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                                                                   Exhibit 10.3

                                                   As of April 29, 1996

Mr. John L. Barnes, Jr.
31 Old Redding Road
Weston, CT  06883

Dear Jack:

        It is with great  pleasure  that we hereby  confirm your  employment  as
Senior Vice President of Triarc  Companies,  Inc.  ("Triarc"),  on the terms and
conditions  set  forth  in this  letter  and in the  attached  term  sheet  (the
"Employment Term Sheet").

        You will report to the President and Chief  Operating  Officer of Triarc
and your duties will be performed  primarily at the  corporate  headquarters  of
Triarc in New York, New York. The term of your employment shall continue through
April 28, 1999.

        In the event of termination of your  employment by Triarc prior to April
28, 1999 without good cause,  Triarc shall, (i) within 30 days after the date of
such  termination,  pay to you a lump sum  equal to  one-half  (1/2)  your  then
current base salary that would  otherwise have been payable to you through April
28,  1999,  (ii)  commencing  6 months  after  the date of  termination  of your
employment,  pay to you a sum equal to one-half (1/2) your annual base salary in
effect at the date of termination,  payable semi-monthly through April 28, 1999,
so that  the sum of such  semi-monthly  payments  in the  aggregate  is equal to
one-half  of the annual  base  salary you would have  received  from the date of
termination  through  April 28,  1999 if you had not been so  terminated,  (iii)
continue your health  insurance  benefits under the terms as an active  employee
through  April 28, 1999, or the first of the month  following the  acceptance of
full-time  employment,  whichever is earlier, and (iv) each stock option granted
to  you  (a)  which  has  not  vested  as of the  termination  date  shall  vest
immediately  as of such  date and (b)  which  has  vested  prior to or as of the
termination  date must be  exercised  within the earlier of (i) one year or (ii)
the date on which such option expires or be forfeited.

        Your  employment  with Triarc shall  terminate  upon your death.  In the
event of your death during the term of your employment with Triarc,  your estate
or other legal representative shall be entitled to the following:  (i) your then
current base salary  through the last day of the  calendar  quarter in which you
die,  (ii) any earned but unpaid base  salary or vacation  and (iii) any accrued
but unpaid bonus for the immediately  preceding  fiscal year. Such amounts shall
be paid by Triarc in a lump sum, subject to all withholdings,  within 30 days of
the date of death. If you are unable to perform all or

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substantially  all of your  duties  and  responsibilities  on account of illness
(either  physical or mental) or other  incapacity,  Triarc shall continue to pay
you the full  amount  and  benefits  provided  hereunder  for the period of such
illness or  incapacity;  provided,  however,  that in the event such  illness or
incapacity  continues for a period of longer than 180 consecutive days or for an
aggregate  of  175  days  during  any   consecutive   9-month  period  (each,  a
"disability"),  Triarc's  Board of  Directors  shall have the right to terminate
your  employment by giving you not less than 30 days written  notice of Triarc's
election  to do so. In the event your  employment  is  terminated  on account of
disability pursuant to this paragraph, you will be entitled to the payments sets
forth in the first sentence of this paragraph.

        For the purposes of this  agreement,  the term "Change in Control" shall
mean (i) the  acquisition  by any person of 50% or more of the  combined  voting
power of  Triarc's  outstanding  securities  entitled to vote  generally  in the
election of  directors,  or (ii) a majority of the  Directors  of Triarc,  being
individuals  who  are  not  nominated  by the  Board  of  Directors  of  Triarc.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  (i)  the  acquisition  of any  portion  of the
combined voting power of Triarc by DWG Acquisition  Group, L.P., Nelson Peltz or
Peter May, or by any person affiliated with such persons,  (ii) the distribution
by means of a dividend or otherwise, of voting securities of Triarc or (iii) any
sale of securities by Triarc  pursuant to a public  offering,  shall in no event
constitute  a Change in  Control.  In the event of a Change in  Control,  Triarc
shall be  obligated  to employ you as Senior  Vice  President,  and you shall be
obligated  to accept  and  continue  in  employment  hereunder  as  Senior  Vice
President,  pursuant to the terms and  conditions of this  agreement,  until the
first anniversary of the Change in Control (the "Termination  Date").  You shall
have the  absolute  right to  resign  as an  officer  and  employee  of  Triarc,
effective as of the Termination Date, by written notice to Triarc given not less
than 30 days before the  Termination  Date and to receive,  commencing  with the
Termination  Date,  the same payments and other benefits to which you would have
been entitled had Triarc terminated your employment without good cause.

