Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 8-K/A

 Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
                                    of 1934

       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) December 3, 1998

                           Reliability Incorporated
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Texas                    0-7092               75-0868913
    (State or other juris-       (Commission file         (IRS Employer
   diction or registration)           Number)          Identification No.)

             16400 Park Row, Houston, Texas                  77084
        (Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code 281-492-0550


                           RELIABILITY INCORPORATED
                               Form 8-K/A Index


      (a)   FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                      Page

            The following combined audited financial
              statements are filed with this report:

              Report of Independent Auditors                             4
              Combined Balance Sheet as of October 31, 1998              5
              Combined Statement of Income and Comprehensive
                  Income - Ten Months ended October 31, 1998             6
                  Combined Statement of Cash Flows - Ten Months
                  ended October 31, 1998                                 7
              Notes to Combined Financial Statements                     8


            The following unaudited pro forma combined
            financial statements are filed with this report:

              Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet as of
                  September 30, 1998                                    14
              Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income
                  for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 1998          15
              Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income
                  for the Year Ended December 31, 1997                  16
              Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined
                  Financial Statements                                  17

            (c) Exhibits.  The following exhibits are filed
              with this report:

                    23.1 Consent of  Independent Auditors dated
                      February 9, 1999 related to Employee Stock
                      Savings Plan and 1997 Stock Option Plan           20

      Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed  on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date: February 11, 1999             Reliability Incorporated

                                          By:   /s/ Max T. Langley
                                          Max T. Langley,
                                          Senior Vice President


                           RELIABILITY INCORPORATED
                                  Form 8-K/A


      On  December  3, 1998, Reliability Incorporated (the "Company")  acquired
certain assets and assumed  certain liabilities from Basic Engineering Services
and Technology Labs, Inc. ("BEST").  The  assets  acquired  included equipment,
furniture  and  fixtures,  contracts,  work-in-progress,  backlog,  proprietary
rights, books and records, customer lists and goodwill. The liabilities assumed
consisted  of  employee-related  obligations.  The  purchase  price   was   (i)
$1,000,000 payable in cash, (ii) a note payable of $790,000 bearing interest at
6%  per  annum  and due June 3, 1999, and (iii) 475,000 shares of the Company's
common stock. The  common  stock  was  unregistered  and is subject to transfer
restrictions. In connection with the acquisition, the Company also entered into
a $50,000 two year covenant not to compete and a two year  $300,000  consulting
agreement  with the principal shareholder of BEST. The operations acquired  are
located in Austin, Texas and Singapore and are used to operate burn-in and test
services  laboratories,   providing   such   services   to  integrated  circuit
manufacturers.  This  acquisition  has  been accounted for using  the  purchase
method of accounting.


      In  accordance  with  Rule  3-05  of Regulation  S-X,  audited  financial
statements for the acquired operation as  of  and  for  the  ten  months  ended
October 31, 1998 are filed with this report.


                        Report of Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors
Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.

We  have  audited  the  accompanying  combined  balance  sheet of the Texas and
Singapore  operations of Basic Engineering Services and Technology  Labs,  Inc.
(the "Company")  as of October 31, 1998, and the related combined statements of
income and comprehensive income and cash flows for the ten months ended October
31, 1998. These financial  statements  are  the responsibility of the Company's
management. Our responsibility is to express  an  opinion  on  these  financial
statements based on our audit.

We   conducted  our  audit  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable  assurance  about  whether  the  financial  statements  are  free of
material  misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in  the financial statements. An audit
also  includes  assessing  the  accounting  principles   used  and  significant
estimates  made  by  management,  as  well as evaluating the overall  financial
statement presentation. We believe that  our  audit provides a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred  to  above present fairly, in
all  material  respects,  the  combined  financial position of  the  Texas  and
Singapore operations of Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc. at
October 31, 1998, and the combined results  of  their operations and their cash
flows for the ten months ended October 31, 1998,  in  conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

                                          /s/   Ernst & Young LLP

                                          Ernst & Young LLP
January 29, 1999
Houston, Texas


             Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.
                        Texas and Singapore Operations
                            Combined Balance Sheet
                               October 31, 1998
                                (In thousands)

