MARKETING AGREEMENT

     This Marketing Agreement (the "Agreement") is executed to be effective this
___ day of _______, 2003, by and among INVESTORS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH
AMERICA,  a Washington  corporation  ("Investors  Life"),  FAMILY LIFE INSURANCE
COMPANY, a Washington corporation ("Family Life") (collectively, the "Companies"
and individually the "Company"),  and EQUITA FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE SERVICES OF
TEXAS, INC., a Texas corporation ("Equita").


     WHEREAS,  the  Companies  are engaged in the  issuance  of life  insurance,
annuities and related financial products;

     WHEREAS,  Equita is engaged in the  marketing  and sale of life  insurance,
annuities and related financial products; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Companies  desire to retain the  services  of Equita for the
purpose of marketing  and selling  insurance  policies,  annuity  contracts  and
related financial products issued by the Companies;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this
Agreement  and for  other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and
sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows.

     1. Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement:

     "Affiliate"  shall mean, with respect to any Person,  any other Person that
directly,  or  indirectly  through  one or  more  intermediaries,  controls,  is
controlled by or is under common control with such Person.

     "Business  Day" shall mean a day on which  banks are open for  business  in
Dallas, Texas, other than a Saturday or Sunday.

     "Control" (and its derivative terms,  including  "controls" and "controlled
by") shall mean the  possession of the power to direct or cause the direction of
the management and policies of a Person,  unless such power is solely the result
of an official  position  with or corporate  office held by the Person;  control
shall  be  presumed  to exist  if any  Person,  directly  or  indirectly,  owns,
controls,  holds  with  the  power  to  vote,  or  holds  shareholders'  proxies
representing more than 10 % of the voting securities of any other Person.

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    "Exclusive  Market"  means  individuals  over the age of  fifty-five  (55),
commonly known as the "Senior Market."

     "IRR  Requirements"  shall mean the target internal rate of return,  net of
taxes,  established by the Companies from time to time, in its sole  discretion;
the parties  hereto  acknowledge  that,  as of the date of this  Agreement,  the
target internal rate of return so established by the Companies is 11%.

     "Person"  shall  mean  any  individual,  corporation,  general  or  limited
partnership,  association,  limited  liability  company,  joint venture,  trust,
unincorporated   association   or   organization   or  government  or  political
subdivision thereof.

     "Proceeding"  shall  mean  any  action,  arbitration,  audit,  examination,
hearing,   investigation,   litigation,   or  suit  (whether  civil,   criminal,
administrative,  investigative or informal) commenced,  brought,  conducted,  or
heard by or before or otherwise involving,  any court,  administrative agency or
arbitrator, whether at law, equity or otherwise.

     "Products" shall mean life insurance policies,  annuity contracts and other
financial related products issued or sold by the Companies or their Affiliates.

     2. Appointment; Limitations.

     (a) Appointment.  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement,  each of the
Companies independently,  on behalf of themselves and their Affiliates which are
licensed  insurance  companies,  hereby  appoints  Equita  to  procure,  through
Equita's marketing network (including,  without  limitation,  agents and brokers
contracted by Equita as independent contractors), applications for the Products;
provided, however, that such procurement of applications shall be subject to the
applicable  Rate Book of Investors  Life or Family  Life.  Such  appointment  by
Investors  Life and Family Life shall be exclusive  with regard to the marketing
and sale of  Products to the  Exclusive  Market,  and without the prior  written
consent of Equita,  which  consent may be withheld in Equita's sole and absolute
discretion,  neither of the  Companies  may appoint other agents and brokers for
the marketing and sale of Products in the Exclusive Market;  provided,  however,
that the exclusive marketing rights granted to Equita under this Agreement shall
not extend to:

          (i) the  marketing  and sale of  Products in the  Exclusive  Market by
          agents of the  Companies  who are  appointed  with  Investors  Life or
          Family Life as of the date of this Agreement, or

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        (ii) the marketing and sale of Products,  other than Products designed
          jointly by Equita and the Companies for  distribution in the Exclusive
          Market or  Products  substantially  similar to such  jointly-developed
          Products, by agents of the Companies and their Affiliates,  where such
          marketing and sale of Products is primarily  designed for distribution
          in other than the Exclusive  Market;  provided,  however,  the maximum
          amount of premium  which may sold under  this  sub-paragraph  shall be
          limited to $1,000,000 per month; or

          (iii) the  marketing  and sale of Products by agents of Family Life in
          connection  with the Mortgage  Lender lead system of Family  Life,  as
          such  system  exists as of the date of this  Agreement,  whether  such
          agents were appointed prior to or after the date of this Agreement, or

