Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

         Date of report (date of earliest event reported): June 4, 2003

               (Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

     Texas                           0-4690                     74-2126975
(State or other                    (Commission               (I.R.S. employer
 jurisdiction of                   file number)              identification no.)

                      6500 River Place Blvd., Building One
                               Austin, Texas 78730
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (512) 404-5000




Introduction: On June 5, 2003, Financial Industries Corporation ("FIC"), through
a subsidiary,  acquired  three  companies in the secondary  education  financial
services  market.  Each  of  the  three  transactions  is  described  below.  In
connection with the  acquisitions,  FIC, or its  subsidiaries,  entered into the
transactions which are described below:

Item 5 - Other Events and Regulation FD Disclosure.

(1)  Acquisition of Marketing Companies:

     A newly-created  subsidiary of FIC, FIC Financial Services,  Inc. ("FICFS")
     acquired  all of the issued  and  outstanding  capital  stock of: (i) Total
     Consulting  Group,  Inc.  ("TCG"),  (ii) JNT Group,  Inc. ("JNT") and (iii)
     three companies  collectively  referred to as "Paragon" - Paragon Benefits,
     Inc., The Paragon Group, Inc., and Paragon National, Inc. (collectively the
     "New Era Marketing Companies").  The Acquisitions were consummated pursuant
     to three separate  Stock  Purchase  Agreements by and among the parties and
     were executed as a component of the strategic business plan outlined by FIC
     earlier this year.

     (a)  TCG. TCG is a consulting firm and registered  investment  advisor with
          clients in the secondary  education  marketplace.  The Stock  Purchase
          Agreement by and among FICFS,  FIC, TCG and the shareholders of TCG is
          attached as Exhibit 10.1, hereto, which is also incorporated herein by
          reference. The consideration paid by FICFS for the purchase of TCG was
          $1,984,824  in cash and 97,417  shares of  restricted  common stock of
          FIC. The restricted  common stock is subject to a lock-up period of 12
          months for shareholders  other than Mike Cochran  ("Cochran") and John
          Pesce  ("Pesce").  The  restricted  common stock issued to Cochran and
          Pesce is locked-up pursuant to a three-year vesting schedule, which is
          subject to the  continued  employment  of Cochran  and Pesce under the
          five-year employment  agreements entered into between Cochran,  Pesce,
          and FICFS.  FICFS entered into the employment  agreements with the two
          principals of TCG to ensure the continuity of its business operations.

     (b)  JNT.  JNT  is  an  independent  fee-based  third  party  administrator
          operating  principally  in Texas and  California.  The Stock  Purchase
          Agreement by and among FICFS,  FIC, JNT and the shareholders of JNT is
          attached as Exhibit 10.2, hereto, which is also incorporated herein by
          reference. The consideration paid by FICFS for the purchase of JNT was
          $514,583.45  in cash and 17,899 shares of  restricted  common stock of
          FIC. The restricted stock portion of the consideration is subject to a
          three-year  vesting  restriction  based on the  three-year  employment
          agreement  entered into by and between FICFS and the principal of JNT,
          Earl W. Johnson.

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     (c)  Paragon.  Paragon  provides  employee benefit products and services to
          the secondary education  marketplace.  The Stock Purchase Agreement by
          and among  FICFS,  the  Registrant,  Paragon and the  shareholders  of
          Paragon  is  attached  as  Exhibit   10.3,   hereto,   which  is  also
          incorporated herein by reference.  The consideration paid by FICFS for
          the purchase of Paragon was  $1,410,750 in cash and 105,593  shares of
          restricted common stock of the Registrant. A portion of the restricted
          stock is subject to  forfeiture  if certain  business  targets are not
          met. Additionally, FICFS entered into employment agreements with three
          of the principals of Paragon,  Scott A. Bell,  Wayne S. Desselle (both
          for five- year terms), and Chris Murphy ( for a three-year term).

          The purchase price for the  Acquisitions was determined in arms-length
          negotiations among the parties.  There were no material  relationships
          among  the  various  sellers  and  FIC or any of its  affiliates,  any
          director or officer of FIC, or any  associate of any such  director or
          officer prior to the Acquisitions.

