OPTION AGREEMENT

     This Option  Agreement  (this  "Agreement")  is made and entered into as of
this 4th day of June,  2003,  by and among  FinancialIndustries  Corporation,  a
Texas  corporation (the "Company"),  Equita Financial and Insurance  Services of
Texas,  Inc., a Texas  corporation  ("Purchaser"),  and,  solely for purposes of
Section 4.5, M&W Insurance Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("M&W").


     WHEREAS,  the Company has acquired or entered into  agreements to acquire a
group of companies  (the "New Era Marketing  Companies"),  which are expected to
broaden the Company's  premium base and  transition  the Company to a full range
financial services company;

     WHEREAS, Purchaser brought the opportunity to acquire the New Era Marketing
Companies to the Company;

     WHEREAS,  Investors Life Insurance Company of North America and Family Life
Insurance Company,  each a wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company, have entered
into a marketing  agreement  with  Purchaser  pursuant to which  Purchaser  will
provide marketing  services with respect to the Company's senior group (over age
55) products (the "Services"); and

     WHEREAS,  in  connection  with the  introduction  of the New Era  Marketing
Companies  opportunity  to the Company and the provisions of the Services to the
Company,  the Company  desires to grant to Purchaser  options to acquire  Common
Stock and other  rights  set forth  herein  in  exchange  for the  consideration
described herein.


     For and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants  contained in
this Agreement,  and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of which are  hereby  acknowledged,  the  parties  hereto  agree as

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     Section 1. Purchase Options.

     1.1 Options to Purchase Shares. In consideration of the introduction of the
New Era Marketing  Companies  opportunity  to the Company and the provis- ion of
the Services,  the Company has agreed to grant  Purchaser the option to purchase
shares of Common  Stock as provided in Section  1.2 (the "Base  Option")  and in
Section 1.3 (the  "Additional  Option" and together  with the Base  Option,  the
"Purchase Option").

     1.2 Base Option.

         (a)  Base  Option  Qualifying  Premiums.  As used  in this  Agreement,
     (i)"Base  Option  Qualifying   Premiums"  means  the  aggregate  amount  of
     collected  premiums for life  insurance or annuity  products  issued by the
     Company or any  insurance  company  affiliate of the Company as of the date
     hereof and any insurance  company which becomes an affiliate of the Company
     after the date hereof,  unless such future affiliate,  at the time that the
     Company  entered into a letter of intent or other  expression  of intent or
     purchase contract,  whichever is earliest, (i) was engaged in the marketing
     and sale of life insurance  policies,  annuity contracts or other financial
     related  products  for  the  senior  (over  age  55)  market  (the  "Senior
     Business") for at least 12 months (to include, without limitation,  assumed
     reinsurance  and  direct  written  premiums  by any such  person)  and (ii)
     derived  more than  fifty  percent  (50%)of  its  revenues  from the Senior
     Business,  that, in each case, are marketed by or through Marketing Sub (as
     defined in Section 4.2),  whether  through a contact made by an employee or
     agent of Marketing Sub or a marketing  relationship  developed  through any
     insurance  company  affiliate  of the Company  (except as provided  above),
     Marketing Sub, Purchaser,  or any of their respective agents and (ii) "Base
     Option Determination Period" means the period beginning on July 1, 2003 and
     ending on December 31, 2005.  Within ten (10) business  days  following the
     end of each calendar month within the Base Option Determination Period, the
     Company shall deliver to Purchaser a good-faith estimate of the Base Option
     Qualifying  Premiums for that immediately  preceding calendar month. Within
     ten (10) business days  following the end of the Base Option  Determination
     Period,  the Company  shall deliver to Purchaser a written  calculation  of
     Base Option Qualifying  Premiums  specifying in reasonable detail the basis

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     for such  calculation.  Purchaser shall have the right, at reasonable times
     and upon  reasonable  notice,  to  inspect  such  books and  records of the
     Company,  Marketing  Sub and the  Insurance  Companies as may be reasonably
     necessary to determine  whether the  calculation of Base Option  Qualifying
     Premiums is correct.  Purchaser  may deliver to the Company,  within twenty
     (20)  business  days  following  the end of the Base  Option  Determination
     Period,  a written  objection to the calculation of Base Option  Qualifying
     Premiums  and, if such  objection  is not resolved to the  satisfaction  of
     Purchaser  within five (5) business days,  then the  disagreement  shall be
     referred to a national  accounting firm jointly selected by the Company and
     Purchaser  (excluding firms which provide material  services to the Company
     or Purchaser) (the "Base Option Arbitrator") who will determine the correct
     amount of Base Option Qualifying Premiums.  In the event the parties cannot
     agree upon the  selection  of the Base  Option  Arbitrator  within five (5)
     business days,  each party shall select a Base Option  Arbitrator (the fees
     and expenses of which will be borne by the  selecting  party) and such Base
     Option  Arbitrators  shall  select  within  ten  (10)  days a  Base  Option
     Arbitrator  that  will  determine  the  amount  of Base  Option  Qualifying
     Premiums.  The fees and expenses of the Base Option Arbitrator  selected to
     determine the amount of Base Option  Qualifying  Premiums shall be borne by
     the Company and Purchaser in the same  proportion that the dollar amount of
     the  disputed  Base Option  Qualifying  Premiums  which are not resolved in
     favor of the Company or Purchaser (as applicable) bears to the total dollar
     amount of the disputed Base Option Qualifying Premiums resolved by the Base
     Option Arbitrator.  For illustration purposes only, (A) if the total amount
     of the disputed Base Option Qualifying Premiums by Purchaser is $1,000,000,
     and Base Option  Arbitrator  resolved  $500,000 of the disputed Base Option
     Qualifying Premiums in favor of Purchaser,  the Company and Purchaser shall
     bear the Base Option  Arbitrator's fees and expenses equally; or (B) if the
     total amount of disputed  Base Option  Qualifying  Premiums by Purchaser is
     $1,000,000  and Base Option  Arbitrator  resolved  $250,000 of the disputed
     Base Option Qualifying Premiums in favor of the Purchaser,  Purchaser shall
     bear 75 percent  and the  Company  shall bear 25 percent of the Base Option
     Arbitrator's  fees and  expenses.  Each of Purchaser  and the Company shall

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     bear the fees,  costs and  expenses of its own Base Option  Arbitrator,  if
     applicable,  and all of its other  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with
     matters  contemplated by this Section 1.1(a). Any such determination by the
     Base Option  Arbitrator  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive  upon the
     Company  and  Purchaser.  If  Purchaser  does not  object to the  Company's
     calculation  of Base  Option  Qualifying  Premiums  within the twenty  (20)
     business day period  specified above,  then the Company's  determination of
     Base Option Qualifying Premiums shall be final, binding and conclusive upon
     the Company and Purchaser.