Current assets:
    Cash (including restricted cash of $133)                     $   873
    Accounts receivable (net of allowance for
       doubtful accounts of $17)                                   1,027
    Prepaid expenses                                                  55
          Total current assets                                     1,955

Fixed assets, at cost:
    Machinery and equipment                                       10,645
    Furniture and fixtures                                           381
    Leasehold improvements                                           460
    Computer and office equipment                                    107
    Vehicles                                                          30
    Less accumulated depreciation                                  7,720
                                                                 $ 5,858

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                             $    69
    Accrued payroll and related costs                                379
    Accrued other liabilities                                        110
    Income taxes payable                                              73
    Deferred tax liability                                           227
       Total current liabilities                                     858
Net assets                                                         5,000
                                                                 $ 5,858

                            See accompanying notes

             Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.
                        Texas and Singapore Operations
             Combined Statement of Income and Comprehensive Income
                       Ten Months ended October 31, 1998
                                (In thousands)

Revenue                                                           $8,731

Cost of sales                                                      6,192
Marketing, general and administrative                                975
Operating income                                                   1,564

Foreign exchange (loss), net                                         (13 )
Other, net                                                            12
Income before income taxes                                         1,563
Provision for income taxes                                           121
Net income                                                         1,442

Foreign currency translation                                          65
Comprehensive income                                              $1,507

                            See accompanying notes

             Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.
                        Texas and Singapore Operations
                       Combined Statement of Cash Flows
                       Ten months ended October 31, 1998
                                (In thousands)

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income                                                   $ 1,442
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash
       provided by operating activities:
          Depreciation                                             1,278
          Foreign exchange loss, net                                  13
          Loss on disposal of fixed assets                            68
          Deferred tax provision                                      67

    Increase (decrease) in operating cash flows:
          Accounts receivable                                        515
          Prepaid expenses                                             7
          Accounts payable                                          (153 )
          Accrued liabilities                                        (99 )
          Income taxes payable                                      (330 )
             Total adjustments                                     1,366
Net cash provided by operating activities                          2,808
Cash flows from investing activities:
    Expenditures for fixed assets                                   (377 )
    Proceeds from sale of fixed assets                                 8
Net cash used in investing activities                               (369 )
Cash flows from financing activities:
    Cash flow transferred to BEST                                 (2,226 )
Net cash used in financing activities                             (2,226 )
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                               17
Net increase in cash (exclusive of restricted cash)                  230

Cash (exclusive of restricted cash) at January 1, 1998               510
Cash (exclusive of restricted cash) at October 31, 1998          $   740

                            See accompanying notes

             Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.
                        Texas and Singapore Operations
                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements
                               October 31, 1998



      Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.  ("BEST")  is a U.S.
corporation   with   operations   in   California,  Texas  and  Singapore.  The
accompanying combined financial statements  reflect the assets, liabilities and
results  of  operations of BEST's Texas and Singapore  operations,  which  were
acquired by Reliability  Incorporated  on  December  3,  1998 in the form of an
asset  purchase  (see  Note  6). BEST's Texas and Singapore operations  operate
burn-in and test services laboratories,  providing  services  to primarily four
integrated circuit manufacturers.

      The accompanying combined financial statements are presented as if BEST's
Texas  and  Singapore  operations  had existed as an entity separate  from  its
parent, BEST, during the period presented  and include the assets, liabilities,
revenues and expenses that are directly related  to  the  Texas  and  Singapore
operations. Because all of BEST's Texas and Singapore results were included  in
the  financial  statements  of  BEST,  separate  meaningful  historical  equity
accounts  do  not exist for these operations. Earnings per share data have been
omitted from the  combined statement of income and comprehensive income because
the Texas and Singapore  operations had no equity securities outstanding during
the period presented.

