc's
President and Chief Operating Officer,  said: "Arby's posted a solid quarter and
the  outlook  for the  remainder  of the year is  positive,  due to a strong new
product  pipeline and improved  advertising  and marketing.  We are also pleased
with the sales rebound at our company-owned  stores and their improved operating

     Commenting on future Triarc corporate  opportunities,  Peltz concluded: "As
we look ahead,  we see a number of  opportunities  for growth at both Arby's and
Deerfield. Both organizations, led by strong and seasoned management teams, have
great franchises capable of further expansion. We are also continuing to explore
our  options  with the goal of  further  increasing  stockholder  value.  We are
excited  about  2005  and  confident  that  our   management   teams  can  build
substantially more stockholder value at Triarc."

     Triarc is a holding company and, through its  subsidiaries,  the franchisor
of the Arby's  restaurant  system and the owner and operator of 233  restaurants
located  in the United  States.  Triarc  also owns an  approximate  64%  capital
interest in Deerfield & Company LLC, a  Chicago-based  asset manager  offering a
diverse range of fixed income and  credit-related  strategies  to  institutional
                                   # # #

                        Notes and Table To Follow

                             NOTES TO PRESS RELEASE

1.   In addition  to the results  provided  in  accordance  with U.S.  Generally
     Accepted  Accounting  Principles ("GAAP") in this press release, we present
     EBITDA because we believe it is a useful  supplement to operating profit in
     understanding and assessing our consolidated results as well as the results
     of our segments. We also use EBITDA to evaluate our segment performance and
     allocate  resources.  Because  all  companies  do not  calculate  EBITDA or
     similarly titled financial measures in the same way, those measures may not
     be consistent with the way we calculate EBITDA.  Our presentation of EBITDA
     is not intended to replace the  presentation  of our  financial  results in
     accordance with GAAP.  EBITDA should not be considered as an alternative to
     operating profit or net income or loss.

2.   In addition to the results  provided in accordance  with GAAP in this press
     release,   we  present  Deerfield's  asset  management  and  related  fees,
     operating  profit,  depreciation  and  amortization  and EBITDA  before the
     effect of minority interests,  excluding the effects of purchase accounting
     adjustments  associated  with the Deerfield  acquisition.  We believe these
     non-GAAP  financial  measures  enhance   management's  ability  to  compare
     Deerfield's   historical  and  future  operating  results  and  to  compare
     Deerfield's operating results to those of its competitors.  We also believe
     these non-GAAP  financial  measures are useful to investors in allowing for
     greater transparency of supplemental  information used by management in its
     financial and  operational  decision-making.  Our  presentation  of certain
     non-GAAP  performance  measures of Deerfield is not intended to replace the
     presentation of its financial results in accordance with GAAP.

3.   Systemwide  same-store sales represent sales at all  company-owned  and all
     franchised  stores.  We believe that  reviewing the increase or decrease in
     systemwide same-store sales compared with the same period in the prior year
     is useful to  investors  in  analyzing  the growth of the Arby's  brand and
     assessing trends in our restaurant operations.

4.   We define  gross  margin as the  difference  between  net sales and cost of
     sales divided by net sales.

5.   There can be no  assurance  that we or  Deerfield  will be able to identify
     appropriate future acquisition targets or that we or Deerfield will be able
     to successfully  integrate any future  acquisitions into our or Deerfield's
     existing operations.

6.   A  registration  statement  relating to Deerfield  Triarc  Capital  Corp.'s
     common stock has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission but
     has not yet  become  effective.  These  securities  may not be sold nor may
     offers  to buy be  accepted  prior to the time the  registration  statement
     becomes effective. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell
     or the  solicitation of an offer to buy these securities nor shall there be
     any sale of these securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation
     or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification  under the
     securities laws of any such state.

