This COMMON STOCK PURCHASE WARRANT AGREEMENT (the "Warrant Agreement")
is  entered  into effective as of the 1st day of August, l996,  by  and  between
EMERSON  RADIO  CORP.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  and   STARR
SECURITIES, INC., a New York corporation ("Starr" or "Holder").

           WHEREAS,  on  even date herewith, the Company and Starr entered  into
that  certain  Consulting  Agreement (the "Consulting  Agreement")  whereby  the
Company engaged Starr to render to the Company certain consulting services  more
particularly described in Section 2 thereof (the "Consulting Services"); and

           WHEREAS,  in consideration for the Consulting Agreement and  for  the
Consulting Services to be provided thereunder, the Company has agreed  to  issue
to  Starr,  and/or employees or consultants of Starr designated by it  upon  its
execution  and  delivery  of  the Consulting Agreement,  Common  Stock  Purchase
Warrants  (the  "Warrants") to purchase an aggregate of 250,000  shares  of  the
Company's common stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Common Stock"), pursuant
to the requirements relating to the exercise thereof set forth herein;

           NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the premises  and  the  mutual
agreements hereinafter set forth and for the purpose of defining the  terms  and
provisions of the Warrants and the respective rights and obligations thereunder,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

           1.  GRANT OF WARRANTS.  For value received, the Company hereby grants
Holder, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the right  to
purchase  up  to a maximum of 125,000 shares of the Common Stock of the  Company
(the "Shares"), subject to adjustment as set forth herein.

          2.  EXERCISE OF WARRANTS.  The Warrants will vest and may be exercised
by  the  Holder  as to (i) 50% of the Shares covered hereby at  any  time  after
February 1, 1997, and (ii) all or any part of the Shares covered hereby  at  any
time  after  August  1, 1997, in either event until August 1,  2001,  when  such
Warrants  shall  expire,  at  an exercise price of  $4.00  per  share  ("Warrant
Exercise  Price").   The Holder shall deliver to the Company written  notice  of
Holder's  intent  to exercise the Warrants at Nine Entin Road,  Parsippany,  New
Jersey  07054-0430, or at such other address as the Company shall  designate  in
writing  to the Holder, together with this Warrant Agreement and a check payable
to  the  order of the Company for the aggregate purchase price of the Shares  so
purchased.   Upon  exercise of the Warrants as aforesaid, the Company  shall  as
promptly as practicable, and in any event within 10 days thereafter, execute and
deliver  to  the Holder a certificate or certificates in the name of the  Holder
for the total number of whole Shares for which the Warrants are being exercised.
If  the Warrants shall be exercised with respect to less than all of the Shares,
the Holder shall be entitled to receive a similar warrant of like tenor and date
covering  the  number  of  Shares in respect of  which  the  Warrants  were  not
exercised.   The Warrants covered by this Warrant Agreement shall lapse  and  be
null  and  void if not exercised by the Holder on or before 5:00 p.m., New  York
City time, on August 1, 2001.

           3.   COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY.  The Company covenants and agrees that
all the Shares which may be issued upon the exercise of the Warrants represented
by  this  Warrant Agreement will, upon issuance, be fully paid and nonassessable
and  free  from all taxes, liens, and charges with respect to the issue  thereof
(other  than  taxes in respect of any transfer occurring contemporaneously  with
such  issue).  The Company further covenants and agrees that during  the  period
within  which  the  Warrants  represented  by  this  Warrant  Agreement  may  be
exercised,  the  Company  will  at  all times have  authorized  and  reserved  a
sufficient  number  of  Shares  to provide for  the  exercise  of  the  Warrants
represented by this Warrant Agreement.


