Exhibit 10 (j)

                          LICENSE AND SERVICE AGREEMENT

This License and Service Agreement ('Agreement') numbered 3810225 is entered
into as of November 23, 2005 ('Effective Date') by and between Fiserv Solutions,
Inc., a Wisconsin corporation with offices located at 600 Colonial Center
Parkway, Lake Mary, Florida 32746 ("Fiserv") and 1st Source Bank, a State
chartered bank organized under the laws of Indiana, with offices located at 100
North Michigan, South Bend, Indiana 46601 ("Client').


WHEREAS, Fiserv is the licensor of Software (as defined below), and

WHEREAS, Client wishes to install and Use (as defined below) Software in
Client's premises.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:


 The following definitions are used in this Agreement:

1.1  'Basic  Maintenance  Services'  means  maintenance  services  described  in
     Section 5 below. Basic Maintenance Services are available only with respect
     to the current and last prior Software release made generally  available to
     all Fiserv clients licensed to use the applicable Software.

1.2  `Business  Requirements  List'  means  Client's  detailed  operational  and
     business requirements as relates to the functioning of the Software.

1.3  `CBS Core  Application'  means the  Software  listed in License  section of
     Exhibit M-1 under the heading "Core Application."

1.4  `Change  Request'  means  changes  to scope or pricing  for a  professional
     service  deliverable  as specified on Fiserv's then current  Change Request

1.5  'Client Confidential Information' means any confidential plans, procedures,
     products, policies, research, development, trade secrets, business affairs,
     customer lists, information,  and other proprietary material of Client that
     is marked with a restrictive  legend,  or if not so marked with such legend
     or if  disclosed  orally,  is  identified  as  confidential  at the time of
     disclosure  (and  written  confirmation  thereof is  promptly  provided  to
     Fiserv); (B) any information and data concerning the business and financial
     records of Client's customers prepared by or for Fiserv, or used in any way
     by Fiserv in connection with the provision of Services  (whether or not any
     such  information  is  marked  with  a  restrictive  legend;  and  (C)  any
     information and data received from Client that Fiserv  reasonably  ought to
     know is confidential  (whether or not any such information is marked with a
     restrictive legend).

1.6  'Computer  System' means the  manufacturer-supplied  equipment and software
     identified on each Exhibit 1n. Client shall have sole responsibility to own
     or lease, unpack, plan, install, test, and maintain the equipment according
     to any and all  applicable  building or electrical  codes,  regulations  or
     requirements, as well as the manufacturer and Fiserv recommendations.

1.7  'Documentation' means the Software documentation  specified on each Exhibit

1.8  `Effective Date' means the date identified as such in this Agreement as the
     date upon which this Agreement shall commence.

1.9  'Enhancements'  means  modifications  made to  Software  that  add  program
     features or  functions  not  originally  within the  Software  and that are
     provided upon payment of additional License Fees. Fiserv reserves the right
     to determine which changes are upgrades or separately priced enhancements.

1.10 'Equipment' means the computer hardware identified on each Exhibit 2n.

1.11 'Exhibit 1n' and 'Exhibit 2n' means each sequentially  lettered Exhibit for
     Software and  Equipment,  respectively,  to be provided by Fiserv to Client
     under this Agreement; e.g. Exhibit 1A, 1B, 1C, Exhibit 2A, 2B, 2C.

1.12 `Functional   Specifications'   means  the   description  of  the  detailed
     functionality changes to Software developed by Fiserv that are based on the
     Business Requirements List approved by Client.

1.13 `License" means rights to Use the Software, as set forth in Section 2.1, at
     the  Location  on  the  designated  Computer  System  (i)  to  process  the
     designated  number of accounts;  or (ii) by the maximum number of users, or
     other fee determinant specified in each Exhibit 1n.

1.14 'Location' means the premises identified on each Exhibit 1n.

1.15 'Maintenance  Fee' means the annual fee  specified  in each  Exhibit 1n for
     Basic Maintenance Services.

1.16 `Modifications'  means changes or interfaces made by Fiserv to the Software
     at Client's request,  that are provided pursuant to Section 4 below and for
     which Special Maintenance Fees will apply.

1.17 'Non-conformity'  means a failure of  Software  to  perform in  substantial
     accordance with the functions described in the Documentation.

1.18 'Operational  Support' means optional Fiserv services available,  at Client
     request, to support Client's Software operation.  Operational Support shall
     only be available if Client is receiving Basic Maintenance Services.

1.19 `PRDA' means a Project  Requirements  Definition  Authorization  or similar
     work authorization signed by Client.

1.20 'Professional  Service  Fees' means fees  specified  in each Exhibit 1n for
     professional services provided by Fiserv related to the Software.

1.21 `Services' means Professional  Services,  Basic Maintenance  Services,  and
     Special Maintenance Services.

1.22 'Software' means the standard,  unmodified computer programs in object code
     (or in the case of the CBS Core  Application  as  specified  in Exhibit 1A,
     standard,  unmodified computer programs provided in source code),  together
     with one set of  Documentation  as specified  in each Exhibit 1n.  Software
     does  not  include  separate,   independent,  and  stand-alone  modules  or
     subsystems  that  Client has  developed  and  maintained  without  Fiserv's

1.23 'Software System' means the Software and Third Party Software.

1.24 'Special  Maintenance  Services'  means any other  maintenance  services as
     specified on each Exhibit 1n. , PRDA or similar work authorization.

1.25 'Special  Maintenance  Fees' means the annual fee specified in each Exhibit
     1n, PRDA or similar work authorization for Special Maintenance Services.

1.26 'Specification  Non-conformity' means a failure of the modified Software to
     operate in accordance with the Functional Specifications.

1.27 'Taxes'  means all sales,  use,  excise,  value added,  and other taxes and
     duties however  designated levied by any taxing authority.  Taxes shall not
     include any levies by any taxing authority based on Fiserv's net income.

1.28 'Third Party' means any party other than Fiserv, and its employees, agents,
     and subcontractors, and Client.

1.29 'Third Party Software'  means software  provided by Fiserv that is owned or
     licensed by Third Parties, where applicable, as identified on Exhibit 1n.