          (b) Grant of Base  Option.  The Company  hereby  grants to Purchaser a
     conditional option to acquire,  in the sole discretion of Purchaser,  up to
     169,000  shares of Common  Stock from the  Company at a per share  exercise
     price  equal to $16.42 per share (such  price,  the "Base  Option  Exercise
     Price"),  but only if Base Option Qualifying Premiums for the Determination
     Period exceed  $200,000,000  (the "Base Option").  The exercise of the Base
     Option shall be subject to the filing of appropriate documents with, and to
     the extent  necessary,  approval of, the  Commissioner  of Insurance of the
     State of Washington  and such notices and consents as may be required under
     the insurance laws of any  jurisdiction  in which any of the Company or its
     subsidiaries  is  domiciled or does  business.  The Base Option may only be
     exercised  once by delivery  of written  notice to the  Company,  signed by
     Purchaser,   indicating  that  the  Base  Option  is  being  exercised  and
     specifying  the  number of shares of  Common  Stock it will  acquire.  Such
     notice may not be given until final determination of Base Option Qualifying
     Premiums  pursuant to Section 1.2(a).  Unless earlier  exercised,  the Base
     Option  expires on December  31,  2006.  The closing of the exercise of the
     Base Option  pursuant to this  Section  1.2(b)  shall occur within ten (10)
     business days following  delivery of the written exercise notice,  the Base
     Option  Exercise Price shall be paid in immediately  available funds at the
     closing,  and the  acquired  shares of Common  Stock shall be  delivered to
     Purchaser  at the closing  free and clear of any and all liens,  claims and
     encumbrances (other than any such liens, claims and encumbrances created by

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          1.3 Additional Option.

          (a) Qualifying  Premiums.  As used in this Agreement,  (i) "Additional
     Option  Qualifying  Premiums"  means  the  aggregate  amount  of  collected
     premiums for life  insurance or annuity  products  issued by the Company or
     any  insurance  company  affiliate  of the  Company as of the date  hereof,
     unless such future  affiliate,  at the time that the Company entered into a
     letter of  intent or other  expression  of  intent  or  purchase  contract,
     whichever is earliest,  (i) was engaged in the  marketing  and sale of life
     insurance  policies,  annuity contracts or other financial related products
     for the  Senior  Business  for at  least 12  months  (to  include,  without
     limitation,  assumed  reinsurance  and direct written  premiums by any such
     person) and (ii) derived more than fifty percent (50%) of its revenues from
     the  Senior  Business,  in each  case,  that  are  marketed  by or  through
     Purchaser  and (ii)  "Additional  Option  Determination  Period"  means the
     period  beginning on July 1, 2003 and ending on December  31, 2005.  Within
     ten (10) business days  following the end of each calendar month within the
     Additional  Option  Determination  Period,  the  Company  shall  deliver to
     Purchaser  a  good-faith  estimate  of  the  Additional  Option  Qualifying
     Premiums for that  immediately  preceding  calendar month.  Within ten (10)
     business days  following  the end of the  Additional  Option  Determination
     Period,  the Company  shall deliver to Purchaser a written  calculation  of
     Additional Option Qualifying  Premiums  specifying in reasonable detail the
     basis for such  calculation.  Purchaser shall have the right, at reasonable
     times and upon reasonable  notice, to inspect such books and records of the
     Company,  the  Insurance  Companies  and Marketing Sub as may be reasonably
     necessary  to  determine  whether  the  calculation  of  Additional  Option
     Qualifying  Premiums is  correct.  Purchaser  may  deliver to the  Company,
     within twenty (20) business days following the end of the Additional Option
     Determination  Period, a written objection to the calculation of Additional
     Option  Qualifying  Premiums and, if such  objection is not resolved to the
     satisfaction  of  Purchaser   within  five  (5)  business  days,  then  the
     disagreement  shall be  referred  to a  national  accounting  firm  jointly
     selected by the  Company  and  Purchaser  (excluding  firms  which  provide
     material  services to the Company or  Purchaser)  (the  "Additional  Option
     Arbitrator")  who will  determine the correct  amount of Additional  Option
     Qualifying  Premiums.  In the  event  the  parties  cannot  agree  upon the
     selection  of the  Additional  Option  Arbitrator  within five (5) business

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     days, each party shall select an Additional Option Arbitrator (the fees and
     expenses of which will be borne by the selecting party) and such Additional
     Option  Arbitrators  shall select within ten (10) days an Additional Option
     Arbitrator that will determine the amount of Additional  Option  Qualifying
     Premiums.  The  fees  and  expenses  of the  Additional  Option  Arbitrator
     selected to determine the amount of Additional Option  Qualifying  Premiums
     shall be borne by the Company and Purchaser in the same proportion that the
     dollar amount of the disputed  Additional Option Qualifying  Premiums which
     are not resolved in favor of the Company or Purchaser (as applicable) bears
     to the total dollar  amount of the disputed  Additional  Option  Qualifying
     Premiums  resolved by the Additional  Option  Arbitrator.  For illustration
     purposes  only, (A) if the total amount of the disputed  Additional  Option
     Qualifying  Premiums by Purchaser is $1,000,000,  and the Additional Option
     Arbitrator  resolved $500,000 of the disputed  Additional Option Qualifying
     Premiums in favor of Purchaser,  the Company and  Purchaser  shall bear the
     Additional Option  Arbitrator's  fees and expenses  equally;  or (B) if the
     total amount of disputed Additional Option Qualifying Premiums by Purchaser
     is $1,000,000 and the Additional Option Arbitrator resolved $250,000 of the
     disputed  Additional Option Qualifying  Premiums in favor of the Purchaser,
     Purchaser  shall bear 75 percent and the  Company  shall bear 25 percent of
     the Additional Option Arbitrator's fees and expenses. Each of Purchaser and
     the Company shall bear the fees,  costs and expenses of its own  Additional
     Option Arbitrator, if applicable, and all of its other expenses incurred in
     connection  with  matters  contemplated  by this Section  1.3(a).  Any such
     determination by the Additional Option  Arbitrator shall be final,  binding
     and conclusive upon the Company and Purchaser. If Purchaser does not object
     to the Company's  calculation  of  Additional  Option  Qualifying  Premiums
     within the  twenty  (20)  business  day period  specified  above,  then the
     Company's  determination of Additional Option Qualifying  Premiums shall be
     final, binding and conclusive upon the Company and Purchaser.

