EXHIBIT 21.1 TRIARC COMPANIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES SUBSIDIARIES OF THE REGISTRANT APRIL 1, 1996 The subsidiaries of Triarc Companies, Inc., their respective states or jurisdictions of organization and the names under which such subsidiaries do business are as follows: STATE OR JURISDICTION UNDER WHICH ORGANIZED --------------------- NPC Holdings, Inc. Delaware National Propane Corporation* Delaware Adirondack Bottled Gas Corporation of New York New York Adirondack Bottled Gas Corporation of Vermont Vermont All Seasons Acquisition Corp. Delaware All Seasons Propane, Inc. Colorado All Seasons Leasing Company Colorado Carib Gas Corporation of St. Croix (formerly LP Gas Corporation of St. Croix) Delaware Carib Gas Corporation of St. Thomas (formerly LP Gas Corporation of St.Thomas) Delaware Equipment Maintenance, Inc New York NPC Leasing Corp New York The Home Gas Corporation of Great Barrington Massachusetts The Home Gas Corporation of Massachusetts Massachusetts The Home Gas Corporation of New Hampshire, Inc. New Hampshire The Home Gas Corporation of Pittsfield Maine The Home Gas Corporation of Plainville Connecticut Citrus Acquisition Corporation Florida Adams Packing Association, Inc. (formerly New Adams, Inc.) Delaware Groves Company, Inc. (formerly New Texsun, Inc.) Delaware Home Furnishing Acquisition Corporation Delaware 1725 Contra Costa Property, Inc. (formerly Couroc of Monterey, Inc.) Delaware Hoyne Industries, Inc. (formerly New Hoyne, Inc.) Delaware Hoyne Industries of Canada Limited Canada Hoyne International (U.K.), Inc. Delaware GS Holdings, Inc. Delaware GVT Holdings, Inc.** Delaware Graniteville Company South Carolina Graniteville International Sales, Inc. South Carolina G.M.W. Industries, Inc.*** Delaware Graniteville Holdings, Inc. Delaware C.H. Patrick & Co., Inc. South Carolina Southeastern Public Service Company Delaware Crystal Ice & Cold Storage, Inc. Delaware PGC Holdings, Inc. Delaware Royal Palm Ice Company Florida Southeastern Gas Company Delaware Geotech Engineers, Inc. West Virginia CFC Holdings Corp.**** Florida Chesapeake Insurance Company Limited***** Bermuda RC/Arby's Corporation (formerly Royal Crown Corporation) Delaware RCAC Asset Management, Inc. Delaware Arby's, Inc. Delaware Arby's Building and Construction Co. Georgia Beef Corral Restaurants, Inc. Ohio Arby's Canada Inc. Canada Daddy-O's Express, Inc. Georgia Arby's (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong Arby's De Mexico S.A. de CV Mexico Arby's Immobiliara Mexico Arby's Servicios Mexico Arby's Restaurants, Limited United Kingdom Arby's Limited United Kingdom Arby's Restaurant Construction Company Delaware Arby's Restaurant Development Corporation Delaware Arby's Restaurant Holding Company Delaware Arby's Restaurants, Inc. Delaware Arby's Restaurant Operations Company Delaware RC-8, Inc. (formerly Tyndale, Inc.) Indiana RC-11, Inc. (formerly National Picture & Frame Co.) Mississippi Promociones Corona Real, S.A. de C.V. Mexico RC Leasing, Inc. Delaware Royal Crown Nederland B.V. Netherland RC Cola Canada Limited (formerly Nehi Canada Limited) Canada Royal Crown Bottling Company of Texas (formerly Royal Crown Bottlers of Texas, Inc.) Delaware Royal Crown Company, Inc. (formerly Royal Crown Cola Co.) Delaware RC Services Limited****** Ireland Retailer Concentrate Products, Inc. Delaware TriBev Corporation Delaware Triarc Holdings 1, Inc. Delaware Triarc Holdings 2, Inc. Delaware Triarc Development Corporation Delaware Triarc Acquisition Corporation Delaware Mistic Brands, Inc. Delaware - ------------- * 24.3% owned by PGC Holdings, Inc. and 75.7% owned by NPC Holdings, Inc. ** 50% owned by GS Holdings, Inc. and 50% owned by Southeastern Public Service Company. *** 50% owned by Graniteville Company and 50% owned by Wilson Brothers. **** 94.6% owned by Triarc Companies, Inc. and 5.4% owned by Southeastern Public Service Company. ***** Common Stock 100% owned by CFC Holdings; Preferred Stock is owned 38.5% by RC/Arby's, 23% by Southeastern Public Service Company and 38.5% by Graniteville. ****** 99% owned by Royal Crown Company, Inc. and 1% owned by RC/Arby's Corporation.