             (a)  If the Company shall, without the payment of new value, at any
time  declare  a  stock dividend on its outstanding shares of  Common  Stock  or
effectuate a stock split or reverse stock split, by subdivision or consolidation
in  any  manner,  regarding  the  number of shares  of  the  Common  Stock  then
outstanding  into  a  different number of shares of the Common  Stock,  with  or
without  par value, then thereafter the number of Shares which the holder  shall
have  the right to purchase (calculated immediately prior to such change), shall
be  increased  or  decreased, as the case may be, in direct  proportion  to  the
increase or decrease in the number of shares of the Common Stock of the  Company
issued  and  outstanding by reason of such dividend or change, and  the  Warrant
Exercise Price of the Shares after such change shall in the event of an increase
in  the number of shares of the Common Stock be proportionately reduced, and  in
the  event  of  a  decrease  in the number of shares  of  the  Common  Stock  be
proportionately increased.

             (b)   Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, for purposes
of  this  Section 4, the Holder agrees that no adjustment shall be made  to  the
Warrant  Exercise Price or the number of Shares issuable upon  the  exercise  of
this  Warrant Agreement upon issuance of Common Stock (or any other  securities)
of  the Company for any purposes other than as set forth in Sections 4(a) and  5

event  of the reclassification or change in the outstanding Common Stock  (other
than  a  change in par value, or from par value to no par value, or from no  par
value  to  par  value,  or as a result of a subdivision,  combination  or  stock
dividend),  or in the event of a sale of all or substantially all of the  assets
of  the  Company, or in the event of any consolidation of the Company  with,  or
merger  of the Company into, another corporation, the Company, or such successor
corporation, as the case may be, shall provide that, the Holder shall thereafter
be  entitled  to  purchase  the kind and amount of shares  of  stock  and  other
securities   and   property  receivable  upon  such  reclassification,   change,
consolidation,  sale, or merger by a holder of the number of Shares  which  this
Warrant  Agreement entitled the holder thereof to purchase immediately prior  to
such   reclassification,  change,  consolidation,   sale,   or   merger.    Such
corporation, which thereafter shall be deemed to be the Company for purposes  of
this Warrant Agreement, shall provide for adjustments, if any, which shall be as
nearly equivalent as may be practicable to the adjustments provided for in  this
Warrant Agreement.

           6.   SALE OF ASSETS, DISSOLUTION.  In the event of a sale of  all  or
substantially all the assets of the Company, or in the event of any distribution
of  all or substantially all of its assets in dissolution or liquidation, or  in
the event of any other distribution or dividend (other than cash dividends), the
Company  shall  mail notice thereof by registered mail to the Holder  and  shall
make no distribution to the stockholders of the Company until the expiration  of
10  days  from  the date of mailing of the aforesaid notice; provided,  however,
that in any such event, if the Holder shall not exercise the Warrants within  10
days from the date of mailing such notice, all rights herein granted and not  so
exercised within such 10 day period shall thereafter become null and void.   The
Company  shall  not, however, be prevented from consummating  any  such  merger,
consolidation, sale or distribution without awaiting the expiration of such
10 day period, it being the intent and purpose hereof to enable the Holder,
upon exercise of the Warrants, to participate in the distribution of the
consideration to be received by the Company upon any such merger,
consolidation,  or  sale  or  in  the distribution of assets upon any
dissolution or liquidation or in the event of any other distribution or dividend
(as provided above).

           7.   NO  FRACTIONAL SHARES.  The number of Shares subject to issuance
upon  the complete exercise of the Warrants shall be rounded down to the nearest
whole  number  of Shares so that no fractional Shares shall be issued  upon  the
complete exercise of the Warrants.  The Holder shall not be entitled to  receive
any compensation or property for such fractional Share to which it may have been
entitled to in the absence of this provision.

          8.  NOTICES.  If there shall be any adjustment in accordance with this
Warrant Agreement, or if securities or property other than Shares of the Company
shall  become  purchasable in lieu of Shares upon exercise of the Warrants,  the
Company  shall  forthwith cause written notice thereof to be sent by  registered
mail,  postage prepaid, to the Holder at its address shown on the books  of  the
Company,  which  notice  shall  be  accompanied  by  a  certificate  of   either
independent   public  accountants  of  recognized  standing  or  the   Chairman,
President,  or  any  Vice President of the Company setting forth  in  reasonable
detail  the  basis for the Holder becoming entitled to purchase such Shares  and
the  number of Shares which may be purchased and the exercise price thereof,  or
the  facts  requiring any such adjustment, or the kind and amount  of  any  such
securities or property so purchasable upon the exercise of the Warrants, as  the
case may be.