          (iv) the  marketing  and sale of Products by agents of an Affiliate of
          the Companies  which is acquired  after the date of this  Agreement to
          the extent that such  Affiliate  (A) was  continuously  engaged in the
          marketing and sale of Products for the Exclusive Market  commencing at
          least  twelve  (12)  months  prior  to the date  the  Companies  or an
          Affiliate  entered  into a letter  of intent  or other  expression  of
          interest  or a  purchase  contract,  whichever  is  earliest,  for the
          acquisition  of such  new  Affiliate  and  continuing  to the  date of
          closing  of the  acquisition,  and (B) the  marketing  and sale in the
          Exclusive  Market  constitutes  at least  fifty  percent  (50%) of the
          business of such new Affiliate; or

          (v)  assumption  reinsurance  by the  Companies of Products  issued by
          third party insurers.

provided further,  however, for purposes of sub-paragraphs (i) and (iii), above,
such existing agents shall not be authorized to market Products  developed after
the date of this Agreement,  or Products substantially similar to such Products,
and targeted to the Exclusive Market.  Equita's appointment by the Companies for
other markets,  including,  without  limitation,  the marketing of tax qualified
insurance and annuity  Products to school  districts,  is  non-exclusive.  It is
acknowledged and agreed by the Companies that during the term of this Agreement,
Equita and its  Affiliates,  and its marketing  network may market and sell life
insurance  policies,  annuity contracts and related financial products on behalf
of insurance companies,  including, without limitation, in the Exclusive Market,
other than through the Companies or their  Affiliates and such activities  shall
not constitute a breach or violation of any of the terms of this Agreement.

     (b) Termination of Exclusive.  Notwithstanding the terms of Section 2(a) to
the  contrary,  Equita's  exclusive  appointment  with respect to the  Exclusive
Market shall terminate  unless  $75,000,000 in net written premiums for Products
are collected with respect to the Exclusive  Market in 2004 and  $150,000,000 in
premiums for Products are  collected  with respect to the  Exclusive  Market for
each calendar year thereafter;  provided,  however, the following items shall be
taken  into  account  with  respect  to  the   determination  of  the  foregoing

                                     - 3 -

          (i) if net written premium collected by the Companies for the Products
          in the  Exclusive  Market is in excess of the  required  amount in any
          year,  such excess shall be carried over to the next year for purposes
          of this calculation; and

          (ii) if,  after an aggregate  amount of net written  premium of $1.425
          billion has been collected by the Companies,  for any year thereafter,
          the amount of net written  premium  collected by the  Companies in any
          year is less than  $50,000,000,  Equita's  exclusive  appointment with
          respect to the Exclusive Market shall terminate; and

          (iii) all premium,  other than  premium from the sources  described in
          Sections 2(a)(i) to 2(a)(v) hereof, for Products sold in the Exclusive
          Market,  whether  sold by Equita or by members of  Equita's  marketing
          network or by others,  shall be counted  in  determining  whether  the
          required sales have occurred.

          (iv) if at least one of the Companies does not have an indexed annuity
          Product which meets the IRR Requirements of such Company available for
          sale to the Exclusive  Market by April 30, 2004, then the required net
          written  premium  for 2004  shall be reduced  by  $6,250,000  for each
          calendar month, or portion thereof, after April 2004, that the indexed
          annuity Product is not available; and if such Product is not available
          in any year after 2004,  Equita may either reduce the required  annual
          requirement by $12,500,000  for each month,  or portion  thereof,  the
          Product is not available or Equita may terminate this  Agreement.  For
          illustration purposes only, if neither of the Companies has an indexed
          annuity  Product  available  for sale to the  Exclusive  Market  until
          August 1, 2004,  then the required net written  premium for 2004 would
          be $56,250,000.

     (c)  Reservation  of Rights.  In its reasonable  discretion,  the Companies
shall  have the right at any time and from time to time,  without  liability  to

          (i) to change  commissions  on any policy  form or rider upon  advance
          written  notice  to  Equita  (but any such  change  shall  not  affect
          commissions on  applications  received by the Companies  prior to such
          written notice);

          (ii) to withdraw any policy forms or add new policy forms;

          (iii) to withdraw  from doing  business in or  marketing in all or any
          portion of any jurisdiction;

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         (iv) to modify or change the premium rates respecting the Products;

          (v) to reject  applications for insurance without specifying the cause
          of such rejection;

          (vi) to refuse to  contract  with any agent or broker with whom Equita
          may have contracted as a part of its marketing network; and

          (vii) to terminate  the contract of any of Equita's  agents or brokers
          without specifying the cause of such termination.

     (d) Limitations on Authority.  Equita's right, power or authority on behalf
of the Companies  with respect to the  marketing and sale of the Products  shall
exist  only  as  expressly  stated  in  this  Agreement.  Without  limiting  the
generality  of the  foregoing,  Equita shall have no authority to do or perform,
and expressly  agrees not to do or perform,  any of the following acts on behalf
of the Companies:

          (i) incur any indebtedness or liability;

          (ii) make, alter or discharge contracts;

          (iii) waive forfeitures;

          (iv) quote rates other than as quoted by the Companies;

          (v) extend the time for payment of any premium;

          (vi) waive payment in cash;

          (vii) guarantee dividends;

          (viii)  deliver any policy  unless the first  premium is secured while
          the applicant is in good health;

          (ix) institute any Proceeding on behalf of the Companies without prior
          written approval from the Companies;

          (x) violate the insurance laws of any jurisdiction in which Equita may
          be  soliciting  applications  for insurance on behalf of the Companies
          under this Agreement;

          (xi) withhold any monies or property of the Companies;

          (xii)  rebate or offer to rebate  all or any part of a premium  on any
          Product; or

          (xiii) perpetrate any fraud against the Companies.