          (b) Grant of Additional Option. The Company hereby grants to Purchaser
     a conditional option to acquire, in the sole discretion of Purchaser, up to
     158,000  shares of Common  Stock from the  Company at a per share  exercise
     price  equal to $16.42  per  share  (such  price,  the  "Additional  Option
     Exercise  Price"),  but  only  at  the  rate  of  10,000  shares  for  each
     $10,000,000  increment by which the Additional Option  Qualifying  Premiums
     for the Additional Option  Determination  Period exceed  $200,000,000.  The

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     exercise  of the  Additional  Option  shall be  subject  to the  filing  of
     appropriate  documents with, and to the extent necessary,  approval of, the
     Commissioner  of Insurance of the State of Washington  and such notices and
     consents as may be required under the insurance laws of any jurisdiction in
     which any of the Company or its subsidiaries is domiciled or does business.
     The  Additional  Option may only be  exercised  once by delivery of written
     notice to the Company, signed by Purchaser,  indicating that the Additional
     Option is being  exercised  and  specifying  the number of shares of Common
     Stock  it  will  acquire.   Such  notice  may  not  be  given  until  final
     determination of Additional Option Qualifying  Premiums pursuant to Section
     1.3(a). Unless earlier exercised, the Additional Option expires on December
     31, 2006. The closing of the exercise of the Additional  Option pursuant to
     this Section  1.3(b) shall occur within ten (10)  business  days  following
     delivery of the written  exercise  notice,  the Additional  Option Exercise
     Price shall be paid in immediately  available funds at the closing, and the
     acquired  shares of Common  Stock shall be  delivered  to  Purchaser at the
     closing free and clear of any and all liens, claims and encumbrances (other
     than any such liens, claims and encumbrances created by Purchaser).

     1.4 Certain Adjustment Events.

          (a) In case the Company  shall  hereafter (i) pay a dividend or make a
     distribution on its capital stock in shares of Common Stock, (ii) subdivide
     its  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock into a greater  number of shares,
     (iii) combine its outstanding  shares of Common Stock into a smaller number
     of shares or (iv)  issue by  reclassification  of its  Common  Stock  other
     securities  of the  Company,  the kind and amount of Common Stock and other
     securities  shall be adjusted so that  Purchaser  upon the  exercise of the
     Purchase Option shall be entitled to receive the number of shares of Common
     Stock or other  securities of the Company that  Purchaser  would have owned
     immediately  following  such action had the Purchase  Option been exercised
     immediately prior thereto.

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          (b) In case of any capital reorganization or reclassification,  or any
     consolidation or merger to which the Company is a party other than a merger
     or consolidation in which the Company is the continuing corporation,  or in
     case of any sale or  conveyance to another  entity of all or  substantially
     all of the assets of the Company,  or in the case of any statutory exchange
     of securities with another corporation  (including any exchange effected in
     connection  with  a  merger  of a  third  corporation  into  the  Company),
     Purchaser  shall have the right  thereafter to exercise the Purchase Option
     and receive the kind and amount of securities,  cash or other property that
     Purchaser  would have owned or have been  entitled  to receive  immediately
     after  such  reorganization,   reclassification,   consolidation,   merger,
     statutory  exchange,  sale or  conveyance  had  the  Purchase  Option  been
     exercised  immediately prior to the effective date of such  reorganization,
     reclassification,   consolidation,  merger,  statutory  exchange,  sale  or
     conveyance.  The above  provisions of this Section  1.4(b) shall  similarly
     apply to  successive  reorganizations,  reclassifications,  consolidations,
     mergers, statutory exchanges, sales or conveyances.

          (c) Whenever the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable upon the
     exercise  of the  Purchase  Option is  adjusted,  as herein  provided,  the
     applicable  exercise price shall be adjusted by  multiplying  such exercise
     price immediately prior to such adjustment by a fraction,  the numerator of
     which  shall be the  number  of shares of  Common  Stock  purchasable  upon
     exercise of the Purchase Option  immediately prior to such adjustment,  and
     the  denominator of which shall be the number of the shares of Common Stock
     so purchasable immediately thereafter.

          (d) Whenever the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable upon the
     exercise of the  Purchase  Option or the  exercise  price is  adjusted,  as
     herein  provided,  the  Company  shall  promptly  mail by first class mail,
     postage  prepaid,  to Purchaser  notice of such adjustment  setting forth a
     brief  statement of the facts requiring such adjustment and the computation
     by which such adjustment was made.

          (e)  In the  event  that  the  Company  makes  a  distribution  to its
     shareholders  (other  than  cash  dividends  that in the  aggregate  do not
     exceed, in any calendar year, an annualized rate of 3% of the closing price
     for the Company's Common Stock as reported on the NASDAQ National Market or
     other  exchange or quotation  system on which the Common Stock is traded on
     the trading day prior to the date of declaration of any such cash dividend)

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     or undertakes  some other capital change or transaction  that the Company's
     Board of Directors (the "Board") in its reasonable judgment determines is a
     distribution,  change or transaction that warrants an adjustment similar to
     those otherwise  provided in this Section 1.4, based upon the intent hereof
     but with  respect  to which  the  provisions  hereof  are not  specifically
     applicable, adjustments to the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable
     upon exercise of the Purchase  Option and the exercise  price shall be made
     as a result of such distribution, change or transaction.

     1.5 Reservation of Common Stock. The Company covenants that it will, at all
times  during  which  the  Purchase  Option  remains  exercisable,   maintain  a
sufficient  number of authorized and unissued  shares of Common Stock (or shares
of Common Stock held in treasury)  to fully comply with the  provisions  of this

     Section 2.  Representations  and  Warranties  of the  Company.  The Company
hereby represents and warrants to Purchaser that:

     2.1  Organization  and  Standing.  The  Company  is a  corporation  validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Texas.  The Company
has all requisite  corporate  power and authority to own,  lease and operate its
properties and to carry on its business as now being  conducted.  The Company is
duly qualified or registered as a foreign corporation to transact business under
the laws of, and in each jurisdiction  where, the character of its activities or
the location of the properties owned or leased by it requires such qualification
or  registration,  except where the failure to be so duly  qualified or licensed
and in good standing could not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse
effect on the  business,  properties,  results of operations or condition of the
Company and its subsidiaries taken as a whole (a "Material Adverse Effect").

