Exhibit 10(2)

                                   Management Incentive Plan  (MIP)

                                        Effective January, 1994


       The purpose  of the Management  Incentive Plan (MIP) is  to motivate and
       reward key managers for  their achievement of preestablished, measurable
       objectives that contribute to the success of their organizational unit.


       At  the beginning of the  plan year, unit  financial and key operational
       objectives,  individual  performance  objectives  and  target  incentive
       awards  will be  established  and confirmed  in  writing for  each  Plan

       At  the conclusion of  the plan year,  the achievement of  the specified
       individual objectives will  be scored and weighted for  each participant
       and  together with the achievement level of the organizational unit will
       be used to determine the actual amount of the incentive award.


       A.    The Corporate Vice President Human Resources and Administration is
             responsible for administering the Plan.

       B.    Division and Corporate Executives  are responsible for  nominating
             participants to be included  in the plan, recommending appropriate
             objectives  for  participants, evaluating  participant performance
             and recommending individual incentive award amounts.

       C.    The Group President is responsible  for recommending the amount to
             be budgeted cross the group for the Plan target pool, establishing
             the organizational  unit operating objectives,  approving managers
             selected for participation, apportioning  the group target pool to
             the  organizational units,  recommending  actual  award pools  and
             approving individual incentive awards.

       D.    The  CEO is  responsible for  approving the  Plan target  pool and
             actual  award pools  for each  group and organizational  unit, and
             approving any exceptions to the Plan.

       E.    The Compensation  Committee Board of Directors  (the Committee) is
             responsible for amending  the Plan, and approving the  Plan target
             pool and the actual award pool for the company.


       A.    Adjusted Operating Profit (AOP)

             Operating profit plus  incentive plan  accruals less  a Net  Asset

       B.    Average Net Assets

             The  average of the net assets assigned to the organizational unit
             at the  beginning of the  Plan Year and  at the end of  each month
             during the year through November.   The net asset base will be the
             total  assets  assigned to  said  operation  reduced by  any  non-
             interest  bearing   liabilities  attributable  to  the  unit,  and
             exclusive  of  intercompany  accounts, marketable  securities  and
             other non-operating accounts assigned to the Company.

       C.    Base Salary

             The  basic annual salary rate of a  participant as of January 1 of
             the Plan year or,  if later the  time he or she  is approved as  a
             potential participant for a given year, exclusive of overtime, per
             diem,  bonuses,  or  any  other  premiums,  special  payments,  or

       D.    EBITDA

             Earnings  of   DynCorp  before  deductions  for  interest,  taxes,
             depreciation,  discontinued   operations,  and  merger/acquisition
             costs, as recorded on the books and records of the Corporation.

       E.    Key Manager

             Those employees holding management positions who are designated as
             eligible under the provisions of the MIP.

       F.    Net Asset Adjustment

             The  average net  assets  times  a  Net  Asset  Adjustment.    The
             percentage  adjustment shall  be at  least equal  to the  weighted
             average  of the company's projected  cost of debt  capital for the
             Plan  Year.   Only  under  extraordinary  circumstances will  this
             percentage be set at less than 12%.

       G.    Operating Profit

             Earnings  of  the applicable  organizational  unit (i.e.,  branch,
             division,  subsidiary,  group, etc.,)  after  ESOP  and after  all
             accruals,  but  before the  Company's  G&A  Expense, Interest  and
             Dividend Income, Interest Expense,  Net Asset Allocation and taxes
             on income.

       H.    Plan Year

             The period commencing January 1 and ending December 31 of the year
             for which performance is being measured.

       I.    Target Award

             The dollar amount that a Participant is eligible to receive if the
             combined  performance of  the participant  and the  organizational
             unit  is  at  an achievement  level  of  100%  of the  established
             performance objectives.


       Eligibility  for  participation  in the  Plan  will  be  limited to  key
       managers in  the operating  groups and  Corporate Headquarters who  have
       significant impact on the overall performance and profitability of their
       organizational unit who are not participants in  the Executive Incentive

       All participants  in the Plan must  be approved in advance  by the Group

       A  minimum  of  six  months in  an  eligible  position  is required  for
       participation in the  Plan.   Awards to individuals  with less than  one
       year's participation will be pro-rated based on the time in the eligible

       With the exception of retirement or death, participants must be actively
       employed  on  the  date  the  awards are  paid  in  order  to  receive a
       management incentive award.  At its sole discretion, DynCorp may make an
       award to a former employee, or  to the former employee's estate, in such
       amount as the Company may deem appropriate.