           9.   TAXES.   The  issue of any stock or other certificate  upon  the
exercise  of  the  Warrant shall be made without charge to the  Holder  for  any
stamp,  duty, excise, or similar tax (but not including the Holder's  income  or
similar  taxes) in respect of the issue of such certificate.  The Company  shall
not, however, be required to pay any tax which may be payable in respect of  any
transfer  involved in the issue and delivery of any certificate in a name  other
than that of the Holder, as the registered holder of this Warrant Agreement, and
the  Company  shall  not be required to issue or deliver  any  such  certificate
unless  and until the person or persons requesting the issue thereof shall  have
paid  to  the  Company the amount of such tax or shall have established  to  the
satisfaction of the Company that such tax has been paid.

           10.   NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF WARRANTS.  The Warrants  shall  be  non-
transferable without the express written consent of the Company.

           11.  WARRANT HOLDER NOT STOCKHOLDER.  This Warrant Agreement does not
confer upon the Holder any right to vote or to consent or to receive notice as a
stockholder of the Company, as such in respect of any matters whatsoever, or any
other  rights or liabilities as a stockholder, prior to the exercise  hereof  as
provided herein.

           12.   INVESTMENT REPRESENTATIONS.  The  Holder, by acceptance hereof,
and  with reference to the Warrants and the Shares issuable upon exercise of the
Warrants, represents and warrants that:

            (a)  The Holder is acquiring such securities for investment purposes
only,  for  its  own  account,  and not with  a  view  toward  resale  or  other
distribution  thereof,  and has no present intention  of  selling  or  otherwise
disposing of such securities.

             (b)   The Holder is aware that the offer and sale of the securities
have  not  been  registered  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended
("Securities  Act"),  or any state securities law, that  upon  exercise  of  the
Warrants,  the  Shares  must be held indefinitely unless they  are  subsequently
registered  or  an exemption from such registration is available  and  that  the
Company  is  under no obligation to register the offer and sale  of  the  Shares
under  the  Securities Act or any applicable state securities  laws,  except  as
otherwise set forth in Section 14 hereof.

             (c)   The  Holder acknowledges that the Warrants may  not  be  made
subject  to  a  security  interest, pledged, hypothecated,  sold,  or  otherwise
transferred  in  the  absence of an effective registration  statement  for  such
Warrants under the Securities Act and such applicable state securities  laws  or
there  is  an  applicable exemption therefrom.  The Holder further  acknowledges
that,  unless  the offer and sale of the Shares issuable upon  exercise  of  the
Warrants  have been registered under the Securities Act, the Shares issued  upon
the  exercise of the Warrants shall be restricted in the same manner and to  the
same  extent as the Warrants and the certificates representing such Shares shall
bear the following legend:


          In making the above representations and warranties, the Holder intends
that  the  Company  rely thereon and understands that, as  the  result  of  such
reliance, such securities are not being registered under the Securities  Act  or
any  applicable  state  securities laws in reliance upon  the  applicability  of
certain exemptions relating to transactions not involving a public offering.

           13.   LOST  WARRANTS.   In  case  this  Warrant  Agreement  shall  be
mutilated,  lost,  stolen, or destroyed, the Company will issue  a  new  Warrant
Agreement  of  like  date,  tenor, denomination and terms  and  conditions,  and
deliver  the  same  in  exchange and substitution for  and  upon  surrender  and
cancellation  of  the  mutilated Warrant Agreement, or in lieu  of  any  Warrant
Agreement  lost, stolen, or destroyed, upon receipt of evidence satisfactory  to
the  Company  of the loss, theft, or destruction of such Warrant Agreement,  and
upon receipt of indemnity satisfactory to the Company.