7.   The  statements  in this  press  release  that  are not  historical  facts,
     including,  most importantly,  information  concerning  possible or assumed
     future results of operations of Triarc Companies, Inc. and its subsidiaries
     (collectively,  "Triarc" or the  "Company")  and  statements  preceded  by,
     followed  by,  or  that  include  the  words  "may,"  "believes,"  "plans,"
     "expects,"  "anticipates" or the negation thereof, or similar  expressions,
     constitute  "forward-looking  statements" within the meaning of the Private
     Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Reform Act"). All statements
     that  address  operating  performance,  events  or  developments  that  are
     expected  or  anticipated  to occur  in the  future,  including  statements
     relating  to  revenue  growth,  earnings  per share  growth  or  statements
     expressing   general   optimism  about  future   operating   results,   are
     forward-looking  statements  within the  meaning of the Reform  Act.  These
     forward-looking  statements  are based on our current  expectations,  speak
     only as of the date of this press release and are  susceptible  to a number
     of risks, uncertainties and other factors. Our actual results,  performance
     and achievements may differ materially from any future results, performance
     or achievements  expressed or implied by such  forward-looking  statements.
     For  those  statements,  we claim the  protection  of the safe  harbor  for
     forward-looking  statements  contained  in the Reform Act.  Many  important
     factors  could affect our future  results and could cause those  results to
     differ  materially from those expressed in the  forward-looking  statements
     contained  herein.  Such  factors  include,  but are not  limited  to,  the

o    competition,  including  pricing  pressures  and the  potential  impact  of
     competitors' new units on sales by Arby's(R) restaurants;

o    consumers'  perceptions of the relative  quality,  variety and value of the
     food products the Company offers;

o    success of operating initiatives;

o    development costs;

o    advertising and promotional efforts;

o    brand awareness;

o    the existence or absence of positive or adverse publicity;

o    new product and concept development by the Company and its competitors, and
     market acceptance of such new product offerings and concepts;

o    changes in consumer tastes and  preferences,  including  changes  resulting
     from concerns over nutritional or safety aspects of beef,  poultry,  french
     fries or other foods or the effects of  food-borne  illnesses  such as "mad
     cow disease" and avian influenza or "bird flu";

o    changes in spending patterns and demographic trends;

o    the business and financial viability of key franchisees;

o    the timely payment of franchisee obligations due to the Company;

o    availability, location and terms of sites for restaurant development by the
     Company and its franchisees;

o    the  ability  of the  Company's  franchisees  to open  new  restaurants  in
     accordance  with their  development  commitments,  including the ability of
     franchisees to finance restaurant development;

o    delays in opening new restaurants or completing remodels;

o    anticipated  or  unanticipated  restaurant  closures by the Company and its

o    the Company's ability to identify, attract and retain potential franchisees
     with sufficient  experience and financial  resources to develop and operate
     Arby's restaurants;

o    changes in business  strategy or development  plans, and the willingness of
     the Company's franchisees to participate in its strategy;

o    business  abilities  and  judgment of the  Company's  and its  franchisees'
     management and other personnel;

o    availability  of qualified  restaurant  personnel to the Company and to its

o    the Company's ability, if necessary, to secure alternative  distribution of
     supplies of food,  equipment and other  products to Arby's  restaurants  at
     competitive  rates and in adequate  amounts,  and the  potential  financial
     impact of any interruptions in such distribution;

o    changes in commodity (including beef), labor,  supplies and other operating
     costs and availability and cost of insurance;

o    adverse weather conditions;

o    significant  reductions  in the Company's  client  assets under  management
     (which  would  reduce the  Company's  advisory  fee  revenue),  due to such
     factors as weak performance of the Company's investment products (either on
     an  absolute  basis or  relative  to our  competitors  or other  investment
     strategies),  substantial  illiquidity  or price  volatility  in the  fixed
     income  instruments  that  the  Company  trades,   loss  of  key  portfolio
     management or other  personnel,  reduced  investor  demand for the types of
     investment products the Company offers, and loss of investor confidence due
     to adverse publicity;

o    increased  competition from other asset managers  offering similar types of
     products to those the Company offers;

o    pricing  pressure on the advisory  fees that the Company can charge for its
     investment advisory services;

o    difficulty in increasing assets under management,  or efficiently  managing
     existing assets,  due to market-related  constraints on trading capacity or
     lack of potentially profitable trading opportunities;

o    removal  of the  Company  as  investment  manager  of one  or  more  of the
     collateral debt obligation vehicles (CDOs) or other accounts it manages, or
     the  reduction  in the  Company's  CDO  management  fees because of payment
     defaults by issuers of the underlying collateral;

o    availability, terms (including changes in interest rates) and deployment of

o    changes in legal or  self-regulatory  requirements,  including  franchising
     laws,    investment   management    regulations,    accounting   standards,
     environmental laws, overtime rules, minimum wage rates and taxation rates;