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     3. Responsibilities.

     (a) Marketing  and Sales.  Subject to the terms of this  Agreement,  Equita
shall use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to promote market and sell Products
which are targeted to the Exclusive  Market. In performing its obligations under
this Agreement, Equita shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Companies
now or hereafter in force,  which rules and regulations  shall constitute a part
of this Agreement and are  incorporated  into this Agreement by this  reference;
provided,  however,  the Companies shall provide Equita with reasonable  advance
written  notice of all of its rules and  regulations  and any  changes  thereto.
Equita shall not be charged with knowledge of any rule or regulation as to which
reasonable  advance  written  notice is not given by the  Companies.  All monies
received by Equita for or on behalf of the  Companies  shall be securely held by
Equita and shall be immediately paid over to the Companies.  Any  advertisement,
circular, illustration or other communication using the name of the Companies or
the name or  description  of any  Product  (whether  written,  verbal,  audio or
visual)  must be approved  by the  Companies  prior to its use. If Equita  shall
submit to the  Companies,  in  writing  addressed  to the person  designated  in
Section 14(a) hereof, for approval an advertisement,  circular,  illustration or
other  communication  or any other  marketing or training  materials  for use in
connection with the marketing or sale of Products,  whether or not including the
name of the Companies or any of its Affiliates or the name or description of any
Product, such approval shall be deemed given if written notice of objection from
the Companies is not received within  forty-five  (45) days after  submission by
Equita;  provided that if no response has been received  within thirty (30) days
of the  initial  submission,  Equita  shall  have sent a second  request  to the
Companies (Attn: Pat Tedrow), which request shall advise of the fifteen (15) day
time period to respond.

     (b) Use of Agent Sales Force.  Subject to approval by the Companies and the
terms of this Agreement,  Equita may contract with agents and brokers comprising
its  marketing  network to sell the  Products.  Each such agent or broker  shall
independently  contract  directly with either  Investors  Life or Family Life in
writing on a form  specified  by the  applicable  Company,  which  shall  become
effective when executed by the applicable  Company and the agent or broker,  and
the  appointment  has been completed with the applicable  insurance  department.
Each such agent or broker must be licensed for the  particular  jurisdiction  or
jurisdictions in which the agent or broker is marketing  Products.  Equita shall
have no authority to modify or amend any part of any such  contract  between the
applicable Company and Equita's agent or broker.

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     (c)  Product  Development.  The  Companies  agree  to use its  commercially
reasonable  efforts to develop  Products  specifically  targeted for sale to the
Exclusive  Market,  which  products  shall  include,  but not limited to,  those
policies set forth on Exhibit _____ attached hereto and  incorporated  herein by
reference for all  purposes.  The  Companies  further  covenant and agree to use
commercially  reasonable  efforts  to  continue  to  develop  Products  for  the
Exclusive  Market,  which shall  include an indexed  annuity to be  developed by
April 30, 2004; provided,  however,  that the obligations of the Companies under
this  section  shall  extend  only to Products  which meet the IRR  Requirements
established by the Companies from time to time.

     (d) Internal Sales Force. During the term of this Agreement,  the Companies
and their  Affiliates  shall not hire or contract with any agents to serve as an
internal or corporate sales force for the marketing of Products in the Exclusive
Market.  All marketing and sales activities in the Exclusive Market  customarily
conducted by a sales agent or sales  manager  shall be conducted by  independent
agents,  including  Equita and the agents in Equita's agent  marketing  network,
subject to the terms of this Agreement.

     4. Compensation.

     (a)  Commission  Schedule.  Subject to the  provisions  of this  Section 4,
Equita shall be paid  commissions by the applicable  Company on premiums paid to
and received by the Companies  with respect to Products sold by Equita on behalf
of the applicable  Company in accordance with the relevant  commission  schedule
set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated  herein by reference for
all purposes.