           (a)   The  Company agrees that if at any time hereafter  the  Company
files with the Securities and  Exchange Commission ("Commission") a registration
statement ("Registration Statement") under the Securities Act on a form suitable
for  registering  the  Shares (including Form S-8, if available)  issuable  upon
exercise  of  the  Warrants (other than on Form S-4, (S-8  if  unavailable),  or
comparable registration statement;  other than any registration statement  which
has  been declared effective by the Commission prior to the date hereof  or  has
been  filed  with the Commission prior to the date hereof but has not  yet  been
declared  effective; and, other than any registration statement arising pursuant
to the terms of that certain Stipulation of Settlement and Order, dated June 11,
l996,  entered  in  the United States District Court for  the  District  of  New
Jersey, Hon. Nicholas H. Politan presiding, in the action entitled Emerson Radio
Corp.  v. Donald K. Stelling, et al., Civil Action No. 94-3393 (NHP) ), it  will
give written notice to such effect to the Holder, at least 30 days prior to such
filing, and, at the written request of the Holder, made within 10 days after the
receipt  of such notice, will include therein at the Company's cost and  expense
(except  for  the  fees and expenses of counsel to the Holder  and  underwriting
discounts and commissions attributable to the Shares of Warrant Common Stock [as
hereinafter  defined]  included therein) such of the Shares  of  Warrant  Common
Stock  held  by  the  Holder as it shall request.  If  the  registration  is  an
underwritten  primary registration on behalf of the Company,  and  the  managing
underwriter(s)  advise the Company in writing that in their good faith  opinion,
based  upon market conditions, the number of securities requested to be included
in  such registration exceeds the number which can be sold in such offering, the
Company  will include in such registration (i) first, the securities the Company
proposes to sell, (ii) second, the Warrant Common Stock (as hereinafter defined)
requested to be included in such registration and other securities requested  to
be  included  in such registration pursuant to contractual arrangements  between
Company  and  such other security holders ("Registration Rights  Holders"),  pro
rata  among the holders of the Warrant Common Stock and the Registration  Rights
Holders  on  the basis of the number of securities requested to be  included  in
such registration by such holders and the Registration Rights Holders, and (iii)
third,  other  securities requested to be included in  such  registration.   The
Company,  at  its own expense, will use its best efforts to file  and  seek  the
effectiveness of such Registration Statement with the Commission and will  cause
the  prospectus included in such Registration Statement to meet the requirements
of  the  Securities Act  necessary to effect the sale of the Shares included  at
the  request of the Holder and keep such Registration Statement effective for  a
period  of 180 days thereafter.  The term "Warrant Common Stock" shall mean  the
Shares  issuable  and issued pursuant to this Warrant Agreement  and  all  other
Warrants  originally  granted to Starr and/or its employees  or  consultants  as
contemplated  in  the second recital hereof and pursuant to all Warrants  issued
upon transfer, division, or combination of, or in substitution for, any thereof.
The  rights  of  the Holder under this Section 14 shall apply  to  an  unlimited
number of offerings proposed by the Company.

           (b)  The Company promptly shall notify the Holder, as a participating
holder  of  Warrant Common Stock, of the occurrence of any event as a result  of
which any prospectus included in a registration statement filed pursuant to this
Section  14  includes any misstatement of a material fact  or  omission  of  any
material  fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements
made  therein,  in light of the circumstances under which they  were  made,  not

           (c)   In  addition, upon written demand received at any  time  on  or
before  5:00  p.m., New York City time, on August 1, 2001, from  the  Holder  or
other holders of a minimum of 50% or more of the Warrant Common Stock originally
subject to the Warrants granted to Starr and/or its employees or consultants  as
contemplated  in  the  second recital hereof, that the Holder  contemplates  the
transfer   of  all  or  any  of  his  or its Warrant  Common  Stock  under  such
circumstances  that registration under the Securities Act will be required,  the
Company shall, not more than once, at the expense of the Company, except for the
fees  and  expenses of counsel to the Holder and other holders and  underwriting
discounts  and commissions  attributable to the Shares of Warrant  Common  Stock
included therein, as promptly as possible after receipt of such notice,  file  a
new  registration  statement  or,  if available,  an  offering  statement  under
Regulation A under the Securities Act, with respect to the offering and sale  or
other  disposition of the Warrant Common Stock with respect to  which  it  shall
have  received such notice; provided, that the Company will only be required  to
file  a  registration  statement or offering statement or amendment  thereto  no
later than 135 days after any fiscal year end of the Company and at such time as
it  has  available  for  utilization therein the audited consolidated  financial
statements of the Company as of the preceding fiscal year end.  The Company must
file  a  registration statement or offering statement if the Shares  of  Warrant
Common Stock cannot be sold under Regulation A because of the limited exemption.
The  Company agrees as soon as reasonably practicable to cause the above  filing
to  become  effective.  Within 10 days after receiving such notice, the  Company
shall  give notice to the other holders of the Warrants and Warrant Common Stock
advising  that  the  Company is proceeding with such registration  statement  or
offering statement and offering to include therein Warrant Common Stock of  such
Holder.  The Company shall not be obligated to any such other Holder unless such
other  Holder shall accept such offer by notice in writing to the Company within
10 days thereafter.

