- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, DC  20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A
                               (AMENDMENT NO. 1)

                                CURRENT REPORT
                    PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15 (d) OF THE
                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        Date of report (Date of earliest event reported):  July 2, 1996

                            TRIARC COMPANIES, INC.
              (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

              DELAWARE                1-2207              38-0471180
          (State or other          (Commission           (IRS Employer
          jurisdiction of          File Number)       Identification No.)

                        900 Third Avenue
                       New York, New York             10022
            (Address of Principal Executive Offices)(Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code (212) 230-3000

                      (Former Name or Former Address, if
                          Changed Since Last Report)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     This Form 8-K/A of Triarc Companies,  Inc. ("Triarc") constitutes Amendment
No. 1 ("Amendment No. 1") to Triarc's Form 8-K dated July 2, 1996 (the "Original
Form 8-K").  This Amendment No. 1 constitutes  the entire filing,  including the
signature page which was inadvertently omitted in the electronic transmission of
the Original Form 8-K, and is being filed only to include such  signature  page.

Item 2.  Disposition of Assets

     Initial Public  Offering of Limited Partner  Interests in National  Propane
Partners, L.P.

      On July 2, 1996, National Propane Partners,  L.P., a newly formed Delaware
limited  partnership (the "Partnership")  organized to acquire,  own and operate
the  propane  business  and assets of its  managing  general  partner,  National
Propane  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("National  Propane"),  and its
special  general  partner,  National  Propane SGP, Inc., a Delaware  corporation
("National  Propane SGP"),  each an indirect  wholly owned  subsidiary of Triarc
Companies,  Inc. ("Triarc", and together with its subsidiaries,  the "Company"),
completed its initial  public  offering of 6,190,476  Common Units  representing
limited partner interests (the "IPO") at a price of $21.00 per Common Unit. Upon
completion of the IPO, Triarc, through National Propane, owns an aggregate 44.6%
general  partner  interest  in the  Partnership  and  its  subsidiary  operating
partnership,  National Propane, L.P. (the "Operating  Partnership"),  a Delaware
limited  partnership,  with the remaining limited partner interest (55.4%) owned
by the public.

      Immediately  preceding  the  closing  of the  IPO,  National  Propane  and
National  Propane SGP,  (i)  contributed  substantially  all of their assets and
liabilities to the Operating  Partnership (the "Contribution") and (ii) conveyed
substantially   all  of  their  limited  partner   interests  in  the  Operating
Partnership  to  the  Partnership  (the  "Conveyance").  As a  result  of  these
transactions,  National  Propane and National Propane SGP each maintained its 1%
general  partner  interest  in the  Partnership  and a 1.0101%  general  partner
interest in the Operating  Partnership.  In addition,  National Propane received
4,533,638  Subordinated Units issued by the Partnership and the right to receive
certain incentive distributions. The Partnership owns a 97.9798% limited partner
interest in the Operating Partnership.

      In connection with the IPO, the  Partnership  made a $40.7 million loan to
Triarc (the  "Partnership  Loan").  The  Partnership  Loan bears  interest at an
annual rate of 13.5% and is payable in eight equal annual installments beginning
in July 2003.  The  Partnership  Loan is  recourse  to Triarc and is secured by,
among other things,  a pledge by Triarc of all of the shares of capital stock of
National  Propane  directly  owned by Triarc  (approximately  75.7% of  National
Propane's  outstanding capital stock). In addition,  (i) National Propane issued
$125  million of 8.54% First  Mortgage  Notes due 2010 to certain  institutional
investors  in  a  private   placement  (which  were  assumed  by  the  Operating
Partnership  in  connection  with  the  Contribution)  and  (ii)  the  Operating
Partnership  entered into a bank credit  facility  (the "Bank Credit  Facility")
which  consists  of a $15 million  working  capital  facility  and a $40 million
acquisition  facility.  The aggregate net proceeds from the IPO and the issuance
of the First  Mortgage  Notes totaled $239.7  million.  Triarc  received a $59.3
million cash dividend from the proceeds of the First Mortgage  Notes,  the $40.7
million  Partnership  Loan and $11.5 million of accrued  management fees and tax
sharing  payments  due Triarc (or an  aggregate  of $111.5  million).  The First
Mortgage Notes and the Bank Facility are secured equally and ratably by a pledge
of substantially all of the assets of the Operating  Partnership and by a pledge
of the Partnership's  limited partner interest in the Operating  Partnership and
by National Propane's general partner interest in the Operating  Partnership and
all of the capital stock of National Propane SGP. In addition, Triarc received a
dividend  of  a  portion  ($51.4  million  of  $81.4  million)  of  an  existing
intercompany  note issued to National  Propane by Triarc and an additional  $0.7
million (primarily representing accrued management fees and tax sharing payments
to Triarc)  was paid to Triarc out of the  Partnership's  cash on hand as of the
consummation of the IPO.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