      The  accompanying  combined   financial  statements  have  been  prepared
specifically to comply with Rule 3-05  of  Regulation  S-X.  Since BEST did not
keep  discrete  accounting  records  for  its  Texas  and Singapore operations,
certain  allocations  (including  corporate salaries and administrative  costs,
engineering  support,  insurance  costs,  rent,  etc.)  are  reflected  in  the
accompanying combined financial statements (see Note 4).


      The combined financial statements  include  the  accounts of BEST's Texas
and  Singapore  operations.  All transactions between the Texas  and  Singapore
operations have been eliminated.


      Restricted cash relates  to amounts pledged as security for certain lease
agreements. These restrictions are expected to be lifted upon expiration of the
respective leases (2001).


      For financial statement purposes, depreciation is computed principally on
the straight-line method, using estimated useful lives of 3 to 5 years.


      Generally, revenues are recognized when services are provided.


             Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.
                        Texas and Singapore Operations
                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements
                               October 31, 1998


      The accounting records of  BEST's  Singapore operations are maintained in
Singapore dollars which is the functional  currency.  Transactions occurring in
Singapore  during  the  period  involving  foreign currencies  other  than  the
Singapore dollar are recorded at the exchange  rates approximating those at the
transaction  dates.  At  the  balance  sheet date, recorded  monetary  balances
denominated in foreign currencies other  than the Singapore dollar are revalued
to  reflect  the exchange rates prevailing at  that  date.  The  resulting  net
exchange gains or losses are credited or charged to foreign exchange loss (net)
in the accompanying combined statement of income and comprehensive income.

      Cumulative  translation  gains  or  losses  arising  from translating the
Singapore  dollar-denominated  financial  statements  into  U.S.   dollars  are
reflected in net assets in the accompanying combined balance sheet.  Cumulative
translation adjustments totaled $33,000 (loss) and $98,000 (loss) as of October
31, 1998 and January 1, 1998, respectively.


      BEST  is  a Subchapter S corporation. As a result, U.S. income taxes  are
the liability of  BEST's  shareholders. BEST's Singapore operations are subject
to income taxation under Singapore  law.  Deferred  income  taxes  are provided
under  the  liability  method  and  reflect  the  net  tax effects of temporary
differences between the tax basis of assets and liabilities  and their reported
amounts in the combined financial statements.


      The  preparation  of  financial  statements in conformity with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions that affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the  date  of  the financial
statements  and  the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and expenses during  the
reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates.


      Approximately  30%  of  BEST's  combined Texas and Singapore  operations'
revenues were denominated in Singapore  dollars  during  the  ten  months ended
October 31, 1998, thereby subjecting the operations to risks related to foreign
currency  fluctuations  between  the  U.S.  and  Singapore dollar. In addition,
BEST's  Texas  and  Singapore  operations  are dependent  on  four  significant
customers.  For the ten months ended October  31,  1998  these  customers  were
Motorola Semiconductor,  Advanced  Micro  Devices,  Cypress  Semiconductor  and
Alliance Semiconductor.


             Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.
                        Texas and Singapore Operations
                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements
                               October 31, 1998


      Changes  in  net assets during the ten months ended October 31, 1998 were
as follows (in thousands):

            Balance at January 1, 1998               $ 4,567
            Cash flow transferred to BEST             (2,226 )
            Net income                                 1,442
            Fixed assets transferred from BEST         1,267
            Translation adjustments                       65
            Other                                       (115 )
Balance at October 31, 1998                          $ 5,000


      The income tax  provision  is  based  on  income  before  income taxes of
$520,000 related to BEST's Singapore operations and consist solely of Singapore
income  taxes.  The  differences  between the effective rate reflected  in  the
income  tax provision and the amounts  determined  by  applying  the  statutory
Singapore income tax rate of 26% are analyzed below (in thousands):

            Provision at statutory rate                $ 406
            Less effect of domestic earnings
              not subject to income taxes               (271 )
            Less 10% Singapore tax rebate                (14 )
                                                       $ 121
            Current                                    $  54
            Deferred                                      67
                                                       $ 121

      Deferred  tax  liabilities consisted primarily of differences between the
depreciation rates required  under Singapore tax regulations and those used for
financial statement purposes,  offset  by capital allowances. Income taxes paid
during the ten months ended October 31, 1998 totaled $255,000.