1.30 'Total  License Fee' means the total  License fee specified on each Exhibit
     1n for Software.

1.31 'Upgrades'  means  changes made to maintain  compatibility  with new system
     software releases or to improve previously existing features and operations
     within Software. This primarily includes Software program fixes.

1.32 'Use' means  copying or loading any portion of Software  from storage units
     or media into any equipment for the processing of data by Software,  or the
     operation of any procedure or machine instruction  utilizing any portion of
     either  the  computer  program  or  instructional  material  supplied  with
     Software.  Use is  limited  to the  type  of  operations  described  in the
     Documentation solely to process Client's and its Affiliates' work, provided
     that Client  notifies  Fiserv in writing prior to beginning  processing the
     work of any Affiliate and Client  provides Fiserv with an accounting of the
     change in the number of accounts, users, workstations, asset size, or other
     fee determinant  within 30 days following the start of such processing.  As
     used herein, "Affiliate" means an entity that owns more than 50% of Client;
     an entity  that is more than 50%  owned by the same  entity  that owns more
     than  50% of  Client;  an  entity  of  which  Client  owns  more  than  50%
     ("Subsidiary");  or an entity that is more than 50% owned by a  Subsidiary.
     Use  specifically  excludes any service  bureau or  time-share  services to
     Third Parties without  Fiserv's prior written consent and payment by Client
     of additional fees in accordance with mutually agreed terms.


2.1  Fiserv agrees to furnish Software to Client and does hereby grant to Client
     a personal,  non-exclusive,  nontransferable (except as explicitly provided
     elsewhere in this Agreement) License.

2.2  Client may change  the  Location  in the event  Client  transfers  its data
     processing to a new location  within the same country.  Client will provide
     Fiserv with 15 days advance notice of any proposed  transfer of operations.
     Assistance  by  Fiserv  related  to the  transfer  shall be  chargeable  at
     Fiserv's then current  professional  service rates.  Client shall reimburse
     Fiserv for any  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in the course of providing
     such assistance.

2.3  Fiserv  prohibits the copying of any portions of the Software System except
     that  Client  may  copy  reasonable  quantities  of any  standard  end user
     documentation;  and may copy machine language code, in whole or in part, in
     reasonable quantities,  in printed or electronic form, for use by Client at
     the Location for archive,  back-up,  or emergency restart  purposes,  or to
     replace  copy made on  defective  media.  The  original,  and any copies of
     Software, or any part thereof, shall remain Fiserv's property.

2.4  Client shall  maintain any such copies and the original at the Location and
     one Client  archive site  (`Archive  Site) in the same country.  Client may
     transport  or transmit a copy of Software  from the Location or the Archive
     Site to another  location in the same  country as the  Location for back-up
     use when  required  by Computer  System  malfunction  or disaster  recovery
     purposes,  provided  that the copy or original is  destroyed or returned to
     the  Location or Archive Site when the  malfunction  is  corrected.  Client
     shall  reproduce  and  include  Fiserv's  copyright  and other  proprietary
     notices on all copies,  in whole or in part,  in any form,  of the Software
     System made as specified herein.

2.5  Client shall not decompile,  disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer the
     Software System.

2.6  Third Party Software is provided to Client under the following supplemental

     (i)  Use of Third Party  Software shall be restricted to use as part of the
          Software System.

     (ii) Fiserv and Third  Party  Software  owners  shall not be liable for any
          damages,  whether  direct,  indirect,   incidental,  or  consequential
          arising from the use of the Third Party Software.

     (iii) Publication  of benchmark  tests of Third Party Software is permitted
          only by a writing  signed by an  authorized  officer of Fiserv and the
          Third Party Software owner.

     (iv) Third  Party  Software  owners are hereby  designated  as third  party
          beneficiaries  of this Agreement as it relates to their  software.  To
          the extent  allowed by a Supplier  (as  defined in Exhibit  2n) Fiserv
          shall  pass-through  to Client any  warranty a Supplier has granted to
          Fiserv with  respect to  materials  purchased  pursuant to Exhibit 2n,
          subject  to the terms  and  conditions  set  forth in this  Agreement,
          including Exhibit 2n.

     (v)  Third Party Software is not  specifically  developed,  or licensed for
          use in any nuclear,  aviation, mass transit, or medical application or
          in any inherently dangerous applications.  Third Party Software owners
          and Fiserv shall not be liable for any claims or damages  arising from
          such use if Client uses the Software System for such applications.

2.7  Fiserv grants Client the right to Use any Software modifications  furnished
     or authorized by Fiserv pursuant to this Agreement.


Client agrees to pay the license fees in accordance with the schedule set
forth in each Exhibit 1n.


4.1  Fiserv  agrees to provide  access to Fiserv  personnel for the provision of
     professional   services   outlined  in  each   Exhibit  1n   (`Professional
     Services').  All such  services  shall be provided in  accordance  with the
     terms and conditions set forth below.  Client may request Fiserv to provide
     additions and changes to such services. Any such additions or changes shall
     be  provided  only after the  execution  of a mutually  agreed  upon Change

4.2  Operational Support. Unless specified otherwise in Exhibit 1n, if requested
     by Client,  Fiserv agrees to provide  Operational  Support at the rates and
     terms  to be  mutually  agreed  upon in  writing  at the  time of  Client's

4.3  Business  Requirements List. All professional services work to be performed
     by Fiserv shall be based upon a Business  Requirements  List.  Client shall
     provide Fiserv with a Business  Requirements  List for each Modification or
     other   information   requested  by  Fiserv  for  the  performance  of  its
     obligations under this Agreement. Fiserv shall review and suggest revisions
     to such Business Requirements List on a timely basis.

4.4  Modifications  listed in Exhibit 1n and  estimates of costs and  completion
     dates for  professional  services,  if any, are  referenced  solely for the
     purpose of allowing  Client to plan its budgets and are based upon the then
     available  information.  Fiserv  shall not be obligated to perform any work
     until the Business Requirements List has been accepted by Fiserv and agreed
     to by Client in writing, as evidenced by a signed PRDA.

4.5  Client agrees to pay Fiserv at mutually agreed upon rates (to be defined in
     a PRDA) for  services  rendered  in  connection  with  Fiserv's  review and
     revisions to the Business Requirements List.