           (d)  The Company's obligations under this Section 14 with respect  to
the  Holder,  as  the holder of Warrant Common Stock, are expressly  conditioned
upon  the Holder promptly, completely, and accurately furnishing to the  Company
in  writing such information concerning the Holder and the terms of the Holder's
proposed offering as the Company shall request for inclusion in the Registration

           15.   INDEMNIFICATION BY COMPANY.  The Company agrees  that,  in  the
event  of the registration of the offer and sale of any of the Shares of Warrant
Common  Stock,  the  Company will indemnify and hold harmless  the  Holder,  its
directors,  officers  and  each other person, if any, who  controls  the  Holder
against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities, joint or several, to which
the  Holder  or  any  such director, officer or controlling  person  may  become
subject under the Securities Act, or any similar federal statute, and state Blue
Sky and securities laws, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, or liabilities
(or  actions  in  respect thereof) arise out of, or are based upon,  any  untrue
statement  or  alleged untrue statement under which the offer and  sale  of  the
Shares  of  Warrant  Common Stock were registered under such Securities  Act  or
similar  federal statute, any state Blue Sky or securities law, any  preliminary
prospectus or final prospectus contained therein, or any amendment or supplement
thereto, or arise out of, or are based upon, the omission or alleged omission to
state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make
the  statements therein not misleading, and will reimburse any party indemnified
hereunder for any legal or any other expenses reasonably incurred by such person
in  connection  with  investigating or defending any such loss,  claim,  damage,
liability, or action; provided, however, that to the extent that any such  loss,
claim, damage, or liability arises out of, or is based upon, an untrue statement
or  alleged  untrue  statement  or omission or alleged  omission  made  in  said
registration statement, said preliminary prospectus or said final prospectus  or
any  said  amendment  or supplement in reliance upon, and  in  conformity  with,
information furnished to the Company by the Holder, the Company will not  be  so
liable to the Holder.

          16.  INDEMNIFICATION BY THE HOLDER.  The Holder, by acceptance hereof,
agrees  to  indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its directors and officers,
and  each  other person, if any, who controls the Company, against  any  losses,
claims, damages, or liabilities, joint or several, to which the Company  or  any
such  director  or  officer  or any such person may  become  subject  under  the
Securities  Act, or any other statute or at common law, insofar as such  losses,
claims, damages, or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of  or
are  based  upon  the disposition by the Holder of the Warrants  or  the  Shares
issuable upon the exercise hereof in violation of the provisions of this Warrant
Agreement  or  arises out of, or is based upon, an untrue statement  or  alleged
untrue  statement  or  omission or alleged omission  made  in  any  registration
statement, any preliminary prospectus, or final prospectus, or any amendment  or
supplement  thereto  in  reliance  upon, and  in  conformity  with,  information
furnished to the Company by the Holder.

          17.  APPLICABLE LAW.  This Warrant Agreement shall be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware, without 
regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Warrant
Agreement effective as of the day and year first above written.

                              EMERSON RADIO CORP.

                             By: /s/ Eugene I. Davis
                                 Eugene I. Davis, President

                              STARR SECURITIES, INC.

                              By:   /s/ Martin Vegh, President
                                     (Name)            (Title)