     (b) Commission Adjustments. All commissions shall be reduced by commissions
paid to the  agents  and  brokers  (or to  their  executors,  administrators  or
estates) with whom Equita has contracted as a part of its marketing network.  In
addition,  first year and  renewal  commissions  are  subject  to the  following

          (i) no commissions  shall be paid on premiums for short term insurance
          or flat extra premiums (substandard);

          (ii) commissions shall not be paid on policies  reinstated unless such
          reinstatement was accomplished by Equita;

          (iii)  commissions  on policy  forms or  riders  for ages that are not
          shown in Rate Book of the  applicable  Company,  for the conversion of
          term  policies or changes of one form of insurance to another,  or for
          the rewriting or replacement of lapsed or  surrendered  policies,  are
          not covered by this  Agreement but may be quoted on application to the
          applicable Company and may be changed from time to time;

          (iv) if a policy is reissued,  the  applicable  Company may modify the
          rate of first year and  renewal  commissions  and the period for which
          renewals will be paid; and

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          (v)  commissions  shall be payable  hereunder only in accordance  with
          rules  and  regulations  of the  applicable  Company  and shall not be
          allowed on premiums waived or commuted by reason of death,  disability
          or exercise of policy options.

     (c) Internal Marketing  Allowance.  Equita and the Companies will cooperate
in the development of an overall  marketing  program,  including the division of
any internal marketing allowance for agents and the duties required with respect
thereto. The Companies agree to cover all costs of members of Equita's marketing
network who qualify  for any  conventions  or award  programs  sponsored  by the
Companies. Equita may share such any portion of the internal marketing allowance
payable to Equita with agents in its  marketing  network or with other agents or
brokers who, with Equita's consent, as required by this Agreement, become agents
for the Companies for the sale of Products in the Exclusive Market.

     (d)  Commission  Payments.  Commissions  that  become  payable  under  this
Agreement shall be paid to Equita, its successors or assigns.  Furthermore,  the
Companies shall pay to Equita those  commissions that Equita's agents or brokers
would have received from the Companies  under their contracts but that, for some
reason other than the failure of such agents or brokers to qualify, are not paid
to such agent or brokers; provided, however, that such commissions shall be paid
in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

     (e) Monthly Statement.  Each month, each Company will provide Equita a copy
of Equita's commission account statement.  Unless Equita notifies the applicable
Company in writing  within one hundred  eighty (180) days after  receipt of such
statement of any differences  between such statement and Equita's account,  such
statement  shall be competent and  conclusive  evidence of the state of Equita's

     (f)  Reinsurance.  The  Companies  will  each use  commercially  reasonable
efforts  to enter  into  reinsurance  arrangements  with a  reinsurance  company
designated  by  Equita,  which  reinsurance  agreements  shall  provide  for the
reinsurance  of no more than twenty  percent  (20%) of the net  written  premium
received by the applicable  Company for Products sold in the Exclusive Market by
agents  appointed  through Equita.  The reinsurance  agreement(s)  shall include
terms and provisions  acceptable to the Companies,  including (i) a "funds held"
provision,  (ii) a requirement that the reinsurer be an accredited  reinsurer in
such jurisdiction as may be necessary in order that the Companies receive credit
on their statutory financial statements for reinsurance ceded, (iii) a provision
that, if required in order to qualify as an accredited reinsurer,  the reinsurer
will  provide  a letter of  credit  from a  commercial  bank  acceptable  to the
Companies  in such  amount  as may be  required  in order for the  Companies  to
receive credit on their statutory financial statements for reinsurance ceded and
(iv) a provision  that ceding  allowance  shall be based on an  industry-average
level of expenses.

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     5. Commission Advances.

     (a) The Companies shall pay advances or loans against future commissions to
agents or brokers  comprising  Equita's  marketing  network  only at the advance
written  request  of  Equita.  Any such sums that may be  advanced  or loaned to
Equita by reason of the  practice of the  Companies of paying  advances  against
future  commission  earnings or for any other  reason shall be and become a debt
from Equita to the applicable Company,  due and payable on demand.  Equita shall
be liable for any claims the  Companies  may have  against the agents or brokers
comprising  Equita's  marketing  network for advances or loans,  but only to the
extent that the advance or loan is approved in writing as provided above.

     (b) All debts of Equita to the Companies shall bear interest at the rate of
six percent (6%) per annum. After maturity, all debts shall bear interest at the
highest rate permitted by law. After  termination of this  Agreement,  all debts
created  hereunder are due and payable  immediately  without  further  notice or

     (c) If either of the  Companies  shall  return the premiums on a policy for
any cause,  Equita shall repay to the applicable Company on demand the amount of
commission received on the premiums so returned.

      6.  Expense Reimbursements. Equita shall pay directly or to reimburse  the
applicable Company upon demand for the following expenses:

     (a) all agent taxes,  municipal  license fees and local and state taxes for
the jurisdiction or  jurisdictions in which Equita conducts  marketing and sales
activities for the Companies; and

     (b) all  reasonable  charges  provided  in  rules  and  regulations  of the
Companies,  including  charges  for not taken  policies,  for  applications  not
completed and for policies  reissued for a reduced amount, a change in date or a
change of plan.