4.6  In the event Fiserv provides  Modifications or other professional services,
     such  services  shall be based on  specifications  created  by  Fiserv  and
     approved by Client (`Scope of Services'), as provided below.

     (i)  In the case of  Modifications,  Scope of  Services  shall  consist  of
          developing  the Functional  Specifications  created by Fiserv based on
          the Business  Requirements List. All other professional services shall
          be based on the Scope of Services mutually agreed to for the project.

     (ii) Fiserv  shall not be  obligated to perform any work until the Scope of
          Services is approved in writing by Client, which approval shall not be
          unreasonably withheld or unduly delayed.

     (iii) Modifications,  changes,  enhancements,   conversions,  upgrades,  or
          additions  to the agreed  upon Scope of  Services  shall be added only
          after the execution of a mutually agreed upon Change  Request.  In the
          event the parties  agree to add any such items,  the Scope of Services
          and the applicable Project Plan shall automatically be modified to the
          extent necessary to allow for the inclusion of the items.

4.7  Project  Plan.  When  warranted by the size and  complexity of the project,
     Fiserv  shall  develop a project plan for the  professional  services to be
     provided by Fiserv ("Project Plan'). Each such mutually agreed upon Project
     Plan  shall  contain a listing  of the  nature  and timing of tasks for the
     project,  some of which are to be  performed  by Fiserv and some by Client.
     Changes to the  Project  Plan shall be made only after the  execution  of a
     mutually agreed upon Change Request.

4.8  In the  event  that  Fiserv  is to  provide  installation,  conversion,  or
     training services to Client for the Software, the fees therefor shall be as
     specified  on each  Exhibit 1n. The nature and timing of any  installation,
     conversion  and  training  shall be as  specified  in the Project  Plan and
     mutually agreed upon by the parties.

4.9  If Client is unable to provide  access to required  facilities or personnel
     or is  unable  to meet its tasks  assigned  on a  Project  Plan in a timely
     manner, Fiserv will endeavor to reschedule tasks to minimize non-productive
     time. If such  non-productive  time is expected to be  significant,  Fiserv
     will  endeavor  to reassign  its  personnel  to other  suitable  work.  All
     non-productive  time which may be  chargeable  to Client by Fiserv shall be
     identified in the mutually agreed upon Change Request.

4.10 Delivery.   Unless  otherwise  mutually  agreed,   upon  delivery  of  each
     Modification,  Client  shall  have up to 30 days to perform  user  testing.
     Client acknowledges Modifications can only be adequately tested in Client's
     system environment and Client agrees to reimburse Fiserv for all assistance
     during  Client's  user  testing  phase.  Client shall  thoroughly  test the
     Modification in Client's system environment and promptly report on Fiserv's
     then  current  service  request  form  any   Specification   Non-conformity
     disclosed  by  such  user   testing  or  Use  to  Fiserv  with   reasonable
     particularity, including applicable supporting documentation such as screen
     prints,  user  documentation,  diagrams,  etc. to allow  Fiserv to properly
     analyze the issue.  Fiserv shall correct any Specification  Nonconformities
     disclosed by such testing or Use without further charge to Client within 14
     days of Client's notice or a mutually agreed upon time.

4.11 Acceptance.   Unless   specified   otherwise   in  the   applicable   PRDA,
     Modifications  shall be  deemed  to have  been  accepted  by Client 30 days
     following delivery or by the live operation and Use of the Modification for
     a period of 10 days, whichever occurs first.

4.12 Client agrees that it is responsible for providing Fiserv remote electronic
     access to Client's environments for the provision of professional services.
     Fiserv  agrees to comply with  Client's  access and  security  requirements
     while  performing  such  professional  services,  provided  that (i) Client
     provides Fiserv with all such requirements in writing not less than 30 days
     prior to Fiserv's personnel arrival onsite,  (ii) all such requirements are
     reasonable  in  nature  and  do  not  conflict  with  Fiserv  policies  and
     practices,  and (iii) Client shall reimburse  Fiserv for any costs incurred
     by Fiserv in complying with such Client's requirements.


5.1  Fiserv  provides  the  following as part of Basic  Maintenance  Services to

     (i)  Telephone support 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for reporting of a
          Non-conformity that causes the Software to be inoperable.

     (ii) Up to 10 hours per month for telephone  support during normal business
          hours for reasonable operator support.  Non-conformity  support is not
          included within this limitation. For telephone support in excess of 10
          hours per month or for  support  provided  outside of normal  business
          hours unrelated to a Non-conformity (`Extended Use'), Fiserv agrees to
          notify Client of such  Extended Use. In such event,  Fiserv and Client
          will decide on a mutually  agreeable  corrective  action plan.  Fiserv
          reserves  the right to invoice  Client  and  Client  agrees to pay for
          Extended Use at Fiserv's then current  Professional  Service rates, in
          the event Client fails to successfully implement the corrective action
          evidenced by a cessation of such Extended Use.

     (iii) Services to correct or resolve a  Non-conformity,  provided that such
          Non-conformity is capable of reconstruction  and is due to a defect in
          the Software, are provided during Fiserv's normal business hours.

     (iv) Fiserv may utilize remote  diagnostic  software and dial-up  telephone
          lines made  available by Client in providing  these  services.  Client
          shall  cooperate  and  assist  Fiserv to  expedite  resolution  of all

     (v)  Software program fixes to correct Non-conformities for the current and
          last prior  Software  release made  generally  available to all Fiserv
          client's  using the  applicable  Software  will be  provided  within a
          reasonable  period of time upon  notice by  Client.  Client  agrees to
          provide  Fiserv  with   reasonable   assistance  and   information  in
          connection therewith.

     (vi) Software Upgrades.

5.2  Client agrees to properly document all Nonconformities  using Fiserv's then
     current   service   request   form,   and   provide   adequate   supporting
     documentation.   Fiserv  will  utilize  such   documentation  to  evaluate,
     prioritize,  and resolve  Client  support  issues.  Accurate  and  complete
     documentation by Client is a prerequisite of all support issues. Failure to
     provide adequate supporting  documentation may result in delayed resolution
     of a Non-conformity.

