EXHIBIT 10.(iii)B
                         Farmland Industries, Inc.
                    Management Long Term Incentive Plan


   1.   The Management Long Term Incentive Plan (the Plan) is effective
        September 1, 1993.

        a.  The Plan provides incentive compensation opportunities for
            designated management employees of Farmland Industries, Inc. (the
            Company) based on the attainment of highly focused multi-year
            performance goals. (See Exhibit A for performance criteria and

        b.  The Plan's initial performance and reward cycle covers fiscal
            years 1994 through 1996, inclusive, the period from September 1,
            1993 through August 31, 1996.  

        c.  The Plan's subsequent performance and reward cycles will begin
            each subsequent year thereafter for a three year time span.  The
            Plan's second performance and reward cycle covers fiscal years
            1995 through 1997, the Plan's third  performance and reward cycle
            covers fiscal years 1996 through 1998, etc.

        d.  It is the Company's intent to continue this Plan indefinitely,
            but the Company reserves the right to amend or discontinue the
            Plan at any time if such action is deemed in the best interests
            of the Company and the Membership.  
   2.   The key purposes of the Plan are set forth below.

        a.  To attract and retain high quality management personnel that can
            produce the level of sustained results needed to allow the
            Company to attain its mission on a continuous basis for the
            immediate and ongoing benefit of its Membership.  (See Exhibit B
            for a list of participants.)

        b.  To provide a long term incentive element which includes
            "ownership type" motivation for those employees most responsible
            for strategic results.

        c.  To provide a competitive program of total cash compensation in
            appropriate marketplaces with an emphasis on variable, pay-for-
            performance opportunities linked to the accomplishment of
            demonstrated results.

        d.  To focus key employees on key strategic results and motivate
            those actions which reinforce the attainment of the Company's
            business plan over a sustained period of time.


1.   The Plan shall establish multi-year performance and award cycles
     (Plan cycle).

     a.  The initial cycle is from 9/1/93 through 8/31/96.

     b.  Subsequent plan cycles shall commence each year thereafter and
         contain a three year performance cycle., e.g.
                  9/1/94 through 8/31/97
                  9/1/95 through 8/31/98
                  To continue as management determines valid.

2.   Participation shall be as designated by the CEO for each cycle
     (except that the CEO's participation shall be approved by the Board
     of Directors), and shall be limited to management positions which
     have a significant impact on long term, strategic results.  Position
     and/or individuals participate at the discretion of the CEO.

3.   Multi-year performance goals shall be established each cycle which
     shall focus on one, or a very few, key, measurable results of
     strategic financial importance to the Company.

4.   An incentive pool from which participant awards can be paid shall be
     created each cycle based on results achieved against goals.  The pool
     shall be equal to an increasing percentage share of Company gains as
     results improve.  For results above the maximum goal level, the
     percentage share shall remain fixed at the maximum level, but the
     incentive pool shall be an open-ended, uncapped amount to provide
     participants with an "ownership interest" in maximizing results.

5.   Performance goals and the share of results used to produce the
     incentive pool can vary from cycle to cycle, but generally be
     established under the following criteria:

   Level      Share of             Awards Payable -              Approximate
  Achieved   Results To         Resulting Compensation              Odds of
                Pool             Level in Marketplace             Attainment

  < Threshold    None              None - Uncompetitive               -

  Threshold      Small             Meaningful - Below Average      8 in 10

  Target         More              Significant - Desired (Average) 5 in 10

  Maximum        Maximum           Large - Very Competitive        2 in 10

  > Maximum      Same, set share   Open-ended "ownership" share of    -
                                   outstanding results

6.   Each cycle the Company shall establish a Basic Award Percentage (pool
     portion) for each participant in the Plan.  Such Basic Award
     Percentages shall:

     a.  be communicated to participants by the Company;

     b.  remain unchanged during a cycle unless a participant's status
         shall significantly change; and

     c.  in total, be approximately 10-15% less than the total incentive

     The remaining 10-15% portion of the incentive pool for each Part of
     the Plan shall be a Reserve Incentive Pool available for
     discretionary use by the CEO and/or for allocation for new
     participants as selected by the CEO.

