Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A
                                 Amendment No 1

(Mark One)


         For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000


         For the transition period from              to

Commission File
Number 0-4690

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

      TEXAS                                 74-2126975
State of Incorporation                  (I.R.S. Employer Identification number)

6500 River Place Boulevard, Building One, Austin, Texas             78730
  (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                        (Zip Code)

                 (512) 404-5050 (Registrant's Telephone Number)

Securities Registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None

Securities Registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

  Common Stock, $.20 par value
      (Title of Class)


Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for
the past 90 days. YES X NO

The  aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of the
Registrant  on March 6, 2001,  based on the  closing  sales  price in The Nasdaq
Small-Cap Market ($9.75 per share), was 44,406,968.

The number of shares  outstanding of Registrant's  common stock on March 6, 2001
was 5,054,661.

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of Registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ ]


A.   Reports on Form 10-K of  InterContinental  Life  Corporation for the fiscal
     years ended  December 31, 2000,  1999 and 1998 are hereby  incorporated  by
                           Forward-Looking Statements

Except for  historical  factual  information  set forth in this Form  10-K,  the
statements, analyses, and other information contained in this report relating to
trends in the Company's  operations and financial  results,  the markets for the
Company's products,  the future development of the Company's  business,  and the
contingencies and uncertainties to which the Company may be subject,  as well as
other  statements  including  words  such as  "anticipate,"  "believe,"  "path,"
"estimate,"   "expect,"  "intend"  and  other  similar  expressions   constitute
forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. Such statements are made based upon management's  current expectations and
beliefs concerning the financial results, economic conditions and are subject to
known and unknown risks,  uncertainties  and other factors  contemplated  by the
forward-looking  statements.  Such  factors  include,  among other  things:  (1)
general economic  conditions and other factors,  including  prevailing  interest
rate levels and stock market performance, which may effect the ability of FIC to
sell its products,  the market value of FIC's investments and the lapse rate and
profitability of policies;  (2) FIC's ability to achieve  anticipated  levels of
operational efficiencies and cost-saving  initiatives;  (3) customer response to
new products,  distribution channels and marketing  initiatives;  (4) mortality,
morbidity  and  other  factors  which  may  affect  the  profitability  of FIC's
insurance  products;  (5) changes in the Federal income tax laws and regulations
which may affect the  relative tax  advantages  of some of FIC's  products;  (6)
increasing  competition in the sale of insurance and  annuities;  (7) regulatory
changes or actions, including those relating to regulation of insurance products
and insurance companies; (8) ratings assigned to FIC's insurance subsidiaries by
independent rating  organizations such as A.M. Best Company,  which FIC believes
are  particularly  important  to the  sale of  annuity  and  other  accumulation
products; and (9) unanticipated litigation. There can be no assurance that other
factors not currently  anticipated  by management  will not also  materially and
adversely affect FIC.

This Amendment No. 1 to Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000 is
being filed for the purpose of amending Note 1 to the Summary Compensation Table
which  appear on page 48 of the Form 10-K which was filed by the  Registrant  on
April 2, 2001. Note 1 is hereby revised in its entirety to read as follows:

     (1) The  salaries  and  bonuses  set forth in the table  were paid by ILCO,
     except that FIC and/or Family Life  authorized  payment of a portion of Mr.
     Mitte's salary in each of 1998,  1999 and 2000.  The executive  officers of
     FIC have  also  been  executive  officers  of Family  Life,  the  insurance
     subsidiary  of FIC,  and ILCO and its  insurance  subsidiaries.  FIC and/or
     Family  Life  reimbursed  ILCO (or,  in the case of Mr.  Mitte,  authorized
     payment of) the  following  amounts as FIC's or Family  Life's share of the
     executive  officers' cash compensation and bonus for 1998,1999 and 2000 (i)
     Mr. Mitte: $1,111,821,  $1,111,821 and $1,111,821,  respectively;  (ii) Mr.
     Grace:  $64,152,  $62,694 and  $64,152,  respectively;  (iii) Mr.  Schmitt:
     $39,888,  respectively;  and (iv) Mr. Demgen: $72,173, $76,500 and $81,000,