     7. Records. All books,  documents,  vouchers,  receipts,  lists, notices or
other  papers  of any kind  used by  Equita  in any  transaction  involving  the
Companies,  if  furnished  by the  Companies,  shall  remain the property of the
Companies;  shall be open to inspection by the Companies at all times; and, upon
request by the Companies,  all unused materials furnished by the Companies shall
be returned to the Companies at termination of this  Agreement.  All uncollected
premium  receipts  and  undelivered  policies  sent to Equita for  delivery  and
collection shall be promptly returned to the applicable Company.

                                     - 9 -

     8. Confidentiality.

     (a)  Equita  acknowledges  that in  conducting  business  outlined  in this
Agreement,  Equita  will be given or will  obtain  access  to  confidential  and
proprietary  information  regarding  one or  both of the  Companies  that is not
generally  ascertainable from public or published  sources.  Equita shall retain
such  information in strict  confidence and not to use or disclose to others any
of such  information  except as strictly  necessary  to perform its  obligations
under this Agreement.  Upon termination of this Agreement,  Equita shall deliver
promptly all of such confidential and proprietary information (without retaining
copies  thereof),  in whatever form (written or electronic) in its possession to
the Company providing same.

     (b) The Companies  acknowledge that in conducting business outlined in this
Agreement, the Companies will be given or will obtain access to confidential and
proprietary  information  regarding  Equita that is not generally  ascertainable
from public or published sources. The Companies shall retain such information in
strict  confidence and not to use or disclose to others any of such  information
except as strictly  necessary to perform its  obligations  under this Agreement.
Upon termination of this Agreement,  the Companies shall deliver promptly all of
such  confidential  and  proprietary   information   (without  retaining  copies
thereof), in whatever form (written or electronic) in its possession to Equita.

     9. Term.  The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the execution  and
delivery of this  Agreement  and shall  expire ten (10) years  later;  provided,
however,  this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive one year terms
unless  either party has, by written  notice to the other at least 60 days prior
to the end of the then current term,  expressed  its desire that this  Agreement
shall expire at the end of such term, in which event this Agreement shall expire
at the end of such term.

     10. Termination.

     (a) This Agreement may be terminated:

          (i) by  Equita  upon at  least 60 days  prior  written  notice  to the

          (ii) by the mutual consent of the parties; or

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         (iii)by  the  Companies  upon  written  notice to Equita if (A) Equita
          ceases or  suspends  its  business  operations;  (B) Equita  files for
          protection  from  creditors  under the  applicable  provisions  of the
          United States  Bankruptcy Code or any similar law; (C) Equita breaches
          any provision of this  Agreement,  if Equita has not made  substantial
          efforts to cure such breach within thirty (30) days following  written
          notice from the  Companies  detailing  such breach and such breach has
          not been fully cured  within  seventy-five  (75) days  following  such
          written notice from the Companies;

          (iv)  by  Equita  upon  written  notice  to the  Companies  if (A) the
          Companies  cease or suspend its business  operations  (other than as a
          result of a merger or  consolidation  with one another or an Affiliate
          of FIC); (B) any insurance  commissioner or similar  regulatory agency
          takes  any  action  against  Investors  Life  or its  parent  company,
          Financial  Industries   Corporation  ("FIC"),  which  results  in  the
          appointment  of a trustee,  conservator,  liquidator  or similar third
          party  overseer;  (C) the Companies file for protection from creditors
          under the applicable  provisions of the United States  Bankruptcy Code
          or any similar law; or (D) the Companies  breach any provision of this
          Agreement if the Companies have not made  substantial  efforts to cure
          such breach  within  thirty (30) days  following  written  notice from
          Equita  detailing such breach and such breach has not been fully cured
          within  seventy-five  (75) days  following  such  written  notice from

     (b) No such termination shall impair Equita's right to receive  commissions
on  policies  previously  procured  by the  agents  or  brokers  comprising  its
marketing   network,   except  as  provided  in  this  Agreement.   Furthermore,
termination  in  accordance  with this Section  shall not relieve a breaching or
defaulting  party of  liability  arising  from any breach or default  under this
Agreement,  and certain terms and  conditions of this  Agreement  that, by their
terms or implication, survive termination shall continue in effect, as set forth
in this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, termination
of this Agreement  shall not affect the  effectiveness  of Sections 7, 8, 11 and

     (c)  Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Agreement
to the contrary,  if the Companies  terminate this Agreement other than pursuant
to Section 10(a)(iii) above and the Companies,  directly or indirectly,  through
Affiliates, or otherwise,  retain agents previously a part of Equita's marketing
network to market and sell Products,  the termination  shall not affect Equita's
right to commissions in accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement,  as if it
were still in effect,  which right shall  continue as long as such agents market
Products for the Companies.

     (d)  Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Agreement
to the  contrary,  following  termination  of  this  Agreement,  Equita  and its
Affiliates  and  their  respective  agents  may  continue  to  service  existing
customers for the Companies and receive  commissions  for renewals and increases
in accordance with the terms hereof.