       Participation in the plan terminates on the date the employee terminates
       employment with the Company, whether voluntary or involuntary.


       At the  beginning of  the plan year  a management incentive  target pool
       will be established for  each organizational unit.  Several  factors are
       considered in determining the size of each  target pool.  These include:
       the number  of key managers  to be incentivized; the  target award level
       assigned to each manager; and the AOP objective of the unit.  The target
       pool when  established should be equal  to the sum of  the target awards
       for all  participants plus  the portion  earmarked  for key  contributor

       A key  contributor pool may be  established as part of  the total target
       award  pool to recognize the performance of other managers and employees
       who are  not  specifically  designated as  participants  with  a  target
       preestablished at the beginning of the year.  Key contributors are those
       select employees who stand out as having made a significant contribution
       to the overall performance of the unit during the plan year.

       As  a  general rule,  the sum  of the  individual  target pools  for all
       incentive plans within a given group will not exceed ten  percent of the
       group AOP objective.  The  Group President will determine the amount  to
       be  apportioned to each of  the unit MIP target pools.   At year end the
       actual award pool will  be adjusted upward or downward  proportionate to
       the achievement  level of  the unit against  budgeted AOP and  other key
       operational objectives.


       At the beginning of the plan year, a target award, expressed in the form
       of  a dollar amount,  is established for  each participant  based on the
       employee's position level and degree of impact on the overall results of
       the  organizational unit.  Target awards will typically range from 5% to
       25% of the  participant's base salary.  Target awards at or above 30% of
       base salary require CEO approval.


       At the beginning of the plan year an AOP objective will  be set for each
       organizational unit along with key operational performance objectives.

       The  AOP  objective, for  purposes  of the  plan,  should be  set  at an
       achievement  probability of approximately 80%.   At this  level an above
       average performance from the  management team will be required  in order
       to achieve the objective.

       The operational performance  objectives should  address the 4  to 6  key
       areas  of performance  that are  critically important  to  the continued
       success of the organizational unit.  The objectives must be quantitative
       in nature to permit  an accurate and objective measurement of the degree
       to which they  were achieved.   Categories to  consider for  operational
       objectives include, but are not limited to, the  following:  quality and
       process  improvement;  overhead  efficiency;  direct  labor utilization;
       business expansion; award fee evaluations; and safety performance.

       A  weighting  factor  is  placed  on both  the  AOP  objective  and  the
       operational objectives.   The weightings should help focus management on
       the areas of performance that most need to be emphasized during the plan
       year.   The AOP objective will  typically be weighted at  60% or higher.
       However, in some organizational units the financial performance may  not
       be subject to much risk, nor can it be greatly influenced by management.
       In  this case,  a  higher weighting  may be  placed  on the  operational


       At the  beginning of  each  plan year,  specific individual  performance
       objectives  will be  established  and  confirmed  in  writing  for  each
       participant.  At year end, the individual's performance will be measured
       in relation to these preestablished objectives  to produce an individual
       performance achievement level.

       Individual performance objectives should be established according to the
       following guidelines:

       1.    Each MIP participant  will have 6-8  written objectives that  have
             been  jointly  agreed  to  by  the  participant  and  his  or  her

       2.    Performance objectives  should  be aligned  with group  objectives
             established and communicated by the President of the Group as well
             as   objectives  established   for  the   participant's  immediate
             organization.   Objectives  covering each  of the  following areas
             will typically be included in  the objectives established by  each
             line executive:
                         *     Financial and operational performance
                         *     Human resources management
                         *     Quality and process improvement
                         *     Business development
                         *     Customer satisfaction

       3.    Objectives will be both quantitative and qualitative in nature and
             will  include  non  financial  as well  as  appropriate  financial
             related goals.

       4.    Objectives will be highly measurable.

       5.    Objectives will  have performance criteria  thoroughly established
             in  advance to enable individuals to monitor their own performance
             in  relation  to their  objectives,  and to  provide  an objective
             measurement at year-end.

       At  the conclusion of the  plan year, the  participant's achievements in
       relation to each  objective will be evaluated, and scored  on a scale of
       0% to 130%, with a  rating of 100% indicating that the  individual fully
       met  the objective.   The scores  are then  totaled to  yield an overall
       individual performance percentage.