     Mr. Mitte and FIC are parties to an employment agreement, providing for the
     employment of Mr. Mitte as Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer
     of the Company.  The agreement,  which was initially effective February 25,
     1982,   provides  for  five-year  terms  and  for  automatic  renewals  for
     successive  five-year  periods,  unless otherwise  terminated in accordance
     with the terms of the agreement.  The original  agreement provided that the
     level of  compensation  will be fixed each year by agreement,  but not less
     than $120,000 per year. In addition,  the agreement provides that Mr. Mitte
     is  entitled to  reimbursement  for  reasonable  business  expenses  and to
     participate  in  all  fringe  benefit  plans  and  arrangements   available
     generally to employees of the Company. On March, 24, 2001, the Compensation
     Committee  of the Board of  Directors  recommended  a  modification  to the
     employment  agreement,  effective  as of the  date  of the  closing  of the
     proposed  merger  between the Company and FIC. The  Compensation  Committee
     recommended  that  the  minimum  level  of  compensation  be  increased  to
     $503,500.  In  addition,  the  amendment  would  provide  that Mr. Mitte is
     entitled to receive an annual  bonus in an amount to be  determined  by the
     Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.  Upon the occurrence of a
     change in  control  (as  defined in the  amendment),  the  amendment  would
     provide  that the  amount  of the  bonus is to be fixed at the rate of $2.5
     million per year. The amendment would further provide that (i) in the event
     of the death of Mr. Mitte, the rate of compensation which was being paid to
     him at that time  will  continue  to be paid for a period of twelve  months
     following  the date of death  and (ii) if the  employment  of Mr.  Mitte is
     terminated during the term of the agreement,  he is entitled to receive the
     payments  otherwise  due for the  remainder of the then current  term.


     The Board of Directors of the Company  approved the  recommendation  of the
     Compensation Committee at its meeting on March 24, 2001. Subsequently,  Mr.
     Mitte requested a modification of the proposed amendment whereby the period
     for which payments would be made in the event of his death would be for the
     remainder of the term of his employment  then in effect and that the amount
     of such  payments be based on both that  monthly base salary then in effect
     and the bonus  amount  paid to him by FIC and ILCO for the year  2001.  The
     Compensation  Committee  considered  the request and  recommended  that the
     modification  be approved by the Board of Directors.  On April 4, 2001, the
     Board  of  Directors   approved  the  recommendation  of  the  Compensation
     Committee.  Thereafter,  the  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  was
     executed by the parties.


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                        Financial Industries Corporation

By:/s/ Roy F. Mitte                                  By:/s/ James M. Grace
Roy F. Mitte, Chairman of                            James M. Grace, Treasurer,
 the Board, President and                            Principal Accounting and
 Chief Executive Officer                             Financial Officer

Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  this
amendment  to the  Registrant's  report on Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended
December  31, 2000 has been signed below by the  following  persons on behalf of
the Registrant and in the capacities indicated on April 4, 2001.

/s/ Roy F. Mitte                                   /s/ James M. Grace
Roy F. Mitte, Director                             James M. Grace, Director

/s/ Jeffrey H. Demgen, Director                    /s/ Steven P. Schmitt
Jeffrey H. Demgen, Director                        Steven P. Schmitt, Director

/s/ Joseph F. Crowe                                /s/ Thomas C. Richmond
Joseph F. Crowe, Director                          Thomas C. Richmond, Director

/s/ Theodore A. Fleron                             /s/ M. Scott Mitte
Theodore A. Fleron, Director                       M. Scott Mitte, Director

John D. Barnett, Director

Jerome H. Supple, Director

Frank Parker, Director


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

No.              Page No.                Description of Exhibit

10.24            Ex-2                  Amendment dated as of April 4, 2001
                                       to Employment Agreement between
                                       the Registrant and Roy F. Mitte.




     THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT (this "Amendment"),  dated as
of April 4, 2001, to be effective  upon the  consummation  of the merger of ILCO
Acquisition Company with and into InterContinental Life Corporation ("ILCO"), is
between Financial Industries  Corporation,  a Texas corporation ("FIC"), and Roy
F. Mitte ("Mitte").

     WHEREAS, the parties have entered into an employment agreement, dated as of
February 25, 1982 (the "Employment Agreement"),  which is currently in effect on
the date hereof; and

     WHEREAS,  FIC and  Mitte  desire  to  amend  the  terms  of the  Employment
Agreement pursuant to the terms hereof.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
herein contained, FIC and Mitte hereby agree as follows:

     1.   Amendments.

          (a)  Section 4 of the Agreement is hereby  deleted and replaced in its
               entirety as follows:

     4.   Compensation.

          (a)  Base Salary. During the employment period, FIC shall pay to Mitte
               as salary,  the amount of $503,500 per year;  provided,  however,
               that within 30 days prior to the end of each year,  FIC and Mitte
               shall  mutually  agree in  writing as to the salary to be paid to
               Mitte for the next  succeeding  year,  but in no event shall such
               salary be less than  $503,500  per year.

