Exhibit 10.36

                                   CPR SELECT

                                   SELECT PLAN

                               Adoption Agreement

                                 IMPORTANT NOTE

This document is NOT an IRS approved  Prototype  Plan. An Adopting  Employer may
not rely solely on this Plan to ensure that the Plan is "unfunded and maintained
primarily for the purpose of providing  deferred  compensation to a select group
of management or highly compensated employees" and exempt from Parts 2 through 4
of Title I of the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974 with respect
to the Employer's particular  situation.  Fidelity Management Trust Company, its
affiliates  and  employees  may not provide you with legal advice in  connection
with the execution of this  document  This  document  should be reviewed by your
attorney and/or accountant prior to execution.


                               ADOPTION AGREEMENT
                                    ARTICLE I


         (a)  Name of Plan:

(the "Plan").

         (b)  Name of Plan Administrator, if not the Employer:

              Address:       _________________________________________

              Phone Number:  _________________________________________

              The Plan Administrator is the agent for service of legal 
              process for the Plan.

         (c)  Three Digit Plan Number:      010

         (d)  Plan Year End (month/day):    12/31

         (e)  Plan Status (check one):

                   (1) /X/  Effective Date of new Plan: 1/1/96

                   (2) / /  Amendment Effective Date: ________
                            The original effective date of the Plan: __________


1.02     EMPLOYER

         (a)  The Employer is:     FARR COMPANY

              Address:             2221 PARK PLACE

                                   EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245

              Contact's Name:      RICHARD BROUSSEAU

              Telephone Number:    (310) 536-6375

              (1)  Employer's Tax Identification Number:  95-1288401

              (2)  Business form of Employer (check one):

                   (A) /X/ Corporation

                   (B) / / Sole proprietor or partnership

                   (C) / /  Subchapter S Corporation

              (3)  Employer's fiscal year end:  NEAREST SATURDAY TO 12/31

         (b)  The term "Employer" includes the following Related Employer(s) 
              (as defined in Section 2.0l(a)(21)):




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1.03     COVERAGE

         (a)  Only those Employees listed in Attachment A will be eligible to
              participate in the Plan.

         (b)  The Entry Date(s) shall be (check one):

              (1) /X/ the first day of each Plan Year.

              (2) / / the first day of each Plan Year and the date six months

              (3) / / the first day of each Plan Year and the first day of the
                      fourth, seventh, and tenth months.

              (4) / / the first day of each month.


         For purposes of determining Contributions under the Plan, Compensation
         shall be as defined in Section 2.01(a)(6), but excluding (check the
         appropriate box(es)):

         (a) / / Overtime Pay.

         (b) / / Bonuses.

         (c) / / Commissions.

         (d) /X/ The value of a qualified or a non-qualified stock option
                 granted to an Employee by the Employer to the extent such
                 value is includable in the Employee's taxable income.

         (e) / / No exclusions.


         (a)  Deferral Contributions The Employer shall make a Deferral
              Contribution in accordance with Section 4.01 on behalf of
              each Participant who has an executed salary reduction
              agreement in effect with the Employer for the Plan Year (or
              portion of the Plan Year) in question, not to exceed 50% of
              Compensation for that Plan Year.

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         (b) / /  Matching Contributions

                  (1)  The Employer shall make a Matching Contribution on
                       behalf of each Participant in an amount equal to
                       the  following percentage of a Participant's Deferral
                       Contributions during the Plan Year (check one):
                       (A) / / 5O%

                       (B) /X/ 100%

                       (C) / / ___%

                       (D) / / (Tiered Match) ____% of the first ____% of the 
                               Participant's Compensation contributed to the 

                               _____% of the next ____% of the Participant's
                               Compensation contributed to the Plan,

                               _____% of the next _____% of the Participant's 
                               Compensation contributed to the Plan.

                       (E) / / The percentage declared for the year, if any, by
                               a Board of Directors' resolution.