(2)  Marketing Agreement:  In addition to the acquisitions  described in Item 1,
     above, and the establishment of FICFS as a wholly-owned  subsidiary of FIC,
     the life insurance  company  subsidiaries  of FIC (Investors Life Insurance
     Company of North  America  ("Investors  Life"),  and Family Life  Insurance
     Company  ("Family  Life")  entered into a marketing  agreement  with Equita
     Financial and Insurance Services of Texas, Inc. ("Equita"),  a Dallas-based
     company  engaged in the marketing and sale of insurance  policies,  annuity
     contracts and related financial products. Under the terms of the agreement,
     Equita was granted an exclusive appointment to market products underwritten
     by  Investors  Life and Family  Life  ("Products")  to  individuals  in the
     "senior market"  (individuals  over the age of fifty-five)  (the "Exclusive
     Market"). The appointment is for a ten-year period;  however, the exclusive
     rights of Equita terminate  unless  $75,000,000 in net written premiums for
     Products are  collected  with respect to the  Exclusive  Market in 2004 and
     $150,000,000  in premiums for Products  are  collected  with respect to the
     Exclusive Market for each calendar year thereafter.  The agreement provides
     for a carry over of  production in excess of the minimum  requirements  the
     next year for purposes of satisfying the production  requirements  for that
     year.  If the  aggregate  level  of net  level  premium  production  in the
     Exclusive Market reaches $1.45 billion,  the exclusive of Equita terminates
     if the level of net written  premium in any year is less than $50  million.
     The  agreement  provides  for certain  adjustments  to the  above-described
     production  requirements in the event that either  Investors Life or Family
     Life does not make available for sale an index annuity product by April 30,

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     FIC's life insurance subsidiaries and Equita expect to develop new Products
     specifically targeted to the Exclusive Market. The FIC companies retain the
     right to  require  that  such  Products  meet the  internal  rate of return
     requirements established by the FIC companies.

     The  agreement   provides  that  certain   existing  and  future  marketing
     operations  of FIC's  insurance  subsidiaries  are excluded from the rights
     provided  to Equita and it  includes  provision  for the  extension  of the
     exclusive  to companies  that may be acquired by FIC in the future,  unless
     such new acquisition had a previously-  established operation in the senior

(3)  Stock Purchase and Option  Agreement - American  Physicians  Service Group,
     Inc.  ("APS"):  In  consideration  of the role  which APS  served in having
     brought the  opportunity to acquire the New Era Marketing  Companies to FIC
     and APS's  intention  to actively  assist FIC in promoting  FIC's  business
     plan,  FIC sold 27,395 shares of its common stock,  par value $.20 ("Common
     Stock")  per share to APS, at a purchase  price of $14.64 per share.  These
     shares represent a portion of the shares which FIC recently  purchased from
     Roy F.  Mitte  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  the  previously  announced
     settlement of the  litigation  between FIC, Mitte family  members,  and the
     Mitte  Foundation  (the  "Settlement  Agreement").  The  provisions  of the
     Settlement  Agreement are described in FIC's Quarterly Report on Forms 10-Q
     and 10-Q/A for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2003. In addition,  FIC
     granted to APS an option to acquire up to 323,000 shares of Common Stock at
     a per  share  exercise  price  equal  to  $16.42  per  share,  but  only if
     "Qualifying  Premiums" for the "Determination  Period" exceed $200,000,000.
     The Qualifying Premiums requirement refers, with certain exceptions, to the
     amount of premiums for life insurance and annuity products marketed through
     FIC Financial Services, Inc. ("FICFS"), the newly-established subsidiary of
     FIC which purchased the New Era Marketing  Companies and includes  premiums
     received by FIC's life insurance subsidiaries in connection with the Equita
     Marketing  Agreement  described above. The  Determination  Period means the
     period beginning on July 1,  2003 and ending on December 31,  2005.  Unless
     earlier exercised, the option expires on December 31, 2006.

     The agreement provides that,  following the closing date, FIC shall appoint
     Kenneth Shifrin, Chairman and CEO of APS (or any substitute designee of APS
     reasonably acceptable to FIC (the "APS Nominee") to serve on the FIC Board.
     In addition,  FIC agreed that, with respect to the 2003 annual shareholders
     meeting and 2004 annual shareholders  meeting,  (a) to propose as a nominee
     for election to the FIC Board at such meeting the individual  designated as
     the APS Nominee,  (b) to include the name of the APS Nominee on FIC's proxy
     statement  and  proxy  card  for  such  meeting,  (c) to  recommend  to its

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     shareholders  the election of the APS Nominee of the Board,  (d) to solicit
     proxies  on  behalf  of the APS  Nominee  to the same  extent  proxies  are
     solicited  on behalf of any other  nominee  for  election  to the Board and
     (e) to cause the attorneys-in-fact or proxies named in the applicable proxy
     cards to vote the shares  with  respect to which  proxies  are given in the
     manner   directed   by  such   proxy   cards.   In  the   event   that  the
     attorneys-in-fact  or proxies  referenced in clause (e)  utilize cumulative
     voting,  such persons shall  cumulate  votes in favor of the APS Nominee if
     such  cumulative  voting  will  result  in the  election  of at least  four