5.3  Should  Fiserv's  review  of  the  Non-conformity   indicate,  in  Fiserv's
     reasonable opinion,  that the reported problem is not a Software defect but
     is due to other  problems  including,  but not  limited  to,  input  not in
     accordance  with  specifications,  Client's abuse or misuse of the Software
     System,  or by a  modification  or  addition  to the  Software  System  not
     performed  by Fiserv,  or by  Client's  failure to  properly  maintain  the
     Computer  System or to install  the  required  system  software  release as
     instructed by Fiserv, then:

     (i)  Client  agrees  to  reimburse  Fiserv  for the  related  costs of work
          performed  by Fiserv in  investigating  the problem at  Fiserv's  then
          current professional service rates, and

     (ii) Fiserv,  at Client's  request,  shall advise Client whether Fiserv can
          correct or assist in resolving such problem, and the terms under which
          Fiserv shall  undertake the same.  Upon written  acceptance by Client,
          Fiserv shall  correct or assist in resolving the problem in accordance
          with such terms.

5.4  Special Maintenance Fees for Special Maintenance  Services,  if selected by
     Client,  shall be  designated  on each Exhibit 1n, the PRDA or similar work

5.5  Services in addition to those defined in or requested  under this Agreement
     may be made  available  on a  time-and-materials  basis  at  Fiserv's  then
     current  professional  services  rates and as mutually  agreed  pursuant to
     Section 4 of this Agreement.  Such additional services may include, without

     (i)  On-site  support.

     (ii) Installation of Upgrades.

     (iii) Training for Upgrades.

     (iv) Retrofit and integration services.

5.6  Unless   explicitly   stated  otherwise  in  an  Exhibit  1n,  the  initial
     Maintenance  Fee,  specified  in each  Exhibit  1n,  is  subject  to annual
     increases on the  anniversary  date of the Maintenance  Start Date.  Annual
     increases  shall be limited to the lesser of 7.5% or the change in the U.S.
     Department of Labor,  Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Urban Wage Earners
     and  Clerical  Workers,  All Cities,  (1982 = 100) for the 12 month  period
     preceding the anniversary  date.  Maintenance Fees shall also be subject to
     increase following delivery of , modifications or additions to the Software
     or changes in the numbers of accounts  processed,  user seats, or other fee
     determinant.  Fiserv may also increase  Maintenance  Fees in the event that
     Fiserv implements major system  enhancements to comply with changes in law,
     government regulation, or industry practices.

5.7  Client  agrees to train  current and future  employed  staff members on the
     technical and user operations of the Software.

5.8  Client shall  obtain and  maintain at its own expense such data  processing
     and   communications   equipment  and  supplies  as  may  be  necessary  or
     appropriate to facilitate the proper use of the Software System.

5.9  Network-related  problems are not covered under Basic Maintenance  Service.
     In the  event  Fiserv  does  provide  such  service,  Client  agrees to pay
     Fiserv's then current professional service rates.

6.   TERM

6.1  The term of this Agreement and the licenses  granted  hereunder shall begin
     on the Effective Date and continue in perpetuity unless terminated  earlier
     as provided herein.

6.2  The  provision of Basic  Maintenance  Services by Fiserv shall begin on the
     earlier of (i) the first day of the CBS Live  Conversion  or (ii) March 15,
     2007,  ("Maintenance  Start  Date"),  and shall  continue for a period of 5
     years  ("Initial  Term").  For  purposes  of the  foregoing,  the "CBS Live
     Conversion"  shall be the date the first live  account is  processed on any
     "CBS Core Application  Subsystem" listed in the Software License section of
     Exhibit 1A. The provision of maintenance services by Fiserv shall renew for
     a successive  3-year term (`Initial  Renewal Term"),  and  thereafter,  for
     successive  1-year  terms   (`"Subsequent   Renewal   Term"),(collectively,
     "Renewal  Term"),  at  Fiserv's  then  current  fees for all  modules  then
     licensed  unless either party provides 180 days prior written notice to the
     other party prior to the expiry of the Initial Term or then current Renewal


7.1  Client agrees to purchase,  and Fiserv agrees to sell,  Equipment described
     in each  Exhibit  2n.  Client  understands  that  Fiserv  is  acting  as an
     independent sales  organization  representing each manufacturer or supplier
     identified in each Exhibit 2n.

7.2  Client  also  understands  and  agrees  that  Fiserv's  ability  to  obtain
     Equipment  may be subject to  availability  and delays due to causes beyond
     Fiserv's  control.  Fiserv shall promptly place any orders  submitted under
     this Agreement with each  manufacturer  or supplier and shall,  at Client's
     direction, request expedited delivery whenever available.

7.3  Client shall be  responsible  for  appropriate  property  insurance for all
     equipment, whether Client-owned or Fiserv-owned, within Client's premises.

7.4  On Client's behalf, Fiserv shall arrange for Equipment delivery to the site
     or sites  (collectively,  "Installation Site") designated by Client on each
     Exhibit 2n on or about the date ("Delivery  Date") requested by Client.  In
     the absence of shipping instructions,  Fiserv shall select a common carrier
     on Client's behalf.

7.5  Fiserv shall arrange for Equipment  installation  in  consideration  of the
     Installation  Fees listed on each Exhibit 2n.  Client shall not perform any
     installation  activities  without Fiserv's  written  consent.  Client shall
     provide  Fiserv or its designee  access to the Equipment  and  Installation
     Site until installation is completed. Fiserv agrees to comply with Client's
     access and security  requirements while performing Services on Client site,
     provided  that (i) Client  provides  Fiserv with all such  requirements  in
     writing not less than 30 days prior to Fiserv's  personnel  arrival onsite,
     (ii) all such  requirements  are  reasonable  in nature and do not conflict
     with Fiserv policies and practices, and (iii) Client shall reimburse Fiserv
     for  any  costs   incurred  by  Fiserv  in  complying  with  such  Client's
     requirements.  If a suitable  installation  environment  is not provided by
     Client,  then  Fiserv  shall be  required  to perform  only as many  normal
     installation  procedures as it deems to be practicable within the available
     facilities.  Equipment  installation  will take place during  normal Fiserv
     business hours, Monday through Friday, exclusive of Fiserv holidays, unless
     otherwise agreed by Fiserv.

