
                                  UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

                   SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

             For the Quarterly Period ended June 29, 1996


                   SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

             For the transition period from ____________ to _____________

             Commission file number    0-4723

                                  FARR COMPANY
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                     95-1288401
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S.Employer Identification Number)
incorporation or organization)

    2221 Park Place, El Segundo, CA                      90245
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code       (310)  536-6300

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed  by  Section  13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  Registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
                                                       Yes  (x)      No  ( )

Number of shares of  registrants  common  stock  outstanding  as of close of the
period covered by this report: 3,798,411.


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

                          FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                    INDEX TO


                                  JUNE 29, 1996



     Balance Sheets - June 29, 1996 and December 30, 1995

     Income Statements for the three months ended June 29, 1996 and 
       July 1, 1995 and for the six months ended June 29, 1996 and July 1, 1995

     Statements of Cash Flows for the six months ended June 29, 1996 
       and July 1, 1995

     Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


                          FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                 INTRODUCTION TO


                                  JUNE 29, 1996

         The Condensed  Consolidated  Financial  Statements included herein have
     been prepared by the Company  without  audit,  and include all  adjustments
     which are, in the opinion of management,  necessary for a fair presentation
     of the financial position as of June 29, 1996 and the results of operations
     for the three and six months ended June 29, 1996 and July 1, 1995  pursuant
     to the rules and  regulations of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.
     Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial
     statements  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
     principles  have been  condensed  or  omitted  pursuant  to such  rules and
     regulations although the Company believes that the disclosures are adequate
     to make the information presented not misleading. These condensed financial
     statements  should be read in conjunction with the  consolidated  financial
     statements and notes thereto included in the Company's latest annual report
     on Form 10-K.

                         FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                                (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                                               June 29, 1996    Dec. 30,1995
                                                               -------------   -------------
Current Assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents ...............................   $  1,310,000    $    812,000
    Accounts receivable, less allowance of $215,000 in 1996
      and $214,000 in 1995 ..................................     21,007,000      20,077,000
      Raw materials .........................................      5,481,000       6,392,000
      Work in process .......................................      3,966,000       5,119,000
      Finished goods ........................................      3,941,000       3,926,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
                                                                  13,388,000      15,437,000
    Prepaid expenses ........................................        709,000         622,000
    Deferred tax benefit ....................................      1,381,000       1,980,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
      Total current assets ..................................     37,795,000      38,928,000
                                                                ------------    ------------

Property, Plant and Equipment at cost
    Land ....................................................      2,094,000       2,094,000
    Buildings and improvements ..............................     15,191,000      15,231,000
    Machinery and equipment .................................     34,105,000      33,829,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
                                                                  51,390,000      51,154,000
    Less-accumulated depreciation and amortization ..........     35,401,000      34,748,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
                                                                  15,989,000      16,406,000
    Investments & Other .....................................        166,000         236,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
                                                                $ 53,950,000    $ 55,570,000
                                                                ============    ============
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.

                         FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES
                    Liabilities and Stockholders' Investment

                                                                (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                                               June 29, 1996    Dec. 30,1995
                                                               -------------   -------------
Current Liabilities:
    Notes/overdraft payable to banks ........................   $    462,000    $    432,000
    Current portion of long-term debt .......................         21,000         664,000
    Accounts payable ........................................      7,775,000       8,875,000
    Accrued liabilities .....................................      8,827,000       8,248,000
    Income taxes payable and deferred taxes .................        946,000         526,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
      Total current liabilities .............................     18,031,000      18,745,000
                                                                ------------    ------------

Long-Term Debt ..............................................      6,103,000       9,412,000

Deferred Income Taxes .......................................      2,328,000       2,628,000
Commitments and Contingencies
Stockholders' Investment:
  Common stock, $.10 par value--Authorized 10,000,000 shares
    Outstanding--3,798,411 shares at June 29, 1996 and
      3,793,336 shares at December 30, 1995 .................        362,000         362,000
  Additional paid-in capital ................................     11,717,000      11,668,000
  Cumulative translation adjustments ........................     (1,647,000)     (1,624,000)
  Retained earnings:
    Balance beginning of year ...............................     14,379,000      11,255,000
    Net income for the period ...............................      2,677,000       3,124,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
    Balance at end of period ................................     17,056,000      14,379,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
      Total stockholders' investment ........................     27,488,000      24,785,000
                                                                ------------    ------------
                                                                $ 53,950,000    $ 55,570,000
                                                                ============    ============
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.