     2.2  Authority.  The  Company has full  corporate  power and  authority  to
execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and any other agreements, documents,
and instruments contemplated by this Agreement  (collectively,  the "Documents")
to  which  it is a  party.  The  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of this
Agreement and the Documents to which it is a party and the  consummation  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  thereby  have  been  duly  and  validly
authorized by the Board, do not require any further corporate proceedings on the
part of the  Company,  and do not and  will not  violate  or  conflict  with the
Company's Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws.  This Agreement and the Documents
to which it is a party  have  been and  will be duly and  validly  executed  and
delivered  by the Company,  and,  assuming  this  Agreement  and such  Documents
constitute the valid and binding  obligations  of Purchaser,  this Agreement and
such  Documents   constitute  valid  and  binding  agreements  of  the  Company,
enforceable  against the Company in  accordance  with their  terms,  except that
enforcement   thereof   may   be   limited   by  (a)   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or similar laws now or hereafter in effect  relating
to creditors' rights and remedies generally and (b) general principles of equity
(regardless of whether enforceability is considered in a
proceeding at law or in equity).

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     2.3  Consents and  Approvals.  No consent from or filing with any person or
entity (including,  without limitation,  any governmental authority) on the part
of the Company is required in  connection  with the execution or delivery by the
Company of this  Agreement or any of the Documents to which it is a party or the
consummation by the Company of the transactions  contemplated hereby or thereby,
other than (a) filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC"),
state securities laws administrators and the National  Association of Securities
Dealers,  (b) the  filing  of  appropriate  documents  with,  and to the  extent
necessary, approval of, the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Washington
and such notices and consents as may be required under the insurance laws of any
jurisdiction in which any of the Company or its  subsidiaries  does business and
(c) consents which have been obtained on or prior to the date hereof.

     2.4  Capitalization  and Voting Rights. The authorized capital stock of the
Company as of the date hereof consists of 25,000,000 shares of common stock, par
value $0.20, of which 9,605,939  shares are issued and outstanding and, prior to
giving effect to the  transactions  contemplated  by that certain Stock Purchase
and  Option  Agreement  dated of even date  herewith  between  the  Company  and
American Physician Services Group, Inc.,  2,252,457 shares were held as treasury
shares  by the  Company  or a  subsidiary  of the  Company.  There  are no other
authorized or outstanding classes or series of capital stock of the Company. The
outstanding  shares of  Common  Stock are all duly and  validly  authorized  and
issued,  fully  paid and  nonassessable.  Except  as set forth on  Schedule  2.4
attached  hereto or pursuant to this  Agreement,  there are not  outstanding any
options,  warrants,  rights  (including  conversion  or  preemptive  rights)  or
agreements  for the purchase or acquisition  (contingent or otherwise)  from the
Company  of any  shares of Common  Stock.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  2.4
attached hereto or pursuant to this Agreement, the Company is not a party to any
agreement,  and, to the Company's  knowledge,  there is no agreement between any
persons  and/or  entities,  which  affects or relates to the voting or giving of
written consents with respect to any Common Stock, the election of the Company's
directors, or the voting of the Company's directors.

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     2.5 Issuance and Ownership of Shares.  The shares of Common Stock purchased
by  Purchaser  upon  exercise of the  Purchase  Option,  when  issued,  sold and
delivered in accordance  with the terms of this Agreement for the  consideration
set  forth  herein,   will  be  duly  and  validly   issued,   fully  paid,  and
nonassessable,  and  will  be  issued  free  of  any  encumbrances  (other  than
encumbrances  created by Purchaser) and any  restrictions on transfer other than
restrictions  under applicable state and federal  securities laws. Except as set
forth  on  Schedule  2.5  attached  hereto,  the  Company  has not  directly  or
indirectly,  since  January 1, 2002,  acquired or redeemed,  or entered into any
agreement  providing for the  acquisition or redemption of, any shares of Common

     2.6   Offering.   Subject  to  the  truth  and   accuracy  of   Purchaser's
representations  and  warranties set forth in Section 3 of this  Agreement,  the
grant of the Purchase  Option is, and the issuance of the shares of Common Stock
upon exercise thereof will be, exempt from the registration  requirements of any
applicable state and federal securities laws (other than notice filings required
under  applicable  law), and neither the Company nor any authorized agent acting
on its behalf will take any action that would cause the loss of such exemption.

     2.7 Litigation.  Except as set forth in Schedule 2.7 attached hereto, there
is no action,  suit,  proceeding or  investigation  pending or, to the Company's
knowledge,  threatened  against the Company that  questions the validity of this
Agreement  or the  right of the  Company  to enter  into this  Agreement  and to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

     2.8  Compliance  with  Other  Instruments.  The  execution,   delivery  and
performance of this Agreement and the Documents to which the Company is a party,
and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby,  will
not (with or without the passage of time and giving of notice) result in (a) any
violation  or default  under,  or be in  conflict  with the  provisions  of, any
agreement,  instrument,  judgment,  order, writ, decree or contract currently in
effect and  applicable to the Company,  (b) the creation of any lien,  charge or
encumbrance upon any assets of the Company,  or (c) the suspension,  revocation,
impairment,   forfeiture,   or  nonrenewal  of  any  material  permit,  license,
authorization, or approval applicable to the Company, its business or operations
or any of its assets or properties, except, in the case of each of the foregoing
clauses (a) through (c), for breaches  that,  individually  or in the aggregate,
could not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

                                     - 11 -

     2.9 Securities  Filings.  Since January 1, 1999, the Company has filed with
the SEC all reports and forms  required to be filed by it with the SEC  pursuant
to the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the  "Securities  Act"),  and the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the  "Exchange  Act") (all such
reports,  including all schedules  thereto,  are referred to collectively as the
"Company Securities  Filings").  As of their respective dates (or in the case of
registration statements, at the time of effectiveness), or as of the date of the
last amendment thereof,  if amended after filing prior to the date hereof, or as
modified by any subsequent  Company Securities Filings prior to the date hereof,
none of the  Company  Securities  Filings  contains  any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under
which they were made, not misleading.  Each of the Company Securities Filings at
the time of filing (or in the case of  registration  statements,  at the time of
effectiveness),  or as of the date of the last  amendment  thereof,  if  amended
after filing prior to the date hereof, or as modified by any subsequent  Company
Securities  Filings prior to the date hereof,  complies in all material respects
with the applicable  requirements of the Exchange Act and the Securities Act, as

     2.10  Financial   Statements.   Except  as  noted   thereon,   the  audited
consolidated  and unaudited  consolidated  interim  financial  statements of the
Company and its  subsidiaries  included in the Company  Securities  Filings (the
"Company  Financial  Statements")  were  prepared in accordance  with  generally
accepted accounting principles applicable to the business of the Company and its
subsidiaries during the period involved, consistently applied in accordance with
past accounting  practices,  and fairly present (subject to normal and recurring
year-end adjustments and the exclusion of footnote disclosure in interim Company
Financial Statements) the consolidated  financial condition and the consolidated
results of  operations of the Company and its  subsidiaries  as of the dates and
for  the  periods  indicated  (except  as  modified  by any  subsequent  Company
Securities  Filings prior to the date  hereof).  Except as set forth on Schedule
2.10 attached  hereto,  for  liabilities  contemplated  by this  Agreement or as
reflected in the Company  Financial  Statements,  as of their  respective  dates
(except as modified by any subsequent  Company  Securities  Filings prior to the
date  hereof),  neither the Company nor any of its  subsidiaries  had any debts,
obligations,  guaranties of obligations of another or liabilities (contingent or
otherwise)  that  would  be  required  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles  to be  disclosed  in the Company  Financial  Statements,
except  for  such  debts,   obligations,   guaranties  or   liabilities   which,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  could not  reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect.