                                     - 11 -

     (e)  Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Agreement
to the contrary,  for a period of three (3) years following  termination of this
Agreement,  Equita  and its  Affiliates  shall not  solicit,  or aid or abet the
solicitation  of, any person for the  purpose of  persuading  or  attempting  to
persuade  such person to terminate a Product  purchased  during the term of this
Agreement  by such person from  Investors  Life,  Family Life or an Affiliate of
either of the  Companies,  or to replace  such  Product  with the  insurance  of
another insurer.

     11. Indemnification.

     (a)  Indemnification  by Equita.  Equita shall  indemnify,  defend and hold
harmless the  Companies and their  Affiliates  against and in respect of any and
all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities, damages,
recoveries and deficiencies,  including interest,  penalties,  settlement costs,
costs of investigation and reasonable attorneys' fees (collectively, "Damages"),
that any of such parties  shall incur or suffer,  which arise or result from, or
relate to:

          (i) the breach by Equita of any of its material obligations under this
          Agreement; or

          (ii) the  activities of Equita and its employees and  Affiliates,  and
          agents or brokers  who are members of  Equita's  marketing  network in
          connection with the marketing and sale of Products; provided, however,
          in no event  shall  Equita's  indemnity  extend to the  activities  of
          agents or brokers that were not  introduced to the Companies by Equita
          and that, at the request of the Companies,  became members of Equita's
          marketing network;

     (b)  Indemnification  by the Companies . Investors Life, or Family Life, as
applicable,  shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Equita and its Affiliates
against and in respect of any and all  Damages  that any of such  parties  shall
incur or suffer, which arise or result from, or relate to:

          (i) the breach by the  applicable  Company  of any of its  obligations
          under this Agreement; or

          (ii)  the  activities  of  Investors  Life,   Family  Life  and  their
          respective employees, agents, brokers or Affiliates (other than Equita
          and members of Equita's  marketing  network)  in  connection  with the
          marketing and sale of Products,  including, without limitation, in the
          case of the Companies, all underwriting,  acceptance,  administration,
          surrender, loan, withdrawal, and termination activities.

                                     - 12 -

    (c) Claim Notice and Defense:  Third Party Claims.  If any claim or demand,
or any Proceeding is commenced for which a party would be liable for Damages (an
"Indemnifying  Party") to another  party (an  "Indemnified  Party") is  asserted
against or sought to be collected from such Indemnified  Party by a Person other
than a party hereto or any Affiliate  thereof (a "Third Party Claim"),  then the
Indemnified  Party shall promptly  deliver to the  Indemnifying  Party a written
notice  with  respect to such Third Party  Claim (a "Claim  Notice");  provided,
however,  no failure or delay in giving any such Claim Notice shall  relieve the
Indemnifying Party of its obligations except, and only to the extent, that it is
prejudiced thereby.

     The  Indemnifying  Party shall respond to the  Indemnified  Party within 30
days of receipt of a Claim Notice setting forth whether the  Indemnifying  Party
disputes its liability with respect to the matters covered by such Claim Notice;
and if the  Indemnifying  Party does not dispute such liability,  whether it, at
its sole cost and  expense,  desires to assume the  defense of the  matters  set
forth in such Claim Notice.  The Indemnified  Party may take any action it deems
to be necessary or  appropriate  to preserve its rights prior to receipt of such
response  from the  Indemnifying  Party but shall not settle or proceed to final
judgment with respect to such Third Party Claim prior to the  expiration of such
30 day period.

     If the  Indemnifying  Party does not dispute its liability  with respect to
the matters covered by the Claim Notice,  the Indemnifying  Party shall have the
right to direct,  through counsel of its own choosing, the defense or settlement
of any  Proceeding  brought  against the  Indemnified  Party in respect of Third
Party Claims;  provided,  however,  that the Indemnifying Party shall not settle
any matter without  obtaining the  Indemnified  Party's prior consent thereto if
such settlement  provides for any remedy other than the payment of money damages
or does not provide for a full release of the Indemnified  Party or,  regardless
of the  terms  of  such  settlement,  if the  Indemnifying  Party  disputes  its
liability  with  respect to the Third Party  Claim.  If the  Indemnifying  Party
elects to assume the defense of any such Third Party  Claim or  Proceeding,  the
Indemnified  Party may  participate  in such defense at its own expense.  If the
Indemnifying  Party fails to defend or, after commencing or undertaking any such
defense,  fails to  prosecute or  withdraws  from such  defense  other than as a
result of a settlement,  the  Indemnified  Party shall have the right to direct,
through  counsel of its own  choosing,  the  defense or  settlement  of any such
Proceeding; provided, however, that if the Indemnified Party assumes the defense
of any such Third Party Claim or  Proceeding  pursuant to this Section 11(c) and
proposes  to  settle  such  Third  Party  Claim or  Proceeding  prior to a final
judgment thereon or to forego appeal with respect thereto,  then the Indemnified
Party shall give the  Indemnifying  Party prompt  written notice thereof and the
Indemnifying Party shall have the right either (i) to participate in and consent
(which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld) to the settlement or (ii) to
assume or reassume the defense of such Proceeding.