o    the costs,  uncertainties  and other  effects of legal,  environmental  and
     administrative proceedings;

o    the  impact  of  general  economic   conditions  on  consumer  spending  or
     securities  investing,  including a slower consumer economy and the effects
     of war or terrorist activities;

o    the Company's ability to identify  appropriate  acquisition  targets in the
     future  and to  successfully  integrate  any future  acquisitions  into its
     existing operations; and

o    other risks and  uncertainties  affecting  the  Company  referred to in its
     Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  January 2, 2005 (see
     especially  "Item 1.  Business--Risk  Factors"  and  "Item 7.  Management's
     Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations")
     and in its other  current and  periodic  filings  with the  Securities  and
     Exchange  Commission,  all of which are  difficult or impossible to predict
     accurately and many of which are beyond the Company's control.

All future written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us or any
person  acting on our behalf are  expressly  qualified in their  entirety by the
cautionary   statements   contained   or  referred  to  above.   New  risks  and
uncertainties  arise from time to time,  and it is impossible  for us to predict
these  events or how they may affect us. We assume no  obligation  to update any
forward-looking  statements  after the date of this press release as a result of
new information,  future events or  developments,  except as required by federal
securities  laws.  In  addition,  it is our  policy  generally  not to make  any
specific  projections  as  to  future  earnings,  and  we  do  not  endorse  any
projections regarding future performance that may be made by third parties.

                                           Triarc Companies, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                       Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                                       Quarters Ended March 28, 2004 and April 3, 2005

                                                                             2004                  2005
                                                                             ----                  ----
                                                                      (In thousands except per share amounts)

  Net sales..............................................................$  46,724             $  51,190
  Royalties and franchise and related fees ..............................   22,467                23,579
  Asset management and related fees (a)..................................       --                12,928
                                                                         ---------             ---------
                                                                            69,191                87,697
                                                                         ---------             ---------
Costs and expenses:
  Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization.................   37,385                39,189
  Cost of services, excluding depreciation and amortization (a)..........       --                 4,149
  Advertising and selling................................................    4,167                 4,583
  General and administrative, excluding depreciation and amortization....   24,310                33,814
  Depreciation and amortization, excluding amortization of deferred
    financing costs......................................................    3,351                 5,526
                                                                         ---------             ---------
                                                                            69,213                87,261
                                                                         ---------             ---------
      Operating profit (loss)............................................      (22)                  436
Interest expense.........................................................   (9,634)              (10,253)
Insurance expense related to long-term debt..............................     (991)                 (904)
Investment income, net...................................................    6,524                 9,100
Gain on sale of business.................................................       16                 9,608
Other expense, net.......................................................      (40)                 (370)
                                                                         ---------             ---------
      Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests ..........   (4,147)                7,617
Benefit from (provision for) income taxes................................      991                (2,513)
Minority interests in income of consolidated subsidiaries................       --                (2,425)
                                                                         ---------             ---------
      Net income (loss)..................................................$  (3,156)            $   2,679
                                                                         =========             =========

EBITDA (b)...............................................................$   3,329             $   5,962
                                                                         =========             =========

Basic and diluted income (loss) per share of Class A common stock and
    Class B common stock.................................................$   (.05)             $    .04
                                                                         ========              ========

Shares used to calculate income (loss) per share:
    Class A common stock
        Basic............................................................   19,992                23,709
                                                                         ---------             ---------
        Diluted..........................................................   19,992 (c)            24,851
                                                                         ---------             ---------
    Class B common stock
        Basic............................................................   40,154                41,844
                                                                         ---------             ---------
        Diluted..........................................................   40,154 (c)            44,375
                                                                         ---------             ---------

(a)  On July 22, 2004 the Company  completed the  acquisition of a 63.6% capital
     interest  in  Deerfield.  Deerfield,  through its  wholly-owned  subsidiary
     Deerfield  Capital  Management LLC, is an asset manager  offering a diverse
     range  of fixed  income  and  credit-related  strategies  to  institutional

(b)  The calculation of EBITDA by segment and a  reconciliation  of consolidated
     EBITDA to net income or loss follow:

                                                                             2004                  2005
                                                                             ----                  ----
                                                                      (In thousands except per share amounts)