(a)   Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired

Not Applicable

(b)   Pro Forma Financial Information


   The following unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated balance sheet as of
March 31, 1996 and condensed consolidated  statements of operations for the year
ended December 31, 1995 and the three months ended March 31, 1996 of the Company
have been prepared by adjusting (i) the condensed consolidated balance sheet and
statement  of  operations  of the Company as of and for the three  months  ended
March  31,  1996,  as  derived  and  condensed  from  the  unaudited   condensed
consolidated  financial  statements  in its Form 10-Q for the three months ended
March 31, 1996 (the "Form 10- Q") and (ii) the condensed  consolidated statement
of  operations  of the Company for the year ended  December 31, 1995, as derived
and condensed from the audited consolidated  statement of operations in its Form
10-K for the year ended  December 31, 1995 (the "Form 10-K").  Such  adjustments
reflect,  in two steps,  (i) the previously  reported April 29, 1996 sale of the
textile   business   (the   "Textile   Business")   of   Graniteville    Company
("Graniteville"),  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company,  the repayment of
related debt and the May 16, 1996 financing of C.H. Patrick,  Inc.  ("Patrick"),
Graniteville's    wholly-owned    subsidiary,    (collectively    the   "Textile
Transactions") and (ii) the July 2, 1996 sale of 6,190,476 Common Units pursuant
to  an  initial  public  offering  of  National  Propane  Partners,   L.P.  (the
"Partnership"),  a recently  formed  partnership  organized to acquire,  own and
operate the Company's  propane  business and to which  substantially  all of the
assets and liabilities of National Propane were transferred,  the refinancing of
the existing debt of National Propane and related transactions (collectively the
"Propane  Transactions"),  all as if such  transactions had occurred as of March
31,  1996 for the pro  forma  condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet  and as of
January  1,  1995  for  the  pro  forma  condensed  consolidated  statements  of
operations.  Such pro forma adjustments are described in the accompanying  notes
to the pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet and condensed consolidated
statements  of  operations  which  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  such
statements.  Such pro forma condensed  consolidated  financial statements should
also be read in conjunction with the Company's consolidated financial statements
appearing in the Form 10-K and Form 10-Q. The pro forma  condensed  consolidated
financial  statements do not purport to be  indicative  of the actual  financial
position or results of operations of the Company had such transactions  actually
been consummated on March 31, 1996 and January 1, 1995, respectively,  or of the
future financial position or results of operations of the Company.

                                                       TRIARC COMPANIES, INC.
                                           PRO FORMA CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                                           March 31, 1996