                                     - 13 -

     The party  directing the defense shall pursue such defense  diligently  and
promptly.  The parties shall cooperate in the defense of all Third Party Claims.
In connection  with the defense of any Third Party Claim,  each party shall make
available  to the party  controlling  such  defense any books,  records or other
documents  within its control that are reasonably  requested in the course of or
necessary or appropriate for such defense;  provided,  however, that appropriate
arrangements are made to safeguard the confidentiality of such materials.

     (d) Claim Notice and Defense: Claims Between the Parties. If an Indemnified
Party has a claim  against an  Indemnifying  Party that does not involve a Third
Party Claim,  the  Indemnified  Party shall give written notice of such claim to
the Indemnifying Party specifying the nature,  estimated amount and the specific
basis for such claim.  The  Indemnifying  Party shall respond to the Indemnified
Party  within 30 days of  receipt  of such  notice  setting  forth  whether  the
Indemnifying Party disputes its liability with respect to the matters covered by
such notice.  If the  Indemnifying  Party disputes its liability with respect to
such  matters,  then the  Indemnified  Party and the  Indemnifying  Party  shall
negotiate  in good faith to resolve  such  dispute.  If not so resolved or if no
timely response is made,  either party may pursue whatever remedies it may have.
If the  Indemnifying  Party  does not  dispute  its  liability,  it shall pay or
reimburse  the  Indemnified  Party for such  claim  within  thirty  (30) days of
receipt of the notice.

     12. Costs.  Subject to the  provisions of Section 11, if any  Proceeding is
brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute,
breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of
this Agreement,  the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled
to  recover  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  other  costs  incurred  in  that
Proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it or they may be entitled.

     13.  Governing  Law. This Agreement  shall be construed and  interpreted in
accordance  with,  and governed by, the laws of the State of Texas as applied to
contracts that are executed and performed entirely in Texas.

     14.  Notices.  All  notices,  requests,  demands  and other  communications
required or  permitted  with respect to this  Agreement  shall be in writing and
shall be deemed to have been duly given (i) on the date delivered,  if delivered
personally or by courier;  or (ii) the date received,  if sent by facsimile,  by
overnight express or by first class U.S. mail, registered or certified,  postage
prepaid,  and properly  addressed to the party to whom notice is to be given, as

                                     - 14 -

     (a) If to the  Companies:          Financial  Industries  Corporation
                                        River  Place Pointe
                                        6500 River Place Blvd.,  Building 1
                                        Austin,  Texas 78730
                                        Attention: Theodore A. Fleron
                                        Fax: (512) 404-5051

     (b) If to Equita:                  Equita Financial and Insurance Services
                                        of Texas, Inc.
                                        11551 Forest Central Drive
                                        Forest Central II, Second Floor
                                        Dallas, Texas 75243
                                        Attention: Richard G. Wolfe, President
                                        Fax: (214) 553-5384

         With a copy to:                Hance, Scarborough Wright Ginsberg
                                        & Brusilow
                                        14755 Preston Road, Suite 600, L.B. 64
                                        Dallas, Texas 75254
                                        Attention: Paul B. Sander, Esq.
                                        Fax: (972) 702-0662

     Any party may change its address for  purposes of this Section 14 by giving
the other  parties  written  notice of the new  address  in the manner set forth

     15.  Entire  Agreement;  Waiver.  This  Agreement,  including the schedules
hereto  (which  are  incorporated   into  this  Agreement  by  this  reference),
constitutes the entire agreement  between the parties  pertaining to the subject
matter contained in it and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous  agreements,
representations  and  understandings  of the  parties.  No  waiver of any of the
provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be deemed to be,  or shall  constitute,  a
waiver of any other  provision,  whether  or not  similar,  nor shall any waiver
constitute a continuing  waiver.  No waiver shall be binding unless  executed in
writing by the party making the waiver.

     16. Binding  Effect;  Assignment.  This Agreement  shall be binding on, and
shall inure to the benefit of, the parties to it and their respective successors
and  permitted  assigns.  The rights  and  obligations  of any party  under this
Agreement  shall not be assignable  without  prior written  consent of the other

     17. Third Parties.  Nothing in this Agreement,  whether express or implied,
is  intended  to confer  any  rights or in  remedies  under or by reason of this
Agreement  on any  Persons  other than the  parties  to it and their  respective
successors and assigns, nor is anything in this Agreement intended to relieve or
discharge the  obligation or liability of any third Persons to any party to this
agreement,  nor  shall  any  provision  give  any  third  Persons  any  right of
subrogation or action over against any party to this Agreement.

                                     - 15 -

     18. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented only
by a written instrument executed by all parties.

     19.  Severability.  If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such declaration shall
not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

     20.  Headings.  The subject  headings of the paragraphs and  subsections of
this  Agreement  are included for purposes of  convenience  only,  and shall not
affect the construction or interpretation of any of its provisions.