Operating profit (loss):
    Restaurants..........................................................$  11,996             $  14,127
    Asset management ....................................................       --                 2,840
    General corporate....................................................  (12,018)              (16,531)
                                                                         ---------             ---------
      Consolidated operating profit (loss)...............................      (22)                  436
                                                                         ---------             ---------
Plus: depreciation and amortization, excluding
   amortization of deferred financing costs:
    Restaurants..........................................................    2,015                 2,936
    Asset management.....................................................       --                 1,083
    General corporate....................................................    1,336                 1,507
                                                                         ---------             ---------
      Consolidated depreciation and amortization.........................    3,351                 5,526
                                                                         ---------             ---------
    Restaurants..........................................................   14,011                17,063
    Asset management.....................................................       --                 3,923
    General corporate....................................................  (10,682)              (15,024)
                                                                         ---------             ---------
      Consolidated EBITDA................................................    3,329                 5,962
Depreciation and amortization, excluding
  amortization of deferred financing costs...............................   (3,351)               (5,526)
Interest expense.........................................................   (9,634)              (10,253)
Insurance expense related to long-term debt..............................     (991)                 (904)
Investment income, net...................................................    6,524                 9,100
Gain on sale of business.................................................       16                 9,608
Other expense, net.......................................................      (40)                 (370)
                                                                         ---------             ---------
    Consolidated income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests   (4,147)                7,617
Benefit from (provision for) income taxes................................      991                (2,513)
Minority interests in income of consolidated subsidiaries................       --                (2,425)
                                                                         ---------             ---------
    Net income (loss)....................................................$  (3,156)            $   2,679
                                                                         =========             =========

(c)  The shares used to  calculate  diluted loss per share are the same as those
     used to  calculate  basic loss per share for the 2004 first  quarter  since
     there was a net loss and, therefore, the effect of all potentially dilutive
     securities  on the loss per share  would  have been  antidilutive.  Had the
     Company reported net income for the 2004 first quarter,  the shares used to
     calculate  diluted  income  per  Class  A  common  share  would  have  been
     21,780,000,  reflecting the effect of dilutive  stock  options.  The shares
     used to calculate  diluted  income per Class B common share would have been
     43,729,000,  also  reflecting  the effect of dilutive  stock  options.  The
     effects of dilutive stock options  represented in such amounts  reflect the
     average price of the  Company's  stock during that period.  These  dilutive
     effects may not be  representative  of the effects that may occur in future
     periods.  Accordingly,  this  information  is presented  for  informational
     purposes  only. In addition to the effect of dilutive  stock  options,  the
     Company's 5%  Convertible  Notes are currently  convertible  into 4,375,000
     shares of the Company's  Class A common stock and  8,750,000  shares of the
     Company's Class B common stock. Such additional shares were not included in
     the  diluted  shares  above due to the  substantial  income  that  would be
     required before the Convertible Notes became dilutive.

(d)  The  reconciliation  of certain  operating  measures  of  Deerfield  before
     purchase accounting  adjustments to such measures after purchase accounting
     adjustments for the 2005 first quarter follows:


                                                                                    Depreciation and
                                                             Asset                     Amortization
                                                           Management                  of Deferred
                                                          and Related     Operating     Financing
                                                            Fees(1)       Profit(1)      Costs(1)        EBITDA(1)
                                                          ----------      --------    -------------       --------
                                                                                 (In thousands)

       Before purchase accounting adjustments (2) ........ $13,505       $   4,270        $    84       $  4,354
           Expected asset management fees recorded as a
             receivable in purchase accounting............    (577)           (577)            --           (577)
           Cost of services recorded as a liability
             in purchase accounting (3)...................      --             146             --            146
           Amortization of intangible assets recorded in
             purchase accounting..........................      --            (999)           999             --
                                                          --------       ---------        -------       --------
       After purchase accounting adjustments..............$ 12,928       $   2,840        $ 1,083       $  3,923
                                                          ========       =========        =======       ========

- ---------------
(1)  All amounts are before the effects of minority interests.
(2)  The asset  management and related fees,  operating profit and EBITDA before
     purchase accounting adjustments reflect the elimination of asset management
     fees paid to Deerfield by Triarc of $0.4 million.
(3)  Represents  incentive  compensation  relating to the receivable recorded in
     purchase accounting.