          (b)  Bonus.  During the employment period,  Mitte shall be entitled to
               receive  an annual  bonus in an amount  to be  determined  by the
               compensation   committee  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  FIC;
               provided,  however,  that  upon the  occurrence  of a  Change  of
               Control (as hereinafter  defined) of FIC, the aggregate amount of
               any bonus paid or owed to Mitte by FIC and ILCO for the  calendar
               year 2001 shall become due and payable to Mitte each year for the
               remainder of the employment period in addition to the amounts due
               to Mitte under  Section 4(a) of this  Agreement.  For purposes of
               this  Agreement,  a  "Change  of  Control"  shall  mean,  (i) the
               acquisition  by any person or "group"  (as  defined in Rule 13d-3
               under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) of 50% or
               more of the outstanding  voting  securities of FIC (other than by
               Mitte or his  affiliates);  (ii) the  consummation of a merger or
               consolidation  of FIC with or into  another  entity  or any other
               corporate reorganization, the effect of which is that persons who
               were not  shareholders of FIC  immediately  prior to such merger,
               consolidation or other reorganization own, immediately after such
               merger, consolidation or other reorganization, 50% or more of the
               voting power of the  outstanding  securities of the continuing or
               surviving   entity  that  ordinarily  vote  in  the  election  of
               directors or like governing body; or (iii) the sale,  transfer or
               other  disposition of all or  substantially  all of FIC's assets;
               provided  further,  that the acquisition of ILCO by FIC shall not
               be deemed a Change of Control for purposes of this Agreement.



          (c)  Expenses and Fringe Benefits.  In addition to the salary provided
               for  herein,  Mitte shall be  entitled  to (i)  reimbursement  of
               reasonable  and  necessary  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred  in
               performing  services  hereunder  and  (ii)  participation  in all
               fringe  benefit plans and  arrangements  made available by FIC to
               its management personnel generally.

          (b)  Section 1 of the  Agreement  shall be  amended  by  deleting  the
               following sentence beginning on the 14th line of Section 1:

               "However,  for a six (6) month  period of time  after the date of
               death,  the beneficiary of Mitte will be paid, on a monthly basis
               at the  rate of pay  that  Mitte  was  receiving  at the  date of

          (c)  Section 4A shall be added to the  Agreement  in its  entirety  as
               follows after Section 4 of the Agreement:

               4A. Termination.

                    (a)  Death. In the event Mitte's employment is terminated by
                         reason of his death during an  employment  period,  FIC
                         shall,  on  a  bi-weekly   basis,   pay  to  his  legal
                         representatives or beneficiaries,  for the remainder of
                         the  term  of  this  Agreement  in  effect  immediately
                         preceding the date of Mitte's death, an amount equal to
                         the sum of (i) his bi-weekly  base salary  currently in
                         effect on the date of death and (ii)  $96,153.85  (such
                         amount being 1/26th of $2,500,000,  which is the amount
                         of the  bonus  received  by  Mitte  from  FIC  and  its
                         affiliate,  InterContinental Life Corporation,  for the
                         year 2001).

                    (b)  Change  of   Control.   In  the  event  that  Mitte  is
                         terminated for any reason following the occurrence of a
                         Change  of  Control  of  FIC,  or in  the  event  that,
                         following  any such Change of  Control,  Mitte shall be
                         relieved  of the  titles  and/or  duties  set  forth in
                         Section 3 of this Agreement, Mitte shall be entitled to
                         receive any and all amounts due to Mitte under Sections
                         4(a) or (b) of this  Agreement for the remainder of the
                         term of this  Agreement.  Such amount  shall be paid in
                         accordance with FIC's regular payroll practices.

                    (c)  Other.  In the event that Mitte is  terminated  for any
                         reason other than as provided in this Section 4A, Mitte
                         shall be entitled to receive any and all amounts due to
                         Mitte under  Sections 4(a) or (b) of this Agreement for
                         the  remainder  of the  term  of this  Agreement.  Such
                         amount shall be paid in  accordance  with FIC's regular
                         payroll practices.



                    2.   Confirmation.  Except as amended by this Amendment, the
                         Employment  Agreement  shall  remain in full  force and

                    3.   Instruments to be Read Together.  This Amendment  shall
                         form  a  part  of  the  Employment  Agreement  for  all
                         purposes  and  the   Employment   Agreement   and  this
                         Amendment shall henceforth be read together.

                    4.   Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed in one or
                         more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be
                         an original, but all of which together shall constitute
                         one and the same instrument.

                    5.   Governing Law. This Amendment  shall be governed by and
                         construed and enforced in  accordance  with the laws of
                         the State of Texas.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have  executed  this First  Amendment to
Employment Agreement on the date and year first above written.

                                      FINANCIAL INDUSTRIES

                                      By: /s/ Steven P. Schmitt
                                      Name: Steven P. Schmitt
                                      Title: Vice President and Secretary

                                      /s/ Roy F. Mitte
                                      Roy F. Mitte