7.   Each cycle, the CEO may distribute all or some portion of the Plan's
     Reserve Incentive Pool to participants for any of these reasons:

     a.  to recognize outstanding individual performance or contributions
         to overall Company results;

     b.  to recognize changes in status during a cycle where a
         participant's position is significantly increased; or

     c.  to permit participation by a person hired or promoted into a
         participating position during a cycle.

     If additional participants caused the incentive pool to be more than
     100% allocated, the CEO would determine the amount of reduction to
     each participant's pool portion.

     Such distribution can consist of an additional dollar award at cycle
     end, or a new or increased Base Share Award determined during the

8.   Total awards can not exceed the size of the incentive pool generated
     each cycle.  No awards are payable if no money has been generated
     based on plan formulas.

9.   A participant's total award shall be the sum of his (or her) Basic
     Award Percentage plus any additional amount awarded by the CEO from
     the Reserve Incentive Pool.  Total awards shall be payable as soon as
     practical at the end of the cycle subject to (10) and (11) below.

     a.  About mid-December, 1996 for the initial cycle.

     b.  About mid-December, following the end of each successive cycle.

10.  Awards shall be payable in cash and subject to all applicable

11.  Participants may voluntarily elect to irrevocably defer receipt of
     awards otherwise payable in accordance with rules and procedures
     established by the Company in the Farmland Industries, Inc. Executive
     Deferred Compensation Plan.

12.  Exhibit A lists the Performance criteria and Goals, and the  amount
     by which the pool is to be funded for each level of performance.
     Exhibit B lists participants and their Basic Award Percentage


1.   A participant must be an active employee of the Company at the end of
     each cycle in order to receive an award for such cycle unless active
     employment ceased for reasons of death, total disability, or

2.   In the event of a participant's death, total disability, or
     retirement during a cycle, awards otherwise payable shall be prorated
     on the basis of full months of active participation in relation to
     the length of the cycle.

3.   In the event of a participant's change of status to a non-
     participating position during a cycle, awards otherwise payable shall
     be prorated and/or adjusted depending upon the reason for the change,
     but generally on the basis of full months participation in relation
     to the length of the cycle.

4.   If a participant's employment is terminated with the Company for
     reasons other than death, total disability or  retirement during a
     cycle, such participant shall forfeit all rights to any award
     otherwise payable.

5.   Decisions regarding proration and award adjustment shall be made by
     the CEO and, barring highly unusual circumstances, on the basis of
     full months of active participation in relation to the months within
     the cycle.  The Board and CEO authorities and guidelines for specific
     situations are set for in Section D.


1.   The Plan was approved by the Board in August 1993.  The Board, in its
     sole judgement, has the authority for all the following actions.

     a.  Amendment or discontinuance of the Plan.

     b.  Adjustment or cancellation of any awards otherwise payable should
         the Company suffer an operating loss in the final fiscal year of
         any performance cycle.

     c.  Approval for any cycle for all the following:
         (i)       performance goals; and

         (ii)      award payout procedures which are not specifically
                   delegated to the Compensation Committee of the Board
                   (the Committee), the CEO or the Company.

     d.  Approval of all of the following with respect to the CEO for any
         given Plan cycle:

         (i)       The CEO's portion of any incentive award pool generated
                   by the Plan;
         (ii)      An appropriate prorata portion of any award otherwise
                   payable in the event of termination of employment by
                   the CEO during a cycle due to death, total disability,
                   or retirement;
         (iii)     An appropriate prorata award for a CEO hired or
                   promoted into such position during a cycle; and
         (iv)      A determination of the CEO's personal performance
                   during a cycle, with authority to deny, or adjust, any
                   award otherwise payable should such performance be
                   deemed, in the Board's majority judgement, wholly

     e.  Approval for the inclusion or exclusion of major, extraordinary
         financial results or transactions occurring during the cycle in
         the calculation of performance results impacting Plan goals and
         awards.  Such decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis with
         the basic standard of judgement being the best interests of the
         company and its Membership and the purposes of the Plan.

     f.  Delegation to the Committee of the power to review or decide any
         issue relative to the Plan.