                         FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                 Three Months Ended              Six Months Ended
                                            June 29, 1996  July 1, 1995    June 29, 1996  July 1, 1995
                                            -------------  ------------    -------------  ------------

Net Sales ................................   $31,356,000   $28,682,000      $62,435,000   $55,935,000
                                             -----------   -----------      -----------   -----------

Costs and Expenses:
  Cost of sales ..........................    23,284,000    21,726,000       47,209,000    42,583,000
  Selling, general and administrative ....     5,443,000     5,311,000       10,359,000    10,144,000
  Interest expense .......................       171,000       493,000          418,000     1,058,000
                                             -----------   -----------      -----------   -----------

Total Cost and Expenses ..................    28,898,000    27,530,000       57,986,000    53,785,000
                                             -----------   -----------      -----------   -----------

Income Before Income Taxes ...............     2,458,000     1,152,000        4,449,000     2,150,000

Income Taxes .............................       959,000       477,000        1,772,000       842,000
                                             -----------   -----------      -----------   -----------

Net Income ...............................   $ 1,499,000   $   675,000      $ 2,677,000   $ 1,308,000
                                             ===========   ===========      ===========   ===========

Earnings per Common Share * ............   $      0.41   $      0.18        $      0.73   $      0.35
                                           ===========   ===========        ===========   ===========
*    Based upon 3,673,030 and 3,684,446  average shares  outstanding at June 29,
     1996 and July 1, 1995, respectively.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                         FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES

Cash Provided by (Used in):                                     Year-to-Date   Year-to-Date
                                                               June 29, 1996   July 1, 1995
                                                               -------------   ------------
Operating Activities:

  Net Income ................................................. $  2,677,000    $ 1,308,000
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash 
      (used in) provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization ............................    1,209,000      1,482,000
    Provision for loss on accounts receivable ................       75,000         76,000
    Change in deferred income taxes ..........................      377,000        434,000
    Net (gain) loss on sale/retirement of P,P & E ............            0        (19,000)
    Net (gain) loss from investments .........................       15,000       (115,000)
    Decrease (increase) in inventories .......................    2,048,000       (404,000)
    Decrease (increase) in receivables and prepaid expenses ..   (1,090,000)       414,000
    Decrease  in accounts payable & accrued expenses .........     (573,000)      (563,000)
    Net change in current income taxes payable ...............      392,000        145,000
    Exchange gain ............................................       (4,000)        (3,000)
                                                               ------------    -----------

    Net cash provided by operating activities ................    5,126,000      2,755,000
                                                               ------------    -----------

Investing Activities:

  Purchases of property, plant and equipment .................     (743,000)      (468,000)
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment ........            0         19,000
  Proceeds from sale of investments ..........................            0        497,000
                                                               ------------    -----------

  Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities ........     (743,000)        48,000
                                                               ------------    -----------

Financing Activities:

  Proceeds from revolving line of credit,
    and long-term borrowings .................................    8,200,000        604,000
  Principal payments on revolving line of credit
    and long-term debt borrowings & overdrafts ...............  (12,121,000)    (3,406,000)
  Principal payments received on notes .......................        2,000         61,000
  Proceeds from sale of stock, stock option plans ............       49,000        145,000
  Long-term note receivable ..................................            0       (172,000)
                                                               ------------    -----------

  Net cash used in financing activities ......................   (3,870,000)    (2,768,000)
                                                               ------------    -----------

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash ......................            0         28,000

Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents .............      498,000         63,000
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period .............      812,000        127,000
                                                               ------------    -----------

  Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period ................. $  1,310,000    $   190,000
                                                               ============    ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                          FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES


                                  JUNE 29, 1996


         Other than Notes  Payable  and  Long-term  Debt,  and  Commitments  and
Contingencies, there have been no significant changes in the Company's policies,
practices  or  position  from  that  described  in the  following  notes  to the
Consolidated  Financial  Statements  included  in  the  1995  Annual  Report  to
Stockholders  which was  incorporated  by reference in the Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 30, 1995.


         The  Company's  $2,155,000  term  credit  facility  lending  commitment
previously  scheduled  to be funded  in August  1996 to  replace  the  Company's
existing Holly Springs,  Mississippi  Industrial Bonds will not be utilized. The
redemption  of the bonds will  instead  be funded  from  availability  under the
Company's $15 million revolving credit facility.

         As of June 29, 1996, the Company's  weighted  average  interest rate on
short term borrowings was 8.0 percent.