                                                                  Adjustments        Pro Forma        Adjustments
                                                     As           for Textile       for Textile       for Propane
                                                  Reported        Transactions      Transactions      Transactions     Pro Forma
                                                  --------        ------------      ------------      ------------     ---------
                                                                                   (In thousands)
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents.................   $   41,000      $  251,379   (b)    $ 113,896        $ 118,200  (g)    $ 220,497
                                                                  (212,733)  (e)                       121,500  (h)
                                                                    34,250   (f)                      (133,099) (i)
   Receivables...............................      184,740         (99,834)  (a)       84,906              --             84,906
   Inventories...............................      125,737         (72,496)  (a)       53,241              --             53,241
   Deferred income tax benefit...............        9,003           7,746   (c)       16,749              --             16,749
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets        14,631          (3,015)  (a)       11,616              --             11,616
                                                ----------      ----------          ---------       ----------         ---------
        Total current assets.................      375,111         (94,703)           280,408          106,601           387,009
Investment in the Textile Business...........          --          258,920   (a)           --              --                --
                                                                  (258,920)  (b)
Properties, net..............................      326,570        (111,703)  (a)      214,867              --            214,867
Unamortized costs in excess of net assets of
  acquired companies.........................      225,528          (8,190)  (a)      217,338              --            217,338
Trademarks...................................       56,146             --              56,146              --             56,146
Deferred costs and other assets..............       53,837             (95)  (a)       49,329            3,500  (h)       48,419
                                                                    (6,163)  (e)                        (4,410) (i)
                                                                     1,750   (f)
                                                ----------      ----------          ---------       ----------        ----------   
                                                $1,037,192      $ (219,104)         $ 818,088       $  105,691        $  923,779
                                                ==========      ==========          =========       ==========        ==========


Current liabilities:
   Current portion of long-term debt.........  $    44,255      $  (14,473)  (e)   $   32,032       $  (10,722) (i)       21,310
                                                                     2,250   (f)
   Accounts payable..........................       60,050         (23,298)  (a)       36,752              --             36,752
   Accrued expenses..........................      107,075         (12,095)  (a)      100,231           (1,764) (i)       98,467
                                                                    27,983   (c)
                                                                   (18,272)  (d)
                                                                    (4,460)  (e)
                                                ----------      ----------          ---------       ----------        ----------
        Total current liabilities............      211,380         (42,365)           169,015          (12,486)          156,529
                                                ----------      ----------          ---------       ----------        ----------
Long-term debt...............................      757,387        (192,637)  (e)      598,500          125,000  (h)      601,123
                                                                    33,750   (f)                      (122,377) (i)
Deferred income taxes........................       23,417         (19,988)  (c)       21,701           29,882  (g)       51,583
                                                                    18,272   (d)
Deferred income and other liabilities........       24,210          (1,020)  (a)       23,190              --             23,190
Minority interest............................          --              --                  --           32,823  (g)       32,823
Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock..............................        3,398             --               3,398              --              3,398
   Additional paid-in capital................      161,464             --             161,464              --            161,464
   Accumulated deficit.......................      (97,525)         (7,541)  (b)     (112,641)          55,495  (g)      (59,792)
                                                                      (249)  (c)                        (2,646) (i)
                                                                    (7,326)  (e)
   Treasury stock............................      (45,911)            --             (45,911)             --            (45,911)
   Other    .................................         (628)            --                (628)             --               (628)
                                                ----------      ----------         ----------      -----------       -----------
        Total stockholders' equity...........       20,798         (15,116)             5,682           52,849            58,531
                                                ----------      ----------         ----------      -----------       -----------
                                                $1,037,192      $ (219,104)        $  818,088      $   105,691       $   923,779
                                                ==========      ==========         ==========      ===========       ===========


  (a)  To  reclassify the assets and liabilities of the Textile  Business as of
March 31, 1996,  which were sold or assumed in  connection  with the sale of the
Textile Business on April 29, 1996, as "Investment in the Textile Business".

  (b)  To reflect  the  estimated  net  proceeds  from the sale of the Textile
Business of $251,379,000  ($257,269,000 sale price less the payment of estimated
expenses  related to the  transaction  of  $5,890,000),  the  disposition of the
"Investment in the Textile Business" and the  then-resulting  pretax loss, based
on March 31, 1996  balances,  of  $7,541,000.  Due to changes in the balances of
assets and liabilities  sold or assumed through the April 29, 1996 closing date,
the actual impact of the sale will differ from the $251,379,000 net proceeds and
the $7,541,000 pretax loss above. Based on estimates and subject to post-closing
adjustments,  the impact of the sale as of the April 29,  1996  closing  date is
expected to result from breakeven to a loss of less than the $7,541,000.