7.6  Client shall provide a suitable  installation  environment for Equipment as
     specified  by Fiserv  or its  agents  and any and all other  specifications
     provided to Client by the manufacturer,  supplier,  or Fiserv. Client shall
     also be  responsible  for  furnishing  all labor required for unpacking and
     placing each item of Equipment  in the desired  location for  installation.
     Client  shall be  responsible  for  physical  planning  including,  but not
     limited to, floor planning, cable requirements,  and safety requirements in
     accordance  with  the  installation  manual  and  any  and  all  applicable
     building,  electrical, or other codes, regulations,  and requirements.  All
     such physical planning shall be completed on or before the Delivery Date.

7.7  All  prices  shown on each  Exhibit  2n are  F.O.B.  at  manufacturer's  or
     supplier's plant. All  transportation,  rigging,  drayage,  insurance,  and
     other  costs  of  Equipment  delivery  to the  Installation  Site  shall be
     itemized  on an  invoice  submitted  to Client and shall be paid by Client.
     Risk of loss shall pass to Client upon shipment.

7.8  Title to  Equipment  shall  remain  with  Fiserv  until  all  payments  for
     Equipment  are made by Client and,  until such time,  Client agrees that it
     shall not sell, transfer, pledge, or otherwise dispose of Equipment without
     Fiserv's prior written consent.

7.9  Client agrees Fiserv  retains a security  interest in all Equipment and the
     proceeds  thereof  until the  purchase  price due  Fiserv are paid in full.
     Client shall execute any instruments or documents Fiserv deems  appropriate
     to protect the security  interest and, in any event,  this Agreement  shall
     constitute  a  financing  agreement  within the meaning of Article 9 of the
     Uniform  Commercial  Code and a copy of this  Agreement may be filed at any
     time after  signature by Fiserv as a financing  statement for that purpose.
     In the event of default in payment or other breach by Client,  Fiserv shall
     have all rights and remedies of a secured creditor upon default as provided
     by applicable law.

7.10 Equipment   shall  be  deemed  accepted  when  it  passes   Fiserv's,   the
     manufacturer's, or supplier's standard post-installation test procedures at
     the Installation Site.

7.11 Fiserv  warrants that Client will acquire good and clear title to Equipment
     free and clear of all liens and  encumbrances.  Fiserv  hereby  assigns  to
     Client all applicable Equipment warranties the manufacturer or supplier has
     granted to Fiserv.  Client hereby agrees to all of the terms and conditions
     applicable to those warranties and acknowledges that:

     (i)  none of the manufacturer,  supplier, or Fiserv warrants that Equipment
          use will be uninterrupted or error free; and

     (ii) manufacturer's  or supplier's  warranties,  and the assignment of such
          warranties  by Fiserv to Client,  shall not impose  any  liability  on
          Fiserv due to the services or assistance  provided to Client by Fiserv
          with respect thereto.

7.12 Unless the parties agree otherwise, Fiserv shall not be responsible for the
     provision of any Equipment maintenance or repairs or of any Equipment parts
     or replacements.


8.1  Fiserv shall  invoice,  and Client shall pay, any Taxes related to products
     and services  provided by Fiserv to Client,  however  designated,  that are
     levied by any taxing  authority on the  products  and services  provided by
     Fiserv.   Fiserv  shall  remit  such  Taxes  to  the   appropriate   taxing

8.2  Each  payment  to be  paid to  Fiserv  hereunder  is due 30 days  following
     receipt of the invoice from Fiserv and shall be paid by Client as specified
     on each Exhibit 1n.

8.3  In the event  the whole or any part of any  invoice  remains  unpaid  after
     payment is due,  Client  shall pay a late charge of 1.5% per month;  except
     that Client may withhold any portion of an invoiced amount that is disputed
     in good faith and without  assessment  of late  charges,  provided that (i)
     Client  gives  Fiserv  written  notice and  explanation  of such good faith
     dispute within 15 days after receipt of the invoice,  (ii) Client  promptly
     commences and diligently pursues efforts to resolve the dispute with Fiserv
     in a timely  manner,  and (iii)  Client pays Fees due on resolved  disputes
     within 15 days after resolution is reached. Subject to the provision in the
     preceding sentence, Client agrees that it shall neither make nor assert any
     right of  deduction  or  set-off  from fees or other  charges  on  invoices
     submitted by Fiserv.

8.4  Except as otherwise  expressly  provided  herein,  Client agrees to pay the
     reasonable  travel and living  expenses of any  employees of Fiserv and its
     authorized  contractors  who render  services at either the Location or any
     other  Client site in  connection  with the  activities  described  in this
     Agreement. All expenses shall be itemized on invoices submitted by Fiserv.


9.1  Client shall give Fiserv reasonable access to the Location,  Software,  and
     Computer  System  to enable  Fiserv  to  provide  Services  and shall  make
     available  information,  facilities,  personnel,  and  services  reasonably
     required by Fiserv for the performance of its obligations hereunder. Fiserv
     agrees to comply  with  Client's  access and  security  requirements  while
     performing  Services  on Client  site,  provided  that (i) Client  provides
     Fiserv with all such requirements in writing not less than 30 days prior to
     Fiserv's   personnel  arrival  onsite,   (ii)  all  such  requirements  are
     reasonable  in  nature  and  do  not  conflict  with  Fiserv  policies  and
     practices,  and (iii) Client shall reimburse  Fiserv for any costs incurred
     by Fiserv in complying with such Client's requirements.

9.2  The  Software  shall be deemed  accepted  when it passes  the  Fiserv  test
     procedures at the installation site.

9.3  Work in  determining  the  nature  of any  problem  or in  making  Software
     corrections,  amendments,  or additions may be carried out at Fiserv's site
     or the Location, at Fiserv's reasonable discretion.

9.4  Client agrees to maintain the Computer  System,  Software,  and Third Party
     Software  in  accordance  with  Fiserv's  then  current  specified  minimum
     configuration  during  the term  hereof,  or  contract  with  Fiserv  to so

9.5  Client shall be  responsible  for  ensuring  that its systems are Year 2000
     compliant and capable of passing and/or  accepting date formats from and/or
     to the Software.