         During July 1996,  the Company's  Board of Directors  and  Compensation
Committee  approved a $875,000  lump sum payment to the  Company's  Chairman and
Chief Executive  Officer  covering his salary and certain  incentives from April
1994  through  June  1996.  The lump sum  payment  was paid in July 1996 and was
covered by reserves previously established during the periods from April 1994 to
June 1996.  Beginning in July 1996,  the approved  Chairman and Chief  Executive
Officer's  annual base salary of $246,000 will be paid concurrent with the month
it is earned on a prorata basis.



Second quarter sales increased to $31,356,000 from  $28,682,000  during the same
period last year,  representing a 9 percent increase.  The increase in sales was
primarily attributable to the Company's Engineered Systems, Heating, Ventilating
and Air Conditioning, Custom OEM, Railroad and International markets.

Sales for the first half of 1996 advanced to  $62,435,000,  an improvement of 12
percent, or $6,500,000 over 1995's first half sales of $55,935,000.

Operating  profit  (income  before  income taxes and  interest  expense) for the
second  quarter was  $2,629,000  an increase  of 60  percent,  or $984,000  from
$1,645,000 for the same period a year ago.  Operating  profit for the first half
of 1996  increased  52 percent to  $4,867,000  from  $3,208,000  during the same
period a year ago. The increased  operating profit principally  reflected strong
sales gains and improved operating efficiencies.

The  second  quarter  operating  profit as a percent of sales  increased  to 8.4
percent  compared  to 5.7 percent  during the same period a year ago.  The first
half operating profit as a percent of sales increased to 7.8 percent compared to
5.7 percent  during the same period a year ago.  These  percentage  improvements
primarily  reflect  a trend  of a  lower  percentage  of  selling,  general  and
administrative  expenses relative to the increase in sales volume, as the amount
of selling general and administrative  expenses remained  approximately the same
as last year's second quarter on higher sales volume.

Interest  expense  during the second quarter  decreased to $171,000  compared to
$493,000 for the second  quarter last year.  Interest  expense  during the first
half decreased to $418,000 from  $1,058,000 for the same period a year ago. Both
second  quarter and first half  interest  expense  declined as a result of lower
borrowing interest rates combined with reduced debt levels.

Income  taxes for the first half of 1996 and the same period last year  remained
at  approximately  39 percent.  During the  remainder  of 1996,  the tax rate is
expected to drop to  approximately  38 percent due to lower effective income tax
rates associated with the establishment of a Foreign Sales Corporation.

Second  quarter net income of $1,499,000  increased 122 percent or $824,000 over
the $675,000 for the same period last year.  First half net income  increased to
$2,677,000  from  $1,308,000,  representing  an increase of $1,369,000 or an 105
percent improvement over the same period last year.

The Company's  third quarter and second half periods are  seasonally  the lowest
sales  quarter and half periods of the year,  respectively,  for the Company and
current  booking  levels tend to confirm  this.  Consequently,  first half sales
results  should  not be relied on as a basis for  forecasting  third  quarter or
second half operating results.


Cash flows from operating  activities  during the first half totaled  $5,126,000
compared to $2,755,000  for the first half a year ago. Cash flows from operating
activities  increased  from last year's first half due to  increased  income and
decreased working capital requirements.  The primary decrease in working capital
was  related to  inventories  and the  Company's  decrease  in work in  progress
inventories  offset by increased  accounts  receivables  due to increased  sales

Cash flows used in investing activities during the first half was $743,000. Last
year cash flows provided  $48,000 during the first half as the Company  received
$497,000 from the  disposition of certain  investments.  First half 1996 capital
expenditures  of $743,000  increased over the same period last year by $275,000.
Overall,  capital  expenditures  continue  to be  maintained  at low  levels  to
conserve  capital  resources but are  anticipated to increase  modestly over the
remainder of the year.

Cash used in financing  activities  totaled  $3,870,000  in the first six months
compared to $2,768,000 for the same period a year ago.

As of June 29, 1996, working capital totaled $19,764,000 compared to $20,183,000
at the end of 1995,  representing a $419,000  decrease in total working  capital
for the first six months of 1996. The decrease in working  capital was accounted
for by  decreases  in  inventories  ($2,049,000)  and income  taxes  payable and
deferred  taxes  ($1,019,000),  partially  offset by a net  decrease in accounts
payables and accrued expenses  ($521,000),  a decrease in the current portion of
long term debt ($643,000),  and increases in accounts receivable  ($930,000) and
cash ($498,000).

Due to increased sales during the first half, net accounts receivable  increased
to $21,007,000 from $20,077,000 as of December 30, 1995.  Inventories  decreased
primarily  as a  result  of a  decrease  in  work  in  progress  related  to the
completion  and  shipment  of several  large gas turbine  filter  house jobs and
improved inventory turnover rates.