  (c)  To  reflect a provision  for income taxes of $249,000 on the  $7,541,000
pretax loss resulting  from the sale of the Textile  Business noted in (b) above
(of which  $8,190,000  represents  the write-off of "Goodwill"  which has no tax
benefit).  Such  provision  consists  of  a  $27,983,000  income  tax  liability
resulting  from the gain for tax  purposes on the sale of the  Textile  Business
estimated as of March 31, 1996 partially  offset by $27,734,000 from the release
of deferred  income tax  liabilities  of the  Textile  Business  (consisting  of
$7,746,000 classified as current and $19,988,000 as noncurrent).

   (d)  To  reclassify  the  deferred  income  tax  benefit  as a result  of the
utilization  of a portion of the  Company's  net  operating  loss  carryforwards
($18,272,000),  the benefit of which had been  previously  recorded in "Deferred
income taxes".

   (e) To reflect  (i) the  repayment  of all  long-term  debt of the  Textile
Business ($207,110,000 as of March 31, 1996 consisting of $14,473,000 classified
as current and $192,637,000  classified as noncurrent) repaid  concurrently with
the sale of such business and (ii) an extraordinary charge of $7,326,000 for the
write-off of related unamortized  deferred financing costs of $6,163,000 and the
payment of related prepayment penalties of $5,623,000 less income tax benefit of

   (f)  To reflect the receipt of the net proceeds from the initial  $36,000,000
borrowing  (consisting  of  $2,250,000  classified  as current  and  $33,750,000
classified  as  noncurrent)  under the  Patrick  financing,  less  approximately
$1,750,000 of deferred financing costs.

   (g)  To reflect (i) the estimated  net proceeds of $118,200,000 from the sale
of 6,190,476  common units of the Partnership  (55.4%),  at an offering price of
$21.00 per common unit, net of $11,800,000  of  underwriting  discount and other
expenses  related to such sale and (ii) the estimated  gain of $55,495,000 to be
realized on such sale consisting of the $85,377,000  excess of the  $118,200,000
net proceeds from the sale over the $32,823,000  historical cost of the minority
equity in the  Partnership,  less income taxes on the gain of  $29,882,000.  The
entire equity in the  Partnership  has been  allocated to the minority  interest
since at July 2, 1996,  upon  liquidation,  the  common  unit  holders  would be
entitled to substantially all of such Partnership  equity. Due to changes in the
carrying value of the 55.4%  investment in the Partnership sold through the July
2, 1996  closing  date,  the actual  impact of the sale of the common units will
differ from the $85,377,000  pretax gain above.  Based on estimates,  the actual
pre-tax  gain  on the  sale  is  expected  to  result  from  $75,000,000  to the
$85,377,000 current estimate.

   (h)  To reflect  $125,000,000  of first mortgage  notes (the "First  Mortgage
Notes") issued July 2, 1996 by National  Propane and assumed by the  Partnership
and the payment of estimated related deferred financing costs of $3,500,000.

   (i)  To reflect (i) the repayment of all borrowings under National  Propane's
then  existing  bank  credit  facility  as well as  certain  other  indebtedness
(aggregating  $133,099,000  as of  March  31,  1996  consisting  of  $10,722,000
classified as current and  $122,377,000  classified as  noncurrent)  and (ii) an
extraordinary  charge  of  $2,646,000  for the  write-off  of  related  deferred
financing costs of $4,410,000 less income tax benefit of $1,764,000.

                                                       TRIARC COMPANIES, INC.
                                                For the Year Ended December 31, 1995