                                     - 12 -

     2.11  Absence  of Certain  Changes  or  Events.  Except as set forth in the
Company Securities Filings or set forth on Schedule 2.11 attached hereto,  since
March 31, 2003 through the date of this Agreement,  there has not been any event
or  occurrence  that could  reasonably  be expected  to have a Material  Adverse

     2.12 No  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except  as set  forth on  Schedule 2.12
attached  hereto,  disclosed  in  the  Company  Securities  Filings  or  Company
Financial  Statements,  and except for such debts,  obligations,  guaranties  or
liabilities  which,  individually  or in the aggregate,  could not reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect,  the Company and its subsidiaries do
not have any liabilities or obligations whatsoever,  whether accrued, contingent
or otherwise. The Company knows of no basis for any claim against the Company or
any subsidiary of the Company for any liability or obligation, except (a) to the
extent set forth or reflected in the Company  Securities  Filings or the Company
Financial  Statements,  (b) to the extent  expressly  set forth on any  Schedule
attached hereto or otherwise as described in this paragraph, (c) liabilities and
obligations  incurred in the normal and ordinary course of business,  consistent
with past practices  both as to amount and frequency,  since March 31, 2003, (d)
those incident to transactions  previously disclosed to the public, or (e) those
which,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  could not reasonably be expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect.

     2.13 New Era Transactions.  Concurrently with the execution and delivery of
this  Agreement by the Company,  the Company and FIC  Financial  Services,  Inc.
("FIC Financial") have (a) consummated the transactions  contemplated under each
of those certain  Stock  Purchase  Agreements  of even date  herewith  listed on
Schedule  2.13 of this  Agreement,  (b)  entered  into  that  certain  Marketing
Agreement of even date herewith among Investors Life Insurance  Company of North
America,  Family Life  Insurance  Company  and Equita and (c) entered  into that
certain Employment Agreement of even date herewith by and between the Company
and Pat Tedrow  (collectively,  the  "New Era Transactions").

                                     - 13 -

     2.14 No Severance Benefits;  Rights Plans. Neither this Agreement,  nor the
Documents,  nor any of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or  thereby  will
result in any employee,  former  employee or other person being  entitled to any
severance  benefit  or change of control  benefit.  As of the date  hereof,  the
Company is not a party to any shareholder  rights plan or similar  anti-takeover
agreement or arrangement.

     Section 3. Representations of Purchaser.  Purchaser represents and warrants
to the Company that:

     3.1 Authority. Purchaser (a) is duly incorporated,  validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Texas, (b) has full corporate power
and  authority  to execute,  deliver and perform  this  Agreement  and any other
Documents to which it is a party.  This  Agreement and the Documents to which it
is a party have been and will be duly and  validly  executed  and  delivered  by
Purchaser,  and, assuming this Agreement and such Documents constitute the valid
and binding  obligations  of the  Company,  this  Agreement  and such  Documents
constitute  valid and  binding  agreements  of  Purchaser,  enforceable  against
Purchaser in accordance with their terms, except that enforcement thereof may be
limited by (a)  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium or similar
laws now or  hereafter  in effect  relating to  creditors'  rights and  remedies
generally  and  (b)  general   principles  of  equity   (regardless  of  whether
enforceability is considered in a proceeding at law or in equity).

     3.2  Consents and  Approvals.  No consent from or filing with any person or
entity (including,  without limitation,  any governmental authority) on the part
of  Purchaser  is  required  in  connection  with the  execution  or delivery by
Purchaser of this  Agreement  or any of the  Documents to which it is a party or
the  consummation  by  Purchaser  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or
thereby,   other  than  (a)  filings  with  the  SEC,  state   securities   laws
administrators  and the National  Association of Securities  Dealers and (b) the
filing of appropriate documents with, and to the extent necessary,  approval of,
the  Commissioner  of Insurance of the State of Washington  and such notices and
consents as may be required  under the  insurance  laws of any  jurisdiction  in
which the Company or its subsidiaries is domiciled or does business.

                                     - 14 -

     3.3  Litigation.  There is no action,  suit,  proceeding  or  investigation
pending  or,  to  Purchaser's  knowledge,   threatened  against  Purchaser  that
questions the validity of this Agreement or the right of Purchaser to enter into
this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

     3.4 Investment Representations. Purchaser:

               (a) Is an accredited investor,  and has not retained or consulted
          with any  purchaser  representative,  as such  terms  are  defined  in
          Rule 501 of  Regulation D  promulgated  under the  Securities  Act, in
          connection  with its execution of this  Agreement and the Documents to
          which  it  is  a  party  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
          contemplated hereby and thereby;

               (b) Has such  knowledge and  experience in financial and business
          matters  that it is capable of  evaluating  the merits and risks of an
          investment in the Company;

               (c) Will  acquire  the  Purchase  Option and any shares of Common
          Stock  issuable  upon  exercise of the Purchase  Option (to the extent
          such  shares  are  not  then  covered  by  an  effective  registration
          statement)  for its own account for  investment  and not with the view
          toward  resale  or  redistribution  in a manner  which  would  require
          registration  under the Securities  Act, the Texas  Securities Act, as
          amended, or the securities laws of any other state, and Purchaser does
          not have  any  reason  to  anticipate  any  change  in its  respective
          circumstances or other particular  occasion or event which would cause
          Purchaser  to sell its  Purchase  Option or  shares  of  Common  Stock
          issuable  upon  exercise  thereof,  or any part  thereof  or  interest
          therein,  and  Purchaser  has no present  intention  of  dividing  the
          Purchase  Option  or shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  exercise
          thereof with others or reselling or otherwise  disposing of the shares
          of  Common  Stock or any  part  thereof  or  interest  therein  either
          currently  or after the passage of a fixed or  determinable  amount of
          time or upon the  occurrence  or  nonoccurrence  of any  predetermined
          event or circumstance;