(4)  Stock  Purchase  and Option  Agreement  - Equita  Financial  and  Insurance
     Services of Texas,  Inc.  ("Equita"):  In  consideration  of the role which
     Equita  served in having  brought  the  opportunity  to acquire the New Era
     Marketing  Companies  to FIC and  Equita's  intention  to assist FIC in the
     implementation  of  its  business  plan  through  the  marketing  agreement
     described  above,  FIC granted to Equita an option to acquire up to 169,000
     shares of Common  Stock at a per share  exercise  price equal to $16.42 per
     share,  but only if "Qualifying  Premiums" for the  "Determination  Period"
     exceed   $200,000,000.   The   definitions   of  Qualifying   Premiums  and
     Determination  Period are the same as those for the  option  granted to APS
     with respect to the base option only. In addition, FIC granted to Equita an
     additional option to purchase up to 158,000 shares of Common Stock at a per
     share  exercise  price  equal to $16.42 per share,  but only at the rate of
     10,000 shares for each $10,000,000  increment by which Qualifying  Premiums
     for the Determination Period exceed $200,000,000. Unless earlier exercised,
     the options granted to Equita expire on December 31, 2006.

     The agreement provides that,  following the closing date, FIC shall appoint
     Eugene Woznicki (or any substitute designee of Equita reasonably acceptable
     to FIC (the Equita  Nominee) to serve on the FIC Board.  In  addition,  FIC
     agreed that, with respect to the 2003 annual shareholders  meeting and 2004
     annual  shareholders  meeting,  (a) to propose as a nominee for election to
     the FIC Board at such  meeting  the  individual  designated  as the  Equita
     Nominee,  (b) to  include  the name of the Equita  Nominee  on FIC's  proxy
     statement  and  proxy  card  for  such  meeting,  (c) to  recommend  to its
     shareholders  the  election  of the Equita  Nominee  of the  Board,  (d) to
     solicit  proxies on behalf of the Equita Nominee to the same extent proxies
     are  solicited on behalf of any other nominee for election to the Board and
     (e) to cause the attorneys-in-fact or proxies named in the applicable proxy
     cards to vote the shares  with  respect to which  proxies  are given in the
     manner   directed   by  such   proxy   cards.   In  the   event   that  the
     attorneys-in-fact  or proxies  referenced in clause (e)  utilize cumulative
     voting, such persons shall cumulate votes in favor of the Equita Nominee if
     such  cumulative  voting  will  result  in the  election  of at least eight

(5)  Registration  Rights  Agreement:  In connection with the options granted to
     APS and Equita,  the shares of FIC common  stock  purchased by APS from FIC
     and the  shares  of FIC  common  stock  acquired  by APS and M&W  Insurance
     Services,  Inc. (an  affiliate of Equita)  from the Mitte  Foundation,  FIC
     agreed to (i) on or prior to October 1,  2003, file with the Securities and
     Exchange  Commission a shelf  registration  statement  pursuant to Rule 415
     under the  Securities  Act on Form S-1 or Form S-3, if the use of such form
     is then  available as determined  by the Company,  to cover resales of such

                                     - 5 -

     shares, and (ii) use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause the shelf
     registration  statement  to be  declared  effective  as soon as  reasonably
     practicable  following its filing with the SEC. In addition,  FIC agreed to
     use its reasonable  best efforts to keep the shelf  registration  statement
     continuously  effective for a period ending on March 31,  2007,  unless the
     need to  discontinue  the  registration  statement  in  effect to that date
     should  occur.  FIC also agreed to include the shares of  restricted  stock
     issued  in  connection  with  the  acquisition  of the  New  Era  Marketing
     Companies in the same shelf registration statement.