10.1 Fiserv  warrants  that the  Software  will perform in  accordance  with its
     functional   specifications   when  operated  in  the  specified  operating
     environment as described in the Documentation.  During the period beginning
     from the delivery  (i.e.,  shipment) of Software to the  Maintenance  Start
     Date, Fiserv will provide replacements or corrections to any portion of the
     Software that does not so perform where such failure is material,  provided
     Fiserv is notified in writing. This warranty shall not apply if the problem
     is caused by unauthorized  modification to the Software System,  use of the
     Software in combination with non-Fiserv provided software,  or by incorrect
     Use.  Client   acknowledges   that  the  warranties  given  by  Fiserv  are
     conditional  upon the procurement and maintenance by Client of the Computer
     System in accordance with the then current specified configuration.

10.2 Fiserv's  sole  obligation  under  the  warranty  stated  in the  foregoing
     paragraph  shall  be to  repair  or  replace  defective  or  Non-conforming
     portions of the Software at its own expense and within a reasonable time.

10.3 Fiserv warrants that it has the right to license the Use of the Software.

10.4 Fiserv warrants that the Software is Year 2000 compliant.

10.5 Fiserv  warrants  that the Services  described in this  Agreement  shall be
     performed  in  a  workmanlike  manner  and  in  accordance  with  standards
     applicable to the financial software services industry.



11.1 Fiserv  shall  indemnify  Client and hold it harmless  against any claim or
     action that alleges Use of the Software infringes a patent,  copyright,  or
     other  proprietary  right of a Third  Party  enforceable  in the  Location.
     Client  agrees to notify  Fiserv  promptly in writing of any such claim and
     grants  Fiserv sole right to control the  defense and  disposition  of such

11.2 If, as a result of such  claim,  Fiserv or Client is  permanently  enjoined
     from using a portion of the  Software  by a final,  non-appealable  decree,
     Fiserv,  at its sole  option and  expense,  may (i)  procure for Client the
     right to  continue  to use the  affected  portion of the  Software  or (ii)
     provide a replacement or modification  for the affected portion of Software
     so as to settle such claim. If such Software modification is not reasonably
     practical in Fiserv's sole opinion,  Fiserv may  discontinue  and terminate
     the affected  portion of this  License  upon  written  notice to Client and
     shall  refund  to  Client  on a  pro  rata  basis,  based  on  a  60  month
     amortization  schedule,  the  Total  License  Fee  paid to  Fiserv  for the
     affected portion of the Software. In making this determination, Fiserv will
     give due consideration to all factors, including financial expense.

11.3 The foregoing  states Fiserv's entire liability for the infringement of any
     copyrights,  patents,  or other  proprietary  rights by the Software or any
     part thereof,  and Client hereby expressly waives any other  liabilities on
     the part of Fiserv arising therefrom.

11.4 Fiserv shall have no liability for any claim based upon

     (i)  Use of any part of Software in combination  with materials,  software,
          or equipment not provided by Fiserv; or

     (ii) modifications made by Client or any Third Party.


12.1 Each party shall indemnify and hold the other harmless against any

     (i)  loss of or any damage to any tangible property or

     (ii) injury to or death of any person;

     caused by the  negligence  of,  breach  of  statutory  duty by, or  willful
     misconduct   of   the   indemnifying   party's   employees,    agents,   or


13.  TITLE

13.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall convey to Client any title to or any rights
     in the  Software  including  but not limited to all  proprietary  rights or
     ownership of any modifications or derivations thereof.  Client's sole right
     in relation to the Software or any modifications is to Use the same for the
     duration of this Agreement under the terms and conditions contained herein.
     Client shall have a period of exclusive use of those  Modifications  funded
     solely by Client,  provided that such  exclusive use (i) shall be expressly
     stated in the mutually agreed upon PRDA or similar work authorization; (ii)
     shall only apply to the South Bend,  Indiana market; and (iii) shall expire
     upon  the  earlier  of (a) 3 years  following  delivery  of the  applicable
     Modification;  or (b) the date in which the  Modification  is  incorporated
     into the Software and made generally  available to other Fiserv clients. In
     the event of the latter,  Fiserv shall  discontinue  billing client Special
     Maintenance Fees related to the  Modification  upon release of the Software
     version containing such modification.

13.2 Software  and all  Software  modifications,  enhancements,  derivations  or
     upgrades, and all patents,  copyrights, or other proprietary rights related
     thereto are Fiserv's sole and exclusive  property,  whether made by Fiserv,
     Client, or any of their employees or agents. Client shall execute documents
     reasonably required by Fiserv to perfect such rights.

13.3 All  information,  reports,  studies,  object or source code,  flow charts,
     diagrams,   and  other  tangible  or  intangible  material  of  any  nature
     whatsoever  produced by or as a result of any of the (i) services performed
     hereunder by Fiserv or jointly with Client, or (ii) related to any products
     provided  hereunder by Fiserv,  shall be the sole and exclusive property of
     Fiserv or its  corporate  parent.  Client shall be entitled to Use all such
     work product produced by Fiserv in accordance with the terms and conditions
     hereof.  For purposes of clarity,  the foregoing does not include  Client's
     customer data, which shall remain the property of Client.


14.1 Fiserv has granted Client the limited right to use the Software as provided
     herein. Client acknowledges that

     (i)  the Software, including all specifications, work product, translations
          and other materials developed by Fiserv; and

     (ii) the terms and conditions of this Agreement

     contain  Fiserv's  highly  confidential,   unique,   secret,  and  valuable
     information.  Client  agrees  that it shall  not sell,  transfer,  publish,
     disclose,  display  or  otherwise  make  available  to any Third  Party the
     Software,  any  materials  relating to or forming a part of the Software or
     any other Fiserv  proprietary  information  without  Fiserv's prior written
     consent.  Client agrees to secure and protect the Software and  proprietary
     information and to take  appropriate  action by written  agreement with its
     employees  who are  permitted  access  to such  materials  to  satisfy  its
     obligations  hereunder.  Client  further  agrees to use its best efforts to
     assist Fiserv in  identifying  and  preventing any use or disclosure of any
     portion of the Software or proprietary  information.  As a precondition  to
     Client's  request to Fiserv for consent to disclose the Software,  in whole
     or in part,  to a Third  Party,  Client  shall  obtain  from such  party an
     executed  Exhibit 3 which  shall not be  modified  without  Fiserv's  prior
     written  consent.  All Client  obligations  and  undertakings  relating  to
     confidentiality  and  nondisclosure  shall survive the  termination of this
     Agreement for any reason.