                                                                     Adjustments        Pro Forma     Adjustments
                                                        As           for Textile        for Textile   for Propane
                                                     Reported        Transactions      Transactions   Transactions       Pro Forma
                                                     --------        ------------      ------------   ------------       ---------
                                                                            (In thousands except per share data)
   Net sales ....................................   $1,128,390         $(476,706) (a)    $651,684      $      --          $651,684
   Royalties, franchise fees and other revenues..       55,831               --            55,831             --            55,831
                                                    ----------        ----------         --------      ----------         --------
                                                     1,184,221          (476,706)         707,515             --           707,515
                                                    ----------        ----------         --------      ----------         --------
Costs and expenses:
   Cost of sales ................................     859,928          (432,370) (a)     427,558             --           427,558
   Advertising, selling and distribution.........      129,164            (9,177) (a)     119,987             --           119,987
   General and administrative ...................     146,493           (16,446) (a)     130,047           1,500  (e)     131,547
   Reduction in carrying value of long-lived
      assets impaired or to be disposed of.......       14,647               --            14,647              --           14,647
                                                    ----------        ----------        ---------        --------         --------
                                                     1,150,232          (457,993)         692,239           1,500          693,739
                                                    ----------        ----------         --------        --------         --------
        Operating profit ........................       33,989           (18,713)          15,276          (1,500)          13,776
Interest expense ................................      (84,227)           21,152  (a)     (63,288)            379  (f)     (57,579)
                                                                          (3,678) (b)                       5,330  (g)
                                                                           3,465  (c)
Other income, net ...............................       12,214            (2,148) (a)      10,066             --            10,066
                                                    ----------        ----------        ---------      ----------         --------
        Loss before income taxes and
          minority interest .....................      (38,024)               78          (37,946)          4,209          (33,737)
Benefit from (provision for) income taxes .......        1,030            (2,848) (a)      (1,736)          2,224  (h)         488
                                                                              82  (d)
                                                    ----------        ----------        ---------       ---------        ---------
        Loss before minority interest............      (36,994)           (2,688)         (39,682)          6,433          (33,249)
Minority interest ...............................          --                --               --           (6,021) (i)      (6,021)
                                                    ----------        ----------        ---------       ---------        ---------
        Net loss ................................   $  (36,994)       $   (2,688)       $ (39,682)      $     412        $ (39,270)
                                                    ==========        ==========        =========       =========        =========

        Net loss per share .....................    $    (1.24)                         $  (1.33)                        $   (1.32)
                                                    ==========                          =========                        =========

                                                       TRIARC COMPANIES, INC.
                                             For the Three Months Ended March 31, 1996

                                                                       Adjustments         Pro Forma      Adjustments
                                                           As         for Textile         for Textile     for Propane
                                                        Reported      Transactions       Transactions    Transactions      Pro Forma
                                                        --------      ------------       ------------    ------------      ---------
                                                                             (In thousands except per share data)

   Net sales ....................................         $316,441        $(113,744) (a)     $202,697   $     --          $202,697
   Royalties, franchise fees and other revenues..           12,452              --             12,452         --            12,452
                                                         ---------     ------------          --------   ---------        ---------
                                                           328,893         (113,744)          215,149         --           215,149
                                                          --------        ---------          --------   ---------         --------
Costs and expenses:
   Cost of sales ................................          235,923         (102,017) (a)      133,906         --           133,906
   Advertising, selling and distribution ........           32,508           (2,850) (a)       29,658         --            29,658
   General and administrative ...................           35,042           (4,527) (a)       30,515         375  (e)      30,890
                                                         ---------       ----------         ---------     -------         --------
                                                           303,473         (109,394)          194,079         375          194,454
                                                          --------        ---------          --------     -------         --------
        Operating profit                                    25,420           (4,350)           21,070        (375)          20,695
Interest expense                                           (22,141)           5,276  (a)      (16,751)        328  (f)     (15,090)
                                                                               (797) (b)                    1,333  (g)
                                                                                911  (c)
Other income                                                 1,238              (64) (a)        1,174         --             1,174
                                                         ---------      -----------         ---------   ---------        ---------
        Income before income taxes, minority
          interest and extraordinary charge                  4,517              976             5,493       1,286            6,779
Provision for income taxes                                  (2,732)            (270) (a)       (3,045)      2,056  (h)        (989)
                                                                                (43) (d)
                                                         ---------      -----------         ---------    --------        ---------
        Income before extraordinary charge                   1,785              663             2,448       3,342            5,790
Minority interest                                              --               --                --       (6,313) (i)      (6,313)
                                                         ---------      -----------         ---------    --------        ---------
        Income (loss) before extraordinary charge        $   1,785      $       663         $   2,448    $ (2,971)       $    (523)
                                                         =========      ===========         =========    ========        =========

        Income (loss) before extraordinary charge
           per share                                    $     0.06                          $    0.08                    $   (0.02)
                                                        ==========                          =========                    =========


   (a)  To  eliminate  the  revenues,  expenses,  provision  for  income  taxes
(including a $2,500,000 provision in the year ended December 31, 1995 for income
tax  contingencies  and other  tax  matters)  and the net loss of the  Company's
textile segment (consisting of the Textile Business and Patrick) attributable to
the sale of the Textile Business.