                       (F) / / Other: ________________________________________

                  (2)  /X/   Matching Contribution Limits (check the
                             appropriate box(es));

                       (A) /X/ Deferral Contributions in excess of 2% of the 
                               Participant's Compensation for the period in 
                               question shall not be considered for Matching

                         Note: If the Employer elects a percentage limit in (A)
                               above and requests the Trustee to account 
                               separately for matched and unmatched Deferral
                               Contributions, the Matching Contributions 
                               allocated to each Participant must be computed, 
                               and the percentage limit applied, based upon
                               each period.

                       (B) / / Matching Contributions for each Participant for 
                               each Plan Year shall be limited to $__________.

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                  (3)  Eligibility Requirement(s) for Matching Contributions

                       A Participant who makes Deferral Contributions
                       during the Plan Year under Section 1.05(a) shall be
                       entitled to Matching Contributions for that Plan
                       Year if the Participant satisfies the following
                       requirement(s)  (Check the appropriate box(es).
                        Options (B) and (C) may not be elected together):

                       (A) / / Is employed  by the  Employer on the last day of
                               the Plan  Year.
                       (B) / / Earns at least  500  Hours of  Service during
                               the Plan Year.
                       (C) / / Earns at least 1,000 Hours of Service during the
                               Plan Year. 

                       (D) /X/ No requirements.

                      Note:    If option (A), (B) or (C) above is selected  then
                               Matching Contributions can only be made by the
                               Employer after the Plan Year ends.  Any Matching
                               Contribution made before Plan Year end shall not
                               be subject to the eligibility requirements of
                               this Section 1.05(b)(3)).


              A Participant may elect to receive a distribution or commence
              distributions from his Account pursuant to Section 8.02 upon
              the following date(s) (check the  appropriate  box(es).  If
              Option (c) is  elected, then options (a) and (b) may not be

              (a) / / Attainment of Normal Retirement Age. Normal Retirement
                      Age under the Plan is (check one):

                      (1) / / age 65.

                      (2) / / age ____ (specify from 55 through 64).

                      (3) / / later of the age ____ (can not exceed 65) or the
                              fifth anniversary of the Participant's 
                              Commencement Date.

              (b) / / Attainment of Early Retirement Age.  Early Retirement Age
                      is the first day of the month after the Participant
                      attains age ____ (specify 55 or greater) and completes
                      ____ Years of Service for Vesting.

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              (c) /X/ Termination of employment with the Employer.


         (a)  The Participant's vested percentage in Matching Contributions
              elected in Section 1.05(b) shall be based upon the schedule(s)
              selected below.

                   (1) / / N/A - No Matching Contributions

                   (2) /X/ 100% Vesting immediately

                   (3) / / 3 year cliff (see C below)

                   (4) / / 5 year cliff (see D below)

                   (5) / / 6 year graduated (see E below)

                   (6) / / 7 year graduated (see F below)

                   (7) / / G below

                   (8) / / Other (Attachment "B")

                 Years of                 VESTING SCHEDULE
               Service for
                 VESTING        C        D        E        F        G

                    0           0%       0%       0%       0%      -- 
                    1           0%       0%       0%       0%      --
                    2           0%       0%      20%       0%      --
                    3         100%       0%      40%      20%      --
                    4         100%       0%      60%      40%      --
                    5         100%     100%      80%      60%      --
                    6         100%     100%     100%      80%      --
                    7         100%     100%     100%     100%     100%

         (b) / /  Years of Service for Vesting shall exclude (check one):

                  (1) / /  for new plans, service prior to the Effective Date
                           as defined in Section 1.01(e)(l).

                  (2) / /  for existing plans converting from another plan
                           document, service prior to the original Effective
                           Date as defined in Section l.01(e)(2).