      BEST  provided  certain  administrative,  engineering,  cash  management,
facility rental and other support  to  its  Texas and Singapore operations. The
accompanying combined financial statements reflect  allocations  of these types
of  costs  which,  in  management's opinion, appropriately state the Texas  and
Singapore operations' share  of  such  costs. These allocations were based upon
various factors, including time spent by  BEST's  corporate office personnel on
Texas  and Singapore operations activities and, in the  case  of  rent,  square
footage occupied by the respective operation.


             Basic Engineering Services and Technology Labs, Inc.
                        Texas and Singapore Operations
                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements
                               October 31, 1998

      For  purposes  of  the  combined  financial  statements, the intercompany
account between the Texas and Singapore operations and  BEST  has been included
as  an  element of net assets. These amounts are unsecured, interest  free  and
have no fixed  repayment  terms.  All  excess  cash  flows are considered to be
transferred to BEST and are included in this intercompany account.

      BEST's  Singapore operation purchased $1,267,000  of  fixed  assets  from
BEST's corporate office, at net book value, during the ten months ended October
31, 1998.


      BEST's Texas  and  Singapore  operations  lease  manufacturing and office
facilities under non-cancelable operating leases with initial terms of one year
or more. Rent expense totaled $295,000 during the ten months  ended October 31,
1998.  Future  minimum  rental  payments  under  these  leases are as  follows:
$314,000,  $312,000,  $270,000, $133,000 and $55,000 during  the  fiscal  years
ended October 31, 1999 through 2003, respectively.


      Effective December  3,  1998,  Reliability  Incorporated acquired certain
assets  and  assumed certain liabilities from BEST related  to  its  Texas  and
Singapore operations.  The  assets  acquired  included equipment, furniture and
fixtures, contracts, work-in-progress, backlog,  proprietary  rights, books and
records  and  customer  lists.  The liabilities assumed consisted of  employee-
related  obligations.  As  consideration  for  the  sale,  BEST  received  from
Reliability Incorporated (i)  $1,000,000  in  cash;  (ii)  a  note  payable  of
$790,000  bearing  interest  at  6%  per  annum and due June 3, 1999, and (iii)
475,000 shares of Reliability Incorporated common stock.

7. YEAR 2000 READINESS (unaudited)

      Based on a recent and ongoing assessment,  management has determined that
it  will be required to modify or replace portions  of  its  software  so  that
computer  systems will function properly with respect to dates in the Year 2000
and  thereafter.   BEST's   Texas   and   Singapore  operations  are  currently
transitioning  onto Reliability Incorporated's  financial  systems,  which  are
expected to be Year  2000  compliant  by  March 1999. Other systems specific to
BEST's Texas and Singapore operations which  require  Year 2000 remediation are
expected to be Year 2000 compliant by June 1999. Management  has also initiated
communications with its significant suppliers and major customers  to determine
the extent to which the business is vulnerable to any third party's  failure to
remedy their own Year 2000 issues. No significant issues have been identified.

      The  costs  of  Year  2000  remediation  are not material to the combined
financial statements. Management presently believes  that with modifications to
existing  software,  the Year 2000 issue will not pose significant  operational
problems and will not  materially affect future financial results. In addition,
Reliability Incorporated is developing a contingency plan to address unforeseen
Year 2000 problems, should they occur.


                           RELIABILITY INCORPORATED
                                  Form 8-K/A


      On December 3, 1998,  Reliability  Incorporated  (the "Company") acquired
certain assets and assumed certain liabilities from Basic  Engineering Services
and  Technology  Labs,  Inc. ("BEST"). The assets acquired included  equipment,
furniture  and  fixtures,  contracts,  work-in-progress,  backlog,  proprietary
rights, books and records, customer lists and goodwill. The liabilities assumed
consisted  of  employee-related   obligations.   The  purchase  price  was  (i)
$1,000,000 payable in cash, (ii) a note payable of $790,000 bearing interest at
6% per annum and due June 3, 1999, and (iii) 475,000  shares  of  the Company's
common  stock.  The  common  stock  was unregistered and is subject to transfer
restrictions. In connection with the acquisition, the Company also entered into
a $50,000 two year covenant not to compete  and  a two year $300,000 consulting
agreement with the principal shareholder of BEST.  The  operations acquired are
located in Austin, Texas and Singapore and are used to operate burn-in and test
services   laboratories,   providing   such  services  to  integrated   circuit
manufacturers.  This acquisition has been  accounted  for  using  the  purchase
method of accounting.