                                     - 15 -

               (d) In  connection  with  entering  into this  Agreement  and the
          Documents  to  which  it is a  party,  and in  making  the  investment
          decisions associated therewith, has neither received nor relied on any
          representations  or  warranties  from the  Company,  or the  officers,
          directors,  shareholders,   employees,  partners,  managers,  members,
          agents,  consultants,  personnel or similarly  related  parties of the
          Company, other than those representations and warranties expressly set
          forth in this Agreement;

               (e) Is able to bear the  economic  risk of an  investment  in the
          shares of Common Stock upon  exercise of the  Purchase  Option and has
          sufficient  net  worth  to  sustain  a loss of its  entire  investment
          without material economic hardship if such a loss should occur;

               (f)  Acknowledges  that an  investment  in shares of Common Stock
          involves a high degree of risk,  and that such Common  Stock may be or
          become an illiquid investment;

               (g)  Understands  that the Purchase  Option is, and the shares of
          Common Stock  issuable upon  exercise  thereof will upon such issuance
          be,  "restricted   securities"  as  defined  under  Rule  144  of  the
          Securities  Act,  and that such  Purchase  Option and shares of Common
          Stock  may not be sold  or  offered  for  sale  in the  absence  of an
          effective  registration  statement  under the  Securities  Act and any
          state securities laws or pursuant to an exemption from registration;

               (h) Acknowledges that each certificate representing the shares of
          the Common Stock upon exercise of the Purchase  Option,  to the extent
          not then  covered  by an  effective  registration  statement,  will be
          endorsed with  substantially  the following  legend until such time as
          such  shares of Common  Stock  have been  registered:  THE  SECURITIES
          REGISTRATION; and

                                     - 16 -

               (i) Is domiciled in the jurisdiction and at the address set forth
          in Section 6.6.

     Section 4. Covenants.

     4.1 Board Seats.  As soon as  practicable  following  the date hereof,  the
Company shall appoint Eugene  Woznicki (or any substitute  designee of Purchaser
reasonably  acceptable to the Company) (the "Purchaser Nominee") to serve on the
Board. The Company further agrees,  with respect to the 2003 annual shareholders
meeting and 2004 annual  shareholders  meeting,  (a) to propose as a nominee for
election to the Board at such meeting the individual designated as the Purchaser
Nominee, (b) to include the name of the Purchaser Nominee on the Company's proxy
statement and proxy card for such meeting,  (c) to recommend to its shareholders
the election of the Purchaser  Nominee to the Board,  (d) to solicit  proxies on
behalf of the  Purchaser  Nominee to the same extent  proxies are  solicited  on
behalf  of any  other  nominee  for  election  to the Board and (e) to cause the
attorneys-in-fact  or proxies  named in the  applicable  proxy cards to vote the
shares with  respect to which  proxies are given in the manner  directed by such
proxy cards.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the event that
the  attorneys-in-fact  or proxies  referenced  in clause  (e) of the  preceding
sentence utilize cumulative  voting,  such persons shall cumulate votes in favor
of the Purchaser  Nominee if such cumulative  voting will result in the election
of at least eight directors. If the Purchaser Nominee is removed for cause or is
otherwise  unwilling  or unable to serve as a director  of the  Company  for any
reason, Purchaser shall notify the Company in writing of a replacement Purchaser
Nominee and the Company  shall cause such  replacement  Purchaser  Nominee to be
appointed  provided  that  such  replacement  Purchaser  Nominee  is  reasonably
acceptable to the Company. The Company represents and warrants that its Articles
of  Incorporation  and Bylaws  permit the actions set forth in this  Section 4.1
without Company  shareholder  approval;  provided that the Company does not make
any  representation  as to the applicability or requirements of any provision of
the Texas Business Corporation Act, as amended, with respect to such actions.

                                     - 17 -

     4.2  Creation of  Subsidiary.  Promptly  following  the  execution  of this
Agreement,  the  Company  shall (a)  create a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  for the
principal purpose of marketing and selling life and annuity  insurance  products
("Marketing  Sub"), and (b) use its commercially  reasonable efforts to hire Pat
Tedrow  (upon  terms  agreeable  to the  Company  and Pat  Tedrow) who will have
primary  responsibility  for  implementation  of Marketing  Sub's  insurance and
securities  marketing  plans and who will  report  directly  to the most  senior
executive  officer of the Company.  The Company  agrees to use all  commercially
reasonable  efforts to  facilitate  the  production  and  acceptance of life and
annuity insurance  products by Marketing Sub and Purchaser,  including,  without
limitation,  appropriately staffing and structuring Marketing Sub to enable full
implementation  of its  insurance  and  securities  marketing  plans,  providing
appropriate and legally approved policy forms which are competitive with similar
products within the industry and marketplace,  ensuring a customary underwriting
process for issuance of products,  and maintaining  adequate  reserves to enable
full  realization of Marketing Sub's insurance and securities  marketing  plans.
Nothing  contained  in this  Section  4.2 is  intended  to  confer  any right of
employment  and Pat  Tedrow  has no rights to  enforce  the  provisions  of this
Section 4.2.

     4.3  Expenses.  Except as set forth in  Sections  1.2(a)  and  1.3(a),  all
expenses  incurred by the parties  hereto  shall be borne solely and entirely by
the party that has incurred such expenses.

     4.4 Publicity.  Neither party nor any of their respective  affiliates shall
issue or cause the publication of any press release or other  announcement  with
respect to this  Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  without a
prior  consultation  of the other party,  except as may be required by law or by
any listing agreement with a national  securities  exchange or quotation system,
and will use  reasonable  efforts  to  provide  copies of such  release or other
announcement to the other party, and give due  consideration to such comments as
the other party may have, prior to such release.

     4.5 Voting of Shares.  With  respect to the 204,918  shares of Common Stock
acquired by M&W  pursuant  to a Stock  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of the date
hereof  between  M&W  and  The Roy F.  and  Joann  Cole  Mitte  Foundation  (the
"Foundation"),  notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  contained  in  that
certain Equita Acknowledgement and Agreement dated as of the date hereof between
the Company and the Foundation,  M&W hereby agrees that,  solely for the benefit
of the  Company,  the terms of the proxy  granted to the Company with respect to
such  shares  of  Common  Stock  pursuant  to  Section  2.1(a)  of that  certain
Compromise and Settlement  Agreement and Mutual Release dated as of May 15, 2003
among the Company, the Foundation and the other parties thereto,  shall continue
solely with respect to the election of  directors at the  Company's  2003 annual
shareholders'  meeting,  and following such 2003 annual  shareholders'  meeting,
such proxy shall be of no further force or effect.

                                     - 18 -

     Section 5. Indemnification.

     5.1 Survival.  The  representations and warranties of the parties contained
herein or in any Document  (unless  otherwise  provided in such Document)  shall
survive for a period of two (2) years  following the date of this Agreement (the
"Survival Period").