14.2 Fiserv shall protect any Client  Confidential  Information  from disclosure
     with the same  degree of care  afforded  by Fiserv to its own  confidential
     information.  Not  withstanding  anything to the  contrary  herein,  Fiserv
     specifically   agrees  that  it  will  not  use  any  non-public   personal
     information about Client's customers in any manner prohibited by Title V of
     the  Gramm-Leach-Bliley   Act.  All  Fiserv  obligations  and  undertakings
     relating to Client  Confidential  Information shall survive the termination
     of this Agreement for whatever reason.

14.3 Client shall permit Fiserv's  authorized  representatives at all reasonable
     times during  Client's  normal hours of operation to audit  Client's Use at
     the Location to determine  that the  provisions of this Agreement are being
     faithfully performed.  For that purpose,  Fiserv shall be entitled to enter
     into  any  of  Client's  premises  and  Client  hereby  irrevocably  grants
     authority to Fiserv and  authorized  representative  to enter such premises
     for such purpose.  Any such audit shall be conducted in such a manner as to
     minimize the  disruption to Client's  business  and/or  Software Use. Where
     reasonably  practicable,  Client shall permit Fiserv to perform audits, not
     more than twice yearly,  through the use of automated  monitoring  systems,
     system generated reports, or other auditing methods.

14.4 Client shall  promptly  notify Fiserv if Client becomes aware of any breach
     of confidence relating to Software or other Fiserv proprietary  information
     and give Fiserv all  reasonable  assistance  in  connection  with  Fiserv's
     investigation of same.


15.1 The termination of this Agreement shall automatically,  and without further
     action by Fiserv,  terminate and extinguish the license,  and all rights in
     and to Software shall  automatically  revert irrevocably to Fiserv.  Fiserv
     shall  have the right to take  immediate  possession  of  Software  and all
     copies thereof wherever located without further notice or demand.

15.2 Client may terminate  the  Agreement in the event of a material  default by
     Fiserv not cured within a reasonable cure period (with the minimum being 90
     days if no other cure period is stated)  after notice to Fiserv  specifying
     the nature of the default with reasonable particularity.

15.3 If Client violates any of the Non-Disclosure, Non-Assignment, or License to
     Use provisions of this Agreement and fails to remedy any such breach within
     5 days of notice  thereof from Fiserv,  Fiserv may terminate this Agreement
     without further notice.

15.4 If Client violates or fails to perform any of the terms or conditions other
     than those  specifically  expressed in Sub-section 15.3 and fails to remedy
     any such breach within 90 days of notice thereof from Fiserv,  or if Client
     shall  become  insolvent  or ceases to do  business,  then  Fiserv may give
     notice  declaring  this  Agreement is terminated at the  expiration of such
     notice period.

15.5 Exercise of either party's right of termination  shall not prejudice  legal
     rights or remedies  either  party may have  against the other in respect of
     any breach of the terms of this Agreement.

15.6 Client's  failure to pay on a timely basis is cause for termination of this
     Agreement and the licenses granted hereunder.

15.7 Convenience: Early Termination.  Client may terminate this Agreement during
     the Initial Term or any Renewal Term by paying a  termination  fee based on
     the remaining unused term for Services.  The amount of such termination fee
     shall be determined by multiplying the average of Client's monthly invoices
     for  Services  received by Client  pursuant to the  Agreement  during the 6
     month period  preceding the effective date of termination (or if no monthly
     invoice has been received,  the sum of the billing for Services received or
     to be received  hereunder  calculated  as a monthly  amount  (for  example,
     annual  maintenance  will be divided by 12 to calculate the implied monthly
     amount)) by the applicable  termination percentage (as defined below) times
     the remaining number of months in the term for Services. Client understands
     and agrees that Fiserv losses incurred as a result of early  termination of
     the  Agreement  would be  difficult  or  impossible  to calculate as of the
     effective  date of  termination  since they will vary based on, among other
     things,  the number of clients  using the Fiserv  Services  on the date the
     Agreement  terminates.  Accordingly,  the  amount  set  forth in the  first
     sentence  of  this  subsection  represents  Client's  agreement  to pay and
     Fiserv's  agreement to accept as liquidated  damages (and not as a penalty)
     such  amount for any such  Client  termination.  For  purposes  of clarity,
     without limiting to the foregoing, Client shall pay Fiserv for all Services
     performed  through  the date of  termination  pursuant to the terms of this

     ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
     If Termination occurs during the year   Then, the applicable Termination %
     specified in the Initial Term:          shall be
     ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
     Year 1                                                  70%
     ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
     Year 2                                                  70%
     ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
     Year 3                                                  80%
     ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
     Year 4                                                  90%
     ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
     Year 5                                                 100%
     ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

     -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
     If Termination occurs during the year   Then, the applicable Termination %
     specified in the Initial Renewal Term:  shall be
     -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
     Year 1                                                 80%
     -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
     Year 2                                                 90%
     -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
     Year 3                                                 100%
     -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

     -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
     If Termination occurs during the year   Then, the applicable Termination %
     specified in any Subsequent             shall be
     Renewal Term:
     -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
     Year 1                                               100%
     -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------


16.1 In the event of the sale of 50% or more of Client's  common  stock,  or the
     sale of all or substantially all of Client's assets, or in the event of any
     merger in which  Client is not the  surviving  organization,  (a "Change of
     Control"),  Client may transfer this  Agreement with Fiserv's prior written
     consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided that (1) if the
     Software  System will be used in a different  or expanded  manner after the
     Change of Control, both parties mutually agree upon terms, conditions,  and
     fees for transfer and such use; or (2) if the Software  System will be used
     in the  same  manner  as used  prior to the  Change  of  Control,  then the
     surviving  entity may continue to use the Software  System under the terms,
     conditions and fees specified in this Agreement and the Exhibits  providing
     Client is covered by the Basic Maintenance Services as defined herein. .