        Triarc will indemnify you, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable
law,  against all costs,  charges and  expenses  incurred or sustained by you in
connection with any action,  suit or proceeding to which you may be made a party
by reason of your being an  officer,  director  or  employee of Triarc or of any
subsidiary or affiliate of Triarc.

        For purposes of this agreement "for cause" means:  (i) commission of any
act of  fraud  or  gross  negligence  by you in the  course  of your  employment
hereunder  which,  in the case of gross  negligence,  has a  materially  adverse
effect  on  the  business  or  financial  condition  of  Triarc  or  any  of its
affiliates;  (ii) willful material  misrepresentation  at any time by you to any
superior executive officer of Triarc or any of their affiliates; (iii) voluntary
termination by you of your  employment or failure,  refusal or neglect by you to
comply  with any of your  material  obligations  hereunder  or failure by you to
comply with a reasonable  instruction  of any superior  officer of Triarc or its
Board of Directors,  which failure, refusal or neglect, if curable, is not fully
and  completely  cured  to the  reasonable  satisfaction  of  Triarc  as soon as
reasonably  possible upon written  notice to you; (iv)  engagement by you in any
conduct or the commission by you of any act which is, in the reasonable  opinion
of Triarc, materially injurious

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or  detrimental  to the  substantial  interest of Triarc;  (v)  conviction  of a
felony, whether with respect to your employment or otherwise, under the criminal
laws of the United  States or any state  thereof or any  similar  foreign law to
which you may be  subject;  (vi) any  failure  substantially  to comply with any
written  rules,  regulations,  policies or procedures of Triarc,  which,  if not
complied with, could have a material adverse effect on the business of Triarc or
any of its  affiliates;  or (vii) any willful  failure to comply  with  Triarc's
internal policies regarding insider trading.

        You agree to treat as  confidential  and not to disclose to anyone other
than Triarc and its  subsidiaries and affiliated  companies,  and you agree that
you will not at any time during your  employment  and for a period of four years
thereafter,  without the prior written consent of Triarc,  divulge,  furnish, or
make known or accessible to, or use for the benefit of anyone other than Triarc,
its subsidiaries,  and affiliated  companies,  any information of a confidential
nature  relating  in any way to the  business of Triarc or its  subsidiaries  or
affiliated  companies,  or any of their  respective  direct business  customers,
unless (i) you are required to disclose such information by requirements of law,
(ii) such  information  is in the public  domain  through no fault of yours,  or
(iii) such  information  has been  lawfully  acquired by you from other  sources
unless you know that such  information was obtained in violation of an agreement
of confidentiality.  You further agree that during the period referred to in the
immediately  preceding sentence you will refrain from engaging in any conduct or
making any statement  written or oral which is  detrimental  to the interests of
Triarc,  its  subsidiaries  or any of its affiliates or any of their  respective
shareholders, directors, officers or employees.

        You agree that in  addition  to any other  remedy  provided at law or in
equity, (a) Triarc shall be entitled to a temporary  restraining order, and both
preliminary and permanent  injunctive relief  restraining you from violating the
provisions of the immediately  preceding  paragraph,  (b) you will indemnify and
hold Triarc  harmless  from and against any and all damages or loss  incurred by
Triarc or any of its affiliates  (including  attorneys'  fees and expenses) as a
result  of any such  violation;  and (c)  Triarc's  remaining  obligations  this
agreement,  if any,  shall cease (other than payment of your base salary through
the date of such  violation and any earned but unpaid  vacation or except as may
be required by law).

        This  agreement  shall be  governed by the laws of the State of New York
applicable to agreements made and to be performed entirely within such State.

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        If you agree with the terms outlined  above and in the  Employment  Term
Sheet,  please date and sign the copy of this letter  enclosed  for that purpose
and return it to us.

        Best regards,


                                  Peter W. May

                                  Peter W. May
                                  President and
                                  Chief Operating Officer


John L. Barnes, Jr.
- -----------------------
John L. Barnes, Jr.

As of April 29, 1996


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                                EMPLOYMENT TERM SHEET
                                 JOHN L. BARNES, JR.