      The unaudited  pro  forma  combined balance sheet has been prepared as if
the transaction occurred as of the Company's latest interim balance sheet dated
September 30, 1998. The unaudited  pro  forma combined statements of operations
for the year ended December 31, 1997 and  the  nine  months ended September 30,
1998 give effect to the acquisition as if it had occurred  at  the beginning of
the   periods  presented.  These  statements  were  prepared  by  taking   into
consideration  only  those  transactions  known  to have a continuing impact to
operations as a result of the acquisition.

      The unaudited pro forma combined financial statements  have been prepared
by  the  Company  and  all  calculations  have  been  made  based upon  certain
assumptions and adjustments described in the notes thereto and  should  be read
in conjunction therewith. Included in these assumptions is the presumption that
no  additional  selling,  general and administrative costs are required because
the current infrastructure  is  deemed  sufficient  to  support  the additional
activities  anticipated from the acquisition. The unaudited pro forma  combined
financial statements  were  prepared  utilizing  the accounting policies of the
Company. The allocation of the purchase price, which  may be subject to certain
adjustments as the Company finalizes the allocation  of  the  purchase price in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, are included  in  the
unaudited  pro forma combined financial statements. The purchase price has been
allocated based  upon  the  estimated  fair  values  of the assets acquired and
liabilities assumed. The excess of the purchase price  over  the estimated fair
value of the net assets acquired at the acquisition date has been  recorded  as

      The  unaudited  pro forma combined financial information is presented for
informational purposes only and is not necessarily indicative of the results of
operations or the financial  position  which  would  have been achieved had the
acquisition  been  consummated  at the beginning of the periods  presented.  In
addition,  the unaudited pro forma  combined  financial  information  does  not
purport to be  indicative  of  the  results of operations or financial position
which may be achieved in the future.


                           RELIABILITY INCORPORATED
                                  Form 8-K/A

      The unaudited pro forma combined  financial information should be read in
conjunction with the Company's historical consolidated financial statements and
notes thereto contained in the 1997 Annual  Report  on  Form 10-K and Quarterly
Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 1998,  June  30, 1998 and
September 30, 1998 and the historical combined financial statements  of  BEST's
Texas and Singapore operations contained elsewhere in this Form 8-K/A.


                           Reliability Incorporated
                       Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet
                              September 30, 1998
                                (In thousands)

                                    ----------           Pro Forma  Pro Forma
                                Reliability  BEST       Adjustments Combined
                                -----------  ----       ----------- --------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents      $14,832   $    -      $(1,000 ) (A) $13,832
   Accounts receivable              5,146        -            -       5,146
   Inventories                      2,053        7            -       2,060
   Deferred tax assets                569        -            -         569
   Other current assets               496       34            -         530
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------
      Total current assets         23,096       41       (1,000 )    22,137
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------

Property, plant and
   equipment, net                   7,284    3,861       (1,184 ) (B) 9,961

Assets held for sale                2,193        -                    2,193
Intangible assets                       -        -        1,148  (C)  1,148
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------
                                  $32,573   $3,902      $(1,036 )   $35,439
                                   ======    =====        =====      ======

Current liabilities:
   Current maturities on
      long-term debt              $   849   $    -      $     -     $   849
   Note payable                         -        -          790  (A)    790
   Accounts payable                   189        -            -         189
   Accrued liabilities              3,719      349            -       4,068
   Income taxes payable             1,184        -            -       1,184
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------
      Total current liabilities     5,941      349          790       7,080
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------

Deferred tax liabilities              512        -            -         512

Stockholders' equity
   Common stock                     7,181        -        1,727  (A)  8,908
   Retained earnings               26,783        -            -      26,783
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------
                                   33,964        -        1,727      35,691
   Less treasury stock, at cost     7,844        -            -       7,844
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------
      Total stockholders' equity   26,120        -        1,727      27,847
                                   ------    -----       ------      ------
                                  $32,573   $  349      $ 2,517     $35,439
                                   ======    =====       ======      ======

                            See accompanying notes
                  to pro forma combined financial statements.