2.   The Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the Plan, reviewing
     all major aspects in detail, analyzing Company requests for Plan
     actions or approvals, recommending Plan amendments or actions to the
     Board, and reporting to the Board such information as it may
     reasonably request.

3.   The Company shall be responsible for administering the Plan,
     establishing appropriate accounting reserves to recognize award
     liabilities, communicating all appropriate details to participants in
     a timely manner, recommending necessary plan amendments or actions to
     the Committee, and reporting such information to the Committee and
     the Board as they may request.

4.   The CEO is specifically authorized to take the following actions with
     respect to all other participants.

     a.  Approval for any cycle for the following:
         (i)       participants
         (ii)      levels of opportunity and incentive pool calculations

     b.  Distribution on a subjective, discretionary basis of the Plan's
         Reserve Incentive Pool, if any.

         (i)       Distribution can be made in any amount the CEO shall
                   determine, and need not be consistent with the
                   distribution of Basic Award Percentages.
         (ii)      The total distribution cannot exceed the funds in the
                   Reserve Incentive Pools but the total Reserve need not
                   be spent and any unused funds shall not be carried over
                   to subsequent cycles but shall revert to the Company.

     c.  Approval of appropriate prorata awards and/or Basic Award
         Percentages from the Incentive Pool to a participant in the event
         of any of the following circumstances.

         (i)       A participant's death, total disability, or retirement
                   at any time during a Plan Cycle.
         (ii)      A participant's change of status during a Plan cycle
                   which is sufficiently significant to either (a) render
                   further participation inappropriate, or (b) render the
                   originally designated Basic Award Percentage
                   inappropriate relative to those applicable to other
                   participants in positions of similar responsibility and
         (iii)     The hiring, or promotion, of an employee during a cycle
                   into a position for which Plan participation is

              Such decisions shall be subjective, discretionary judgements
              made on a case-by-case basis, but the CEO shall generally
              follow these guidelines:

              (a) Prorata awards and prorata assignment of Basic Award
                  Percentages shall generally be mathematically determined
                  on the basis of full months of active participation in
                  the applicable position divided by the number of months
                  within the Plan cycle.

              (b) If a participant's status is reduced to a position where
                  Plan participation is no longer appropriate, a prorata
                  award will generally be determined in accordance with
                  (ii) above if the change was due to reorganization or
                  similar Company instigated action.  The CEO will
                  determine appropriate action if a participant leaves the
                  plan due to individual performance or personal choice.  


1.   Participation in the Plan is not a guarantee of employment, nor does
     participation in one cycle guarantee participation in subsequent

2.   Plan awards shall not be considered as compensation for any Company
     benefit plan whatsoever.

3.   For purposes of the Plan, the following definitions shall apply:

     a.  "Retirement" shall mean the cessation of Company employment at or
         after age 55 and immediate retirement under the Company's primary
         qualified retirement plan applicable to the participant whether
         or not retirement benefits are then commenced.  The CEO in his
         sole discretion may make an exception for an individual over 55
         who has not vested in the retirement plan.

     b.  "Total Disability" shall mean the cessation of Company employment
         for reasons of physical or mental impairment which on the basis
         of evidence provided to the CEO or Board (as appropriate) is, in
         the CEO's or Board (as appropriate) sole judgement, expected to
         last at least 12 months.

4.   In the event of a substantial change of ownership in which the
     Company, as constituted on the Effective Date, is not a surviving
     entity, the Plan shall continue in effect and insure to the benefit
     of the new entity.

5.   The Basic Award Percentages originally assigned to any participant
     but subsequently forfeited or otherwise reduced for such participant
     during a Plan cycle may be reassigned to any other participant.  The
     Board may make such assignment with respect to the CEO, and the CEO
     may make such assignment with respect to any other participant.