         (c) / /   A Participant will forfeit his Matching Contributions upon
                   the occurrence of the following event(s): ________________



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         (d)  A Participant will be 100% vested in his Matching
              Contributions upon (check the appropriate box(es), if any):

                  (1) / /  Normal Retirement Age (as defined in 
                           Section 1.06(a)).

                  (2) / /  Early Retirement Age (as defined in 
                           Section 1.06(b)).

                  (3) / /  Death


                  Service for purposes of vesting in Section 1.07(a) shall
                  include service with the following employer(s):

         (a)     ___________________________________________________

         (b)     ___________________________________________________

         (c)     ___________________________________________________

         (d)     ___________________________________________________


         Participant withdrawals for hardship prior to termination of
         employment (check one):

         (a)  / /  will be allowed in accordance with Section 707, subject to
                   a $_________ minimum amount.  (Must be at least $1,000)

         (b)  /X/  will NOT be allowed.


         Subject to Articles 7 and 8, distributions under the Plan will be
         paid (check the appropriate box(es)):

         (a)  /X/   as a lump sum.

         (b)  /X/   under a systematic withdrawal plan (installment) not to 
                    exceed l0 years.

4/11/94                                7


         (a)  Investment Directions

              Investments in which the Accounts of Participants shall be
              treated as invested and reinvested shall be directed (check one):

              (1)  / /  by the Employer among the options listed in (b) below.

              (2)  /X/  by each PARTICIPANT among the options listed in 
                        (b) below.

              (3)  / /  by each Participant with respect to Deferral 
                        Contributions and by the Employer with respect to
                        Employer Matching Contributions. The Employer must
                        direct the Employer Matching Contributions among
                        the same investment options made available for
                        Participant directed sources listed in (b) below.

         (b)  Plan Investment Options

              Participant Accounts will be treated as invested among the
              Fidelity Funds listed below pursuant to Participant and/or
              Employer directions.

                     FUND NAME                             FUND NUMBER
                     ---------                             -----------
              (1)    Retirement Money Market                      0630

              (2)    Intermediate Bond                            0032

              (3)    Balanced Fund                                0304

              (4)    Growth Fund                                  0027

              (5)    Magellan                                     0021

              (6)    ________________________                 ________

              (7)    ________________________                 ________

              (8)    ________________________                 ________

              (9)    ________________________                 ________

             (10)    ________________________                 ________

             Note:    An additional annual recordkeeping fee will be charged
                      for each fund in excess of five funds.

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                                 EXECUTION PAGE
                                (Fidelity's Copy)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Employer has caused this Adoption Agreement to be 
executed this 21st day of November, 1995.

                   Employer              FARR Company

                   By                    John Vissers

                   Title                 Controller, Assist. Secretary

                   Employer              _____________________________

                   By                    _____________________________

                   Title                 _____________________________

4/11/94                                10

                                  Attachment A

   Pursuant to Section 1.03(a), the following are the Employees who are eligible
to participate in the Plan:

               FARR COMPANY
Summary Listing of Eligible Employees - SESP 1996

    # ref.      Name
    ------  --------------------
       1    JOHNSTON, JOHN
       2    GERSTNER, KENNETH W.
       3    FARR, RICHARD L.
       4    RASMUSSEN, MYRON G.
       5    GOULDING, CECIL H.
       6    SEMONZA JR., NICK
       7    VISSERS, JOHN
       8    VU, HOA
       9    RABER JR, ROBERT
      10    MCKINNEY, TODD
      11    MARTIN, JOHN W.
      12    GIDLEY, DAVID
      13    VIDMAR, THOMAS
      14    BENSON JR., GEORGE
      15    HLADIK, STEVE
      16    DEAN, DARRELL
      18    MEANY, JACK

Above list based on following criteria:  Position, earnings, sustained period
of earnings and performance.

                Farr Company
                John Vissers
                Controller, Assistant Secretary
                November 21, 1995

Note:    The Employer must revise Attachment A to add employees as they become
         eligible or delete employees who are no longer eligible.

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