                           Reliability Incorporated
                    Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income
                     Nine Months Ended September 30, 1998
                     (In thousands, except per share data)

                                    ----------           Pro Forma  Pro Forma
                                Reliability  BEST       Adjustments Combined
                                -----------  ----       ----------- --------

Revenues                          $29,826   $7,952        $   -     $37,778

Costs and expenses:
   Cost of revenues                13,943    5,555         (254 ) (D) 19,244
   Marketing, general and
      administrative                6,871      869          136  (E)  7,876
   Research and development         1,636        -            -       1,636
   Provision for asset impairment     100        -            -         100
                                   ------    -----         ----      ------
                                   22,550    6,424         (118 )    28,856
                                   ------    -----         ----      ------
Operating income                    7,276    1,528          118       8,922

Interest income (expense)             295        8          (24 ) (F)   241
                                                            (38 ) (G)
Other income, net                       -        9            -           9
                                   ------    -----         ----      ------
Income before income taxes          7,571    1,545           56       9,172

Provision for income taxes          2,632      136          442  (H)  3,210
                                   ------    -----         ----      ------
Net income                        $ 4,939   $1,409        $(386 )   $ 5,962
                                   ======    =====         ====      ======

Earnings per share:
      Diluted                     $   .80                           $   .89

      Basic                       $   .81                           $   .91

Weighted average number of shares
   used in earnings per share
      Diluted                       6,208                   475  (I)  6,683

      Basic                         6,088                   475  (I)  6,563

                            See accompanying notes
                  to pro forma combined financial statements.

                           Reliability Incorporated
                    Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income
                         Year Ended December 31, 1997
                     (In thousands, except per share data)

                                    ----------           Pro Forma  Pro Forma
                                Reliability  BEST       Adjustments Combined
                                -----------  ----       ----------- --------

Revenues                          $47,220  $12,930       $    -     $60,150

Costs and expenses:
   Cost of revenues                23,653    8,125         (338 ) (D) 31,440
   Marketing, general and
      administrative                9,679    1,418          182  (E) 11,279
   Research and development         1,578        -            -       1,578
                                   ------    -----        -----      ------
                                   34,910    9,543         (156 )    44,297
                                   ------    -----        -----      ------
Operating income                   12,310    3,387          156      15,853

Interest income (expense)             (66 )     15          (24 ) (F)  (131 )
                                                            (56 ) (G)
Other income, net                       -       65            -          65
                                   ------    -----        -----      ------
Income before income taxes         12,244    3,467           76      15,787

Provision for income taxes          4,112      323        1,090  (H)  5,525
                                   ------    -----        -----      ------
Net income                        $ 8,132   $3,144      $(1,014 )   $10,262
                                   ======    =====        =====      ======

Earnings per share:
      Diluted                        1.23                              1.45

      Basic                         $1.25                             $1.47

Weighted average number of shares
   used in earnings per share
      Diluted                       6,604                   475  (I)  7,079

      Basic                         6,500                   475  (I)  6,975

                            See accompanying notes
                  to pro forma combined financial statements.