       The   actual  award  pool   that  is  authorized   for  distribution  to
       participants within  an organizational  unit is determined  by measuring
       the achievement  level of  the preestablished  AOP  and key  operational

       The AOP  achievement level is calculated by  dividing the actual AOP, by
       the AOP target objective.

       Each  of the operational objectives are evaluated and scored and equated
       to   a  preestablished  target  achievement  level.    The  sum  of  the
       achievement  level percentages  for the  operational objectives  is then
       multiplied  by a  predetermined weighting  factor.  The  AOP achievement
       level percentage is likewise weighted.  The two weighted scores are then
       added together and the resulting Organizational Unit Award percentage is
       applied to the target pool to derive the actual award pool.

       A  threshold achievement  level of  75% of the  target AOP  objective is
       required in order  for formula  awards to be  made within  a unit.   The
       Group President with CEO approval may on a discretionary basis authorize
       the  payment  of awards  where  unusual  or extraordinary  circumstances
       contributed  to the below threshold  performance.  The  maximum level of
       achievement  recognized  for  plan  purposes   is  150%  of  the  target

       The size of the actual award  pool at corporate will be based  solely on
       the EBITDA achievement level of the company overall.

       The Group  President reserves the right to adjust the size of the actual
       award  pools at  the  unit level  to  reflect extraordinary  or  unusual
       circumstances.  However, the sum total of such adjustments cannot exceed
       the  amount  that would  have otherwise  been  awarded within  the group
       through the formula calculation without CEO approval.


       The determination of individual awards is carried out in three steps.

       First,  the  target  award for  each  individual  is  multiplied by  the
       Organizational Unit Award percentage.  This step spreads the performance
       results of the unit  proportionately across all participants  to produce
       an Adjusted Target Award.

       Second, the degree  to which  the participant achieved  each of  his/her
       individual objectives  is evaluated and scored  in a range of  0 - 130%.
       The achievement  percentages  for each  objective  are then  totaled  to
       produce  a composite individual performance factor.  This factor is then
       applied against  the  adjusted target  award from  step one  to yield  a
       formula award.

       Third, if  the sum  of the  individual formula awards  are less  than or
       greater  than the authorized award pool, a uniform prorate adjustment is
       applied  against the individual formula  awards.  The  maximum award for
       any participant will be 150% of the established target amount.

       Awards  to key  contributors  are  set at  the  discretion of  the  unit
       managers.     The  key  contributor   pool  is  factored   by  the  same
       organizational unit award percentage to derive the payout pool.


       Individual awards will be  consolidated and approved at the  Group level
       and  the actual award  pool recommended for  allocation to participants,
       will be submitted to the Corporate Vice President Human Resources by the
       end of January for approval by the CEO.

       Payments will be made in cash as soon as practical  after the conclusion
       of the plan year, typically by early March.

       Any exceptions to  the plan  must be approved  by the CEO  and the  Vice
       President-Human Resources.  Nothing in the  plan or in any action  taken
       hereunder shall affect the Company's right  to determine at any time and
       for any  reason the employment of  any employee who is  a participant in
       the plan.


       The  example  below  illustrates how  the  Plan  formula  is applied  to
       calculate the incentive award for a division manager.

             Target Pool                               $250,000
             Manager's Target Award                    $  8,000
             Manager's Individual Performance Factor       103%
             AOP Objective                                $5.0M
             AOP Weighting                                  60%
             Key Operational Objectives Weighting           40%
             Actual AOP                                   $4.8M
             Actual Key Operational Objectives              84%
                   Composite Average


             Actual AOP  /    AOP Objective          =    AOP Achievement Level
             $4.8M      /        $5.0M               =         96%

             AOP Achieve Level    x    Weighting     =     AOP Percentage
                    96%           x       60%        =         57.6%

             Key Operational Objectives                    Key Operational
               Composite Average   x     Weighting   =   Objectives Percentage
                       84%         x        40%      =         33.6%

                                      Key Operating        Organizational Unit
             AOP Percentage    +     Obj. Percentage  =     Actual Award
                   57.6%       +          33.6%       =       91.2%

                                  Organizational Unit          Actual
             Target Pool      x    Award Percentage   =     Award Pool
               $250,000       x          91.2%        =      $228,000


                                     Organizational Unit
             Target Award      x       Award Percentage =     Target
                $8,000         x           91.2%        =     $7,296

               Adjusted                  Individual
             Target Award      x     Performance Factor =     Formula
                $7,296         x           103%         =      $7,515

             PRORATA ADJUSTMENT    =   102%
             FINAL AWARD =   $7,666