(6)  Employment  Agreement and Option Agreement - William P. Tedrow: In order to
     implement  its  business  plan  for the New Era  Marketing  Companies,  FIC
     appointed  William P. Tedrow as President of FICFS and a Vice  President of
     FIC. In addition,  FIC and Mr. Tedrow entered into an employment agreement,
     for a term ending March 31, 2009. The agreement provides for an annual base
     salary of  $250,000,  with  provision  for an annual  bonus,  not to exceed
     $200,000 per year.  The amount of any annual bonus shall be  established by
     the Chief  Executive  Officer  ("CEO") of FIC on the following  basis:  (i)
     one-third of the amount of the annual bonus will be based upon  performance
     criteria  established  by the CEO with respect to the operating  results of
     FICFS, (ii) one-third of the amount of the annual bonus will be established
     by the CEO with respect to the operating results of FIC and (iii) one-third
     of the amount of the annual bonus will be determined at the sole discretion
     of the CEO. In addition,  the agreement provides Mr. Tedrow with a 6% stock
     interest in FICFS  subject to a right of  repurchase  by FIC and a lump sum
     payment of $400,000 for Mr. Tedrow's efforts in organizing and intergrating
     the New Era Marketing  Companies to FIC. The  restricted  stock interest is
     repurchase by FIC on December, 31, 2008, or earlier upon termination of the
     employment  agreement or the  termination  of the employment of Mr. Tedrow.
     The repurchase  price is based upon the valuation of FICFS and an actuarial
     valuation of the block of  insurance  and annuity  policies  produced by or
     through FICFS;  provided,  however, if the repurchase is made in connection
     with the termination of Mr. Tedrow's employment for cause, or if Mr. Tedrow
     terminates  his   employment   without  good  reason  (as  defined  in  the
     agreement), the repurchase price is limited to $10. If the repurchase price
     exceeds $5 million, FIC may, in lieu of paying such excess in cash, deliver
     to Mr.  Tedrow a  subordinated  note of FIC, such note to be for a ten-year
     term, with equal payments of principal and interest on a semi-annual basis,
     and   bearing  interest  at  the  then-prevailing  rate for  ten-year  U.S.
     Treasury notes, plus 2.5%;

     In addition,  FIC granted to Mr. Tedrow an option to purchase up to 150,000
     shares of Common Stock at a per share exercise price of $13.07, but only if
     "Qualifying  Premiums" for the "Determination  Period" exceed $200,000,000.
     The  definitions of Qualifying  Premiums and  Determination  Period are the
     same as those for the option granted to APS. Unless earlier exercised,  the
     options  expire  on  December 31,  2006,  or  earlier  in the  event of the
     termination  of Mr.  Tedrow's  employment for cause or if he terminates his
     employment without good cause.

                                     - 6 -

(7)  FIC has issued  $15,000,000  aggregate  principal  amount of Floating  Rate
     Senior Notes due 2033 (the "Senior  Notes") and entered into a Senior Notes
     Subscription  Agreement  ("Subscription  Agreement") with InCapS Funding I,
     Ltd.  ("InCapS"),  wherein InCapS agreed to purchase the Senior Notes.  The
     Senior Notes were issued on May 22, 2003  pursuant to an indenture  between
     FIC and Wilmington  Trust Company,  as Trustee (the  "Indenture").  Sandler
     O'Neill & Partners,  L.P. acted as the placement agent for the Senior Notes
     under the terms of a placement agreement dated May 13, 2003 (the "Placement
     Agreement",  and  collectively the  Subscription  Agreement,  Indenture and
     Placement Agreement are referred to as the "Operative Documents").

     The principal  amount of the Senior Notes is to be paid on May 23, 2033 and
     interest shall be paid quarterly, beginning on August 23, 2003, at the rate
     of 4.20% over LIBOR (LIBOR is recalculated  quarterly and the interest rate
     may not exceed 12.5% prior to May 2008). FIC may redeem the Senior Notes at
     any time on or  after  May 23,  2008 by  payment  of 100% of the  principal
     amount of the Senior Notes being redeemed plus unpaid  interest  accrued to
     the payment date. In accordance with the terms of the Operative  Documents,
     the entire  principal  and any  interest  accrued,  but unpaid,  may become
     immediately  due and  payable  upon an event of  default,  which  includes:
     failure  to pay  interest  within 30 days of any due date;  failure  to pay
     principal  when due; the  bankruptcy or insolvency of FIC; or the merger of
     FIC or  sale  of all  or  substantially  all of  FIC's  assets  unless  the
     successor  entity to a merger is a United States  corporation (or a foreign
     corporation which agrees to be bound by certain tax provisions  included in
     the Indenture).  The Operative  Documents also place certain limitations on
     the offer or sale of  securities of FIC, if such offer or sale would render
     invalid the Senior Notes' exemption from the  registration  requirements of
     the Securities Act of 1933;  and further  restrict,  for a two year period,
     purchases of senior notes which are restricted securities.