6.   The total awards payable under the Plan for any cycle can not exceed
     the total incentive pools generated by the Plan for such cycle, and
     any unused incentive pool funds shall revert to the Company at cycle

7.   All participants shall designate a beneficiary under the Plan in
     accordance with policies and procedures established by the Company
     from time to times, and it is a participant's responsibility to keep
     such designation up to date.  In the event of a participant's death,
     the Company shall pay any award payable on behalf of such participant
     to such designated beneficiary or, if such beneficiary is no longer
     living or can not be located, to the participant's estate.

                                 EXHIBIT A

Performance criteria for FY 1994 - FY 1996 cycle include the following:

 Aggregate Income, defined as the targeted income, before taxes and
 extraordinary items(1),  for the entire three-year period, as shown in the
 table below.

  Performance goals and amounts funding the payout pool include the following:

 Performance Level      Aggregate Income         % of Net Earnings to Pool

 Below Target          Below $192,810,000                   0%

 Target                   $192,810,000               2.5% of earnings

 Above Target          Above $192,810,000            2.5% of earnings

During the FY 94-96 cycle, Farmland Industries, Inc. must return to its members
at least $65,030,000 in cash(2), squared or no payout will occur under this 

In order to ensure the integrity of Farmland's financial strength, a limit on
funded indebtedness as a percent of capitalization is incorporated into this
plan.  In the event that a the indebtedness ratio is above the level which is
established by bank covenants at the end of the cycle, no payout will occur
under this plan. 

(1)   Guidelines for "Extraordinary" Designation were issued on September 1,
      1990, and updated on September 1, 1992.  These guidelines state that the
      Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer must approve the
      classification of any item as "extraordinary."  Transactions deemed as
      "extraordinary" and therefore excluded in the determination of income for
      variable compensation include:

      o  Income or losses that pertain to discontinued operations or
         activities which have been nonoperational through a fiscal year-end.

      o  The punitive portion of litigation results in favor of or against
         Farmland, excluding redemptive payments on normal business matter
         where the intent is to substantially restore net income to where it
         would have been had the incident not occurred.

      o  Nonrecurring (one-time) adjustments to income or expense such as the
         gain from settlement of the retirement plan r a write-down of a
         major fixed asset.

      o  The gain or loss on the disposal of a major asset or a group of

      o  Other items as approved.

Specific requests by an operating unit for treatment of an item as
"extraordinary" must be approved by the Senior Management representative before
review by the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer.

                          VARIABLE COMPENSATION INCOME

      o  The impact of adjustments to income resulting form LIFO inventory
         computations will not be included in income for variable
         compensation purposes.

(2)   Cash Returned to Members includes cash patronage, equity redemptions,
      additional equity redemptions due to tax savings on net operating losses
      (NOL), ownership retirements, capital credits, preferred stock dividends
      and preferred stock redemption and Cooperative Finance Company cash
      patronage refund.

                                    EXHIBIT B

                              TITLE OF PARTICIPANT

                                President and CEO
                        Executive Vice President, Inputs
                         Senior Vice President, Outputs
                        Executive Vice President and CFO
             Executive Vice President and President Farmland, Mexico
                  Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary
                            Vice President, Region 1
                            Vice President, Region 2
                            Vice President, Region 3
                            Vice President, Region 4
                            Vice President, Region 5
                         Vice President, Crop Production
                              Vice President, Feed
                            Vice President, Petroleum
                         Vice President, Farmland Foods
                              Vice President, Grain
                  Vice President, International/Transportation
                         Vice President, Transportation
                             Vice President, MFS/IS
                         Vice President, and Controller
                          Vice President and Treasurer
                       Vice President and General Counsel
                         Vice President, Human Resources
                Vice President, Corporate Administrative Services
                               Director, Planning

                                    EXHIBIT C

    Performance criteria for FY 1995 - FY 1997 cycle include the following:

     Aggregate Income, defined as the targeted income, before taxes and
     extraordinary items(1),  for the entire three-year period, as shown in the
     table below.