     21. Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed  simultaneously in one or
more  counterparts,  each of which parts shall be deemed to be an original,  but
all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     22.  Other  Companies.  The  Companies  acknowledge  that the  Companies or
Affiliates,  including  FIC,  may from  time to time,  directly  or  indirectly,
charter or acquire  additional  life  insurance  companies  that will  become an
Affiliate of one or more of the Companies or other  Affiliates.  In the event of
any such  chartering or  acquisition,  the Companies agree to take such steps as
are necessary to cause each such  subsequently  chartered or acquired  insurance
company  to  execute  and  deliver  to Equita  an  addendum  to,  or  additional
counterpart of, this Agreement thereby agreeing to be bound by all the terms and
conditions  hereof as if a "Company" as if originally a party hereto;  provided,
however, the failure of the Companies to cause any such new Affiliate to execute
and deliver a counterpart  of this  Agreement  shall not affect the inclusion of
Products  issued by such new  Affiliate  with respect to such new  Affiliate for
purposes of the compensation payable under this Agreement.

     23.  Public  Disclosure.  No public  disclosure  of the  existence  of this
Agreement or the transactions which are the subject of this Agreement.  The only
party authorized to grant such approval by Equita is Richard G. Wolfe, President
of Equita.  Equita  acknowledges that the Companies are subsidiaries of a public
company  and  that  FIC is  required  under  the  federal  securities  laws  and
regulations  to make  certain  filings  with the U..S.  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  ("SEC").  To the extent that FIC  determines in its sole  discretion
(after consultation with Equita, which consultation has taken place prior to the
date of this  Agreement)  that this  Agreement is required to be included in any
filings made by FIC with the SEC,  Equita  agrees that the  disclosures  made in
such filings are not contrary to the provisions of this Section 23.

                                     - 16 -

     24.  Authority.  Each of the parties hereto  represents and warrants to the
other that (a) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by such
party has been duly and properly  authorized by all necessary  corporate  action
and  will  not  violate  any  provision  of  the  articles  or   certificate  of
incorporation,  bylaws or other  governing  instrument  of such  party;  (b) the
individual  executing  this  Agreement  on  behalf  of such  party has been duly
authorized to execute this  Agreement;  and (c) this Agreement  constitutes  the
legal,  valid and binding  obligation of Equita and the  Companies,  enforceable
against each of them in accordance with their respective terms.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties to this Agreement have duly executed it on
the day and year first above written.

                                        INVESTORS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY
                                        OF NORTH AMERICA

                                        By:  __________________________________

                                        FAMILY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY


                                        EQUITA FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE
                                        SERVICES OF TEXAS, INC.

                                        By: ___________________________________

                                     - 17 -


Addendum to Marketing  Agreement dated as of , 2003, by and among INVESTORS LIFE
INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a Washington corporation ("Investors Life"),
FAMILY  LIFE  INSURANCE  COMPANY,  a  Washington   corporation  ("Family  Life")
(collectively,  the "Companies"  and  individually  the  "Company"),  and EQUITA


WHEREAS, Equita is entering into the Marketing Agreement with Investors Life and
Family Life,  subsidiaries of Financial Industries  Corporation ("FIC") to which
this Addendum is attached (the "Agreement"); and

WHEREAS,  Equita desires assurance that the Affiliates of FIC acquired after the
date of the  Agreement  which  are  involved  in the  marketing  and sale of the
Products  will be  subject to the  obligations  of the  Companies  to the extent
provided under the Agreement;

NOW,  THEREFORE,  for and in consideration of the benefits to be received by the
Companies under the Agreement, FIC hereby agrees as follows:

     FIC  acknowledges  that  Section  2 of  the  Agreement  provides  that  the
     appointment  of  Equita  by the  Companies  to the  marketing  and  sale of
     Products to the Exclusive  Market,  to the extent provided  therein,  will,
     under certain circumstances, extend to Affiliates of FIC which are acquired
     after the date of the  Agreement.  FIC  agrees  to take  such  steps as are
     necessary to cause each such subsequently  chartered or acquired  insurance
     company to conduct its marketing and sales  activities in a manner which is
     consistent  with the terms and  provisions of the Agreement and any related
     agreement;  including, without limitation,  causing each such new Affiliate
     to execute  and deliver to Equita an addendum  to, or  counterpart  of, the
     Agreement  or an  agreement  on the  same  terms  and  conditions  for  the
     remaining term of the Agreement; provided, however, that the failure of FIC
     to  cause  the  new  Affiliate  to  execute  and  deliver  such   addendum,
     counterpart  or new  agreement  shall not affect the  inclusion of Products
     issued by such new Affiliate in the calculation of compensation  due Equita
     under the terms of the Agreement.

                                     - 18 -

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the FIC has executed  this  Addendum on this ____ day of
_________________, 2003.



                                     - 19 -