     5.2 Indemnification by the Company.

          (a) The Company  shall  indemnify  Purchaser and its  affiliates,  and
     their  respective  partners,  principals,  officers,  directors,  managers,
     members, employees, independent contractors,  agents, representatives,  and
     other similarly  situated parties,  and the successors,  heirs and personal
     representatives  of  any  of  them  (collectively,  "Purchaser  Indemnified
     Parties"),  against and hold them harmless from any and all damage,  claim,
     loss,  liability and expense  (including,  without  limitation,  reasonable
     expenses of investigation and attorneys' fees and expenses)  (collectively,
     "Damages") incurred or suffered by any Purchaser  Indemnified Party arising
     out of or relating to any breach of any representation,  warranty, covenant
     or other agreement of the Company  contained herein or in any Document that
     is  asserted  in  writing to the  Company  prior to the  expiration  of the
     Survival Period. The Company acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser is also
     relying on, among other things, the representations,  warranties, covenants
     and other agreements of the Company contained herein in acquiring shares of
     Common Stock from the Roy F. and Joann Cole Mitte Foundation  pursuant to a
     stock purchase agreement of even date herewith (the "Purchase  Agreement").
     Accordingly,  Damages of a Purchaser Indemnified Party under this Agreement
     shall  include,  but shall  not be  limited  to,  Damages  associated  with
     acquiring or holding  shares of Common Stock  arising out of or relating to
     any breach of any representation,  warranty, covenant or other agreement of
     the  Company  contained  in  Section  2 of this  Agreement  subject  to the
     limitations set forth in this Section 5.  Notwithstanding the provisions of
     this Section 5.2, the maximum liability of the Company under this Agreement
     shall be $3,000,000 (the "Maximum Liability").

                                     - 19 -

          (b) Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary:

                    (i) the Company shall  indemnify  the Purchaser  Indemnified
               Parties  against and hold them  harmless from any and all Damages
               incurred or suffered by any Purchaser  Indemnified  Party arising
               out of or  relating  to  actions,  claims  or suits,  pending  or
               threatened,   which  may  be  brought   against   the   Purchaser
               Indemnified  Parties  relating to the  Compromise  and Settlement
               Agreement, dated May 15, 2003, entered into among the Company and
               the other parties thereto (the "Settlement Agreement");  provided
               that the provisions of this Section 5.2(b) shall not apply to any
               breach or alleged  breach by any Purchaser  Indemnified  Party of
               any provision of the Purchase Agreement; and

                    (ii) the  Maximum  Liability  shall not be  applicable  with
               respect to any claim for indemnity under this Section 5.2(b).

     5.3 Indemnification by Purchaser. Purchaser shall indemnify the Company and
its affiliates, and their respective partners, principals,  officers, directors,
employees,  independent contractors, agents, representatives and other similarly
situated parties, and the successors,  heirs and personal representatives of any
of them (collectively, the "Company Indemnified Parties"), against and hold them
harmless  from  any  and  all  Damages  incurred  or  suffered  by  any  Company
Indemnified   Party   arising   out  of  or   relating  to  any  breach  of  any
representation,  warranty,  covenant or other  agreement of Purchaser  contained
herein or in any Document that is asserted in writing to Purchaser  prior to the
expiration  of the  Survival  Period.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of this
Section 5.3, the maximum  liability of Purchaser  under this Agreement  shall be
the Maximum Liability.

                                     - 20 -

     5.4   Indemnification;    Notice   and   Settlements.   A   party   seeking
indemnification  pursuant to Sections 5.2 or 5.3 (an  "Indemnified  Party") with
respect to a claim, action or proceeding  initiated by a person or entity who is
not a  Purchaser  Indemnified  Party or a Company  Indemnified  Party shall give
prompt written notice to the party from whom such indemnification is sought (the
"Indemnifying  Party") of the assertion of any claim, or the commencement of any
action or  proceeding,  in respect of which  indemnity may be sought  hereunder;
provided  that the failure to give such notice shall not affect the  Indemnified
Party's rights to indemnification hereunder, unless such failure shall prejudice
in any material respect the  Indemnifying  Party's ability to defend such claim,
action or proceeding.  The Indemnifying Party shall have the right to assume the
defense  of any such  action or  proceeding  at its  expense,  provided  that no
settlement   shall  be  executed  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  the
Indemnified  Party (which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld).  If the
Indemnifying  Party  shall elect not to assume the defense of any such action or
proceeding,  or fails to make such an election  within 20 days after it receives
such notice  pursuant to the first sentence of this Section 5.4, the Indemnified
Party may assume such  defense at the  expense of the  Indemnifying  Party.  The
Indemnified  Party shall have the right to  participate in (but not control) the
defense of an action or proceeding  defended by the Indemnifying Party hereunder
and to retain its own counsel in connection with such action or proceeding,  but
the fees and  expenses  of such  counsel  shall  be at the  Indemnified  Party's
expense  unless  (i) the  Indemnifying  Party  and the  Indemnified  Party  have
mutually  agreed in writing to the  retention  of such counsel or (ii) the named
parties in any such action or proceeding  (including  impleaded parties) include
the  Indemnifying  Party and the Indemnified  Party, and  representation  of the
Indemnifying  Party and the Indemnified Party by the same counsel would create a
conflict (in which case the Indemnifying  Party shall not be permitted to assume
the  defense  of such  claim,  action  or  proceeding);  provided  that,  unless
otherwise  agreed  by the  Indemnifying  Party,  if the  Indemnifying  Party  is
obligated to pay the fees and expenses of such counsel,  the Indemnifying  Party
shall  be  obligated  to pay only the  fees  and  expenses  associated  with one
attorney or law firm (plus local counsel as required),  as  applicable,  for the
Indemnified  Party. An Indemnifying  Party shall not be liable under Section 5.2
or 5.3 for any settlement  effected without its written  consent,  of any claim,
action or proceeding in respect of which indemnity may be sought hereunder.

                                     - 21 -

     Section 6. Miscellaneous.

     6.1 Transferability;  Successors and Assigns. Except in connection with the
sale of all the  outstanding  capital stock of Purchaser,  or the sale of all or
substantially all of the assets of Purchaser,  neither this Agreement nor any of
the rights,  interests or obligations hereunder (including,  without limitation,
the right to exercise the Purchase  Option)  shall be assigned,  transferred  or
conveyed by Purchaser  without the prior written  consent of the Company,  which
consent  may be  granted  or  withheld  in its sole  discretion;  provided  that
Purchaser  shall be entitled to pledge the Purchase  Option in connection with a
bona fide loan, and,  subject to compliance with the securities laws, the lender
may foreclose on such pledge  without the prior written  consent of the Company.
Subject to the preceding  sentence,  the provisions of this  Agreement  shall be
binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the permitted respective  successors,
assigns, heirs, executors and administrators of the parties hereto.