 Performance goals and amounts funding the payout pool include the following:

Performance Level       Aggregate Income         % of Net Earnings to Pool

Below Target            Below $235,043,000                  0%

Target                     $235,043,000              .83% of earnings

Above Target            Above $235,043,000           .83% of earnings

During the FY 95-97 cycle, Farmland Industries, Inc. must return to its members
at least $61,938,000 in cash (2), squared or no payout will occur under this 

In order to ensure the integrity of Farmland's financial strength, a limit on
funded indebtedness as a percent of capitalization is incorporated into this
plan.  In the event that a the indebtedness ratio is above the level which is
established by bank covenants at the end of the cycle, no payout will occur
under this plan. 

(1) The Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer must approve
    the classification of any item as "extraordinary."  Transactions deemed as
    "extraordinary" and therefore excluded in the determination of Income for
    variable compensation include:

    o     The punitive portion of litigation results in favor of or against
          Farmland, excluding redemptive payments on normal business matter
          where the intent is to substantially restore net income to where it
          would have been had the incident not occurred.

    o     Nonrecurring (one-time) adjustments to income or expense such as the
          gain from settlement of the retirement plan.  Any such items would
          generally be reported as extraordinary items on Farmland financial
          statements under generally accepted accounting principles.

    o     The gain or loss on the disposal of a major asset, group of assets,
          or investments.

    o     The impact of adjustments resulting from LIFO inventory computations
          or reserves.

    o     Other items as approved.

    Specific requests by an operating unit for treatment of an item as
    "extraordinary" must be approved by the Senior Management representative
    before review by the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive

(2) Cash Returned to Members includes cash patronage, equity redemptions,
    additional equity redemptions due to tax savings on net operating losses
    (NOL), ownership retirements, capital credits, preferred stock dividends,
    preferred stock redemptions, and estate settlements.

                           EXHIBIT D

    Performance criteria for FY 1996 - FY 1998 cycle include the

 Aggregate Income, defined as the targeted income, before taxes and
extraordinary items,(1) for the entire three-year  period, as shown
in the table below.

 Performance goals and amounts funding the payout pool include the

 Performance Level     Aggregate Income     % of Net Earnings
                                                 to Pool

 Below Target          Below $393,481,000            0%

 Target                      $393,481,000     .83% of earnings

 Above Target          Above $393,481,000     .83% of earnings

During the FY 96 - 98 cycle, Farmland  Industries, Inc. must return
to its  members at least $90,000,000  in cash,(2) or no  payout will
occur under this plan.

In order to ensure the integrity of Farmland's  financial strength,
a limit  on funded indebtedness  as a percent of  capitalization is
incorporated into  this plan.   In the event that  the indebtedness
ratio is above the level which is established by bank covenants  at
the end of the cycle, not payout will occur under this plan.

(1)  The Chief Financial  Officer and the  Chief Executive  Officer
     must   approve   the   classification    of   any   item    as
     "extraordinary."   Transaction  deemed as  "extraordinary" and
     therefore excluded in the determination of Income for variable
     compensation include:

          o    The  punitive portion of litigation results in favor
               of   or  against   Farmland,  excluding   redemptive
               payments on  normal business matter where the intent
               is to  substantially restore net income  to where it
               would have been had the incident not occurred.

          o    Nonrecurring  (one-time)  adjustments to  income  or
               expense such  as the  gain  from settlement  of  the
               retirement plan.  Any such items would generally  be
               reported   as   extraordinary  items   on   Farmland
               financial   statements   under  generally   accepted
               accounting principles.

          o    The gain or  loss on the disposal of  a major asset,
               group of assets, or investments.

          o    The  impact  of  adjustments  resulting   from  LIFO
               inventory computations or reserves.

          o    Other items as approved.

          Specific requests  by an operating unit  for treatment of
          an item as "extraordinary" must be approved by the Senior
          Management  representative  before  review by  the  Chief
          Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer.

(2)   Cash Returned  to  Members includes  cash patronage,  equity  redemptions,
      additional equity redemptions  due to tax savings on net  operating losses
      (NOL), ownerships retirements, capital credits, preferred stock dividends,
      preferred stock redemptions, and estate settlements.