                           RELIABILITY INCORPORATED
                         NOTES TO UNAUDITED PRO FORMA
                         COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


      On  December  3,  1998, Reliability Incorporated (the "Company") acquired
certain assets and assumed  certain liabilities from Basic Engineering Services
and Technology Labs, Inc. ("BEST").  The  assets  acquired  included equipment,
furniture  and  fixtures,  inventory,  contracts,  work-in-progress,   backlog,
proprietary  rights,  books  and  records,  customer  lists  and  goodwill. The
liabilities  assumed  consisted  of employee-related obligations. The  purchase
price was (i) $1,000,000 payable in  cash,  (ii)  a  note  payable  of $790,000
bearing interest at 6% per annum and due June 3, 1999, and (iii) 475,000 shares
of the Company's common stock. The common stock was unregistered and is subject
to transfer restrictions. In connection with the acquisition, the Company  also
entered into a $50,000 two year covenant not to compete and a two year $300,000
consulting  agreement  with  the  principal shareholder of BEST. The operations
acquired are located in Austin, Texas  and  Singapore  and  are used to operate
burn-in and test services laboratories, providing such services  to  integrated
circuit  manufacturers.  This  acquisition  has  been  accounted  for using the
purchase method of accounting.

      The  unaudited pro forma combined balance sheet has been prepared  as  if
the transaction occurred as of the Company's latest interim balance sheet date,
September 30,  1998.  The unaudited pro forma combined statements of operations
for the year ended December  31,  1997  and the nine months ended September 30,
1998 give effect to the acquisition as if  it  had occurred at the beginning of
the  periods  presented.  These  statements  were  prepared   by   taking  into
consideration  only  those  transactions  known to have a continuing impact  to
operations as a result of the acquisition.

      The unaudited pro forma combined financial  statements have been prepared
by  the  Company  and  all  calculations  have  been made  based  upon  certain
assumptions and adjustments described in the notes  thereto  and should be read
in  conjunction  therewith.  Included  in  these  certain  assumptions  is  the
presumption  that no additional selling, general and administrative  costs  are
required because the current infrastructure is deemed sufficient to support the
additional activities anticipated from the acquisition. The unaudited pro forma
combined financial  statements  were prepared utilizing the accounting policies
of the Company. The allocation of  the  purchase price, which may be subject to
certain adjustments as the Company finalizes  the  allocation  of  the purchase
price in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, are included
in  the  unaudited pro forma combined financial statements. The purchase  price
has been allocated  based upon the estimated fair values of the assets acquired
and liabilities assumed.  The  excess  of the purchase price over the estimated
fair value of the net assets acquired at the acquisition date has been recorded
as goodwill.


                           RELIABILITY INCORPORATED
                         NOTES TO UNAUDITED PRO FORMA
                         COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


(A)   To reflect the  consideration paid which consisted of $1,000,000 in cash,
      a note payable for  $790,000  and  475,000 shares of the Company's common

(B)   To  reduce  the  net  book value of fixed  assets  acquired  based  on  a
      preliminary analysis of  fair  value.  The  final  analysis  is  not  yet
      completed; as a result, the final adjustment may differ.

(C)   To  reflect  the estimated excess of acquisition cost over the fair value
      of the assets  acquired.  Of  this amount, $1,098,000 relates to goodwill
      and $50,000 relates to a covenant not to compete.

(D)   To reflect lower depreciation resulting  from  the  reduction in basis of
      property and equipment acquired based on the preliminary  analysis of the
      fair  value  of  the fixed assets acquired, using estimated useful  lives
      ranging from 3 to 4 years.

(E)   To reflect amortization  of goodwill over a period of seven years and the
      covenant not to compete over a period of two years.

(F)   To reflect the increase in  interest  expense  due to the issuance of the
      $790,000 note payable at 6% interest for six months.

(G)   To reflect a reduction in interest income for the  cash  portion  of  the
      purchase price.

(H)   To  adjust  the  tax provision for income taxes of the pro forma combined
      group to the Company's  historical  effective  tax  rate  of  35%. BEST's
      historical  combined  financial statements reflect only Singapore  income
      taxes as BEST is a Subchapter  S  corporation whose U.S. income taxes are
      the liability of BEST's shareholders

(I)   To reflect the 475,000 shares of common  stock  issued  pursuant  to  the
      purchase agreement.


                           Reliability Incorporated
                               Index to Exhibits

Exhibit Number    Description of Exhibit              Page Number

23.1              Consent of Independent
                  Auditors dated February 9, 1999     20