        Provision                                   Term
Contract Term               3 years commencing 4/29/96

Title                       Senior Vice President; responsible for C.H.
                            Patrick; CFO of Triarc upon retirement of existing
                            CFO (on or about 8/15/96).

Base Salary                 $300,000/year subject to increase, but not decrease
                            from time to time.

Bonus, etc.                 $200,000  minimum  with  respect  to first 12
                            months.  Thereafter  to  be  treated  in  a  manner
                            comparable  to  other  senior  executives.  Will be
                            eligible to  participate  in any long or short-term
                            management  incentive  plan which Triarc shall from
                            time to time  provide  for  its  senior  executives

Stock                       Options  30,000  shares  in  connection   with  the
                            commencement of employment.  Thereafter,  awards on
                            basis comparable to other senior executives.

Relocation                  See attachment.

Financial Advisory Services Comparable  to  that  provided  to  other  senior
                            executives of Triarc.

Health, medical, life and
disability insurance,
vacation, pension           Comparable to that provided to other senior
                            executives of Triarc generally.

Home/Office                 Will be  provided  portable  computer  and  docking
                            station,  printer,  monitor,  modem and fax machine
                            for home/office with attendant supplies and service
Housing Support on
early termination,
non-renewal                If employment is terminated by Triarc without cause
                           or Triarc does not renew contract at end of 3-year
                           term, Triarc will reimburse Executive for any loss
                           on sale of his N.Y. area home (based on difference
                           between Executive's original purchase price and his
                           ultimate sale price within 12 months of termination
                           of employment) up to a maximum of $150,000 and the
                           provisions of the attached relocation policy will be
                           applicable to the Executive's relocation outside of
                           the New York metropolitan area for six months from
                           the date of such termination or non-renewal.


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                      TRIARC COMPANIES, INC. - RELOCATION


        Officers  will be provided  with a relocation  allowance  payable in one
lump sum (as fully taxed) equal to two months salary at the officer's new salary
rate upon  commencement  of work at his or her new location.  The purpose of the
relocation  allowance is to help defray incidental  expenses  connected with the
move for which reimbursement is not provided.  Examples of the types of expenses
for which the relocation allowance are provided are:

            -  additional return home trips and/or additional travel for the
               spouse beyond the provisions of the moving policy

            -  charges for disconnection,  reinstallation  and/or alterations of
               draperies, carpets, television antennas, etc.

            -  telephone installation charges and utility deposits

            -  new automobile license plates and registration fees


        The officer and spouse  (excluding  children) are authorized three house
hunting  trips to locate  housing in the new  location,  each trip not to exceed
seven days. All reasonable  expenses for such trips,  including lodging,  meals,
business class air fare, car rental and car mileage will be reimbursed.


        Triarc  will  be  financially  responsible  for the  packing,  shipping,
unloading  and  insurance  of  all  normal  household  goods  and  two  personal


        All expenses  associated with travelling from the location of the former
residence to the new  location  will be  reimbursed  for the officer and family,
including business class air fare.

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        If it  becomes  necessary  for an  officer  to occupy  temporary  living
quarters during the course of the relocation, reasonable expenses for the actual
cost of lodging shall be reimbursed for a period of up to 90 days or Triarc will
rent for your use furnished housing for such period.


        Triarc  will pay  approved  expenses  incurred  in  selling a  principal
residence at the old location. Such expenses include:

            - broker's commission (normal and customary) - escrow  fees/seller's
            attorney's  fees -  recording  fees -  mortgage  satisfaction  fee -
            mortgage prepayment penalty fee - title policy fee
            -  documentary tax stamps and state and local sales transfer taxes


        If an officer  purchases a new home prior to selling  the present  home,
and therefore  incurs  duplicate  house  carrying  expenses  (subsequent  to the
provisions  of  "Temporary  Living at New  Location"  above),  the Company  will
reimburse the officer on a pro rated basis for the mortgage  interest only for a
maximum of 60 days.


        The officer will be reimbursed for the normal  closing costs  associated
with  buying a new house.  Such costs shall  include  those items which by local
custom are normally paid by the buyer.  Typical  costs may include  escrow fees,
attorney's  fees,  appraisals,  recording  fees,  state  transfer  taxes and fee
(owner's) title insurance.


        If the transferee is a tenant rather than a homeowner,  the Company will
reimburse the  transferee for reasonable  expenses  incurred in connection  with
early termination or breaking of the transferee's lease.