The  Company's  current  portion  of long term debt  decreased  due to the early
retirement of its Jonesboro,  Arkansas  Industrial  Redevelopment  Bonds and the
restructure  and payoff of its prior  revolving and term loan credit  facilities
under a new  revolving  credit  facility  obtained in  February,  1996.  Surplus
borrowing  availability  under  the  Company's  new  domestic  revolving  credit
facility at the end of the first half was approximately $11 million.

The Company's  $2,155,000 term credit  facility  lending  commitment  previously
scheduled to be funded in August 1996 to replace the  Company's  existing  Holly
Springs,  Mississippi  Industrial Bonds will not be utilized.  The redemption of
the bonds will  instead be funded  from  availability  under the  Company's  $15
million revolving credit facility.

The  Company's  operations  continue  to generate  the cash  levels  required to
maintain planned operating levels,  to provide for capital  replacement,  and to
service and liquidate  long-term debt.  Additionally,  the Company has access to
lines of credit sufficient for its current operations.


                          PART II. - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 4.a.

The  following  are items  submitted  for  stockholder  approval  at the  Annual
Stockholder Meeting, April 30, 1996:

    - Election of two Directors for three year terms:

                                       Votes For            Votes Against

         Richard P. Birmingham         2,820,235               83,216

         Richard L. Farr               2,820,835               82,618

    - First Amendment to the 1991 Stock Option Plan  for  Non-Employee Directors
      of Farr Company:

             Votes For                 Votes Against              Abstain

             2,644,780                     241,737                 16,936

Item 6.a.     Exhibits

The following are being filed with this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

- - Exhibit 10.40         Approved salary arrangement for Farr Company's Chairman
                          and Chief Executive Officer compensation.

- - Exhibit 11            Earnings per share calculation. (unaudited)

- - Exhibit 27            Financial Data Schedule.


Copies of Exhibits are available, on prepayment of 15 cents per page, by writing
to the  Secretary  of the  Company at the address set forth on the cover page of
this Form 10-Q.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                       FARR COMPANY

August 13, 1996                          /s/  Kenneth W. Gerstner
                                              Kenneth W. Gerstner
                                              Senior Vice President
                                              Chief Financial Officer

                                  Exhibit 10.40

                                  FARR COMPANY


(Base salary = $246,000/yr - effective April 26, 1994)

1994    $246,000 x .68493 yrs. (back pay salary)                      $168,493

1995    $246,000 (back pay salary)                                     246,000

1995    $246,000 x 1.372 Incentive award                               337,512

1996    $246,000 (1/2 back pay and 1/2 future monthly salary)          246,000

                                                        Total         $998,005

Payment schedule:

Make special one-time back pay catch up, July 17, 1996                $875,005

Effective July 1, 1996 go on payroll at $20,500/month                  123,000

                                          Total 1996 payments         $998,005

Approved to pay per July 16, 1996 Compensation Committee.

    /s/  Robert Batinovich        /s/  David J. Farr
         Robert Batinovich             David J. Farr

                                   Exhibit 11

                          FARR COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         EARNINGS PER SHARE CALCULATIONS

                                                  Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended
                                              June 29, 1996 July 1, 1995   June 29, 1996 July 1, 1995
                                              ------------- ------------   ------------- ------------

Net Income .................................    $1,499,000   $  675,000      $2,677,000   $1,308,000
                                                ==========   ==========      ==========   ==========

  Weighted average of number
    common shares outstanding ..............     3,625,656    3,684,446       3,625,656    3,684,446
                                                ==========   ==========      ==========   ==========

Net Income Per Common Share ................    $     0.42   $     0.18      $     0.74   $     0.35
                                                ==========   ==========      ==========   ==========


Net Income .................................    $1,499,000   $  675,000      $2,677,000   $1,308,000
                                                ==========   ==========      ==========   ==========

  Weighted average of number
    common shares outstanding ..............     3,625,656    3,684,446       3,625,656    3,684,446

  Assuming  exercise of options reduced by
    the number of shares which could have
    been purchased with the proceeds from
    exercise of such options ...............        47,374        5,881          47,374        5,881
                                                ----------   ----------      ----------   ----------

        Total shares .......................     3,673,030    3,690,327       3,673,030    3,690,327
                                                ==========   ==========      ==========   ==========

Net Income Per Common Share
  Assuming Full Dilution ....................   $     0.41   $     0.18      $     0.73   $     0.35
                                                ==========   ==========      ==========   ==========