     6.2 Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement,  including  the  Documents and all
schedules and exhibits  hereto,  embody the entire  agreement and  understanding
between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof
and supersede all prior agreements and  understandings  relating to such subject

     6.3 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed an  original,  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.  Signatures  delivered by telecopy shall
be considered for all purposes to be the same as original signatures.

     6.4  Severability.  If any  provision  of this  Agreement  is held by final
judgment  of a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  to be  invalid,  illegal  or
unenforceable, such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be severed
from the remainder of this Agreement,  and the remainder of this Agreement shall
be enforced. In addition, the invalid,  illegal or unenforceable provision shall
be deemed to be automatically  modified,  and, as so modified, to be included in
this Agreement,  such modification being made to the minimum extent necessary to
render the provision valid, legal and enforceable.

                                     - 22 -

     6.5 Governing Law; Venue. This Agreement Shall Be Governed By And Construed
In  Accordance  With  The  Laws  Of The  State  Of  Texas,  Irrespective  Of Any
Conflict-Of-Laws  Rule Or  Principle  Of Any  Jurisdiction  That Might Refer The
Governance  Or  Construction  Of  This  Agreement  To  The  Laws  Of  Any  Other
Jurisdiction.  This  Agreement  Can Be  Performed  In Whole Or In Part In Travis
County,  Texas,  And Venue For Any Action  Relating To This  Agreement  Shall Be
Proper Only In Federal Or State Courts Located Within Travis County, Texas. Each
Party  Agrees  That It Must Bring Any Action  Related To This  Agreement  Or Any
Document  Only In The Federal Or State  Courts  Located  Within  Travis  County,

     6.6  Notices.  Any  notices or demands  required or  permitted  to be given
hereunder  shall be  deemed  sufficiently  given if in  writing  and  delivered,
transmitted or mailed (with all postage and charges  prepaid),  addressed to the
recipient at the address  provided  below, or at such other address as any party
may from time to time  designate by written notice to the other parties given in
accordance  with this Section 6.6. Any such notice,  if personally  delivered or
transmitted  by  facsimile,  shall be deemed  to have been  given on the date so
delivered or transmitted or, if mailed,  be deemed to have been given on the day
after such notice is placed in the United  States mail in  accordance  with this
Section 6.6.

                Company:        Financial Industries Corporation
                                6500 River Place Blvd., Building One
                                Austin, Texas 78730
                                Attn: Gene Payne and Ted Fleron
                                Facsimile No.: (512)404-5051

                                     - 23 -

                Purchaser:      Equita Financial and Insurance Services
                                 of Texas, Inc.
                                11551 Forest Central Drive
                                Forest Central Drive II, Second Floor
                                Attn: Richard G. Wolfe, President
                                Facsimile No.:  (214) 553-5384

                With a
                 copy to:       Hance Scarborough Wright Ginsberg & Brusilow
                                14755 Preston Road, Suite 600, L.B. 64
                                Dallas, Texas 75254
                                Attention: Paul B. Sander, Esq.
                                Fax: (972) 702-0662

     6.7 Further  Assurances.  Each party of this Agreement hereby covenants and
agrees,  without  the  necessity  of any further  consideration,  to execute and
deliver  any and all such  further  documents  and  take any and all such  other
actions as may be reasonably necessary to appropriately carry out the intent and
purposes of this Agreement and the Documents and the  transactions  contemplated
hereby and thereby.  Each party will use its good faith efforts to carry out and
comply with the provisions of this Agreement.

     6.8 No  Third-Party  Beneficiaries.  Except as provided in Sections 5.2 and
5.3,  this  Agreement  shall not confer any rights or  remedies  upon any person
other than the parties  hereto and their  respective  successors  and  permitted

     6.9 Amendments.  This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by an
instrument in writing signed by each of the parties.

                            [signature page follows]

                                     - 24 -

                                 SIGNATURE PAGE
                                OPTION AGREEMENT

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Option Agreement
as of the day and year first above written.



                                        OF TEXAS, INC.


                                     - 25 -

                                 SIGNATURE PAGE
                                OPTION AGREEMENT

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, solely with respect to Section 4.5, the undersigned has
executed this Option Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

M&W                                     M&W INSURANCE SERVICES, INC.


                                     - 26 -

                                  Schedule 2.4



     1.   Employee  Stock  Option  Plans  - there  are  outstanding  options  to
          purchase 180,036 shares, as of the date hereof.

     2.   Option  Agreement of even date herewith between the Company and Equita
          Financial and Insurance Services of Texas, Inc.

     3.   Option  Agreement  of even date  herewith  between the Company and Pat

     4.   Options  held by Investors  Life  Insurance  Company of North  America
          ("Investors  Life") - 500,411  shares are issuable upon exercise of an
          option held by Investors Life, as of the date hereof.

Voting Agreements

     1.   Settlement Agreement (as defined in Section 5.2(b)(i)).

                                     - 27 -

                                  Schedule 2.5

                        Issuance and Ownership of Shares

     1.   Settlement Agreement.

                                     - 28 -

                                  Schedule 2.7



                                     - 29 -

                                  Schedule 2.10

                              Financial Statements

     1.   Settlement Agreement.

                                     - 30 -

                                  Schedule 2.11

                      Absence of Certain Changes or Events


                                     - 31 -

                                  Schedule 2.12

                             Undisclosed Liabilities

     1. Settlement Agreement.

     2.   New Era Transactions.

                                     - 32 -

                                  Schedule 2.13

                            Stock Purchase Agreements

     1.   Stock Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of June 4, 2003, among JNT Group,
          Inc., Earl W. Johnson,  Total  Compensation  Group  Consulting,  Inc.,
          Financial Industries Corporation and FIC Financial Services, Inc.

     2.   Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of June 4, 2003,  among  Paragon
          Benefits, Inc., The Paragon Group, Inc., Paragon National, Inc., Scott
          A.  Bell,  Wayne  C.  Desselle,  Chris  Murphy,  Financial  Industries
          Corporation and FIC Financial Services, Inc.

     3.   Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated  as of June 4,  2003,  among  Total
          Compensation  Consulting Group, Inc., John Pesce, Mike Cochran, Arthur
          A. Howard, Geoffrey Calaway, W.M. Hartman, Edward F. Harman, III, M.B.
          Donaldson, Teri Hoyt, Alycia Andrews, Charles Francis, Tom Cook, David
          Allen,  Marcus  Smith,   Financial  Industries   Corporation  and  FIC
          Financial Services, Inc.

                                     - 33 -