   (b)  Represents adjustments to interest expense as follows:

                                                                                   Year Ended   Three Months Ended
                                                                                  December 31,       March 31,
                                                                                      1995             1996
                                                                                      ----             ----
                                                                                         (In thousands)
     Interest expense on borrowings under the Patrick refinancing (weighted
        average interest rates of 9.49% and 8.49%, respectively) .........           $(3,310)        $  (709)
     Amortization of deferred financing costs associated with the
         Patrick financing ................................................             (368)            (88)
                                                                                     -------         -------
                                                                                     $(3,678)        $  (797)
                                                                                     =======         =======

   (c)  To reflect a reduction of consolidated interest expense at an estimated
annual rate of 5% for assumed  reductions in  consolidated  debt other than debt
related  to  Graniteville  from (i) the  excess of the  estimated  net  proceeds
received from the sale of the Textile  Business  over the Textile  Business debt
repayments and related  prepayment  penalties  which as of December 31, 1995 and
March 31, 1996 would have amounted to $35,043,000 and $38,646,000, respectively,
and (ii)  the  $34,250,000  excess  of  proceeds  over the  payment  of  related
financing costs from the Patrick financing.

   (d)  To reflect the tax effect of entries (b) and (c) above.

   (e)  To reflect the estimated  stand-alone general and administrative  costs
associated  with the  Partnership.  The following are primarily  based on actual
quotes for third party services and salary levels commensurate with the market:

                                                                                    Year Ended   Three Months Ended
                                                                                   December 31,      March 31,
                                                                                      1995            1996
                                                                                      ----            ----
                                                                                         (In thousands)
     Cost of tax return preparation and recordkeeping..............................  $  250          $ 63
     Audit and legal services......................................................     250            62
     Investor relations............................................................     200            50
     Insurance.....................................................................     200            50
     Registrar and stock exchange fees.............................................     125            31
     Direct charges from Triarc....................................................     175            44
     Other.........................................................................     300            75
                                                                                     ------          ----
                                                                                     $1,500          $375
                                                                                     ======          ====

  (f)  Represents adjustments to interest expense as follows:

                                                                                    Year Ended   Three Months Ended
                                                                                   December 31,      March 31,
                                                                                      1995             1996
                                                                                      ----             ----
                                                                                         (In thousands)
       Interest expense on National Propane's existing bank credit facility and
          certain other indebtedness repaid.......................................   $10,099         $2,796
       Amortization of deferred financing costs associated with the repaid debt...     1,305            289
       Interest expense on the 8.54% First Mortgage Notes ........................   (10,675)        (2,669)
       Amortization of deferred financing costs associated with the First
          Mortgage Notes..........................................................      (350)           (88)
                                                                                    --------         ------
                                                                                    $    379         $  328
                                                                                    ========         ======


   (g)  To reflect a reduction of consolidated  interest expense at an estimated
annual rate of 5% for assumed  reductions in  consolidated  debt other than debt
related  to the  Partnership  from the  excess  of the  estimated  net  proceeds
received from the issuance of the common units and the First Mortgage Notes over
the National  Propane debt repayments which as of March 31, 1996 would have been

   (h)  Represents  adjustments to benefit from  (provision for) income taxes as

                                                                                           Year Ended     Three Months Ended
                                                                                          December 31,         March 31,
                                                                                              1995               1996
                                                                                              ----               ----
                                                                                                    (In thousands)