16.2 If the organization acquiring Client's common stock, assets, or surviving a
     merger is an organization  deriving more than 5% of its gross revenues from
     providing  service  bureau,   time  share,   computer  software  consulting
     services,  computer software licensing,  or computer hardware sales, Fiserv
     shall be under no obligation to consent to such transfer.

16.3 Except as expressly  provided  above,  neither party may assign or transfer
     its rights,  duties,  or obligations  under this Agreement to any person or
     entity,  in whole or in part,  without  the  other  party's  prior  written
     consent,  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld  or delayed,
     except that Fiserv may assign this  Agreement to an  affiliate  without the
     consent of Client.


17.1 This  Agreement,  including its Exhibits 1 - 3, which are hereby  expressly
     incorporated  herein,  constitutes the complete and exclusive  statement of
     the  agreement  between  the parties as to the  subject  matter  hereof and
     supersedes all previous agreements with respect thereto. This Agreement may
     not be amended or modified except by a written instrument  executed by both

17.2 Each party hereby  acknowledges that it has not entered into this Agreement
     in  reliance  upon  any  representation  made by the  other  party  but not
     embodied herein.


18.1 Any written  notice  required or permitted to be given  hereunder  shall be
     given by: (i)  Registered  or Certified  Mail,  Return  Receipt  Requested,
     postage  prepaid;  (ii)  facsimile or email  confirmed  by Fiserv  Contract
     Administration; or (iii) nationally recognized courier service to the other
     party at the addresses listed on the cover page or to such other address or
     person as a party may  designate  in  writing.  All such  notices  shall be
     effective upon receipt.


19.1 General. Except with respect to disputes arising from a misappropriation or
     misuse of either  party's  proprietary  rights,  any dispute or controversy
     arising out of this Agreement, or its interpretation, shall be submitted to
     and resolved  exclusively by arbitration under the rules then prevailing of
     the American  Arbitration  Association,  upon written  notice of demand for
     arbitration by the party seeking  arbitration,  setting forth the specifics
     of the matter in controversy or the claim being made. The arbitration shall
     be heard before an arbitrator mutually agreeable to the parties;  provided,
     that if the parties cannot agree on the choice of arbitrator within 10 days
     after the first party seeking  arbitration has given written  notice,  then
     the  arbitration  shall be heard by three  arbitrators,  one chosen by each
     party, and the third chosen by those two arbitrators.  The arbitrators will
     be selected from a panel of persons having experience with and knowledge of
     information technology and at least one of the arbitrators selected will be
     an attorney. A hearing on the merits of all claims for which arbitration is
     sought by either party shall be  commenced  not later than 60 days from the
     date demand for arbitration is made by the first party seeking arbitration.
     The  arbitrator(s)  must  render  a  decision  within  10  days  after  the
     conclusion of such hearing.  Any award in such  arbitration  shall be final
     and binding upon the parties and the judgment thereon may be entered in any
     court of competent jurisdiction.

19.2 Applicable  Law.  The  arbitration  shall be governed by the United  States
     Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. 1-16. The arbitrators shall apply the substantive
     law of the State of New York,  without reference to provisions  relating to
     conflict  of laws.  The  arbitrators  shall  not have the  power to  alter,
     modify,  amend,  add to, or  subtract  from any term or  provision  of this
     Agreement, nor to rule upon or grant any extension, renewal, or continuance
     of this Agreement.  The  arbitrators  shall have the authority to grant any
     legal remedy available had the parties  submitted the dispute to a judicial

19.3 Situs.  If  arbitration  is required to resolve  any  disputes  between the
     parties, the proceedings to resolve the first such dispute shall be held in
     South Bend,  Indiana,,  the  proceedings to resolve the second such dispute
     shall be held in Milwaukee,  Wisconsin,  and the proceedings to resolve any
     subsequent  disputes  shall  alternate  between  South  Bend,  Indiana  and
     Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


20.1 The  section  headings  used  herein  are  inserted  only  as a  matter  of
     convenience  and for  reference  and shall not affect the  construction  or
     interpretation of this Agreement.

20.2 Neither party shall be  responsible  for delays or failures in  performance
     resulting from acts or circumstances  reasonably beyond the control of that
     party,  provided  that  either  parties  payment  obligations  shall not be
     excused under this section.

20.3 This Agreement  shall be construed and enforced under the laws of the State
     of New York,  without  reference to its provisions  relating to conflict of
     laws. The United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale
     of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement.

20.4 No action,  regardless  of form,  arising  out of this  Agreement  shall be
     brought by Client more than 2 years  after such cause of action  shall have

20.5 The prevailing  party in an action brought against the other to enforce the
     terms of this  Agreement or any rights or obligations  hereunder,  shall be
     entitled  to receive its  reasonable  costs and  expenses of bringing  such
     action including its reasonable attorneys' fees.

20.6 If any provision of this Agreement is held to be  unenforceable,  the other
     provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect.

20.7 The failure of either of the parties to insist upon strict  performance  of
     any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall not be  construed  as the
     waiver of any subsequent default of a similar nature

 IN WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been executed as of the Effective Date by
the following duly authorized representatives:


/s/JOHN B. GRIFFITH              11/29/05
- -------------------              --------
Signature                        Date of Signature

JOHN B. GRIFFITH                 100 North Michigan Street
- ----------------                 -------------------------
Printed Name                     Address (Line 1)

SVP and GENERAL COUNSEL          South Bend, IN  46601
- -----------------------          --------------  -----
Title                            Address (Line 2)

EMail Address                    Telephone


/s/DAVID SANTI                   12/01/05
- --------------                   --------
Signature                        Date of Signature

DAVID SANTI                      600 Colonial Center Parkway
- -----------                      ---------------------------
Printed Name                     Address (Line 1)

PRESIDENT CBS US                 Lake Mary, Florida  32746
- ----------------                 -------------------------
Title                            Address (Line 2)

- -----------------------------    ----------------------------
- -----------------------------    ----------------------------
EMail Address                    Telephone