          (c) Exhibits

          The following exhibits are included with this Report:

          Exhibit 10.1
          Stock  Purchase  Agreement  , by and among  Total  Compensation  Group
          Consulting, Inc., John Pesce, Mike Cochran, Arthur A. Howard, Geoffrey
          Calaway,  W.M. Hartman,  Edward F. Harman, III, M.B.  Donaldson,  Teri
          Hoyt,  Alycia Andrews,  Charles  Francis,  Tom Cook,  David Allen, and
          Marcus  Smith  (collectively  the  "Sellers"),   Financial  Industries
          Corporation,  and FIC  Financial  Services,  Inc.  (the  "Purchaser").

                                  - 7 -

          Exhibit 10.2
          Stock Purchase Agreement by and among JNT Group, Inc., Earl W. Johnson
          (the "Seller"),  Total Compensation Group Consulting,  Inc., Financial
          Industries Corporation, and FIC Financial Services, Inc.("Purchaser").

          Exhibit 10.3
          Stock  Purchase  Agreement by and among Paragon  Benefits,  Inc.,  The
          Paragon Group, Inc.,  Paragon National,  Inc., Scott A. Bell, Wayne C.
          Desselle, and Chris Murphy (collectively Bell, Desselle, and Murphy as
          the "Sellers"),  Financial Industries  Corporation,  and FIC Financial
          Services, Inc.,( the "Purchaser").

          Exhibit 10.4
          Marketing  Agreement by and among Investors Life Insurance  Company of
          North America,  Family Life Insurance Company and Equita Financial and
          Insurance Services of Texas, Inc.

          Exhibit 10.5
          Stock  Purchase  and  Option   Agreement  by  and  between   Financial
          Industries Corporation, and American Physicians Service Group, Inc.

          Exhibit 10.6
          Stock Option Agreement by and among Financial Industries  Corporation,
          Equita  Financial and Insurance  Services of Texas,  Inc., and, solely
          for purposes of Section 4.5 of the agreement,  M&W Insurance Services,

          Exhibit 10.7
          Registration  Rights  Agreement  by  and  among  Financial  Industries
          Corporation,  American  Physicians  Service Group, Inc., M&W Insurance
          Services, Inc., Equita Financial and Insurance Services of Texas, Inc.

          Exhibit 10.8
          Employment Agreement by and between Financial  Industries  Corporation
          and William P. Tedrow.

          Exhibit 10.9
          Stock Option Agreement  between Financial  Industries  Corporation and
          William P. Tedrow.

          Exhibit 10.10
          Senior  Notes  Subscription  Agreement  between  Financial  Industries
          Corporation and InCapS Funding I, Ltd.,

          Exhibit 10.11
          Placement  Agreement  with  Sandler  O'Neill  &  Partners,  L.P.  (The
          "Placement  Agent"),  as agent of FIC,  with  respect to the issue and
          sale by FIC and the  placement by the Placement  Agent of  $15,000,000
          aggregate principal amount of Floating Rate Senior Notes of FIC.

          Exhibit 10.12
          Indenture  Agreement  between  Financial  Industries  Corporation  and
          Wilmington  Trust Company,  as trustee,  pertaining to the issuance by
          FIC of the Floating Rate Senior Debt Securities due 2033.

                                     - 8 -

          Exhibit 99.1
          Press  release  dated  June 5,  2003  issued by  Financial  Industries


On June 5, 2003, Financial Industries Corporation ("FIC") issued a press release
announcing  that it has  acquired  three  companies in the  secondary  education
financial  services market. A copy of the press release is filed as Exhibit 99.1
to this report and is incorporated herein by reference.

In a separate transaction, APS and M&W Insurance Services, Inc. (an affiliate of
Equita)  also  announced  that they had  purchased  312,  484 shares and 204,918
shares,  respectively,  of FIC  stock  from  the Roy F.  and  Joann  Cole  Mitte
Foundation.  These  purchases  represent a reduction in the number of shares for
which  FIC was to  locate  a  purchaser  in  connection  with  the  terms of the
Settlement Agreement.  In addition,  APS purchased 27,395 shares from FIC, which
shares  represent a portion of the shares which FIC recently  purchased from Roy
F. Mitte pursuant to the provisions of the Settlement Agreement.

        NOTE:  The information in Item 9 of this report (including Exhibit 99.1)
               is  furnished  pursuant  to Item 9 and  shall not be deemed to be
               "filed" for the purpose of Section 18 of the Securities  Exchange
               Act of 1934  or  otherwise  subject  to the  liabilities  of that
               section.  Such  information will not be deemed an admission as to
               the  materiality of any  information  contained in Item 9 that is
               required to be disclosed solely by regulation FD.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


Date: June 5, 2003                     By:  /s/ Eugene E. Payne
                                           Eugene E. Payne
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer

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