       Reduction in taxes  for  55.4% of the  portion  of the  consolidated  tax
          provision relating to National Propane (exclusive of the tax effect on
          $3,000,000 of management  fees which will be incurred by Triarc but no
          longer charged to the Partnership and estimated
           corporate income taxes with respect to a corporate subsidiary
           of the Partnership which will conduct certain of the
          Partnership's operations) since such taxes will be borne
          by the partners and not the Partnership ....................................... $   2,849             $  2,249
       Benefit from taxes on the Adjustments for Propane Transactions (e) and (f)
          to the extent of the Company's 44.6% interest in the Partnership...............       175                    7
       Provision for taxes on the entire Adjustment for Propane Transactions (g).........    (1,865)                (466)
       Benefit from Triarc's $5,500,000 interest expense on the $40,700,000 Partnership
          Loan less Triarc's 44.6% interest in the related Partnership income............     1,065                  266
                                                                                          ---------           ----------
                                                                                          $   2,224            $   2,056
                                                                                          =========            =========

   (i)  To reflect  minority  interest  expense  relating  to the  common  unit
holders' 55.4% interest in the Partnership's pro forma net income of $10,865,000
and $11,392,000, respectively, as follows:

                                                                                           Year Ended      Three Months Ended
                                                                                          December 31,          March 31,
                                                                                              1995                1996
                                                                                              ----                ----
                                                                                                    (In thousands)

       National Propane net income (loss)................................................$     (605)           $   5,517
       Adjustments for Propane Transactions (e) and (f)..................................    (1,121)                 (47)
       Interest income on the Partnership Loan...........................................     5,500                1,375
       Reduction in management fees charged to the Partnership...........................     3,000                  750
       Elimination of substantially all of the National Propane tax provision since
          such taxes will be principally borne by the partners ..........................     4,091                3,797
                                                                                         ----------            ---------
                                                                                             10,865               11,392
       Common unit holders' interest in the Partnership..................................      .554                 .554
                                                                                         -----------          ----------
                                                                                         $    6,021            $   6,313
                                                                                         ==========            =========

     (c)   Exhibits

     1.1  Form Of Purchase  Agreement Among National Propane Partners,  L.p.,
          Merrill Lynch & Co.,  Merrill Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner & Smith 
          Incorporated,  Donaldson,Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation,
          Janney Montgomery Scott Inc., Rauscher Pierce Refsnes,  Inc. And The
          Robinson-humphrey  Company,  Inc. Is Incorporated Herein By Reference
          To Exhibit 1.1 Of Amendment 4 To The Registration  Statement On Form
          S-1 Of National Propane Partners, L.p. (No. 333-2768).

     2.1   Form of Contribution and Assumption Agreement among National Propane
           Partners, L.P., National Propane Corporation, National Propane SGP,
           Inc. and National Sales and Service, Inc. is incorporated herein by
           reference to Exhibit 10.13 of Amendment 4 to the Registration
           Statement on Form S-1 of National Propane Partners, L.P.
           (No. 333-2768).

     2.2   Form of Conveyance, Contribution and Assumption Agreement among
           National Propane Partners, L.P., National Propane Corporation and
           National Propane SGP, Inc. is incorporated herein by reference to
           Exhibit 10.3 of Amendment 4 to the Registration Statement on Form
           S-1 of National Propane Partners, L.P. (No. 333-2768).

     3.1   Form of Amended and  Restated  Agreement  of Limited  Partnership  of
           National Propane Partners,  L.P. is incorporated  herein by reference
           to Exhibit 3.1 of Amendment 4 to the  Registration  Statement on Form
           S-1 of National Propane Partners, L.P.
           (No. 333-2768).

     3.2   Form of Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of
           National Propane, L.P. is incorporated herein by reference to
           Exhibit 3.2 of Amendment 4 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1
           of National Propane Partners, L.P. (No. 333-2768).

     10.1  Form of Partnership Loan Note between Triarc Companies, Inc. and
           National Propane L.P. is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit
           10.4 of Amendment 4 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 of
           National Propane Partners, L.P.(No. 333-2768).


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                            TRIARC COMPANIES, INC.

Date:  July 18, 1996                        By: /S/ JOSEPH A. LEVATO
                                                JOSEPH A. LEVATO
                                                Executive Vice President
                                                and Chief Financial Officer